Final update for at least a month · 11:15am Sep 29th, 2024
Happy breaky time to everyone!
I'm going to have to deal with a bunch of stuff regarding work and life in the next month that will eat up the majority of my free time as well. In light of that, I'll put up the next chapter of Path of a Daughter tomorrow and then I'll take a break from uploads for the whole Spooktober, since I have zero buffer for either of the ongoing stories.
As always, I'm happy for anyone still reading the weirdness I put out and moreso for the few people invested enough to leave a comment, and I hope you come back eventually both for more drones and/or more Guiding.
Hope the stuff will work out pleasantly and without hitches or complications :)
I'll eagerly await your return for more adorable drones and other wonderful horsewords
Well, I hope you can protect your snowpity through the best holiday!
What do drones snowpity look like?
- Don't make me google new words, it only serves to remind me that I'm old. But, I suppose, that's the fandom in a nutshell.
- Like persistence, curiosity, and solidarity.
- That would be nice but I'm under no illusion that'll be the case.
- and I hope I'll be back with more of those.