• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm a shameless neckbeard who has a knack for writing a LOT of smut. I have an Official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw), and I also take commissions to help support myself as a freelance writer.

More Blog Posts533

  • 11 weeks
    Moving + Writing Update

    Heya guys! I know it's been a while but I've been busting my butt working on multiple commissions this month. As most of you may already know, my current living situation has went under due to my roommate losing their job, and thus unable to cover their mortgage. My BF and I are planning to move out at the end of this week, and travel over 400 miles to live with family in Ohio.

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  • 15 weeks
    Personal Update: Late 2024 Edition

    Hey there, everybody! I know it's been a long time since I made any personal updates to this site (or updates period), but I'm planning to change that for the remainder of this year. For the past few months, I've mostly been working on a mixture of private commissions, ongoing storylines that haven't been proofread for Patreon yet, or personal stuff to break me from my own mental monotony.

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  • 45 weeks
    First post in 2024 -- Technical Difficulties

    Hey, guys! I know its been a while since I made a blogpost, but I've been preoccupied with writing out commissions to keep up with bills. I also recently moved to a new place (dont worry, this one was planned better than the cross-country move back in 2022), and I've been settling nicely. I've been fortunate enough to work on a new series of my own accord titled 'To Nerd A Bird,' but at the

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  • 59 weeks
    Someone has to say it...

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  • 63 weeks
    It's my Birthday! (Also, Patreon Updates)

    Hey, y'all! As of today, I'm now a whopping thirty-three years old! I know that isn't really a big deal, but it's a good enough excuse to swing by here and explain where I've been.

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Personal Update: Late 2024 Edition · 12:24am Sep 24th, 2024

Hey there, everybody! I know it's been a long time since I made any personal updates to this site (or updates period), but I'm planning to change that for the remainder of this year. For the past few months, I've mostly been working on a mixture of private commissions, ongoing storylines that haven't been proofread for Patreon yet, or personal stuff to break me from my own mental monotony. I know that's not the greatest excuse to give, but it's the best I could do in my current situation. Considering how I've been writing freelance as my main source of income, I like to think I've been doing my best.

Unfortunately, much like two years ago when I had to leave my home state of Missouri, it seems that my partner and I will need to move out and find new housing.

Back in 2022, Stormy and I had to leave our apartment due to "Inflation," and had to move cross-country to avoid rising rent prices. The friend who took us in really saved our asses, and we were able to live comfortably for the past two years in a new state. But alas, we've just been informed that our friend has fallen under some financial stress, and will need to leave their current housing within a few months. I'm not sure when we have to leave, but it'll have to be on our own once more.

Just for the record, I'm writing this update within a few hours of learning all of this, so I'm in that moment of uncertainty where I don't know what to do, but I'm trying not to let it completely overwhelm me just yet. I've been writing commissioned freelance work for years, and my savings are basically nonexistant; however, I also know that I've dealt with this sort of situation more than once in the past, so the best I can do is have a gameplan for the remainder of this year.

First of all, at the current moment, my boyfriend has family we could stay with a few states away; so unless we can find alternate housing closer to us, we'll likely need to save up for a UHaul soon. In the meantime, I'm gonna try my best to revamp my writing schedule, and I want to try and publish as much as I can to gain more support. At the moment, here are some plans I intend to get completed:

-The M/M Contest Entry: I was already planning to contribute a story to that contest, but now I feel like I have a better incentive to make something to show my potential. Also, the grand prize includes an art commission, which leads me to my next goal:

-Finishing my 'Brushed Away' self-publishing plans: At the moment, I have all of the PDF files prepped and ready, including a table of contents and all page numbers. The only big obstacle I have left is acquiring a cover page for the front, and then I can try looking for a publishing source. I know I've been a broken record about this, but I seriously do want to invest in this idea for the near future.

-Sunset/Sombra project still in the works: I currently have a storyline under construction with a commissioner that's a spinoff to the 'Showing His Place' series, which pairs Sombra with Sunset Shimmer (and her "boyfriend" Flash Sentry); I have over 30k words written so far for multiple chapters, and is currently under proofreading before it can be deemed finished. I'm hopeful to get it posted on Patreon soon, and then on FimFiction and FA later on.

-Rarity/Diamond Dog project: I also have an ongoing storyline (with the first chapter currently on my Patreon) which is connected to my 'Sluttified Spike' series, but is mostly following Rarity and a developing relationship with one of her "Business Associates" from the Diamond Dog caverns. I'm set to finish a 10k word update to that story before October, and will be posted on Patreon as well.

-Nerd Gallus Updates: I actually wrote out a lengthy chapter update for 'To Nerd A Bird,' and over 8k words is on my Patreon right now. I'm gonna finish up the chapter before posting it, but I'm also open to ideas/suggestions for future chapters. ;)

-And last but not least, if anyone has any suggestions, or if you just want to show your support for me and Stormy, please don't hesitate to join my Patreon page, or maybe donate to my Paypal or Cashapp ($TheVClaw)

Comments ( 13 )

Rarity/Diamond Dog project: I also have an ongoing storyline (with the first chapter currently on my Patreon) which is connected to my 'Sluttified Spike' series, but is mostly following Rarity and a developing relationship with one of her "Business Associates" from the Diamond Dog caverns. I'm set to finish a 10k word update to that story before October, and will be posted on Patreon as well.

This was honestly my favorite part of that story, so really looking forward to this! :pinkiehappy:

Just out of curiosity, have you considered anymore daddy stories, ones as spin-offs of the DaddyLusive series or something very similar to those two?

I wish you the best with your moving situation. It really sucks having to pack up your life and start looking for somewhere new to live on such short notice. I hope you are able to find a place with no problems and things work out for you and Stormy :twilightsmile:

I haven't been keeping up with your work too much as of late (which has nothing to do with you or your writing, the recent stories I have read have still been high-quality, I just personally was starting to lose interest in all the darker storylines), but I remembered you had teased a story a while ago that I was quite interested in:

Showing His Place: The Break
When it came to the unconventional relationship that Shining Armor and Princess Cadance shared with the former King Sombra, all three of them understood the utmost importance of trust and respect. Even when boundaries and limits were pushed for the sake of a more titillating experience, Sombra usually treaded lightly for the sake of keeping his Princess and diligent cuck. Things had been going splendidly for the group for a while, allowing Sombra to feel more comfortable as the couple's Bull. But on one fateful night, things fall apart drastically when he pressed his luck too far. With just one thowaway remark, their trust in Sombra is instantly damaged, possibly beyond repair. Can the former villain learn from his mistakes after being thrown out of the bedroom? And even with the deepest apologies, could Sombra hope for either of the livid couple to ever forgive his heinous actions?
After all that they shared, Sombra was willing to do anything to regain their trust and companionship. However, that desperation might bite him in the flank when a "probation session" is suggested, and the stallions' roles are given an appropriate reversal...

Are you still planning on writing this story at some point? I was super excited to finally see the tables get turned and Sombra get a taste of his own medicine after all the torture/humiliation Shining had been going through. If not, I completely understand and I still look forward to seeing what new ideas you come up with in the future :pinkiehappy:

I wish you and Stormy all the best and hope the rest of the year works out in your favour! :eeyup:

I wouldn't be against expanding on that concept if there's enough appeal. 😉

Ugh... where do I even begin with this? 😑

As of recently, I've become really hesitant about writing more Sombra/Cadance/Shining content; and the big reason is mostly due to some of the "Fans" who try harassing me for requests. Just a couple months ago, I was dealing with one guy who stalked me for weeks with dozens of PMs (from THREE different accounts he made solely to bother me), and I had to block him from FimFiction and numerous other websites because he wouldn't stop. There was a lot of other things he did, but all of it has really made me want to avoid the 'Showing His Place' series if possible.


Oh man, I'm so sorry you had to deal with this :applecry: it's never right for "fans" to harass content creators like that. There have been fics that the author stopped updating that I've been sad or disappointed about, but I couldn't imagine harassing the author or demanding they create more content for me. Writing is supposed to be about expressing yourself and your creativity, and I can certainly understand why someone demanding you create for them and nagging you about it would kill any interest you have in the subject.

Thank you for giving me this update, and again I'm sorry you had to deal with this and I hope you don't have any more "fans" harassing you for content. I hope you continue to write what YOU enjoy writing and I look forward to seeing your future work! :twilightsmile:

I wish you all the best of luck in this new uncertain chapter of your life. I know how life can throw crazy curve balls at you but I'm sure you got this! And as for publishing brushed away I know it'll take some time but the wait will be worth it and I'll be first inline to buy a copy lol. Keep it up!

Any more non nsfw works in the chute?

I just uploaded a new chapter of 'Caught on the Knot' on my Patreon (two chapters so far with a third on the way), which is about Rarity and some Diamond Dogs ;)

I also have two chapters of 'To Nerd A Bird' on there as well, with chapter 7 being released to FimFiction soon~

Any non nsfw? I like how you're still writing and love your stuff, but I'm not really into that, you know:applejackunsure:

Not to say it's bad or harangue others or some such. It's you writing, and you could type out a grocery list and I'd be a happy chappy.:raritywink:

Oh, sorry! I didn't see the non before the NSFW in your question.

I was considering writing something SFW for the M/M contest this month, so hopefully that can be done before it's deadline.

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