• Member Since 24th Apr, 2022
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https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.

More Blog Posts598

  • Thursday
    Damn writer's block...

    Probably won't be doing any writing for a while; suffering from a bit of writer's block.

    I think this is because my thoughts are lying elsewhere right now...

    3 comments · 22 views
  • 1 week

    So, I miscalculated when things would get caught up for the Hamtaro Crossover fic, because right now, I still have six chapters to make up for; this would include the five chapters left over after posting two chapters each on Monday & Tuesday, and then adding the fact that I missed both last Thursday and last Friday for posting. With making a chapter yesterday, my work load of chapters to make up

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    0 comments · 17 views
  • 1 week
    New approuch to catching up...

    The last half of Wednesday and the past couple of days have seen me get writer's block by trying to do two chapters a day. Should've known that wouldn't work.

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    0 comments · 6 views
  • 1 week
    Really don't get NNN...

    Before I truely begin what I have to say, if you somehow don't know what NNN stands for...I have two questions: One, how long have you been using the internet for, and two, if it's been at least five years, I have to know how you couldn't have heard about the whole NNN thing by that point.

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  • 1 week
    Is-is it happening?!

    Sorry to be making a blog post so quickly, but there's some hold over on FA's 2.7 policy because of abuse that was going on, and it could be that FA is listening to the fanbase.

    Could it be happening? Could things be turning around for the better?

    We can only hope...

    2 comments · 22 views

It’s worse then I originally thought… · 4:20am September 20th

Turns out the Palworld situation is worse then I originally though. While Nintendo is pulling a Nintendo, this particular lawsuit could ultimately give Nintendo a monopoly on gaming as a whole.

What do I mean? Well, this is because of how vague Patents can be worded. Nintendo is suing over patent infringement, not Copyright infringement. If this was copyright, we’d most likely see a DMCA order and all the money made off Palworld going to Nintendo. It would however, not change the video game landscape as a whole.

However, due to how vague the wording in patents is made out to be, should Nintendo win this lawsuit, it basically will allow them to claim a monopoly over the entire video game market. As in, you can basically say goodbye to your Xbox and PlayStation systems, because using them would basically be illegal.

Essentially, the TL;DR here is that Nintendo needs to LOSE this lawsuit, or video gaming as we know it will belong to Nintendo and no one but Nintendo.

Report RobtheMorpherPony · 90 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

It doesn't matter which one it is in relation to the lawsuit itself, because patents can be worded just vague enough to the point where if Nintendo wins this lawsuit, it'd mean that NIntendo would have control over the entire video game market.

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