• Member Since 27th Apr, 2014
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In additon FiM I enjoy RPGs, Manga, Graphic Novels, Anime, Scifi, and Fantasy

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Still Here, and Other Stuff · 3:13pm September 17th

So, I'm still around. Also, Adventures in Eroquestria and Nightmare Moon's Rise is More Erotic Than You Thought both run on reader suggestions; both haven't really updated because of the lack of reader participation. Furthermore, I feel like a broken record to mention this again, it's been said by me half a dozen time regarding this in the past couple of years, to the best of my recollection.
Also, the Eroquestria setting now has a Discord, you'll find a link (that might have been a timer) in a prior blog I posted, if the link is no longer functional, PM me and I'll see about getting you a link to the Discord.

I'll try to leave some prompt polls for both stories if I don't see any activity from the readers by next month.

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