• Member Since 12th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 32 minutes ago

Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.

More Blog Posts535

  • Friday
    Maretian Layout Progress Report

    Up to page 360, or the end of Chapter 17, or the point at which this edition's Volume 1 will end.

    Been busy the past week. May find more time the next couple weeks, with no conventions on.

    0 comments · 51 views
  • 1 week
    Progress report on Maretian editing

    Not actually editing yet- just making a first run at laying out pages to get a rough starting estimate I can use to get the printing quotes. That has to be done before I can set the Kickstarter goals.

    But so far I'm up to Sol 105, which is the end of what will be Chapter Fourteen.

    That comes in as page 276 (leaving eight pages for titles, dedications, etc. at the front).

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    6 comments · 242 views
  • 1 week
    A date has been set.


    20 comments · 301 views
  • 2 weeks
    Well, on the way to Harmonycon

    Decided not to wear the astronaut jump suit this weekend.

    But I will have the aviator goggles on.

    See you in Dallas!

    2 comments · 49 views
  • 3 weeks
    Going to Harmonycon in Dallas...

    ... not to vend, but to attend. (I will have CSP and Fort Libris in the car... a couple blocks away... but I won't be bringing them in, because in-venue sales are for people who paid for that.)

    But more to the point, I'll be handing out cards announcing something there.

    I'll announce it here the Monday after.

    0 comments · 59 views

The Worst Tow I Have Ever Had In My Life · 12:36am Sep 16th, 2024

And I've been towed quite a few times in my driving career, a couple of times sitting behind the steering wheel with the car in neutral so I could work the brakes before the rope went slack.

But this experience topped them all. Wasn't even close.

I'm tempted to take a page out of Admiral Biscuit's repertoire after this experience.


Report Kris Overstreet · 171 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

There's a joke that goes along with that. A taxi driver and a famous preacher went to heaven, and were met by St. Peter. "Come on in," he said, "We're a little busy right now, so you both follow me and we'll get you all set up." First, he took them to a beautiful neighborhood with tall palm trees and big houses. Stopping in front of the biggest mansion, he turned to the taxi driver and said, "Go on in. The servants are waiting for you, and we set up a spa date for when you get settled."

Well, the preacher was impressed with heaven so far, and he followed St. Peter until they came to an apartment block. It was a nice neighborhood, with a few trees scattered around and some flowerboxes, but the preacher was stunned when St. Peter handed him the keys to a small second-floor flat with one bedroom and a balcony.

"The taxi driver got a whole mansion," he fumed, "and all I get is an apartment?"

St. Peter shook his head. "When you were at work, waving your hands and talking as loud as you could, people tended to nod off. When he was at work doing the same thing, people prayed like crazy."

As for letting AAA know about this give them another call and keep asking for an operator and ask them for customer feedback. It probably is on the site somewhere, just buried under a lot of links. Maybe run a Google search for it, I know I've found a few feedback links that way when I couldn't find it easily on the sites menus themselves.

gives new meaning to the phrase "when it rains, it pours" .. i hope you get some good news soon, stay positive and hopefully you'll come through with a + .. like story material or something.

5804577 Well, right now I'm waiting for the refrigerator repair man... for the fridge I bought fifteen months ago with a 1-year warranty...

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