• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2011
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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • Today
    Oh hey, he's talking about us

    You know all those MLP fanfics where ackshually, Equestria has some kind of dark, seedy underbelly? Not just a rougher side that doesn't come out in the show, but some actual evil, perpetuated or at least maintained by usually Celestia, in order to make pony society peaceful and harmonious?

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  • Monday
    State of the Writer, September 2024

    God, I feel like shit.

    My computer's fucking dying.

    I don't wanna do anything.

    That's all for now. :c

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  • Saturday
    Fic recs, September 28th!

    Scribbler has done a reading of John Perry's This Too Shall Pass, with DaWillstanator, Caitbug, Jasinator, Jennabun and Chance Taylor!

    Forgot again x_x;

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, September 20th!

    So does anyone here know of/use SpaceHey? I literally just found it today, and after the announcement that Cohost is shutting down, I'm starting to feel like I may as well just make an account on every single fucking social media site that pops up and just post whatever the fuck because it's impossible to get started on them anyway. Maybe I'll get lucky one

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  • 2 weeks
    Fic recs, September 13th!

    Got an author in need! Krickis has the deets! Go help!

    Scribbler's latest production is QueenMoriarty's Relax, I'm a Professional!, with Agent0Fluffy, MelodyFinnVA, Webshoter and DeftFunk!

    Haha! I only almost forgot to post today! :V Blame the 13th!

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Fic recs, September 13th! · 2:24am September 14th

Got an author in need! Krickis has the deets! Go help!

Scribbler's latest production is QueenMoriarty's Relax, I'm a Professional!, with Agent0Fluffy, MelodyFinnVA, Webshoter and DeftFunk!

Haha! I only almost forgot to post today! :V Blame the 13th!

H: 0 R: 4 C: 1 V: 3 N: 3

I'mma Snuggle You by SugarPinkieVA
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy/Shipping
Twilight is acting strangely.
And in this corner, an ancient fandom meme! I could have sworn I'd read another story with this very title once upon a time, but I can find no evidence of such. <_< Strange. For once in my life, I think I could have done without the shipping? Forget the fact that They Both Like Each Other, this is just… weird. Remember, kids, consensual snuggles are the best snuggles! This is no way to start a relationship.
Vaguely Recommended

Capgras by Bicyclette
Reading by VillaNilla
Genre: Romance/Horror
That isn't her, and only I can tell.
This is the story I'm using for a second chance on VillaNilla. Unlike the first reading, this one's completely unedited, so it's a little quiet and has a lot of background noise, but I think it's just enough to put her on the list? By which I mean go ahead with her, because she hasn't done any since. Oh well. Anyway, if you're not familiar, the Capgras delusion is the mistaken belief that a loved one has been replaced by an impostor. This is a rare disorder in our world, but the fun comes when you apply it to a world like Equestria where it's actually possible for this to have happened. In fact, the title of the story itself is really the only thing casting doubt on Lightning Dust's beliefs, and from there the tension arises. Oh yeah, and this is a FiddleDust fic, those are always wild to stumble across. Quite a good work of psychological horror that delves into Lightning's own self-doubts and impostor syndrome. Ironic, that!

Mostly About Tacos by Jayellow
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random
What was Discord thinking about while trapped in stone?
This is, unfortunately, one of those "ecks dee rawr" taco stories, which is to say, random for random's sake. Take a coherent thought, bend it in the middle, treat the nouns like a mad lib, repeat. The only appeal is seeing words in a random order (or, I suppose, if you think tacos are inherently funny). I was also rather surprised when it ended, at least once, then kept right on going. So, not great, but it's also pretty old, which is fine.
Vaguely Recommended

The Fluffiest Invasion by M48 Patton
Reading by No One and Nobody
Genre: Random Comedy
It's humans vs. ponies, and it's war.
Okay, so. This is actually a very good sendup of human warfics, so good that I assume the author is actually the sort of person who would write them in the first place. The intro is pitch-perfect, full of military jargon and weapon specs, such that I was completely unprepared for when the rug is pulled out and the comedy reveals itself. Unfortunately, all of this is spoiled by the final two lines or so. Even back in 2019 when this was written, I wouldn't have wanted to see Trump jokes like this, and it absolutely ruined the story for me. If you're less sensitive to that kind of thing, this might be worth it, but I was ultimately disappointed.
Not Recommended

The Tourist at the Threshold by PegasusMesa
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
Something crashes out of the sky into Ponyville.
You know, this is a weird story. Number one, it feels like I only just read Pinkie Pie Is an Eldritch God, and I can't get it out of my head that the two are related. Number two, the 'tourist' bit of the title isn't really gone into. Instead, this is about the mane six standing around, trying to figure out what this thing is and what to do about it. Rainbow is cavalier, Applejack is focused on the wrong things, Twilight is approaching it from a completely academic perspective… It's not that the reactions are out of character or anything, just that all they're doing is standing around and reacting. And the only real joke is that Pinkie knows all the answers. Maybe this is just another oldish fic that doesn't quite work. Or maybe it's me, who knows!
Vaguely Recommended

Profound Ponytail by Silk Rose
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Random Comedy
Who knew Applejack's ponytail was so… necessary?
So here's a silly little fic about ponies lacking object permanence, a subject I always find amusing. :) Some of the scenes drag a bit, suggesting this was padded for word count. Even if it wasn't, it is still a single joke stretched to a thousand words. But I enjoyed it!
Recommended for Laughs

Queen Swiss Cheese Legs by Eventide100
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
Discord messes with Chrysalis.
There is a way to get fandom jokes to work in fanfiction. I'm not sure what it is, exactly, but repeating said joke ad nauseam ain't it. I found this quite dull.
Not Recommended

Five Times Celestia Pardons Twilight and One Time She Also Pardons Twilight but It's Different by 2Merr
Reading by TheQuinch
Genre: Legal Comedy
Twilight stands trial.
Oh boy, this sure was something! Nonstop jokes, a sham trial of the sort where it's obvious it's being held solely to placate Blueblood, and a background joke that starts off opaque but reveals itself in time. That last bit especially was fascinating. And yet… I can't shake the feeling that there is one more joke here that never does reveal itself. Why was this written? Why that title? I feel like there's got to be one more reason, right? Nothing suggests itself, and it's gonna bug me. Regardless, this was quite a lot of fun.

Paper Tastes… Good? by SugarPinkieVA
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
Pinkie Pie has a strange request. Even for Pinkie.
I kind of felt like I was losing my mind reading this. Like, very little of it made any sense. There are words that have definitions, sure, but in this order? Not so sure. I had honestly expected this to be a takeoff of Discord's paper-eating in Keep Calm, since it was written well after that episode aired, yet somehow it isn't. But once I got my head on straight, I realized there just… wasn't a whole lot to this beyond being pointlessly random.
Not Recommended

An Average Delivery by TheBrianJ
Reading by No One and Nobody
Genre: Cute/Action
How does Derpy stay so chipper working such a boring job?
It's nice to get a reminder that Derpy can be adorable all by herself, no Dinky required. :) This is quite simple but lots of fun, as Derpy is given a deep inner world and several very enjoyable interests to indulge in. Derpy fans especially will love this, but I think this is one for everyone. :D

An Unroyal Wedding by Shrink Laureate
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy/Romance
Lyra and Bon-Bon are getting married. Surely this is a perfect time to reveal long-held secrets.
Oh, what a funny story. :D Doesn't quite line up with canon, but who cares? Shrink Laureate makes it work. This makes a thousand words seem like a lot more, and who doesn't love a good LyraBon wedding going horribly dumb? Really good stuff!

Report PresentPerfect · 176 views · #fic reviews
Comments ( 8 )

Not a great selection this week. On the other hand, Five Times Celestia Pardons Twilight and One Time She Also Pardons Twilight but It's Different is one of those rare fics I’ve read but never re-found to add to my Re-Evaluate bookshelf, so thanks for that, bud. :raritywink: Being short and getting a Recommended from you, I’ll probably tackle it too.

Just, you know, when I get back to reading Ponyfic again. Still on that hiatus of mine to not feel like an obligation, after all. :twilightsheepish:

Author Interviewer

no pressure! :O for serious!

The reason for the title is "Five times..." I believe is because Twilight is pardoned legally five times then they say "pardon me" back to each other at the end for bumping into each other (Unless you already knew that then sorry for restating information you already knew).

In terms of why it was written, Im putting money on a lost bet or discord meme discussion but that would be something the author would have to answer :p

Decent recs and enjoy the comedy slate to read through~

I would suggest recommending one or two readings of old inactive channels each blog as well, so people can find good old fics to listen to, before these readings get lost to time.

Author Interviewer

I get to channels when I get to them :B

I'm just saying, old inactive channels are under more risk of getting deleted, so those good readings may get lost in the near future.

You can just recommend the fics you like. No need to recommend the whole channels.

Author Interviewer

do you specifically have any in mind? I've got a huge list of reading channels, and the getting is slow

That I can help. I'm also hoarding a bunch and slowly listening to them every day to find good ones to keep. Will check at the weekend and message you some more obscure ones.

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