• Member Since 12th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago

Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.

More Blog Posts535

  • Friday
    Maretian Layout Progress Report

    Up to page 360, or the end of Chapter 17, or the point at which this edition's Volume 1 will end.

    Been busy the past week. May find more time the next couple weeks, with no conventions on.

    2 comments · 100 views
  • 1 week
    Progress report on Maretian editing

    Not actually editing yet- just making a first run at laying out pages to get a rough starting estimate I can use to get the printing quotes. That has to be done before I can set the Kickstarter goals.

    But so far I'm up to Sol 105, which is the end of what will be Chapter Fourteen.

    That comes in as page 276 (leaving eight pages for titles, dedications, etc. at the front).

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    6 comments · 244 views
  • 2 weeks
    A date has been set.


    20 comments · 303 views
  • 2 weeks
    Well, on the way to Harmonycon

    Decided not to wear the astronaut jump suit this weekend.

    But I will have the aviator goggles on.

    See you in Dallas!

    2 comments · 51 views
  • 3 weeks
    Going to Harmonycon in Dallas...

    ... not to vend, but to attend. (I will have CSP and Fort Libris in the car... a couple blocks away... but I won't be bringing them in, because in-venue sales are for people who paid for that.)

    But more to the point, I'll be handing out cards announcing something there.

    I'll announce it here the Monday after.

    0 comments · 59 views

Because I needed MORE stress in my life. · 1:02am Sep 14th, 2024

On the way to New Orleans for Anime Conclave, my van got rear-ended. The rear right cargo frame is stove in- very likely that will total the van by itself.

What that means:

(1) I'm typing this from a crap hotel in Lafayette, Louisiana because AAA couldn't find a tow truck willing to drive me back to Texas after 5 PM (because that would mean they'd get home after midnight). So that's money out of pocket.

(2) The cops got a tow truck to get me off the Atchafalaya River Basin bridge- THAT cost me $207. CASH ONLY.

(3) I'm missing Anime Conclave. $450 for the booth, about $200 for the nonrefundable hotel room, and lost revenue.

(4) When I get home with the van I have to completely unload it so I can turn it over to a body shop so they can either say, "Yup, it's totalled, get your check from insurance," or, "Yeah, we can fix it, you got a month to wait?"

(5) I need to shop for a new van. My next show is the first weekend of October, and it's NOT close to home.

(6) All of this is ON TOP OF trying to get my house repaired following the tree that fell on it (still have not had a callback from any contractors), getting the remaining feral cats spayed so I can put them outside, continuing physical therapy on my left shoulder (and hoping the soreness in my right shoulder isn't an injury on that side), and then AFTER ALL THAT writing something new or working on preparing my new edited edition of a print Maretian so I can do a Kickstarter for it.

Do not be afraid of the shadow blotting out the sun. It is merely my gigantic Happy Hat providing comforting shade for one and all.

Report Kris Overstreet · 404 views · Story: Changeling Space Program ·
Comments ( 10 )

Yikes. Fate's little brother is really having a go at you. Sorry about that, hope it all turns for the better.

Damn, wishing you the best.

Comment posted by SWEETOLEBOB18 deleted Sep 14th, 2024

did you get the other guy's insurance info, cause depending on the state rear ending someone can automaticly make the one who did it at fault (failure to control) and thus liable for all damages, my home state ohio has such a law for example.

You DO know that if you submit a claim, your insurance company will raise your rates.

Most rear end collisions are the other driver's fault. If so, itemize your expenses, get a lawyer & Sue Their Ass Into Oblvion. It's

The American Way



The extra sad part is that, even if the the other driver is 100% at fault (rather likely since you were the one that got rear ended) and did not pull a hit-n-run ("MURICA!!!!!!!"), they may dispute that, no matter the facts or evidence ("It's YAHR fawlt fer stoppin at them red-light!") and/or might even be broke without insurance ("Thems innserance people wan to see MAH driver's license? MAH Driver's license??? You think I'm one of them communists???")

Really sucks to hear that Kris, and I wish the the best of fortune and that you will have it resolved quickly and without any troubles or extra stress.

Yikes indeed. Best of luck to you!

Ouch! You said this took place on a bridge, so I'm guessing traffic backed up for some reason and you stopped while the chucklehead behind you was: 1) following too close, and, 2) distracted by something (even odds a smartphone was involved.) I hate to say it, but lawyering up and sending your attack shark after the other driver probably is the best course of action in the long run.

Not that it helps at all with your current lack of transportation. It'll suck, but if your own insurance has coverage for a temporary vehicle that might help, depending on how much it's likely to kick your premium up when the next renewal rolls around. Best of luck dealing with everything!

I can't speak on the American experience, but in my country they will not increase rates nearly as much as if it has been Kris at fault. As long as he got the details of the other party, so that his insurer can pursue the other insurer for the money.
(And depending on how long it had been since his last claim, many insurers in my country wouldn't raise rates for that at all. But that's not something I'd expect everywhere.)

5804145 Yes.

5804173 A police report will be available in a few days. Usually the person found at fault is given tickets at the site. I got no tickets.

5804192 I'd rather let the insurance companies fight it out. The other guy almost certainly hasn't got money beyond the insurance, and his truck's front wheels were pointing very different directions after the wreck.

5804261 There's a chance my insurance will go up, but it won't be too much. And in any case, not filing was never an option. I need the payoff to get the van fixed/replaced ASAP.

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