Expanding on the elements of harmony · 1:48am Sep 12th, 2024
Its been on my mind for some time but after looking over the series as a whole and going back to the lore, the one thing that has always interested me the most are the elements of harmony and their role in the story as that was always the most interesting plotline to me however i understand why they had to be written out of the show for a bit since they were OP.
However i feel that is due to a lack of power balancing and scaling which MANY writers dont take into consideration when making magic systems and especially Deus ex machina mcguffins.
However i feel like there is a very easy way to scale them properly and equalize them so that they are the pinnical of friendship magic but still make it balanced enough to where It's not hideously broken or unbalanced.
So first off I think the elements should be capped out at 8 total. The elements would go as follows:
The bearer of empathy would be Sunset Shimmer as she represents the aspect of friendship that requires understanding, forgiveness and compassion. Her empathy and ability to relate to others and put herself in their shoes is second to none and shes able to make friends with ANYONE given enough time.
The bearer of equality would of course have to be Starlight Glimmer for the simple fact that she truly represents equality. In the beginning she was misguided and sought to force equality but now she understands that equality means different things to different people/ponys and all walks of life. She's also someone capable of keeping the power balance of the elements in check and is that extra voice of reason and logic when twilight isn't at her best.
Now each element themselves would give the bearer a special ability only they can use as a wielder of the element they represent and their element naturally enhances whatever talents or abilities given to them by their cutie marks and inherent pony magic as a unicorn, Pegasus, earth pony or alicorn.
Laughter: Toon force, laughter induction, stone manipulation
Honesty: Lie detection, super strength and nature manipulation
Loyalty: Super sonic speed, super weather manipulation, rainboom burst
Kindness: Animal commutation, healing, pacification stare, beast aura
Generosity: Diamond construct creation, enchantment/enhancement glyphs
Empathy: Soul search, magic copy, Flames of friendship
Equality: Magic equalizer, magic nullifying.
Magic: Telekinesis, light projection, celestial magic.
The elements wouldn't be able to be wielded by anyone unworthy of them and any attempts by those unworthy to wear them will be cursed by the element in which they try to use and the curse is only broken when a particular friendship lesson is learned.
Furthermore the girls/ponys would only be able to access their MAXIMUM POWER when they are all gathered together and their bond is at its strongest and its magnified by the the crystal heart and the bearer of the element of love which is a separate thing onto itself.
The elements are more powerful the more friends and connections the bearers of harmony have and so the only true way to beat them is to isolate them but that's much easier said than done.
In terms of power scaling I would say the ranking goes