• Member Since 18th Apr, 2013
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Ho Boah

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  • 4 weeks
    Blarg Blarg Blarg

    Waited two months to see a specialist.

    Appointment lasted two minutes.

    Have an ENG and an MRI booked...

    ...the latter most likely being a few months away.

    Still don't know what's wrong with me.

    Oh well.

    Oh well.

    7 comments · 110 views
  • 4 weeks
    Wrtie Something

    Write something compelling.

    Write it from the heart.

    5 comments · 101 views
  • 4 weeks
    An Hour and Thirty-Five Minute Orgasm

    [In other news, after two months of suffering, I'm finally seeing a specialist and getting an MRI—so yay me.]

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  • 4 weeks

    1 comments · 60 views
  • 8 weeks
    Fuckin' Bandy

    Who names a tornado Debby?

    Deadass the name of someone's ex.

    11 comments · 120 views

Blarg Blarg Blarg · 6:36pm September 9th

Waited two months to see a specialist.

Appointment lasted two minutes.

Have an ENG and an MRI booked...

...the latter most likely being a few months away.

Still don't know what's wrong with me.

Oh well.

Oh well.

Report Ho Boah · 110 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

fr tho I hope you're okay.

ENGs are reliable and MRIs are highly detailed. They'll find it and they'll fix it, if they can.

Is what it is.

Getting worse and worse but it is what it is.

Pour some Monsters on my tombstone for me.

That's good to hear.

The process has been dehumanizing—but I understand how overburdened the industry is.

Huk #5 · 3 weeks ago · · ·

Odd... I heard your great and pathetic powerful prime minister Trudolf created this great and powerful healthcare solution called MAID that solves all your problems instantly :pinkiecrazy:.

Jokes aside... have you considered going privately to get an MRI faster (I assume those 'a few months away' is only when using the tax-paid medicine system'):unsuresweetie:?

He's been a terrible PM.

I've debated it.

Huk #7 · 3 weeks ago · · ·


He's been a terrible PM.

My Canadian aunt came to visit us a few months back, and she was like:

"Everybody hates his guts back home :twilightangry2:!"

Not gonna lie; it brought a little smile to my face :rainbowlaugh:

Back to the more important issue... if you can afford to pay to get an MRI faster, please consider it. I know it sucks when you should get it for free, and money is tight, but if something bad is happening, it's better to get it diagnosed ASAP :unsuresweetie:.

Whatever you decide, I wish you a fast diagnosis and recovery :twilightsmile:

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