• Member Since 17th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Scarlet Scribe

My friends call me Scar...

More Blog Posts30

  • 12 weeks
    The Bridge Between Narnia and Lord of the Rings

    This is something I just pieced together:

    So the map of Middle Earth has the land going east while the sea goes to the west...


    The map of Narnia has the sea going east and the country going west.

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    0 comments · 22 views
  • 20 weeks

    Guess what, it's that time again!

    And this year's movie is...

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  • 25 weeks
    New Job!

    After all this time, I finally got a full time job!

    Now all that's left for me to do is save up enough money to get a place of my own.

    1 comments · 39 views
  • 73 weeks

    And this year's birthday movie is...

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  • 81 weeks
    Knights of the Zodiac (No Spoilers)

    I had a blast watching this movie, although I can already feel that I'm the minority with this. For those saying that it's a disgrace to the original anime, I've seen the original anime and I think they're equally enjoyable. Feels more like people are just looking for an excuse to be mad. I'd love a sequel, but Dragonball Evolution was set up for a sequel and that never stood a chance so

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The Bridge Between Narnia and Lord of the Rings · 4:47pm September 8th

This is something I just pieced together:

So the map of Middle Earth has the land going east while the sea goes to the west...


The map of Narnia has the sea going east and the country going west.

Given that C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien knew each other, I doubt this is a coincidence.

Have fun considering this for any future crossovers!

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