Its always the quiet ones... · 1:11pm September 7th
So...Anybody else think that Fluttershy in both friendship is magic and especially Equestria girls is...kinda scary? I do especially after THIS line!
Just a sonic fan and a friendship is magic fan who wants to make fun stories!
So...Anybody else think that Fluttershy in both friendship is magic and especially Equestria girls is...kinda scary? I do especially after THIS line!
She alone tamed a being that can warp reality at will, she is not so shy.
"Revenge is good, it saves the soul and purifies it"
Fluttershy, probably
Welp...I'm officially terrified yet so proud of fluttershy now.
I'm sure his favorite games are Mortal Kombat and God of War.
I wouldn't be surprised honestly.
What are your favorite ponies?
The main 6, starlight, trixie, sunset, and (even tho he's not a pony) Spike.
Mine are those, Chrysalis (I don't know, she's adorable when she's not angry), Luna (The best princess), The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Lyra and Derpy.
Nice choices!