• Member Since 16th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Saturday

Pen Dragon

I am Pen Dragon, creator of Beyond Infinity and A New Destiny, and my goal is simply to make stories about ponies that find infinity stones that destroy the universe.

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Surpassing A New Destiny · 9:31pm Sep 6th, 2024

So it’s been a total of 8 years since I first made A New Destiny and for the longest time, it had remained my most liked story on my page. Not a single story afterwards had come even close to surpassing except for Gems I: The Sun Princess, but even then. It had only 162 likes in total when I completed it back in 2019.

It seemed like no other story I would make would ever get close to A New Destiny’s level. Which to this day shocks me… 180 likes and I know it’s not about the likes, it really isn’t, but when I came back here I saw that Beyond Infinity had did what seemed like the impossible and is now currently sitting at 192 likes as of 09/06/24.

Just… wow… I am so glad you all love this story and I promise to continue to deliver more amazing chapters in the future. We are now in the final stretch of completing Arc 1.

Chapters 15 & 16 are completed and are in need of editing while I am currently writing chapters 17 & 18 and those two chapters will be the biggest ones I’ll write because I want to not only push myself to write large chapters, but I also want to condense everything into a three part ginormous chapters that all start with chapter 16.

My goal is to have these chapters all edited and ready to go by Christmas time and I’ll post them all everyday. At least that’s what I am telling myself xP

For now, I hope you all enjoyed reading the latest chapter of Beyond Infinity and thank you for giving it a lot of love.


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