Howdy, y'all. A while ago I made a blog that I was working on digitizing some .hack// light novels, and I have the first two of them up on now! Get them here, if you want. Read below for some of the process of this.
Hey, y'all. For those who don't know, I once wrote a Deltarune novel called "Tension Points". Well, now I am trying to finish a short Christmas special sequel to it, titled "A Girl Like Me". If you're interested in either, take a look! If you're wondering about "Just a Pony" then read on.
Today's update is brought to you by the letter b for bats, who wrote a blog post that largely pertains to me in many ways as well! Go read that if you want to hear about some sorta lesbian domestic life or whatever (but I'm sure that'd be of no interest to my average reader
Howdy, y'all. Real quick, not much of my situation has changed since last blog post, but I should clarify my blood pressure is doing a little better and I should be able to go back on the med that was working when it's in a better place. Now, the point of this post.
I really hope you're able to find a solution to the blood pressure so you can take it again. I had high blood pressure too that I was able to manage through diet.
Appreciate all the support from everyone here. If I get my blood pressure sorted I'll be able to go back on the meds. Doesn't make it okay now but it is what it is, and at least there's something to look forward to.
I feel a little bad using this blog to vent so much, but I do appreciate all the willing ears this has. Thank you all.
Well, darn. That bites.
Damn, I'm so sorry.
I really hope you're able to find a solution to the blood pressure so you can take it again. I had high blood pressure too that I was able to manage through diet.
Appreciate all the support from everyone here. If I get my blood pressure sorted I'll be able to go back on the meds. Doesn't make it okay now but it is what it is, and at least there's something to look forward to.
I feel a little bad using this blog to vent so much, but I do appreciate all the willing ears this has. Thank you all.
Nooo :'c
I'm sending you virtual hugs, Krickis... I hope you can get your blood pressure under control >~<
See if they can put you on Klonopin! That might help both ADHD and blood pressure medication!
(Yes, Amber knows secrets of fighting ADHD and crazy body things)
Will bring that up when I talk to my doctor in a few weeks here, thanks for the suggestion!
Sorry, I meant clonidine! I was on it from like age 5 to 18? It worked in concert with my Ritalin, when I was young.