LUNA LUNA LUNA LUNA · 5:13pm Sep 5th, 2024
My fic "Rainbow Dash Reads the Manual" won first place in the recent Thousand Words Contest! Getting featured alongside so many great authors, including some personal heroes of mine, is so exciting. The fact that I won in my favorite category is just icing on the cake. But my fic wasn't the most interesting one in the experimental category:
BL is an interesting figure in the literary landscape. If they weren't writing ponyfics, their work would be printed in 40 languages and heralded as some of the next great generation of experimental writing. Of course, it's not, because it's ponies. But it should. A Life Lived in Hundreds is the most heartwarming agony, and Sapphic Figments deserves to be chiseled in stone and preserved so aliens have a way to understand what love is.
Now they've done it again with Luna Luna Luna Luna, a truly daring work of experimental fiction that challenges readers with a plot that exists entirely in the context of its formatting. It's a puzzle that resists any one interpretation - check out my and Bicyclette's comments to really understand just how broadly two individual interpretations can go! - but that is part of its genius. I love ambiguity in writing (some would say too much! lol) and this fic excels in giving readers an opportunity to use their imagination and envision the scene for themselves. If nothing else, marvel at the texture of it, the wild formatting decisions playing off each other to form a real genuine narrative. It's a joy to look at even when I have no idea what's going on. This fic unlocks literary opportunities that simply didn't exist prior to internet publishing. They made a STORY. Out of FORMATTING. So sick.
cosigning all of this, great to see another person with correct opinions re: Botched Lobotomy!