Original old draft · 9:04pm August 21st
This is something I started writing back in late december 2023, way before I created this account. Finally it has become the story that I tagged this post to.
Not really written for other people to read. I just don't wanna lose it or idk:
Life of Flurry Heart
Flurry had had a not so heartwarming day at school. She had failed her Advanced Telekinesis class, herself, a natural born alicorn.
Walking home instead of her usual flight over the empire or simple teleportation, she watched her subjects. They saluting at her highness. She felt miserable, thinking that one day they would depend on her. She smiled at them back. She wished she would never reach the crystal castle.
"Welcome home, princess" said the guard, opening the crystal door for Flurry.
"Thank you" Flurry replied. She was glad the guard was the last pony she had to be polite toward before finally meeting either her mother or her father, or worse, both of them.
Pacing in the hallway, she could already imagine their reactions. In her mind, Shining looking away, clearly disappointed, while Cadance reminding her of how important maintaining good grades were for a future ruler.
Truly, she couldn't care less about grades. She just wanted her parents to be proud and trust her. Turning to the side, she was facing the throne room. One push with her magic and she'd know who were inside.
"Sweetie?" Cadance said, standing close to Shining. "What's wrong?" She said, standing up from her throne, followed by him.
Flurry sighed, walking towards her parents "Just say it. They probably already teleported you two a letter about my failing grades" She stopped in front of them, looking down. "Say how disappointed you are at me".
Shining, next to his wife, put a hoof under Flurry's muzzle. Lifting her face, he looked at her in the eye. "Flurry, I've already discussed this with your mother", he exchanged glances with the other mare for a moment. "And, well, we do feel a little down"
"I'm sorry" Flurry's eyes started to water. At that point, she just wanted to know her punishment and move on her thoughts.
"However, we've decided that you're not grounded for this", Shining completed, wiping the tear on his daughter's cheek.
Flurry, exchanging glances with both of her parents, blinked her eyes in confusion. "I don't get it", she sat on the purple carpet, her eyes lost away. "For Faust's sake, I'm nothing but a useless alicorn"
"Flur', don't say that" Cadance said, putting a hoof on her shoulder. "We don't think you are useless, we don't even believe anypony thinks that". Her horn illuminated light blue, and she brought a closed envelope and left it floating in front of her daughter. "Flurry, we have a mission for you, one that doesn't require good grades".
Flurry looked up to Cadance, raising an eyebrow. "A mission... what?" She questioned, grabbing the envelope with her own pastel yellow magic.
"That's right, sweetheart" Shining added, hugging the side of his wife with his foreleg. "Since you've turned sixteen already, your mother and I think it's time for your first friendship quest!".
Flurry pupils contracted at the last two words. "But auntie Twi said..." She quickly turned her head to check the purple starred crystal heart on her flank. "... She said a pony's cutiemark must glow first when there's a friendship problem!" She completed, looking back at her parents.
Cadance nodded while Shining shook his head. Then they looked at each other, chuckling at realization.
"Flur', how about we discuss this after supper?" Cadance suggested, forcing a smile.
"But-" Flurry started.
"I've asked the cooks to prepare you mashed peas!" Cadance started walking toward the exit of the throne room, followed by Shining.
Flurry sighed, but her stomach growled when she thought of her favorite dish. She turned around and rushed to her parents. "Okay, but should I open this now or later?" She asked, still magically holding the envelope.
"No rush, dear!" Cadance said without stopping her pace. They had already left the throne room and were walking down the crystal hallway that led to the dining room.
"If you say so, mom", Flurry, still following her parents, imagined her own bedroom and, in the blink of an eye, the envelope was absorbed by the ether with a soft poof. As if nothing, the yellow aura of her horn dissipated and she continued her walk.
That is less dark than the actual story, I'd say.