• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
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More Blog Posts971

  • 24 weeks
    Shameful Vent Post - ignore i guess

    Man, sometimes you just can't catch a break it feels like.

    ive been dealing with plumbing problems at the new place. and I'm a do-it-yourself-er from a family of do-it-yourselfers. I spent 8 hours after a very hard day trying to resolder copper pipe only for it to actually leak -worse- than when i first started. in a different place.

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    12 comments · 351 views
  • 26 weeks
    Looking for Research Help

    Hello folks. I'm doing some research for a story for the "Plot trope" of

    "Dungeons and Dragons gone Sexy"

    I know I released a story like this before and I am NOT promising a sequel, but lets say the muse bit me and im looking for ideas.

    Anyone got good examples of this plot/trope? Does not have to be pony.

    In before someone jokes "yes. research."

    3 comments · 149 views
  • 26 weeks
    Snarkcast Interview Live on Youtube now

    im tired

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  • 27 weeks
    Support a new review group

    Stolen from 7

    Hey everypony,

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  • 28 weeks
    Being Interviewed by Snarkcast! with Anonpencil!

    Doing a stream being interviewd by Anonpencil on the new fancy barcast replacement. neat

    thanks to Muggony and Lucky Seven for inviting us on!

    Heres the youtube that itll be uploaded on when its live - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmeKAmSrIB60CTm0fKrIyg

    Twitch stream (live) RIGHT FUCKING NOWWWWWW: https://www.twitch.tv/roselucky7

    3 comments · 82 views

Shameful Vent Post - ignore i guess · 8:20am Aug 21st, 2024

Man, sometimes you just can't catch a break it feels like.

ive been dealing with plumbing problems at the new place. and I'm a do-it-yourself-er from a family of do-it-yourselfers. I spent 8 hours after a very hard day trying to resolder copper pipe only for it to actually leak -worse- than when i first started. in a different place.

I have a plumber coming to just... fix it in the morning. its going to cost at least a grand. I have another team that's also coming to finish a project, but its in the same place. Underneath my house. which has about 2 feet of clearance to get around so you are in perpetual army crawl mode in order to navigate.

Ive already cleared out 40 gallons of water from under the crawlspace from the work ive done. theres even more water down there too (though i have the most of it cleaned.) and im expecting both teams are going to be pissed.

Im exceptionally sore from all the physical labor of the last 2 days. On top of doing 8 hour days of my normal job with working through lunches. i prepped a presentation for the 6 am meeting but honestly? No. I need a sick day. I'm miserable. I need to take care of myself.

I'm not expecting anyone to do anything about it. I just wish for me, and everyone around me, to stop getting bad news. It seems like most of the people in my life, fim, real, music, or whatever are all dealing with some form of hardship.

Tomorrow is another day and all that.

Tell me taking a sick day wasn't an irresponsible decision pls. kthx.

btw you look great today are you trying something different? it's working.

(edit: pls don't donate me money. pls donate to a worthwhile cause like the trevor project or your own happiness. im doing just fine.)

Report Flutterpriest · 351 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

You did exactly the right thing, Priest, and that to take care of yourself. Good on you!

Owning a home is one chore after another…believe me I know. And sometimes it’s better to get professional help, especially when it’s a big problem. They get paid for the aggravation and if it doesn’t work, they come back! You made the right decision.

Good luck. Take care of yourself. 🙂

Some days you just need to say "fuckit" and take a bit of time for yourself.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Taking a day off sounds like a very good decision. Mental health is essential to look after, and often takes more time than physical health.


Sometimes, you legitimately just can't even.

For real, man. Sometimes it do be like that.

I often feel like I can’t really take care of myself because there are so many drains on my time, focus, emotions, et cetera (responsible middle age moment). But you gotta. For the sake of whatever you care about, you need to be able to be there and do it. So rest up and don’t feel guilty about it. Better to recharge than sit there going through the motions.

Yeah, it sounds like you needed to take that day off. Try not to stress over it. Gotta take care of yourself before you can take care of other crap.

Wishing you the best and hope things bet better.

Late to comment, but absolutely sick days are valid and necessary. sounds like you're overdue for one.

*Proffers hugs*

I'll take that hug, friend :)

Always happy to hug ya n_n

Oh geez, repairing copper plumbing is the pits. Installing new isn't bad. But for old stuff you're dealing with water constantly coming from somewhere. Turn it all off, drain the pipes every way you can. It'll seem like it's all dry and you start working then bam, a bunch of water suddenly shows up ruining the joint you were just trying to solder! I did find that switching to MAPP gas rather than propane helps a lot - gets a lot hotter. But most repairs I've done lately I've been using those Shark Bite connectors and replacing with PVC. Way easier to work with!

Good luck, and definitely take a day off!

I heard that Sharkbites tend to end up failing after 20 years, so i leaned away from them. im not a professional though and just read plumber forums. Hopefully they got better! Either way, proud to say the problem is fully fixed now. Plumers came in and used ProPress to fix everything. If the tool wasnt 3k, id get my own and call it done.

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