• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here

More Blog Posts156

  • 12 weeks
    Help Someone in Need

    Hello all. I know you're used to this space being used primarily to beg for assistance, so hopefully this won't be anomalous. That being said, an acquaintance of ours, Arkadios, is currently without a home and in dire need of support. They've set up a go-fund-me in a blog post I'll link here.

    Read More

    0 comments · 181 views
  • 22 weeks
    Long Shot

    I will write a sequel to a story of mine of your choosing for $50,000,000.

    I am willing to go as low as $25,000,000.

    May be willing to negotiate for a slightly lower price upon contact.

    This is a semi-serious post.

    11 comments · 333 views
  • 25 weeks
    happy darfday

    Hello all. It's my birthday today. Currently I don't have the money for a cake or any birthday meal (or much else), so if anyone is feeling generous, even something small would help a lot. https://ko-fi.com/phgQED

    7 comments · 225 views
  • 84 weeks
    April Fusser's Day

    The Fussiest Fic There Ever Was

    If you're not aware, I am addicted to fussers (big floppa cats). As such, it is imperative (some might say mandatory) that you read this immensely momentous fussfic authored by the amazing IncredibEE. I seriously cannot recommend it enough.

    Happy April Fusser's day <3

    2 comments · 318 views
  • 91 weeks
    Nothing to sell

    I was going to make a post selling my things but then I realized I have nothing functional left to sell. If you want to buy a broken pair of headphones or an acoustic guitar with a broken string or a piano with half the keys missing let me know.

    Also let me know if you'd like to help me make rent this month.

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    6 comments · 781 views

Help Someone in Need · 9:24pm August 16th

Hello all. I know you're used to this space being used primarily to beg for assistance, so hopefully this won't be anomalous. That being said, an acquaintance of ours, Arkadios, is currently without a home and in dire need of support. They've set up a go-fund-me in a blog post I'll link here.

Please, if you can, take a moment of your time and resources to help them out. I know bronies are charitable by nature from personal experience :x


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