Looking for Research Help · 6:10pm Aug 8th, 2024
Hello folks. I'm doing some research for a story for the "Plot trope" of
"Dungeons and Dragons gone Sexy"
I know I released a story like this before and I am NOT promising a sequel, but lets say the muse bit me and im looking for ideas.
Anyone got good examples of this plot/trope? Does not have to be pony.
In before someone jokes "yes. research."
The webcomic Modern Mogal has a classic Mimic who's shown up a few times and he normally draws porn so there's plenty of cheesecake and/or suggestive jokes. I think he's also got a modern one who's a crane game.
I'm not sure past that, hmm. hope other folks can help!
I think I might need more clarification of what exactly the trope you are looking for is before I can go searching. Because I could see a few possible interpretations of "Dungeons and Dragons gone Sexy", some of which I may know of examples for, and I want to make sure I have the right one.
If you haven’t checked them out before, check out https://www.oglaf.com/ (don’t worry, that particular link is sfw, but the rest of the comic most certainly is NOT) it’s an entire webcomic that takes place in a D&D setting, and more often than not, the comics fall into the trope you’re going for… I think.