• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2511

  • Tuesday
    Who's ready for the joke of the day?

    Brace yourself, because today, it's a doozy.

    No disc drive.
    No vertical stand.
    No CPU upgrade.
    And personally, no games that I would consider to be system sellers.

    As someone who has been very eagerly looking forward to this announcement for over a year, please, by all means Sony, eat shit.

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    21 comments · 201 views
  • 1 week
    Tell Your Tale: Ooh, A New Friend!

    Okay, well, let's see here. This week we have... Almost everything.

    We've got plot. We've got comedy. We've got no cutie mark poems. And most importantly, we've got straws and fruit baskets.

    In short, this episode kicked flank. Bravo.

    5 comments · 107 views
  • 1 week
    My Longest Running Stories/Series

    Last night at 2AM, I was so wired that laying down really wasn't an option, so I got it in my mind to see what stories of mine have gone on the longest, and put together my top ten (plus an honorable mention), and figured I'd put a retrospective blog together while I pack for my short getaway this weekend.

    Honorable Mention: Sunset's Homesickness
    MLP G4, 4 stories, 2015-2022

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    4 comments · 161 views
  • 1 week

    4650 words written today.

    Apologies, the words are not pony-related. Sonic-related.

    I really want to finish this story before April, and there's quite a bit to go.

    Not quite a record (6500 words), but in my defense, I was distracted by documentaries about disgraced YouTubers.

    3 comments · 66 views
  • 1 week
    Somewhere in an alternate timeline...

    11 comments · 152 views

Tell Your Tale: Sleepover! · 12:47pm August 8th

This week, we have a sleepover, where I'm guessing Pipp invited Posey.

Decent compared to the last couple episodes. Not a bad song, either.

Comments ( 9 )

I love it, because not only it a good episode but a second reputation of Posey

No weird magic problem this time? Count me in.

I see Posey is channeling her inner Rarity for this episode. Packing "light" for a night-long outing, insisting on getting her full 8 hours. Honestly, the only difference is that actual Rarity would have jumped at the idea of a makeover.

Decent compared to the last couple episodes.

Yeah, but that's kind of a low bar. Go back to my Rarity tangent above, and you have Look Before You Sleep to compare this to. Hell, even within G5, this episode is beat out by the one where Misty rooms with the other girls for the first time and finds them overwhelming. Here, the best we have is Posey's progress toward not being such a stick in the mud, which I guess is fine.

Also, let's see how them sleeping in late impacts their day jobs. Jazz and Rocky can probably handle Mane Melodies, the town can wait an afternoon for Zipp's G-rated PI work, I'm still not convinced that Izzy has a day job, the show hasn't even hinted at Misty finding a day job (hell, that's an idea for a five-minute episode: Misty feeling guilty about her friends always picking up the tab for her, then a whole song and montage about trying different jobs), and Sunny... I'm sure she's taken off-days from the smoothie cart.


The Brighthouse: "Alright, what do these idiots want me to pull a magic solution out of my ass for this time. Wait, a fucking sleepover? That's it?!"
The girls: "Oh, come on! We didn't even ask you this time!"

That does bring me back memories of the episode look before you sleep in Friendship is Magic so yeah this was a pretty interesting one I would say I just hope something big will happen next time

Now you've got me thinking about what Misty would do for a job.

I think Izzy has "Izzy Does It", her repair and restoration service.

Now I want a "guys' night" episode with Hitch, Rocky, Sprout, and Sparky hanging together.

Misty is a fertilizer salesman.

Well, this sure was something. For one, it seems as though Posey's been sheltered based on her first pieces of dialogue after the title drop. The other, the Brighthouse seems to be alive. Heh, when I read Phazon's little comment, now I'm thinking of The Tree Of Harmony in MLP In A Nutshell series by Round Trip. Totally hearing Wubcake's voice echoing through my head. :rainbowlaugh:

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