• Member Since 12th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.

More Blog Posts534

  • Wednesday
    Progress report on Maretian editing

    Not actually editing yet- just making a first run at laying out pages to get a rough starting estimate I can use to get the printing quotes. That has to be done before I can set the Kickstarter goals.

    But so far I'm up to Sol 105, which is the end of what will be Chapter Fourteen.

    That comes in as page 276 (leaving eight pages for titles, dedications, etc. at the front).

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    6 comments · 222 views
  • 1 week
    A date has been set.


    20 comments · 289 views
  • 1 week
    Well, on the way to Harmonycon

    Decided not to wear the astronaut jump suit this weekend.

    But I will have the aviator goggles on.

    See you in Dallas!

    2 comments · 49 views
  • 2 weeks
    Going to Harmonycon in Dallas...

    ... not to vend, but to attend. (I will have CSP and Fort Libris in the car... a couple blocks away... but I won't be bringing them in, because in-venue sales are for people who paid for that.)

    But more to the point, I'll be handing out cards announcing something there.

    I'll announce it here the Monday after.

    0 comments · 59 views
  • 3 weeks
    Well, this is weird.

    I've seen the unread messages counter on the header tick up a couple of times since the new year, but I haven't seen any new messages to match them.

    The most recent DM I can actually access is from December 19th.

    Anyone else having this happen?

    6 comments · 150 views

What I'm Dealing With Right Now · 4:21pm Aug 7th, 2024

(1) Today I'm doing prep for an endoscopy-colonoscopy tomorrow. I was due for it anyway (5 years since the last), and recent increases in acid reflux and intestinal discomfort makes it good timing.

(2) Friday- the day after I go under general anasthesia for the poop snoop- I need to trap at least one of the feral cats and take them to a clinic (NOT free) to be fixed. The best I can do is take one every other week because the clinic only does it on Fridays, and I have conventions to sell at. This means the last half-grown kitten will be fixed in two MONTHS. (I've scheduled their mother, who I can actually handle enough to get into a carrier, for the end of this month.)

(3) Also Friday, as well as Saturday, tree services are coming in to get the tree off my back porch and get rid of a couple of others that pose a direct and immediate threat to the house, plus some other work. This is going to cost me $5000, and the initial check from the house insurance for tree removal AND house repair will only be for about $7200... and it hasn't arrived yet. Because of this... well, just last month I celebrated paying off $10,000 in credit card debt in the first six months of 2024. On Monday I borrowed most of that back so I could write the checks.

(4) On Monday I drive an hour and a half to FINALLY get my left shoulder and arm looked at. It's been causing me varying amounts of pain since early May at least, which has made sleeping very difficult.

(5) On Tuesday the plumber comes out to run a new drain line for my washing machine, so that the water doesn't back up onto my laundry room floor. (BTW, damn the 1980s and everyone then who thought it was a good idea to CARPET A LAUNDRY ROOM.)

(6) Thursday morning is load-in at Geek'd Con in Shreveport, my next con weekend. I'm having to prepare for that while juggling all the other crap just mentioned.

And that's why very little writing is getting done right now.

Report Kris Overstreet · 212 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Damn that a lot of bills and trouble, my sympathys :applejackunsure:

Bloody hell dude. Take as long as you need regardless, but holy shit that's a lot of stuff going on.

You WILL have somebody else drive you back from the 'scope and babysit for an hour or so. The stuff they give you (propanol?) is very good, but it wipes out memories like a squeegee. I don't remember anything at all between "Count down from a hundred" to my wife asking "What do you want at Taco Bell" and then about three hours later when she asked, "Are you ready to get out of bed now." Nothing. Zip. Zero.

5797116 Yes, it's arranged. That said, I remember the first procedure fairly well, inasmuch as "the most cozy, comfortable nap I've ever had in my life" counts as remembering a procedure. I also remember all the stuff before and after.

I've been doing colonoscopies with the absolute minimum anesthesia possible. I might ask about getting nothing for the one I'll do next year. This means I'm awake for the whole thing and have basically zero recovery time after and no memory loss. At my last procedure, the Dr. even adjusted the monitor a little bit so I could see better as I always watch the procedure as he does it.

The the prep on the other hand... Well... let's not talk about that. :rainbowwild:

As a footnote, I do zero local for the rare cavity I get filled too as I hate my mouth being numb for an hour+ after. The needle sticks are no picnic either.

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