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  • 16 weeks
    Coming Soon (But Alas, Not Here)

    The war was not going well.

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  • 17 weeks
    The Moon and the Melodies

    So, many of you know that I'm taking a lot of my fanfiction, filing off the serial numbers and creating original works out of it. And the next one I determined that will work is He. She. We. Who would be interested in seeing a revamp of this work? I've already been working with my editing team on this and the story is going to be generally the same thematically, though obviously there

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    4 comments · 232 views
  • 23 weeks
    Yeah, it's been a while.

    To be honest, I don't know how many people are left here who still read or enjoy my works. Same goes with Blue Bastard and Flynt Coal; they probably have the same questions as well.

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  • 49 weeks
    And she finally shows up.

    thanks to Blue, a certain individual has breached the Fourth Wall.

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  • 101 weeks
    If I cannot bring you comfort, then at least I bring you hope....

    T O M O R R O W:

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The Moon and the Melodies · 9:49pm August 4th

So, many of you know that I'm taking a lot of my fanfiction, filing off the serial numbers and creating original works out of it. And the next one I determined that will work is He. She. We. Who would be interested in seeing a revamp of this work? I've already been working with my editing team on this and the story is going to be generally the same thematically, though obviously there will be differences (and to be honest, I'm loving the differences so far.)

Anyway, let me know what you think.

Report Shinzakura · 232 views · Story: he. she. we. ·
Comments ( 4 )

Where would we read?

I'm in the early stages right now, getting cover art ready (eventually this will also see published form!) and getting enough of a lead on the complete revamp so that people will enjoy it. As soon as I have something concrete, I'll post something here, so keep watching this space for details, thanks!

In the meanwhile, if you want to read my other original story on Royal Road, it's here.

I really enjoyed the story so seeing a revamp would be awesome in my opinion. Interested to see what changes would be made as well.

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