Chapter 15 is going great! · 7:07am Aug 3rd, 2024
Let me start this off by saying that I have no idea how long this chapter is going to be. Honestly, I have no clue how long any chapter I start to write will be! I'm fun like that! Well, unless we are talking about my story, Shadows of Eden. That one had a strict word count! 6303 words per chapter! But I can say that Chapter 15 is going very well, and if my past word counts are any inclination, I am either halfway, one-third of the way, or one-fourth of the way done!
Site 103 is big! The size of a small town is very lootable and full of small hidden holes and secret government facilities to plunder. I just finished one such small facility, about the size of a doctor's office, and it took nearly 8k words to complete. Granted, I went deep down the horror hole, but still, 8k! And to think there are at least seven or ten lore-incorporated buildings to explore, one of which is where Joey's rifle came from! Also, like... a monster. But you must read chapter 15 to find out what, when, and where for all of that!
Can't wait to see it