• Member Since 14th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen Monday


An autistic, ADHD, introverted technicolored talking horse mostly here to read horse words. A tragedian who 'writes' comedy.

More Blog Posts6

  • 1 week
    Minimum word requirements are 'great'.

    I've come to realize something over the course of about a year, that the way in which i can actually get shit written down would make for a very disjointed reading experience with constant time skips to often unrelated situations/days. Some might not even be 'canon' to its self, and a lot would involve head canon rather then strictly canon, (granted i'd probably make a note of it or it'd

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    0 comments · 9 views
  • 28 weeks
    Whatever happened to trigger warnings?

    This's kinda just a random ramble and isn't about any fic in particular, but it's something i've noticed over the past two or so years in particular.

    It seems less and less authors include trigger warnings in their fic's descriptions, be they clopfics or just T/M fics in general. Why might that be?

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    1 comments · 32 views
  • 52 weeks
    Having no drive or ability to get words down sucks.

    Imagine actually having something almost entirely worked out about a zombie AU over a year and a half but then the infection AU trend fires off and now if you were to actually post it, it'd just feel like it's for the sake of chasing a trend.

    1 comments · 48 views
  • 92 weeks
    Fun fact: I technically have shortfics 'ready' but am kinda stuck.

    I don't write often---what a shock, ammirite---but over the past like, year or so I have written some short, slice of life sorta scenarios involving G5. Three, to be exact that I feel are more or less complete in their own isolation.

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    3 comments · 115 views
  • 118 weeks
    "Where's that story you mentioned 'bout GlimGlam?"

    3.4 months've passed since my first and previous blog post, and a scant few of you may've been interested enough to wonder what that's all about. I mentioned having a lot worked out for it, but I've not posted anything, what gives?

    Well, a variety of things, honestly and most've them're entirely my own fault.

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Whatever happened to trigger warnings? · 3:27pm Jul 29th, 2024

This's kinda just a random ramble and isn't about any fic in particular, but it's something i've noticed over the past two or so years in particular.

It seems less and less authors include trigger warnings in their fic's descriptions, be they clopfics or just T/M fics in general. Why might that be?
Like, sometimes it is very, very obvious what a fic entails, especially clopfics, but other times, you only have vague hints.

Meanwhile, other times, there's no proper indication in the description, fic cover nor title and the only thing you have to go off of is comments that might mention it or if it's in X group.

An example is due to this, i once almost sent my friend who hates bathroom stuff a piss fic because i didn't know until half way through it was, a piss fic.

TWs help greatly both to avoid things you don't want to associate with, or to find things to ahem, 'look forward to', yet it seems less and less authors care to put them in their descriptions, so i have no effective way of knowing half the time when it might include such things.

If there's no indication of what a fic contains if it has stuff in it that should have a TW, how is anyone supposed to effectively know to avoid or read on?
Maybe i just happen to not come across many fics that have them, but it does seem like less authors put TWs in their fic's descriptions for some reason.

Report Shrupone · 32 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Yeah, I’m not a fan of sex stuff, so yeah, it gets annoying when clop isn't mentioned

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