So, I'm gonna be interviewed, and it's NOT the Barcast · 11:46pm July 27th
You heard that right! Barcast is still ded RIP, but this is a new thing rising out of our still smoldering, putrid ashes. Today, in like 10 min, imma be interviewed by these guys:
If you don't wanna watch live, you can watch here later:
From what I can tell, and also I know these people on a pretty decent level, it should be a good time and I might say some truly horrible things. Dunno when this will hit YouTube, but it's happening, so it'll be there at some point. So, follow them, and you'll get notified when the video is uploaded.
oh, and flutterpriest will be there too or something
Just wanna say I was there, briefly, but I was there.