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Tape Deck

Silence can be anywhere from comforting to downright terrifying.|Bands you should check out.

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Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 66 · 7:09pm Jul 16th, 2024

1980's glam metal is :coolphoto:.

"Gods of War" from the 1987 Def Leppard album Hysteria.

Also a band I haven't posted yet, as I just recently got the album.

Comments ( 8 )

Haven’t watched yet, just came to say the complete and under lack of an ‘order 66’ joke in here disturbs me greatly and now I am rethinking our relationship as a whole.

I’m actually not thinking, we’re already done :)

Aw, what a shame.:rainbowlaugh:

You weren't ever that funny anyways.

Good bye ‘old’ friend,

And you know what?

May the force NOT be with you >:[

Eh, 🖖's enough for me. Don't need it.

(I've only see a couple Star Trek movies, Star Wars is better.)

I have never seen anything Star Trek related. Doesn’t that mean “live long and prosper” or something?


I know enough general stuff to make casual remarks, but I am in no way a Trekkie.

I actually need to watch the Star Wars movies again (at least the original trilogy).

However, Rogue One is my absolute favorite.

And the emoji was only for the joke, I would never normally use that.

Cool song, even though the album was released in 1987. :facehoof:

I do love the original "Star Wars" trilogy, and "Episode VII" was pretty cool.



Error fixed.

Thanks for the catch and enjoying the song.

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