• Member Since 6th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Corrupting Dragon28

A lone dragon fallen from grace, and shown a world of possibilities.

More Blog Posts6

  • 1 week
    Random Post: Just asking

    Hey Guys

    I just started College this week so it's been a adjust meant.

    Just asking if these experiences was surreal as yours or I'm just overreacting.

    What are your guy's stories of your first days of College?

    0 comments · 12 views
  • 10 weeks
    Heeyy...Still Alive

    Hey bronies and others alike. So I'm alive...eh...let's talk about that.

    I am so so so so so so sorry that you guys haven't even heard a whisper of me at all for the past few months. I need to be a little more honest about all this.

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    3 comments · 75 views
  • 25 weeks
    Big Plans

    Hey Bronies and other alike

    A lot has happened these past few months for me and the world too

    I hope you guys are doing great as well because I wouldn’t have done all of this without all of you and thank you guys for being so patient with me too with Spider-Man Scaled Web-Head, but getting new chapters out and editing them is hard with school still going on for me.

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    2 comments · 79 views
  • 63 weeks
    Update #1

    Hey Everyone, how's it going, It been fun writing the staring to write Scaled Web-Head and it's been a pleasure hearing all of your comments and support for this little story, to give you some insight to why I've made Spike Spider-Man was it was a too good of an opportunity to leave a character like this align so perfectly with the Spider-Person kind of mold the comics, movies and tv shows have

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    1 comments · 180 views
  • 66 weeks
    Tangled in a Web of Possibilities

    Ok ok ok,I many have a plan for a distant future so I can build up my presence until then or start up with my big story to start building my presence and have a more impact in my future work.

    But either or here's a little hint though

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    0 comments · 119 views

Heeyy...Still Alive · 5:08am July 1st

Hey bronies and others alike. So I'm alive...eh...let's talk about that.

I am so so so so so so sorry that you guys haven't even heard a whisper of me at all for the past few months. I need to be a little more honest about all this.

First, the reason I was gone. I'm not really in the position to devote myself in my work because I was in school for all of it and I'm now going into more intense schooling so preparing for that has been a nightmare too, so that's mostly takes a toll on the ol mental side of me and that mental side of it takes a beating that I've been unable to even finish or even update my stories and even go forward with my stories and even publish stories at all.

So it's been frustrating with life just getting in the way but I'm not gone and this post is just to say that I'm here.

...And CELEBRATION!!! Spider-Man Scaled Web-Head has reached 1,000 VIEWSSS, I too be honest didn't think that we'd get here this soon and not even at a crucial turning point in the story yet. This means a lot to me and I have you all to thank for it. It really shows how I can stand on my own legs on something and truly share my love for both Spider-Man and MLP and to so that I can also stand on my own as a writer as well.

This will be the most trying time in my life but I'll keep going no matter hard it is because I really care for fimfiction and what I'm doing as a whole so I'll keep on moving forward.

Love you guys.

Few more things before they I want to get out of the way more new content that not MLP and my old content (oh god).

The new stuff is more of my fanfiction that is not MLP this time so I can stretch my writer legs and create more things that I love. There isn't much there but there will be very very soon and and there are plans for my newest story. <----

And for the...old stuff, these were very old post on a very poorly made blog that I've made for plans for a story that I'm only now trying to put to use, and where my writing is at the worst but if you've got nothing to do and are up for a good laugh, come and check it out <----

PS: I had no idea what I was doing.

So a long story short. I don't know what'll happen but I won't stop trying to do what I love, for me and for you guys. Even if I can't give you a date for when I'll update or weather or not it'll be soon but I'll never stop trying, I can promise that.

Once again, I love you guys.

Comments ( 3 )

Don't worry, I can see where that's coming from! I'm still trying to balance out the many story's I have to write still and not overwork myself, but I hope you can take your time with these, and take it easy!

Good to hear from you again, take care! :moustache:



Thank you both. I hope I can be more active on here.

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