More Blog Posts724

  • 17 weeks
    Coming Soon (But Alas, Not Here)

    The war was not going well.

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  • 18 weeks
    The Moon and the Melodies

    So, many of you know that I'm taking a lot of my fanfiction, filing off the serial numbers and creating original works out of it. And the next one I determined that will work is He. She. We. Who would be interested in seeing a revamp of this work? I've already been working with my editing team on this and the story is going to be generally the same thematically, though obviously there

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    4 comments · 241 views
  • 24 weeks
    Yeah, it's been a while.

    To be honest, I don't know how many people are left here who still read or enjoy my works. Same goes with Blue Bastard and Flynt Coal; they probably have the same questions as well.

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    11 comments · 329 views
  • 50 weeks
    And she finally shows up.

    thanks to Blue, a certain individual has breached the Fourth Wall.

    11 comments · 412 views
  • 102 weeks
    If I cannot bring you comfort, then at least I bring you hope....

    T O M O R R O W:

    5 comments · 387 views

Yeah, it's been a while. · 10:06pm June 23rd

To be honest, I don't know how many people are left here who still read or enjoy my works. Same goes with Blue Bastard and Flynt Coal; they probably have the same questions as well.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is to announce that one of my stories (Fire & Rain: Applejack and the Queen of Knives, which I wrote under the pseudonym of Limbo Theorem) is getting a complete rewrite as an original story and now up on Royal Road as simply The Queen of Knives.) If you're interested, please swing on by and support - the story retains many of its original hallmarks, but allows me to tell the story as I'd intended, without having to seriously bowdlerize it.

For that record, for the 7DSJ fans, Blue, Flynt and I have a write of that planned as well.

I hope you'll support our switch; we don't plan to leave this place, but I doubt the stories will be developed any further in their current mode. It's not that we've "outgrown" MLP (seriously, I still have Sunset Shimmer as my wallpaper on my PC and phone!) but that a lot of what we want to do cannot be done here. That's not the fault of the site, just how things develop.

Again, I hope you'll support me there and the others once we get our new versions of the stories going.

Report Shinzakura · 329 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Still here and very much looking forward to any new developments.

Well, I'm still here, lurking.
I have to admit that I may go a month without logging in, but I'm still here.

I continue reading and rereading 7DSJ because I love the story.

Happy to see you folks around here

still glad your okay

Wow, there's a name I haven't seen in a good, long while :pinkiehappy:.

I'm still here even after the argument over how SIREN and Human Div were built up. It wasn't a deal-breaker, and I still await new chapters.

Glad to know you are alright. I’ve been wondering how your plans on adapting All American Girl have been going?

Glad to see your still around dood!

Honestly? Not good so far. I'm focusing on the stories that are easiest to convert so far, and unfortunately AAG is tied both way too much to the source material and time. It's going to take me a while to figure out how I'm going to file the serial numbers off and make it still a worthwhile read.

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