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[RANDOM] My friends know me well... · 4:57pm June 16th

Not sure if this has been shared around or not, but a friend found this and sent it to me:

Report PrincessColumbia · 134 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

#1 Pupil? Twilight Is your ONLY pupil, Tia!!

Also, Sunset is not your own blood, but it's good to know you see her as your own child.

This would be a great story idea.

Heh, that's pretty dang funny.
I like the acknowledgement of sunset as her daughter, though I'm not sure she's the sort to beg for money— let alone beg celestia for money.


#1 Pupil? Twilight Is your ONLY pupil, Tia!!

Well then she's #1 by default, then, isn't she? :rainbowwild:

Wouldn't it, thought?! Unfortunately FiMFiction actually loses out on being the best place to actually tell the story, as it'd be best told through a stream of messages back and forth, and while you can do that with BBCode formatting, it just doesn't look all that good. AO3's "work skins" (which is just rebranded CSS) can do a message stream very nicely.


I like the acknowledgement of sunset as her daughter, though I'm not sure she's the sort to beg for money— let alone beg celestia for money.

I dunno, taxes f**king suck. I can see being caught completely flatfooted because you hadn't properly filed and suddenly owing WAY more than you ever thought you would and being all panicky enough to ask even (eugh!) Mom for some help.

I am learning from "Rainbow Dash" how to "Text" Behold! "Swag" "Yolo"

Rotflol. :rainbowlaugh:

#owned by Little Sister. :moustache:

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