• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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More Blog Posts41

  • 1 week
    Updates: Book and Stories

    Hello folks, I wanted to give everyone some updates.

    On the book printing front, I’m pleased to say that things are moving ahead. The most significant piece of art for the story has been completed and we’re only waiting now for the cover art to be complete. Thank you so much for your patience.

    Pre-orders are still open if anyone wishes to grab a print copy of “Rainbooms and Royalty.”

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  • 9 weeks
    Rainbooms and Royalty Preorder Post

    Hello. I wanted to post an update to keep people who pre-ordered the print copy of Rainbooms and Royalty in the loop. I'm still awaiting some art from the book, once it's in-hand I'll place the print orders. Thank you again for your continued patience.

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  • 19 weeks
    Rainboms and Royalty Print Run: UPDATE

    Hello folks! It's July 1st, the date I asked folks to pay their pre-orders for the print copy by. I've gotten around 19 pre-orders so far and am waiting to receive payment from two.

    Now, to make clear: pre-orders are NOT closed. You can still order now if you haven't already.

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  • 23 weeks
    Rainboom and Royalty Print Copy Pre-Order Status Update

    Hello there!

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  • 24 weeks
    UPDATES: New Fics and Print Run Pre-Orders

    Hello one and all! Today is my 40th birthday and to celebrate, I'm giving you all some presents!

    First up, two new stories!

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Rainboom and Royalty Print Copy Pre-Order Status Update · 4:30am June 1st

Hello there!

To provide an update to everyone who has submitted a pre-order for the print copy of Rainbooms and Royalty, I have sent PayPal invoices for everyone who has submitted one to-date. They should be payable anytime between now and July 1st, so you have a full month to make your $35 payment. If you didn't submit an order form yet, don't worry, pre-orders are NOT closed and you can still fill out a form (linked below) or contact me directly in DMs if you wish to pre-order one but can't pay via PayPal.

As a reminder, this is a PRE-ORDER, I do not have the physical books in-hand yet. I am waiting for an artist or two to complete their illustrations for the book. After they're submitted, I will order a test copy to make sure it all came out alright and make any changes that might be needed. After that's ironed out, I will submit the bulk order for all the pre-ordered copies. I hope to have them in-hand by the end of summer, but if something comes up with the artists, with the publishers, or real-life unpleasantness on my end, there can be delays. I will endeavor to keep everyone abreast of any changes like that as they come up, so you don't have to worry about not knowing what's going on or being ghosted by me for weeks or months at a time for something you've paid money for (I've been there, I know first-hand how frustrating that is). But understand that sometimes stuff happens and delays can occur.

Also, if you have filled out a pre-order form prior to this journal but have not received a Paypal invoice from me, please get in touch with me and let me know.

Thank you again to everyone who has pre-ordered so far, I hope you'll be wiling to spread word and perhaps try to get others to pre-order as well. Best wishes and have a happy June.

Pre-order form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15M4wWuFw0GZ5MjcsUBCV2U9cfGKq-jtaOTZE7IfOFic/edit

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P.S. If you have filled out a pre-order form prior to this journal's publication (June 1st) but did not receive a paypal invoice from me, please get in touch with me to let me know.

I just got and payed my invoice! I'm so excited to get my copy, I can hardly Wait!

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