• Member Since 27th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Sprocket Doggingsworth

I write horse words.

More Blog Posts285

  • 1 week
    Hooves of Fate, 500k milestone!

    Hay, everypony! Hooves of Fate just dropped a new chapter, and hit 500,000 words!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

    9 comments · 109 views
  • 18 weeks
    New Hooves of Fate Chapter

    Chapter Sixty- Eight: EYE OF THE BEHOLDER is out. It only took a month to write (and it's not even a micro chapter like the last two)!

    It's one of those segments where all the characters took me by surprise. I am very happy to share it with you.

    Let me know what you think!

    0 comments · 200 views
  • 24 weeks
    New HOOVES OF FATE Chapter

    Another chapter of Hooves of Fate is about to drop.
    Just in time for the Summer Sun Celebration/ Festival of the Two Sisters! It's another short chapter, this time focused on Misty Mountain.

    "The Tunnel Whisperer" will release tomorrow night in anticipation of the longest day of the year.


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    0 comments · 150 views
  • 27 weeks
    Hooves of Fate chapter announcement

    I'll be doing something a little different for the next few Hooves of Fate releases. They will be micro-chapters. Short and sweet. Like...really short.

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    7 comments · 156 views
  • 48 weeks
    Audiobook Announcement

    I'm excited to announce that I'm working on an audiobook for Hooves of Fate. I started with Chapter 63: Rivers. This way, long-time readers of HoF can reorient themselves to the momentum of the story before the upcoming release of Chapter 64 (text) this Saturday.

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    2 comments · 219 views

Hooves of Fate chapter announcement · 5:22pm May 28th

I'll be doing something a little different for the next few Hooves of Fate releases. They will be micro-chapters. Short and sweet. Like...really short.

This will allow the story to focus on the story developments and character elements that actually matter, and to streamline the characters' physical progress to the next stage of the adventure, which we've all been waiting for.

It also gives me more to release, and you more to chew on.

Chapter 66 - Foster and Me drops this Thursday. Chapter 67 just needs some finishing touches, and should be ready shortly. I can't wait to share them both with you!

In other news:
I released a single chapter as an audiobook a few months ago, and subsequently experienced technical problems with my recording equipment. I am pleased to announce that those issues are nearly resolved, and hope to resume production on the audiobook shortly!


If you enjoy my fiction and my essays, please consider Supporting Me On Patreon. Now with exclusive audiobook content (Chapters 63 & 64 so far).

Comments ( 7 )

Funny, reading those few lines, I get a sense of déjà-vu. XD
Short chapters ? More releases ? ;)

You do you, always happy to have more Rose Petal shenanigans.
I wonder if the Fallout series will bring new people to FoE ? At some points I questioned if some makers of the series knew about FoE. Some strange feelings, but FoE understood Fallout so well, that sometimes it's hard to decipher which inspiration come from where. ^^

Viva Thursday !


I did promise shorter chapters and faster releases a while ago, :twilightblush: but that was more to take what would have been a 15,000 word chapter and turning it into several 3k or 4k chapters.

What I'm planning here is three microchapters, two of which are pretty much already done and probably under 2k each.

Ooh. Audio books.

I am assuming you're going to voice every male and females?

Also... physical changes?

I hope nothing too permanent.


I'm voicing everycreature. I'm not a voice actor, so I don't have a unique voice for every character. I just focus on emotive narration.

Chapter 63 is already out if you're a Patreon subscriber.

Sprocket Patreon

I'm not sure what you mean by physical changes.


... to streamline the characters' physical progress to the next stage...


Oh, sorry. I just meant their progress over the terrain.

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