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First time ever featured in FIMFICTION! · 1:15pm Apr 14th, 2024

It was short-lived but the 3rd arc was featured in Fimfiction for almost a day. It isn't that much but seeing your story to be on the home site is pretty fulfiling none the least.

The next day it was replace by newer and faster paced stories, which is what I expected. Just goes to show that when it comes to writing, you need to be creative and swift.

It's also hard to have a following on the site since the fanbase fades off, still there's always ways.

Comments ( 2 )

That's great news! Did you receive a notification when it got featured?

BTW, just finished the 1st arc. It was pretty good! I'll get back to you with more detailed feedback, although I'm deciding whether to write down the review for 1st arc separate from the 2nd & 3rd, or put it altogether in one.

Glad you find it interesting! It just focus her childhood story with her pink cousin. Though I might revised the 2nd switching the comas. plus adding additional words/dialogue.

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