• Member Since 4th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2023


Hello, I'm cccvvvttt. Why? Because... I couldn't think of anything better. Also all my works consist of HIE stories. Maybe that will change if I ever write something else, but mostly that

More Blog Posts141

  • 69 weeks
    Foggy memories of a human update

    Hey, so I know it's been a while since I posted a chapter for this story, and I got some bad news. No, I'm not canceling it or anything, but admittedly I lost the spark to write it. So updates may be a while Not as long as they did between chapters 1 and 2, but definitely longer. In the meantime, I may focus my attention on something else for a bit that I've been wanting to write that will

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    0 comments · 167 views
  • 73 weeks
    Will edit the first two chapters of foggy memories of a human

    Now that I got Grammarly, I probably should make those chapters easier to read.

    0 comments · 148 views
  • 74 weeks
    Chapter 3 update.

    Hey all, I made quite a bit of progress on the third chapter. I am not sure when I will have it posted but expect it soon. I also changed some tags in the story to fit what it is more. I want this story to be exciting, mysterious, and adventurous. I'm unsure if I captured that all too well with the first few chapters, but I hope I will be able to with the upcoming ones after the third or fourth

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    0 comments · 113 views
  • 76 weeks
    Update in regards to "Foggy Memories of a human."

    Well, it seems I've abandoned another story. Or so it seems. However, I haven't given up on the story quite yet. Unfortunately, when I started writing this story, I became busy with other life things and became more self-conscious about my work. I wondered if it was even worth posting anymore, as I was beginning to believe that I really didn't have it in me to write something or anything. Writing

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  • 106 weeks
    Story posted

    After some time, my new story is here. Check it out!

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Update in regards to "Foggy Memories of a human." · 1:46pm Aug 25th, 2023

Well, it seems I've abandoned another story. Or so it seems. However, I haven't given up on the story quite yet. Unfortunately, when I started writing this story, I became busy with other life things and became more self-conscious about my work. I wondered if it was even worth posting anymore, as I was beginning to believe that I really didn't have it in me to write something or anything. Writing has always been something I've wanted to do but sadly, it feels like my last few projects, have been cancelled. I feel like I failed all of you, failed to keep my word, failed to make a good engaging story. So I was most likely just going to do it again when I realized something.

That being if I never finish anything I set out to do, how could I ever have writing be a potential career choice? How could people ever trust me with this stuff if I never keep my word on any of it? That, and a sudden burst of motivation, is why I'm happy to announce that I will be attempting to finish the story. I can't say for sure if I will, as I'm not sure if this is going to wear off suddenly or not, but as long as it stays and as long as I don't burn myself out like I did so many times in the past, I promise to do my best.

Expect Chapter 2 soon. And thanks for reading and following this for those of you that have. :twilightsmile:

Report cccvvvttt · 109 views · Story: Foggy Memories of a Human ·
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