• Member Since 19th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Sunday


I'm still alive, probably.

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  • 68 weeks
    Star of the Show 'rewrite'

    The first chapter of this story was what bothered me the most, so I think subsequent rewrites will be less entire chapter overhauls and more akin to editing pieces of the chapter that I don't vibe with. With the exception maybe of the chapter where Nemesis storms Ellura HQ in Manehattan, that one may get some significant rewrites. I can't tell when that'll happen of course, I'm on vacation

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    1 comments · 239 views
  • 94 weeks
    First chapter rewrite

    The first chapter of this story has been freshly rewritten from scratch. The cancelled tag remains for now.

    This does not promise that the story is coming back, all I know is that the first chapter was bothering me and I hated how it was written, so I revised it.

    The main thing you need to know is that watchful wings = ellura.

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    0 comments · 321 views
  • 238 weeks
    Just so we're absolutely clear on my stance of recent things

    Hate is not free speech. If you advocate to give hate a platform on which to speak, you are advocating the spreading of its message. It's not censorship, it's called being a decent fucking human being.

    I do not stand for racist or fascist groups, I have zero tolerance for such waste, and if you keep defending its inclusion under the rights of 'free speech', then you are part of the problem.

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    8 comments · 606 views
  • 288 weeks
    I'm making Super Mario Maker 2 Levels!

    I used to make stuff back on SMM1, but it was pretty beginner level stuff and I had no idea what I was doing.

    and the same truth holds here! Kinda. I'm trying to improve.

    I'd still definitely consider myself a beginner, so if any of you guys happen to have SMM2 and would like to give me some advice, it'd be appreciated.

    I only have two levels so far:

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  • 288 weeks
    Just got around to watching 'Between dusk and dawn'

    Literally the very first scene, Loon and Celly fight a giant mountain turtle

    Literally my reaction as I watched:

    "Oh, giant mountain turtle? I wrote about that before, though celly and loon were fighting it, not the mane si-"

    Celly and Loon show up


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First chapter rewrite · 1:46am Apr 25th, 2023

The first chapter of this story has been freshly rewritten from scratch. The cancelled tag remains for now.

This does not promise that the story is coming back, all I know is that the first chapter was bothering me and I hated how it was written, so I revised it.

The main thing you need to know is that watchful wings = ellura.

Ellura never meant anything and didn't make any sense as a company name, so I revised it to some vague ponification of Umbrella that still makes sense as a company name in g4's universe. That's the only significant change made so far, everything else is retained as it was, it just reads better.

If you want to read the original chapter as it was, you can read it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DvvZ5jNPqZgLIW438kg4JQm339Mmpk1bnBRB1Kg3hBo/edit?usp=drivesdk

I know there are probably some errors on the chapter, as I am posting this from my phone I'll take a second pass of it when I get home.

That's all. Thank you for reading.

Report TGM · 321 views · Story: I Will Hunt You Down · #Rewrite
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