PotenDogs - Kickstarter pre-announcement! · 3:01am Apr 3rd, 2023
I'm very happy that I'm finally able to announce the TV project I've been working with! ^.^
PotenDogs is a children's animated series featuring lots of awesome super-powered puppers worth falling in love with -- even if some of them are a bit misunderstood! It's been a big hit in Korea, and we're working on the English translation. The kickstarter begins on April 10th, but you can sign up right now to be notified the moment it launches!
We're completely redoing all the dialog and voice work -- including a bunch of honestly really good songs -- which will all be assembled and edited by the original creators of the show: RetroBot Studios on Seoul, Korea. The kickstarter will help fund our full cast of professional voice actors, who have already begun work recording some of the upcoming sample material. Once complete, it will be released to TV/streaming services in all of N. America, and maybe some other international markets.
Here's a sample of the original Korean:
And me? I'm the English polishing writer. My job has been to go through all the episodes, producing English voiceover scripts, polishing the English dialog in any places where things were lost in translation, and making a few localization changes. But my biggest challenge -- and what has ended up being the most fun -- is drastically rewriting the songs so that each song's rhythm properly matches the music when it's translated into English. We've already recorded five of the songs, and let me tell you -- it's turning out amazing!
If you like MLP, I think there's a good chance you might like this new show too! Especially if you're also a dog lover! So if you think maybe it's your kind of thing, head for the kickstarter page! It hasn't launched yet, but it's scheduled to go on April 10th, and you can sign up right now to be notified when it launches. Thanks for helping us get this project off the ground!
Sounds pretty interesting!
Hope you like it!
wow! :O
Stories like this are why fanfiction is allowed to exist.
It's been a long time coming...
Well, that ... and because no good comes of pissing off your fans!
Like that's ever stopped the suits!
Rock and roll doggies. Good to hear.
Heh, true.
Such a bummer the funding didn't make it. So close!
Yeah, but it's alright.
The producer had a good few months in other ventures, then put that money into this project, so it's still going forward, self-funded now.
Episode 1 just about wrapped up post production now. Episode 2 beginning post. 10 more episodes to go.
The real hurdle will be selling it to a network/streamer and actually getting it distributed. Once episode 1 is wrapped, the sales process starts. Wish us luck!