Starlight centric fic + upcoming attractions · 8:53pm Mar 17th, 2023
I’ve been wanting to write something about Starlight for a while, and I finally got inspired enough to put pen to paper to write ‘A Sort of Homecoming’. I had fun with this fic, so keep your eyes peeled with upcoming chapters.
In other news, I swear I’m still working on that giant Yona and Sandbar fic. It doesn’t help I keep getting other ideas I also want to write. Speaking of which a new oneshot is almost done.
Cool. Some StarBurst from you.
Yup, she’s fun to write for. Kinda sad I hadn’t before.
Oohh I can’t wait for more stories. I swear, you’ve got me supporting the shipping of Sandbar x Silverstream and Sandbar x Smolder!