Help Wanted · 9:35pm Feb 23rd, 2023
Hey, guys...
So, I need help. There's supposed to be a new chapter of 40 Years coming out next week, but I don't have anyone lined up.
PLEASE, I am BEGGING YOU, if there is even a remote chance that you might be able to help, let me know! I really want to finish this story, and I CAN'T be the only person on this entire website who thinks that MLP is great and deserves to be honored. And for those of you who have already written a chapter and might like to write another one, that will also work!
I need help, so PLEASE help!
I've already asked an old friend of mine on Discord two weeks ago to contribute to this, and he's thought about it, but I'm not sure if he joined or not, since I hadn't heard back from him yet. I really hope he did.
I sent you a PM, with a question that I had, if you could answer it for me then I'll try my best to get you that chapter that you need.