Hey guys recently a YouTuber by the name MelSpyRose uploaded a video which tells why she left the Brony Fandom and became a Transformers fan, I haven’t watched it fully as I get that it was mostly due to how toxic the fandom is or was at the time (I don’t know if that’s true today) I’m making this blog to show everyone that there was a talented person who left because of toxic bullying and as
Hey guys been a while, just got back from camping at the military odyssey in the UK near where I live and I couldn’t get good internet so work on TF:HL was put on hold for a bit but now that I’m back I’ll continue working on it.
But as you know this isn’t just an update as the title suggests, recently I saw this on Deviant Art made by PaintStroke203
So guys just today I received word that my uncle has passed away, apparently he was very sick and tried to fight it but the doctors decided that it would be best if he was put to sleep. They say it was for the best especially considering that for the past few years my uncle had been hospitalised due to an accident which affected his mind so he wasn’t as responsive as say me or you, I was told in
Found this song on YouTube and I just had to share it with others not only because it rocks (pun intended) but because it fits his character so well, in any case hope you enjoy and for reference I don’t own this.