• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2019
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More Blog Posts11

  • 3 weeks
    I return… for Jinglemas

    I know I haven’t been writing much any more. But I assure you I still exist. Sadly I have started writing other things than pony but this Christmas has brought me back. Join us here. We write, we laugh we enjoy pony Christmas.

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  • 44 weeks
    The second half of Derpy’s day off in Tangled Wings

    The new chapter is up. For those that are excited about it, sorry about the wait. I’ll do my best to write out part 7 it might be a bit though.

    0 comments · 92 views
  • 47 weeks
    New Tangled Wings

    New year so time for another chapter. The next one will be connected to this one. But this one is fun and introduces a new friend for Derpy.

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  • 51 weeks
    Twilight and Derpy story.

    New chapter to Tangled Wings is up. This one’s from Derpy’s perspective. I like the idea of seeing how both of them view different situations. This one was a lot of fun to write.


    3 comments · 139 views
  • 55 weeks
    Tangled Wings

    Next chapter of Tangled Wings is up. Twilight and Derpy date two. Time to find out how to dance with moonbeams. I hope you enjoy the series so far :derpytongue2::twilightsmile:

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Candlelit story vigil for Ninjadeadbeard · 5:53pm Dec 28th, 2022

As many of you know, we have recently lost a great writer and friend, Ninjadeadbeard. He sadly was taken from us December 19th by cancer. It is sad and tragic, and we will miss him greatly. His memory will live on within those that knew him and the stories he left us.

To honor him, I am putting forth this event. A story based candle lit vigil. It’s not a contest or an exchange or really even a collab. It is way to honor him in the way he honored us. With stories.

So to that end the idea is to write a story in his honor, it can be anything you feel is appropriate but no porn or horror. Those don’t really fit the theme. Comedy is ok because that’s how he was. He was always joking and enjoying life even as he got worse. He is my hero for that.

1: The story must begin with “And the candle was passed to [your main character].” And end with “And the candle is passed.”

2. You must have a candle for your cover. All the stories are going to be put in a folder so it will be a nice long row of candles when it’s done.

3. The candle can’t go out in the story. The candle is the memory or even the spirit of our friend moving through the many stories we share for him. Which leads us to:

4. The candle must be part of the story. Maybe held by the main character or lighting a scene with in it.

5. As mentioned no horror or porn. Also no gore or graphic depiction of violence or rape. These themes don’t feel appropriate for a vigil. Death is probable as it is a memorial.

6. There is no time or word limit. You can take the time you need to think about it. You don’t have to rush. If you need this as way to grieve that’s ok too. We’re here to support that.

7. When you are done please place it in the folder “Candle light Story Vigil” in the Kirin Fans of Cutenes group. If you don’t want to join it you can PM me the link and I’ll put it in there.

I know it’s a sad time, but we are here if you need to talk. Sharing helps ease that burden. The more that share it the less it feels. Or at least I found it to be so.

Any questions contact me via PM. May the cuteness be with us all.

Report Short-tale · 832 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Another one... This year is oficially fucked up!

Does the color of the candle matter?


He died :applejackconfused:? Damn... I didn't know. May he rest in peace :ajsleepy:

No but it must be tasteful

5705560 So another question, I have to ask is, does the candle have to be lit at the beginning of the story? I have another story idea and while the candle is a major part of the story, it isn't lit until near the end.

Yes. The idea is that the candle is ever present. It moves from story to story with no beginning or ending. If the candle is unlit in your story it signifies a beginning. Suggesting the candle was lit by your story. People can read the stories in any order so it has to remain lit.

5706955 Okay, my idea might need some tweaking then, but we'll see.

So... Is the fact that the candle is going to change color going to be an issue? :twilightsheepish:

No as long as it stays lit

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