• Member Since 29th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen November 4th


she/her | minor | black | major G5 fan | Hitch stan | Starblazer enthusiast | angstangstangstangst | my stories wil be cross posted on fanfiction.net and ao3

More Blog Posts13

  • 90 weeks
    Status? Relieved

    I am glad my first story is being well recieved :D

    0 comments · 111 views
  • 91 weeks
    Good news

    Good news! Since I was on spring break I was able to finish the story that I started 2 months ago. It's now in the approval queue. Can't wait for yall to see it :DDD

    0 comments · 85 views
  • 98 weeks
    MLP:TYT #44 - Secret Ad-mare-er


    Read More

    0 comments · 108 views
  • 99 weeks
    Story on Hiatus

    Just like tyt, the story I'm currently writing is going to be on hiatus because of college. I was really hoping I would finish before class started, but I didn't and by the looks of my syllabi, I won't have time to work on it during this semester. So I guess the people who were interested in my story (if any) will have to wait until spring break/summer. Sorry :pinkiesad2:

    0 comments · 99 views
  • 101 weeks
    MLP:TYT #43- Bridlewood Spog Review

    I liked this one. We don't get to see Izzy and Pipp interact that much so this was a fun to see. I'm pretty sure Izzy is the second tallest one so her and Pipp's size difference is insane lol. I like how they came to a compromise at the end.

    Rating: 8/10

    0 comments · 166 views

MLP:TYT #40- Secret Canter Review · 3:05pm Dec 15th, 2022

The way I screamed when I saw that this was a secret santa type of episode. I also just found it funny that when the christmas episodes were first roliing out, I wondered if this existed in their world. AND IT DOES :D

I found the episode to be very adorable. I loved Izzy's little song. I still hate the fact that Sparky can fart fire bc how does that even work. I already know ppl will be mad he was able to just make the presents good, but idc. They deserve high quality presents :ajsmug:. I was also actually worried for a second that we weren't gonna know who gave a gift to who, but thankfully they made it very obvious. Zipp making Hitch a present might be shipping fuel which I will accept. Also Hitch making Izzy a diary was very thoughtful of him. Lord knows she needs it. (❗HITCH IS BEST PONY❗)
And as the StarBlazer shipper I am, I couldn't help but notice that in the opening shot, you can she Hitch's and Sunny's stockings together over the fire.

Anyways i would rate it a 9/10

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