Janon - The Resident "Wise" Guy

by Starmarine61321600

First published

Discord in all his infinite wisdom brings a human to Equestria. It has some very interesting results.

One day, Discord had a wonderful idea. It was too peaceful in Equestria. There was a dire need for some chaos. What's more chaotic than a human displaced to Equestria? A human who's been displaced to Equestria with all his memories and lively possessions. Come to find out that this human has immense knowledge of both his homeworld, Earth, and Equus. His plan fails, and now there's a reasonably angry human in Equestria. Oh, Discord, can't send the human back. Wait, he managed to get Discord to help him find someone who could. Now the human has a small part of Discord's power and a mission. First, he's got to set up his home.

This story contains Slice of Life, maybe Drama not 100% sure, I'm going to try and work in Romance, Mystery, and Tragedy in later chapters. The slice of life doesn't really appear until past chapter 5.

This story contains profanity in the form of a protag who swears like a sailor. Dark and insensitive humor in the form of making references to world events. In addition to this, the protagonist uses humor as a coping mechanism, so dad jokes beware. Lastly, this story contains violence and gore—not extremely detailed on the gore part, but still warning all you folks. Also, this story will make references to many media franchises like Fallout, Star Wars, Titanfall, MHA, and The Hunger Games. Mainly Fallout and Titanfall. Due to the main setting being an underground facility based on those of Fallout and many mentions and appearances of things like Titans, Jumpkits, and Titanfall Weapons. These aren’t full-fledged crossovers of worlds, only equipment, vehicles, and possibly the design of characters. Finally, there will be a wide variety of military equipment, including small arms, artillery, ground, sea, and air vehicles, referenced in this fanfic. History nerds unite.

My goal is to upload at least one chapter per week unless I hit a severe case of writer’s block.

The goal of this story is to be an introduction to me as a writer and the world of the Keeper. I hope to learn a great deal from this short fanfic, so please leave your feedback, both positive and negative. Just keep it constructive. I’ve waited long enough; it's time to see how you like it. Plus, if you don’t like this story in particular, Janon is kind of a side character, so you can still enjoy the expansive world of The Keeper without reading it. Just know you’re destined to find something you like in the world of The Keeper, and if not, suggestions are always welcome.

Before you ask, the cover is an AI-generated image edited by me.

1 - This is not my bed

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I wake up flat on my back. The ground is cold against my back much different from the warm embrace of my sleeping. The sun beats down on my face between the leaves of an overhead as I slowly open my eyes. The sky is a purplish color with not a cloud in sight.

I rise to my feet and I look around at my surroundings. “Okay, this is not where I went to sleep,” the forest is thick and full of weeping trees with low-hanging branches and thick spiked vines hanging off them. In the distance, I can barely make out a cave that blends almost perfectly with the surroundings. It only seems to be a few miles away.

I glance down at my self, “At least I have my clothing, that’s always a plus,” I pat myself down to check what all I have in the pockets of my coat. Some people have a signature shirt or hat but I have my jacket. I lay eyes upon something in the distance that makes my heart drop. On the top of a large mountain lays Canterlot.

The realization dawns on me. “Well, shit.” I’ve been transported to Equestria with all my memories. Not only that but I have a full timeline of Equestira’s history in my pocket. It was an orange folder I referred to as ‘the sacred text’. It was meant as a joke I would start reading it when people were being rude or disrespectful, which was rare simply due to me being unconditionally nice to people.

I begin talking to myself, “Okay I see three possibilities, maybe more for how this ends. One, I die trying to reach that cave, it looks like it’s night and a manticore or pack of timberwolves would end my life quickly. Two I survive reaching the cave and make contact with the ponies which could in any number of possibilities. Imprisonment, being seen as a future-knowing Messiah, or just as a weird bipedal dude. The Princesses could also capture me and fearing for the safety of their ponies lock me away in the dungeons to rot away. Hell, they could send me to Tartarus.” I shake my head knowing now is not the time to worry about that. “Not, now before anything I need to find shelter, and currently that cave is the only shelter I see. It’s only a few miles, time for me to put the 5k training to good use. This is going to be no different from my other runs.” I quickly take off toward the cave jumping over logs, dodging low-hanging branches and vines as the caves slowly gets closer. Now at the cave, I finally get a good look at its entrance. It almost perfectly blends into the surroundings as if someone put it here. It almost looks like the entrance to a mine. Spooky, but it’s still better than sleeping outside plus it’s not like anything bigger than a human could fit in it. I walk into the cave, and a long corridor greets my eyes. Definitely not natural. It’s a solid 3 meters wide and equally tall. As I continue down the corridor it ends at a sharp corner leading to a large open chamber. A chamber which conveniently contains all my lifely possessions.

I look around the room in the middle of the chamber is a desk with my PC and laptop resting on it. Near the rear left wall is my bed a sleeping bag on it. Opposite it is a bookshelf filled to the brim with books, a vast collection of encyclopedias mostly on technology with a focus on weapons of war and history. In the closest corner to my right lay my collection of axes, swords, and sticks cause every man needs a good collection of sticks. “Okay, what the fuck.” I quickly connect the dots in my mind as to who did this, the only being capable of doing this and the only being shortsighted enough to do it. With all my annoyance I shout his name loud enough it echoes off the chamber walls, “DISCORD!”

I hear a pop to my left followed by a whoosh of air, “Yes?” I quickly turn to the face voice. The Draconequus in question floating beside me on his back. A pair of sunglasses rest on his eyes and in his paw is an umbrella drink. His expression is that of someone who sees no wrongdoing.

My hands rest on my waist and my face is that of annoyance, “Why in the fuuck, did you teleport both me and my lifely possession to Equus?”

Discord floats right in front of me, a large Cheshire cat-like smile on his face, a smile that goes all the way to his eyes. “simmple my friend, it’s too peaceful in Equestria right no. It’s in diirre need of some chaos.”

At this point, I’m pissed my face morphs into that of great annoyance, “So you bring me to Equestria. Dropping me smack right into the Everfree Forest to make things more interesting.”

Discord lets out an ‘Aha’ summoning some fireworks as he falls back with a clap of his hands. “Now you’re getting it.”

Yeah, no that’s not going to work.” I say with a deadpan not amused in the slightest. “Please send me back.”

“About that…” Discord chuckles nervously shrinking into a smaller him, “I can’t”

My head snaps to the smaller Discord, “The hell you mean you can’t” I look at him with a glare able to stop a manticore dead, “You bring me someone who has enough knowledge of Equestria to make the Royal Sisters seem uninformed and more knowledge on world-changing tech than even the top scientists on this planet and expect me to have any desire to stay.” My hands move as I speak conveying my emotions in ways words fail to. “They could have me killed or lock me in a dungeon for future insight only visiting when they need knowledge of future events. Even if I hide in this cave and its surrounding forest I could end up dying from any of the hundreds of dangerous creatures and flora.”

Discord lets out a sigh. “I can’t send you back, even If I wanted. I simply summoned a random human.” He pauses putting a claw to his face. “The only way you can get home is to either make contact with the princesses or Cosmos Chronicles,” Discord says with an unexpectedly regretful gaze. A gaze that’s focused on the floor him seeming to second guess his actions.

It takes me a second to process the information my face shooting to his as I register the name ‘Cosmos Chronicles’. “Hold up, Cosmos, as in Cosmos of the Bayhillian Commonwealth?”

“Yes, that Cosmos, not the Draconequus.” Discord summons a map of Equus and points to the Ignis Islands roughly 300km off the coast of Seaddle, West of Canterlot and Ponyville.

“Okay, that means that isn’t the Mlp from the show but the Mlp from the Keeper, that fanfic I was going to write.” My voice is filled with uncertainty. I run all the possibilities through my head, trying to account for as many variables as I can. “Has the Commonwealth revealed itself yet?”

“No, the Commonwealth is still watching from the shadows, quietly observing the planet. It’ll be a while before they reveal themselves as the Storm King hasn’t conquered the Hippogriffs yet.” Discord opens a tiny window to Bayhill, the Commonwealth’s capital. The walled city is bustling with life creatures of all types roaming the sideways as automobiles drive on the roads. Both ships and airships are docked at the city harbor. Neoclassical buildings line the streets alongside trees and street lights. The city itself is surrounded by a massive heavily defended wall that’d make Shiganishina jealous. The equally massive coastal guns that dot the wall would make Batmunkh Gompa jealous, turrets filling in the gaps between coastal guns.

“Okay, so that makes my life slightly less stressful.” I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Knowing I’m not in an Equestria currently on its way to a triple whammy. You see, an Equestria in its Industrial Age is very different from an Equestria in its Technological Revolution. One is trying to figure out steam engines and the other has spaceships. “Okay, has Tirek attacked yet?”

“Tirek is going to attack?” Discord says unaware of this.

“I’ll take that as a no. Here’s the plan: it’s something like 1000 km from here to the Commonwealth and 60 km to Canterlot. So since you brought me here, against my will, while I was sleeping, you, my friend, are going to help me.” I say making it very clear he was going to help me.

Discord waves his arms defensively “What! That’s absurd” the mere mention of helping me seems to offend him.

“Think of how much chaos my journey will cause. I think it would be a mutually beneficial agreement. I get protection and you get a healthy increase of chaos.” I know it’s an offer he can’t refuse after all who is the lord of chaos to refuse such a chaotic offer?

Discord grows back to his original size and looks to be thinking over my offer placing his lion paw to his chin thoughtfully. “What would this arrangement entail?”

“Nothing much, you just make a weaker clone of yourself in the form of an inanimate object to assist me with my plan.” I pause for a moment to think about what object it would take the form of. “A watch would work. It wouldn’t draw much attention plus having a watch would be useful. It’d be neuro-linked to me so I don’t have to say my requests out loud simply think about it and it appears.”

Discord lets out a sigh accepting the deal. “Fine, that seems fair enough. This will also allow for me to keep tabs on you as well.” he snaps his eagle claw and summons a metal watch, nothing too fancy but still classy. The watch in question floats to my wrist locking with a click.

“For simplicity’s sake, I’ll refer to this as Datch.” Even in this weakened state, I can feel its power, It feels as if I can warp anything I want. “I’m going to set up the fort. Once I’m settled in I’ll wait for the natives to stumble upon me before making contact. Let them find me not the other way around.” I reach down, adjusting the watch to a more comfortable position and tightness.

Discord raises an eyebrow, “I feel like I should clarify a few things. Datch does not possess its own consciousness it’s simply a small amount of my power. It can have about 5 reality-bending rules active at once. Additionally, it can only make a dozen summons summons each day. These summons can be one thing or batches of things.”

“Okay, that makes sense. I plan on using Datch quite a lot it’ll be very help being able to literally will things into existence and it’s the easiest way to get more complex things.” I say as I glance down at the watch.

Discord nods slowly, “Just remember power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“Trust me, I’ll use the power responsibly for every action, there is an equal and opposite action.” I walk to my bookshelf glancing at the books.

“So this operates like New Order from MHA mixed with a genie?”

“Yes, the rules you impose are like that of this New Order. You must know the name of what you’re making a rule on.” Discord says as he summons a pen and writes down all do’s and don’ts.

“Should be too difficult to manage.” I quickly come up with a test rule. “So for example, new rule, Janon has peak human strength.” I begin to grow in both height and build. Gone was the tall and lanky man replaced by a ripoff of Senator Armstrong minus the football experience and sense of patriotism.

“Yes, as you can see that’s a valid rule, and it’s worked. If the rule isn’t valid it’ll send a slight shock to notify you. Also, that’s the first I’ve heard your name so hello, Janon.”

“Oh, right my bad,” I say as I reach my hand out and scratch the back of my head. “I forgot to mention it, sorry.”

“It’s fine, didn’t expect you to tell me at all, at least not today.” Discord shrugs, “I’m sorry for displacing you. Especially here.”
“Hey, you’re making good on it. I’m honestly surprised you agreed to this. Fluttershy must be rubbing off on you.”

Discord chuckles and glances at an invisible clock. “Speaking of Fluttershy I should probably get going I don’t want to be late for my tea time with her.”

“Yeah, see you around, Discord. Come back in a few days to check up on me. Make sure I’m not dead.” I say my hand outstretched for a handshake.

“See you around, Janon,” Discord says as he grabs my hand in his eagle claw and shakes it before teleporting away.

I walk outside the cave and face the entrance “New rule, the entrance to this cave and all subsequent entrances are hidden to all except those I deem worthy.” A faint shimmer of light engulfs the entrance as if a forcefield now blocks it. With the entrance now hidden I walk back down to the chamber, “Now let’s get to business,” I summon a few books, Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Fallout One, The Hunger Games, History of the United States, and a few others. “Step one, begin construction of the Ark.”

2 - Now I have a new bed

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32000 feet in the sky, a large flying winged aircraft looks over Equestria. The crew in their flying fortress observe their target. A human, the sole human on the planet Equus, an anomaly. Something not even the wise Cosmos Chronicles could foresee. Inside the aircraft, the pilot Master Sergeant Downward Pitch, and his copilot, Staff Sergeant Steady Hooves, man the controls. The quiet hum of the craft's four propellers fills the cockpit.

The door to the cockpit opens and a gray thestral mare walks in. “Senior Airpony Tailored Aperture here to deliver a status report.”

Downward turns his head to the mare, his headset hitting the headrest. “Let’s hear it, Aperture.”

“All of the cameras are working correctly. We have a clear feed on the human. Hopefully, this will give us some answers,” the mare answers, not wanting to disappoint Cosmos. Not that he’s cruel or anything when one fails him, he's just someone one feels guilty about failing. Doesn’t help they’re in the latest state-of-the-art aircraft for bombing and reconnaissance, a RB-75 "Watcher".

“Good to hear.” Pitch reaches a hoof out and flips the switch to his microphone. Its light flashes red as a static sound fills the aircraft before he speaks. “Keep up the good work everyone. Only an hour more of this, then we can report back to the BNV Ignis.”

“Yes, sir,” the crew shouts over the plane's engines. They’re ready to head home after this seven-hour flight. It was a 618 km flight from Bayhill to Canterlot and another 618 km the other way. Thankfully, they’ll be landing at the BNV Ignis, cutting an hour off of their journey.

“So, what are the cameras picking up?” Downward asks through his headset mic once again, looking up at his mirror that lets him see the back of the aircraft.

“The thermal imaging is picking up a lot more than one human. I count at least two dozen. One is our target, and another is bucking huge. At least 12 feet tall,” Filtered Lens replies through her headset, looking up from her camera feed. The screen shows all the humanoids working together to build some sort of underground complex. It has a large open central room with living quarters on either side and on the second level. Near the entrance of the cave is a large gear-like door four yards thick separating it from the outside world. The place seems heavily under construction, with scaffolding littering the center room.

“24 humans? Plus a human giant. How is that possible?” Downward says, bewildered by the revelation, failing to understand how 23 more humans appeared in a single day.

“I have six bits saying everyone’s favorite chaos god had something to do with this,” Steady Hooves answers, pulling six bits from her pocket.

Tailor groans. “That’s because he’s the only chaos god. Tartarus, I’d rather the human be a chaos god, and I’ve never even interacted with him.” Just as she finishes her sentence, the other humanoids disappear, leaving just two: their target and the giant. “What the buck just happened?” She says, stunned by the turn of events.

“It appears the human has his own magic. Someone turn on their magic spectrometers and find out what type of magic it is,” Downward orders, quickly wanting answers before the magic fades.

Filtered Lens, a sapphire-blue pegasus, quickly switches from thermals to the spectrometer. “This can’t be right. The human is emitting faint amounts of Chaos magic. It’s most concentrated on his wrist. How is this possible? Only Discord has access to such power.”

“It appears he made a deal with Discord,” Downward mutters under his breath. “Looks like you got your human chaos god after all, Tailored.”

“Flying pony feathers.” Tailored sighs, not amused that her sarcastic remark became a reality.

“Anyways. It’s been two hours. Fuel’s getting low. We need to head back to the BNV Ignis,” Downward says, glancing at the fuel gauge.

Steady Hooves turns to him. “Are you sure that’s wise? Considering the human’s newly discovered magical powers.”

Downward turns to face the mare. “He’s likely had them the entire time, and seeing how he’s been here three weeks without issue, it can wait. Plus, we don’t have the fuel or authority to do anything besides our mission. We’ve collected valuable data during our two hours of monitoring the human. Now it’s our mission to land at the BNV Ignis and give that data to our analysts for proper study.”

“I trust your judgment.” Steady Hooves turns back, facing forward. “Let’s head to the Ignis.”

“With grace,” Downward replies with a nod. The aircraft turns and heads east, beginning its flight 120 km beyond the Seaddle coast. The flight to the carrier is a quiet one, the only sound being the quiet hum of the propellers at the rear of the aircraft. It’s an hour and a half before they see the carrier in the distance. Over time, they’d reduced their altitude to only 12000 feet. During their over 300 km journey, they flew over Canterlot, Ponyville, countless other settlements, and, most recently, Seaddle.

The BNV Ignis is a large, truly massive ship. 200 feet long and 300 feet wide. It was modeled after a human concept vessel, the Project Habakkuk. The main difference is that this one was made of steel, iron, and other metals, not pykrete. It was the largest carrier in the Commonwealth’s fleet and the only one capable of launching full-sized heavy bombers like the Watcher. As they approach, Downward flips the switch for his microphone. “BNV Ignis Tower, Bravo Alpha, Whiskey, 1, 3, 1, 10 km southeast at 3,000, inbound for landing.”

“BAW131, cleared to land. Maintain heading of 278.”

“Clear to land, BAW131.” Downward switches his microphone off and guides the plane down with practiced ease, the tire screeching as the plane grinds to a halt. The Carrier’s .61 km runway makes the landing quite easy. “Okay, fillies and gentle-colts, the field trip is over. Head to debrief so we can get this show over,” Downward says, unbuckling his harness and making his way out of the aircraft and onto the large runway, the others following close behind.

“Okay, Frank, you’ve got this,” I say to the 12-foot-tall behemoth of a clone standing before me. I modeled him off of Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2 minus the Exclave connections. Leaving me with a 12-foot-tall 2-ton juggernaut that can do just about any construction work I need done. Plus like all clones, he has a natural liking toward me so I don’t have to worry about him snapping me in half. Granted he’s still a little slow in the head but once he’s down with his lesson he’ll be up with the rest of them. Currently, he’s moving a few containers of weapons into the armory. This facility was designed with people of his stature in mind; all ceilings are upwards of 30 feet tall, and doorways are 20 feet tall, I’d rather them be too tall than too short.

Sooner or later this vault will be fully staffed. I just need the other two batches of clones to finish. The first two went flawlessly, granted I did only 22 clones, not 24. Nevertheless, I have twenty-two clones with entirely unique personalities and appearances, only clones in name and nothing else. Only reason I call them clones is because they all use the same DNA base, just heavily modified for each individual. Once the rest of the clones are done I’ll have a full complement of guards, kitchen staff, receptionists, doctors, and other facility staff. For now, we need to actually finish the vault. I’d say on a rough estimate it’s about 35% finished. The main area is about 85% finished, the only fully finished sections are my room, the reception area, and the rooms for the first two batches of clones.

I’ll be sure to give Discord a tour when he comes back. Show him how I’ve been using his powers. It’s been at least 3 weeks since he brought me here and I’ve used it well. Currently, I’m in the main chamber of my massive underground facility. It’s a large open area meant for eating, socializing, and general daily activities. On either side near the back and front of the chamber is a set of stairs leading to the second level. Both levels have living quarters for residents. I have plans to expand downward if the need arises but currently, I have 100 rooms, 50 for each level. For now, I need a break. Lately, I’ve been staying up for days at a time. Definitely not healthy. I summon all 22 clones of the first two batches.

I turn to the clones and speak up, “Okay, you know what to do.”

“What do you want us to do, Sir?” One of the clones asks, a short one, with long dirty blonde hair that goes down her neck and blue eyes. She’s wearing an outfit straight out of the Renaissance white long-sleeve shirt with black leggings and a light gray skirt dress. I call her Lucy, she liked the name.

“Live just relax. You are on equal grounds as I. Also when I blip you out of reality what happens? Does it just go black or something else?”

“No, we end up in some sort of field. It has a large ranch-style house on it so we kinda just moved in there.” Answers another clone, this one looks like a true-blooded American. He has long brown hair and a goatee. He’s wearing a plaid shirt, and blue jeans and has gray eyes. I named him Jack. Funny enough he agreed to it but asked for a splitting ax so he could be Jack the Lumberjack.

“Want me to make like a doorway so you guys can travel to and from as you please? It would be much of an issue.” I ask the crowd of clones wanting their honest opinions. They’re people too no less than me.

“I think a watch would work better than a doorway. Have it so when we turn the knob on the side it transports us there.” Answers a clone, he looks like someone from the 1910s. Short black hair, and a small trimmed mustache, he has hazel eyes and is wearing a striped vest with a bowtie. On his head rests a bowler hat and in a pocket a handkerchief. He named himself Alfred, and who was I to disagree? If DC has taught me anything it’s Alfred is a kickass name.

“Great idea. Then we’d match. Any objections?” I look around the room seeing none and decide it’s safe to say everyone is on board with the idea. “Okay, 22 watches coming up. Your watch will have your initials on it.” I summon a box of 22 watches each stylized for its recipient. Jack’s is a durable metal watch with a compass on its strap. The Everfree is a maze and you don’t want to get lost there. Lucy’s is a Silver watch with a closing lid perfect for someone of her taste. Alfred’s watch is a gold pocket watch with a chain so he can attach it to wherever he wants. I figured he’d want a pocket watch seems like that kind of gentleman. As everyone grabs their watches and clicks them on I hear heavy footsteps.

“Where’s Frank’s watch?” Frank looks around seeing a severe lack of watch for his 12-foot frame.

“I didn’t forget about you. I just have to summon yours separately due to it being vastly different from the others.” I summon Frank’s watch. It’s summoned on top of the table as opposed to the box itself for obvious reasons. The head of the watch is bigger than my head. It’s solid metal construction and function-focused design catching Frank’s values wonderfully. Thing probably weighs 50 lbs too.

“Thanks, Janon,” Frank says, grabbing the watch as if it weighs nothing and clicking it to his wrist.

“My pleasure. Now pick your rooms. Also, Frank, you can pick any room they’ll all fit you.” I turn around. “I’m going to get some much-needed rest. By the Gods I need it.” I walk away heading up the backstairs into the overseer’s office.

As I enter the office I am greeted by a desk with my laptop, Athena on it on the left of Athena lies a stack of notes regarding the vault, a lamp for reading said notes, and office supplies for making more notes and on the right is a mouse pad and mouse. Behind my desk is a painting of the cave’s entrance before I began the construction of the facility. I just realized it needs a name, eh that’s a problem for another day. On either side of the painting against the wall is a bookshelf. The left bookshelf is filled with books on various topics relevant to the function and construction of the vault. The bookshelf on the right is filled with photograph frames. So far only four are being used. One shows a group photo of the first batch of clones, the second photo is another group photo instead of the second batch, the third picture is a group photo of both the second and first batch and the fourth is a photo including both batches and Frank. This is nice. It’s nice to be a part of a community however weird it is. To my left is the door to my room. I walk to the door and open it.

My room greets my eyes. Inside my room in the back corner is my bed, my sleeping bag resting on it zipped up. Across from the bed on the right is another desk. Under the desk is my computer, Ares. On the desk is my 27-inch curved monitor, keyboard, mouse pad and mouse, Xbox One, and a few books on random topics. Somehow Equestria has the Internet, likely due to Discord. I have an Internet Router on my bookshelf and another on the left bookshelf in my office. On the wall in front of my bed is another bookshelf filled with my personal collection of books with one difference; this one also has a dresser for clothing including shirts. My bed has cabinets under it for miscellaneous items. Beside the bookshelf in the floor there is a hidden cabinet for my personal weapons, well the heavier ones. Typically I just roll with my revolver and armor, damn revolver shoots 12.7x55 so it typically does the trick. Anyway now to the reason why I came here, sleep. Deactivating the “I’m Buff” rule I unzip my sleeping bag and flop onto my bed for some much-needed sleep.

3 - Just a short expedition

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I wake up at 0800. It's been six weeks since I arrived. Quickly I get dressed for today in my fatigues as we are heading on an expedition outside. The fatigues were a black camo. We designed them for hiding in the shadows of the forest. Which thankfully were plentiful. Over my black T-shirt, I put on a black coat. Not my coat, a military coat. Personal one won't fit in my empowered form. This coat has exterior pockets and goes to my knees. I button up the coat and grab my vest. The vest is custom-made and capable of stopping .50 caliber rounds downside is that it weighs at least 40 pounds. Frank's armor can shrug off 30mm rounds so mine is a downsized version of it. Strapping on my vest and other body armor pieces I am now covered head to toe in armor not like I'm going to get shot at but it's nice to be prepared. I reach out my hand grab my jump kit and tighten it around my midsection. Finally, I grab my helmet. Its head flickers on as I place it on my head.

“Greetings Pilot reestablishing neuralink to Titan…connection reestablished.” The helmet's AI rings out before getting replaced by the voice of my Titan. I won't be embarking, him today but he’s one of my failsafes. Plus his sensors are extremely helpful.

“Greetings, DT9852. We are heading on an expedition outside. You are to stay at a distance and watch over us as we journey into the forest.” DT9852 is a custom Titan of my design. He resembles a Destroyer class Titan with some major differences. Instead of a shoulder-mounted charge gun, he has a Plasma Railgun on his shoulder. In addition to this, he has a Mual, a big ass hammer, and a Predator Cannon. In addition to the gun shield of the Predator, he has energy shielding and a void shield. Joshua, Albert, and Hammond helped design this custom war machine. The members of the expeditionary security each have their own, but they are primarily construction and agriculture titans using guns. DT on the other hand is a heavy Titan weighing in at about 53 tons prioritizing armor and firepower over mobility. Granted he’s still no slouch but certainly slower than the ATs and CTs. Typically I have him sit in the distance and use his Plasma Railgun to fire powered shots at attackers.

“Roger that, Pilot.” While I can't see him directly I can tell he's walking down the underground tunnel to the outside just by the vibrations he causes with each step.

Having dealt with that I grab my Rsh-12 revolver and holster it to my hip. Turning to my bookshelf I flip a switch and a section of the floor begins to rise. My personal collection of weapons. As it fully deploys I grab my rifle. It's actually a minigun modified to be a rifle. Still functions the same way just with the addition of a stock, pistol grip, and conventional trigger with a guard. It's based on an XR338 minigun and weighs 80 lbs. I call it the RM338. It's a hefty gun but it packs a heavy punch. For today's expedition, I don't see anything big happening so it's currently in its 800 rpm mode with ammunition for 45 seconds of continuous firing in my backpack which I put on before slinging the rifle to my back over the bag. The bag also holds other supplies for the expedition but DT and the others hold most of the supplies. I'll meet with them at the armory. Out of the 46 clones, only 10 come on expeditions. They form the expeditionary security force which consists of Jack, George, Anne, Joshua, Grant, William, Mcgraw, Laguna, Marcus, and of course Frank. We just call it the EF for short. My walk to the armory is a short one, I greet Alfred and Lucy on my way there.
“Morning Alfred.”

“Good morning, sir.” He says with a shallow bow.

“Morning Lucy.”

“And what a fine morning it is.” She waves with a smile.

As I arrive at the Armory I find the EF all geared up in their armor and jumpkits. Jack notices my arrival and looks up.

“Good morning, sir, What’s the plan?” He asks holstering his 1911.

“Nothing much, just another exploration mission. Today we are looking for this.” I hold up a photo of a destroyed castle. “It’s called the Castle of the Two Sisters. It’s the old Castle to the Royal Sisters.”

“What do we plan on finding there?” Joshua asks fixing the cross necklace on his neck.

“Hopefully nothing. I’m just wanting to see if anything is different.” I answer knowing it’s a little different than the usual mission. “We’ll still collect food and supplies as we go.”

“Roger that.” Grant gives one last check around the room to his comrades. “We’re ready when you are.”

“Then let’s get going.” We take little time heading to the reception area. “Morning, Pluff.” I greet her with a smile.

“Morning, Janon. Heading out on another expedition I see”

“That we are.”

“Well then let me get that door open to the outside.” She says typing in a few commands into her terminal. “I’ll open the door once you reach it.”

I nod, “Thank you. Pluff.” As we walk up the corridor to the ramp William approaches me.

“So have you ever made contact with any sapient natives of this world?” He asks knowing this world has some form of civilization.

“No, I’ve been holding off on it. Something’s telling me they’ll make contact with me when they’re ready.” I answer knowing someone besides Discord has been watching me. Not only that but I have a pretty good idea who, Cosmos is or at least the Commonwealth is.

“Makes sense. Don’t want to startle them. I doubt they have anything like this.” William says lifting his rifle. It’s a fully automatic electromagnetic assault rifle. Something the Commonwealth probably doesn’t, hopefully, doesn’t have.

“They don’t. They have magic and basic pre-musket firearms.” I add as we approach the door. A large drill-like machine slid to the large gear-like door unscrewing its internal locks. The sound of various moving parts fills the room. The four yard thick door is pulled forward by the machine before being rolled out of the way. The forest greets our eyes; it's weirdly both a calming and sinister sight. We step out of the vault and the door closes behind us with a loud hiss.

“Okay let’s get moving, the target is Southeast of here. It’s in a clearing, hard to miss it.” I say leading the way through the forest my RM338 shouldered and DT watching in the distance for any threats.

“This damn forest doesn’t get any less freaky,” Laguna says with a groan as she trudges through the mud and water.

“Reminds me of back in the colonies. Had to trudge through waist-deep mud one time.” George says not bothered by it at all.

Jack stops mid-step and turns to George, “Wait colonies? What colonies?”

“The United Colonies. Well, the United States.” He answers walking past the man.

“Hey, Janon!” Jack yells out running to keep up. “Is George based on George Washington? I mean I know you based the second batch on famous people and characters.”

“No, technically he’s a combination of like twenty George’s throughout the first 150 years of America’s existence,” I answer before stopping and raising my hand gesturing for the others to stop.

“What is it?” Marcus asks, suddenly nervous, aiming his rifle in front of him.

“I heard somethi–” Before I have a chance to finish a manticore jumps out at the man. Not having a chance to react, the creature slaps the man into a tree. Branches falling off the tree from the impact. I let go of my RM338, its sling keeps it on my side. My hand flies to my waist and unholsters my Rsh-12 and I fire a single shot directly into the Manticore’s skull. Not even giving it a chance to yelp in pain. The others quickly move their way to Marcus forming a perimeter around the man.

Laguna speaks up her voice calm and collected despite the situation, “His heart isn’t beating.”

Not turning around her I ask, “Have you tried resuscitating him?” My voice was calm as well but still a hint of worry sneaking through. We all were on edge.
“He’s dead. Fucker caved in his skull.” She says her voice now conveying the loss. I don’t answer, instead firing another round into the manticore’s skull. Joshua walks to Marcus’s body and blesses it.

“I wish thee safe passage to the afterlife. Ol’ Ancient One please grant my friend safe passage to the stars. Let him sleep at last. For he deserves every second of it” The priest says a tear rolling down his cheek.

“God DAMNIT!” I yell out “DT, get over here we got a man down. 1 KIA.”

“Roger that,” DT says as he quickly dashes here. “Maintaining perimeter,” He says his minigun faces one direction and his shoulder railgun faces the other scanning the surroundings.

“Grab him and let’s head back. We’ve lost enough in this hell hole. I’ll summon a drone or something to scout instead.” My voice shows the loss has taken a toll on me.

As DT grabs Marcus’s lifeless corpse we hear a branch snap, all of us quickly turn to face the direction the sound came from our weapons following. DT’s railgun aimed at the source as well. A fog covers the source of the sound. The quiet hum of our Gauss rifles and DT’s railgun fills the forest as they charge up.

The fog fades revealing Discord with a look of panic. “I’m friendly,” he says, his hands flying into the air.

I raise my hand the others quickly discharging their weapons, “Wrong fucking time Discord.”

“What do you mean?” Discord asks clueless about the situation

“We just lost a man out in this hell hole of a forest. Then you just waltz up like nothing happened, that's what happened!” Jack says annoyed by his cluelessness.

“Jack, calm down. We’re all hurting.” I reason in an attempt to defuse the situation. One that seems to work. “We lost Marcus. Manticore caved in his skull.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.” Discord shows a bit of compassion. Perhaps there was more to the Draconequus than just pranks.

“Can you please teleport us to the cave?” I know he can. I just want to know if he’s willing to. “The sooner we get home the better.”

“With pleasure.” Discord teleports us to the cave or at least where it was. “I could have sworn it was here last time.” Discord is confused at the lack of a cave.

Without saying a word the EF walks through the rockface into the cave. Discord following behind. “Clever.” As we approach the door his demeanor shifts. “What is that?” He asks a loud hissing sound fills the room as the door slides back rolling away to reveal the left of the corridor. “Okay big door, nice.” he notices the thickness of the door and comments on it, “Why is it so thick?”

“It’s meant to survive a direct impact from an A-Bomb," Frank answers being the only one not affected by Marcus’s loss.

“A-Bomb? What’s an A-bo–OH!” Discord says realizing what he’s inside, a fallout shelter.

As we enter the reception area Pluff lays eyes on Marcus’s corpse. She begins to sob. They weren’t a thing or anything but they were close friends. “Jack, call the Sickbay and get Sylvester and Ester here ASAP. Tell them it’s to perform transcendence.”

Jack nods and grabs Pluff’s landline, dialing for the sick bay. A few moments later Ester and Sylvester arrive in a rush. Ester says as he enters the room “We came as soon as we could what happe–,” they look at Marcus’s body in DT’s with a solemn look. “Bring him this way DT.”

I nod for DT to follow them and he does. transcendence is the act of ascending to the Ancient One’s realm, a non-material plain of existence for those who’ve earned it. Marcus certainly does.

Discord speaks up again, “So you now have a town down here? It’s been like two weeks.”

“It’s been two months.” I quickly respond, slightly annoyed at him for not visiting up until now.

“Oh…my bad,” he responds with less confidence.

“But yes, I have room for 100 occupants. Not a lot but if I were to expand downward it could hold upwards of a few thousand.” I answer proud of how I’ve used his gift.

“I feel like I made a good decision accepting your deal,” Discord says a smile forming on his mouth.

“How about a tour?” I ask as I gesture toward the map of the facility.

“That sounds wonderful.” Discord answers

I turn to the EF, “You’re all dismissed. Jack tell me when they have Marcus ready for transcendence.”

“Will do,” Jack responds the others disperse and likely want to forget today's events.

Cosmos walked through the Ancient One’s realm. Technically it was the Ancient One’s mind which is different from where those of transcendence go to. Those who transcend go to Babtua. It’s a shapeless realm taking the form of wherever the person thought they’d end up going. Granted for those who believed they’d go to hell or some hellish realm, the Ancient One would search their mind to find where they deep down wished to go. Cosmos is currently in Cientan, the realm where Hestia, Keepers, and Curators go to have meetings with one another. Cosmos was heading to a meeting with Faust and the Ancient One.

“Hello, my child,” the Ancient One booms. His form currently is that of a pony. He took the form of whatever lifeform he was meeting with due to his true form being the size of galaxies.

“Hello, Father,” Cosmos says with a slight bow. One the Ancient One doesn’t approve of.

“What did I say about bowing?”

“Not to do it.”

“And yet you still do.”

“It’s in their nature,” Faust says as she walks toward the pair.

“I know that,” the Ancient One responds with a sigh. “After the first thousand years, it got old and after a few billion years it’s just annoying. You are of equal standing to me. Same for all life. That is how the Architect taught me and how I teach you.”

“It's a habit,” Cosmos responds. “Most of the time it’s safer to bow than not to.”

“Agreed,” Faust says with a nod.

“Anyways to the topic of the meeting. Janon.” Cosmos opens a viewing window to Equus. Showing Janon currently giving Discord a tour of his underground facility. “How do we proceed?”

“That is a very good question.” the Ancient One says and summons a tea room. “How about we discuss it over a cup of tea.”

“I’m not one to turn down a surely divine cup of tea,” Faust says as she trots to the table and takes a seat.

“Fine by me,” Cosmos says, as he joins the two Hestia at the table.

4 - Why thanks Cosmos

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Cosmos leaves the meeting knowing what he must do. “It’s now or never.” He says his horn lights up and he teleports out of Cientan and back to his office in Bayhill. The unicorn walks to his landline and calls his secretary, Ebony Moon to his office.

“Is there something you need Cosmos?” She asks shortly after arriving in the room.

“I’m heading to Equestria. Faust, me, and the Ancient One have come to a decision on how to deal with the human.” Cosmos says as he grabs his sword and shotgun holstering them to his sides. He then grabs his great coat and slips it over his body.

“You’re not going to kill him are you?” She asks with a raised brow.

“No, when you reach my age you realize one must be strong enough to be gentle. I am simply the force that moves Equus forward.” He puts on his monocle and feather hat. “I wish for humans and ponies to coexist. Just like how all the races of Equus coexist in the Commonwealth.”

“Then don’t let me waste your time. You have an important mission.”

“I have always had an important mission. This is simply another side quest.” Cosmos says teleporting away covering the distance from Bayhill to Janon’s facility in a single spell.

It had been a week or two since I’d given Discord a tour of the facility. I and the others decided on a name finally. The Ark. I think it is a fitting name for us. It's the only safe place on this planet. Everfree Forest is too unpredictable and we’re still waiting for the ponies to stumble upon us. At the moment I’m getting dressed, well buttoning on my shirt and putting on my glasses. Conveniently when I transform my glasses grow to fit my larger form so I don’t need multiple pairs. I grab my revolver off the bookshelf dresser combo and holster it to my hip. My sports coat conceals it well. Inside my sports coat on the left side was a Ka-bar. This was my daily. I don't expect to need either one but it is better safe than dead. I hear some commotion inside coming from the central chamber. I leave my room and quickly head that way. I’m greeted by the sight of a unicorn surrounded by the security team.

“The hell is going on here?” I shout out getting their attention and all of them turn to face me.

“This unicorn teleported inside here. He says his name is Cosmos Chronicle and that he wanted to speak to you.” Replies William in a tone that is both serious and confused.

“That is correct. I have arrived at last. We’ve been watching you.” Cosmos says as he steps forward toward me.

“I know you’ve been watching me. Figured the Commonwealth was watching me the second Discord mentioned your existence. But you’re not talking about the Commonwealth, you're talking about the Ancient One and Faust.” I answer with a knowing tone. I knew this would likely happen, that's why I never made contact with the residents of Ponyville or Canterlot.

“I knew Discord brought you here. Twilight stopped her transdimensional experiments after I asked Faust to tell her to stop them. Luna and Celestia know the results of summoning creatures from other dimensions so it wasn’t them. That left only Me and Discord. I have a long categorized list of all my summons so that leaves only Discord.” Cosmos says as if anyone but me and him knew what he was talking about.

“So what have you come to talk about?” I ask, honestly I want this to end as quickly as possible.

“Simple, just one question. Have you made contact with any of the natives?” He asks, already knowing the answer.

“No, I was waiting for them to stumble upon this facility,” I answer quickly. I could tell he knew the answer before asking. He was planning something but what?

“I figured as much. That’s why I am here. To Ponyville you go.” He says his horn glowing a faint sandy brown.

“Wait, wha-” I say before I get teleported right into the Golden Oak Library “That Motherfucker.” I say looking around the library. Thankfully it’s empty and I haven't seemed to disrupt any of the books. “DT, how far away am I from you?” I had Ester surgically put a device in my brain that’d allow me to contact DT without my helmet being one for situations like this.

“20 clicks away sir. It seems you’ve been teleported to Ponyville, the Golden Oak Library,” DT responds in his monotonous robotic voice.

“No shit, I realized that one real quick,” I answer pissed off beyond belief. Why isn't there anywhere to hide in this god-blasted library? I’m going to look like an ape burglar if I don’t find a place to hide. Oh, wait, I have an idea.

5 - Encounters and revelations

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Twilight had just finished a picnic with her friends at the lake. It went nice, a good change of pace from the non-stop adventures lately. Even so, she still can’t wait to get back to the library. She’s going to reorganize the entire library, it’ll probably take all day but that was the plan. As she approaches the door something feels off. As if someone or something is watching her. Shaking her head she says, “Probably Pinkie.” She opens the door and is greeted by a large bipedal figure. The figure is large, maybe even taller than Celestia herself. It was like nothing she’d ever seen before. She knew one thing. It was sitting at her table, in her home, her library like it owned the place. Something was not right.

“Uhhh…Hello?” She asks, not wanting to startle the creature.

Not turning around I answer, “Sup, Twilight.”

She takes a step back, “How’d you know my name? I never told you that.”

“You’re the only pony who lives in this library?” I say turning to face her. My face says, "Are you stupid?”

“Oh, yeah. Forgot about that.” She says surprisingly calm about this whole ordeal. “So why are you here?”

“I got fucking teleported here,” I answer with a voice full of annoyance.

“I meant inside the library.” She asks clarifying her question.

“I was teleported here. About 2 and a half months ago I was teleported to Equus by Discord. I’ve been living here ever since.” I answer in a neutral tone in hopes of not offending the newest pony princess of Equestria.

“You’ve been living here for months now? How hasn’t anyone stumbled upon you yet?” She asks now both confused and intrigued.

“I’ve been living in the Everfree Forest,” I answer coldly, my voice not hiding the horrors I’ve seen.

“The Everfree Forest? How, Zecora might live there but she’s lived there for decades.” She asks partially impressed and slightly concerned.

“Right now, I just want to get home,” I answer plainly, my voice devoid of emotion.

“Doesn’t surprise me. I would too. You’ve been dropped into an unknown world filled with unknown history and magical creatures.” She answers, her ears fall flat as she takes a seat across from me.

“No, I meant back to where I live in the Everfree,” I answer quickly and look out of the window toward where the forest is.

“Why’d you want to return there?” She asks curious as to why I’d want to return to such a dangerous place.

“That’s where my home is?” I respond looking at her with a deadpan. “You know like all my life possessions and shit?”

“I could probably teleport you there if you want. How far away is it?”

“It’s 20 kilometers away from here. So 12.4 miles. I don’t know what units you ponies use.”

“Kilometers work fine. I know what they are.” She responds and gets up from her seat. “Want me to teleport you back?”

“No, my home is underground. If you mess up I’m dead.” I deadpan.

“Hey, I’m very good with magic. That’s why I’m the Element of Magic.” She defends confident in her abilities.

“Yeah I know, Element of Magic and Princess of Friendship, yada yada.”

“I never told you I was a princess.”

“I know a lot about you but let’s not dwell on that,” I respond in an attempt to change the topic.

“Okay…so what are you?” She asks not recognizing my species. “I’m a human.”

“A hou-man?”

“No, a human. Hu-man.”

“A human?”

“There you go.”

“And what is a human?”

“It’s a me, Mario.”

“Huh?” She says walking back to her seat and sitting back down.

“Earth reference you wouldn’t get it.”

“Earth? Is that the name of your homeplanet?”

“Yes, it is. 3rd planet from the Sun.”

“What can you tell me about your world?”

“It is a beautiful hell-hole of a planet. With great mountain ranges and valleys. A new war every week and constant starvation and death.”

“That doesn’t sound like a peaceful planet.”

“I mean when you have 8 billion people on a single planet. It’s only natural.”

“8 billion people!? Equus has a few hundred million at most.”

“Yeah, Earth is heavily populated. Then again it’s also a few hundred years more technologically advanced than this planet.”

“Techno–what now?”

“Technologically advanced, it means how advanced the world’s technology is. My world has planes and spaceships. Your’s from what I know doesn’t.”

“Oh, what’s a spaceship?”

“It’s a large vehicle meant to send objects to space.”

“Interesting, so are you just going to stay here or leave?” She raises her hooves, “Not that I mind. It’s just that there’s a motel in town if you need a place to stay for the night.” She quickly says in a single breath.

“Calm down, I’m not that easy to offend. One moment and I’ll check.” I say standing up and walking to the corner placing my left hand on my ear. “DT, is the EF up to retrieve me?”

“Yes, they’re up for the challenge.”

“Okay tell them to take the Kalyani and head west. Ponyville is 20 clicks west. It’s hard to miss it. Tell them to make sure to wear their standard kit, jumpkits included. They have permission to fire upon anything that appears hostile and doesn’t resemble a four-legged equine.”

“Jack said that’s oddly specific but they are heading out now.” DT says directly through the link “What are my orders?” he asks ready to retrieve his pilot.

“Your orders are to exit the Arc and keep an eye on them. I’m not losing any more people.”

“Roger that, pilot,” DT responds. I turn around back to Twilight.

“You okay? It looked like you were talking to yourself.” She asks, sounding worried.

“I was getting my friends to come and retrieve me. It shouldn’t be long until they arrive. Maybe two hours. They’re 20 clicks out.”

“They must be good friends to trudge through the Everfree to reach you.”

“I mean they are good friends but they aren’t walking. They’re taking an MRAP. It’s a heavily armored vehicle from Earth. Plus they have orders to shoot anything that tries to harm them.”

“You gave them permission to kill!?” Twilight says shocked by the revelation.

“Yes, I did, I’ve already lost one friend due to the Everfree. A manticore took him from me. That was its day. It had a quick death, just like him.” I say solemnly, even though weeks have passed the memory is fresh on my mind.

“I’m sorry for your loss. It must have been difficult.” She says attempting to comfort me.

“I feel more anger than sadness. It shouldn’t have been able to sneak up on us. I still have just to figure out how it did. Maybe it was the fog. That wouldn’t cover the noise though. It doesn’t make sense.” I say still trying to make sense of the events.

“The Everfree is known to have magical fog, so maybe that disrupted your equipment. We’ll likely never know. Remember this, don’t let his memory die.” Twilight says thoughtfully.

“Thank you, Twilight. My name is Janon, I think you’ve earned the right to know.

I touch my ear once more. “DT, tell them not to pull directly into the town. Tell them to stay on the outskirts of the forest.”

“Roger that, pilot. I’ll notify them.” DT responds.

“Thank you, DT,” I say turning to Twilight. “I’m going to take my leave. Follow me if you want.”

“I would like to meet your friend if that’s alright with you,”

“I see no issue with it,” I say standing from my chair. “Do you have like a backdoor or something so I don’t have to walk through Ponyville in broad daylight?”

“Oh, I could teleport the both of us to the outskirts of Ponyville if that’ll work.” She says hopping up from her seat.

“That’ll work,” I say preparing to be teleported, with permission for once. In a flash of light, she teleports the two of us to the outskirts of Ponyville.

“So, Janon, what are we looking for?”

“Imagine a large metal carriage,” I say trying to figure out a way to describe it that she’d know.

“Okay, I’ll keep my eyes out.” She says looking around for the vehicle.

“You could just fly up,” I remark knowing she’s still new to the whole alicorn princess thing.

“Oh, right.” She says with an awkward chuckle before taking to the skies.

It’s a good ten minutes before she returns. Ten minutes I spend pacing in a circle. I hear a gust of wind followed by an oomph. Turns out she still can’t land. Is Rainbow Rash giving her lessons in this universe if not she certainly needs to.

“Nice landing,” I say with a grin.

“Oh, shut up,” She says with a glare, “They are less than a minute away.”

“Wonderful, I can’t wait to punch a literal Demigod.”

“What!?” She says, giving me an astonished look. “Why would you punch a literal god?”

“Cause the fucker teleported me into your library forcing me to make contact with you,” I say looking out for the MRAP.

“I know, but violence is never the answer.”

“I agree it’s the question and right now the answer is yes.” I rebuttal as I hear the sound of an engine. “That’s my ride.” A large vehicle screeches to a stop in front of me. “This Twilight is a MRAP.”

“Woah, it’s massive,” Twilight says with an awestruck expression.

Inside the MRAP a single phrase is heard, “That’s what she said” followed by laughter.

“By the gods, can you guys have a little maturity.” I groan.

Laguna opens the driver's side door. “No, we can’t not until you get in.” she lays eyes on Twilight, “The fuck is that? A tiny pastel-colored horse”

“Rude, I’m a pony. Also, I am not a whorse.”

“Yeah, she’s a pony princess, also for future reference whorse is their variant of a whore.”

“Noted for both of those.” Laguna replies, “Guys don’t call the ponies horses. It’s a slur.”

“Okay, only call them whorses then think it’s funny, noted.” Says Jack with a chuckle.

“Jack, don’t be mean to the locals,” George advises with a cautious voice.

“I’m not being mean. I haven’t called her whorse.” Jack replies with a defensive tone. A quick glare from Laguna changes his mentality, “Fine, I won’t call them whorses.”

“Thank you,” Laguna says with a nod. “Still, Janon, you need to get ready to leave.”

“Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you Twilight.” I say giving the mare a wave before getting into the vehicle.

“Goodbye, Janon.” She says waving her hoof as the vehicle speeds off.

“Is Cosmos still there?” I ask the rest of EF. The

“The unicorn? Yeah, I asked why and he said, "I am waiting to see how this ends.” He surely is an interesting individual” George answers

“That he is,” I respond still annoyed at him for disrupting my day.

“You're going to kill him aren’t you,” William asks with a smirk

“Nope, he’d just either dodge the bullet and smack me with a shovel or just respawn,” I answer flatly knowing that would be a losing battle.

“He is an apostle of the Ancient One. A divine being.” Joshua says proud to have met a student of the Ancient One.

“Doesn’t make him less of an asshole.” I quickly reply.

“True. But he still has his role. One seems very loyal to uphold.” Joshua responds

“I know his loyalties and duties. I was the one who wrote him into existence. Remember this realm was literally created in my mind as an alternate universe. One I didn’t expect to end up living in.” I say firmly.

“I forgot about that,” Grant says. “Must make things really awkward when talking to natives.”

“That’s why I don’t. It’s kinda like knowing the entire history of Earth. Then ending up in 1900s Europe.” I sigh, my situation getting more complex with each passing day.

“Know it all makes sense,” Anne says with a shallow exhale. “Then why didn’t you want to make contact with the natives?”

“I didn’t want them to freak out about humans, much less armed humans showing up.” I explain, “Granted with Twilight’s reaction you have my permission as overseer to leave the Arc and explore the lands. I’ll make the official announcement once we arrive.”

“Really?” They all say, surprised at my sudden change in mindset on revealing our presence.

“Yes, it’s time for you to see the world. I may have created each of you but you have no obligations to me. All I ask is when I need a hand to come to my call.” I say knowing this could end badly but I have faith in their abilities.

6 - "If you love something set it free"

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The rest of the short journey home is done in silence. When we arrive at the large door to the garage, it raises with a loud hiss followed by mechanical clicks and whines. The Kalyani comes to a stop each of us stepping out.

“Okay vault meeting in ten minutes. First I want to have a chat with Cosmos.” I say as I exit the vehicle myself.

“Roger that, sir,” Grant says as he walks off likely to the gun range. Jack and George follow closely behind.

“Don’t get yourself smitten, Janon,” Joshua warns.

“I won’t just want to talk with him,” I say as I walk off toward the central chamber.

Cosmos looks up at me as I approach. “The man of the hour approaches. Welcome back.”

“What the fuck was that?” I say referring to him teleporting me to Ponyville.

“It was a test.”

“A test. A fucking test. Test over what?”

“It was a test of how ponies would react to you,” Cosmos says in a thoughtful tone. “As you can see the ponies are not bothered by humans or your technology.”

“Let’s say they reacted poorly, what would you have done then?” I ask my voice laced with annoyance.

“I would have teleported you back and wiped their memories. That is what Faust and the Ancient One told me to do. We had a meeting regarding you not too long ago.” Cosmos explains in a neutral tone.

“Huh, well then. Okay, I forgive you.” I say not seeing any flaws in his logic nor wanting to question the judgment of two godlike beings. “Still fuck you.”

“I probably deserve that, I will be heading back to the Commonwealth,” Cosmos says turning away.

“Not going to stay and see the results of your test?” I ask with a raised brow.

“I see no reason I can’t stay and watch,” Cosmos says the tension between the two fading.

I walk to the center stage of the central chamber and press a button activating the Arc’s speaker system. “Everyone head to the Central chamber we are having a meeting.”

In a matter of minutes, the main chamber is filled with people. All four batches of gene people, that’s what I’ve chosen to call them. It fits them better although I typically just call them people. They’re people to me and they’ll be people to the inhabitants of Equus as well.

I clear my throat before testing the mic with my hand “My friends it is time for I to let you be free. Free to explore the world. Where you go that's not my business. I won't want to rule, conquer, or control anyone. I should like to help everyone. I have made each of you special, and unique. All different, all from different places. Why? Because greed has poisoned mankind's soul, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. Equus does not have these problems. It may have them in small quantities but the goodness outnumbers the cruelty by magnitudes. From this day forth live by these simple rules. Love, love each and every one in this vault and all those you encounter in this realm. Remember the place you came from and if I ever call upon thee in a moment of peril come to my aid as I would for you and as each and every one of you would for one another. Let your kindness break all prejudice and stereotypes. Have your kindness and gentleness win battles where the sword, spear, and gun are not needed. Spread your knowledge and wisdom to all inhabitants of this world.” I pause regaining my thoughts and emotions. “In this world, there is room for everyone. And the good world is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but you must first see that way of life. You must first live. In this vault, you have survived but I have never planned to contain you, to confine you I have planned to set you free. The very nature of this vault has brought us closer together and it cries out for the goodness of mankind - cries out for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all. Let this not be limited to but mankind but all life on this world. To every pony, griffin, kirin, to all life you may encounter on this journey. We may have been born on a world where the despair of men, women, and little children is but the system, tis the norm, a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people but we are not on that world. I grant upon thee the choice, no the right to life. Be free my friends, for that is why you are on this world. That is why I call you my greatest creation. Each and every one of you are strong enough to be gentle, smart enough to bring change, and kind enough to bring joy. You must just live. Live the life you can't in these walls. Just know this will always be your home and with a turn of your watch, you can always return. That is all my friends. That is all my brothers and sisters. For this was my grand plan, the plan Marcus never got to see” I finish my speech wiping a tear from my eye. The pain caused by the loss of Marcus will always be present, the pain of a failed mission, the pain of loss.

I step off the stage and into the crowd, many of the dwellers are crying moved by speech or perhaps at the thought of seeing this new world. Grant approaches me

“Janon, Marcus would be proud of you, you know that right.” He says in a supportive tone.

“I know he would be,” I say recalling the memory of us giving him a 21-gun salute as the transcendence machine transferred his conscience with a proud expression.

“So what now?” Grant asks wanting to know what I’m planning.

“Simple, I think I’m going to head to Ponyville and reveal myself. It seems like a good time to.” I say with a self-assuring nod. “Hey, everyone there are small books showing all of the species on Equus in these two boxes. Remember these are both sapient and non-sapient. In these two boxes is a short chart showing how to know the difference.” Yeah, it’s the Harkness test modified of course but still the Harkness test.

“I hate to do this to you guys, but I’m going to call it a night and head to sleep.” It wasn’t even late it was maybe 1700 if that. But I’ve had enough excitement for today.

“Okay, we’ll be down here if you need us,” William calls out from the crowd.

As I walk out from the crowd Cosmos walks up to me. “You’ve done well. I hope you realize that.”

“I hope this was the correct decision. The right plan. I mean morally it is but how will Equus react to their knowledge, their existence, is this a mistake?” I say second guessing myself and my choices, “No it was necessary. They deserve the right to freedom.” I continue now certain of my decision this was my choice and I will not regret it. No, I will safeguard it.

“The only wrong choice was to confine them here. Anything else is the correct decision. I know that from experience.” Cosmos says with a sigh.

“I know, from your experience. Gods, that sounds weird.” I say realizing how that sounds.

“Yeah, I keep forgetting that.” Cosmos chuckles. “Now get some rest. Your life is about to get extremely interesting, not in a bad way just interesting.”

“Tell me about it,” I say as I stand up. “See you another time Cosmos? On better terms of course.”

“See you again, Janon,” and with that Cosmos teleports with a bright flash

“See you another time,” I say as I head to my room. As I reach the top of the backstairs I turn and face the crowd. They all bear excited faces. “This was the right decision,” I turn around and continue to my room. When I reach the door I stand in front of it for a second before turning the knob and entering the room. I walk through my office to my room and once again turn a knob to open the door my room greets my eyes. I get ready for bed. About 3 minutes later I plop down onto my bed and close my eyes. This dream feels different. Oh, wait of course. Twilight sent a letter to Celestia who told Luna to enter my dreams the next I went to sleep. Nice, now I get to talk to another pony princess.

7 - A Dream Encounter

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I know this is a dream, it’s not hard to tell. Not a memory or vision a dream. Well to most it’d be a nightmare but to me it was normal. I sit on the wet floor of a trench. It looks like a flattened V dug in the ground. While at first it may seem like it’s during WWI that is not the case. Loud gun and artillery fire fill my ears suddenly I hear a loud mechanical sound and heavy metallic footsteps. I look up and see a large bipedal mech step over the trench. It lets out an electrical whine before it’s hit by a heavy weapon. It stumbles back and falls with a heavy thud it’s fall stirring up dust and debris that flows into the trench. Suddenly the moon glows a bright white and I’m deafened by a loud shout, “Beest gone nightmare,” the dream battlefield fades to an open field not much different from the one the genepeople used to call home. A large ranch house sits close by. This is what the people used to call home. It makes sense after all they were the results of my imagination turned into reality. This is my mind.

“Sup, Luna. Took you long enough. It’s been over 2 months since my arrival.” I say with a smirk. I know who it is, the dreamwalker.

Luna steps back, “How doest thou knoweth thy nameth?”

“You’re the only pony capable of entering dreams. I figured Celestia would send you to enter my dreams after my encounter with her prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle.” I turn to face the mare. Yeah, it’s Luna. Her starry mane flows with a non-existent wind and her facial expression looks surprised and partially impressed.

“A wise deduction and entirely c'rrect. So what is thy nameth?” She sits on her haunches in front of me.

Following suit I sit down as well, “Janon. My name is Janon.”

“Janon, my sister as you know values the safety of her subjects greatly.” She pauses a moment before continuing, “She sent me to figure out if you were a threat to Equestria.”

“Ah, so nothing big.” I say with a nonchalant tone, “To answer here question no. I’m not a threat to Equus. Do tell her and your subjects that there are more of my kind.”

“Waiteth? th're art m're humans?”

“Yes, there are 46 humans on Equus. Well, 48 counting me and Frank.” I say forgetting to include myself and Frank at first.

“Who is't's frank?” Luna asks with a raised brow curious as to who he is.

“This is Frank,” I say summoning a life-size model of him. Due to recent augmentations unlocking his full potential, he is 19 feet tall and weighs 8 tons.

“Sweet sist'r,” Luna says as she looks up at the giant in front of her. “That’s human?”

“Kind of, it’s hard to explain. Frank is the result of humanity fucking with genetic engineering in an alternate universe. I made a replica of him using my gift from Discord. The main difference between my Frank and that universe’s is that my Frank is a big softy. The original Frank would have likely tried to kill everyone in the Ark.” I explain pacing around Frank’s large form

“The Ark? what is this Ark thee speaketh of?” Luna asks with a raised brow.

Okay the Shakespearean English is cute but quickly getting annoying. “Why are you speaking in Shakespearean English?” I ask politely trying to not upset one of diarch leaders of Equestria.

“Thou speak old Ponish t’s this Shakespearean English you speak of?” She asks not understanding my question.

“You speak as if you are from the English Renaissance. Oh waiteth thee've only been from thy banishment f'r haply a year 'r two. thou art still likely adjusting to this new Equestria”

‘“Well enow, well enow, pointeth taken. I shall tryeth to stand ho” She replies with a giggle at my reply. “T’s this any better?”

“Very. The Ark is a large underground community. It’s capable of being entirely self-sufficient.” I say as I summon a map of the facility.

“What t’s its purpose?”

“Well, for the first weeks of my stay in Equestria, I wanted to remain hidden. So I made an extremely secure underground bunker in a cave system. Later I expanded it to fit upwards of 100 residents and be self-sufficient. Now 48 humans call it home.” I explain proud of its evolution.

“That sounds like an admirable goal. Did you achieve it?”

“That was never my goal. My goal was for humanity and Equusians to live in harmony. That’s why I told them to explore Equus.”

“What do you mean explore Equus?” Luna asks seeming to know what I’m talking about.

“In the coming weeks, the residents of the Ark will leave and journey through Equestria and Equus. Where, I don’t know but they have come to learn and teach. I hope you and Celestia will your ponies accept them with open arms.”

“We ponies are peaceful creatures I see no problems that should arise,” Luna states with a sideward glance.

“You personally know that’s not true. While ponies are not mean they aren’t have their prejudices and racism. I just hope you and your sister will give my people a chance.” I ask in a solemn tone knowing there are many a trial awaiting us. None of which can be solved with bullets.

Luna nods “That I do. I have hope they will be kind and understanding.”

“If Twilight is anything to go by I have hope they will too.”

“I should take my leave now. I have other dreams to attend to.” Luna says with a smile. “Do you always dream of battles?”

“Not always sometimes I feel like practicing in my dreams.”

Luna lets out a chuckle. “I’ll be watching you, Janon,” she says as stands up and gives her wings a few test flaps.

“I’ll add you to my list of stalkers,” I say with a laugh as she takes off to the moon once more. My dream doesn’t return to its war state instead staying the peaceful field and ranch house. I stand up and head to the house. As I turn the knob to the door I awake from my dream ready for a new day. Granted I couldn’t really tell what time it was, being underground and all but it’s the details.

8 - The Chang(el)ing of Tides

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“Wait, not awake. Still in a dream. There is a note here though.” I say as I reach out a hand and grab the note folding it open to read it.

Dear Janon,

I apologize for bringing you back to the dreamworld but my sister has requested I assign you a guard to monitor you. Her name is Sable Grayspear, she’s a thestral in the Lunar Guard. I teleported her to your office, she should be waiting for you there.


Princess Luna

Well, this is interesting, once I wake up there should be a thestral waiting for me. Noted. I fold the note and slip it into my pocket.

Sable’s perspective

I was just teleported into the human’s office by Luna. She said it was to keep an eye on him. I still think she’s onto me. I think as I drop my disguise for a moment. This room was certainly interesting. It is filled with interesting things, tons of books, and some sort of magical information device. My ears perk up as I hear something from his room. I turn around and walk toward the door. As I place my ear on the door, I hear nothing. Retracting my ear, I reach out a hoof and turn the knob. The door swings open, and I am immediately hit by the cold, frigid air. A shiver runs up my spine as the cold air hits my chitin. I look around the room, my eyes fall upon the human, and two words come to mind: love battery. I am a changeling, a creature that feeds on love, and this human is simply radiating love like a furnace. I quietly approach the human’s bed and stand there next to him. I can feel the love coming out of him; it has an unusual taste to it. It’s bland as if the love itself is unconditional, and for him, it’s normal. My thoughts are interrupted as the human rolls over to face me. I swallowed hard, thinking I had woken him up. His arms suddenly wrap around me and pull me into his sleeping bag. What did I get myself into? I quickly got back into my disguise, not wanting to immediately blow my cover, which I’ve maintained for years. After all, I’ve been in deep cover for the past 5 years. I was undercover in Canterlot before Twilight left for Ponyville.

Janon’s perspective

I wake up at my normal time 5:10 in the morning. Something immediately feels off. Okay, I sleep really cold at night so I can wrap myself in plenty of blankets. This was different. I felt the warmth of my blankets but I also heard breathing that wasn’t my own. Opening my eyes I am greeted by a thestral. Of course why I am surprised it’s cold everywhere in this room except my room. Wait, something is off about this thestral. Yep, it’s a changeling, at least I’m ninety-five percent sure it is. One way to find out. “Didn’t realize I had bed bugs.”

“Eeup” Sable jumps into the air flapping her wings to maintain her altitude. She looks down at me with a curious expression.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you,” I say sitting up in my bed.

“Ah yes just like oh you accidentally grabbed me last night and pulled me into your bed?” She asks in a sassy tone.

“Wait, I did that?”

“Yes, I was checking up on you and you grabbed me.”

“Must have been extremely close for me to grab you. You’re a changeling aren’t you.”

She doesn’t deny nor accept the accusation instead letting out a sigh internally debating on what to do.

“You can drop the disguise I can see right through it,” that was a lie but how could she know that after all, she didn’t know anything about humans. Except what the Royal Sisters know with admittedly isn’t a lot.

“Fine, just don’t tell anyone. I’ve been undercover for five years.” She gives up letting her disguise fall. There’s something different about her she’s not the typical black with blue accents. Her chitin was a hemlock color and her accents were a deep rhino blue.

I let out a stifled laugh

“What?” Sable says slightly embarrassed and unsure of how to process my reaction. “I’ve heard it all, some say my chitin looks like vomit others say mold.”

“No, no,” I say waving my hands defensively. “I’ll never admit this but I find ponies, changelings, and other species very cute. Yourself included.”

She blushes slightly at this comment, “Then why’d you laugh?” she asks with a raised brow.
“I was laughing because I think it’s funny. You know you come into my room to check on me and end up sleeping with me instead.”

“Oh, why aren’t you afraid of me? Most ponies would freak out about this.” She asks still confused at my calmness.

“Simple, if you had wanted to hurt me you would have grabbed one of the many weapons in this room and killed me in my sleep.” I point toward the wall of axes and swords before continuing, “Not only that but you would have resisted when I grabbed you.”

“Fair point, I didn’t even notice them until you pointed them out.” She admits the tension in the room slowly fading. Sable tired of hovering glides into my chair and spins it to face me.

“Can you go to my office for a moment so I can get dressed?” I ask gesturing toward my still-covered form.

“Yeah, I’ll wait in the office.” She says jumping out of the chair and sending it spinning around. She walks to the door and closes it with a thump.

Like usual I begin a lively chat with myself. “Okay, now I have a changeling in the Ark. She doesn’t seem to be entirely loyal to Chryalsis but I’ll have to ask her some time to be sure. Not only that but she isn’t just some normal changeling she looks to be a changeling elite or special in some way. Most changelings just follow the normal black, blue color palette she doesn’t. This could be very good or very bad. It just depends on who she’s loyal to and her intentions. I shift into my larger form. I grab a pair of pants and slip them on followed by a long-sleeved polo shirt which I tuck in. I sit on my bed and put on my socks before sliding on my shoes. Today was going to be interesting. First I’m going to give Sable a tour of the Ark, it’d be a solid hour or two until everyone else is awake. Wait, scratch that it’s the weekend it’d be at least two hours before anyone wakes up. Hopefully, they looked over their booklets. That should deal with any confusion on what Sable is. I tie my shoes and grab my holster strapping it to my waist. I stand up, grab my revolver, and holster it before grabbing my coat and partially buttoning it up. I walk to the door and turn the knob. “Okay, Sable, I’m dressed.”

“Good, so what’s the plan?” She turns to face me with a small smile. “Also why’d you grow?”

“First, breakfast,” I reply heading toward the door to the main chamber. I reach out my hand and open the door leaving the door. Sable follows behind me closing the door before stopping.

‘What is this place?” She asks with a slack jaw amazed at the sight before her. It didn’t occur to me that a native would be awe-struck by this place. It truly was something out of this world for them, the tall metal ceilings and wide open layout. At this time in the morning, the MRVNs did most of the work. They took the place of firefighters, maintenance personnel, and most civil duties. Maintenance drones assisted the MRVNs in places they couldn’t operate.
While Spectres acted as security.
“It’s called the Ark, a large underground facility capable of housing 100 residents in comfort. It’s entirely self-sufficient with oxygen recycling systems, hydroponic gardens, and many other systems. Currently, it has a total of 48 residents, 49 if I count you.” I explain to the mare turning to face her.

“This is amazing. Where even is this place located.” She asks trotting to my side and looking up at me.

“We’re in the Everfree Forest barely 20km away from Ponyville,” I say heading down the stairs and continuing to the kitchen.

“This place is located in the Everfree? Smart that place is a hell hole.”

“I’ve lost friends to it. Trust me I know the struggles. That’s why I made this place self-sufficient now we only have to leave when we want. I expect a good chunk of the Ark is going to leave now since I told them they could. Also to answer your question I can make reality-altering rules.”

“That makes sense, wait what?” She says realizing that last part. “You can make reality-altering rules? I’m going to need some context.”

“I’ll give you context during breakfast, it’s not too far.” we continue down the main chamber to the kitchen. After a short walk, we arrive at the kitchen. The kitchen itself is styled like that of a 1950s cafe, with a large counter area with stools for those just ordering drinks or who need time to order.

“What would you like for breakfast?” Asks a MRVN this one being the head chef has a higher level of intelligence compared to the others.

“Do you get meat, Sable?” I ask glancing down at the mare.

“Uh, yeah we changelings will eat just about anything.” She answers looking away awkwardly.

“Okay, we’ll get some bacon and eggs, with toast and jam on the side,” I order turning to face the MRVN.

“Two plates of Bacon and Eggs, with toast and jam on the side coming up.” The MRVN repeats before disappearing deeper into the kitchen.

“He’ll bring us our food let’s back a seat over here.” Following my lead we take a seat at a booth directly across from the ordering area. Sable is looking around the room with a weird expression, one I don’t know how to interpret. “Something wrong?”

“No, everything is fine. Why are you doing this?” She asks with that smile that keeps coming back.

“Doing what? I’m just getting breakfast. Do you typically not eat breakfast?” I answer with a raised brow.

“We typically just eat well mud. That’s the best way to describe it.” She replies her eyes meeting mine.

“Oh, so you’ve never had bacon before?” I ask innocently.

“Uh, no.”

“Well, then you’re in for a treat.” Remembering something I once saw in a meme I stand up. “I’ll be right back, stay here,” and with that, I head back to the counter.

“Greetings, sir your order is still being prepared is there anything you need?” the MRVN asks from before.

“Yes, I’d like an assorted set of chocolates. That one over there has never had them before.” the MRVN spazzes out for a moment before regaining itself.

“That must be reconciled.” the MRVN says in a determined voice. Strange for a robot but Hammond was not to be questioned.

“Agreed,” I say walking back to the booth and taking my seat across from Sable.

“Is he okay? I saw him spazzing out.” Sable asks glancing at where the robot was concerned for its well-being.

“Yeah, he does that when he’s excited.”

“Huh, I won’t question it.” She says with a shrug. “I’ll call him Sparky.”

“I think he’d like the name,” I say leaning back.

“So, Janon. About those reality-bending rules of yours.” Sable asks once again. I can tell in her eyes she really wants me to explain what I meant by that.

“Okay, when I was brought here by Discord I made a deal with him so I’d get a watch that would alone me to use a weakened form of his powers. I can summon things like a genie and make 5 reality-altering rules.”

“Wow, that’s something you don’t hear every day.”

“Yeah, well blame Discord he was the one who brought me here in my sleep, without my consent, and with my memories, and belongings.”

“Must have been hard leaving behind your past life but still having the memories,” Sable says trying to be comforting.

“I don’t like talking about my life prior to my arrival here. It’s better for my sanity. No reason to dwell on the past. I could have gone back once Cosmso discovered me I realize now I was never meant to. I’m some part of something larger and my actions shall send ripples throughout Equus.”

“Okay, now you’re sounding like Pomer.” Sable teases.

“Pomer, gods it that a pony version of the philosopher Homer.”

“I’m not aware of who this Homer you speak of is but Pomer was a philosopher from early Equestria. I only know of him due to my studying of pony culture.”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” the MRVN arrives with a plate full of chocolates. “So Sparky how’s the food coming?”

The MRVN tilts its head as it sets down the plate, “Sparky? Is that a name for me?”

“Yes, Sparky I came up with it.” Sable says with a nod, “Do you like it?”

The MRVN pauses for a second the screen on its chest displaying a spinning wheel. “Yes, I do. That’s a very nice name. Thank you, miss.”


“Well miss, Sable. I’ve brought assorted chocolates for your eating pleasure.” Sparky says removing the covering from the box.

“Chocolate? What’s chocolate?” Sable asks.

“No more questions, just eating,” I say gesturing toward the box of chocolates. Sable sits there looking at it like a deer in headlights. “Okay try this one.” I grab a solid milk chocolate circle and give it to her.

She takes the chocolate and looks at it with a strange face before placing it in her mouth. Me and Sparky wait with our undivided attention as the mare begins to chew the chocolate, her eyes going wide before she closes them letting out a quiet moan of satisfaction at the taste.

“You think she liked it?” I ask turning to Sparky.
“My sensors read a ten percent increase in heart rate. I’d indicate that as a yes.”

“What was that!?” Sable asks with a blush finally free from her chocolate-induced drunken stupor

“That was a solid piece of Milk Chocolate.” Sparky quickly replies.

“It tastes better than love.” She says with a bright infectious smile.

“I’m glad you like it, ready to try some more?” I ask with a smile gesturing to the box of chocolates as Sparky leaves likely to bring us our food.

“If they all taste as good as the first one very much,” Sable says with a quick nod.

“I can’t promise you anything but have at it. There’s a list of all the chocolates inside on the lid.” I say grabbing the lid and showing it to her.

She studies the lid for a moment before grabbing another chocolate it’s another milk chocolate but filled with chewy caramel. Sable studies the chocolate before sticking it in her mouth. She chews on the chocolate a happy sigh escaping her lips as she enjoys the taste. Her wings begin to buzz eliciting a laugh from me. “That’s adorable.”

“Shut up. I’m enjoying myself.” She giggles out.

Sparky returns with two plates. “Your meals,” he says setting down the plates and removing their covers.

“Thank you, Sparky.” we both reply.

“My pleasure, sir and ma’am,” he says returning to the counter.

“I’m guessing you’ve never had bacon or eggs before?”

“No, I haven’t.” Sable replies grabbing her fork.

“You know I’m not going to question how you are doing that.”

“Doing what this?” She says raising her fork and tilting her head

“Yeah, that I’m guessing you have tiny microscopic hooks on your hooves for grabbing. But alas I shall not question it.”

“I’ve never really thought about it,” Sable says picking up a piece of bacon with her fork and eating it. Her eyes light up, “Okay that is really good.”

“I’m glad you like it,” I say as I wrap my fingers around my fork and grab some of my egg eating it. “Sparky and his pals are getting really good at cooking.”

“Were they not always good at cooking?” Sable says with a raised brow
“Nope,” I say a shiver running down my spine at the memory of their first time in the kitchen. “We had to close off the kitchen the first time they cooked.”

“Why was that?”

“They caused a flame so intense our firefighting equipment would put it out.”

“Oh,” Sable says making an o-with her lip glancing off with a slow nod.

“Yeah,” I say with a quick nod.

“So how are you enjoying guarding me?”

“Huh?” Sable asks having completely forgotten the reason she was here.

“You know the reason Luna sent you here.”

“OH, uh, I’m enjoying myself. This place has better food than the hive and I never really got to eat anything too fancy in Canterlot being a night guard and all.”

“You, enjoying the food?” I ask with a smirk already knowing the answer.

“YES,” she says almost in a shout before regaining herself with an awkward laugh quickly looking around her surroundings. “I’m really enjoying the food.”

“I’m glad. So do you want your own room?” I ask knowing there are over 50 open rooms.

“I was kinda hoping…I could stay in your room.” She says quietly before erupting into a beat-red blush, “For security reasons, you know so I can guard you at night and make sure you aren’t sneaking out at night.” She defeats slowly getting redder and redder. Had I not known her I’d mistaken her for Kirin with how red she’d turn.

“Har-har, I can probably get a room built on the other side of my office. In the meantime, you can use one of the other rooms.”

“Nah, I’ll just sneak into your bed,” Sable says taking the last bite of her eggs.

“Okay…I’ll leave my door unlocked,” I say with a laugh. “Want a tour of the Ark?”

“I’d love a tour of this place. It’s nice.”

“Yeah, we got time it’s going to be at least another hour until the others start waking up.”

“Wonderful,” Sable says hopping from her seat.

“Hey, missy grab your plate Sparky doesn’t need the extra work.”

“Oh, where are my manners, sorry I’m excited.” She says with a chuckle.

“It’s fine just teasing, I’ll deal with your plate,” I reply grabbing both of our plates and the chocolates. “Hey, Sparky. Here’s our plates also can I have a bag for the chocolates.”

“No, we don’t do bags. I can give you a thermovac.” The robot says grabbing a bag.

“That’s just a bag.”

“No it’s a thermovac, it keeps the contents of it a constant sixty-two degrees Fahrenheit.

“Okay, that’d work,” I say giving him the chocolates which he puts in the bag and gives back. ‘Thanks, Sparky.”

“My pleasure sir, have a good day with your misses.”

“I will.” I say not thinking, “Wait, me and Sable aren’t a thing we literally just met.” I respond with a light blush

“Roger, roger,” Sparky says with a wave.

I walk to Sable’s side who looks up at me “Okay let’s head to the sickbay first.”

9- Cuddling, Greetings, and Meetings

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Joshua’s Perspective

I awoke at 8:30 my usual time. As a man of faith the first thing I did after getting dressed in my Cassock was say a prayer to the All-Father, the Ancient One. I place four candles around me none of them lit for that was the Ancient One’s will. I then sit down with my legs crossed and begin my morning ritual.

“Ol’ Ancient One in the Architect’s absence, please watch over us as you have done for eons. I shall meet this day blessed with life, life you have given us. I ask that all may be free from sorrow and the cause of sorrow; may all never be separated from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless; and may all live in equanimity, without too much attachment and too much aversion, and live believing in the equality of all that lives. I ask that you guide us to the liberating path as you always have done. That is all I ask of you today Father.” I feel a warmth as the ritual is completed and the candles ignite symbolizing the Ancient One receiving my prayer.

I stand from the floor and give myself a once-over before leaving my room. I exit my room and glance around the hallway. For once it seems like I am the first person awake. Not surprising I am typically the first one awake. Not counting Janon, that man is a machine I swear. He wakes up at 5:10 every morning and goes to sleep at 11:00 at night. As I continue down the hall I hear Janon’s voice alongside a voice I’ve never heard before. Curious typically Janon is alone at this time in the morning. Wait, a second who in the world is he talking to? I quicken my pace my curiosity peaked. I round the corner and speed past his room. Heading down the stairs I enter the main chamber. It’s a large open room easily ten thousand square feet. I approach the recreational area, which is an area with couches and other seating places, and walk up to the couch where I hear Janon speaking.

“Uh…who is this?” I say glancing down at a Changeling I think it is. Whatever the creature is it’s sitting in Janon’s lap with a very happy expression. An expression that is quickly replaced by a bright full-face blush. Janon looks up with a deadpan, it’s hard to read his emotions so I’m not going to try and guess them. What I don’t need to guess is that he was petting this creature, I can safely say this due to the hand that rests on its barrel.

Janon’s Perspective

“Good morning, Joshua,” I say removing my hand from Sable’s barrel. She slides off my lap and sits beside me. “This is Sable, she’s a changeling,” Sable gives an awkward wave with her hoof the blush leaving her face.

“So are we just going to ignore what I walked in on you doing?” Joshua asks with a raised brow.

I nod wiping off my pants, “Yes, we are.”

“Okay…so I won’t mention it to anyone else but do clarify one thing,” Joshua says putting his hands together. “You were petting Sable correct.”

“Yes, that I was,” I say with way too much confidence enough to make Sable look at me with a bewildered expression

“You just admit to that, zero hesitation?” She asks the expression not leaving her face.

“Uh, yeah not like we were doing anything inappropriate,” I say with a shrug.

“Now for my next question, how did Sable get into the Ark?” Joshua asks which would have been a very good question if I didn’t know the answer.

“She was teleported by Luna to serve as an observer of sorts, what Luna didn’t know was that Sable was a changeling. You see she’s been undercover as a Thestral for like 5 years,” I explain to Joshua not bothered by the weird circumstances.

“How’d you find out she was a changeling?”

“Oh, that was pretty obvious when I woke up to find her in my bed,” I answer plainly which earns me a hoof to the head from Sable.

“He grabbed me in his sleep.” Sable clarifies a blush creeping its way up her face.

“And she made no effort to leave once I did.”

“I don’t even know what to say,” Joshua says at a loss for words.

“Hey, who’s the changeling?” Says a deeper voice. One I know as Grant.

“This is Sable, Sable Grayspear,” I answer turning to face the voice. So turns out most of EF and a solid dozen residents were standing beside him.

“That’s a lot of humans,” Sable whispers. Clearly, a bit overwhelmed by the sudden increase of attention.

“Yeah, as I said 48 humans.”

“I thought that was an exaggeration.”

“Why would I lie about the number of occupants?” I counter turning to face her ignoring the people now whispering amongst themselves.

“Uh, I don’t know, to keep me on my toes.”

“You don’t have toes.”

“Fair point.”

“Uh, we’re still here you know?” Says Jack who emerges from the crowd with a perplexed expression. “Now I know we sealed the door last night so how’d she get in her?”

Joshua explains the situation leaving a group of humans with a variety of expressions. Namely, confusion, amusement, curiosity, and a few just looked done.

“Okay, so you mean to tell me, Sable and you’ve been up for 3 hours now doing what?” Questions Jack who’s trying to piece together a timeline.

“Well, first we had breakfast:” I begin before getting interrupted by Sable who finally has the gull to speak for herself.

“Which was delicious, then Janon gave me a tour of the facility, this place is amazing, nothing I’ve ever seen could compare to this place. I mean you’ve got dozens of mechanical helpers doing such diverse jobs. Not only that but some of them fly. It’s out of this world.” Sable says in a single breath her excitement making itself extremely apparent.

“And where is she going to sleep?” Jack asks with a raised brow.

Me and Sable exchange a look before I answer, “She asked to sleep where she did last night.”

Laguna looks at me with a thoughtful expression, “Wait, but you said she slept in your bed.” Her face lights up as a grin forms on her lips, “Oh, smooth Sable, smooth.”

Sable chuckles at the comment, “It’s not like that.” she says placing a hoof on her face in an attempt to hit her blush, “Changelings feed off of love, and you humans appear to just sep out love. Plus I know Janon likes it.”

I give her a quick glare, “Oh does the big tough giant of a man like cuddles?” Laguna asks with a smirk.

“No, shut up,” I say as Sable begins to lean over into me, “Okay maybe a little,” I say placing my hand on the increasingly confident changeling’s barrel.

“I called it,” Laguna says with a fist pump, “So are you two going to keep cuddling on the chair or can the rest of the Ark start with their days?”

“You can start your days whenever I’m going to show Sable some books in the library.” It’d be an interesting cultural exchange that’s for sure. Granted the library isn’t nearly the size of the Golden Oak Library but it still had a few interesting books. Most of them are books Discord told me to get the last time he visited.

“Oh sure, we’ll leave you with the love bug.” Laguna teases. It is then I realize most of the crowd had already left.

“What, it’s not like we’re going to be cuddling in the library. I have some decency.” I glance down at the Changeling that had somehow ended up in my lap again, “Right?”

Sable quickly shuffles out of my lap again, “Yep, no cuddling just reading,”

“Good, I don’t need rumors to start spreading.”

Joshua coughs into his hand getting my attention “They’re already spreading”

I let out a sigh, “Well, better just roll with it.”

“That is a wise move,” Joshua says heading to the kitchen.

I stand up and gesture for Sable to follow me, “We’ll see you later,” Laguna says as she takes her leave also heading to the kitchen.

“Okay, so that was awkward,” Sable says as she glances behind her

“You’re weren’t helping at all,” I reply looking down at the mare to my side. “Did you have to get back in my lap?”

“Yes, your hands feel amazing,” Sable giggles

“This is going to be a long day.” I laugh, not complaining.

After a short walk, we arrive at the library as I said it’s not a big library but it works for 48 people. I and Sable part ways each looking for a book that piques our interest, I arrive with a book about Changeling and she arrives with a book about an ancient legend, Diabious. “I’ve never seen that book before,” I comment upon seeing the book.

“That just means it’s something new,” Sable says with a smirk. We sit down at a round table is discuss the book, apparently, this Diabious was a massive, truly mountainous creature of stone. It stood nearly a mile and a half tall and weighed over 8 billion metric tons. This golem of stone was never confirmed to exist but knowing legends on Equus I hope it doesn’t. A creature of this size and construction would be impervious to most conventional weapons say for the largest bombs, missiles, and artillery.

“Okay, that is terrifying,” I breathe out in a low voice, “Now on to a happier note,” The reason I grabbed this book was to get some questions answered about changelings. What follows is a short discussion about changelings, by short I mean three hour. It started with normal questions about the hive, and daily activities and ended with Sable once again in my lap, this really is becoming an unavoidable outcome, after I asked her why her barrel was fuzzy but nothing else was.

“I never really thought about why it was fuzzy,” Sable says with a sigh as I rest my hand on her barrel.

“Maybe it’s better that way,” I say running my hand through the fluffy on her barrel. Now since I think about it couldn’t it be called chest fluff? “I hate to say this but I have a meeting with the EF at lunch. Not that you can’t attend you just have to get up.” I say nudging her to get up so we can start heading that way.

“Fine, you owe me,” Sable says begrudgingly hopping down.

I stand up and lead the way, the meeting area is a square room inside the security office on the other side of the Ark. It wasn’t a long walk but did give us some time to talk

“So what’s this meeting about?” Sable asks looking up at me

“Mostly about what to prepare for, due to my arrival, I have a good idea of what’s going to happen and when unless I’ve altered the timeline. I haven’t done anything major yet so it’s likely to follow the timeline I know.”

“Huh, mister foresight, I like it,” Sable says with a smirk

“It helps to be prepared, don’t want things sneaking up on you.”

We arrive at the security office and enter the meeting room. Inside waits the EF team, Albert and Hammond. Hammond speaks up as we enter, “Good afternoon, Janon and miss? I don’t think we’ve met?”

“My name is Sable.”

“Who is she?” Hammond asks me glancing at the changeling.

“She’s the one sleeping with Janon,” Laguna says with a smirk.

“Oh,” Hammond says with wide eyes.

“Was that necessary Laguna?” I ask glaring at the woman.

“No, but it was funny.” She was with a laugh clapping her hands.

I let out another sigh, “I swear these people are going to be the death of me.”

Sable glances around the room before realizing a lack of a chair for her. She looks up at me before putting her front hooves in my lap, “No now is not the time.” she grins before jumping onto my lap and curling into a ball. “This is my life now, okay.”

“Cute,” says Hammond stifling a laugh

“On to today’s topic. Preparation for Tirek’s return.”

“Right,” Albert says walking to a large screen. “We currently have two SPGs, four MRAPs, 2 IMVs, ten titans, one MBT, and four SPAAs. In the works, we have one RTPD-Class Airship and are currently developing 25mm AMPRs and AGLs, in addition to 40mm AGLs.”

Sable looks up from my lap and chuckles, “I don’t know what any of that means but I like your funny words, magic man”

After a short fit of laughter I answer, “Those are all weapons for the upcoming battle. By the time Tirek arrives in Ponyville, he’ll have most of Equestria’s magic. That means he’s going to be extremely hard to take out. It’d likely take most of our weapons to take him out once he gets the magic of princesses.” The rest of the table nods

“Yes, I pray this will be enough.” Joshua says

“I do too in the end the only reason Twilight won was because of magic bullshit. Damn, friendship lasers.” That sparks a chuckle out of Sable.

“Yeah, you should have heard Chrysalis after the failed invasion of Canterlot, I wasn’t even there but I could tell from the fear in other changeling’s eyes it was bad.”

“I can imagine,” I say placing a hand on her back. I don’t like having my hands at my side and I typically rest them on the table but due to my current lap occupant, I can’t. So she gets the hand tax. Not that she minds actually I think she likes it based on the fact she looked up at me when I did it with a smile.

“Get a room you two,” Laguna says glancing at us.

“Oh, you can shut up we’re not even doing anything. I just want a place to put my hands. Seeing how I can’t reach the table I’m left with putting them in my lap. But wait, Sable’s in my lap so I place them on Sable instead. Not my fault Sable likes it.”

“I’m starting to think she just likes you.” Comments Jack.

“Very funny, I’ve known her for like,” I check my watch real quick, “Six hours. I’ve known her for six hours. That’s way too soon for her to develop a crush on me.”

“If you say so,” Jack says not pushing the topic.

“Okay to the topic at hand,” Albert says bringing on attention back to the screen. “Can you think of anything we should add to this list?”

“Not anything here, but we should keep an eye out for Bayhillian intervention. If we plan to intervene what’s to stop them?” Says William

“Unless something goes horribly wrong the Commonwealth won’t intervene,” I say knowing the Commonwealth won’t reveal itself until later, about three years time.

“How are you so sure?” Ask Jack with a raised brow.

“Because I wrote their backstory? I was the one who gave them their set of morals and laws. They won’t intervene until the Storm King attacks Canterlot in three years' time.” I respond

Jack nods, “Oh, forgot about the whole foresight shit.”

“Yeah, it comes in handy. But Albert I think that should be more than enough, which is exactly what we need. With that said at some point we are going to need to expand outside and form an Airbase so we can establish air superiority.” I answer an airbase would be extremely helpful in our expedition a few planes with thermal imaging and no more creatures sneaking up on us. Plus aerial bombs would be able to take out even the largest of creatures with relative ease, “That is going to be our priority following Tirek’s defeat.”

“I sense this meeting is coming to an end?” Joshua says

“That it is, I have but a few closing remarks. Keep training and preparing for the upcoming fight. Just don’t forget you can explore the outside. I have a meeting in Canterlot next month to discuss something that’ll safeguard our place in this realm. After that meeting, you can go wherever. Just tell me beforehand so I can make you a care package and depending on where you’re heading transportation.”

“Roger that, sir.” The room replies including Sable.

“That wasn’t regarding you,” I say looking down at the ponyloaf in my lap.

“Are you saying I can’t leave whenever I want?”

“Nope, you’re stuck with me for at least another month till I can get this meeting with Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and maybe Cadence.”

Her eyes widen at this, “all four princesses? Why all four?”

“Why, because a royal decree by Celestia has a lot of weight don’t get me wrong but a royal decree by all four princesses is going to be objected to by only the densest of nobles.”

“What is this meeting about?” Sable asks rolling in my lap to face me her barrel up and eyes staring up at me. Gods, she’s cute.

“One, It’s about the safeguard of humanity's rights, two it’s about my intentions in Equus, and as of this morning, you being a changeling. I’m hoping due to me bringing it up. You won’t get in much trouble plus, if you do we can always just teleport out.”

Sable nods, “Wait me being a changeling? Oh, right. They don’t know. I think your plan will work. I hope your plan will work.”

The meeting concluded an hour ago and now Sable and I were in the gardens. She had been here early in my tour but this is the first time she’s fully able to bask in the glory of the Ark’s hydroponic gardens.

“Wow, this place is beautiful,” Sable shouts up at me a smile on her face.

“That is it,” This room was on the larger side at fifty-seven hundred square feet, ninety-five feet long and sixty feet wide. Lining it was thirty-two rows and six columns of plant racks each stack six wide for a total of one thousand one hundred and fifty-two racks. Over ninety-two thousand plants called this place home. This was one of the prettiest rooms in the Ark. It truly made this place seem like an Ark. All of these plants were from Earth with a few alien plants as well. It felt nice in here if not a bit overwhelming. There were lifts near the aisles so we could reach the top of them which were twenty-five feet high. Not for the faint of heart. Currently, I was on one of these lifts a solid twenty feet in the air. Lowering the lift I step off and walk to Sable “Everything looks good, what do you think?”

“I don’t know much about plants but they certainly look better than the ones at the hive. Come to think of it these plants look better than the ones at the Royal Gardens.” Sable says

“Good, now to the maintenance hall, you’re going to learn some mechanics,” I say leading the way, Sable trotting to my side.

“That sounds interesting, what are we doing maintenance on?”

“Mulitple things mainly whatever Roger says needs maintenance could be a MRVN could be a SPG,” I say heading to the maintenance hall.

It’s quite the walk to the maintenance hall mainly due to it being on a separate level from everything else. The Maintenance hall, garage, robotic bay, and Titanhall were all on Sublevel one. Once we arrive we’re greeted by Roger. Roger gives me a wave as I approach stopping midway as he sees Sable, “Afternoon Janon, who’s this fellor?”

Sable raises a hoof, “Name’s Sable. I’m a changeling.”

“Oh, huh, a changelin'. Aah ain’t goin’ question it. If ya a friend of Janon ya a friend of mah.” Roger says grabbing Sable’s hoof and shaking it. “If'n aah had to guess y’all he-yah to help with maintenance. Well lucky fo-wah ya aah got just the thin'. Ya see one of the maintenance drones needs a recharge, problem is it’s stuck en the truss up en the corner of he-yah.” He says pointing up toward the tall ceiling and just like he said up in the corner is a maintenance drone resting on the truss about fifty feet in the air. “Aah reckon with ya with your wings fellor could just fly up tere 'n git it down.”

Sable nods, “Seems easy enough,”

“Wait couldn’t she just put in the new battery?” I ask looking at Roger.

“No, these fellors don’t use batteries but she could use an Arc Tool to recharge it, if'n she could hold it with her lack of thumbs.”

“You think you could do it?” I ask Sable

“I don’t see why not,” Sable says hovering in the air her wings buzzing.

Roger grabs an Arc Tool and tosses it to the mare who catches it in her magic, “So how do I use this?”

“Simply aim it toward the drone and pull the trigger,” I tell the mare who flies up to the drone.

“Like this?” She shouts pulling the trigger with her magic and recharging the drone. The drone sparks for a moment before beeping and flying down to its charging station.

“Does that answer you’re question?” I shout to the mare who’s flying down.

“Yes, it does.” Sable answers as she glides down giving the Arc Tool to Roger.

“Good job, that saved meh bout an hour of work, gettin’ a ladder 'n all that,” Roger says grateful for her assistance.

“Not a problem, it was my pleasure. Truly.” Sable says not used to his kind words, or well anyone’s this place was so different to Canterlot and the Hive a good different but different nevertheless. “What now?” She asks looking at me

I glance at Roger who shrugs, “I don’t have any idea. We’ve done all my daily happenings. Tend to the gardens, maintenance, and check around the Ark for issues” Suddenly I remember something, “Oh right, I need to ask about the room.” I say turning to Roger, “Okay, I need my room expanded with four modules. One on the right side of my office and three behind those. I’ll give you the blueprints.”

“Okay, aah'll look 'em ovah 'n see what aah can do.” Roger says with a nod, “Brin' 'em to meh sometime today 'n aah'll have a whack at 'em”

“Alright, well Sable. That gives us something to do.” I say walking toward the exit Sable following behind.

“See you later, Roger,” Sable says giving the man a wave

“See ya later, Sable.” Roger smiles returning the Changeling’s wave

“He was nice.” Sable comments taking a liking to Roger.

“That he is. Kind of feel bad for the man. He’s the head of maintenance for the entire Ark. He manages the mechanics, welders, construction workers, electricians, and IT personnel. That’s no easy task.”

“I don’t know what half of those are but it sounds like a lot,” Sable says with a sympathetic smile.

“It is,” Roger is one hell of a man to keep this boat afloat. That’s why I try my best to help him when I can.

It’s quite the walk to my room but after a while, we arrive. I open the door and quickly grab the blueprints for the new extensions to my room. It’s nothing too fancy, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, with an office and lounge area.

“I like it,” Sable says, I can hear her wings buzzing as she looks over my shoulder at the blueprint.

“I’m glad you like it,” I say with a smile.

“Yes, it’s perfect. Although I don’t think the single bed is going to be big enough.”

“Why, not? Well your bed bug and still going to stick by your side.”

“Oh, well then. If that’s the case I think a single bed would be just enough. Make it so I have to keep my bed bugs close.” I tease with a smile.

“Good point I like that idea better.”

“Well, we still have to get these plans to Roger.”

“That we do,” Sable says landing with grace and trotting ahead of me. For once I have to run after her.

“Someone’s confident now.”

“Well, unlike the Hive this place’s layout isn’t constantly changing.” She says I as reach her side.

“You really like it here don’t you.”

“Like it? I love it.” She says jumping into the air her wings buzzing and a bright smile on her face.

“Okay, okay. Still don’t forget the mission.”

“Oh, right.”

The walk back to roger is full of idle chatter and pleasantries. As we arrive Roger greets us with another wave, “That was fast, ya got the blueprints?”

“That we do.” I say giving him the blueprint. He glances over them with a nod

“These look great. Didja make 'em yourself? if so good work. We'll git started tomorrow. Shouldn't take more than a week. Where's the missy 'unna sleep en the mean time?” Roger says impressed at my attention to detail. I wanted to make his life easier by being as precise as humanly possible.

“Same place I’m going to when it’s finished.” Sable says flying up beside me and pointing at me with her hoof, “His bed.”

“Why don't that surprise meh,” He says with a shrug not thinking much of it. “Aah'll send this to the Spruce 'n 'em as soon as aah git the chance.”

“Thank you, Roger, Have a nice day.” And with that me and Sable head back to my room to ask some would say chillax.