> Spike's New Adventure > by San Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Step Forward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a typical evening at the Castle of Friendship for Spike the Dragon. Having completed the list of chores Twilight assigned him before leaving the castle with her friends for Princess Luna's birthday party in Canterlot, Spike got left behind. Princess Celestia sent a letter earlier in the day, requesting Twilight and her friends' presence in Canterlot to help prepare a surprise party for her sister, Princess Luna, late at night. Earlier in the day, Twilight made a mess in one of the libraries within the castle while studying. Spike spent all day cleaning and reshelving the books, scrubbing the interior windows, mopping and sweeping the floors. The job for one creature would kill anyone or make them quit after realizing how tedious the objective actually is. Spike is by the balcony of the Castle of Friendship, and not even Starlight Glimmer is around; she's with Twilight and the girls in Canterlot, probably singing the Happy Birthday song to Princess Luna. Spike gazes at the night sky, wishing there's more to life than being a servant. After a few moments of star gazing, Spike turned away and retreated to his bedroom to read the latest issue of his comic book for relief. Ten minutes into his Power Ponies comic, Spike's character, Hum-Drum, has decided to inform the team about quitting the force after feeling left out of the action and fun. Hum-Drum needed a new change for fulfillment as he was tired of being a doormat, a pushover, a nobody. The comic even explains the revelations behind the mask during social gatherings, get-togethers, and parties, and more about how he missed out on everything life gives to his friends and not him. Spike relates to Hum-Drum with his scenario in Equestria and reads the next page, wondering what Hum-Drum would be doing. At the end of the title card for Hum-Drum fans, it reads: LOOK OUT FOR ISSUE #1 OF HUM-DRUM'S ASCENSION! NEW VISION CITY! Spike wonders if the new issue of Hum-Drum would have him start his own league of heroes or become a solo superhero. Then, Spike thought about the idea of his new fulfillment in life. He'll pronounce his resignation and leave Ponyville like his favorite Power Ponies Character, Hum-Drum. Spike thought long and hard about ideal locations to settle since Ponyville and Canterlot are not so favorable; then the idea came to him, one place where he's glorified and praised among his peers, the Crystal Empire! "YEAH!" Spike excitedly shouts in his bedroom, causing an echo throughout the Castle of Friendship. "The Crystal Empire would be perfect for me! Perhaps I can have a room in the Crystal Castle, have eyes all over the kingdom, and then spring into action whenever a crystal pony calls for help!" Spike imagines many scenarios about saving a family from robbers, defeating a gang of thugs, and solving mysteries the crystal guards couldn't figure out. "Yeah," Spike releases a satisfying sigh after an hour of imagination running wild, daydreaming the many crystal ponies cheering, applauding, and showing gratitude for his hard work and actions. He falls asleep, dreaming of life at the Crystal Empire like a watchful guardian during the day and night, ensuring life thrives in peace, and any enemy daring to make a move would rue the decision once the Brave and Glorious intervenes and saves the day. It's the crack of dawn in Ponyville; Spike dreamt wonderfully and woke up, smiling widely for the new day to embrace in his next chapter in life. Routinely, whenever Twilight Sparkle would leave Spike alone in the castle, all Spike could hear were his breaths; however, that didn't matter to him. If Twilight truly cared about Spike, she would have included him in Canterlot, helped prepare Princess Luna's birthday party, and celebrated with his friends and family. Right now, Spike starts packing his belongings, grabbing the essentials, some bits for his pouch, and snacks for the train ride to the Crystal Empire. After packing, Spike grabs a scroll and quill to start writing his resignation to Princess Twilight Sparkle and confirming his status with Princess Celestia about his decision to leave and begin anew to achieve new goals for fulfillment. Spike started writing to Princess Celestia, addressing the letter for her and Twilight to understand his point of view and feelings. Dear Princess Celestia, I'm writing to you today about my resignation from being Twilight's Number One Assistant. I have thought about my decision for quite some time during the days I would spend solitude at the Castle of Friendship whenever Twilight Sparkle would embark on a quest or spend time with her friends. Princess Celestia, you're probably wondering why I didn't arrive yesterday to partake in the celebration of Princess Luna's birth; well, the truth is, Princess Twilight Sparkle issued me a chore list to complete, especially with the disaster of a mess in her library yesterday. I attempted to ask about my availability once I completed my task; however, she turned a deaf ear and left me in the Castle of Friendship. I wholeheartedly believed Twilight thought I would be too tired to come when I finished and would pass out on the train ride to Canterlot Castle. Honestly, though, I have no ill will against Twilight Sparkle, but this gave me time to reflect on my life, and for many years since moving to Ponyville, my life has been dull, boring, and lonesome. I have my guys' night with Applejack's brother, Big McIntosh, and Discord; however, I don't have many friends to spend time with. Empress Ember and Thorax are ruling their nations and don't have much time for me. My pool of friends is slim, and since Twilight Sparkle hangs with her friends and excludes me, what's the point of staying when I'm unhappy? That's the other topic of this discussion. Unhappiness. Recently, I haven't been much of myself. I feel like Princess Luna imprisoned on the moon, isolated, quiet, and with no one to interact with. Unfortunately, before I decided to achieve something new in life, I had perfected the fake smile to ensure that my demeanor was calm with no worries whatsoever. I would lie about my feelings to Twilight Sparkle since she would ignore me whenever I wanted to talk. It was a defense mechanism to avoid my internal struggles and fight off my demons whenever they poked me and reminded me of my appearance being different. If I had the body of a pony, Twilight would be more attentive to me and more welcome to join the festivities. Maybe not. I don't know anymore. All I want in my life is to strive for greatness, and being Twilight Sparkle's Number One Assiant would only hold me back; therefore, I will be leaving Ponyville and venturing into the Crystal Empire since I'm known as the Brave and Glorious among the crystal ponies. I want to live up to the name, become an active hero, go on adventures, make new friends, and enjoy life. Thank you for understanding, Princess Celestia, and if you're reading this to Twilight Sparkle or if Twilight is reading the letter loudly to every pony in the room, throne room, or breakfast hall, don't come and change my mind. There's nothing you can say to divert me to the Castle of Friendship; I have nothing to gain in Ponyville. I'm just wasting away with tedious jobs and cleaning messes. Sincerely, Spike the Dragon P.S. Don't guilt-trip me or make any promises to change and bring me back to Ponyville; Princess Twilight Sparkle has her destiny to someday rule Equestria. I would have nothing, just a spectator to her accomplishments as I have none. Also, send help to clean the freaking castle, it's too much for one creature to endure, and I've done it alone for years! It kills me when I'm too tired and do it again the next day without help!! Spike takes a breather after slowly writing for an hour, his heart pounding and his mind racing. He stares at the ceiling, weighing his thoughts to send the letter now or wait until he boards the train departing Ponyville. "I should send it during the train ride; if I do it now, Twilight will teleport here and ask me a flurry of questions, giving me an earache about staying instead." Spike puts on his backpack, glances at his bedroom, and shuts the door to begin his new path into greatness rather than darkness. He walks down the corridors of the Castle of Friendship and ponders the replacement to uphold the cleaning, cooking, and performing the tasks necessary while Twilight enjoys her life. Spike wonders if Princess Celestia would send new hires to the Castle of Friendship and become Princess Twilight's new maids and butlers to help around after realizing how brutal one creature endured the chore list. Opening the Castle of Friendship's doors, Spike gets blinded by the bright sunlight hitting his face, like a new chapter is about to begin. The sun rising on a sweet spring's day, the smell of freshly mowed lawns, the sounds of fillies and colts playing, every pony enjoying each other's company and going along with their business; Spike sees everyone enjoying life blissfully and will uphold the same experiences at the Crystal Empire, with some weapons training from Shining Armor and the crystal guards, if permitted by Princess Cadance after hearing his side of the story and reasoning for not appearing at Princess Luna's birthday party last night. Many neighbors greet him and ask how the Princess of Friendship is doing, wondering if Twilight is on a friendship quest or commencing the acclaimed School of Friendship, one in which Spike didn't want to partake, knowing more responsibilities that'll delay his growth on finding his path for succession. Spike buys his ticket to the Crystal Empire, although when the station pony notices Twilight's dragon, she wants to give him the ticket freely since Spike is somewhat royalty; however, Spike insists on paying, making himself feel better that he did something on his own without Twilight's influence. It made Spike more free from Twilight's shadow than he'll ever know when taking the first step into the new chapter of his life. The 8:37 train arrives at the station, and many ponies depart and board the train. Spike sighs in relief after having anxiety about meeting Twilight and her friends on the same train. He believes everyone is having breakfast before leaving Canterlot by train to enjoy the scenery and resuming their duties in Ponyville. Spike boards the train and hands his ticket to the conductor; he goes to the front of the train and sits down, placing his backpack next to him like a friend, staring out the window, waiting for the engines to ignite and move. Staring at the skies while the weather team moves clouds for a supposed rain storm later in the day, Spike holds onto the resignation letter and rereads what he wrote. "Well, here goes something," Spike wraps the scroll nicely and addresses the title as urgent importance to display the seriousness of his decision-making. He breathes his fire at the scroll, magically teleporting the resignation letter to Princess Celestia in Canterlot, wherever she is with Twilight and her friends. > Shocking Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia is having breakfast with her sister, Princess Luna, and her friends Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack. She had prepared pancakes for everypony in the room rather than having her finest chefs cook; she wanted to make breakfast more wholesome for everyone after last night's party. Princess Celestia thanked everypony for making Princess Luna's birthday more lively than ever since the past few ones ended up in turmoil over royal affairs and bickering. Princess Luna shows gratitude for having one of the best birthday parties in over a thousand years; she promises to spend more time with her friends and family during the day and be more open-minded with those closest to her. Princess Twilight Sparkle mentioned the School of Friendship's construction project and asked the Princesses for Canterlot's finest crew to help create her masterpiece since Discord is reluctant to follow her instructions. Princess Celestia accepted Twilight's request after she and her friends succeeded in Princess Luna's best birthday in a millennium. Applejack reminded Twilight about her efficiency in construction arts with her brother and wouldn't mind lending a hoof for the project in exchange for extra help at the farm. Starlight volunteers to help the Apple family with her best friend, Trixie; however, Twilight Sparkle declines her student from volunteering when she reminds her about the layouts of the school's foundation by reaching out to the kingdoms Equestria is friends and peace with. Twilight proposed to her Number One Assistant, Spike, to uphold the responsibilities at Sweet Apple Acres since he has experience, unlike Starlight Glimmer. Princess Luna ponders Spike's situation since he didn't appear in last night's festivities and thinks about visiting him either later today or late at night. Princess Celestia shares the eerie feeling of Spike not included in last night's party; however, she believes Spike may have hung out with his friends and had fun with them. Pinkie Pie shares her excitement for bringing Yak Yakkistan to Ponyville, allowing the Yaks to learn what the School of Friendship offers to different creatures across Equus. Rainbow Dash preaches about her class becoming twenty times more cooler than any other classes taught by her friends, which spiked up competition between Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Fluttershy doesn't want to become rivals with any of her friends, and Rarity ignores Rainbow's rant about becoming number one; she quietly acclaims to become number one with her methods. With the girls laughing in joy at the future success of the School of Friendship, they thank Princess Celestia for making pancakes; they say their byes and leave the breakfast hall when a scroll marked with urgent importance appears in front of Princess Celestia. She blinks twice after reading the title. "Was that from Spike?" Princess Luna asks after noticing the green flares spewing the scroll to suspend in the air. She feels uneasy right after Twilight and her friends leave the breakfast hall. Princess Celestia unveils the scroll to read loudly for her subjects. "Dear Princess Celestia, I'm writing to you today about my resignation from being Twilight's Number One Assistant." Princess Luna's eyes widen in shock before her sister reacts to the rest of the letter; she's about to bellow for Twilight and her friends to return when Princess Celestia's right pegasi wing extends, cutting Princess Luna's speech before proceeding. "You may want to hear this before addressing Princess Twilight Sparkle," Princess Celestia says after reading a paragraph ahead of the resignation letter. Her tone sounds distraught with a foul taste of sadness. Princess Celestia continues to read the letter to Princess Luna about Spike's thoughts, feelings, and unhappiness, which perplexes the Princesses until they read about Spike's defense mechanism. They had no clue about Spike's comparison to Nightmare Moon's imprisonment and how severe loneliness and darkness had overwhelmed him. Princess Celestia becomes mortified with Twilight about her treatment of Spike and the possibilities that went unnoticed when she called for Twilight and her friends. "How did she forget about Spike?" Both Princess of the Sun and Moon say in unison after realizing Spike's absence throughout the years unless it's necessarily written in a letter. "How did we forget about Spike?" Princess Celestia and Luna look at each other in disgust as they don't recall spending time with Spike, only with Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Princess Celestia and Luna pondered about Spike's cleanup duties in solitude, which is mesmerizing to believe that Twilight would not assist Spike, leaving him to care with no magic! Another issue to address is Twilight's caregiving role since she flipped it upside down, allowing Spike to care for her when she's the one who hatched his dragon egg. "This is wrong, Celestia," Princess Luna is appalled after reading the letter and wants to address the crime Twilight has committed, even unintentionally. "No words can describe how I feel about Princess Twilight Sparkle's decision-making with Spike," Princess Celestia wholeheartedly believed the two were close, like a brother-sister relationship kind of friendship. She was wrongfully mistaken and stricken with grief with traumatizing thoughts of a friend in need, and there was no prayer answered. "Then, the decision is decided?" Princess Luna knows her sister's intention to authorize Spike's resignation, permitting him to strive for life at the Crystal Empire. "Indeed," Princess Celestia nods and conjures a stamper with the Equestrian Gold Seal of Approval to authorize Spike's resignation letter and will address the situation with Princess Cadance. Princess Luna imagines herself flinching when her sister stamps the scroll harshly, and even she would never dare to challenge Celestia's feelings. Princess Celestia's horn ignites in a golden aura to use her magic to duplicate the letter and inserts it into a letter marked with utmost importance to Princess Cadance. "As of now, not only will Spike be alleviated of his duties as Twilight's Number One Assistant, but I will enforce my power to relinquish Twilight's custody of Spike, transferring guardianship to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor," Princess Celestia proclaims since Twilight has already gotten used to Spike being less involved in her life. She writes the official statement to address Twilight's custody and seals it within a second envelope marked utmost important. Princess Luna concurs with her sister's statement and volunteers to send an emissary to Princess Twilight Sparkle after she writes a follow-up statement about Spike's resignation since Princess Celestia has her schedule to uphold in the following hour. Princess Celestia cannot use her magic to send Twilight the statement since her spell is tethered to Spike for delivery, and he's probably halfway to the Crystal Empire by now. "Forgive us, Spike, for we have also wronged you." > Coming Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been an hour since Spike sent his resignation letter to Princess Celestia; he saw many Wonderbolts flying in the skies after passing Cloudsdale. It was a sight to behold when they were practicing routines for either an annual show or for tactical purposes in warfare when they were humiliated by the Storm Nation's forces. "I wonder how Twilight will endure without me in the Castle of Friendship for the first time, especially with no help to clean up. Will Princess Celestia send help or allow Twilight to endure the hardship of solitude cleanup to understand how I tolerated it?" Spike speaks to himself about Twilight's punishment if she received one from Princess Celestia; if not, Spike would not concentrate on Twilight's affairs and focus on his future at the Crystal Empire. Spike enjoys the train ride with many thoughts of being the Brave and Glorious the Crystal Empire deserves; he imagines the crystal ponies cheering, applauding, asking for autographs, and signing his signatures. The ride was swift since Spike would pretend to save a family of four from an underground syndicate yearning to wreak havoc and make a name for themselves. Spike departs from the train and gazes at the beauty of the Crystal Empire, surrounded by lush green pastures and the lavish entrance consisting of crystal pillars with three rhombus geode crystals that move up and down. A magnificent white castle with sparkling and shimmering crystals stands tall at the center with houses of various shapes, colors, and shades of gemstones and crystals. As always, it's breathtaking to stare at the magnificence of the empire and with no pony around to rush him. Spike takes his time to enter his new home as Brave and Glorious. "I'm hoooooome..!" Spike cries in happiness for the first time with a new chapter opening in his book of life; his excitement fills his lungs with fresh air and no toxicity. Ten minutes of travel and many residents of the Crystal Empire gasp and cheer loudly for their champion. Many crystal ponies stand beside him, taking pictures, asking for autographs, and lifting and catching him in a crowded circle. Spike relishes the feeling and the praises so much that he blushed while explaining the importance of traveling to the crystal castle. The crystal ponies waste no time and escort their hero to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Upon arrival at the crystal castle, Princess Cadance, Flurry Heart, Sunburst, and Shining Armor are near the Crystal Heart, smiling, showing love, and embracing their brother to the kingdom. Spike is overjoyed with the warm welcome and turns to his peers, announcing his residency and upholding his entitlement as the Brave and Glorious, for which he receives a resounding ovation of cheers and hallelujahs. The crystal ponies are elated that their champion will live in the empire and would do anything to make him feel right at home. Shining Armor approaches Spike, asking him a simple question. "What would you do now, Brave and Glorious?" He is aware of the situation about Spike's resignation letter and would now be his legal guardian with Princess Cadance. Spike smirks with the visions he carried from last night's daydreaming. "Train to become the hero the CRYSTAL EMPIRE DESERVES!" Spike shouts boldly and proudly with emphasis. He's excited to become their protector with the possibility of underground syndicates plotting to raid the Crystal Empire or causing mischief. The crystal ponies shout in a voice of triumph and praise for their champion to become a full-time protector, even though they have Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and the Crystal Heart. Spike asks Shining Armor to train him diligently with some weapons the crystal guards use at their disposal. Shining Armor sighed deeply and declined Spike's request since he fortifies the crystal guards daily; however, he knows some pony who would coach him privately with more discipline since he's more family to him than the personal trainer and would hold back his remarks. Spike welcomed the challenge of embracing a personal trainer and asked about his training session due date. He'll get his first lesson tomorrow morning. Princess Cadance approaches Spike with Flurry Heart resting on her front left hoof. "We're so happy that you're here with us, Spike. Also, know that you're not responsible for the cleanliness of the crystal castle. We have workers to ensure you have more time with us, with your new friends and your personal trainer," Princess Cadance tries to withhold her giggles when imagining the shocking face of whom Spike will be learning from! "Wait, how did you know... -" It struck Spike that Princess Celestia addressed the situation with Princess Cadance about his resignation letter. He believes Princess Celestia would write Princess Cadance a follow-up letter detailing his reasoning for leaving Ponyville and Twilight Sparkle to seek not only a better life and fulfillment. "Did she tell you?" Princess Cadance and Shining Armor nod; they know what Spike endured: the solitude in the Castle of Friendship, the darkness, cleanup duties in loneliness, and the fake smile. Princess Cadance blames herself whenever she addresses Twilight about inviting her friends to the Crystal Empire, and she's also irate that Twilight would never have thought of bringing Spike along on the journey. Sunburst is aware of the situation but refuses to hold any grudges until he hears Twilight's side of the story; if there are any confirming validations, he will treat Twilight differently until she fully immerses herself as the Princess of Friendship and atone for her misdeeds by renewing her friendship with Spike. "So, why were you giggling earlier, Princess Cadance?" Spike recalls Princess Cadance laughing at the surprise he'll embrace tomorrow morning. "Oh, you'll see," Princess Cadance continues to giggle, causing Flurry Heart to laugh as well. Spike gulps nervously at the many probabilities of his instructor for tomorrow's training session; he hopes it's not Iron Will, the Minotaur who inspired Fluttershy's assertiveness to the extreme, turning Fluttershy into a monster for a few days. Could it be a legendary crystal guard that Spike never met visiting shortly at the Crystal Empire? Maybe it's Discord for giggles? Spike takes a deep breath to steady his mind; tomorrow can wait. "So, what is today's agenda, Princess Cadance?" Spike is eager to know if he can be with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's activities. "Well, Spike," Princess Cadance knows how Spike will enjoy the day since he missed last night's party. "In honor of your new path as the Brave and Glorious, we will conduct a celebration with -" Princess Cadance gets cut off by the residents of the Crystal Empire when they chant. "THE CRYSTAL FAIRE!" Every crystal pony wants to initiate the Crystal Faire, an annual event to renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire. Spike covers his mouth in awe and happiness that the crystal ponies want to welcome their champion with much love and grace by setting up the Crystal Faire. He hasn't been to one in a few years; the last was when King Sombra emerged, and he helped Princess Cadance retrieve the Crystal Heart to ignite the love and unity to send King Sombra into oblivion. Spike wanted to cry in happiness, but no tears came out of his eyes; his smile grew wider in excitement with happy pants. "Hmm, I don't see why not, and we haven't scheduled one all year long," Sunburst said, turning to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Princess Cadance flaps her wings, ascending to the crowd; she takes a deep breath for her bellowing command. "Everypony, prepare the Crystal Faire! It's time to celebrate!" Flurry Heart giggles and flies out of her mother's grasp to hug his uncle-in-law, Spike. "Yeah, it's going to be fun!" Spike lifts Flurry Heart and twirls around in pure bliss. > Emissary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna is in her quarters, writing an imperative letter addressing Princess Twilight Sparkle about Spike's new beginning, resignation, and thoughts about Spike's reflection during his tenure in Ponyville. The emissary Princess Luna called to arrive, waiting patiently for Princess Luna to hand him the scrolls to deliver to the Castle of Friendship. Dear Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, I'm writing to you today about the confirmation of Spike's resignation as your Number One Assistant, which includes your guardianship of Spike. Spike's statement detailed the many years of loneliness, darkness, and unhappiness. One, which you instilled without noticing; however, that is not justifiable to ignore a friend closest to you daily and not involve him during your activities with your friends. The crime you've committed, even unintentionally, is child negligence and exploitation. That is why my sister, Princess Celestia, will renounce your custody of Spike and transfer control to your brother, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance. A grown mare asking a youngling to care for not only you and the castle is unheard of; the parent is responsible for the child, and you reversed the logic, which is appalling. I'm sending you a copy of Spike's resignation letter so you understand his circumstances, darkness, and loneliness. Also, to comprehend the validation of this letter and not a brilliant practical joke from the Lord of Chaos Discord, you'll see the Equestrian Gold Seal of Approval to authorize Spike's resignation letter at the bottom page. Princess Twilight Sparkle, as of now, you are forbidden to come near Spike within 90 days during his residency at the Crystal Empire unless life-threatening or crucial meetings are necessary. My sister and I understand your relations with your niece and have instructed Princess Cadance to appear in Ponyville during visitations, which includes Shining Armor if he decides to visit you instead of Princess Cadance. Your friends, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, will endure a 90-day ban from the Crystal Empire for their negligence of a friend cast aside. Spike's logic has us terrified, and this is something you must discuss with us. If Spike was a pony, would he be treated the same as he was or differently? Don't lie and be honest with us when we visit you soon, Princess of Friendship. Sincerely, Princess Luna Princess Luna wraps the scroll nicely and ties it with a blue ribbon with the seal of her first initial capitalized. The letter is ready for transport with the emissary standing by. Princess Celestia trots by after a lengthy, decisive meeting with a few scientists on the verge of discovering a cure to a disease that plagued Equestria for decades. She rereads her statement to Princess Twilight Sparkle and wants Princess Luna's opinion. Dear Twilight Sparkle, Today, after you left, I received a message regarding Spike the Dragon, your former Number One Assistant. Spike has petitioned his resignation, which I authorized after reading his reasonings. I am very disappointed in you, my most faithful student, about the friendship you've shown to the dragon you birthed. I don't recall memories of Spike's involvement when I required the assistance of you and your friends; you've decided to exclude Spike from many ventures, parties, and events. Although the affairs from your friendship quests didn't require Spike's involvement, there are numerous occasions that you could have allowed Spike to join you during your festivities among friends, social outings, and events. Another jarring notion is how you reversed the role of caregiving to a youngling. You made Spike take care of you and the Castle of Friendship, which is unforgivable to many eyes when you leave Spike all alone in solitary confinement. According to Spike, he has no purpose, and I agree after reading the statement issued in the letter; therefore, he'll reside at the Crystal Empire and uphold his entitlement as the Brave and Glorious. Your brother, Shining Armor, and his wife, Princess Cadance, will now have legal guardianship of Spike since you've committed an atrocity. Unintentionally is not an excuse as the Princess you are with laws and regulations every citizen must follow. You've failed Spike as a friend and caregiver, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing a dark thought to enter Spike's mind: Would he be treated better if he had the body of a pony and would be more attentive and more welcome to join the festivities? You will answer that question and many more when Princess Luna and I arrive at the Castle of Friendship tomorrow morning; you have much explaining regarding Spike's purposes during his time as your Number One Assistant and as your friend during your tenure in Ponyville. Sincerely, Princess Celestia "Very heartfelt, Celestia. I can feel your emotions about the situation with Twilight and Spike. The seriousness and the sternness between writing to a friend and Princess." "As Twilight, we must atone for our mistakes for being neglectful of Spike," Princess Celestia is ashamed of herself for not being more involved with Spike when she had a silver-lining connection to send messages to Spike, asking him about his progress and even have a day together as good friends should. "Not only the Princess of Friendship but also the barriers of the Elements of Harmony, for they failed Spike as their friend. We should have private discussions with them about the importance of friendship with all species," Princess Luna noted after pondering more about Spike's loneliness and why the letter didn't mention Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. "Agreed," Princess Celestia concurs with Luna's statement. "Spike's loneliness and darkness would probably not be an issue if they were filling in the gaps in his heart and being more vocal to invite Spike, giving him a sense of purpose as a friend." "Since we managed to forget about Spike throughout his span in Ponyville, how about we spend the day with Spike at the Crystal Empire, Celestia? He should be there within another hour or so," Princess Luna advises, urging her sister to be better-minded when they speak with Twilight Sparkle tomorrow morning. "Well," Princess Celestia checks the clock in Luna's quarters; it's 11:41 in the morning. "We'll get going at 1:00; lunch will be ready soon." "Good, I am famished," Princess Luna says since writing the statement to send to Twilight took her more than an hour to express her thoughts from rereading Spike's resignation letter and how she wanted to address her concerns. "Hope you don't mind about my decrees with the issue stated in my letter to Princess Twilight Sparkle." Princess Celestia unveils her sister's scroll to read thoroughly and nods with approval. "A 90-day ban to the Crystal Empire is perfect, Luna. It allows Spike recovery time and Twilight to contemplate her friendship with Spike and how to atone for her misdeeds," Princess Celestia wraps her sister's scroll and gives it and hers to the emissary by the doorway. "Deliver to Castle of Friendship in Ponyville." The emissary is a white pegasus wearing the royal guard's uniform without the helmet; he has a sash on his shoulder for transporting mail throughout the country. After watching the Princesses leave Luna's quarters, the emissary departs by flying out of Luna's balcony. The flight to Ponyville will take twenty minutes. An hour ago. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack departed from the train after it got held back by another train heading to the Crystal Empire. Pinkie Pie hops beside her friends to the Castle of Friendship as she's more excited to build her classroom of parties and laughter to teach when the semester starts. Neighboring ponies wave at the Princess of Friendship and her friends, welcoming the core back home from their venture, believing they helped save Equestria from another crisis. Lyra and Bon Bon wave from the park's bench, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo trot by, hugging their sisters before helping another filly find their destiny, Big Mac informing Applejack about the money they earned after selling two wagons full of apples to Filthy Rich. Life in Ponyville is going well for every pony, especially with the School of Friendship added to the town and possibly transforming Ponyville into a capital city with newer creatures yearning to reside as citizens. "So, with the construction crew coming, let's just say, a week from today or tomorrow, depending on how quickly she would lend us support, what do you have in mind, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asks, flying next to the Princess of Friendship rather than trotting with the other mares. "I have my blueprints drawn to the exact measurements, which we'll construct the school a few yards away from my castle since I'll be the headmare of my school. I envisioned several students far and wide wanting a private session after hours about friendship lessons, and I don't want to complicate things on their end. That is why I prepare ahead of time." "Hey, Starlight?" Pinkie Pie hops next to Starlight Glimmer, pulling a cupcake from her mane to eat. "What would you be doing when the School of Friendship starts the first day of school?" "Twilight asked me to become the school's counselor since she would be preoccupied with other affairs in the school, and I'll be a temporary headmare when she's fulfilling a friendship quest." "Hmm, I wonder what Spike would be doing? Would he teach?" Fluttershy asks Twilight Sparkle about Spike's involvement. "Spike won't be teaching. Spike will continue his duties as my Number One Assistant at the School of Friendship and will aid our dragon students in interacting with other creatures," Twilight responds since she'll use Spike during her curriculums and other private studies. Also, Spike has his work cut out with cleaning the castle and the school when the day ends. Twilight and her friends arrive at the Castle of Friendship. She takes a deep breath and uses her magic to unlock the castle's doors wide open, allowing her friends entry. "Spike! We're back!" Twilight bellows, knowing her echoed voice would reach his ears; however, there's no response. "Spike!" Twilight shouts again after no instant reply. "Spikey-Wikey! I have gemstones for you!" Rarity shouts, hoping to bait Spike like a fish to reel him in. Her tactic failed when Spike didn't respond to her instantly. "Maybe Spike's just plum tuckered out and catchin' some shut-eye?" Applejack suggests, explaining his lack of response to Twilight's call. "Impossible. Spike has never overslept past 8:00. Maybe he's cleaning the castle or having an early lunch?" Twilight feels dreadful with the sudden silence in her home like something horrible has happened to her friend. "Girls, mind helping me locate Spike in the castle?" "I got the upper floors!" Rainbow Dash zooms upstairs with incredible flight speed, observing every room by the second. "We'll check the kitchen!" Applejack and Pinkie say in unison, galloping to see if Spike had a mouthful of ice cream of hidden gemstones he hid from Twilight from his secret stash. "I'll check the map room," Fluttershy trots down the corridor leading to the throne room. Perhaps the map had summoned Spike for a friendship quest. "I guess you," Starlight refers to Twilight. "Me and Rarity check the libraries and meet by the map room?" Starlight suggests that there are many inside the castle. "Alright, let's go!" Twilight teleports to the farther library by the backends of the castle. Rarity trots to the one closest to her, and Starlight travels to the following one three rooms ahead. Rainbow Dash scours the upper floors in a flash, dashing from room to room, calling Spike's name and noticing the uncleanliness of several rooms, which made her think about Spike leaving to buy needed supplies to clean. However, the uncleanliness was her fault due to her flight speed, causing some papers, inks, and books to scatter in several rooms. She checks the balcony and the rooftops of the castle, seeing no baby dragon in sight. Applejack and Pinkie Pie arrive in the kitchen, hoping to find their friend snacking. Instead, they see nothing of interest or signs of Spike's presence. Pinkie Pie examines the dust, looking for fresh dragon fingerprints; however, due to Spike's handiwork for cleaning, the kitchen is nothing but spotless. Fluttershy enters the map room and doesn't see her friend lounging on his throne, reading comics or books. She pouts after finding her friend still missing after searching every corner of the room; Fluttershy had hoped to find Spike cleaning the upper walls of the room if he didn't complete the chore list Twilight gave him yesterday. Twilight, Starlight, and Rarity search high and low for Spike in every library they've entered; like their friends during their pursuit to locate Spike, they have no results and become worried about his whereabouts and possible situations that could be disastrous. Twilight declares her friends to regroup by the map room for a meeting. It's 11:55 a.m. Twilight, Starlight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy arrive in the map room after wasting half an hour locating Spike. Twilight starts having anxiety and panic since she has no clue about Spike's whereabouts. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Starlight, Rarity, and Fluttershy feel bad about leaving Spike behind and wonder if Queen Chrysalis has kidnapped him for an evil plot of revenge or ransom since she's the only evil creature roaming Equus when her changelings reformed and transformed. They decided not to give Twilight that thought until another came to fruition. "Where would Spike go?" Twilight sits on her throne, conjuring a paper bag to inhale and exhale into. "WHERE?!" "Well, maybe some pony in town might have seen where Spike was going?" Starlight says, hoping her thesis would entice Twilight to ask any pony in Ponyville for clues to where Spike is. "Brilliant idea, Starlight!" Twilight drops the paper bag and levitates Starlight Glimmer with her magic, hugging her friend dearly. "Y-You're welcome, Twilight," Starlight sees Twilight's demeanor changing from dreadful to hopeful; now she hopes that anypony in Ponyville knows where Spike is or doing. "Let's go!" Twilight, with her newfound energy, gallops to the castle's doors. Starlight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack follow their friend to help find Spike. The emissary arrives at the front of the Castle of Friendship and prepares to announce the letters the Princess of Friendship would receive when the castle's doors fling open, knocking him out from the sudden whiplash. He falls over to the left side of the stairs, lying on the meadows with no one noticing his presence of importance. Twilight Sparkle and her friends rush to see the first pony in sight, hoping they have seen Spike and his whereabouts. The pony they approach is Thunderlane with his younger brother, Rumble. "Thunderlane, have you seen Spike this morning?" Rainbow Dash asks her fellow Wonderbolt teammate, praying for good answer for Twilight's sake. "No, I just arrived in town like half an hour ago. Also, Spitfire wanted me to tell you about heading back to Wonderbolt training since we were humiliated by the Storm King's army and would need better flight sequences to oppose newer offensives of the future." "Oh boy," Rainbow Dash imagines the newer techniques Spitfire drew up for the Wonderbolts to deploy on the enemy; she is looking forward to become the fastest among the core to perfect the procedures, but she needed validation of Spike's whereabouts for Twilight's sanity. "I saw Spike this morning before playing with Button Mash, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight," Rumble replies, looking at Rainbow Dash's gaze. He sees her smile widely before Twilight shoves her aside. "Where?!" Twilight grabs Rumble to read his eyes, ensuring that he's telling the truth and nothing but the truth. "Hey, cool it!" Thunderlane releases Rumble from Twilight's grasp; he sees the Princess of Friendship acting crazy and hysterical. "He was walking towards the train station with a backpack," Rumble pointed to the station. "Thank you!" Twilight hugs Rumble and apologizes for her behavior; she gallops to the train station with her friends, except for Rainbow Dash, who received a letter detailing her next appearance at the Wonderbolts HQ from Thunderlane. At the train station, Twilight Sparkle and her friends search for a pony who sold a train ticket to Spike or knows his destination; she approaches the station pony by the booth. "Good afternoon, Princess Twilight Sparkle," The station pony gets prepared to give Twilight and her friends train tickets to her desired destination. Twilight asked the station pony if they knew where Spike went when he came here earlier. The station pony mentions the Crystal Empire as Spike's destination, which now makes sense for Twilight that Princess Cadance asked for Spike's assistance without her help. "Spike went to the Crystal Empire without us?" Twilight wondered, baffled by Spike's sudden decision to travel to the Crystal Empire without informing her. "Do you think Spike decided to handle the task on his accord while we were having breakfast with the Princesses?" Starlight asks Twilight, which is more than enough validation to confirm Spike's decision-making to leave Ponyville and send a letter to Princess Celestia, requesting Twilight and her friends' presence. "Absolutely, and Spike made a foolish decision of not informing me and giving me heartache. Let's go to the Crystal Empire and help Spike correct the issue Princess Cadance is probably enduring." Twilight Sparkle purchases seven tickets to the Crystal Empire; however, the station pony offers the tickets freely since Twilight is royalty and Princesses have many perks for traveling the continent. Twilight accepts the kind nature and boards the 12:37 train to the Crystal Empire. > Crystal Faire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hours since Spike arrived at the Crystal Empire, every crystal pony worked diligently to set tents and booths for the joyous occasion and celebrate their champion's homecoming now that he'll reside and become their protector. The snack booths provide berry pies, crystal corn, nectar, fritters, and funnel cakes; there's a section for a ring-tossing game, crafting traditional straw hats, playing the flugelhorns, and petting zoos. The crystal guards build a jousting arena since it's the Crystal Empire's favorite sport and activity. The most magical celebration in all of Equestria is what some crystal ponies would quote after the revival of their kingdom years ago when Spike helped retrieve the Crystal Heart to defeat King Sombra. For Spike, the Crystal Faire has become his new favorite celebration besides the day of his birth; he feels love and unity within the hour than he would have in Ponyville. Spike has no ill will for the residents of Ponyville but doesn't really consider them his friends because of his connections to the Princesses. Spike does have a few, but they're busy with their lives while he remains in isolation during the days and evenings. He'll have his guy's night and would hope Discord could bring Big Mac over to the Crystal Castle during their annual fun night; Spike would invite Shining Armor to partake in the guys' night if he's interested. The sounds of fillies and colts laughing, mares and stallions working fluently to bring the most magical celebration made Spike want to participate in helping his new brothers and sisters. Spike helps the crystal ponies by baking berry pies, nectar, fritters, and funnel cakes and cooking crystal corn since he's an excellent chef; with his green flames, Spike warms the food to perfection. Princess Cadance helped decorate the Crystal Empire with Sunburst and many crystal ponies, setting up balloons and decorative flags while Shining Armor fed Flurry Heart. Princess Cadance flies to inspect the preparations for the Crystal Faire and notices Spike drawing a crowd of his peers with his cooking expertise by the Spike statue; she sees two Alicorns flying in the distance and knows that Princess Celestia and Luna wanted to visit Spike after the supposed resignation letter he sent earlier today. Princess Celestia and Luna are amazed to see the crystal ponies setting up the Crystal Faire, a joyous celebration of love and unity to solidify their bond with Spike. "Princess Cadance," Princess Celestia smiles at her friend while flapping her wings to keep herself hovering above the Crystal Faire; she sees Spike leaving a snack booth to take pictures with his beloved fans. "I see Spike adapting to his new home quite comfortably." "Hello, Princess Celestia and Luna, welcome to the Crystal Faire! Yes, Spike came a while ago, and I had some notion of having a grand banquet inside the castle; however, my subjects declared the Crystal Faire, and rightfully so since we did not initiate one all year long." Princess Luna reads Spike's body language, determining his face full of bliss, happiness, and relief like his shadow demon suddenly lost grip when close to sacred divinity. Luna believes when Spike got closer to the Crystal Heart by the castle, his demon departed, allowing joy to intercede in his heart. "Sounds delightful that your subjects want to bring love and joy to the Brave and Glorious; my sister and I wanted to visit Spike since we missed him last night during my birthday party and to renew our bond with him for being blatant of his existence." Princess Cadance deeply sighs since she had forgotten Spike when it came to Twilight Sparkle and her friends; she's riding on the boat with Shining Armor as they want to renew themselves with Spike. "I am relieved that Spike's demons will go away, especially when the Crystal Heart ignites; however, I'm quite concerned about Twilight Sparkle and her erratic behavior. I would anticipate her coming daily to the empire, asking Spike repeatedly to return home, even though she no longer has custody over him." "Princess Luna and I are authorizing a 90-day ban to the Crystal Empire and explained in full detail not only for Twilight Sparkle but her friends as well," Princess Celestia sincerely states, knowing the rift can produce headaches but allows healing for the two. "We sent an emissary a while ago to deliver the scrolls since Twilight's motive of receiving mail resides here," Princess Luna confirms that Twilight will know Spike's decision and new purpose in life, hoping she'll understand and let Spike go. "Perfect, and knowing Twilight, who is very understanding, would make the best decision to let Spike be until the due date arrives," Princess Cadance believes Twilight would accept the decisions and decrees Princess Celestia and Luna authorized after reading Spike's resignation letter. "Agreed, though we should speak with her and her friends about Spike's decision-making, and when I mean we, that includes you and your husband, Cadance," Princess Celestia says, hoping for a peaceful conversation with as a group before one-on-one sessions with Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends about the significance of caring for those closest and not disregarding them. "Hey!" Spike waves next to the Spike statue after signing some autographs and taking pictures; he sees Princess Celestia and Luna speaking with Princess Cadance. "Are you coming to celebrate or what?" Princess Cadance, Celestia, and Luna descend from the skies and land next to Spike and the crystal ponies. Spike is happy to see Princess Celestia and Luna; he can't help but hug them after finally being released from Twilight's position and exploring what life has to offer. Princess Celestia and Luna hug Spike lovingly as friends would. "Let's go and have fun!" Spike encourages his new brothers and sisters to start celebrating the joy of the Crystal Faire. The crystal ponies entice Spike to watch the spectacle of the jousting tournament, with this year earning a bragging rights trophy as best jouster of the year award. Anyone, including Spike the Brave and Glorious, can compete except fillies and colts due to protection protocols; however, they allow balloon sword fighting for the younglings. The crystal ponies permit Spike to ride the back of the knight pony, wielding the lance to knock down his opponent. Spike made his point evident about crystal ponies using everything they have; he wants their true potential used during the event when he chooses his partner, and he won't forgive his opponents if they allow him to win on purpose. Shining Armor reunites with his wife, Princess Cadance, with Flurry Heart; He greets Princess Celestia and Luna with a warm welcome and an invitation to compete in the jousting tournament, which they oblige. Princess Celestia and Luna hope to contend during the first round to see who is better during the sibling rivalry. Several crystal servants start filling baskets with the treats Spike helped make to pass around to watch the extraordinary event; they even tried a sample and fell in love with the flavor crafted by Spike. Many crystal ponies start playing the flugelhorn in unison, creating harmonious music to welcome the competitors to the tournament. Spike turns to Shining Armor, smirking at the devilish idea of competing and hopefully dominating the competition, even though in the back of his mind, he won't escape the second or third round; still, he couldn't help but smirk at the idea. "Shining Armor, would you like to be my jousting partner?" Spike offers his claw to propose an agreement. "It'll be my honor, Brave and Glorious, Bro," Shining Armor high hooves Spike's claw instead of shaking it; he's eager and excited to spend quality time with his brother and show his platoon how to work together in unison. Princess Cadance decides to enlist herself for the tournament to show Spike picked the wrong pony for a partner and prove to Shining Armor she's more capable than he realizes. Shining Armor gulps nervously about going against his wife during any round and prays to avoid her at all costs. The list of the competitors gets validated in a number bracket system detailing thirty-two ponies and dragon in total. The first sixteen competitors would be in the Diamond League, while the other sixteen would be in the Gold League. A unique rule got implemented regarding Spike's participation; if a jouster knocks Spike off Shining Armor, he gets eliminated from the competition, and Shining Armor would not continue the fight. Spike accepted the challenge and hoped that his personal trainer would be competing or watching from the sidelines or the bleachers of the jousting arena. "Let's go, Spike! Let's go, Spike! Let's go, Spike!" Discord is sitting on the bleachers with Big McIntosh since today is the annual rotation for a guy's night; however, when Discord snaps his fingers to appear at the Castle of Friendship to make preparations with Big Mac, Discord's magic teleports them to the Crystal Empire instead and now starts a rally to the hype of Spike's peers when he enters the competition. Spike turns to see his guy pals cheering with the crystal ponies; Discord is starting a betting ring, declaring Spike to win the entire competition, in which every crystal pony partakes by offering one gemstone. He couldn't help but laugh at Discord's antics, knowing he was messing with every pony; he walked over and urged Discord not to manipulate his opponent's minds for taking a dive. Discord reads Spike's body language and determines a new dragon blossoming within, so he respects Spike's wish. The train ride wasn't swift for Twilight Sparkle since she yearns to learn about Spike's purpose at the Crystal Empire and why he forgot to mention his whereabouts earlier. She wonders if something crucial had happened, in which Princess Cadance needed immediate assistance with a meeting or preparations for Yak Yakkistan's possible visitation since the Crystal Empire and Yak Yakkistan are neighboring countries. Twilight continued drawing up theories for a probable solution for Spike's importance at the Crystal Empire. Starlight Glimmer reassured Twilight that Spike would contact her once the situation gets addressed and send a letter detailing the information to aid Princess Cadance's crisis or circumstance. Pinkie Pie offers her cupcakes to ease Twilight's anxiety, which Twilight accepts, smiling at Pinkie Pie for her kind gesture. Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash depart from the station, seeing no pony around, which is eerie for them. They are the only ones until they trot to the entrance of the Crystal Empire. After minutes of strolling into the streets of the empire, the girls hear a resounding roar and notice the Crystal Faire. "WHAT?!" Pinkie Pie shouts louder than any of her friends; she's upset about missing out on the most fantastic party the Crystal Empire throws annually. "The resounding roars must be coming from the jousting arena!" Rainbow Dash groans bitterly; she believes she's missing out on the best festivity of the Crystal Faire, showing off how awesome she is and dominating the competition. "Well, least the Crystal Empire ain't dealin' with no crisis or any o' them horrid things," Applejack says, taking an apple fritter the crystal ponies baked, now knowing Spike's involvement was probably setting up the Crystal Faire and celebrating the most magical event in Equestria. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Starlight Glimmer wonder where every pony could have gone except Rainbow Dash, knowing the spirit of fun is coming directly from the jousting arena. Twilight is calm, which is scaring everyone around her. Within Twilight's mind, she wholeheartedly believes Spike has forgotten about her with vital information about the Crystal Faire since she has no other means of receiving instant messages from the Princesses. "How dare he forget about us?! Doesn't Spike know it's rude to forget your friends about an important extravaganza such as the annual Crystal Faire, knowing my brother, sister-in-law, and niece are concerned about my whereabouts!?!" Twilight thought to herself rather than reveal her emotions to her friends. She took a deep breath to relieve her sentiments. "Twilight?" Starlight Glimmer approaches her friend after predicting a mental note to address Spike later. "I'll lecture Spike about his blatant forgetfulness later; right now, I'm interested in the resounding roar coming from the small arena," Twilight points to the jousting arena. Spike receives number fourteen from the Diamond League bracket and wonders who he'll battle during the first round. Discord uses his magic to invoke and equip Spike with dragon-size armor, allowing flexibility, mobility, and agility to move while riding on Shining Armor's back. "I'm number three," Princess Cadance announces, causing Shining Armor to shriek about contending with his wife during the first round; she laughs and corrects the league of her participation. "Of the Gold League." Shining Armor sighs in relief after knowing his wife is teasing him; then he sees Princess Luna holding the number three card, making him sweat immensely about versing the Princess of the Moon. "You and me, Captain of the Royal Guard," Princess Luna uses her magic, conjuring a dark night sky blue knight's armor for the jousting tournament; the lance she wields is a lunar-shaped theme for the occasion. "And you as well, Brave and Glorious!" Spike gulps about confronting Princess Luna during the third or possibly opening round of the jousting tournament; he imagines Princess Luna humiliating him and Shining Armor with years of combat experience. He knows Princess Luna is a juggernaut compared to other crystal guards and ponies competing; however, he must maintain his role and display his Brave and Glorious title to his peers so they don't doubt his capability to become their protector after he announced it hours ago. After Sunburst wrote the bracket leagues on the chalkboard, determining the rounds by random number selections, he reached into a bowl of number cards to determine the opening match to initiate the tournament. He grabs a mic after choosing the round of knights to start the first matchup. "Alright, every pony and Draqonecuus! The first matchup features #3, the Princess of the Moon, Princess Luna, versus #14, the Brave and Glorious, Spike the Dragon!" Every pony cheers loudly from the bleachers, with Discord and Big Mac chanting: "LET'S GO SPIKE! LET'S GO SPIKE! LET'S GO SPIKE!" Everyone chants louder, giving their champion respect, honor, glory, and praise as they believe in him. Shining Armor gears up before Spike rides on his back, wielding the lance to knock Princess Luna out of the first round; he hopes Spike will have fun and win a few matches or the whole thing. "You ready, buddy?" Shining gets on the north side of the jousting run. "More than I'll ever be!" Spike lowers the helmet's face protection while hoisting the lance in his left claw, preparing to knock Princess Luna down when the moment arises. "Give me signals to dodge and swerve to evade her strikes, Shining." "Can do, Spike!" Shining Armor salutes to his partner and mentally prepares himself to challenge the Princess of the Moon, knowing the first-round matchup should have featured as one of the main events. The crystal guards not participating are documenting how teamwork functions with the Brave and Glorious; also, to prep on unison attacks to defeat many foes in the future. One keyword they wrote in bold is communication. Without that, teamwork would be futile. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity arrived at the more improved jousting arena filled with all residents of the Crystal Empire, Discord, and Big Mac, which Applejack is confused about her brother's neglectful duties to the farm back in Ponyville. She'll discuss with Big Mac after watching what appears to be the first round of the exciting matchup. Twilight overhears the resounding joy of the Crystal Ponies chanting Spike's name and notices him riding on a crystal guard's back. Her heartbeat pounds rapidly, fearing her dragon possibly receiving harm from the lances. An earth crystal pony mare named Sapphire Joy has the flugelhorn, preparing to play the instrument to sound off the opening contest. Sapphire Joy has a light blue coat, bright pink and purple mane and tail, deep blue eyes, and a cutie mark of plant growth. Shining Armor and Princess Luna gallop to confront each other at the halfway mark; Spike prepares to jab Princess Luna's chest before she reacts, hoping his timing is perfect and not an early strike. Twilight gallops and uses her magic to levitate Spike off Shining Armor's back before Spike can jab Princess Luna with the lance; instead, Princess Luna delivers the blow on Shining Armor, not noticing Twilight's interference. Twilight holds Spike in her arms, removing his armor and protecting him as a mother would. "What were you thinking, Spike? Putting yourself in harm's way like that!" "Twilight!?" Spike, Princess Celestia, and Cadance are stunned to see Princess Twilight Sparkle violating Luna's decree about the 90-day ban from the Crystal Empire. Princess Luna removes her helmet after the confusion, and she's irate that Princess Twilight Sparkle desecrated the spirit of the competition and profaned her and Celestia's decree. Shining Armor gets up after getting knocked down by Luna's attack; he's confused about his sister's presence and interference. "What are you doing here, Princess Twilight Sparkle?!" Princess Luna tosses her helmet aside in anger after Twilight transgresses her decree and the intrusion during the first match of the jousting tournament. Princess Twilight Sparkle flinches from Luna's sudden hostility in her tone while holding Spike dearly. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy Starlight Glimmer, and Pinkie Pie join the crew with much confusion written on their faces. Sunburst is happy to see his best friend, Starlight Glimmer, but wishes it was under better circumstances. Discord and Big Mac are in the dark after noticing the anger written on Princess Luna's face and the weird emotions emitting from Princess Celestia and Cadance; they wonder what happened between them, the girls, and Spike. Sunburst announces a recess on the mic, allowing every crystal pony to depart the arena and enjoy the other festivities while leaving everypony to discuss privately. Spike attempts to move away from Twilight, but she refuses to release her grasp of him. "Why are you angry with me?" Twilight is perplexed about the situation; then Princess Celestia uses her magic to teleport Spike onto her back. "Hey, Spike!" Pinkie hops beside Princess Celestia. "Why didn't you tell us about the Crystal Faire?" Despite the circumstances, Pinkie Pie still asked cheerfully about the Crystal Faire. "Yeah, and you made Twilight worried-sick when you didn't leave a note for her, for us!" Rainbow Dash comments on Spike's immoral rationales for the reason behind the disappearing act. "More importantly, why did you forget -" When Twilight mentions the phrase forget, Spike becomes deaf to the rest of the question; he looks down and feels his darkness returning. Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance couldn't believe the audacity coming from Twilight's mouth when she mentioned forgetting friends and leaving them behind, that it's unjust to leave a friend abandoned without thought of how they would feel. "We need to talk, my most faithful student of the life lesson of forgetting friends," Princess Celestia nudges her head to trot to the Crystal Castle for a private discussion; she wanted to have the private session in Ponyville tomorrow and spend quality time with her friend Spike, uninterrupted today. "Of course," Twilight believes the life lesson would reeducate Spike about the importance of friendship, that you should never leave a friend behind and forget about their existence. Princess Luna follows her sister, Spike, and Twilight to the Crystal Castle while Princess Cadance refrains Twilight's friends from following to discuss another important matter. Applejack turns to her brother and Discord as they approach Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Sunburst trots to greet Starlight Glimmer. "Howdy, Aj." "Big Mac, what in tarnation brings ya here 'stead of back home at the farm gettin' some work done?" Applejack wants to know about her big brother's involvement since he never leaves Ponyville unless he's delivering goods. "Well, it's yer turn to handle the farm's duties durin' mah one day off a month, y'all. Discord and me done set up our fellas' night out. Typically, we get ready during the daytime so when the night rolls 'round, we know what's the plan we got goin' on," Big Mac reminds Applejack about the agreement. One day out of the month, Big Mac enjoys the day to himself or the guys while Applejack maintains the farm's duties with Apple Bloom. "Oooh, right," Applejack nervously chuckles; she forgot about the arrangement since she spends more time with her friends and saving Equestria from disasters. She does her fair share at Sweet Apple Acres; however, Big Mac pulls more of his weight than Applejack more days than others. She feels ashamed for overlooking her brother's only day off and how he would want to spend the day. Also, she was supposed to handle business with Filthy Rich, not him. "Initially, I teleported us to Spike, and we arrived at the Crystal Empire for some reason," Discord chimes in, explaining their reasoning for attending the jousting tournament as the crowd. "Honestly. I didn't know the Crystal Empire began the Crystal Faire, so Big Mac and I thought about surprising Spike by moving the guy's night here." "So, why y'all here?" Big Mac asks Applejack and her friends the question that seems to be on the Princesses' minds a while ago. "Twilight got worried about Spike when we came home from last night's birthday party earlier today. Spike was busy and didn't show up -" Rainbow Dash continues with the explanation of Spike's busy schedule from yesterday's affairs, which was unsettling to hear for Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Sunburst, who know the truth about Spike's resignation letter. "Yeah! And we thought Spike's disappearing act came from an ingenious idea from Queen Chrysalis to kidnap Spike during the day or night as a revenge plot since her changelings and the hive reformed," Pinkie Pie noted with Rainbow's explanation. "Twilight felt awful when we couldn't find Spike; she was highly concerned about Spike and feared for the worst," Fluttershy commented quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. "We searched high and low for Spike's whereabouts in the Castle of Friendship and got lucky that some of our friends saw where Spike was going," Rarity said and hoped Spike was alright after feeling dreadful when Twilight spoke about the importance of informing a friend and not forgetting about them. "That's why we came, and judging from the Crystal Faire setup, we believed Spike had forgotten to tell Twilight and the rest of us about setting up and celebrating the Crystal Faire when you sent him the letter this morning," Starlight said, and noticed the expression written on Princess Cadance's face when she sighed deeply. "Girls," Princess Cadance decides to speak to them on behalf of Princess Celestia and Luna. "Princess Celestia and Luna sent an emissary earlier today; did Twilight receive the mail?" "What emissary?" Starlight Glimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy say in unison; they're shocked at the stunning revelation, which was more indication that the emissary didn't arrive on time to deliver Spike's resignation and status. Princess Cadance closes her eyes, igniting her horn with a pinkish aura to conjure a copy of Spike's resignation letter; it manifests in front of the girls, bearing the Equestrian Gold Seal of Approval on the bottom page. "What in the hay is that?" Applejack asks before her friends can respond to Princess Cadance's explanation. "Spike's resignation letter approved by Princess Celestia with the Equestrian Seal of Authenticity," Princess Cadance reveals the written statement Spike wrote for everyone to read. One paragraph Spike wrote out of the entire letter struck the girls immensely, especially Starlight Glimmer and Pinkie Pie. Spike's unhappiness paragraph makes the girls feel downright awful, guilty, and ashamed for failing a friend in need; they question themselves and each other about spending quality time with Spike. Also, the sentence regarding Spike being a different creature for more interactions made them feel appalled for their ignorance of a species. Rarity provided some answers about spending time with Spike; however, they weren't hangouts, but they were work-related errands; she invited Spike over whenever she needed extra help with her latest fashions, but she never said: "Hey Spike, wanna come with me to the spa? Spend time together at the park? Go out for lunch?" Rarity only asked those questions to her friends and nobody else, not even her sister, Sweetie Belle. Applejack mentions many occasions she needed help, and Spike aided her and the family at Sweet Apple Acres, but she didn't ask him to spend time together as friends would. Starlight Glimmer spoke with Spike in the castle whenever she's not learning friendship lessons from her teacher, Twilight Sparkle, or spending time with her best friend, Trixie Lulamoon. As for the chore list, she would help, and then Twilight whisks her away for a new lesson or a hangout to uncover the truths and mysteries of friendship. Pinkie Pie recalls no memory of personally inviting Spike to anything in her schedule as friends, mainly Twilight and Starlight; her mane had already deflated when she read about Spike's defense mechanism of faking a smile to evade his internal struggles and demons. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy concur with Pinkie's statement about forgetting to chill with Spike as good friends would, which makes Rainbow Dash contemplate her loyalty element and personality since she failed Spike as his friend. Another statement in Spike's letter is his placement in life; the girls never noticed Spike fulfilling any goals in life, only to serve Princess Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity remember the tale of Spike's pride when it came to being Twilight's Number One Assistant and attempting to frame Owlicious for a deceptive scheme years ago; how Twilight and Spike overcame their quarrel and become anew as friends. Reading the passage about Spike yearning to find his purpose in life, create goals to achieve it, and be happy. Who are they to strip that fire and desire away from him? Shining Armor explains the 90-day ban Princess Luna decreed to Twilight and her friends, allowing Spike much separation to grow into the dragon he wants to be, the Brave and Glorious, striving for greatness with new ponies or creatures he'll encounter. Also, the 90-day ban would allow Spike and Twilight to recover, rethink, and manage the situation rather than immediately when emotions take control. Princess Cadance informed the girls about Spike coming to the Crystal Empire, and it was the crystal ponies that wanted to celebrate Spike's homecoming with the Crystal Faire; that there was no letter indicating Twilight and her friends' presence to help set up the most magical event. The girls realize they came uninvited to an occasion and spoiled it, adding more guilt. Discord is eating popcorn while listening carefully to each of his friends's stories regarding their friend Spike. Sure, Discord didn't bother asking Spike to hang out because he solemnly focused on building his friendship with Fluttershy more than any of the girls; however, Discord won't allow any excuses to bypass the situation regarding Spike and promises to spend more time with him after giving Spike two weeks to enjoy himself in his new home. Big Mac remains silent and will miss his friend; he doesn't have the luxury of taking more days off during the year since the land needs tending whenever apple trees decay. He'll make do with his days off from working at Sweet Apple Acres. Spike looked down the entire trip to the Crystal Castle; he tried to overcome the feeling of neglectfulness when Twilight mentioned what he did versus the numerous times Twilight had done to him for years. Princess Luna feels Spike's pain and understands him more than any pony else; she wants to reassure him that things will get better after the discussion and life lessons taught. Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Spike are in a private meeting hall inside the Crystal Castle. The Princesses command the crystal guards to depart for privacy, which they comply with, and wonder why the Brave and Glorious looked so gloomy. "Well, Spike," Twilight Sparkle turns to her Number One Assistant. "What do you have to say for yourself, mister? Why didn't you inform me of your whereabouts? Why did you forget about our friends and me about the celebration of the Crystal Faire? It's rude and disrespectful to leave a friend behind during fellowships and give them heartaches." Princess Celestia and Luna can't believe the words spoken by a hypocrite since Twilight's questions are her actions on Spike for years, according to the resignation letter. Spike didn't want this; he wanted happiness, and to respond in sadness became too much for Spike to bear. Princess Celestia had enough of the interrogation. Princess Celestia uses her magic to levitate Spike off of her and onto Luna's back for safekeeping. She approaches Twilight Sparkle, staring into the Princess she thought represented friendship. "Twilight, there was no invitation for you and your friends' presence at the Crystal Empire," Princess Celestia says calmly and formally. "WHAT?!" Twilight's jaws drop with theories ringing in her mind like many alarm clock bells sounding left and right. She's stunned to hear the report. "What do you mean there's no invitation? There has to be otherwise, Spike wouldn't be here!" Princess Celestia and Luna read Twilight's body language and determine she didn't get the mail the emissary delivered a while ago, which opposes a glaring issue regarding the situation and the emissary. Now, they'll have to explain the purposes of Spike's new beginning. "Twilight..," Spike hops off Luna's back to confront the issue, hoping Princess Celestia and Luna would say the right words of wisdom to soothe Twilight's erratic emotions. Honestly, Spike hopes Twilight's sudden rage boost won't cause the foundation of Crystal Castle to uproot into the skies as the time she did with the Golden Oaks Library when Spike mentioned a test when Princess Celestia called her to help Princess Cadance and Shining Armor during King Sombra's return. "If there was no invitation, Spike, why are you here, and why did you forget -" Spike becomes deaf again with Twilight's persistence of the phrase. Twilight notices the guilt on his face and knows what Spike has done is unacceptable in friendship. "That's enough pestering!" Princess Luna shields Spike with her right pegasus wing. She'll address the situation after hearing enough from Twilight Sparkle. "Pestering? I'm only asking -" Twilight gulps nervously after seeing Princess Luna's irises changing, almost like reverting to Nightmare Moon. Luna's glare made her quiver about the life lesson lecture she had in mind for Spike. "Princess Twilight Sparkle," Princess Celestia addresses her as a responsible Princess, not a friend for this instance. Twilight fixes her gaze on her mentor, trying to understand the issue regarding Spike and his forgetfulness. Despite no invitation to the Crystal Empire, she yearns to know about Spike's status regarding his visitation since he didn't write a note of importance to her. "Yes, Princess Celestia." Princess Celestia ignites her horn, and a golden aura arises, enabling her to use magic to summon Spike's resignation letter with the Equestrian Gold Seal of Approval. "Spike wrote a resignation letter to relinquish his obligation as your Number One Assistant." "NO!" Twilight shouts in shock and horror. "I don't accept Spike's resignation as he's too important to me! I want to decline his petition!" Twilight feels panicked, with butterflies flying in her stomach. "Please, don't take him away from me!" Princess Celestia shakes her head, denying Twilight's plea to override Spike's resignation. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, after reading the report on this document, I authorized Spike's appeal and allowed him to seek fulfillment. You should read what's written for better understanding, my most faithful student." Twilight reads the top page after seeing the Equestrian Seal of Approval stamped on the bottom page, validating Princess Celestia's decree and authority. She becomes grief-stricken reading the first two paragraphs. Tears form in her eyes, streaming down her face while she read the letter Spike wrote wholeheartedly. The statement: If I had the body of a pony, Twilight would be more attentive to me and more welcome to join the festivities. Twilight feels horrid of unfairly treating a different species, considering Spike lived with her throughout his life. Twilight lowers her head in disgrace after realizing the questions she asked Spike had turned out to be her undoing for many years that went unnoticed and how she merely ignored Spike to be with her friends and turned a deaf ear unintentionally, which is no excuse for her blatant decision-making. Twilight understands the gravity and the severity of the situation regarding Spike's new life; however, she wants to atone for her misdeeds immediately. "Spike, I'm sorry..," Twilight tosses the resignation letter aside after her sadness overwhelms her. "I am so so so sorry for being a horrible friend when I'm the Princess of Friendship! I'm deeply sorry for being a hypocrite and having the audacity of comparing and pestering you as a bad friend when I'm in the wrong!" She groans angrily at herself for years of abandoning Spike to clean up the Golden Oaks Library and the Castle of Friendship to spend time with the girls. Twilight imagines slamming her head on a table for having ideas of Spike cleaning not only the Castle of Friendship but the school as well. "Now you understand the pains and turmoil Spike endured according to the letter, Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Princess Luna asks Twilight after analyzing her reaction to the letter. "Yes, and I'm ready to bring Spike home," Twilight knows that Spike wants to reside in the Crystal Empire; however, she hopes that understanding Spike's circumstances and the disturbing fact about his fake smile would assure her of renewing her relationship with Spike as friends back in Ponyville. "I know Spike wants to live here, but he belongs with me in Ponyville, not as my Number One Assistant, but as my friend. Let me bring Spike home to renew our friendship and start anew." "Denied," Princess Celestia and Luna rejected Twilight's plea since she was unaware of another decree Princess Celestia validated in a different letter. "WHAT?!" Twilight Sparkle becomes agitated with the friendship issue determined by the Princesses forfeiting her friendship duty. Even though the map didn't alarm Twilight's cutie mark to resolve the crisis, the situation is between her and Spike to make amends. "WHY NOT?!" She retorts at the Princesses, allowing her anger to possess her. "I KNOW SPIKE CLAIMED FOR A NO GUILT-TRIP PLEA, BUT I AM THE PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP, AND MENDING FRIENDS TOGETHER AFTER MINOR OR MAJOR DISPUTES IS -" Twilight uses her right hoof to point at herself. MY RESPONSIBILITY!" Twilight points her right hoof at Princess Celestia and Luna. "NOT YOURS!" She huffs and puffs after her rant about her duty as Princess of Friendship. The rant did provoke the Princess of Sun and Moon; however, they refuse to allow a private meeting to turn into an altercation, especially with Spike feeling sadness and heartache about what he desired and wanted to avoid. He sighs sadly, rethinking his options about sanity. Princess Celestia watches Spike wiping a tear off his left eye; it motivates her to discipline Twilight strictly. Whenever Twilight was in school, she would raise Spike as a nurturing mother and care profoundly for his well-being, and now that's being tested with her student having a temper tantrum. Princess Celestia fixes her gaze and glares at Twilight Sparkle, preparing to speak her mind. "First and foremost, Princess Twilight Sparkle, you've enacted child neglect and exploitation, which is a federal offense to any parent for abandoning their child, having their child care for the parent, and allowing the child to have the responsibilities of cleanliness, errands, chores within your home in solitude. Second, I renounced your custody of Spike and transferred authority to your brother and sister-in-law to care for Spike since he's still a child. Consider yourself lucky I'm not charging you with a misdemeanor, which would imprison you, Twilight! Since you're virtue in Equestria and an icon among the populous, I would not tarnish your reputation and cause disruption to run amuck my lands!" Princess Celestia spoke in her royal tone, alarming the gravity of her decree to Twilight Sparkle. "Prison..?" Twilight trembles in fear while listening to her mentor's bold statements and explanation. "I issue the declaration of a 90-day ban from the Crystal Empire to you and your friends; now, consider the punishment double for your insolence!" Princess Luna angrily proclaims with her royal tone. She is concerned about Spike's well-being and regrets involving him in this discussion. "...double..?" Twilight's voice crackled in fear after hearing the strictness and coldness of their voices. She knows she's in deep waters after today's meeting. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, as of now, you are banned from entering the premises of the Crystal Empire. Gather your friends and vacate immediately!" Princess Celestia commands, stomping her right hoof in authority to make her command evident. Princess Twilight Sparkle flinches from Princess Celestia's hoof stomp and leaves the room, uttering an apology. "I'm sorry." Spike remained silent and covered his mouth after watching the display of two Princesses governing the situation. The back-and-forth of the arguing, the immense backtalk, and the heaviness made him more frightful. Spike gets hoisted and hugged by Princess Celestia and Luna, apologizing to Spike for listening and witnessing the altercation. They allow Spike to cry and unleash his emotions after withholding for a long time. Twilight Sparkle is now remorseful of her words after her anger dissipated when she left the Crystal Castle; her mind is in disarray since she upset the Princess of the Sun and Moon, her mentor and sister. "What have I done?" Twilight thought to herself after the realization of screwing more of her relationships with not only Spike, her teacher, and now Princess Luna. She's worried about probably media coverage in the future regarding Spike's new position and obligation. Also, the glaring topic is discoursing Empress Ember and Thorax whenever they decide to come to Ponyville to visit their friend, Spike, or when they accompany a chosen delegate for the School of Friendship. Twilight returns to the jousting arena in despair and shame; she turns to her friends, frowning and disgusted about her emotions overriding her thought process after she retorts to the Princesses angrily. "We need to get going. Princess Celestia and Luna are serving us a 180-day ban from the Crystal Empire." "WHAT?!" Pinkie Pie once again shouts louder than Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, Rarity, and Applejack. "What in tarnation happened between you, Spike, and the Princesses, Twilight?" Applejack asks her friend about the sudden punishment doubling its' due date. "Everything..," Twilight lowers her head, sighing sadly with her rude remarks echoing in her ear about her self-proclaim entitlement as Princess of Friendship. She turns to Discord. "Can you deliver us to Equestria, Discord?" "Sure," Discord snaps his eagle's talon, enabling his chaos magic to teleport Twilight and her friends back to the Castle of Friendship. He and Big Mac want to know if Spike is doing alright and excited for tonight's guy's night. Spike cried in Princess Celestia and Luna's arms during the embrace for a half hour; he endured so much for years in solitude; he didn't want to let go of the warm, loving hug from Celestia and Luna. He doesn't want to be alone anymore. Flurry Heart arrives in the room, holding onto him to soothe his heart. She doesn't understand the reason for Spike's sadness but wants him to become happy. Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Sunburst, Discord, and Big Mac enter the room and listen to Spike's cries, understanding differently about the tribulations he bore for years unnoticed. Spike calms down after seeing his friends and family entering; he doesn't notice Flurry Heart hugging and holds her dearly for comfort. "Are you feeling better, Spike?" Princess Cadance approaches Spike, placing her left hoof under Spike's chin. She wants to gaze into his eyes and read his emotions. Spike nods. "Yeah.., I think I released years of loneliness into that hug," Spike turns to Princess Celestia and Luna. "Thank you for helping me. I am eternally grateful," Spike bows before the Princesses honorably. "You're welcome," Princess Celestia and Luna vow to treat Spike as a respective family member from here and out, always keep in close contact, and invite him to Canterlot for special visitations and parties. "Hey! Brave and Glorious!" A random crystal pony shouts, which causes a resounding roar of crystal ponies chanting Spike's name, yearning to see and continue with the jousting tournament since it got interrupted. Spike walks to the meeting room's window, seeing his family; yes, family. The crystal ponies rallied and sparked a new fire and desire in Spike's heart now that his first step into his life was starting after the hurdle he endured. Princess Cadance opens the window to address her subjects with an excited announcement. "Return to the jousting arena, for we must continue our homecoming celebration of the Brave and Glorious, Spike, for he shall combat the Princess of the Night, Luna, in our opening matchup!" Every crystal pony and guard cheers louder, and Spike feels something awakening within. With every crystal pony channeling their light and love while not knowing what had happened with their champion, the Crystal Heart at the center of the Crystal Empire spins and illuminates sparkling magic, purifying Spike's darkness and turning him into a crystal dragon as everyone else gets crystalline coats. Discord gets a bewitching crystalline coating; his limbs and physique glow in different hues, and he lights up like a disco ball. "Well, y'all, Discord is fixin' to have itself a good ol' party!" Big Mac compliments Discord's disco ball transformation. "That's an idea!" Discord flies out the window, dancing and playing music, the cha cha cha to the bleachers at the jousting arena. Princess Cadance uses her magic to levitate Spike's armor and lance. "You're armor, Knight Spike," Princess Cadance bows gracefully to her friend for fun. Spike adorns his armor and hops on Shining Armor's back, preparing for his matchup against Princess Luna. "Let's get going; we have a friendly competition to resume!" Spike feels rejuvenated and hopes Twilight will overcome her denial, anger, and stress, fearing she's in the five stages of grief. Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance combine their magic to transport everyone to the jousting arena. Discord filled the bleachers with every crystal pony chanting: "LET'S GO SPIKE! LET'S GO SPIKE! LET'S GO SPIKE!" Princess Luna dorns her dark night sky blue knight's armor and wields her lunar-shaped lance. Shining Armor gets in position with his captain of the crystal guard armor on, mentally preparing himself to aid Spike and challenge the Princess of the Moon; he's focused on winning the tournament with Spike after what transpired a while ago. "Hey, Luna!" Spike shouts bold and proud for his statement to show his private trainer that he is courageous against opposing foes. "Don't hold back!" Spike demands, tightening his grip on the lance's handle; he puts the shielding of his helmet down. "Very well, Spike the Brave and Glorious! I shall answer you by defeating you shamelessly in this contest!" Princess Luna is now motivated, with adrenaline coursing through her veins. Sapphire Joy plays the flugelhorn, sounding off the opening contest again, and hopes for no interruptions. Spike, Shining Armor, and Princess Luna shout their warcries and charge, preparing to strike by the halfway mark with the roaring crowds cheering lively. > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and her friends appear in the Castle of Friendship after Discord teleported them when he used his magic; Twilight feels dreadful for scolding the Princesses about her entitlement and duties as the Princess of Friendship while understanding the need for the 90-day ban from the Crystal Empire. Well, it's now a 180-day banishment due to her emotions controlling her during the backlash and how she wanted to make amends with Spike after realizing her misdeeds on her beloved dragon she birthed. The girls are worried about Twilight's well-being, especially Applejack after she asks her what happened during their conversation with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor about the Crystal Faire and Spike's business. Twilight reveals the daunting discussion between her, Spike, and the Princesses, how wrong she was to compare Spike to a bad friend when she was worse, plus her rude behavior after learning the consequences of her actions with Spike. Twilight's friends couldn't believe the outburst towards the Princesses when they heard about the misdemeanor Twilight should have been charged with since many parents in Equestria who do wrong with their children get their prison sentence; also, hearing the banishment punishment days doubled when Twilight's anger possessed her made the girls groan in frustration since they neglected Spike during his residency in Ponyville. Twilight feels so devastated; she wishes to be alone to contemplate her following motives, explaining to Empress Ember and Thorax about Spike's status if they decide to visit him in Ponyville, earn the Princesses' forgiveness for allowing her emotions to take control of her and living life without her friend, now knowing Spike is no longer around to help or be with her. Starlight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy refuse to leave Twilight in solitude, for no one deserves isolation after a heartbreaking moment and realization from Spike's resignation letter. Twilight did smile, but she wanted to understand Spike's point of view while living in seclusion. Twilight decided to undergo a trial for the duration of the 180-day banishment from the Crystal Empire to live in Spike's world when no one was around to accompany him. The girls think it's foolish for anyone to endure solitary confinement, especially when Twilight is the Princess of Friendship, who would have to solve friendship quarrels whenever she gets summoned by the map room to unravel the mysteries of a friendship crisis. Twilight groans in frustration after realizing her obligation would not allow herself to endure similar trials as Spike experienced. Twilight slumps over the castle's walls in anger and sadness; she will never understand Spike's pain to have the discussion with him after six months; she's afraid of writing Spike a letter without the Princesses' consent. The girls sit with Twilight by the wall, not talking but letting her know when they're with her. Twilight Sparkle endured the silence, ignoring her friends' breathing for four hours, refusing to eat and drink, but creating an ideal image within her mind, pretending to be Spike when he endured solitude for many hours of the day. The girls hear the knock coming from the castle's doors, believing the emissary has finally arrived and possibly got sent to follow Twight and diverted to the Castle of Friendship. Starlight Glimmer offers to answer the door, but Twilight respectfully declines; her mentality is to become Spike within the sanctity of her castle, answer, be responsible, and care for the business. Twilight opened the door; she noticed the emissary wearing a bandage covering the upper left head and gasped. "What happened to you..?" The emissary doesn't speak but glares at the Princess of Friendship and delivers the mail Princess Celestia and Luna had written; he's livid with the Princess for giving him a concussion and would prefer not to say anything regretful later. The emissary flew past Princess Celestia and Luna, informing the duo about taking a three-week vacation to recover from the concussion and spend time with his family during the last month of summer. Princess Celestia and Luna granted the emissary vacation time since they were concerned about the injury their emissary sustained earlier today. Twilight closes the castle's doors with her magic and unveils the scroll that has Princess Celestia's first initial seal when she hears another knock on her door; she returns to answer the pony that may need her assistance for a quick session to calm a quarrel in Ponyville; with her being the Princess of Friendship, at times, loving couples and closest friends get involved with unfortunate affairs that would spur and test their friendship. To Twilight's dismay, after opening the door, her heartbeat pounds rapidly in fear at the presence of Princess Celestia and Luna. "No need to be alarmed or afraid, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Celestia reassured her student, feeling shameful since her and Luna's emotions got the better of them a while ago during their discussion. "May we come in?" Princess Luna attempts to smile warmly at Twilight Sparkle, but it's shown that she is missing a tooth from her smile; during her clash with Spike, she underestimated Spike's competitive spirit with his entitlement as Brave and Glorious. Twilight feels unnerved by Princess Luna's smile and wonders who was the pony that knocked her tooth out during the jousting tournament since she's a slow eater and wouldn't bite into anything hard recklessly; she stands aside, allowing entrance for Princess Celestia and Luna. Starlight and the others see the Princesses entering the castle, and they approach them with concerns about Twilight and their punishment for wrongfully mistreating Spike as their friend. Twilight escorts her friends to the living room to discuss what needs to be addressed rather than go to the throne room and get reminded of the empty chair next to hers; she doesn't want her sadness to overtake her when anger has done it hours ago. Princess Celestia thought about her statements and issues to address after the long flight from the Crystal Empire to Ponyville; the way she handled the situation made her awful for allowing her emotions to possess her, even when making a statement about how parents should manage the responsibility of caring their younglings. Princess Luna shares the guilt after the festivities concluded at the Crystal Empire; she didn't feel happiness about what had transpired and desired to renew her bonds with Twilight and her friends. After everyone is seated, Princess Celestia takes a deep breath and then gazes at Twilight. "Forgive me for how my sister and I reacted during our conversation; we've allowed our emotions to override our calm demeanors to discuss specific ground rules after informing you of Spike's resignation letter. Untamed anger would divert goodness astray and only leads to sadness and remorse." "We were quite concerned about Spike's well-being, considering stress can kill anyone, and after reading and rereading Spike's resignation letter, we were also at fault for not maintaining our friendship with Spike; I should have spoken up last night during my birthday party." "There is no one here who is innocent during Spike's residency in Ponyville since some of you only have Spike around for errands or chores, and we must atone for our misdeeds upon a good friend," Princess Celestia states, watching every pony around nodding in unison, concurring with her statement to renew their friendship with Spike. "Twilight, I will allow you to send an emissary to the Crystal Empire whenever you desire to write to Spike after serving 90 days, allowing separation and healing to run its' course since Spike will find his purpose in life to achieve." Twilight exhales in relief since she is about to ask permission to write to Spike, apologize, and earn his forgiveness by helping herself in the Castle of Friendship daily. "Thank you..," She smiles with gratitude as her heartache eases; she remembers the sadness from Spike when she scolded him for being a terrible friend. "Starlight Glimmer," Princess Luna fixed her gaze on Twilight's pupil; she saw the nervousness and uneasiness written on her face about her residency in the Castle of Friendship and how she failed Spike. "Sunburst petition your case as a warning rather than a coalition with Twilight and her friends' punishment, allowing you entrance to visit him and Spike whenever you wished." Starlight's jaw dropped in astonishment after hearing her best friend's plea to permit her to subside the banishment decreed by the Princesses; she starts preplanning possible journeys to visit Sunburst and Spike more often, which would allow her to inform her teacher about Spike's progress and purpose. "Everyone else would make preparations to revive their friendship with Spike and ensure history doesn't repeat itself when he visits or decides to move back to Ponyville," Princess Celestia joyfully expressed to rejuvenate the girls' spirits rather than deflate them. Twilight and the girls didn't consider the possibility of Spike returning to Ponyville with probable homesickness since he was with Twilight when he was born. With their newfound energy, Pinkie Pie bolts out the living room's window to organize her schedule after six months to reignite her bond with Spike by baking the perfect gemstone cake the Cake family has never done since his last birthday party. Starlight starts planning her visitations at the Crystal Empire while maintaining her schedule for friendship studies with Twilight and helping construct the School of Friendship with her friends. Applejack is considering inviting Spike to the following Apple Family Reunion as a token of friendship to rekindle their bonds and then build up momentum to hang out more as friends. Rainbow Dash does have a spare ticket to the next comic convention center, with A.K.Yearling making an appearance with a new issue of a comic book series based on Daring Doo, her favorite icon. If there is anything Spike desires, especially with the Power Ponies series, she'll pay no matter how many bits the item costs. Fluttershy will invite Spike to more of her tea parties whenever Discord is around since the duo has a brotherly bond ever since the guy's night party; she remembers how much attention she gave Spike until it swerved to Discord. Rarity vows to have Spike more involved with her social life than her work life, especially with the instant reminder to treat her sister better after the false promises whenever she puts her latest fashion design and friends over her flesh and blood. Starting tomorrow, Rarity will do anything Sweetie Belle desires as sisters would, then plan ahead of time to hang out with Spike and perhaps date him; Rarity imagines herself blushing after failed attempts to hook up with the wealthiest elite stallions of Equestria. Twilight decides to decline any help within her castle as payment for Spike's devotion before his darkness grows; she intends to clean the castle in solitude, learn how to cook, help herself, and not rely on any of her friends whenever they come by; Also, she's preparing to write Spike weekly after the three-month period subsides and would hope he responds with a letter and mails it to her. Twilight thanks Princess Celestia and Luna for their visitation and for igniting their spirits with newfound energy for revitalizing their friendship with Spike soon. She accepts the Princesses' apology and understands how powerful an emotion can be throughout any situation; never again would she allow anger to possess her and make her say. Princess Celestia and Luna leave the Castle of Friendship knowing everything will settle in due time; however, they are more intrigued with Spike's new future during his residency at the Crystal Empire. Princess Celestia senses something divine will latch onto Spike and turn him into a new creature with his new purpose lined up in front of him. After the Princesses left, Twilight turned to her friends. "Starting tomorrow, we will undergo preparations when we teach our experiences and wisdom with the Students of Friendship; that way, no one will recreate our horrible mess," Twilight commands to ensure no other friend or family member would have to suffer loneliness and darkness. "Agreed," The girls say in unison, knowing how vital friends and family should get treated rather than something different, no matter how they look. > Training Starts Now > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a new day at the Crystal Empire for Spike the Brave and Glorious; the sunlight beams on his face, waking him to embrace the new day with excitement to become like his favorite character, Hum-Drum, and undergo training to become the hero he imagines for the Crystal Empire. Spike walks by the balcony, taking in the scenery of the empire he swore to protect from underground syndicates, uncover mysteries, and help any crystal pony that cries for an answered prayer. Spike inhales the fresh air of the Crystal Empire, relishing the new purpose without Twilight's interference due to her outburst yesterday, which caused her suspension from the Crystal Empire to double. One thing he'll get used to is not cleaning or cooking the castle daily since those responsibilities will fall onto Twilight's hooves, and Spike believes Twilight would enforce those responsibilities on Starlight as an escape to elude her duties to hang with her friends. Spike walks into his private bathroom to start the day, taking a nice, relaxing, hot shower to match the heat of volcanic lava; he is curious about his private instructor training him to use weaponry and probably have cardio exercises to make him more agile until he sprouts wings. After his shower, Spike departs from his room; two crystal guards stand by to escort him to the breakfast hall where his family is eating. Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Sunburst welcome Spike to the breakfast hall and show him the buffet on the table. "Oooooooooo" Spike gazes at the delicious food presented: omelets with green peppers, mushrooms, diced onions, and shredded cheese, a fruit bar station featuring watermelon, strawberries, oranges, bananas, and apples, gemstone-coated cereal, which was an idea from the crystal chefs since Spike the Brave and Glorious loves devouring gemstones, regular cereals, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, waffles, pancakes, french toast, cinnamon rolls, orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, water, and milk. The sight of the food made Spike's mouth water. "Have a seat, Spike, and help yourself! There's plenty for you and -" Princess Cadance gets cut off with every crystal guard, butler, and maiden trotting inside. "Right on time." Spike never thought of having breakfast with everyone inside the castle; however, he still hasn't seen his instructor and wondered if he or she had a private breakfast. The crystal chefs arrive in the room, hoping Spike loves their craft of combining gemstones with cereal. "This is awesome!" Spike admits the new change for daily breakfast since he's used to eating in solitude or with Twilight and Starlight on particular days whenever a friendship study or hanging with friends are not involved. He sits with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor; he wonders if Twilight made a breakfast explosion in the kitchen, knowing she's a lousy cook. Spike tried the gemstone-coated cereal and devoured three servings after discovering a new blended taste since the Cake Family tried and baked a sapphire gemstone cupcake to perfection for his birthday. The crystal chefs eating their fill are pleased to know how much Spike the Brave and Glorious enjoyed their creation and will create newer gemstone-coated recipes for their champion; also, they receive praises from Spike after informing them about the delectable flavor of gemstones merging with ordinary cereal. After a burping symphony, there were plenty of giggles from everyone in the breakfast hall. Flurry Heart claps her hooves in delight. The loudest was her mother after having a light breakfast, she blushed in embarrassment in front of her subjects and declared breakfast over. Everyone pat their bellies in satisfaction to relish the fellowship in breakfast and silence. Spike's instinct is to clean up after breakfast since it was his duty throughout the years in Ponyville when he remembered another important task greater than his old routine. Princess Cadance reminds Spike that he no longer has cleanup chores since there are plenty of workers who tend to the Crystal Castle's needs; with Shining Armor having his schedule lined up, Princess Cadance carries Flurry Heart in her hooves and escorts Spike to the crystal guard training facility, which is smaller than the arena that hosted the Equestrian Games. Throughout the journey, Spike waves at every crystal pony he sees and briefly states about his training course, which would take up most of the day, and he'll see everyone later. Spike is excited about meeting his private trainer and imagines a similar field for his favorite comic book character, Hum-Drum, embracing the new change to become better than ever. Princess Cadance's smirk grew wider when they got closer to the training facility, making Spike a bit worried about greeting his new teacher and undergoing formidable training methods. Stepping onto the turf grass and the track, Spike turns around and sees Princess Cadance sitting by the bleachers, stroking Flurry Heart's head with a twisted smile. Spike gulped at the sight and saw a unicorn with a purple coat and a magenta mane; seeing the broken horn on the mare's head made Spike gasp after realizing who his instructor would be! "Hahahahahahahahaha!" Princess Cadance laughs at Spike's horrid face after realizing Tempest Shadow, aka Fizzlepop Berrytwist, would be his new instructor. Tempest Shadow kept the signature attire consisting of black armor over her body and armor shoes over her hooves. She also wears a body suit all over her, covering her flank; the only difference is the symbol. Before then, it held the Storm Nation's; now, it features the Crystal Empire's Crystal Heart logo. "Ahahahahahahahaha!" Grubber arrives while eating a sponge cake coated with crystal sprinkles. "Dude, you should have seen your face!" Spike remains frozen with his eyes widened and jaw hanging loosely; a drool drop extends by the passing second with many thoughts erupting in his mind about the whats and whys of Tempest Shadow's residency in the Crystal Empire. "I heard and witnessed the fallout of your friends' decision-making when they intruded during the jousting tournament; how concerned they were with you over a misunderstanding and false accusations of your forgetfulness of them. Before you ask about my residency in the Crystal Empire, I'll explain. After the celebration at Canterlot, Princess Cadance approached me and Grubber about a clean slate to live happily since the Storm Nation would undergo a new sovereign through democracy. Empress Storm, the Storm King's brother, was voted fairly and initiated the forgiveness campaign. The citizens and soldiers were to embark to neighboring countries and apologize on behalf of their fallen ruler, ensuring harmony and peace will follow and no more hostility and wrath." Spike blinks twice and shakes his head, waking him from his trance; he takes the info spoken by Tempest and exhales, now knowing the direction of the Storm Nation's righteousness. Tempest smirks at Spike's body language and mentally prepares herself to answer any other questions regarding the Storm Nation or the training session. "So, what training method would I endure on my first day?" Spike asks Tempest since he has no questions concerning the status of the Storm Nation since they're heading in the right direction for becoming anew in peace and prosperity. "Cardio and muscle mass since your undersized physique would have difficulties wielding weaponry designed for any militant." "Crud!" Spike imagines himself wincing with an exercise focusing on his speed; also, since he ate a heavy breakfast, Spike fears it would cause stomach cramps if he overexerts his energy poorly. "Good luck, hero!" Grubber laughs and taunts Spike after watching him sweat nervously, which is his undoing when Tempest glares at him. "You've been getting fat lately," Tempest notices her friend's round belly getting bloated with each sugary treat the hedgehog had consumed since their residency in the Crystal Empire. "No.., nononononononono -" Grubber waves his arms with no expression of participating in Spike's exercise routines. "Consider yourself as Spike's training partner, Grubber!" Tempest commands, striking fear into Grubber's heart, knowing he must comply and get on his friend's good side again. Grubber pouts and angrily groans due to his blunder of taunting Spike since he thought about avoiding any exercising methods during his new life in the Crystal Empire; he knew about Tempest's persuasion for him to lose weight; however, the desserts and delicacies in the Crystal Empire proved to be more demanding to resist. Spike watches Grubber walk to the running track and gets in position to endure the many laps Tempest would command Spike to run; Spike decides to follow pursuit with a command from Tempest. "Have you done this before?" Spike positions himself next to Grubber on the track's starting line, with his mind racing about the many laps he'll circle. "No....," Grubber sighs and remembers the days of watching the soldiers training immensely to build their muscle mass and achieve agility for the Storm King while he ate nothing but sweets; he regrets not participating in the exercises he'll endure now. "One hundred laps!" Tempest shouts and watches Spike sprint after hearing the number while Grubber remains motionless until Tempest shouts - "GO GRUBBER!" She ignites her horn to send a spark shock on Grubber's behind, provoking him to start running. "I'M GOING!!!! I'M GOING!!!!!" Grubber moves swiftly after feeling and hearing the loud pop of sparks behind him; he notices Spike passing him and has concluded his first lap around the track. "There's not much happening within the Crystal Empire for Spike to fulfill his duties as the savior to the empire. I'll continue to train him into a noble warrior for upcoming threats to protect his crystal ponies." Tempest thought to herself while watching Spike and Grubber sprint on the track. She walks over to the next exercise course for weightlifting. "Keep count of your laps, boys!" Tempest prepares the weight limit for Spike to lift, considering the dragons' body strength differs from everypony else. Spike imagines his hero, Hum-Drum, sprinting next to him, not getting tired or having second thoughts but pushing aside doubts and focusing on becoming a better self, pushing himself to newer lengths and heights to achieve success. "Become the new hero!" Grubber is ready to pass out after running ten laps, as Spike has run twenty; he huffs and puffs while slowing down to gasp for air and energy. Tempest urges Grubber to keep running if he wants a cake coated in vanilla frosting and sprinkles, which motivates him to run faster than before; she uses his hunger as an advantage to encourage Grubber to sweat for his sweets. With Spike the Grubber finding their motivation to train and become better, the duo started building a brotherhood; during the run, Spike explains his desire to become the hero for the Crystal Empire as Grubber explains finding boredom since nothing is interesting to do besides eating and lazing around. Spike offers Grubber a position to become an ally for a team he'll be building to defend and oppose threats that seek to desolate the Crystal Empire, knowing the vast knowledge of sorcery dating a millennium can uphold newfound power to any wicked creature demented enough to run amuck and cause calamity upon the populous. Grubber does enjoy the idea of fighting crime and different surging organizations that went unnoticed, though he'll need to gain muscle mass to become a champion like Spike the Brave and Glorious; he accepts the proposition and turns to his friend, Tempest, urging her to train him and Spike more often. Tempest smirked at her friend and couldn't believe Spike's prep talk encouraged him to lose fat and become a hero. Days turn into weeks for Spike during his training sessions. For a few days now, Spike has sprouted his wings after undergoing the molt, a transformation that appears to be a sickness but was a metamorphosis in disguise. Since he sprouted his wings, his sessions had altered with flight lessons with the pegasi platoon of the Crystal Guards because Tempest doesn't obtain flight magic. Spike endured hardship at first with Tempest during the first week of training since she's not the sort to emphasize emotions on newbies or anyone in particular except those closest to her. She would yell at Spike, demanding him harshly during specific exercises that overwhelmed him, making him pass out on the spot when she wanted Spike to give everything he had and build momentum. Princess Cadance did speak to Tempest about easing the strictness; however, Spike intervened; he wants to embrace Tempest's methods to improve and become better than ever. Spike did ask Tempest to spend some days as friends to build a friendship, which she obliges, thus opening more onto Spike and strengthening their bond during the training sessions. During Spike's span in the Crystal Empire, he's developed to take care of Flurry Heart like a big brother whenever Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's duties become overwhelming, which is a surprising twist of fate for Spike since he's used to caring for Twilight; however, he enjoys Flurry Heart's presence and has not abandoned her. Spike has spent time with Shining Armor, developing a brotherhood; the two would go camping, fishing, playing games, talking, and exercising. Whenever Spike is with Princess Cadance, he accompanies her to visit several schools, enjoy relaxation, open new stores and buildings, smile with many crystal ponies, and help plan fun festive days for the crystal ponies. Grubber remains the same size, and his physique hasn't altered, but during his trials with Spike to become heroes, Grubber did obtain strength, better mobility, and agility. He can move swifter, lift two hundred pounds, and hasn't focused on eating junk food. Whenever Tempest doesn't train the dynamic duo, she monitors the activities within the Crystal Empire for any signs of crime; however, she knows the Crystal Empire is the perfect haven where no corruption and crisis has spurred. She knows Spike's dream would cause devastation to the young dragon with the harsh reality of living in a protected kingdom. Today is Wednesday. Spike and Grubber meet at the training facility and notice Tempest's demeanor changing while speaking with Shining Armor about Spike's involvement as a protector. "Uh oh, that doesn't look good," Grubber feels Tempest's energy just by looking at her. He knows what his friend will say after weeks of training. Spike inhales deeply and approaches Tempest and Shining Armor about his profession as the Crystal Empire's hero, knowing the outcome was all for nothing in the empire and that his fantasy wouldn't become a reality. "Spike, come over here," Shining Armor turns to Spike, hoping his and Tempest's decision would enlighten Spike's mood. Spike sighs and looks down while walking closer to his brother. "I'm guessing with how peaceful the nation truly is, there is no need for me to be the Crystal Empire's hero?" "In due time, you'll get your chance," Shining Armor says while rubbing Spike's head. "Right now, you're needed elsewhere." "Really?" Spike looks up at Shining Armor. "Who needs my help?" He sees Shining Armor nudging his head, directing Spike to turn to Tempest. "What do you need me to do, Tempest?" "Come with me to the Storm Nation's Island. I know something that would inspire you to never quit," Tempest smiles at Spike; she believes Spike can find inspiration to dedicate his life to becoming the hero Equus truly desires, not just the Crystal Empire. "Of course! My homeland is filled with rebellious creatures that want to destroy us!" Grubber said, exciting Spike with the possibility of fighting the syndicates he dreamt about. However, he's hiding another truth about the trip to the Storm Nation's island. "Let's get going! I'm ready to embrace all challenges!" Spike shouts happily and flaps his wings, preparing to fly when the Storm Nation's war blimp soars and lands on the turf. > Progress in Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle begins the new day in solitude since Trixie Lulamoon came by last night, asking Starlight to celebrate her birthday by spending the week together as friends, which Twilight permits. It allows her to discover the world Spike endured in isolation, even after suggesting to her friends to devise preparations for the School of Friendship. It becomes eerie for Twilight to hear her hoofsteps in the Castle of Friendship as the only sound, making her feel sad when she envisions herself as Spike going with his daily routine; her belly growls, yearning for filling, making Twilight feel more relaxed about the new sound within her castle than listening to her hoofsteps echoing in the corridors. When she arrives in the kitchen, Twilight has a reminiscion about Spike cooking her favorite morning dish by the stove; he smiles at her, saying - "Good Morning, Twilight!" "Ma -" Twilight sheds a tear, stretching down on her right eye. She realizes how ungrateful she took advantage of Spike's kindness. Twilight approaches Spike and swears she can feel the scales on his face cheek; she blinks three times, and Spike is no longer in the kitchen. She's all alone again. "Morning, Spike." Instead of attempting to cook a delicious meal for breakfast, Twilight settles with a bowl of cornflakes. Before taking a bite, she hears Pinkie calling for her, inviting Twilight to eat breakfast with the rest of the girls at Sugarcube Corner by the kitchen window. "No, Pinkie, I want to understand what Spike endured in solitude. I need to feel the quietness, the abandonment, the loneliness he suffered throughout the years. I want to embrace this lifestyle until the School of Friendship construction is complete." "So, you won't accompany us during a friendship quest or any parties I throw? No hangouts or get-togethers with any of your friends?" Pinkie Pie wants to know where Twilight stands on her commitment to living similarly to Spike when he underwent his darkness in seclusion. "I will from time to time. I still need to instill my entitlement as the Princess of Friendship. I want to remain distant in my castle until my family comes to visit me or whenever I teach Starlight a friendship lesson. I can't have any excuses for delaying my tribulation to enter Spike's domain in sequestration. Later, Pinkie," Twilight leaves the kitchen with her bowl of cereal and an unpeeled orange. Throughout the days in the Castle of Friendship, Twilight motivates herself to clean the entire castle without help, flying, or magic, which is problematic with her stumbling and no stability on ladders. She made more messes, causing her to groan frustratedly and kick the bucket of water. She angrily bellows because she managed to clean only one room in a few hours while the rest of the castle remains filthy. Twilight declined Starlight's assistance since Spike got ignored whenever he asked for help. Twilight understood Spike's personal statement about the chores in the castle becoming tedious for one creature to uphold daily, considering the list she would give him after making the messes herself. She facehoof herself for initiating a tiresome job on one creature, the dragon she hatched and raised, with many youthful years left before adulthood. There are days when Twilight openly expresses to herself how she hates herself for creating Spike's darkness and feels it lurking in her shadows. Twilight feels relief with her friends during her social gatherings and constructing the School of Friendship near her castle; she feels peaceful but dreads the day of explaining to Empress Ember and Thorax about Spike's residency and the fallout between the two a few weeks ago. Twilight knows she'll receive an earache from Empress Ember and Thorax about respecting every species as equals as Equestria does with their kin. Twilight hopes it doesn't disrupt the peace between Equestria, the Dragon Lands, and the Hive, considering Spike's friendship solidify their friendship as nations. In Ponyvile, besides Twilight's quest to correlate to Spike's darkness, the remaining bearers of the elements took time to appreciate their friends and family even more. Pinkie Pie visits Yak Yakkistan weekly to visit Prince Rutherford and every yak for fun and to learn more about their culture. That was when Prince Rutherford introduced Pinkie to Yona, a high-spirit and proud yak. An idea struck Pinkie; she asked permission to allow Yona to participate as a student at the School of Friendship. Prince Rutherford accepts Pinkie's proposal and hopes Yona would love the experience of meeting new friends and new species for Yak Yakkistan to love besides ponies. Whenever Rarity is not working in her boutique or checking progress in Manehattan, she spends more time with Sweetie Belle, singing, playing, laughing, relaxing, cooking, and making costumes for their homemade roleplay skit. Sweetie Belle was confused about the sudden change of pace with her sister. After learning about Spike's decision to leave Ponyville to seek a better opportunity in life, Sweetie Belle believes Rarity doesn't want to experience anything similar to Twilight and takes note of being mindful of those closest to her. Applejack continues her duties at Sweet Apple Acres, upholding her prideful manner of tending to every apple tree in the orchard, gathering apples, making time to spend with Apple Bloom with their daily chores, and spending time with Big Mac. Applejack agreed with Big Mac to allow him more days out of the month to relax and frolic while she and Apple Bloom handle his chores, considering Big Mac's friend is a nation away by train unless Discord swoops by and escorts him via teleportation during a guy's night. It also allows Applejack to gain any info about Spike and report it to Twilight for her sake. Whenever Rainbow Dash is not training with the Wonderbolts, she's spending time with either her friends or Scootaloo. With the promise of treating Scootaloo as an older sister, she notices something peculiar about Scootaloo's flight, how she's unable to soar in the skies as any young filly would. Rainbow hopes Scootaloo doesn't have the rare condition that some pegasi fear and believes Scootaloo will soar high in the skies as a late bloomer. Another friend Rainbow has seen recently is Gilda, who she was surprised to see Rainbow Dash out of the blue. Rainbow wants to reignite her friendship with Gilda rather than leave her behind after witnessing the fallout between Spike and Twilight a few weeks ago. Fluttershy remains subtle in her home, caring for the animals, spending time with Discord, and continuing their growth as friends; she does write to her younger brother, Zephyr Breeze, making sure he follows procedure and his calling in life rather than quitting every job he gets. She wishes the best for her younger brother but hopes Zephyr Breeze does fantastic. Princess Celestia and Luna maintain their line of duties throughout the weeks and make time to visit Spike since it's their mission to elevate their friendship with him after missing out on many events during their reign. As of late, Princess Celestia has trouble sleeping; she tosses and turns about sudden events happening in the future. For reasons unknown, Princess Luna couldn't penetrate Celestia's dreams to calm the quarrels of her mind and believed something omnipotent was responsible for the interference. For weeks, Princess Celestia has regressed due to the endless nightmares about the future, which connects to one event that would change Equus forever. Princess Celestia has proclaimed all royal sessions for the week will be postponed until further notice. > Storm Nation's Travel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The journey from the Crystal Empire to the Storm Nation's island took three hours, considering traveling down south would have taken two days. Spike enjoyed the scenery the world has to offer, the beauty of the landscape, the blue skies with clouds not altered by pegasi weather control, and Spike even caught a glimpse of the parrot's pirate ship traveling in the wild blue yonder. Spike envisioned many possibilities about the inspiration Tempest had mentioned a while ago. Tempest is keeping the inspiration a surprise as Grubber speaks vaguely about it. On the war blimp, Spike recognizes several Storm Nation soldiers who attended the party and kept him company when everyone left; he thanked them for spending time with him after his friends departed when he finally got to dance on the dance floor, especially during cleanup duty. The soldiers heard about Spike's ascension to become the hero of the Crystal Empire, and Tempest inquired about their assistance in escorting Spike to the Storm Nation's Square District. Propaganda posters of the Storm King are gone from the buildings, towers, blimps, and walls of the dark and magnificent Storm Island. The citizens live happily without the tyranny of their former sovereign ruler, Storm King. Empress Storm controls the weather of her nation, ruling the kingdom with love, peace, and kindness, unlike her brother, who met his demise over power and dominion. Empress Storm is a tall, bipedal, fierce-looking creature with a muscular physique and snow-white fur that covers all of her body except for her hoofed feet, her three-fingered hands, and her ape-like face, which are snow-white. Her eyes and tongue are blue and covered in lustrous white armor that covers her torso, bosoms, shoulders, wrists, and shins. She also has large, curving blue horns, an extensive, stuck-out chin, sharp fangs, and a long, white tail with fluffy hair at the end. Empress Storm is close to being a twin to the Storm King, but she was born two years before her elder sibling. Empress Storm waves from the balcony of her tower after seeing the war blimp returning from the Crystal Empire; she can't wait to greet her friend and the supposed champion of the Crystal Empire. The war blimp descends in front of Empress Storm's tower, allowing everyone to depart and wait for the Empress' arrival. Spike looks around and notices the dark clouds in the skies snowing, and thanks to his intense training with Tempest when they embarked on the snowy regions near Yak Yakkistan, Spike can tolerate the cold weather. "Welcome to our island, Spike the Brave and Glorious!" Empress Storm is aware of the folklore spoken by her guards when they discovered the Spike statue by the Crystal Empire when they visited Tempest Shadow. She gasps at Tempest's presence. "Tempy!" Empress Storm calls Tempest by her cute nickname. It's shorter for temperature due to Tempest's rage burst. Tempest Shadow blushed in embarrassment when Spike and Grubber gigged at the nickname. "Stormy, don't call me that..," It's not often for Tempest to get flustered and caught off guard with a nickname. Empress Storm laughs; she remembers the days spent with Tempest whenever her brother didn't send her away after failing to understand the wisdom he gained at the town's square. "Sorry, I've forgotten about addressing my friends differently around crowds." "It's an honor to meet the older responsible sibling of the sovereign Storm family," Spike bows before Empress Storm, demonstrating honor before her. Empress Storm admires the young dragon for respecting her presence. "No need to bow before me, Spike the Brave and Glorious. I banned the declaration of bowing before a ruler within the island since my brother ran amuck and tainted the family name. Also, I'm the younger one. Did Tempy -" Empress Storm hears the growl from her friend and corrects herself. "Did Tempest explain the reason for your travel today?" "She told me about finding inspiration here, something to motivate me to achieve my goals of becoming the hero the Crystal Empire deserves and perhaps all of Equus at some point," Spike explains his reason for coming to the Storm Nation's Island, which makes sense for Empress Storm, considering the birthplace of inspiration with many creatures traveling far and wide to obtain the one relic, but failed. "Follow me," Empress Storm doesn't give Spike the grand tour of her island but escorts him to the birthplace of inspiration, which no other country can claim. The supposed birthplace of inspiration, the Square District is the only place untouched by technology. The Square District's ground has lavish green pastures and four trees with crystalizing, sparkling, shimmering, and radiancy leaves; the temperature is warm, unlike the rest of the chilling island, and the grass is smooth like a forest for camping. At the center of the Square District is an enormous stone with an ornamented staff in the middle of the rock as white heavenly light shines upon the sacred relic of inspiration. Next to it, a few feet away, is a dentist's chair and some equipment. "Uuuuh," Spike gets nervous about the dentist's chair. "What's with the dental equipment, Empress Storm?" Spike is confused after feeling he stepped on sacred ground. "For those to attempt to use their teeth as strength to uphold the weapon from the stone. Ripper loves his job as a dentist," Empress Storm points to Snow Yeti, wearing a black lab coat, goggles, and medical mask. "I'm ready for my next victim - I mean guest," Ripper hides his chuckles, but it becomes laughter. "As horrifying as he sounds with his demented tone, Ripper is a nice fellow who is proficient as the best dentist the Storm Nation has to offer," Empress Storm explains her subject's demeanor despite dressing as a mad scientist hellbent on destroying cavities. "So," Spike wants to direct the focus to the scepter standing still on the rock. "What's with the weapon? How is this the inspiration?" Empress Storm joyfully laughs, for she enjoys retelling the tale of Equus' birth. "Have a seat, Brave and Glorious," Using her prowess, Empress Storm conjures a white snow cloud for her to sit above the ground. Spike sits on the ground, feeling immense energy as shimmering lights illuminate him; the sensation makes it feel like he's chosen for greatness by the gods above. "The scepter resting on the gravel -" Empress Storm points to the sacred relic. "is known as the Legacy of the Peacekeeper. Designed and forged by the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony." "The what?!" Spike's eyes widened in shock; he knew nothing about the Valkyries and their involvement with Harmony. "How is this possible, and what are the Valkyries? I thought Harmony was more on Equestria's influence." "Not everything about ponies is true, Spike. There's much more about Valkyries, Equilibrium, Harmony, and Disharmony. I'll tell you the origins of Equus." > Equus' Origins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before the world of Equus came to creation, a tribe of Valkyries had departed from a dying planet and sought to recreate life through harmony after witnessing death and destruction from the world they used to occupy and attempting to bring goodness. In the world they left, most of the gods and goddesses that used to command the inhabitants forsook the mortals after their ignorance became intolerable, which resulted in the demise of life for everyone. The gods and goddesses believed mortals would never learn, and they decided to return to the high heavens, forgetting their creations and calling them bad dreams. The Valkyries refuse to give up on life after witnessing some good amid the chaos and hold their friends' memories. In honor of the fallen, the Valkyries vowed to find a new planet, bring life, and use their experience to prevent history from repeating itself. After eons of searching through the cosmos, the Valkyrie Sisters located the perfect planet, untouched by the gods and goddesses; however, the world they've entered is desolate, bland, cold, and rock. There are no green pastures, open waters, wind, skies, nothing beautiful. The Valkyries knew there'd be hard labor to fulfill their promise to honor their friends but wondered how long the process would take. Before the Valkyries prepared the foundation of their world, two goddesses watched their pathway to restore life into the empty void; they were fond of their determination, honor, and deliverance to bring life in memorial of the friends they made during humanity's final hour. The first goddess is Gaia, bound by nature's beauty with the potency to create what the Valkyries desired. The second goddess is Eurynome; she can produce life according to the desires of the Valkyrie Sisters. The Valkyries agreed not to create life based on humanity but chose sentient animals. They remembered how deadly humanity can become under bad influence and how quickly they turned away from the gods and goddesses after the warnings they gave, which humanity chose bloodlust, destruction, and greed over peace, love, and unity. Various trials using the human race proved futile, and in honor of the Valkyrie Sisters' friends, they chose their favorite animal as the inhabitants to form societies across the globe. Gaia wastes no time creating green pastures, fields, forests, woods, jungles, plains, open waters, streams, snowy landscapes, savannahs, deserts with oases, mountains, blue skies, clouds, plants, islands, beaches, lakes, waterfalls, swamps, volcanic landscapes, and islands. Gaia used her might for nine days without rest to ensure the world was similar to the one humans occupied and destroyed with their vast technology and pollution. Everything is beautiful, plentiful, full of peace and happiness, and the Valkyrie Sisters roamed and enjoyed the breathtaking scenery; it's no longer cold except for the regions that have snow, but everything else feels warm and cozy. They flew through the blue skies, swam the ocean waters, rolled on the green pastures while feeling the soft, fresh grass, drank the fresh water from the lake and streams, ate fruit and vegetables from the bushes, trees, and crops, leaned on the trees, watched the stars at night, and slept peacefully on the fields. Although Gaia is already a goddess among the high heavens, the Valkyrie Sisters decided to document a legend for the inhabitants to be grateful for creating the new world. They decreed Gaia as Gaea Everfree and dedicated a forest known as the Everfree Forest, filled with mysterious life, plants, and herbs to create medicine and potions necessary or enjoy something new. Eurynome decided to inspect the world after watching the Valkyrie Sisters blissfully frolic after Gaia finished her work. The walk took two years to fully relish, take notes, drink, swim, eat fruits produced by various bushes and trees, rest in different regions, slowly becoming in love with the world the Valkyries want to establish rather than living in the high heavens with egotistical gods and goddesses after abandoning all life, not just one world, but everything. For Eurynome, simple life has more pleasure, and after her exploration, she knew where to place many sentient animals for societies once she heard from the Valkyrie Sisters. Brynhildr, the leader of the Valkyries, was the first to tell Eurynome about her friend Ember's animal selection from the human world before it imploded. Ember's animal was the dragon. Although they are non-existent, the lore of dragons was fascinating for Ember from many shows, movies, comics, video games, and books, and her wish was to fly with them. Eurynome uses her potency to create the first ten dragon eggs for Brynhildr to nurture and raise near the volcanic island and landscape. Brynhildr did what Eurynome decreed and left her sisters; she flew towards the volcanic region. Eir, the Valkyrie of Medicine, told Eurynome about her friend, Zene's favorite animal. Zene loved zebras, and his native land was Africa before war broke out and decimated life because of nuclear warfare. Zene would tend to every zebra in sickness and helped bring birth, which is why Eurynome conjured a herd of zebras for Eir and told her to take them by the deserts with oases and grasslands. Eir accepts the advice and dedicates Zene's honor by teaching the zebras about medicine, different herbs, and potions. Geirahöð, the Valkyrie of Spears, told Eurynome about her friend, John's favorite animal. John loved horses. He was a farmer living on the ranch, tending to the needs of every horse, leading a herd of ponies or sheep while riding on his mare, Mercedes. Eurynome remembers the magnificence and beauty of horses and ponies, so she used her prowess to create two herds of horses and ponies to co-exist in harmony. Eurynome instructed Geirahöð to be mindful of the herd and have them explore the lands until they find a region worth resting and expanding. Geirahöð uses her spear as a shepherd's staff to guide the herd safely; after waving to her sisters, she hopes John is watching from above as she'll continue his legacy until the herds dictate on their accord to live. Her sisters, Geirdriful, Geiravör, Geirönul, and Geirskögul, asked to come along, considering their friends loved unicorns and pegasi; Geirahöð accepts their welcome, considering two herds may be challenging to nurture and raise in solitude. Geirdriful, Geiravör, Geirönul, and Geirskögul's friends were Abigail, Clay, Teresa, and Maverick, who used to be part of a fan club that featured an anime. Eurynome decided that unicorns and pegasi should co-exist with the horses and ponies as a family, so she conjured two more herds, one for the pegasi and the other for the unicorns. Abigail, Clay, Teresa, and Maverick were once brothers, sisters, and cousins when Geirdriful, Geiravör, Geirönul, and Geirskögul met them during an evacuation before a bombing run decimated their homes. Göll, the Valkyrie of Tumult, remembers Gabby's favorite animal since her wings reminded him of the creature. Gabby loved griffins. Mythical to her, she loved the idea of a fusion-type animal soaring the skies, hunting for prey, and protecting shrines or anything of value. Griffins are common for Valkyries, so Eurynome conjures a nest containing eggs for griffins. She tells Göll to take the nest of the tallest tree on the west side where they can stretch their wings and teach them to fly, drink, and hunt since the tallest tree is at the center of a forest. Göndul, the Valkyrie of Magic, tells Eurynome about Christina's favorite animal, the caterpillar that enters a chrysalis to become something magnificent. Since caterpillars are bugs, Eurynome remembered how pegasi and unicorns would be cousins for the horse and pony herds; Eurynome decided to create something unique for Göndul in honor of Christina. She combined the traits of the chrysalis with the stages of ponies, unicorns, and pegasi, thus bringing forth the first-ever changeling. Göndul stared at the colorful four-legged bug and smiled at him; Eurynome generated nine more changelings for Göndul to care for where there were tons of vegetation. Göndul accepts the slight change and hopes Christina will love the new breed to honor her legacy as a bug lover. Göndul departs and heads east, where there is plenty of water and green pastures for the changelings to roam and eat plentifully. Gunnr, the Valkyrie of War, was there during World War Three when she stumbled upon a small hut with one villager living in the fields of Tibet away from civilization. Aden, the villager, notices the Valkyrie gathering her breath from striking many missiles that would have burned the crops of an entire continent. Gunnr told Eurynome about Aden's animal of loving yaks ever since he moved away from his native land in Pakistan. Aden wished he could have been bold and proud like his family, but he didn't want the influence of bloodlust and violence corrupting his mind. Eurynome could only imagine Aden's demise, so she created the yaks as bold and proud and then decided to name their country Yak Yakistan in honor of Pakistan. Gunnr believes the yaks would be sustainable in snowy regions, so she took the flock there. Herfjötur, the Fetter Valkyrie, remembers her friend David from New York mentioning much about the buffalos rampaging on the fields, which was football for humanity. She didn't quite understand the game's charm but understood the animal and what it represented. Instead of creating a vigorous mindset for the buffalo, Eurynome went with the calmer sense, one with a spiritual taste of understanding the land and having an annual tradition of running on their chosen sacred ground to change the term of rampaging on the fields. Eurynome advised Herfjötur to bring the tribe of buffalos toward the desert near a riverine, allowing them to express their thoughts and find their spiritual connections with the earth and environment. Herja, the Valkyrie of Devastation, remembers a sickly young girl who would draw paintings of mythical creatures with the dreams of becoming a talented artist someday. Her favorite are the hippogriffs, considering she had a pet eagle named Glider. Like griffins, hippogriffs are common for gods and goddesses, so allowing a breed of hippogriffs to exist sounds fantastic. Eurynome decided to give the hippogriffs an added ability, unlike any other creature she conjured except the changelings. Eurynome granted the hippogriffs the capability to transform from their earth form into aquatic, which amazed Herja. She hoped Olivia, the sickly young girl, would love the idea from the heavens as she peacefully roamed without any sickness. Hlaðguðr Svanhvít remembered a young woman named Aria, singing daily to work on her performance for a play before the war began. Hlaðguðr Svanhvít asked Aria if she was going to be the mermaid during the musical, but Aria told Hlaðguðr Svanhvít her role as a siren and how she would attract luring victims through hypnotic melodies. Aria even thought about wearing a jeweled collar to portray the activation of using magic during the performance, which gives Hlaðguðr Svanhvít the idea of having some sirens use their melodies as remedies instead. Eurynome loves music, and having sirens sing peacefully rather than deceptively sounds delightful. After creating ten sirens, she tells Hlaðguðr Svanhvít to go to one of the beaches and raise the sirens, to which she complies. Hildr, the Valkyrie of Battle, told Eurynome about Antonio's animal, though it's mythological, as the previous mythical creatures stated. Antonio loved the minotaur and always wanted to go to a Chicago Bulls game wearing a minotaur costume to represent. He wants to combine the team's name with his love for Greek Mythology since he read every story and several movies. Eurynome finds it adorable that the man tried new things and proceeds with creating the minotaurs. They have different color physiques to make them unique, and Hildr took them where she saw fit. Hjalmþrimul, the Valkyrie of Clatter, mentions a beloved movie featuring a lion, a witch, and a wardrobe with many creatures within that lived in either harmony or in fear because of their rulers. Hjalmþrimul remembers the children loving centaurs and how mighty they were during the battle. Eurynome allows the centaurs to uphold magic properties by ingesting or taking what was around them for spiritual connections and creating spectacles after she created a herd of them. Hjalmþrimul hopes the children from the orphanage can enter new lives as these centaurs and perhaps prepare for battle against any harmful threat not of this world. Hervör Alvitr, the Valkyrie of the All-Wise, tells Eurynome about a show dedicated to gargoyles that many loved and had a cult following; her friend, Jamal, drew sketches of his version of a gargoyle, thus becoming an artist before his demise as a soldier, during World War Three. His younger brother, Tyreek, drew centaurs becoming brothers with gargoyles. Hearing the story, Eurynome created the first ten gargoyles and told Hervör Alvitr to follow her sister, Hjalmþrimul, so the two species could live in harmony and embrace each other as families in honor of the children. Hlökk, the Valkyrie of Noise, reveals her tale about meeting a dog owner named Derek; he loves dogs and would foster puppies whenever he finds a stray near his home or trying to survive in the cruel city of Cleveland. Dogs are known as man's best friend, and Hlökk saw it firsthand but also experienced the dark side of man and dogs. Derek also had a profession in jewelry and would give every dog and puppy a collar with some bling and once jokingly call them diamond dogs. Eurynome creates a unique breed called the diamond dog that searches for gemstones or anything shining in honor of Derek's love for dogs and passion for his profession. Hlökk took the canines and flew toward a mountain with jewels diamond dogs could dig and preserve for eons. Hrist, the Valkyrie of Legendary Quaking, remembers sitting in Greenland, watching a beautiful spectacle in the skies known as the aurora borealis. She saw a group of college kids stargazing and didn't bother noticing her a few feet away. When Hrist approached them, they weren't afraid, welcomed her company, and spoke about the joys of life outside the corruption of tyrants, government officials, and political nonsense that wasn't helping the people. The college kids had an art project of pondering new species to exist in the winter wonderland. Each said snow yeti, a combo of a yeti-ape, yeti-dog, and a hedgehog. Eurynome already sees a nation in the making and tells Hrist to take Hrund, Kára, Mist, Ölrún, Róta, Randgrid, and Ráðgríðr to raise a storm nation down south from what would be Yak Yakistan. The sisters comply after mentioning some animals that won't be building societies since there has to be some countermeasure for livestock. Þrima, the Valkyrie of Silence, tells Eurynome about Jasmine's favorite mythological animal, the kirin. During her youth, Jasmine believed the kirin were distant cousins of unicorns. Eurynome is aware that the kirin are creatures that possess menacing abilities to incinerate people of sin and wickedness, which would be hard for them to burn creatures of harmony, so Eurynome removed that factor, gave the kirin magic properties but made one with nature and enjoy the bliss of mother nature. Þrima took the kirin to one of the eastern forests to raise and live quietly. The rest of the Valkyrie Sisters, Sanngriðr, Sigrdrífa, Sigrún, Skalmöld, Skeggöld, Skögul, Skuld, Sveið, Svipul, Þögn, Þrúðr, mention animals such as cows, deers, cats, different breeds of dogs, eagles, parrots, avians, and other filler animals that would now become wildlife creatures to live away from societies. Eurynome replicated many forms and altered some appearances to live in isolation or unity across the lands. The process after Eurynome heard and listened to the many backstories took two months. When Eurynome returned to the high heavens, the Valkyrie Sisters anointed Eurynome as a Celestial for bringing birth to various creatures to start anew in life. At first, after a hundred years, the creatures living in harmony with the Valkyrie Sisters were prospering until the cycle of life deteriorated. Since the world began as a one-sidedness, there were many complexities in the way of life and balance. First of all, with every creature living in unity, there was no death, and no death increases the population; second, crops didn't regrow after bearing fruit and vegetables, making food scarce for many creatures; third, emotions became null void with every creature smiling widely, which was disturbing for every Valkyrie Sister, even when they inflicted pain, they don't acknowledge or react in agony; fourth, the Valkyrie Sisters understood why there was an equilibrium with the humans and their world. Even with the idea of an eternity of ever-longing peace, there are complications in creating the perfect world, and the Valkyrie Sisters knew what must happen despite not feeling welcome to bring devastation after promising their friends that their legacies would continue. After days of nonstop conversations with Gaia and Eurynome involved, they agreed to create the countermeasure to fix the problems their world is enduring. Eurynome and Gaia combined their energies with the Valkyrie Sisters to produce the first-ever Demon of Disharmony. The first Demon of Disharmony took an image of a blue ram with wicked dark magic, thus becoming Grogar, the Father of Monsters. With his newfound power, Grogar created hydras, chimeras, timberwolves, cockatrices, windigos, manticores, and bearbees. He unleashed his creatures and sparked the first sin, which was murder, and after that, the world lost grip of becoming one-sided. Grogar created hatred, evil, death, violence, fear, pain, sadness, and many more negative emotions and actions for every creature as the Valkyrie Sisters, Gaia, and Eurynome watched and wondered if the gods and goddesses who created humanity had done the same sequence or different. Grogar ran amuck for a decade before tribes of every creature started to transform and become fighters, warriors, wizards, and defenders with newfound purpose in their lives. Many of those creatures took homage to the Valkyrie Sisters to work diligently as a unit to stop the evil from winning every battle. Unfortunately, the Valkyrie Sisters, Gaia, and Eurynome, declared to produce more Demons of Disharmony since one would not be enough to sustain their world of equilibrium for eons to come; however, there was a spectator amid the chaos, which caught his attention from the high heavens after every god and goddess notice the new beauty the Valkyrie Sisters, Gaia, and Eurynome forged. Loki, the God of Trickster, saw the new world run by creatures instead of humanity and decided to include his trickery to cause chaos and mischief. The second Demon of Disharmony is known as the Shadow Stalkers, which are similar to changelings with their adaptability of altering their shape and physique by luring their victims into another shadowed space for consumption or infesting their minds with hypnotism by making false promises of granting unrivaled power to dominate the wills of many creatures by possessing their bodies. The third Demon of Disharmony is called Pandemonium, with the aptitude to produce anything with a simple, creative thought. Pandemonium is an enormous red snake; he infected the changeling's nation and transformed them from colorful, peaceful bug-horses into darkened, vile, demented creatures with the starvation of draining love from every living animal; they are carapace-like, furless exteriors, webbed manes, and tails, blue non-reflective eyes, fangs, bent horns, jagged ears, insect-like wings, and holes in their legs. Pandemonium started the first rumor about the changelings sucking the love out of everyone's bodies which struck fear among the world. The fourth Demon of Disharmony would be a Queen of the new menacing changeling nation since they're sporadic without leadership; some Valkyries implanted their knowledge and wisdom of magic and warfare into the Queen, thus making her a formidable foe to many kingdoms. The Queen's name is Juniper, for she has dark orange eyes with elongated oval pupils, an orange mane and tail, orange-gray chitinous plating over her midsection, a twisted unicorn horn, a pair of tattered insectoid wings, and a sharp pair of fangs. Since Pandemonium started a rumor about the changeling nation, Juniper unleashed her wrath upon a floating city the pegasi produced and drained their love, which sparked a first-ever war between ponies and changelings. Some of the Valkyrie Sisters watching the war enveloped wanted to partake and protect the ponies from the changelings; however, Brynhildr forbade her sisters from interfering when they required creating the balance beam since there's more harmony than anything, to begin with. Due to pegasi and unicorns improving on their craft as ponies gathered strength, they worked together to fight the invading changelings from devouring their love and energy. Queen Juniper, with her vast understanding of war, dominated the pony nations until two powerful unicorns rose to power and thwarted the Queen momentarily with their combined efforts. The fifth Demon of Disharmony is the Dragon of Greed, Fafnir. When dragons were born, Brynhildr raised them to become noble and honorable; however, with Fafnir around, he altered the code of dragons and corrupted their minds. He started a revolution with the world changing that dragons can become mightier through greed and demonstrated the altercation of his size by becoming a hoarder. Greed allows any dragon to become enormous with their strength to crush mountains at ease, breathe immense fires that would melt any rock, and break the sound barrier with their flight speed. Fafnir also introduced a gemstone of various colors and devoured them, claiming the treasure as delicious as any vegetation. Some dragons were unsure about the change since their mother, Brynhildr, taught them many life lessons; however, with war, chaos, enslavement, and destruction looming, the rest of the dragons didn't want to face oblivion or become slaves. They decided to go against their teachings and become vicious and brute dragons to dominate any kingdom daring to step into their volcanic lands. At this point, the Valkyrie Sisters, watching the progress of their Demons of Disharmony, made them mourn, knowing that they didn't have much of a choice after witnessing the disturbing nature of a world doomed to one-sidedness. The Valkyrie Sisters would have a new level of respect for some gods and goddesses who stood by and watched the events unfold on humanity to create the perfect balance beam. They are doing the same thing, but when they see that disharmony has become one-sided within their world, they'll swoop in and cease the madness before it spreads even more. The Valkryie Sisters decided to create one last Demon of Disharmony in case one of their creations gets vanquished during battle or endured a setback that causes a chain of events to unfold and obliterate them. With that decision, Loki, the Trickster God, made his move after spying on the Valkyrie Sisters, Gaia and Eurynome. The sixth Demon of Disharmony is Ahuizotl; he uses charms and relics to deceive the masses and turn them evil by granting them dignifying cursed magic. He once gave three sirens amulets to match their beauty and transformed them into maddening beasts hellbent on enslaving species. He traveled to a nation run by ponies, unicorns, and pegasi in an attempt to grant them an amulet worth more power than the Valkyrie Sisters, which all declined except for two towering unicorns driven by greed after witnessing the abandonment of their supposed goddesses when sin gave birth and during the war with changelings. They possess limited magic, and the duo needed more and thought of using the sun and moon as their equalizer to defeat any evil while becoming goddesses themselves. Now, Ahuizotl was confused about the two unicorns' desire to become goddesses since his relics and charms didn't uphold that capacity and his instruction after creation to spread disharmony for the goddesses and Valkyries; however, that's when Loki made himself known, giving the influence for the two unicorns to take what's rightfully theirs and control their nation along with increasing Ahuizotl's limited power into tripling it, allowing the relics to have more power than any of the Valkyries for kicks. The relics Ahuizotl gave allowed one unicorn to have some control of the sun and the other the moon. The duo would then curse their goddesses and the Valkyries without Loki's mind trickery, claiming them useless when evil ran amuck and no longer desired their assistance. The Valkyrie Sisters were furious when they saw Loki's involvement and how quickly the two sisters turned on them while not knowing the full story of why they needed a counterweight. Loki, the Trickster God, implanted humanity's logic and sense into ponies, unicorns, and pegasi to bring calamity again. The Valkyrie Sisters, Gaia, and Eurynome called for all Demons of Disharmony to meet at the Green Mountains to have a conference so they could elude Loki's advances; however, Loki got to every Demon first and convinced them to turn on their creators and dispose of them before they get erased. They came to the Green Mountains, waiting to ambush the Valkyrie Sisters, Gaia, and Eurynome, then dominate the wills of every creature on the planet. Loki's divine power as a god allowed him to transform the six Demons of Disharmony into the Demon Overlords, making him the seventh to declare war and kill the goddesses since there's nothing to do in the high heavens except eat and drink. He altered the shapes of the Demon Overlords, gave them insight into every battle experience, and unlocked their full potential since Gaia and Eurynome made them well-balanced instead of overpowering. The Valkyries arrived, well-armed with Gaia and Eurynome, and spoke about the warnings of Loki, the Trickster God's influence to corrupt and overkill the balance beam they worked so hard to achieve. They came late, and it was too late to compromise since Loki had control over the Demons of Harmony. Loki declared war as the planet turned into a hostile takeover; Juniper and her changelings were ready for battle with Fafnir and the dragon army, hoping they'll be more than enough against the thirty-nine Valkyrie Sisters and the two goddesses that brought them birth. The First World War was immensely personal, bloody, and heartbreaking, with many Valkyries' mental states challenged after the decision to honor their friends' legacies by creating the creatures. They've allowed the corruption and regrettably rue some decisions of not overviewing possible outcomes. Gaia and Eurynome were not fighters but used their powers for defense since the changelings and dragons were proven mightier than the human race for combat. The Demon Overlords and the creators were evenly matched, with brute firepower, skill, magic, and combat experience. After what seemed to be an eternity of nonstop combat from both sides, the war lasted four days without rest. Countries, nations, and inhabitants were obliterated by the sheer force when many dragons and changelings crash-landed on the ground, weapon debris dropped, creating massive craters, misfire collateral damage in many cities, fields of crop, and the populous, and death upon destruction which wiped out species that were in hiding. Many Valkyries died fighting while attempting to save the creatures of their friends' legacies. Changelings and dragons met their demise by an angry Brynhildr because Loki influenced betrayal. Queen Juniper got stabbed in the back by Geirahöð's spear; it was a callback to when she declared war on ponies. Ahuizotl's charms and relics got drained of their power after overusing it relentlessly during his battle against the Valkyrie Sisters; he got decapitated by Hlaðguðr Svanhvít after taking Hjörþrimul's sword. Grogar and Pandemonium fled before their lives were taken by the Valkyrie Sisters when they started slaying Grogar's monsters with ease. Shadow Stalkers camouflaged themselves with the environment rather than fight the Valkyries after noticing a pivotal weakness of impact during the war; they cannot inflict any damage unless they possess a body. Loki was one of the few to survive the war. He was injured badly when Brunhildr, Eir, Geirahöð, Gunnr, Hervör Alvitr, Hlaðguðr Svanhvít, Hlökk, Hjörþrimul, Ráðgríðr, Skuld, Þögn, and Þrúðr approached him, preparing to end Loki's reign for tarnishing their world and creating a pathway to destroying the balance beam for their world to survive. Loki brought an apocalypse because of his interference, and he would pay the consequences with his life. Loki scoffed at the Valkyries since they don't uphold divine power since they are demigoddesses; however, Gaia and Eurynome survived the war and granted the Valkyries the necessary power to slay the God of Trickery. They ended Loki's life, and the war came to an end. The skies were black with fire and smoke filtering the air, making their world desolate. No creature survived the onslaught of warfare due to the carelessness on both sides, and the Valkyrie Sisters blamed themselves for bringing calamity when they tried to honor the legacies of their friends. Gaia and Eurynome saw their friends in mourning and took notice of every creature that died now that the world had become one-sided again, but it fell on disharmony. It didn't take long for them to agree on the backup plan they'd secretly spoken about in case a similar event when humanity went extinct happened. Gaia and Eurynome spoke with the Valkyrie Sisters about restoring the world through the second rebirth initiative. The Valkyrie Sisters were confused about their plan and listened attentively to the restoration of their planet. Eurynome told every Valkyrie that their memories are vital to recreating life; however, it comes at a cost. The Valkyries openly stated the cost would be enough to restore the land and every creature that fell. The price of rebirth is through the sacrifice of life, meaning the Valkyries would offer themselves to bring the second coming of creatures to life living in the world. Gaia would offer herself to restore the planet and become one with it as Mother Nature intended. Eurynome also told the Valkyries a god or goddess must maintain order in the new world to keep equilibrium established to avoid future disasters that would lead to another apocalypse due to one-sidedness. With every weapon held by the Valkyries, using their energy with Gaia and Eurynome, they combined their power to forge a weapon of unspeakable power, knowledge, and wisdom. They named the weapon Legacy of the Peacekeeper. The one worthy of understanding both worlds will obtain the authority to use the consecrated relic and become a god or goddess of the world reborn. Within the sacred relic is a fragment of every Valkyrie's spirit to teach the one who is worthy of everything to know about keeping the peace and order within the world, whether many would agree or reject their ideals. Those who attempt and fail to seize control of the relic may find wisdom and knowledge to better themselves as an award or find inspiration to do what many will say is impossible. Gaia, Eurynome, and the Valkyrie Sisters decided that the remaining members of the Demons of Harmony would remain but transformed to correlate with the rebirth. They travel across the lands, laying their lives to every kingdom, country, and nation with the memories of the creatures they hold dearly. Eurynome uses her power to release the memories of every Valkyrie and scatter their lifelines across the world to reawaken every creature. Gaia sacrificed her life to restore the planet's beauty and separate every nation to allow growth, for there'll be a time when every creature will come, whether for harmony or disharmony. It'll be their choice to decide rather than dictate the events. Some Valkyrie Sisters were livid at the betrayal of two unicorns who wanted to use the sun and moon as equalizers to establish their power and cursed at them, so they asked Eurynome to have their descendants tethered to the sun and moon's importance for rotation. Brynhildr was against the idea, but Eurynome thought it would be a fitting punishment when they rejected their pleas to understand the whole picture before the war began. She'd allowed it only if the two would have an eternal lifespan to never again curse at the goddesses that brought them life and rebirth. Eurynome aged many creatures during the resurrection process to tell the tales of the Valkyries, Gaia, and herself to uphold their legacy of creation; however, most have rejected the lore except a few. They didn't believe that deities from another realm came to establish the world. They called it superstition and thought, through science, it was evolution. Eurynome sacrificed her life to allow the High Heavens to accept the new creatures to inherit peace in the afterlife, which many gods and goddesses approved. They saw something extraordinary after the rebirth, which they'll keep an eye on for entertainment purposes. When the Valkyries, Eurynome, and Gaia departed to spread to the ends of the world and lay their lives for the resurrection of every creature, Pandemonium returned to Loki's grave and pondered about drinking his blood. He had a theory about drinking the blood of a Trickster God to amplify his power to newer lengths and heights. Biting with his fang to create a new wound revealed his blood still alive despite being deceased. Pandemonium drank the blood of Loki, and his body transformed immediately. Pandemonium's entire body shook and quivered violently, with flashes from his eyes blinding him. From having a snake's head, it transformed into a horse-like facial feature, a deer antler on the right and a blue goat horn on the left sprouted on his head; his fangs turned into a singular tooth, his eyes received different-sized pupils, he also grows a goat beard and white bushy eyebrows. His limbless snake's body generates two arms; he now has a lion's on the right and an eagle's on the left, then he receives a lizard's right leg and the left leg of a goat. On his back, he has a bat's right wing, a pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. The shape of his body maintains the snake-like as an homage to his original form. Using his power, Pandemonium conjures a mirror to see the new image he has become. After an examination, he officially announces the death of Pandemonium, the Demon of Disharmony, with a new name, title, and purpose for the new world. He is now and will always be Discord, the Lord of Chaos and Disharmony. > More Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia gets plagued by endless nightmares of her kingdom in shambles because of a Peacekeeper who is actually a demonic beast in disguise, tearing the lands and becoming more disharmonic than any villain in Equestria's history. The Peacekeeper claims his duties are more pivotal than harmony's, which results in sadness, fear, anger, destruction, disruption, and death. In these nightmares, Princess Celestia witnesses the Peacekeeper holding a weapon she failed to obtain many millenniums ago; she sees her subjects in turmoil and disarray, ending their friendships, killing each other, and hating the Princesses for allowing so much negativity to run amuck in the lands of Equestria, which is usually known for peace, harmony, love, and friendship. With all her divine nightly power, Princess Luna cannot penetrate her sister's dream; she only hears the despair and terrifying wails of the unknown; she wonders if a reoccurring villain has returned and sought vengeance as the Peacekeeper before unleashing the wrath on all of Equus. The clouds covering the skies on a new day, bringing a thunderous rain, is a fitting mood for Princess Celestia's perspective since she endured torment and felt unrested. Her sister enters the room with much concern, and Luna informs Celestia about her failure to enter the dream bubble to subdue the horrific nightmares due to the divine authorities, which are unknown to Luna. Only Princess Luna can enter the realm of dreams and interject herself into the dreams of her subjects whenever they endure gruesome, terrifying, horrific, and post-traumatic demons, monsters, and memories. As before, when Lord Tirek freed himself from Tartarus, she had a nightmare of what was yet to come; however, that was a vision, and she feared that this vision would ruin Equestria for good. Princess Celestia has decided to address the situation with Twilight and her friends, especially Discord, who can help prevent the Peacekeeper's birth if her vision continues to divulge her with more outcomes before it becomes a reality. Twenty minutes later. Twilight Sparkle inspects her friends' classes, ensuring that every student is interacting nicely with each other and checking to see if some are struggling to make new friends or refusing because of some disputes. She wishes Spike would be beside her, not as an assistant but as her friend, taking notes and planning private tutors and sessions to overcome any obstacle and show teamwork can overpower any negativity. Twilight sees how Smolder is engaging with Yona, Silverstream, Gallus, Ocellus, and Sandbar nicely, considering the backlash she received after the explanation of treating dragons differently than ponies. Twilight received her due earache from Empress Ember and Thorax for appreciating different creatures and treating them equally as equestrian ponies do for their neighbors; however, Empress Ember and Thorax are relieved to hear about Spike's new goals in life and wish him luck for his future. Starlight Glimmer gallops the hallways with an important letter from Princess Celestia with Rarity after she finishes decorating the school with bowls of waxed fruit. She read the letter the Emissary had delivered and the importance of the conference at Canterlot regarding Princess Celestia's vision to prevent an apocalypse from transpiring. Rarity wonders what kind of drastic nefarious villain would resurface to unleash a calamity unlike any other since there's minimum left in Equus. Twilight found a group of ponies being disrespectful to some griffins after a heated argument outside of Fluttershy's class; she approached them to take the two parties for a private session on how vital friendship could function compared to malice and hatred. When she sees Starlight and Rarity galloping frantically, her heartbeat pounds rapidly with the fear of something horrific Princess Celestia must have endured in Canterlot. Starlight gives the letter of importance to Twilight, allowing her to read swiftly; Twilight sighs, turns to her students, and apologizes for the inconvenience as she and her friends must travel to Canterlot for an important meeting. Ponies and griffins didn't care much and departed since there would be no private study lesson about the importance of friendship and how living among friends is crucial for all of Equus. Twilight enters her office to announce the School of Friendship's recess until next week; she calls for Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack's attendance in her office. Many students are relieved to hear the end of school to frolic and enjoy the day with their friends. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie enter Twilight's office and glance at Twilight's body language, knowing something horrible has happened and that it's time to save Equestria again. Nothing new to them until Twilight read the letter, addressing a possible end-of-the-world scenario due to a villain on the horizon. With that said, Twilight and her friends swiftly travel to Canterlot Castle's throne room to discuss with Princess Celestia and Luna the dangers approaching Equestria. The travel took an hour with many thoughts of reoccurring villains returning after a long hiatus, which the girls narrowed down to two possibilities since their friendship defeated many, including their recent one when they sealed the Pony of Shadows into the void forever. One would be Lord Tirek from Tartarus escaping his imprisonment a second time; the second would be Queen Chrysalis possibly using dark, forbidden magic to unleash on Equestria as payment for reforming the changeling hive. Princess Celestia sits on her throne with Princess Luna, waiting for Twilight and her friends to arrive; Discord sheds his disguise as a royal guard after taking note of Celestia's demeanor and restless nature. "Hmm, what have you spooked, Celestia? Surely you're not sensing a maddening sorcerer or perhaps the return of Queen Chrysalis or Lord Tirek, so what have you over the edge?" Discord conjures a bowl of nails without any milk for breakfast. His body craves iron and the minerals needed for the month. Twilight, Starlight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack gallop inside the throne room after getting a swift escort from the royal guards. "Good, you're all here," Princess Celestia tiredly yawns and shakes her head, awakening herself from the lack of sleep during the past few weeks. "Now, listen closely for what I'm about to tell you, everypony," She takes a deep breath to revisit the nightmare to explain the situation to everyone. Rarity notices the bags under Celestia's eyes despite some concealing magic to distract the view from other creatures. "What is happening with you, Princess Celestia?" Twilight wonders if any of her time-traveling experiences from visiting different dimensions is now a probable warning Princess Celestia conceivably endured in her nightmares. "Who is starting the apocalypse, and how can we prevent it from happening?" "An apocalypse?" Discord is intrigued by the stunning topic since he wasn't aware of the dire situation from the letter the Emissary sent an hour ago; he's aware of two probable sources who would start an apocalypse but would ultimately fail because of the power/magic gap compared to friendship. "Precisely, Discord; I called you up here to disclose a temperamental subject that correlates to my ongoing nightmares, which turn into visions, each worse than the last, resulting in the demise of Equestria and Beyond." "Is it Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, or some baddie we have already defeated returning by some miraculous miracle or some idiot pulling strings to unite a faction of villains?" Rainbow asks, considering she wants retribution on Queen Chrysalis for encasing her during the changeling invasion a few months before the changelings reformed. Princess Celestia and Luna shake their heads, considering Queen Chrysalis is alone while Lord Tirek remains imprisoned in Tartarus. "I'm afraid the demented creature's identity is unknown from my visions; however, I know his entitlement when he unleashed a wrath unlike anything documented in Equestria's history books. In my vision, the demented creature addresses himself as the Peacekeeper -" Princess Celestia gets interrupted when Discord choked on his breakfast; he conjures a clone to whack his chest with a steel chair to get the nails out of his systems. "Discord.., are you okay..?" Fluttershy hovers next to Discord after the clone makes him spit the nails he ingested; she's worried why Discord reacted to the title Peacekeeper like he knew some vital info about the demented creature. "You do?" Princess Luna didn't expect Discord to have the answers; she was curious about the details Discord would disclose, and perhaps the solution to help her sister rest easier would come afterward. "Well, don't leave us hanging! Tell us so we can go and kick his butt!" Rainbow Dash wants to pound the Peacekeeper for making Princess Celestia unrested and on edge for weeks. "Please, tell us, Discord," Twilight urges Discord to explain all he knows so she and the others can prevent the Peacekeeper from succeeding in his goals. "I don't know who is worthy to wield the sacred relic of the Legacy of the Peacekeeper, forged by every weapon the Valkyries Sisters of Harmony held with divine power and magic from the goddess Gaia and Eurynome." "THE WHAT?!" Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy shout in unison, shocked by Discord's divulgence of mentioning another clan of harmonic creatures they never heard of. "Who are the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony? I have never heard of them before; there's nothing about them in my history books!" Twilight is surprised and infuriated by Discord's claim; she read many books on the foundation of Equestria and Beyond, but there was no mention of any Valkyries or goddesses. "Even Celestia and I are not aware of these so-called Valkyries of Harmony," Princess Luna wonders how old Discord is since he has all the answers. "Well, you can thank your ancestors for not believing the truth and cast aside every ounce of evidence, even after your family tree cursed at the Valkyries for not granting them power during their first war." "Discord, how do you know so much about the Valkyries of Harmony? Also, what happens when someone becomes worthy to wield the Legacy of the Peacekeeper?" Starlight asks since the topic remains with Princess Celestia's vision of the apocalypse and trying to prevent the end of days. "From what I know, the creature who obtains the sacred relic will become a god. The Peacekeeper will achieve immortality while having unspeakable power, knowledge, and wisdom. The god will dictate how Equus would thrive." Everyone gasps in the room as Pinkie Pie begins to panic with several outcomes of laws that prevent parties from being thrown, even on someone's birthday. Everyone imagines likely scenarios of a god becoming a dictator and ruining the lives of every creature. "We have to stop whoever becomes worthy!" Rainbow shouts and imagines Ahuizotl becoming worthy and enslaving Daring Do for eternity for taking the artifacts from him away and dominating the world. That would also mean no more books of her amazing adventures. "Where's that holy relic at?" Applejack asks Discord since he would know where it would be. "It's nowhere near Equestria's borders. We'll have to travel south to the birthplace of inspiration -" Discord conjures a map and overhears Celestia and Luna's gasp. "Ah, you've been there, haven't you?" Princess Celestia nodded and hoped the sacred relic the Peacekeeper had in her vision came someplace else. Princess Luna remembers the horrible dentist by the gravel. "According to your map, Discord -" Princess Celestia uses her magic to levitate a pen to circle the black clouds surrounding a tower on an island on the map. "the birthplace of inspiration is now occupied by the Storm Nation." "Do you reckon we could ask to round up and lock down the holy weapon to keep the apocalypse at bay?" Applejack asks Princess Celestia since that's the better option. "I don't think we'll have access. Our best chance is perhaps teleporting the entire ground elsewhere where the Peacekeeper will never come," Twilight suggests since the Peacekeeper from Celestia's vision is a he and she and her friends would not be worthy to wield the weapon. "Hate to burst your bubble, Twilight, but what you're advising is impossible. The birthplace of inspiration is open to every creature; you can't simply take it away for any reason," Discord shuts down Twilight's operation to prevent the apocalypse. "Then what do we do, wait and say goodbye to everything we build upon?" Twilight gets more frustrated than Princess Celestia and Luna. "Obtain the relic yourselves or build an army to thwart the Peacekeeper into surrendering his position of power. And, before you ask no, I cannot teleport the weapon nor make any altercations whether to drain the power or dispose of it. The Legacy of the Peacekeeper will kill me." "Like literal?" Pinkie asks Discord; she's making sure Discord is genuine and not making puns to express the divinity of the weapon's prowess. Discord takes a deep breath. "I'm the last remnant of the Demon of Disharmony the Valkyrie Sisters and goddesses have created. Everyone else is either gone or defeated." "D-D-D-D-Demon of Disharmony!?" Twilight exclaims louder than her friends about Discord's statement when he exposes himself as a demonic entity. "If you were a demon, how did you become a god?" Rainbow confronts Discord, flying in front of his face, demanding an explanation. "Time for a history lesson, Rainbow Crash," Discord reminds Rainbow of a horrible nickname she hates. "After the six Demons of Disharmony came forth, Loki, the Trickster God, started rallying us to battle against our creators to seize the world they created. I fought with Loki; he renamed us into become his Seven Overloads. If it weren't for the creation of Queen Juniper for the changeling hive, Loki would have renamed our group the Seven Demon Kings in honor of the Seven Deadly Sins. We fought the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony and the two goddesses for four days straight, and we lost. Loki died by the Valkyries and decided to rebirth the world since the war wiped out Equus' lifelines. I survived and noticed Loki's blood was still alive, so I drank it, which turned me into the Draqonecuus you see today. As for what I remember, there are fragments I don't remember, and it's for the best to leave it behind me." "Loki, the Trickster God..?" Twilight is in awe as her friends about hearing the origins of Discord's birth, the war, and the influence of the Valkyrie Sisters to create Demons of Disharmony. "He input his influence throughout the world long ago, and only one nation maintained his persuasion of the human race's ideals into their minds as a joke; One, in which the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony are against and attempt to purge the concepts of humanity's logic but fail due to resentment and backlash before the rebirth." "So, which nation did Loki infect with human ideologies?" Princess Celestia is curious about the nation the Valkyries were against because of Loki's involvement. "Equestria," Discord replies without hesitation since he remembers watching Loki whispering facts about the Valkyrie Sisters' disappearance to allow sin to prosper when he was Pandemonium. "NOT POSSIBLE!" Everyone shouts in horror and believes Discord is being chaotic to raise suspension due to his chaotic nature as the Lord of Chaos. "Believe it or not, the Equestrian society functions as humanity's government of power, class ranking, and your so-called cutie marks are prime examples of having a unique talent as many people would on earth. Employment, homelessness, orphanages, electricity, housing, taxes, stores, clothing, zoos, shoes, schools, and everything else Equestria has reflected humanity on earth," Discord turns to Twilight while maintaining composure. "You've traveled into a different dimension where Sunset Shimmer resides; please explain to everyone here how the world correlates to Equestria's society." Twilight looks down after reminiscing about the terrorizing verities that Sunset Shimmer's world is an exact reflection of Equestria. "When I first saw myself, I had two hands, arms, legs, and feet and stood tall, saw everyone clothed in different attires, having phones, playing music, the internet, video games, sports, and other things Equestria has except for internet, phones, and television networks. During my stay, while learning the concepts of that world and helping my friends when the Sirens ran amuck, I discovered how close the world mirrored Equestria, which I found fascinating." "That has to be a coincidence, Discord!" Rainbow Dash believes Discord is referring to the different dimensions as an excuse rather than revealing more evidence about human logic in Equestria. A wise creature once told me there are no mistakes," Discord replies to Rainbow's statement about the mirror reflection usage as a hoax rather than an accurate image of Loki's influence. "Loki's influence is in every pony here with the feelings, reactions, and concepts," He turns to Princess Celestia and Luna. "Care to explain how you obtain the potency of raising the sun and moon?" "It's not much of a long story; My sister and I can raise the sun and moon daily since there was a disruption of the natural flow during our younger years, Draqonecuus. Celestia and I possessed the ability to utilize our magic when we were teenagers," Princess Luna summarizes the events. Discord chuckles. "Hate to tell you, but you weren't naturally gifted; you got cursed due to your ancestors' distaste of the Valkyries of Harmony after they condemned them for believing they got abandoned during the first war against the changelings." "WHAT?!" The girls shout in unison once more after hearing revelation after revelation their friend Discord spoke, and now they're hoping everything he said is false. "We're not cursed! We're blessed!" Princess Celestia and Luna wholeheartedly believe what Discord is saying is fraudulent, wishing his testimonies are a cruel, sick joke due to the severity of the situation. "Cursed!" Discord repeats his comment after the Princesses refuse to acknowledge the truth revealed to them and the girls. "Your ancestors condemned the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony when they didn't aid them during the war against the changelings and attempted to use the sun and moon as equalizers to establish their power as goddesses, which resulted in a humorous gag for a fitting punishment since they negated the truth about their involvement in the world they created for every creature and betrayed them. In the rebirth, the unicorns who attempted to utilize the sun and moon would have two daughters with the sworn duties of raising the sun and moon daily as an eternal penalty; however, the two decided to turn the curse into a blessing, which resulted in a cult following." Silence reigns in the throne room after Discord explains further in detail about the gifts Princess Celestia and Luna uphold daily with the rising and setting of the sun and moon. "What the Princesses do is beautiful and should be praised for upholding the laws of day and night! Not ridiculed with an endless torment, which I don't believe what you're saying is true, Discord!" Twilight refuses to accept the truths spoken by a Chaos Lord since Discord has lied previously; however, when Discord explains, he sounds sincere and honest about what he comprehends. "Yeah! Princess Celestia's sun allows us to grow food, live life, and enjoy the pleasures of friends and family outside! Princess Luna's moon does permit us to sleep, continue any festivities and hangouts, and enjoy watching the stars at night! They are prime examples of bringing balance daily and have not disappointed any pony in Equestria and Beyond! Princess Luna can enter dreams and help anyone relieve a nightmare in their sleep due to her nightly magic, and you are calling it a curse! There is no way in Tartarus that their magic is cursed; they are blessings for each of us here!" Rainbow Dash defends the honor of the Princesses after hearing Discord referring to their magic as an eternal punishment. "Discord," Fluttershy tugs on Discord's tail to grab his attention. "What else do you know?" Unlike some of her friends refusing to accept Discord's illustration of the truth, she wants to understand her friend's knowledge about the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony, their involvement, and more about his previous life before becoming the Lord of Chaos. "Well, I started the first war after spreading a rumor about changelings draining the love and energy of many creatures, which Queen Jupiter made a reality and initiated war on Equestria. Also, I made the changelings turned dark since their so-called reformation was frankly their proper forms." "That's a lie, and we witnessed how Thorax obtained the transformation through love and unity," Starlight remembers Thorax slowly reverting months ago into a beautiful creature. "Thorax mentioned he and his species have never seen or heard about a modification to turn into what they are now." "You can thank the rebirth process, Starlight," Discord replies while remembering how the world of Equus used to be before his days as Pandemonium, altering the minds of several creatures and becoming a nuisance to many nations globally. "Before I came to life, the changelings were already beautiful and were considered distant cousins of ponies, unicorns, horses, and pegasi." "Hey! We're getting off-topic!" Pinkie Pie shouts to gain her friends' attention since they continue to discuss Equus' past; she's at a crossroads between facts and folklore. Pinkie wants everyone to focus on the Peacekeeper and devise a plan to stop the mad creature from initiating a law to end birthday parties. "So.., is there nothing else we can do to stop the Peacekeeper from wreaking havoc on Equestria? Can't we use the Elements of Harmony against the Peacekeeper?" Fluttershy asks Discord to understand the potency of the Peacekeeper compared to the Elements of Harmony. "I'm afraid the Elements of Harmony is not an equalizer unless the mindset of the Peacekeeper is weak-minded. Becoming a Peacekeeper is to uphold many responsibilities, but perhaps manipulating the Peacekeeper's mind into believing he'll decimate his friends and family could persuade him into surrendering his entitlement and losing the worthiness." "So, our best alternative is to become manipulative when the Peacekeeper ascends, adding guilt into his conscience to ensure Equestria and Beyond thrives? Is that our best option?" Twilight Sparkle is against the idea, considering she's the Princess of Friendship, and she and her friends would become the opposite of themselves to save Equestria from an apocalypse. "Unfortunately, yes. You'll have to become disharmonic to thwart the Peacekeeper into suffering guilt to lose his worthiness. The Legacy of the Peacekeeper would have to wait until another becomes worthy, then you'll have to repeat for eternity," Discord replies; he hopes this pleases the Princesses and his friends to prevent the apocalypse and wonders if any of his friends would take his testimony to heart or call it blasphemy while refusing to acknowledge the truth until it becomes apparent. "Then, that's what we will do," Princess Celestia will undergo mental training to use guilt as a weapon to oppose the Peacekeeper for future generations. "Everyone, start using guilt as your weapon against the Peacekeeper only; we cannot allow the Peacekeeper to become mindfully resistant to our advances if we want to live and not face oblivion." "Discord," Princess Luna turns to him. "Can the weapon kill us since it can harm you?" She's wondering if the Legacy of the Peacekeeper can terminate an immortal lifeline. "Yes," Discord painfully replies, causing the Princesses to gasp horridly. "The divine treasure would kill any immortal creature regardless of stature and potency." "HE CAN'T!" Twilight, her friends, and the Princesses shout horrifically with fear, dreading their minds with many outcomes that would lead to Equestria's demise. "The Peacekeeper can and will unless he's broken and surrendering his position as a God and loses worthiness," Discord reaches from a zipper to open the fabric of space in the throne room leading to his home. "I'm going home. Fluttershy, you're welcome to join me for tea and cakes." "Sure, Discord," Fluttershy is still intrigued to learn more about Discord's past and understand wholeheartedly the importance of the Peacekeeper's role since there has to be another side to the story. The duo leaves the throne room to spend quality time together while Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Starlight, Rainbow, Princess Celestia, and Luna ponder different methods to utilize guilt as a weapon to defeat the Peacekeeper to ensure Equestria thrives for future generations. Twilight advises her mentor to inform Princess Cadance and Shining Armor about the Peacekeeper and everything Discord had mentioned despite refusing to believe in some truths spoken. Princess Celestia obliges and commences the written statement about the Peacekeeper's arrival and preventing an apocalypse from happening. > Spike's Calling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the tale spoken by Empress Storm, Spike remains motionless after hearing the birth and rebirth of Equus, knowing the testament of the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony, the sacred relic in the gravel's true intent, and the realization of his friend being a Demon of Disharmony. Spike couldn't believe how similar equestrian ponies are and compared to humanity, which he found it mesmerizing after his trips to the human world where Sunset Shimmer resides. The story about harmony and disharmony and their importance for balance made it more clear as to what's happening now. "There's.., more harmony than disharmony..," Spike realizes that every foe who emerges gets defeated by friendship, which is good to some but horrible for the rest. Then he takes into account during his residency at the Crystal Empire, where there are no crimes, chaos, mischief, and calamities, nothing of the sort that highlights disharmony. "I'm afraid so," Empress Storm responds to Spike's statement, knowing he's aware of the situation the world is enduring. "I fear a nation that would expunge disharmony while believing harmony should be everyone's true intent and the way of living; that way, everything bad can come to an end." "She fears Equestria! Twilight Sparkle is the Princess of Friendship, and she would, with the help of her friends, terminate everything relating to disharmony. Creating a utopia would be our doom!" Spike thought to himself, knowing Twilight wanted to open the School of Friendship to spread her ideals globally to end fights and disputes. Empress Storm turns to the Legacy of the Peacekeeper. "My hope and prayer is to someday live during the life with the Peacekeeper to ensure my nation's future for generations rather than watch everything getting taken away from us because they believe disharmony would not function for a better tomorrow." "So, with equestrian ponies behaving like humanity, why is the Storm Nation advanced with technology as equestrian ponies are?" Spike asks Empress Storm since Loki implanted the logic and conception into ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. "That was my brother's foolish decision-making after sending spies and hearing from Tempy's testimony about life in Equestria; he heard about their way of life and demanded to implement that structure for us, which was horrible. It was good for disharmony but horrible for his subjects. His demands cost us our crops, vegetation, and pastures for something concrete and advanced technology. That is why food is scarce here, and we trade with other nations willing to help," Empress Storm sighs and stares at the cloudy skies. "Not everyone wants to oblige, but that's okay. Not every kingdom was as forgiving as others when I initiated the forgiveness campaign. Those are signs that equilibrium is still active, unlike a certain nation who would ask the why and cause a rift into forced forgiveness." "Are you afraid after hearing Twilight's School of Friendship becoming our apocalypse?" Spike asks, getting straight to the point rather than delaying the inevitable question. "Yes," Empress Storm doesn't hesitate with her answer; she believes Twilight's school would cause the demise of disharmony and the return of one-sidedness that created a living nightmare. "I fear Equestria is our doom and how human-like they behave. Near totalitarianism is how they would operate through friendship, for it is a weapon against disharmony." "So, what did the sacred relic tell you? I'm sure you tried to uplift the divine treasure from the gravel," Spike asks since Empress Storm is sharing her wisdom with him without anger or any negative emotion that would express hate and blatancy. Empress Storm chuckles as she remembers her futile attempts to become the Goddess of Equus and the thought of her older brother kneeling before her and accepting her commands as a goddess. "It taught me to accept no without question since I've accepted the truth about our origins and understood the vision of the balance beam; the term no showed me how powerful the statement can be while understanding different circumstances for the reasoning without question." Spike smiles briefly at Empress Storm's wisdom, then frowns with a heavy heart about the origins and his position for where he or should be standing. Initially, Spike came to become inspired since his dream of becoming a hero for the Crystal Empire and possibly Equestria and Beyond has become a hoax due to the limited crime rates and no indication of an underground society. Spike stares at the Legacy of the Peacekeeper with many thoughts running amuck. He's seen the worlds of what disharmony can do during the journey of the alternate timelines, witnessed the success of harmony during his span with Twilight, and knows something crucial.., important.., pivotal that deterred disharmony's direction! "OH MY GOODNESS!" Spike loudly shrieks at the revelation while holding his head in disbelief. "Spike, what's wrong?!" Empress Storm, Tempest, Grubber, and Ripper shout to grab Spike's attention after his sudden outburst of a possible realization; they are wondering if Spike figured out something paramount about the story he heard and have connected some pieces like a rubix cube. "According to the story, the Demons of Disharmony survived and were reborn again, but the tale of the Shadow Stalkers reminded me of the Pony of Shadows, who got trapped in a realm of no return twice. The first was because of the Pillars of Equestria sealing Stygian away when he was mad with power a millennium ago; the second was my friends and the Pillars saving Stygian to seal the Pony of Shadows permanently. Queen Juniper's reincarnation should be Queen Chrysalis as the rightful ruler before the changelings' reformation, which now resulted in their native transformation; she's alone, and it will be a matter of time before she accepts the reformation. No one has seen Grogar, for many believe he met his demise long ago! Finally, through friendship, Discord reformed and is considered an ally of harmony..." Spike finishes his explanation and how it connects with the dilemma of Equus' existence. "Has anyone believed in using the Legacy of the Peacekeeper for harmonic purposes only?" Spike asks Empress Storm. "Daily, Spike. Ponies across the lands for eons attempted to use the Legacy of the Peacekeeper for one-sided purposes; that includes every other creature longing to use the relic for their desires, regardless of being heavily reliant on doing either right or wrong. Only one is worthy of understanding the worlds of harmony and disharmony to ensure the perfect balance of life even though many will oppose the worthy one." Spike remembers a quote Hum-Drum once said during the first issue of Hum-Drum's solo comic: "WORTHINESS COMES FROM WITHIN YOUR BELIEF IN YOURSELF AND HOW YOU CAN IMPACT EVERYBODY, DON'T ALLOW ANYONE TO SAY YOU CAN'T, YOU CAN AND WILL!" Spike turns away to see the Legacy of the Peacekeeper scepter, still standing on the gravel, waiting to be uplifted and used by the chosen worthy one. He walks and feels the light shining brighter as he gets closer. Empress Storm, Tempest, Grubber, and Ripper have seen those lights illuminating numerous times; however, the energy around Spike feels divine, unlike any other. Spike grasps the middle of the sacred relic, closing his eyes as he imagines talking with the Valkyries of Harmony. "I believe there's enough harmony, and you would teach more about disharmony and the importance of balancing to ensure life thrives for eternity; I'm ready and willing to learn, even if or when it costs me my relationships with my friends and family for the world's benefit!" Despite Empress Storm, Tempest, and Grubber watching the display of Spike's possible feeble attempt, Ripper prepares the dentist chair and hopes to give Spike a root canal for desperately using his teeth to edge and nudge the rod of the weapon's position. He gets sterilized and prepares his many tools of dental torture for his victim. Spike squats and stands, lifting the Legacy of the Peacekeeper's weapon from the gravel while expecting the sacred relic's heaviness due to his unworthiness; however, the gravel cracks, all eyes on Spike for the unbelievable achievement he's about to obtain. Spike slowly feels the weapon loosening with the lightest tug to raise his prize. Spike pulls the Legacy of the Peacekeeper from the gravel at ease and feels his body shining radiantly; he extends his arms, allowing divine power to enter his body. After a few moments, Spike hears the voices of the Valkyries of Harmony congratulating him and waiting for their worthy champion to take the first step into becoming Equus' God of Balance. His spirit detaches itself from his body and enters a realm where he can communicate with the Valkyries of Harmony. The area features an angelic white room with thirty-nine pillars of clouds, battle scars, and weapons that every Valkyrie used during the many wars they fought. Each pillar represents the knowledge and wisdom of every Valkyrie. The lights are heavenly, with flashes of brilliance shining on Spike's spirit. "Welcome, Spike," Brynhildr, leader of the Valkyries, welcomes their god in training since there's much to learn for the young dragon. > Valhalla's Circle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brynhildr, the leader of the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony, presents herself to Spike while her sisters watch her descend to meet the gaze of their god in training; she is wearing a white breastplate with gold and pale blue accents and matching, finger-less gauntlets, boots, hip guards, and wing-shaped hair clips. Spike stepped back, allowing Brynhildr to stretch her angelic feathery wings when she landed; he fixed his gaze on every other Valkyrie, waving and smiling at him as some were waiting to discuss the details of Spike's new path. "Valhalla's Circle," Brynhildr answers and stomps on the floor, changing the environment from the white room with angelic pillars into green pastures where the butterflies and fireflies flow freely with the bliss of summer's cool winds, flowers blossoming which consists of roses, daisies, cosmos, and petunias, clear blue skies as cardinals, blue jays, and orioles fly peacefully, and every Valkyrie Sister resting on white fluffy clouds which substitute for pillars. "Woooooow," Spike smiles widely at the sudden change of scenery; he feels the soft green grass on his feet and the fresh aroma of nature. He kneels to touch and pluck a daisy to smell the authenticity, which blows his mind tremendously by the power of the Valkyries within Valhalla's Circle. "This is amazing; the nature, the peace, it's similar to my home in Equestria, but without the structures, the pavement, and other things ponies rely on for daily life." "Beautiful, right?" Þrima, the Valkyrie of Silence, approaches Spike while holding onto a kirin; she lets her roam blissfully into the green pastures. Þrima's attire is like her sister's, but she has black hair and emerald-green eyes. Byrnhildr has blond hair and blue eyes. "Yes," Spike sits down and watches the kirin explore the life around her. "Was Equus supposed to be like this sanctuary before Loki intervened and decimated the first world before the rebirth?" "Yes," Every Valkyrie Sister responds; however, some sound distasteful due to the events that happened millenniums ago. Hearing the unpleasant responses from some of the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony, Spike believes they are still angry about the war and rebirth since the goddesses sacrificed their lives to restore life on Equus. Göll, the Valkyrie of Tumult, lands next to Spike after sensing a loving relationship with a griffin named Gabby. "Do you understand your plight as a God of Balance, Spike?" "I'm aware of the obligations a God of Balance would uphold since I figured out that Equus is slowly dying since my friends have conquered many evils, including reverting a Demon of Disharmony to harmony through the magic of friendship." Göndul, the Valkyrie of Magic, hovers on her cloud next to the right side of Spike. "Their usage of friendship is a weapon against disharmony, resulting in the demise of the last remnants of our demons. Grogar is nowhere to be found, the Shadow Stalkers trapped in a void except for one who remains trapped inside of a shadowed pony's unicorn, the changeling nation reverting to their original state, and any other ounces of disharmony that got created gets obliterated by ponies and their power of friendship." "Victories of disharmony are ceasing with little hope from a fiend named Lord Tirek and his accomplish to end the world of sorcery and turning their friendship into a weapon," Brynhildr reveals disharmony's futile efforts since the magic of friendship has become stronger during every trial throughout the years. "So, you heard what I was saying when I lifted the Legacy of the Peacekeeper, right?" Spike wonders if the sisters have heard his claim and hope they don't think of some excuse to obtain unlimited power. "We know you were honest when you uplifted the weapon from the gravel; we hear and test the hearts of many. Most have failed since they sought to become gods and goddesses through selfish actions and domination. You are not the first we've spoken to about selfless actions and obligations to achieve what's necessary for the world; however, when you claimed about losing your friends and family, not many would permit themselves because of their worth," Brynhildr finishes her comment and conjures a glass of white wine to drink. Göndul grabs Spike's attention after a gentle poke on his shoulder. "Are you prepared to permit new authorities in Equus, knowing many would oppose you or may guilt-trip you into submission? Your role as the God of Balance means you have authority over what can and will not happen." "I am," Spike stands up and imagines holding the Legacy of the Peacekeeper; it materializes in his left claw. "I wanted to become a hero and make sacrifices as one would; however, not all heroes wear capes to make good decisions. I am fulfilling my dreams to become a savior, even if many would believe me as a monstrous demon hellbent on dominating the world. My friends and family will never understand my position of power, and that's okay. I can endure the trauma and hardship for the world's benefit." Gunnr, the Valkyrie of War, confronts Spike about enduring hardship and trauma. "There's a difference between what you've endured as an assistant and godship, young dragon! Many plea their oath to trauma and hardship and quit when the going gets rough! What makes you different from the rest?" She places her sword by Spike's throat, intending to puncture him as the many failures they thought were worthy. Spike grabs the sword's tip, gripping it tightly as he glares at the Valkyrie Sister of War. "I have never given up on duties and tasks, even when the objective seems overwhelming. I will become different than any other who tried and failed because I refuse to fail and watch everything crumble when I have the power to end Princess Twilight's friendship regime to dispel disharmony!" Spike shoves Gunnr's sword aside, making his statement and determination bold to impress the Valkyrie Sister of War. "You have my respect for now; however, I demand evidence of your resilience to prove me wrong," Gunnr departs from Valhalla's Circle. "Don't mind her, Spike," Eir, the Valkyrie of Medicine, replies after watching her sister leave. "She wants stability in Equus and desires the God of Balance to maintain his position to ensure life continues for eternity. She hates quitters, and I know you are not one of them." "Thanks for the confidence," Spike sighs in relief and hopes every Valkyrie Sister would believe in him as he believes in himself to ensure equilibrium gets established. "Hey, how long have I been here since I lifted the Legacy of the Peacekeeper relic?" "Your body is still at the birthplace of inspiration for a minute. You've been with us for an hour," Göndul replies. "An hour!?" Spike couldn't believe the time game between Valhalla's Circle and the Storm Nation's island. "How would I return to my body and Valhalla's Circle?" "Meditation to focus on Valhalla's Circle. Blink three times to return to your body," Göndul pats Spike's head. "One more thing before I get to work. What does the sacred relic do?" Spike asks the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony. "Anything your heart desires to ensure balance for Equus, which includes creation, restoration, and death," Brynhildr replies and places her hand on Spike's head. "I'm going to grant you some insight into using the basics of the scepter; however, you'll learn on your accord to the fullest abilities." Göndul and Eir do the same procedure on Spike's head before he departs Valhalla's Circle, granting him the basics of magic and medicine to utilize. "Thank you," Spike smiles as knowledge and wisdom of using the sacred relic becomes more leisurely, with some plans of creating a rival to help establish equilibrium during his training sessions. "I hope you enjoy the show since I have an idea of creating a rival." "Be careful about what you wish for," Gunnr warns Spike about the dangers of creating an equal rivalry. "Don't worry," Spike smirks wickedly. "I will!" He blinks three times while laughing sadistically for fun since his entitlement must be for harmony and disharmony; he returns to his friends at the birthplace of inspiration. "This should be good," Göll says after sensing the thoughts of Spike's mindset to establish himself as the God of Balance. > Tea Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord allows Fluttershy to enter his home after disclosing much information about Equus' past and the Legacy of the Peacekeeper; he hopes the birth will take place years in advance when his friends are more prepared rather than hurrying, rushing, and falling short of quick-fixes. Fluttershy sits on the couch, stationed on the wall sideways in the living room, helping herself to the floating stove with the pot of tea resting on the burner while teacakes and cupcakes soar swiftly like rush hour near the ceiling, waiting for plucking or fishing. "Why didn't you bring up your past life during our tea parties, Discord; they are quite fascinating, and I'm learning more about your days with the Valkyries of Harmony and the reason behind your creation?" Fluttershy asks, using a fishing rod to catch a plate of chocolate cupcakes with cotton candy icing; she's more curious than anything else regarding Discord's lifespan. "Truth be told, Fluttershy, not everyone is willing to accept the truth about our origins and how every nation and pet are fragments of every Valkyrie Sister's dedication to the friendships they had to honor their legacies from the third earth's humanity billions of light years away from our world. Only a few maintain the evidence of their existence as the true source of creation; Most believe it's through evolution from previous generations before the birth of the sun and moon Princesses. Your friends and other ponies in Equestria and Beyond would claim my story as superstition, folklore, and myths without a second thought because nothing got documented about the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony's involvement," Discord replied while pouring a tub of gravy on his body, warming himself from the chilling winds in his home with the freezers opening widely to drown the floors with ice cream. "Well, I'm willing to accept the truth since you're my friend, and your demeanor changed when Princess Celestia mentioned the Peacekeeper a while ago. I know you wouldn't lie to us about the info you shared with everyone, including the gruesome fact about the weapon killing you if the Peacekeeper decided to end your life." Discord sighs when Fluttershy mentions his honest self speaking when he wanted to lie about his emotions after choking on nails. "I tried lying about my reaction to the Peacekeeper comment, but seeing you beside me, I couldn't muster anything to prevent myself from speaking the one fear I dread since my reincarnation from Pandemonium to Discord, the Lord of Chaos and Disharmony." Fluttershy thought something horridly and wanted to ask Discord about the decision to reform evolved the trigger key to bringing forth the Peacekeeper sooner rather than later in life. "Discord, are we the cause of the Peacekeeper's soon ascension since we defeated many villainous foes through the magic of friendship throughout the years and our recent victory when my friends and I disposed the Pony of Shadows into the void for eternity?" Discord grabs his teacake smeared on the ceiling after hearing Fluttershy's question, which makes him feel eerie about the circumstance that correlates to Princess Celestia's vision. "It's more than likely since evil is slowly decaying with friendship's elevation, considering the Storm King's demise when he wanted to seize control of the weather, the Pony of Shadows reincarnation of the Shadow Stalkers lost in void means he can no longer terrify the masses. Then again, we don't know what's lurking in every shadow and who may rise to strike fear and panic in Equestria and Beyond. They should start with lesser nations than Equestria because of the magic in friendship's power to overcome any treachery regardless of magic and power gap." "So, our best option to repel and save Equestria is to give the Peacekeeper a guilty conscience to rethink his decisions? Is there any other way to prevent the Peacekeeper from succeeding in his goals from the visions the Princess endured? I can't use guilt as a weapon because I'm kind to every creature and animal; also, I'm the embodiment of the Element of Kindness." "I knew you wouldn't, but I believe your friends and the Princesses would encourage everyone in Equestria to subdue the Peacekeeper since he wouldn't reason under every circumstance; whatever his goals are, he'll oblige and see to the end unless his heart and mind gets weakened." Fluttershy sighs heavily at the thought of her friends becoming the opposite to thwart a possible tyrant if the Peacekeeper declares war on Equestria or something in magnitude that would spell doom and despair for everyone. "I honestly don't believe my friends would subjugate the Peacekeeper with guilt but use our friendship to show the Peacekeeper -" Discord shuts Fluttershy's mouth with his lion's index finger. "When the Peacekeeper holds his divine treasure, nothing would overwhelm him in stature and potency. Using your words would be your and everyone else's weapon." "Any ideas who can be the Peacekeeper, Discord? Perhaps my friends and I could -" Discord inserts a cupcake inside Fluttershy's mouth as a sign to decline the hidden identity of the Peacekeeper when he shakes his head; she accepts the delectable and enjoys the flavor. "The identity of the Peacekeeper is unknown even after the sacred relic gets uplifted from the birthplace of inspiration, and before you ask, I would -" Discord lifts his cup of jasmine cinnamon tea. "detect a disturbance when the scepter is -" The teacakes and cupcakes fall flat from the ceiling, the ice cream flooding the floors gets drained, the furniture from the walls and stairs fall on the floor; Fluttershy lands harshly on her sides when she sees Discord's body quaking like an earthquake shuddering the grounds rapidly, causing things to sway and swing horrendously. "Discord?" Fluttershy flies to her friend, hovering motionlessly with his eyes popping out of their sockets in fear and shock like in the cartoons or whenever Pinkie Pie sees something fun and innovative. "Discord!" She starts shaking his body to snap Discord from the trance he's enduring and starts acknowledging the rise of the Peacekeeper now rather than later. "DISCORD!?!" Fluttershy withholds her urge to smack Discord's face to wake him from his trance-like state, so she kisses his left face cheek to see if that'll wake him up. A swirling vortex opens from the floor, dragging Discord and Fluttershy to the hospital room in his home. Fluttershy is wearing a nurse's attire while Discord is on the bed with his eagle's talon covering his heart from what seems to be a heartache or a heart attack, or both at the same time with the unfortunate news he had sensed moments ago. "Discord?" Fluttershy worriedly removes Discord's eagle's talon from his chest and notices a door handle. Curiosity gets the better of Fluttershy as she opens the door, revealing Discord's heart pounding rapidly, which would cause a heart attack ten times over with it leaping out of his chest. She catches Discord's heart, puts on two bandaids on his heart, kisses it, and places it back inside Discord's chest. Fluttershy watches it beat naturally and closes the door, watching Discord turn to her. "Discord?" Silence reigns for the longest minute that seems like an eternity for Fluttershy; she places her left hoof under Discord's chin, softly caressing him. Discord would smile, but it faded because of what he sensed. The disturbance is unlike any other, even when Princess Celestia, Cadance, and Luna transferred their magic to Princess Twilight Sparkle years ago. "There's no sugarcoating this, Fluttershy," Discord places his lion's paw on Fluttershy's left face cheek. "The Peacekeeper is born, and I sensed the Legacy of the Peacekeeper's weapon hoisted by the new wielder." Fluttershy gasps and steps back from the horrible news while understanding the severity of the situation. She sees how fearful Discord is behaving and promises to be by his side; she senses the dread of dying alone since the Peacekeeper can do so. Fluttershy conjures an idea Discord would like since no one is around to notice her feelings for Discord. She undresses the nurse's uniform and hovers over to Discord, allowing him to hold her in the medical bed for comfort without saying a word. Discord smiles at her gesture and writes a note to Princess Celestia, warning her about the Peacekeeper's birth already happening and preparing for the future.