> Town Hall > by Kentavritsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Invited: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary . Just after breakfast, Astoria and I leave the table. “We are going to see friends!” I declare, as we leave the table; “We take the floo, so you don't need to worry!” I explain. The walk to the floo is uneventful, just as expected. “Town Hall, was it?” my little sister Astoria inquires. “Yes!” I respond, as I take a pinch of powder in my right hand. I can see her taking a pinch for herself, before I step up to the hearth; “Town Hall!” I exclaim, as I step into the fire, just as it is turning green. “Town Hall!” I hear my sister saying, just after I had disappeared into the flow of the floo network. I step out on the opposite end of the connection, but something is off. I stand on all fours, just a few steps away from the floo as expected. I am looking around, scanning my surroundings; as I can see my younger sister swooping in through the floo, stopping just a single step behind me. “Wait!!” she exclaims; “Where are we?” she then inquires. There is a flash, as a purple Unicorn steps into the room, through a door to our right; “Greetings!” she exclaims. “Astoria and Daphne Greengrass; this is the Floo hall at Twilight town's Town Hall!” she is explaining. “But, but.. but.. what are you?” Astoria stutters. “I am a Pony, as are you!” she explains. “A..” I exclaim; “Pony?” I inquire. “And you look great, as Unicorns!” she then points out. “Thank you, Twilight!” I respond; “And so do you!” Astoria continues. “Right this way, please!” Twilight offers, indicating for us to follow her to see something. “Clip clop, clip clop.” is heard, as she is trotting towards a door. ”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I follow Twilight, with my little sister Astoria in tow. As she is reaching the door, she is lifting up her right fore-hoof, extending it towards a hexagonal black surface on the side of the door. The twin sliding doors slide up before her, granting her access to the room beyond; I follow her with my sister in tow, only for the doors to quietly slide shut behind us unnoticed as we had cleared the threshold. “This is the town's public Ancestral room, where one can explore one's family history!” Twilight explains, indicating the wall before us. “Ooh!” I exclaim. “That is me..” she explains, pointing at the picture of a lavender Unicorn, and its companion image depicting her as the Human Girl I had known her as from before; “and that is my brother!” she continues; “These are my mother and father!” she then concludes. “Your brother is the Captain of the Royal Guard?” Astoria inquires. “Yes!” Twilight explains; “Just as my mentor is Princess Alestia Daybreaker Solaris!” she then adds. “Her list of Titles is Quite Impressive!” I acknowledge, with a deep bow. “The Timeless, Imperial House of Solaris?” Astoria inquires. “She has held the throne for two Millennia, unopposed!” Twilight merely explains. “Whoa!!” I exclaim; “Wait; you mean to say that she has ruled for that long?” Astoria inquires. “A blessing, and a curse!” Twilight sighs; “Just imagine, just how many you would have to see to the grave, if you lived that long!” Twilight pushes forth. “Oh, oh; ooh!!” Astoria exclaims; “I think I'd rather not...” she then declares. “Me, neither!” I confirm. “At least, her sister: Luna Nightmare Solaris returned to her, from the moon!” Twilight enlightens us. “From the moon?” Astoria exclaims; “What was she doing there, and for how long?” she then inquires. “She was banished to the moon, for a thousand years!” Twilight explains. “Exiled??” Astoria exclaims; “Too the moon.. for a thousand years?” she then continues. “Yes, exactly!” Twilight responds; “and thus, Nightmare!” she continues; from which the Nightmare Night is coming!” she explains. “I hope, there is no Daybreaker event!” Astoria queries, with worry on her voice. “Thankfully, no..” Twilight responds. “Are Alestia and Luna related?” I inquire. “Well, yes..” Twilight puts forth; "they are sisters, after all!” she then points out. “I'm just not sure, if I have seen them.. Genuinely!” Twilight ponders. “How do you mean?” Astoria inquires. “While I have memories of studying under Alestia; genuine memories of all the things I did, all the way up to today!” Twilight clarifies. “It is just, that there is a discontinuity!” she points out; “after which I woke up on the desk, on a stylus!” she continues. “Oh!” Astoria ponders. “As I woke up, my head was resting somewhat lest than comfortably on the stylus; large enough, to cover the floor of an entire room in my home!” she concedes. “I'm happy to invite you over to see for yourself..” Twilight pronounces; “If you want to see my home, that is?” she inquires. “As interesting, as your tapestry may be; but I think I am more interested, in how your home looks!” I respond, with a snicker. “Yes, I can see that; the tapestry is interesting, but it isn't more interesting than watching your face in the mirror!” Twilight suggests. “I doubt you spend all that much time, studying your face!” Astoria puts forth. “No, not really!” Twilight replies; “Though I guess, it could be interesting to watch your family line in real-time?” she ponders, thoughtfully. “It isn’t as if the Tapestry will disappear, you could study it for a Decade; just reading all the names woven into my history, throughout the ages!” I put forth; I guess my home is more interesting, here and now; even if it isn’t all that special, just a regular Cottage such as they are built here in Twilight town!” I suggest. “You live in a regular Cottage?” Daphne inquires. “Yes, but since I live alone; I don’t really need all that much space, after all!” I point out. “I guess a Cottage is enough space, for just one Pony!” Astoria agrees. “I have a bed room, a kitchen, a living room, a Mares’ room, a shower and a cloaking room; what more do I need?” Twilight inquires. “I guess that would be all you need, for just one Pony!” Daphne agrees. “On second thought, I think I could as well show you your new home!” I put forth. <--- --- ---> Home > Home: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I step out of the Town Hall, trotting over the street. My older sister: Daphne is following me. The weather is warm, it feels as if it is a cool summer’s day. “This house is as good as anyone!” Twilight points out, pointing at the first Cottage on my right. “If it is currently unoccupied, then!” Daphne agrees. “Clip clop, clip clop..” is heard, as we trot over the hard ground outside. Twilight leads us to the suggested address, only stopping before the door. Though I guess I notice the path between the street and the door had been laid with smooth stone bricks. Furthermore; the path is lined with Peonies on both sides of the path. I count seven deep, purple peonies on each side of the road. “How beautiful!” I exclaim, only for Daphne to nod in agreement. “Yes, they are!” Twilight responds; “You will find this feature before each and every house on Twilight Town!” she then points out. “These Peonies are lovely!” Daphne exclaims, her eyes watering with emotion. “As I mentioned before; just place the frog of your right fore-hoof onto the plaque, and the door will slide right up!” Twilight explains. “Oh, but wait; you did something like that earlier, Twilight!” I proclaim. With that, I lift up my right fore-hoof; pressing the frog of my hoof onto the smooth, black surface of the plaque. “It is warm!!” I exclaim; “and it almost feels as if it was grasping my hand, in a hand-shake too!” I then elaborate. The floor inside is laid with black, Ceramic tiles; laid with an inch of crystal clear Silicone, leaving the floor much softer than I could have imagined. As I step in, I soon notice the shoe-rack to the right of the door to the cloaking room. Over the shoe-rack, I have the jacket-hangers and the hat-rack on top. The walls had been laid with deep dark oak wood and covered with a four foot tall, deep pink Cherry Wood Picket Fence. “Your architect certainly spared no effort here?” Daphne prompts. “Why bother?” Twilight suggests; “Not as if it would have cost us or the Town anything!” she puts forth. (On second thought, it really didn’t; if truth be told, it may actually be a net income with new inhabitants) “You could improve on the building over time..” Daphne suggests; “Just adding details or adjust over time?” she then inquires. Magic. I extend my right fore hoof, placing the frog of the hoof on the plaque; only for the door to slide up before me and I step into the living room, only for the door to slide shut as we had cleared the threshold. Once in the living room, I notice the thematic ceiling continues into the room as if the wall had not even been there. “I love the sofa..” I exclaim, “I had not expected to see this style here!” I mumble. “This three seated cinematic sofa is quite nice!” Twilight puts forth. “Truth be told, I had not been expecting anything even remotely this elaborate or Modern!” I concede; “Not based on the exterior, at least!” I then continue. “Yes, it is..” I agree: “and this is all ours, now?” I inquire; in the hopes to confirm what I had been promised, or avoid making a mistake of epic proportions. “Yes, Astoria, of course it is!” Twilight responds. “You mean to say..” Daphne inquires; “you just gave us a Cottage?” she inquires. “Yes..” Twilight confirms; “I have a few Cottages to spare..” she continues; “you could say, that I am investing in the Town’s future; as I am inviting two new Citizens!” she puts forth. I am standing in the middle of the floor; laid with a deep, dark Oak-Wood Parquet. Just as with the previous room, the floor had been coated with crystal clear Silicone. While I am not sure why, but it does feel good to set hoof on. The walls had been laid with deep dark oak wood and covered with a four foot tall, deep Pink Cherry Wood Picket Fence. As I am looking at the wall opposing the door through which we had just entered; I can see the door to a large terrace and a window on each side of the door, still leaving plenty of space to spare. Behind me; I have a made to measure bookshelf, crafted out of prime Linden wood. The bookshelf is covering the entire wall, as if I had been expected to hold a small Library’s worth of books there. Or, possibly; arrange a few priceless decorations, of our choice, too. The smooth, glossy surface is suggesting it had been polished, and lacquered with delicate care. Behind the sofa, the door to the kitchen could be seen. Aside from the door; there is a flight of stairs leading up to the second floor, where we have our bed rooms, little Girl’s rooms and Showers as well. “Am I detecting a Pattern, here?” I am pondering. The real surprise, is the large screen Television set covering the wall opposing the sofa, as if this had been a Cinema. “Let us go upstairs, so you can see your respective Bed Rooms!” Twilight proposes. I just nod, taking the flight of stairs up to the second floor. The first I notice, is the two doors before us; leading to what I suppose would be our two Bed Rooms. On one side, there are two little Girl’s room; on the other side, there are the two showers. Apparently, we don’t have to stand in line; waiting for the other to finish the shower, before one could enjoy the shower. How convenient, and for just the two of us. The floor, walls and the ceiling is just the same as downstairs. Well, what a shock? I could never have figured, in a million years. “Choose your bed room, then extend your right fore-hoof on the plaque to your Bed Room!” Twilight instructs us. I choose the first room, leaving my older sister: Daphne to choose the second room. As expected, I feel the warmth of a greeting; as I place the frog of my right fore-hoof on the plaque. There is a momentary tingling sensation, as the room registers me as the owner of this particular room. The floor, walls and ceiling are exactly the same as outside. I have a bed on one side of the door, beside which I have my night stand. The bed had been made with a glossy black Silicone sheet, a large crystal clear Pillow and a three inch thick, crystal clear Quilt. Should I have been surprised, shocked even; but no, what’s the point? This seems to match the pattern of the general style I had been observing. As I open the drawer of the night stand; I find what could only be taken for a head set, just in my own skin-tone. Or; is it fur colour, here? The device is cool to the touch, but warms up to me as I am picking it up. I tentatively place it on my head, only to find it fitting perfectly. Custom made, or made to measure? Should I assume; my sister had found an identical device, in her room too? Well, why not? It would not be right; if she did not receive one, too. “If I have a wardrobe; I could as well see, what it is like?” I ponder. I move to the wardrobe, opening the doors to the right; only to find my daytime wear, quite the selection. I step back, opening the doors to my left; only to find my nighttime wear, gasping as I realize what I had been given. I leave the nighttime wears, where I found them; only to focus on the daytime wears, as it currently is daytime, after all. I slip into a pair of Silicone white Panties and a matching Top. The wall of the Wardrobe before me is apparently a mirror, covering the each of the walls, the floor and even the ceiling. I can finally see my reflection, in the mirror before me. Since the reflection originally had been obstructed, by my clothes or garments; I push them aside with mere a thought, in order to get a good look at my reflection. What stands before me, is a white Unicorn with a glossy golden mane and tail. In the mirror, my reflection had metallic bloody red hooves and Sapphire blue eyes. “Oh!” I exclaim; “It just feels a bit strange, to wear white Panties now!” I ponder. I end up choosing a Skirt, matching the colour of my hooves in the Pony style. With the skirt on; I extract a matching Blouse Top. Even if I do not yet have my Cutie mark; I should proudly present myself, as I am. If I will ever earn my own, unique Cutie Mark; is an open Question, I choose to leave hanging. If my Flank is bare, it means my potential is untapped. Besides; I never even knew, I could have a Cutie mark, in the first place. As I have explored my room and sampled the gifts presented to me in the room; I open the door and step out of the room. It is mine, all mine; everything will be the way I left them, when I return to the room. Well, why not? This is my Home. Even if I do share it, with my older Sister: Daphne. <--- --- ---> A Cozy Moment, with Twiligh > A Cozy Moment, with Twilight: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . As I am stepping out of my room, I see my younger sister: Astoria trotting down the flight of stairs. “Clip clop, clip clop.” is heard, as she is continuing down the flight of stairs. “She chose the red Skirt and Top, too!” I ponder, as I follow her down to the ground floor. Well, why not; she fits in the ensemble, she chose to slip into!” I consider; snickering quietly, under my breath. Once I have managed to negotiate the flight of stairs, down to the Living Room; I can clearly see Twilight sitting in the middle seat, in the sofa. “There you are, Daphne!” Twilight exclaims; as she sees me trotting over the floor, towards the sofa. "I was just checking out my new Bed Room, hope I did not take too long!” I put forth. “Oh, yes..” twilight acknowledges; “I can clearly see that!” she continues. “There are two Wardrobes, in the Bed Room!” Astoria helpfully supplies. “Then you got a good glimpse, of your current form as an Equine?” Twilight inquires. “I did…” I respond, blushing slightly under my fur; “I did, too!” Astoria echoes half an instant later. “Just takes a while, to get used to!” I point out. “I can very well imagine!” Twilight responds; “I have experienced this, first Hoof myself..” she continues; “or would you prefer: First Hand!” she then inquires. "That would depend on the perspective..” Astoria suggests; “but since we are Ponies right now; I guess: First Hoof! is the proper expression, right now!” she concludes. “I, We have no hands right now; so it just feels weird to say: “First Hand!” I concede. “I have four Hooves, though!” Astoria puts forth, with a snicker to her voice. “Maybe this is the time, for some nice music?” Twilight inquires, after a moment of contemplation. “Sounds nice…” I respond, nodding; “yes..” Astoria fills in, nodding. “Here goes...” Twilight offers, as she is activating the screen on the wall before us. “Listen to Music” the option on the screen reads. “Artist: Octavia” the option reads. “Who is Octavia?” I ponder; “I have never heard of her!” I continue. As Twilight is selecting the Musician, the image of the Gray Mare appears on the screen. We can clearly see her holding her Cello, in the image; as she is taking her sweet time, fine-tuning her instrument before us. “Instrument: 'Cello” the text on the screen reads. “Collection: 'Cello Shell-Shock” the text on the screen reads. After a moment of quiet contemplation, Twilight states; “Since the Artist Octavia is not here; she can not take offence, by anything we say or do here right now!”. “Thank you, Twilight; for saying this, before the music starts!” I put forth. “Play!” Twilight exclaims, and Octavia changes her expression, as she is preparing to play. The next moment, she starts playing the first melody. This is an Instrumental performance, so there will be no voice or vocals. . At first, the sound is quiet, yet picking up volume as she continues to play. The voice of her ‘Cello is deep, while still remaining vibrant and playful. She is playing a slow cadence, at first; yet picking up speed as she goes. Yet, it is still a fairly slow cadence at heart. She never tries to make it into a catchy song, while she insistently continues to play with her Heart. . I feel weird. . “Imagine that, an Earth Pony can play the ‘Cello..” I ponder; “and I enjoy listening to her, as if she had been one of the old Masters!” I conclude. I feel my heart pounding.. and hard. While I know she is not in the room, but I still feel as if she is watching me. Just that she is not glaring at me. I can’t quite put a finger, to how I feel. Is this, do to being in the Equine form as a Pony? Still, I can’t quite put a Hoof on how I feel, either. Just do not tell me, this is due to the fact that I was born as a Human. “Any chance, I can listen to this again?” I inquire. “Any time you like, Daphne!” Twilight confirms. “For some reason, I think Father would love this music, if only we could permit him to listen to the Music, without seeing the Musician!” Astoria puts forth. “Yes..” I respond, “just not sure, as to how he would react on knowing who or what the Artist is!” I mumble. “He is one of these Unicorn Supremacists?” Twilight inquires. “Something like that..” I supply; “well; a human equivalence, at least!” I elaborate. “You play the ‘Cello with your hands, exclusively!” Twilight points out, snickering. “With her hooves, in this case!” Astoria snickers. “If you want to learn magic, I’m here for you!” Twilight promises; “I was Alestia’s Protege from I was Five!” she explains. “Who is Alestia?” I inquire. “The Princess of the day, the wielder of the Sun and the Immortal Ruler of the land of Equestria!” Twilight explains. “The wielder of the Sun, is that where the Day Breaker in her name comes from?`” Astoria inquires. “Yes..” Twilight whispers; “Pray there will never be a Day Breaker event; where she goes mad and Glaze the world over!” she breathes. “Why does this sound, like a Horrible exaggeration of the Dooms Day the Muggles tinker with?” Astoria inquires. “Are you referring to the Nuclear War, where they destroy the World?” I inquire. “I have been reading a few of these books..” Twilight supplies; “I guess you could say; I have been fascinated by these stories, from the point of my origin!” she explains. . The Music comes to a crescendo, building up to the dramatic peak. It isn’t so much the volume, or the tempo of the music; but in the intensity and the intricacy of the notes being played. Of course, this could not last, but it did not have to. What’s the point? The crescendo is the point, after all. The volume is picking up, from the mere whisper, building up speed into a new cadence. It’s a cadence of longing, of expectancy. All of a sudden, there is a pregnant pause. As the pause comes to an end, the crescendo is building up into a new point, a counterpoint. . I am ecstatic. . The music slowly fades out, quiet; before the final crescendo. “Oh!” I exclaim, my mouth in the shape of the Capital OH. <--- --- ---> Alone / Together