> The Last of Kin > by Lunaria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In a dust filled corridor... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a dust filled corridor... Glitterwing came to a stop, the rusted metal door in front of her was completely closed and clogged up, at least this side, with other wreckage. With a sigh she called forth her levitation and started moving the the clutter aside. "You know we didn't need to come here," a voice rang out from her side. She was the sole pony in the ruined corridor, however. Though for a creature like herself then the label of pony might be a bit generous. "I know that Lux, but there's something I wish to retrieve here before we... go." Lux only hummed in response so Glitterwing continued her task. The electric lights along the ceiling had long since stopped working, even if they had a source of power they'd not shine. Glitterwing never had to worry about darkness though, not as long as Lux was with her. With enough of the debris cleared the only obstacle remaining was the door itself. She knew exactly what spell she needed to bring forth to bring it down; she was nothing if not studious, the years had done little to corrode her memories of such things. With a simple thought she connected her mind to Lux and brought forth a beam of destructive magic. The cyan light that bathed the corridor lasted for but a moment, it was all it would take to get through the reinforced bulkheads. Maybe in it's prime when the anti-magic enchants were still working it would have been a different story; but that was another time. "You know we could have just done that from the start, right?" Glitterwing sighed and set off at a trot, taking mind to not touch the blazing hot parts of the door that still remained as she stepped through the circular hole. Lux was right, of course, she didn't need to move the wreckage out of the way first. Really, she didn't need to do any of the things she'd done today, she could have just teleported straight to her destination. She cought on dust as she stepped into the main room of the command center. She took a leap backwards and flapped her wings a few times to send the dust flying. It wasn't like she was worried about her health, but it was annoying. As she walked into the center of the room she really took it in. There were several old magi-tech displays as well as other broken sensory equipment. There was also quite a few chairs bolted to the floor that were there for the operators. The most striking part of the room was the commander's chair, large and imposing, clearly unfit for a pony. She levitated Lux out of her bag and dumped his bindings on the table. "See if you can recover any logs that we don't have." "Sure thing Princess," the book snarked back, the gem embedded in it's cover glowing as they spoke. Glitterwing snorted and headed off towards the staircase going down, she needed to find the old R&D department. The lower levels were left in a much better state. Sure, there was rust and it was hard to breath, but most things were still left standing; the state of it all was a testament to how important security and fortification had been back in the days... Glitterwing shook her head, she needed to stop thinking about the past, otherwise regret would rear it's ugly head again. Especially when she had a solution that would solve it all, it would be so simple. She let out a deep sigh as she continued her march onwards, she'd promised herself and her companion that she'd never cast such a spell. She stopped to check in each room she passed, and before long she came upon what she was seeking. It looked quite innocuous, really, just a small gemstone set in a frame of metal. It too like the table it rested on was covered in dust, most ponies would likely not pass it a second glance. Glitterwing could sense magic though, and the gem was positively radiating. She picked out a long band made out of tiny titanium links from her bag. Picking up the gemstone she inserted the band through the hole of the frame, making a necklace. She didn't hesitate the slightest as she guided her hooves up and above her head, securing the gem around her neck. The device hadn't originally been meant for Glitterwing, but she knew that she could use it, and she knew that she could handle it. It'd been the last one the organization focused on defending Equestria had made; as far as she knew they'd never found anyone worthy to wield it... now? Now there was no one left to fill the role. Feeling her magic she sent the activating signal to the gem, and in but an instance the vast majority of her body was covered in sleek black and gray armour. There were holes for her wings, though some adjustment was likely needed since pegasi didn't fly in quite the same manner that she herself did. The others would likely question why she bothered to go and get something like this... but none of them knew what the future might hold. A Magical Gear was somewhat dated technology, but defensively they were still some of the most powerful things ponykind had ever come up with. The armour plates might seem imposing and could stand up to many things, but the true power lay in all the magical barriers that the gear weaved around the wielder. While Glitterwing did not need to worry about decay from the tides off time, a well placed magic blast or blade could kill her just as well as anyone else. And she was about to go to the most dangerous place in existence that she knew of. "I don't think anything in the logs will interest you." Glitterwing hummed as she continued climbing up the staircases from the core of Mt.Canterhorn. "No, but Luna might be interested, it's worth saving." Her hoofsteps against metal rang out quite clearly in the hollow halls. "I feel that she favours nostalgia quite a lot less than you." She grit her teeth. "Since when did you start feeling things?" "Probably since you gave me the capability to." Lux was right, Luna would likely ask her to throw the logs out if she ever brought them up to her. But... someone had to remember, that was what she'd promised so long ago to do: to remember what no one else could. She shook her head, she'd spent too much time down here already. "Can you get a lock on anyone's signature?" "Just a moment... Negative, but the hub near the construction site is responding to communications." She quickly swore under her breath. "Fine, we'll go there." Using her mind she primed a teleport, but allowed Lux to define the destination. In a flash the two of them were gone, leaving the Canterlot headquarters to once again return to the stillness of death. The wind hit her face before she could take in the scene of her destination. Not that she didn't know what awaited her already. The construction hub was mostly populated by machines, either bringing in raw material or using the material to construct whatever they might need. In some ways, it was fitting: Equuis was providing them with the means to live on, even now. Glitterwing took to the air, the teleportation destination was located on the top of the structure. Even though the top of the structure was at around the same level as the hills that surrounded it, the digging had left a deep chasm below it. Metal paths supported by pillars had been built to connect the the top to the surrounding landscape. If Twilight could see what they'd done to the land she called home she'd been sick. Glitterwing steeled herself as she flew against the dust filled winds under the gray sky; even the grass was more gray than green these days. She'd have a several hour long flight ahead of herself, yet for some reason she did not mind that fact. > ...a lone star shines in the dark... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...a lone star shines in the dark... Luna looked over the list on her display once more, it was a sad sight. With a flick of her hoof she turned it off and got up. She'd holed herself up in her new home too long already, thinking about matters she could do little about. She stretched her legs before lighting up her horn, in a flash she teleported upwards to the roof. Roof might not be the best way to describe what she was standing on, it wasn't exactly a house; but it would become a home. With another burst from her horn she cleared the sky of the dust clouds. It was a temporary measure, they'd be back; they always did. But there were few things these days that brought her joy, and looking at the night sky was one of them. But on a day like this, even the moon's calming light did little to reassure her. Her mind travelling back just a few short years ago when she'd meet with Dragonlord Ember. She'd pitched her and her niece's idea to the dragon, only to get laughed at. She really should have listened to Smolder's warnings. The sordid affair had ended with one less creature walking along Equuis's surface, something that was already in short enough supply. No, after that she'd decided to do invitations remotely instead. For some reason she couldn't stop herself looking over the list every evening. How many of them were still alive? Would any of them even decide to come? The questions nagged on her mind relentlessly. Spike would have scolded her for losing her calm... if he was still alive. "I guess I should not be surprised to see you up here." Luna jolted in surprise, she hadn't expected company. Turning her gaze to her side revealed a sight that chilled her to the bones. "Xylvia," she spat out with all the contempt she could muster. Her magic grasped for her weapon, she had no doubt she'd need it before the break of dawn. Before her floating in the air was a being she wished she'd never have to lay eyes on again. It's ghostly blue body barely resembled a pony, being much taller and having really thin legs. Not to mention the glowing cyan eyes that pierced with complete contempt. Xylvia chuckled in her twisted voice. "Your hate for me is as delicious as ever." Luna grunted and took a stance, ready for a fight at moments notice. While it was true that she'd sent out a summoning even to them... she'd not in the slightest expected them to show up. "I highly doubt you're here to join us, fiend." The windigo shook it's head. "Hardly, I'd be dead within a week, and I don't fancy the fate of discord." Luna frowned. "Then why even show up?" Xylvia settled down on the metal surface of Harmony, as much as a creature that barely was corporeal could anyway. "I figured you deserved my answer in person, I respect you that much at least." She just stared at them while raising her eyebrow. "I hardly think what you and your kind has done to ponies brings about any level respect." "Ah," they smirked. "But that's the difference in how we view things. You were a fine opponent, our clashes are some of my finest memories," they flashed their sharp teeth. Luna tensed up and summoned her armour and sword, the azure metal wrapping tightly around her body as the enchantments flared to life. Xylvia just chuckled at her as she held her sword ready to strike at a moments notice. "And this is why, even now that fire in your eyes still burn," she said while doing nothing to rear up for an attack herself. "There might not be many of us left, but you'll catch me dead before I allow you to draw a wedge between us!" The windigo just stared at her, their grin slowly faltering by the minute. "You don't get it, do you?" They eventually spoke up. Luna narrowed her eyes, the windigo's had never been much for talking. The only reason she knew Xylvia by name in the first place was the numerous times they had clashed and she'd been subjected to her grandstanding. "I didn't come here to fight," they struck out their hoof and pointed squarely towards her. "I came here to leave my answer, which is that I want nothing with you or your pittance of a notion; Equuis is dead, you know as such." Luna growled. "As long as it's in our hearts it's never dead." Xylvia smirked. "Maybe so, but I am. You can keep playing pretend for as long as you draw breath." She froze. "What do you mean?" "Think about it, you know what my kind eats, that's why there were so many of us for a while." Luna's eyes widened, she hadn't thought about it before, why would she? She tensed her grip around her blade. Xylvia chuckled. "I see you finally get it; Windigos eat hate, fear, contempt... all those delicious emotions you pony's oh so love to carry. But there is just one flaw with our feeding habits..." "If there is nothing to feed on in the first place..." Luna lowered her gaze. Xylvia nodded. "I'm the last, if you must know, and I do not have much long left to live." Luna swore and threw her sword across the roof, it clattering as it landed. "We can fix something, my niece knows how to-" They held up the hoof. "I'm not keen on such a fate, nor where your little project is heading. No, you'll remember me, that is enough." She grit her teeth, she hate them, everything they had done to her people, all the dying ponies she had to comfort in their last moments because of them. And yet... Xylvia turned, sparing one last glance towards her. "Sayonara, princess of the moon," with their last words uttered, they turned and blasted off towards the horizon at frightening speeds. All Luna could do was hold out her hoof in the vain hope that they'd turn back. They'd all leave her eventually, every single one of them did. Just like her sister. > ...as the world rest upon her shoulders... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...as the world rest upon her shoulders... As Glitterwing came in to land at her destination she could clearly make out the shape of the individual she was the least interested in seeing. Standing next to and leaning against the giant mechanical tower that was to be their salvation was a black and hole filled creature. "Chrysalis," she said while giving a light nod. Chrysalis just smirked in return. "Well well well, if it isn't the Queen of the Flutterponies. I see you finally decided to show up." She grit her teeth, she didn't plan on getting dragged into another argument with the former alicorn; they never ended well. "I didn't realise I'd gotten a promotion," Lux chimed in as she walked past the changeling. Chrysalis scuffed. "I see you've picked up her snark too," she fell in line at Glitterwing's side. "Are the others here?" Chrysalis expression turned sombre. "Luna's here, same with Celestia Jr, but that shouldn't surprise you." It didn't, it was the two of them that were the mastermind behind the giant machine she was entering. "Only those two?" Chrysalis nodded. "As far as I'm aware. Most of the others are out doing what I believe you were doing: wrapping up any unfinished business." She could see that, it wasn't as if they'd be back. "What about you?" The changeling chuckled in that annoying tone where Glitterwing was absolutely certain that she was looking down on others. "With all my children dead there isn't much reason too, is there?" Chrysalis shook her head as the two of them entered the closest elevator. "No, I'll be with my sister, despite the misgivings we might have had about each other," she hit the button for floor sixty. "Or still have," she added in a lower volume. Glitterwing elected to keep her mouth shut for the entirety of the elevator ride, despite it taking a good fifteen minutes. She'd spend the next forever with the changeling queen, there was no reason she needed to get chatty with her now. "Look," Chrysalis started as they elevator let out a shrill ding. "I know we have a... history, but I'd prefer if we could move past that." Glitterwing frowned but gave a curt nod before stepping out of the elevator. As she made her way towards the bridge she saw the changeling slink off in a different direction. "You know she does not remember-" "I know Lux!" She let out through gritted teeth. Sometimes she questioned why she'd given the damn book sentience. "You'll have to move past it some day, even Celestia thinks so." "Don't call her that," she snapped. "It's what she prefers." "That does not make it right, nor can she replace her." She huffed as she entered the bridge, stopping in surprise as her mind caught up with her eyes. Standing and conversing in the room was a big pink hippogriff, and beside her stood a small blue dragon with orange scales. "Spike, I didn't expect to see you here?" The other two turned with attention as she spoke, the small dragon smirking. "I could say the same to you, but someone here has to preserve the knowledge for the next generation," Spike replied. The hippogriff glanced to spike and nodded. "Indeed," she turned her gaze towards Glitterwing. "Queen Glitterwing, it's a pleasure." She gave a small polite bow. "Queen Novo, I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you in person before." Novo did a light bow with her head. "Likewise." "You can skip the formalities with me if you wish, I'm the last flutterpony, there is no one to be queen over." Novo snorted. "You think it's much better for me? I might not be the last of my kind, but my niece does not add up to much of a population." Glitterwing was about to reply when Spike interjected. "Now now, this isn't a pity contest." "I concur," Lux spoke up. "The point of this endeavour is to try and see the light at the end of the tunnel." Novo frowned. "So this is the fabled Lux I've heard so much about, the light of the flutterponies?" "Maybe once," Glitterwing spoke quickly. "These days they are just extra dead weight." "Speaking of... Spike I just finished transferring a few missing logs to the archive," Lux said. Spike nodded. "Thanks, I do appreciate it." Novo shook her head. "I hope we didn't start off on the wrong claw Glitterwing." She sighed. "No, it's fine, I'm just... dealing with things." Novo smiled. "As do we all I suppose," she passed a glance to Spike. "I'll be heading off to inspect my quarters, I still haven't gotten a chance to do so." Glitterwing and Spike said their farewells as they watched the Queen of the Seaponies depart down the way Glitterwing had come from. Glitterwing took the moment to really take in the bridge, she imagine she'd see it a lot. The room was in an oval shape and quite spacious, having some twelve seats spread throughout. Most of them were in front of various control panels that she had no idea what they did. Likewise the wast majority of them faced forwards towards the large screen at the end of the room. "Where's our esteemed captain anyway?" She asked. "Her quarters, I believe," Spike answered as he walked closer, reaching up and putting a claw on her shoulder. "I'll be down in the archive if you ever need someone to talk to, I know it's not quite the same as the Spike you knew... but we both carry the remains of the past with us, just in different forms." She nodded and walked past him, not wanting to let him see her eyes tear up. Spike had always been a part of her life, one that she was hesitant to forget so quickly. She'd know four dragons with that name or nickname by now; only one still drew breath. They'd been so different, yet they had all been companions worth keeping. The fact that she'd even considered becoming mates with one of them at one point gave her a shudder; She'd never see his purple scales and bright green eyes again. With a sigh she pushed the door open to the captain's quarter revealed the figure she'd been looking for. The flowing starry mane attached to the midnight blue alicorn cut an imposing shape. Their eyes were focused on a display screen in front of them, and although they didn't turn to see who entered her room, Glitterwing could tell from the flick of their ears that she'd been heard. She walked over and took a seat next to the alicorn that was still almost a head taller than herself. "Princess Luna." "Glitterwing and Lux, it's been a while." She nodded, it had been. She was reminded of all the times the alicorn had run straight into battle to defend her people, putting her own life on the line time and time again. "I hope my presence here won't cause any problems," Lux said. Luna chuckled. "Maybe once upon a time, but it's been years. I've had to get used to Aegis after all, and perhaps my niece is right." She could feel her body tense up at the mention. She took in a deep breath and exhaled it. "Maybe, but I don't want our legacy to be sentient animated objects... that's just too sad." Luna nodded. "It is... I hope you're not angry with me." She tilted her head towards Luna. "What do you mean?" She could make out Luna's wings twitching. "Sandbar is still quite able. I might not be able myself, but both you and my niece are... we could still create a new population of ponies; that's more than most of us here could hope for. I know I've forbidden it in the past, but I'm now reconsidering." Had she been younger, much younger, she'd been flustered at the notion. "We might struggle getting any unicorns that way, but the idea have merits." Luna turned her head, eyes wide with surprise. "Truly? I thought you'd be against it." She shrugged. "I'm not going to force myself upon another pony... and I can't say I have gotten over what happened with the pony I gave my heart to. But the survival of ponykind is more important than my own reluctance to foal." She hated the notion though, she truly did. She wasn't even sure if her body now, as it was, could even let her carry a child. But she was honest, the survival of a species was rated a tiny bit higher. Not that Sandbar was going to go away any time soon, whatever harmony had done to the six of them it certainly had left them stuck here like the rest of the dredges. "When are we departing?" She opted to change the subject. Luna focused her gaze on the screen again. "Based on my own readings and those of my niece then we'll depart in a month or two. We'll try and send words for any stragglers." That was a bit sooner than she'd expected. Luna hummed. "To be quite honest, I wasn't sure if you were going to join us or not." Glitterwing frowned. "Me neither." A white pegasus was singing and dancing through the machine shop, her yellow mane bouncing in tune with her steps. Along her neck hung a crystal shinning in all colours of the rainbow. Glitterwing took in the sight, the mare hadn't noticed her yet; or if they did then they certainly gave no indication of such. "Da-" she halted before correcting herself. "Celestia?" The pegasus opened her eyes and with a smile flew up to the elevated entrance of the room. Quickly and without prompt the mare wrapped her hooves around Glitterwing and hugged. "Glitter, I'm so happy you decided to come." She let out a sad sigh and returned the hug. "That's what we promised, wasn't it?" "Maybe so," the pegasus said as she took a step back. "But considering everything that happened since then I wouldn't have held it against you." She remembered clearly, the day the two of them decided to take on the burden of the entire world. None but the two of them could remember the past beyond that event horizon; it was probably for the best. They'd returned some of Celestia's memories to her... back when she was still alive. Glitterwing didn't regret doing that, the white alicorn knew what it meant to carry the world on her shoulders. "Hey, no need to feel down." She flinched back. "How?" The pegasus rolled her eyes. "I could tell from your ears dropping," she turned and headed down the staircase to the lower level again. Slowly she followed. "Why are you using your mother's name anyway?" Celestia glanced back and gave her a weird look. "You know why, she entrusted her duties to me, you were there." "Maybe so... but that does not mean you have to take her name." Celestia sighed. "It doesn't no. But I kind of lost my sense of identity anyway," she came to a stop in front of an traditional style picture frame. The photo within showed mother and daughter. "What do you mean?" Celestia slowly dragged a hoof down the side of the frame. "Think about it, it's been a long time since anyone called me by my birth name," she turned to Glitterwing. "Even you stopped doing that." She gulped, it was true. One of the things the two of them discarded in their act of hybris were their old names. Celestia sighed and walked over to one of the many shelves filled with mechanical parts. "I'm glad being Glitterwing worked out for you," she turned to face Glitterwing. "Really, I'm happy for you." "But...?" Celestia frowned and sighed. "But that's not me, you know? I thought I was getting used to it, my new name I mean. But then mother died and I had to carry on. Ponies looked to me to fill in her shoes, I was always compared to her, you know?" "I see-" "And it's not like I could do what you did," she picked up a wrench with her wing. "I couldn't just lock myself inside a library for centuries on end." Glitterwing could feel a lump in her stomach. "Do you blame me for it?" Celestia snorted. "Of course not, you lost just as much as I did, if not more. I'm glad you connected with Spike, really." Celestia walked over and draped her free wing across Glitterwing's back. "Things are a bit rough right now, for all of us, but we'll make it, trust me." Glitterwing sighed and looked away. "I hope you're right." "And with that, we've cleared the gravity well. As of this moment Harmony is no longer bound to Equuis," a smirk was plastered on Luna's snout as she raised her glass. A loud cheer rang out throughout the bridge. Followed quickly by several creatures toasting their drinks. Glitterwing snorted, the group really was a sorry lot. She downed her glass in go and threw the plastic glass in the trash. "You should have saved some for me," Lux chirped. She snorted and ignored their remark, as usual. Her eyes travelled to a group six standing near the center of the room, each a creature of different type. They'd been heroes in their own right, that was probably why the forces of harmony itself had granted them the 'boon' of not ageing. Must be fun for Yona, the last yak. At least her partner Sandbar had more of his kind surrounding him; if one counted an alicorn and a pegasus as being the same as an earth pony. Silverstream had her aunt Novo, though Glitterwing had never gotten the impression that the two were close. Galus the griffon was probably the least affected of them all; the five friends he surrounded himself being the only family he'd ever known. Smolder while also a dragon took to Spike as well as oil to water, constantly comparing him to the other Spike she'd known. Ocellus probably hurt the most, the only one of her kind still around. The changelings had worked so hard to cleanse themselves of the shadows... only to be consumed by the flames. Chrysalis wore her curse like a badge of honour, the two would not see eye to eye. Glitterwing wiped her eyes. She remembered them, she remembered showing them the way through life, teaching and molding them into adults. But of course, none of them remembered that; to them she was a stranger. And so, she turned and walked away. She was about to depart entirely when an usual sight caught her eyes. Standing by her lonesome in a corner with a sad expression was Celestia. "Something bothering you?" She asked as she approached. A sad smile flashed across her features. "You read me too well." "Hard not to," she took a position next to the pegasus and leaned against the wall. When she didn't get an answer she raised her voice again. "So?" Celestia sighed. "This all is just..." she trailed off and frowned. She threw her empty glass with a wing, nailing the trash can. "It feels like a farce." She turned and faced her. "What do you mean?" Celestia turned her head and flashed her a smile, one that she could see was fake from a mile away. "Don't worry about it, I'm just feeling a bit off." Like mother like daughter, indeed. Glitterwing took a step back and rubbed her forehead. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention where I was going..." She froze as she realised just who she'd accidentally bumped into. "It's alright," the purple unicorn spoke in a monotone voice. She could feel a shudder down her spine, she wanted to avoid this one entirely if she could. "How's the flight treating you?" the unicorn said while tilting her head. "It... it's going alright," she could feel a shiver run down her spine as she stared into their eyes. The unicorn chuckled, still in a monotone. "That's fine, I hear many are enjoying the flight. Personally I wish we'd take off already," they turned their head back forwards and headed down the same path that they'd originally been going. Glitterwing let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been keeping, her eyes following the unicorn down the intersection. "It's sad to see what has become of Twilight," Lux echoed. She nodded as she set off in the path the unicorn had come from. They'd gotten completely consumed from the inside by the magi-tech she'd been using. The majority of her organs were just gone, she needed no food or water to live anymore. Somewhere along the way her brain had gotten consumed too, she was more machine than pony. Heck, Glitterwing would go as far as to say that Lux was more of a pony than Twilight Sparkle was these days. The former unicorn barely spoke, and when she did it was in riddles and nonsense. She walked up to the key panel to the magical core room and tapped in the passcode, Celestia had at least seen it fit to give her access to to every part of the ship. The room that greeted her was quite large, but most of that space was to house the giant crystal that was placed in the center. The entire thing was the size of a three floored house. And really, that comparison was apt as Glitterwing tapped on a control panel to remove the frosting blocking the view inside. In but a few seconds she could clearly see inside and make out the shape of the draconequus floating inside. "Well, well, if it isn't my favour little chaotic troublemaker," they exclaimed in a happy tone. Glitterwing smiled. "Hello Discord, been a while." Discorded nodded. "It has, hasn't it?" Her smile quickly turned into a frown as she watched him push against the wall that separated the two. "How are you holding up?" "As well as I can do, giving the circumstance," his own smile quickly dissolving. "There's few things I'd like more than to stretch my legs." "I know... but yo-" "Yes yes," he waved her off. "I know that's not possible." Glitterwing frowned. A creature like Discord, a primordial spirit, they were some of most powerful creatures in existence. And yet... because of how strongly they were tied into their very concept, they could not live without it. When the wast majority of all living things on Equuis died, Discord was doomed to fade away. Celestia's feedback system saved him, but it forced him to live in a tiny little bubble all by himself. Despite her own troubled history with the spirit, she couldn't help but to feel pity for him. His counter-part, the tree of harmony and it's spirit were equally stuck in a sphere on the opposite side of the ship. Due to the nature of things and the cruelty, few knew about it. "How long have we been in space now?" He asked. She quickly did the math in her head. "We're getting close to two months now... but, hasn't anyone else been by?" Discord flashed a sad smile. "Luna dropped by on launch day to announce us taking flight, but you're the first one since." She sat down, getting ready to spend the rest of the day with the spirit of chaos. He deserved more than to sit by his lonesome day in and day out. Sometimes she had to wonder though, were they cruel in keeping him alive? > ...she seeks the horizon... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...she seeks the horizon... She yawned as she walked through the dark corridors. She could turn the light on if she wanted, but she didn't care enough. It was kept dark by default during certain hours to simulate night. She walked into the mess hall and took to the right through the kitchen. The mess hall on her floor was never really used, everyone tended to gravitated towards the one at the top floor of the residential block; more creatures to talk with then. She picked out a glass from the cupboard and made her way over to the sink and turned on the water. She quickly gulped down an entire glass of the cold liquid. With a content sigh she put the glass down on the counter. Maybe she'd get a snack too...? Something was wrong. She froze and turned her gaze towards the seating area of the mess hall. Nothing stood out to her so she flared her wings, the light spell coming naturally for her. Yet she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong... it took her a moment, but it was the smell she realised. She took a few steps towards the tables when something caught the corner of her eye. Her gaze turned upwards and she could feel herself shiver. The entire ceiling was lined with green slimy pods, each filled with a black shape. "No... she promised..." Slowly she backed her way towards the door to the mess hall. A shrill scream rang out from the other side of the room and she turned and ran. She didn't stop till she'd made it all the way back to her own room. She locked the door and ran over to her desk. "Lux?" With no answer she swore. She'd left the darn book with Celestia in her workshop, the pegasus wanted to run a comparison between Lux and Aegis to see if she could help improve Harmony. She quickly fired up the computer she'd barely used since she'd gotten her room and connected to the administrative system of the ship. With a few taps she fired away a ship-wide warning about the threat of corrupted changelings. She'd strangle Chrysalis for this when she found her. But first came her own survival, she needed Lux. Flutterponies could cast spells, yes, but nothing quite like what unicorns could do. That's why she'd made the tome to begin with, a way to extend her own magical capabilities. She could try and hole up in her room till help arrived, but she didn't trust the door would last that long. Beside, she was one out of only two creatures that lived on this floor, she'd rather be closer to the others than her floor mate right now. She put on her saddlebags and walked up to the door leading out, with a sigh she released the lock and watched it slide open. As far as she could see the corridor right outside of her room was empty, she even double checked the ceiling. Letting out a sigh she set off towards the emergency staircases; she didn't trust the elevators right now. The lights did not turn on at her command. She'd not meet any resistance getting to the workshop, critically though, she didn't run into anyone else either. Sure, she didn't pass by most of the living quarters in her chosen route, but she figured she'd run into at least someone else on the way. But everywhere she'd gone had been dark and quiet. She did not regret listening to Celestia when she told her about all the service tunnels that existed on the ship, the changelings had clearly not found them yet. They didn't span the entire way from her quarters to the workshop, but they certainly felt like the safer route in places where they did exist. "Lux?" she asked as she stepped into the room. She didn't need to wait for long before the entire room was lit in a blaze of light; something which her eyes were not prepared for. "Glitterwing... I'm still in the process of running a comparative analysis to Aegis." She flew down to the table the tome rested on. "Cancel it." "You know that's going to make Cele-" "Cancel it!" She screamed. "The ship is crawling with corrupted changelings." Lux's light slowly dimmed over the course of several seconds. "Did you not he-" "I heard you loud and clear, it just took a moment to disconnect." Glitterwing let out a sigh of relief. "So, bug smashing duty? You do need to come up with better date ideas." She rolled her eyes as she picked Lux up and stuffed them into her specialised set of saddlebag, one side being perfectly sized for Lux. "You can try and take this seriously, we might already have casualties." She took off and flew up to the door, with a tap on the panel it slid open. On the other side stood seven hissing changelings. She barely got out a swear before she was jumped. "You're right, I really should take this more seriously, permission for free form casting?" Glitterwing winced as sharp teeth dug into her coat. "Granted," she managed to get out through the pain as she flailed wildly with her hooves to get the attacker off. In a flash the hallway and ramp lit up in yellow flames, followed in short order by pained shrieks. Glitterwing picked up the changeling on top of her in her magic hold and flung them towards the burning changelings. It had scarcely left her side before it too was consumed in flames mid-air. She quickly scrambled up to a standing position and raised a forcefield in the door's opening. It barely got up before the flaming body of a changeling collided with it. "So what did Chrysalis do this time?" Glitterwing hissed. "Do you think I know? I just went up for a drink and saw the entire cafeteria ceiling filled with pods." "Strange..." "We can worry about her megalomanic motives once we are done cleaning up this mess." She watched as the burning bodies tried to claw against the shield, but slowly they all turned to ash. "I'm a bit surprised though," Lux started. "About what?" "Wasn't scenarios like this why you picked up that Gear in the first place?" It took her a moment to connect what Lux was talking about, before she let out a mental swear. She'd completely forgot about it; it was still in her quarters. She'd been so much better off if she'd taken it, if nothing else she'd not have a bite wound dripping blood from one of her shoulders. "It's in my quarters, we should backtrack there, possibly see if we can find any survivors on the way." "Sounds like a plan, however..." A necklace with a crystal in all the rainbow's colours was floated in front of her in Lux's aura. She blinked, recognizing it in an instance. "Celestia left this behind?!?" "It was needed for the analysis, but she's likely missing it now." Glitterwing let out a swear, without that crystal then Celestia was practically just a regular pegasus. "Do you know where she went?" "She was going to check on the Tree of Harmony last I heard, but that was several hours ago." Even on a spaceship hurling through space, some ponies were somehow still insisting on being night owls. She quickly wrapped bandage around Rain Shine's wounds. "I could have handled them," the injured kirin gasped. "Oh we don't doubt that," Lux spoke. Glitterwing really doubted that. When she'd arrived to the scene the kirin's flames were being beaten back by the ship's sprinkler system... not to mention that she had five changelings on her that didn't seem to care in the slightest that they were melting. A few direct magic blasts had cleaned up their assailants. "Did you see any of the others?" She asked. Rain Shine shook her head. "I was getting up for an early breakfast, I didn't see anyone as usual, and these creatures attacked me on the way back." She glanced at the clock, it was a few minutes past five in the morning. She'd never understand those who got up that early. "Healing spells have been administrated, she'll survive." She gave a nod, despite knowing that Lux didn't see it, they didn't exactly see the same way ponies did. They had dragged the kirin to safety of the mess hall, the one on this floor didn't have any pods at least. "I'll do a complete lockdown of the room as we leave Rain Shine, I recommend staying put," she got up and made her way over to leave. "What if someone else tries to take sanctuary in here?" "Then you advice them to head up a few floors to Celestia's workshop. We put up a barrier so only creatures that aren't changelings can get in there." Rain shine tilted her head. "And you can't do that here?" "We-" "No, we can not," Lux interrupted her. "My reservoir of magic might be large, but it's not infinite. I'm already down to 40% and recharging will take quite a while." A second passed in silence before the kirin nodded. "I understand. Good luck Glitterwing, Lux." It felt bad just leaving the kirin there on the floor, but she'd survive, that was the important part. She quickly made her way out of the room and initiated the lockdown on the panel. The only way anyone would get in there would be if they forced their way through the door, or if they unsealed the area from the bridge. She set off through the corridors again with Lux casting off minimal light; they didn't want to be discovered. They briefly stopped to check each room they passed... all were empty, some showed signs of struggle. She frowned, something was wrong about this all. Corrupted changelings... or the spawns of Chrysalis as some called them, they were... not like this. Describing them as aggressive, almost feral, wasn't wrong, that's why it had been so impressive when a few of them had managed to break past the corruption. Any Changeling that still bore the corruption that Chrysalis herself had been inflicted with were dangerous. They were fiercely loyal to their queen, yes, but they weren't mindless. And clearly, the ones on the ship knew how to target the other creatures aboard. And yet... Every single changeling they'd run into so far acted as if they were completely mindless, as if they didn't even care in the slightest about themselves. "Something is wro-" she began to voice her thoughts to Lux when the shrill shriek rang out behind her. It was the same sound she'd heard earlier in the night. -//- Glitterwing slammed into the wall, losing her breath in the progress. "Go, we can't delay," Lux exclaimed from her flank, she was amazed the saddlebags hadn't thorn yet considering all the cuts and bites she'd sustained. She rolled to the side and quickly got up on her hooves again, she could make out three pairs of glowing green eyes in front of her; she was sure there were even more behind her. She halted her way forwards, Lux would handle the ones behind her. Flutterponies did not have as many spells that they could channel through their wings as unicorns could... but utility wasn't always everything. She took to the air, her wings glowing as she started rapidly flapped them. The changelings charged her, their raging screams reverberating against the walls of the corridor. Glitterwing closed her eyes, she didn't need to see what came next, she'd seen it before. A raging gale of wing and magic coursed forwards, slashing anything wicked to pieces. The changelings were dead before they'd even realise something was wrong. Glitterwing touched down and winced as she fell over on her side, the pain in two of her legs were too much. A quick glance behind her as she caught her breath revealed a raging inferno. "Did we get them all?" She asked through laboured breaths. "The ones that were here, yes. But Glitterwing, I've barely got any reserve magic left." She swore. They'd lost the big one by dropping down a maintenance hatch it was simply too big to squeeze into, sometimes being regular pony size had it's benefits. But Lux running out of charge was what would spell their end, they'd need to either hole up somewhere to let them charge, or make their way to the Tree of Harmony. Not for the first time she cursed that Celestia had made sure to build in anti teleportation measures into the ship. If she could have just teleported where she needed to go then this wouldn't have been a problem. "You know, you didn't always have such a foul mouth," they were right, and she knew it. "What would Twilight say-" "She wouldn't fucking say anything, because she's fucking gone," she could feel herself tearing up as she clenched her teeth, the stress of the situation was finally getting to her. The sprinkler system finally kicked in, dousing the mare and the smouldering remains behind her. She couldn't muster the energy to get up, so she just lay there sobbing as her aching body got drenched. Would this be her end? And even if she herself would survive, would there be anyone else left anymore? The flames were starting to die down when Lux finally spoke up. "Can you stand?" She let out a grunt and scrambled up onto her hooves, the pain of putting her weight on her damaged legs almost made her fall over again. She was about to reply when a familiar shriek rang out in the distance behind them. Eyes widening she took to the air, flapping her wings. They were on the right floor, she just needed to make it to her room. She could hear the galloping of hooves behind her getting louder as she flapped her wings the hardest she'd ever done. A quick glance back revealed that one of them had gotten bent at some point in the fighting; even worse was the black shape of a large changeling thundering down the corridor. Focusing all her might in her wings she flew at speeds she hadn't flown in for years. Seeing the familiar intersection with her room, she came in for a sliding halt, swiping her hoof against the control panel to her door while simultaneously letting out a pained scream. She barely had thought to spare to the pain in her legs before she was tackled from behind and got sent flying into her room. She rotate her body and flared her wings, illuminating her room in a cyan glow as she grabbed Chrysalis in her levitational field. The changeling queen trashed against her hold as Glitterwing landed and slid across the room on her back and wings, she almost lost focus from the pain. She needed to find where she'd stuff that damn Gear, her eyes scanning the room. That's when she made contact with Chrysalis's eyes, a pair of tear stained eyes. She opened her own mouth in surprise, the changeling still struggling against her bonds. "Getting wideband communication," Lux spoke. She answered before she allowed herself to think. "Pass them through." 'S... a... v... e... m... e..." Glitterwings eyes widened as she finally comprehended the reality of the tears running down the muzzle of the changeling queen, the tears that were staining her floor. Her surprise turned into a scowl in an instance. "Lux." "Yes your highness?" "Prepare for network disruption." "Gladly." The room lit up in a flash. When the light died down a sobbing changeling queen collapsed on top of Glitterwing. -//- She didn't know how long the two of them had laid there on the floor, Glitterwing comforting someone she once considered a mortal enemy. She'd gotten up and locked the door at one point, before dragging herself and the Queen to the room's sole bed. "I'm sorry," Chrysalis mumbled again, probably for the twentieth time at least. Glitterwing swallowed. "Do you know what happened?" Chrysalis shook her head slowly. "I just... suddenly I just lost control of my body. I could still see, I could see feel, but it just moved on it's own." It was hard to make out what she was saying in between the sobs, but Glitterwing was starting to get a picture of what had happened. It had long been theorised that changelings could be affected by computer systems, after all, some of the ways the species interacted with emotions was practically the same as radio wave communication. She'd long since upgraded Lux with the ability to help with digital warfare, not because it'd brought her any joy to do so, but because it had been a necessity. Equestria had changed so much... too much if she was being honest. Twilight would have hated it, she was sure. She disentangled herself from Chrysalis and made her way over to her desk, the Magical Gear hanging there with her otherwise spartan selection of jewelry. She picked it up and put the necklace around her neck. "Is that?" Chrysalis's eyes widened as she made her way back towards the bed. She nodded. "A Gear, yes." Chrysalis gulped. "I... I didn't think there were any more." Of course the changeling would be familiar with the technology, she'd been one of the first creatures to ever use one... back when she was still an alicorn. "I forgot the name they gave this one, or even what they used as basis to make it. They never found a wielder for it before Canterlot had to be abandoned." Chrysalis nodded. "Can you handle it?" "I'll have to," she replied. Lux hadn't spoken since they'd recovered Chrysalis, they were likely completely dry of magic. She'd consider leaving the extra weight behind, but since she was going to head towards the Tree of Harmony anyway, she might as well bring them. She activated the gear, armour surrounding her as she expected. Chrysalis got up from the bed and walked up to her, eyeing her over. "Do you know how to fight with a weapon instead of magic?" She shrugged, at least the gear helped ease her pain and allowed her to move properly. "I should get mine," Chrysalis added and hurried over to the rooms computer. Glitterwing frowned. "You still have it?" "Yes," Chrysalis said as she tapped on the computer. "It's in the storage room on this floor with the rest of my affects." Glitterwing rolled her eyes and sighed. "Small celebrations I guess." Chrysalis turned and smirked. "Luna would tell us to be thankful for Celestia sticking us on the same floor." Glitterwing returned the smirk. "Yeah, well, those two can take a stick up their ass." The two of them chuckled as they made their way out of the room towards the storage room down by the end of the hall. The mirth quickly left them as they walked. "Look," Chrysalis spoke up. "I'm... sorry about all of this." Glitterwing sighed. "It's not your fault." Chrysalis turned her gaze to the ceiling. "I also mean... the stuff from before." Glitterwing frowned as she continued walking. Chrysalis sighed. "I know you can't just forgive me for everything I did but..." "Look," she interrupted. "I get it, you want to make amends." The sound of hooves clattered against the floor as they walked. "But...?" "But now isn't the time," Glitterwing continued. "I'd be willing to give... you, us, whatever, a chance," she stopped and glanced at Chrysalis. "But we can worry about that if we survive." Chrysalis stopped and stared into her eyes, before eventually opening her mouth. "You mean when we survive," she smirked. Glitterwing couldn't help but mirror the expression. "And when we save the sad flanks of everyone else on this ship," she extended her hoof. Chrysalis extended her own and bumped it against hers. The two of them turned and set off again, quickly finding their into the storage room. It only took the changeling a few minutes to find what she was looking for among her crates: a crimson gem wrapped in a metal frame. In a short flash the changeling queen's body was wrapped in scarlet plates of armour, it looked quite silly with her cyan mane and black chitin. "What?" Chrysalis asked before looking herself over. "It looked better when my coat was pink, if you must know." She nodded and turned to face the door. "Do you know how to bring out the weapons?" As if you demonstrate Chrysalis's armour extended, two wings flaring out on both her sides. Glitterwing didn't need to be an weapons expert to notice the gun barrels lining the things. "What happened to your wings?" Chrysalis chuckled. "They are under my elytra," she smirked. "A benefit of my new form I supposed," she flexed her metal wings and frowned. "This was made for an alicorn though, but I can still fly using these wings of steel." Glitterwing nodded, thinking back to when Celestia and Luna had explained how these things worked to her. Each Gear was meant to come with a built in weapon too, Luna's had several swords that she could de-attach and use. Of course, knowing as much did not help her in knowing what her own had. Chrysalis walked over and studied her before lightly tapping the sides of her front hooves. "I think these parts come out into blades." She raised her hoof and studied it. It did look like part of her armour could move there. Barely had she raised the thought and it moved, flaring out sharp blades on the sides of both her front hooves; she'd forgotten that a Gear interfaced directly with the mind. Chrysalis smirked. "Looks like you got it, let's go." Glitterwing nodded. "I'm heading down to the Tree of Harmony, that's where Celestia was heading." Chrysalis smirk morphed into a frown. "I need to head to the bridge." She frowned herself. "What, why?" "I'm not losing the only family I still have left..." She shook her head. "And your niece don't count?" The changeling smiled and put a hoof on her shoulder. "She's got you." The two just stood there staring into each other's eyes before Glitterwing eventually sighed and nodded. "Thank you," Chrysalis said as the two of them left the storage room. They'd barely gotten a few steps before she was stopped by a crimson armoured hoof. "One more thing... don't use the overdrive function, it will kill you." > ...for her name is dawn. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...for her name is dawn. She was almost down to the level with the tree, having just exited another maintenance shaft, when she caught the sound of rapid hoofsteps. She took off in a gallop immediately, her ears zeroing in on the direction the sound came from. It didn't take her long to catch up to what she quickly realised had to be a group. She leapt and took to the air, her wings glowing brightly and casting the room in a cyan shade. It was a group of changelings, leading the pack was one whose chitin was light blue. She descended upon the rear, blades ready. Glitterwing had never really been very experience when it came to the martial, but she didn't need to be. The blades were sharp enough to cut into the changelings without much resistance. Ocellus turned her head, a look of surprise and fear crossed her features. It didn't last long before another changeling grabbed her and flew off, the rest turning to face her. Glitterwing braced herself before charging forwards, aiming directly for the throat as she swung her hoof. They might have the advantage in number, but it was debatable if they could do much against her armour. She was tired, she was hurt, yet she knew she could not stop. The armour would protect her from more pain, she had to believe that. But stopping? She'd not be able to live with the pain of losing her best friend. When the final body hit the floor she took off again, her wings buzzing as she flew down the corridor Ocellus had fled to. They might have a lead, but they weren't stealthy, she could hear them. Once she rounded a corner she landed, using the power of the armour that carried her, she launched herself forwards with one mighty leap. They saw her catching up, turning the last moment to face her. She brought her hoof down on the corrupted changling. Her hoof might not be sharp, but with the power going through her armour it was enough to crush their skull... or whatever it was changelings had. Ocellus stumbled and fell onto her back from the commotion. With a whimper the light blue changeling crawled backwards towards the wall. "So, you're the one in charge of this then." Ocellus shook her head, tears running down her cheeks. It was enough to cause Glitterwing to hesitate. Slowly she stepped closer as she stared down on the creature before her. They were struggling to get words out, whimpers and coughs interrupting just as much as their nerves probably did. Looking her over in more detail, Glitterwing could make out several bite wounds. But if Ocellus wasn't the one in charge, then who? There wasn't anyone on the ship that knew more about changeling biology. "Can you stand?" She asked, reaching out with a hoof to help the changeling get up. A shaky node was her response. Ocellus slowly took her hoof and Glitterwing pulled her up onto her hooves. It didn't last long before Ocellus grunted in pain and buckled over. She took a few steps closer and instead grabbed the changeling in her magic, pulling them up and onto her back. If she'd now eliminated both primary suspects for the attack, who was left to even orchestrate something like this? It was good few minutes of walking before Ocellus managed to get out anything coherent. "I... I need to get to the tree..." Glitterwing grunted. "You're in luck, that's where I'm heading too." "Did you also get called?" She frowned, called? It took her a moment, but she did recall something about the tree speaking directly to her chosen guardians. "No, I'm looking for Celestia. Not to mention, Lux ran out of magic from all the fighting." A grunt of acknowledgement was her only answer, so she continued walking in silence. Before long the pair made it to The Chamber of Harmony, at least that was the unofficial name. It looked like a small outdoors garden, complete with fake sky from monitors lining the circular ceiling. In the dead center of the room stood the crystal tree, surrounded on all sides by grass and bushes. What was new was the purple barrier that surrounded the tree. Behind it was five familiar creatures, all of which got up and rushed up to the barrier at the sight of her. Well, either her or Ocellus, and the latter seemed more likely; all of them shouting out Ocellus's name was perhaps an indication. As she came up to the barrier she reached up with her hoof and touched it, solid. Smolder and Silverstream didn't seem to have the same problem as the two came out to meet her. "What happened to her?" The dragon asked. She frowned. "Changelings, of the corrupted variety," she clarified. Silverstream helped Ocellus get down from her back, the hippogriff support her as she walked through the barrier. Smolder sighed. "I don't envy you for getting clean up detail." She snorted. "It's not like I was given the choice," she unpacked Lux and trust the book into the dragon's claws. "Here, take care of them, they need to recharge." "Hey!" She didn't care for the dragon's fake outrage. "They'll help you once they are able to boot again. I'm going to head down to the lower levels to see if I can find Celestia, because clearly she's not here." She didn't wait for an answer before turning and flying off, ignoring the various calls she got from behind. She steadied herself against the wall, green ichor running off of her crimson armour. Her breathing was ragged, but she'd made it. She could see the entrance to the bridge just a little further ahead; she could also hear fighting in the distance. Ignoring the clattering of hooves behind her, she took off and flew the last distance. The experience of flying with hollow metal wings was not new to her, but she'd forgotten just how unnerving it was; memories of her long lost limbs surfacing. Coming up to the door, the sight that greeted her inside almost made her puke. Bodies of those spawns lay everywhere, some still having a blade embedded in them. On opposing side of the room, surrounded on all sides, stood Luna, defiantly facing her foes; you could barely make out the colour of her armour from all the green ichor. Her armour was glowing, casting a blue light across the entire room. A telltale sign that her gear was running in overdrive, despite the strain it put on the alicorn's body. "Sister!" She cried as she leaped forwards, wings spreading to fire a salvo of metal into the waiting chitin. "And here I thought I might stand alone," Luna said while piercing another changeling that foolishly jumped at her. The relief on her face was as clear as the exhaustion. Chrysalis landed next to the alicorn, steeling herself for the inevitable fight against her children- no, they were not her children, not like this. "Next time you decide to invite the extended family," Luna shot her a smirk. "At least give us some advance notice." Having said her piece, the alicorn shot forward to bury her blades in her foes. Chrysalis hissed, taking a defensive position behind Luna to provide covering fire where needed. She was rusty, but she wasn't that rusty; she knew how to fight in tandem with her sister. The two danced around the room, leaving splatter of ichor in their wake and the smell of burning insects. More changelings filled the room as they fought, to the point where it seemed like the flow would never end. But then, it stopped. It would be a brief respite she figured, she could hear more hooves in the distance as she stood by the door. "Move." Luna had other ideas. As soon as Chrysalis had taken a step back from the door, her horn lit up and a forcefield erected in the place of the door that would not close. Chrysalis grimaced. "That won't hold for long." "It does not need to," Luna gestured with her wing for her to follow. With no concern at all Luna pushed a changeling corpse off of the central control panel in the room. After a few swift swipes with her hoof the main monitor lit up. "I've told you before," the monotone voice of Aegis rang out. "I'm in full control of Harmony." Chrysalis grit her teeth, she was all too familiar with the AI's betrayal of all that they stood for. Having no control of her body while still being completely concious made her once again reflect on how callously she used mind spells in days long gone past. 'Emergency Override' lit up on the screen in red letters. "You know that feature requires the clearance of two users with the right privileges. Celestia is not here." Luna seemingly ignored what Aegis was saying and turned to Chrysalis. "Sister, if you would?" Her guarded expression fell. "You gave me administrative privileges?" Her relationship with her sister was... spotty at best. She walked over and took her side next to Luna, her armour retracting so she could put her hoof against the scanner. "I might have grown to accept the existence of beings like them, but that does not mean I trust them," Luna stared Chrysalis in the eyes. "Despite everything, sister, I trust you." With a nod to each other, they pressed down their hooves against the scanner. They could hear Aegis sputter something before devolving into static. Luna sighed and fell back into her chair. "We've been betrayed." She rolled her eyes. "You don't think I noticed? Losing control of my body was quite the indication." Luna shook her head. "That's not what I meant," her eyes glancing towards the main monitor. "Something has felt off ever since we launched, and it took until now for me to figure out what." Chrysalis sat down on the floor. "The betrayal runs deeper than this AI going rogue, I'm not even sure if the two are connected." She kicked up dust as she walked, the lowest levels were quite many years old at this point. None of them had any of the fancy electric lighting that was common across the rest of the ship. There was the occasional service light, but they weren't running. Instead she filled the corridor with a cyan light from her glowing wings. She knew she was on the right track, she could see hoof steps that broke up the dust in places. She didn't know for how long she'd wandered on these lower levels with the only sound being her own hooves hitting metal. But a scream caught her attention, sending her running down a narrow passage. The sight that greeted her when she reached the end caused her to freeze. Lying down on the floor and bleeding was a very familiar pegasus. The room was littered with the bodies of dead changelings. But standing around her downed friend were several changelings that were very much alive. "Dawn!" She cried as she launched herself forwards, blades ready. Her foes fell quickly and in but a few moments she was at her friends side; assessing her wounds. She was bleeding from several spots, their eyes twitching. Glitterwing let out a sigh of relief that her oldest friend was still alive. "You... know that's not my name," Celestia forced out. Glitterwing grit her teeth. "It is to me," she brought forward the pegasus' gem and hung it around their neck. The built in healing enchantments should kick in at very least, she figured. "Still stubborn I see," their breathing was laboured, yet she still forced herself to talk. Glitterwing shook her head. "You're one to talk. What are you doing down here anyway?" Celestia smiled. "When I figured out something was wrong, this seemed like the best spot to hide," she chuckled. "I guess this is what I deserve..." she lifted on of her hooves up in the air, her eyes scanning the wounds. "...What do you mean?" Celestia's eyes met hers, her gaze hardening. "Glitter... what is the purpose of this... trip?" "To find a new home," that much was obvious. The entire purpose was to find a better planet to make their new home. Celestia's eyes teared up as shook her head. "If only it was that simple..." She was about to ask the mare to stop speaking in riddles when she spoke up again. "Aegis must have figure it out... their decision what to do with that information is.. disappointing, but perhaps not surprising." She grit her teeth. "I've been through Tartarus today already, get to the point!" Celestia closed her eyes. "It's quite simple... Luna paints the night sky." "So?" "No, think about it, Luna paint's the night sky, that's just what it is, a drawing. Sure, a magical and very convincing drawing, but a drawing none-the-less." She could feel a sense of dread rising. "There's nothing out there, Equuis was already the backup, the last chance for us." Her eyes widened. "But then why are we heading out there?" Celestia chuckled, closing her eyes before eventually devolving into laughter while tears rolled down her face. She narrowed her gaze. "What?" "Glitter... we never took off in the first place, we are still on the planet's surface." "No..." She slowly stepped away from the pegasus. "Harmony wasn't design to find us a new home... it was design to keep Equuis safe from us."