> Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Equestria Girls G5 > by BronySonicFan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She closed the door to her room slowly, letting out a sigh of relief. After, according to her, another boring day at school, all Pipp wanted to do was take a hot bath and get comfy to flop on her bed and check her social media until she fell asleep. She felt exhausted after all the things she had to do on school just to organize the preparations for Fall Formal: check out the invitations were sent, the participants for the Fall Formal Princess, make sure Izzy doesn't ends up eating all the food for the great day... again. It was very stressful, and she could really use a brake now... Unfortunately, she had 2 inconveniences: First, she had to rehearse her songs for her next concert, since she would have a small rehearsal in the auditorium tomorrow. And second, she promised a livestream for that night, so 'rest' was not on her schedule. At least not yet. The biggest disadvantage of being a pop star was that she was always busy, always. Whether it was writing a new song, livestreaming, or creating a new beauty product with her image, she rarely had any free time. And when she had it, gosh, how she adored it. She loved her friends, more than any of her 'loyal fans', because they loved her not for being a pop star, but for being her, for simply being Pipp. And although they understood that Pipp had a busy life, she felt terrible that she couldn't be with them as often as she wanted. The real problem was her mom: Haven's expectations of Pipp aren't that high, since her attention is only on Zipp as she is the heiress to her company. Not that Pipp wanted to inherit all of that, no, she didn't really care about it, but that Haven didn't give her the same level of attention just because she was her youngest daughter hurt. She kept herself busy with her songs and livestreams to take her mind off all that, because it was painful to think that her own mother didn't take her seriously. She sighed ruefully at the thought, shook her head to put those thoughts aside and scratched at it with one hand. "Don't get distracted, Pipp" she told herself. "Not when you have to rehearse" she reminded herself. She left her bag with her school things next to her desk, where she had all of her equipment for her livestreams, and sat on her chair and then watched the songs she had to rehearse, ordered from the least popular to the most popular. Although saying that some of her songs were not popular was a lie, because all her songs went viral in a matter of seconds. She checked the time on her phone, it was only 5:23 in the afternoon, so she had plenty of time to rehearse before her livestream tonight. After tuning her vocal chords, she began to rehearse the lyrics of the first song: Glowin Up. She remembered that song with some nostalgia, because it was thanks to her that she met Sunny, Izzy and Hitch. It is true that they accidentally sabotaged that show during a school event, but she was grateful for that mishap, although at first she wanted to beat them up badly. But again, her barely being able to interact with them hurt. They were the first friends of hers that she made of her own, and yet she couldn't meet them the way she would like. After 2 hours of rehearsals, Pipp decided to call it quits and bang her on her bed. She was already used to this routine, so her voice didn't hurt at all. She checked her cell phone again: the time was 7:30 at night. She had 30 minutes to spare before starting her livestream. She then decided to check her social networks, in order to stay informed in case something interesting has happened in the last 2 hours, or to try to train in general. Well, the key word here is try, because after 10 minutes she was bored. She put her phone down next to her and sighed ruefully. She wasn't going to deny it: she wanted to give up this way of living. She longed to be able to go out with her friends like anyone else, to be able to be available more often and do these concerts and livestreams on the side. She has told Zipp on several occasions, and her sister agrees that giving up her pop star life would be one of the best decisions she could make. On more than one occasion, Pipp has had the opportunity to be in front of her fans and tell them that she was going to quit, to have a more normal life with her friends, but in the end she retracted and sent a message that made her fans scream of emotion. The funny thing is that no one was stopping her from leaving that life, not even her mother. Pipp could announce at any time that she was going to stop being a pop star to focus on herself, her friends, her family and her life and move forward smoothly. No one was stopping her... Nobody, except herself. Why? Fear, that was the perfect word to describe it. She knew that people like her friends and family would accept and support her, but she was terrified that the world would not respect her or let her go. The very idea of ​​announcing that, and then walking down the street being singled out and watched with hatred and contempt from her made her tremble and feel anxious. She suddenly felt her cheeks wet, and looking at herself in the reflection of her cell phone screen, she found several tears running down her cheeks, ruining her makeup in the process. "No, no, no, no, no... Not now!" Pipp complained quietly. Quickly, she got up from the bed and walked over to her dresser, she quickly wiped away the makeup that was ruined by tears and made up again. "Try not to think about it, Pipp," She told herself in the mirror. "Do it for them…" She added with a somewhat sad look. Having fully prepared, she headed over to her desk and got everything ready to begin her livestream. And finally, she thought of things that filled her with life, that made her days happy and that allowed her to smile. She always did that before every livestream, so her smile would be genuine and no one would suspect that she felt sad before she started livestreaming. And now, with a real smile, she pressed the record button and started her livestream. No matter what he did, how many sheep he counted or how tired he felt, Sonic couldn't sleep. In fact, he's been having trouble to sleep at all lately. Opaline's attack was almost three weeks ago, and ever since, neither she nor Eggman have showed up yet. It should be a good thing, right? Well, not when Opaline's scheme was close to succeed. Eggman created a metallic virus that could infect and mind control anyone that touched it. He was planning on using said virus to infect everyone and everypony in Equestria... but he never expected Opaline to not only find out about his plan, but to also turn it against him and control him in the process. So, Opaline infected the virus on everyone, except for Tails, Zipp, Misty and Sunny, and Equestria was about to fell on her hooves, if it wasn't because of Tails. Just as Sonic told him he should do, a few weeks before the Zombot Apocalypse happened, Tails found the courage to put his fears and doubts aside, turning into 'Super Tails' and spreading the cure that Zipp and Misty finished. Thanks to this sample, Tails not only destroyed the Metal Virus and defeated Opaline along Sunny, but he also saved Equestria from falling to Opaline's control and became a hero with an own identity, no longer being outcasted by Sonic. Speaking of Sonic, he opened his eyes, just to smile brightly at who was at his side: That pink pegasus with floppy wings, purple mane and golden hooves that captivated his heart, resting peacefully at his side as she snored quietly. Even as she slept, Sonic found Pipp the most beautiful thing he has ever met. If someone told him before that one day he'll be in love with a pegasus of another dimension, he would probably believe it thanks to all the crazy stuff he had gone through. And yet, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to meet her, to love her. His smile grew bigger as he wrapped his arms around her and carefully attached her to his chest, kissing her forehead softly. He rubbed her back gently with his hand, feeling her soft fur that could make all of his worries leave in a matter of seconds, even if it was just for a few minutes. Sometimes, he still couldn't believe that Pipp also had a crush on him, despite the very obvious signs for the rest. But that was the beauty of love, wasn't it? Like each other and yet not realizing the feeling is mutual. Their relationship grew really fast ever since they met. Sonic though her name was funny, and that she was just an influencer that would marry her phone if she could. Then, he thought of her as a selfish princess that had her life settled and didn't seem to care about her people. How much he thanked Chaos that he was completely wrong, once he started to meet her better. Pipp was no different in that aspect. At first, she though he was a porcupine instead of a hedgehog, and she treated him horribly. When Sonic saved her from the angry crowd of pegasi, she felt very mad until he told her many hurtful things. And yet, Sonic stood with her, he extended his hand with a smile and offered her the chance to change, because she did was a bit selfish back then. And gosh, how much she thanked to have the will to take his hand, because the simple act of him kissing her hoof it's what started everything. Time passed by, they met each other better, they lived together, and they fell in love with each other. And after a disastrous attempt, they finally told each other how they felt, and their relationship officially began. Their friends were the first ones to know, and boy, they cheered a lot. They expected them to realize sooner, but they were happy that they finally confessed to each other. They told the news to others, like Haven, who approved their relationship almost on a jump of excitement. And then there was Amy, who at first wasn't so happy, but she did congratulated them, because she loved Sonic and wanted him to be happy, no matter is it wasn't with her. They also told the news with a concert, and the reception was positive and supporting for the biggest part, but of course, there where those that didn't liked the idea of a pegasus and a hedgehog together. Still, they didn't cared, because they loved each other. And that's how they got here, after so many adventures and crazy situations, they were sleeping on Pipp's bed after another day. Speaking of her, she opened her eyes slowly and saw herself wrapped in her boyfriend's arms, then smiled as she nuzzled her head on his chest, which made Sonic to look down at her. "Sorry..." Sonic said with a little smile. "Did I wake you up?" "No~" Pipp whispered softly. "I just wanted to nuzzle my handsome hedgehog boyfriend~" She said in a playful tone, nuzzling again on Sonic's chest. Sonic himself smiled at her girlfriend's attitude, and kissed her forehead again. "I just love how floppy your skin and wings are," He said on a playful tone as well. "It feels better than any blanket or pillow." Pipp giggled a bit, as she wrapped her hooves around Sonic as well. "Oh, you silly hedgehog," She said with a smile that melt Sonic's heart. Seriously, anything she did made Sonic feel on haven, like if she was an angel that feel from the sky. However, his eyes showed up his worry, and Pipp could notice that, she started to notice how Sonic felt with his expressions long before they even became a couple. "You can't sleep, can you?" Sonic sighed a bit frustrated before replying. "No... I can't..." He said with honesty. In other circumstances, he would make up some joke or directly lie so Pipp won't worry... but he also learned long ago that it was better being honest than just try to avoid the matter. "It's been difficult for a while now." "Is this why you asked me to sleep with you?" Pipp wondered curiously. "Yeah..." Sonic said with a side smile. "You're the only thing in the world that can make me forget about all my problems and help me to relax," He explained, while Pipp smiled at him. "I just though that sleeping with you by my side would help me sleep... but my worries keep getting bigger. I'm sorry to drag you along, Little Pipp." "Don't be," Pipp told him with a smile, then she kissed him to give some comfort. God, how much Sonic adored her lips, so soft and sweet, just like her. "So, what's bothering you?" "Eggman... and Opaline too, to be honest. No matter how much we defeat them or we get rid of them, they always come back," Sonic muttered with a frown. "I shouldn't feel bothered, but after what happened last time... I don't want anything bad happening to you," He confessed, gently caressing her cheek. "Or the others," He added. "And it won't happen, my Blue Star," Pipp assured to him with a smile. Yeah, that nickname also made him love her even more. "Look, I think I know how to make you sleep, but first I need you to relax and close your eyes, okay?" She instructed. Sonic kissed her back and smiled. "Anything for you, Little Pipp," He said, as he let out a sigh and closed his eyes. Pipp then nuzzled against his chest and started to hum a soft and improvised lullaby. Yeah, another thing Sonic loved from Pipp: her voice. Her sweet, angelical voice that always made his days shine, and his problems disappear. That lullaby was working indeed, because he felt sleepy in a matter of seconds. However, a bad feeling grew inside him, like if something wrong would happen at any second now. But he didn't got a chance to think further on it, because Pipp's song made him finally fell asleep. > 1. A Whole New World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Eggman adjusted the final details on his Crabmeat. Unlike the other ones, this was more like a fusion between the usual Crabmeat and a spider, since he had 8 legs instead of two. This little update was made to make sure he could sneak inside the Brighthouse properly, and also dodge the Mane 6 and Team Sonic in case they discovered him so he could crawl around the walls and get away. And of course, he also had the tongs, which he would use to steal the Chaos Emeralds. Yup, that was Eggman's plan: Now that his enemies had all the Emeralds that they collected for months, he needed to steal them, and this Crabmeat was going to fulfill that goal. "No more playing careful, Hedgehog" Eggman muttered with anger. "I tried that before, and I almost succeeded, two times! But not anymore, I'm playing old school now" he stated. His first plan was simple: get the Emeralds, 'help' Opaline steal magic and then stab her in the back to stay with that magic so he could take over Equestria, and then use the Chaos Emeralds to return to Mobius and conquer that world as well. He was planning on expand to other dimensions as well if everything worked out as he planned... But of course, Sonic had to step in. At first, and luckily for Eggman, he wasn't such a headache, he was just doing some friendship stuff and running around, doing Sonic stuff as he liked to call it. But then, he got the remaining Emerald completely functional, he destroyed his Metal Mane, Metal Sonic, some of the robots he sent as a distraction, and at the end, he restored magic and defeated all his plans by transforming into Super Sonic. Heck, in the middle of all of that he even got a girlfriend! And it wasn't Amy, it was a pony! His second attempt almost killed him when the Ancients' tech turned against him, and he had no choice but to join forces with Sonic. And then... Sage sacrificed herself. That wasn't Sonic's fault, actually, it was totally his. He treated her like just an AI program... but he eventually loved her like a daughter. And now, his third attempt wasn't any successful either. The third time's the charm, some people say, but Eggman's third time was as much of a failure as the previous ones. He created a metallic virus that turned ponies in some kind of metallic zombies, and he could have managed to take control over all of Equestria. But OH BOY, what a surprise: Opaline turned the plan against him and infected the virus to him as well, while she took control over Equestria for a short while. Fortunately for him, neither Zipp or Misty got infected and finished his cure, although it wasn't strong enough at first. Then, and once again fortunately for him, Tails used the power of the Chaos Emeralds and spread the cure all over Equestria along Sunny, freeing everyone from Opaline's control and destroying her plans, also freeing him from the virus. But even if Tails and Sunny saved him, they were still enemies in the very end. He couldn't understand how Sonic and his friends always stepped on his way, how they always found a way to burn everything he worked on so hard and burn it down. He was tired of it, and he was tired of letting Sonic win. "Not this time," Eggman stated with a frown. "I won't play safe anymore, Sonic. So prepare yourself, because soon you'll have an unexpected guest!" He started to laugh maniacally, while the Crabmeat turned on and his eyes frowned, since he was ready to start on his mission: to steal the Chaos Emeralds from the Crystal Brighthouse. Team Sonic was watching Tails' computer on the Brighthouse bedroom in search for any signs of Dr Eggman or Opaline. After the Metal Virus, they decided to take both Opaline and Eggman's schemes more seriously, no matter how dumb or absurd it could sound: They were not letting them get away with their plans, just the way they always have. "Any sign of them?" Knuckles questioned. The computer made a beep sound as it turned red for a second. "No," Tails replied with disappointment. "Its been three weeks, and still nothing!" "First a giant robot made with magic to conquer Equestria, then ancient technology that turned against him and almost killed me in the process, then a metallic virus that took control over all of Equestria..." Sonic listed with a frown. "After all of that stuff, they must be planning something even bigger... and I don't like it," He added, crossing his arms. "There's no warranty that they could be planning anything that soon", Tails tried to point out. "We though the exact same thing three different times, and we've been proved wrong!" Knuckles reminded with a frown. "We cannot make the same mistake a fourth time!" "But we've been looking anywhere!" Tails said with concern. "My drones have traveled around Equestria up and down; Zipp has checked around Maretime Bay every day; Amy is covering some ground in Bridlewood, and Team Dark is far beyond Equestria just in case!" He listed with worry. "And yet, there's no sign of Eggman, not to mention that the barrier protecting Opaline's Castle is getting stronger with each passing day. So, wherever Eggman is, we are still far from finding him, and Opaline is sadly out of our league..." "Don't be so pessimistic, Tails," Sonic told him with neutrality. "We may not know where he is, but it's Eggman we are talking about, remember? Wherever he is, it can't be that hard to find." "And it doesn't matter how powerful Opaline's barrier is now. We'll find a way to sneak in eventually!" Knuckles stated as well with confidence. "Maybe..." Tails said, not really convinced. "Anyways, we should get going to meet the rest on Mane Melody, right?" "Yup, Little Pipp wants show her new song today and we're getting VIP seats," Sonic said with a smile. "Sounds good to me, as long as we can forget about villains for a few hours," Knuckles said with a side smile. But just as they got out of the bedroom, two crab eyes poked outside of the window from Zipp's side of the room and opened it. He scanned the whole room in search of any life form, and when the results showed no one else in the room, the entire Crabmeat entered the room. He quietly jumped and landed on Zipp's desk, and then he jumped again to land on the floor. He scanned the room again, this time to search any kind of hidden tramp. When he didn't detected any, he started to scan all the room once more, but now looking for what he came in the first place: the Chaos Emeralds. He scanned first in the most obvious section of the room: Sonic's side. He always used the Emeralds against Eggman, so the logical thing was that Sonic himself hid them somewhere on his side of the room, right? How wrong he was, because they were not in there. "Huh, weird," Eggman said, looking everything the Crabmeat did through the camera of his eyes. "I guess if Sonic doesn't have them, then Tails is the one hiding them." The Crabmeat moved now to Tails section and scanned it in search for the Emeralds, but then he stopped in front of a safe box. The Crabmeat kept scanning it, until the results seemed to be positive: the Chaos Emeralds where, indeed, behind that safe box, and Eggman grinned as he looked at the camera. "Perfect!" Eggman stated with a smile. "Now, blow that box and get out of there!" The robot obeyed, and it climbed up Tails' desk to stand in front of the safe box, then pulled a welding from its right tong. Then, it started to make a hole on the safe box, which immediately sent an alert to Team Sonic's watches, but the Crabmeat was convinced that it could steal the Emeralds quickly. Finally, the frontal part of the safe box had a giant hole, and the Crabmeat used its free tong to grab the door and rip it away, then he appreciated the 7 floating gems inside of it. He brought a small bag out, with enough space to save the Chaos Emeralds inside. He grabbed all of them on the bag with a single move of his tong, and then he closed it. "Yes!" Eggman cheered. "Now, get out of there before you get––" "Busted?!" Sonic's voice spoke, which made the Crabmeat to turn around and find Team Sonic, ready to charge against him. "Oh crap!" Eggman exclaimed. "Crabmeat, quick! Evasive maneuvers!" He ordered, as the crab lifted the bag with the Emeralds on Santa Claus' style and used his spider legs to crawl in the walls to get away. "Oh no, you won't!" Tails said, as he used his electrical powers to bring out a laser gun and try to shoot at the Crabmeat, but instead he hit the walls. "Stop it!" Knuckles said, as he launched himself with his fists charged up and tried to punch the Crabmeat, but he dodged the echidna, who crashed against the wall and got stuck on it, while the robot escaped through the bedroom door, while a shot landed behind him. Tails was about to charge another one, but Sonic snatched the gun from his hands. "I think you did enough for a day, Tails. We don't need the girls putting us to fix all the room if you shot it," He pointed out, throwing the gun away and quickly running towards the main door. He managed to block the way, and charged up his electrical powers against him, but the Crabmeat dodged his Spindash and started to run through the living room, being chased by Sonic, who kept trying to attack him, destroying some furniture in the process. The Crabmeat ended up finding the entrance to the basement, but then Sonic finally managed to grab him. However, that made both him, the Crabmeat and the bag with the Emeralds to roll downstairs, which also made them fell into the basement and open the door. First, the bag entered, jumping in the ground and heading towards a purple mirror with pink gems around, while the Crabmeat fell next and then Sonic crushed him with his belly. "I should have expected this..." Eggman's voice spoke with frustration, while the Crabmeat died completely and Sonic looked at the bag with the Emeralds with widened eyes: The back crashed against the mirror, but instead of destroying it, the bag passed through it. Sonic gasped at the sight. "Did... Did they just.... passed through the mirror?!" Sonic questioned in shock. He stood up and stared at the mirror for a while, until Tails and Knuckles arrived. "Sonic!" Tails called out. "Are you okay?" "Did you got the Emeralds?" Knuckles questioned, placing his hand over Sonic's shoulder. Sonic just denied with his head', still staring at the mirror, and then he frowned. "Tails, please call Sunny and tell her to bring the rest along," He ordered with his deep serious voice. "We need to talk," He stated, making Tails and Knuckles look at each other worried and confused. Tails used his powers to fix everything that Sonic broke when he chased the Crabmeat around the living room, and Knuckles managed to clean up the room before the Mane 6 arrived. Once they did, Team Sonic filled them up with everything that happened before they even called them out, from the signal of Tails' safe box being opened forcefully, to the Emeralds passing through a mirror in the basement. "... Wow... just... Wow..." Zipp said, still trying to process everything. "All of that just happened while we were preparing everything at Mane Melody?" Pipp questioned, both shocked and worried. "Yup," Sonic replied with a bored expression. "And now you lost the Emeralds... again..." Hitch said with a sheepish smile, looking at Team Sonic staring daggers at him. "It would be amazing if we could keep them for 5 minutes!" Knuckles yelled in anger. "I should have reinforced the safe box more..." Tails said ashamed. "Wait..." Sunny said suddenly. She has been paying attention, but she immediately looked for something on her father's journal after Sonic mentioned the mirror. "You said you fell in the basement with the robot and that the bag with the Emeralds passed through a mirror, right?" "Uh, yeah?" Sonic said, rising an eyebrow with confusion. "Does it looked like this?" Sunny asked him, showing a draw of said mirror on her father's journal to Sonic. The image was basically the same purple mirror with pink gems around. "Yeah, it's the same one," Sonic replied with a neutral expression. "Oh boy..." Sunny said, now a bit worried. "What?" Knuckles said confused. "What do you mean with 'Oh boy'?" "Well..." Sunny began, then she started to read something on the journal. "My dad discovered that Princess Twilight's Magic Crown was stolen one time, and it was taken to a parallel world at the other side of that mirror. So, if the Emeralds went through it, then that means..." "That someone probably already took them..." Tails finished with worry. "Well, parallel world or not, I don't give a damn!" Knuckles stated. "We have to take them back!" He said, hitting the table they were sitting on with his fists. "Now hold on!" Zipp said. "Even if the Emeralds are in there, you have never been in that world before!" "Yeah, you wouldn't know where to start in the first place," Hitch pointed out as well. "But if we leave the Emeralds there, they can fell in the wrong hands!" Tails said with worry. "We cannot risk another world to that!" Sonic, however, stoped listening, and managed to stood up and get away from the discussion that recently started, with the Mane 6 but Misty trying to persuade Tails and Knuckles and convince them to stay instead of traveling. Pipp noticed that, and she also stood up to follow her boyfriend. Sonic returned to the basement, and looked at the mirror with concern. He sighed with frustration, and looked down with worry. Now that he thinks about it, everything happened so fast that he didn't had enough time to process what happened. And now, the Emeralds were on a parallel universe that he knew absolutely nothing about. He slowly sat on the ground, still looking at his reflection on the mirror, questioning what to do now. He had to get them back, that wasn't in discussion, but Zipp and Hitch had a point: It was a world he never explored before, so finding the Emeralds would be a struggle. And then, he felt someone resting on his shoulder, so he turned just to find Pipp nuzzling her head on him, while she wrapped his back with her wing. "I guessed you'll come here to think quietly," Pipp said, while Sonic placed his hand around her girlfriend and rested his head over hers. "You're thinking on going there, aren't you?" "Am I that predictable?" Sonic asked back, with a smile as well. "After almost 2 years of wild adventures, and 9 months of being dating, I can read your emotions pretty well" Pipp replied with a smirk, kissing Sonic softly on his cheek. "Guess that'll make it," Sonic said with a smile, that faded away as he sighed. "But I can't stand here and wait for a miracle to return the Emeralds. Now, going there, to an unknown world that I never visited before, I don't know if that's a good idea, either..." "But you feel like you need to do it, don't you?" Pipp questioned. "...Yeah" Sonic said with honesty. "The Emeralds have already brought trouble to Equestria, to our friends, to you... I don't want any other world to suffer because of those things... because of me..." Then, Pipp cut him before he could say anything else with a kiss on his lips, which Sonic accepted as he did the same. "My Blue Star, you are no responsible for everything Dr. Eggman nor the Emeralds have caused so far," She assured to him, after braking the kiss. "And I know how much damage they can cause, so... I believe you should go." Now that, that shocked Sonic. "Okay, who are you and what did you did with my girlfriend?" He asked playfully, as he tickled Pipp on her wings. "N-No!" Pipp cried out, as she laughed because of Sonic's action. "S-Sonic, please! S-Stop!" She pled in the middle of her laugh, while Sonic kept tickling her on her wings with a grin. After a while, he stopped the act and rested in the ground with her over him. "B-But I'm serious, Blue Star. I really think you should go and bring those things back before someone finds them, no matter what their intentions can be." "Are you sure?" Sonic asked a bit worried. "I know you hate when I go to do these things with no guarantee of coming back intact..." "I'm pretty sure," Pipp assured with a smile. "Besides, saving the world is kinda your thing, isn't it?" She said playfully, as she made some circles on Sonic's chest with her hoof. "What did I did to deserve you, Little Pipp?" Sonic asked, as he stood and kissed Pipp again. When I said he loved her lips, I wasn't joking. "So, are you going in there?" Pipp asked with a smile. Sonic looked at the mirror again. He still had no idea of what could be at the other side, nor how long it would take for him to find the Emeralds. However, staying there wasn't going to bring them back either. He looked back at Pipp and smiled, with his decision taken. "I'm going," Sonic stated with confidence. Sonic's plan was simple: Travel there, try to get all the Emeralds at one go, or stay in case they spreed around and gather them as fast as possible to return to Equestria. Yeah, simple. It took him a while to convince Tails and Knuckles to stay, though, since they insisted on going with him, but Sonic said that they were more needed on Equestria, and that he will go there fast enough to bring all the Chaos Emeralds back. Still hesitant, Tails and Knuckles accepted to stay as long as he comes back. "I won't let you down, you two," Sonic said with a confident smile and a wink. "I'll be back before you even have a chance to miss me!" He assured. He was at the basement with the others, ready to explore that alternate reality as they all stood in front of the mirror. "You'd better be," Tails warned with a bored expression. "And also, you should take these with you," He said, extending a small bag to Sonic. The hedgehog grabbed the bag and looked inside of it, just to find a bunch of rings on it. "Warp rings. Perfect for fast travel if you need to." Sonic thanked him with a smile, and putted the bag with rings on his quills. "Remember to kick Eggman's ass if he dares to show up!" "Yeah, yeah, whatever," Knuckles said with a bored expression. "Just get over there and bring those things back before they fall in the wrong hands!" "You bet!" Sonic said with a smirk. "And remember..." Sunny called out to him. "If you see three stars getting close to the moon..." "It means I'm running out of time, got it," Sonic said with a smile. "And be careful," Pipp reminded as well. She was extremely worried deep inside, but she was the one that told him to go in the first place, so she wanted to remain strong for him. "I will!" Sonic assured her, kissing her shortly. "I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise!" He reassured to the whole group. He then turned to see the mirror and walked towards it. He took a deep breath as he looked at his reflection, and then smirked. "Here goes nothing!" He said, crossing the portal. "He's... He's gonna be okay, right?" Pipp questioned, finally showing up her worry. "I hope so..." Tails said, not so sure if Sonic will actually be okay on his own at all. "Meh, I think he would handle it pretty well," Knuckles said with a bored expression. "It's not like he would freak out or something." Sonic travelled at hyper speed through the portal, that had a rainbow pallet of colors, as he screamed and twirled around in fear. "I'M FREAKING OUT! I'M TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!!!" Sonic shouted, as he kept twirling around the portal. "Is this how Mario felt everytime he entered a damn frame on Peach's Castle?! Because if it is, I totally understand why he hated it so much now!" And then, he saw the light at the end of the portal, just to feel like his sigh was blinded as he landed on something hard and painful, which made Sonic groan as he rolled a bit before stopping. He was now lying face up on the floor, groaning a bit since his whole body hurt a lot. He slowly felt his gaze returning, looking at the blue sky with some clouds moving around. "Aw, man... I probably hit my head harder than I should..." Sonic complained, as he sat down on his place. And then he looked around. First he saw a statue with a horse a few meters in front of him, then he saw some grass at both of his sides, and then he stood up and turned around to find a big read building with a golden six point star at the top of it. However, he also noticed the bag where the Crabmeat putted the Chaos Emeralds, at the feet of some stairs that led to the buildings entrance. Sonic gasped and awkwardly ran towards the bag, just to confirm his bigger fear: none of the Emeralds where there, meaning that either someone else took them or they spreed around this parallel world once they touched the ground. He though the second one was more plausible since the bag was ripped apart. "I guess this means I'm staying for a few days, huh?" Sonic said with a smirk. He then threw the bag away and looked around, seeing that some humans were walking. However, he could swear to Chaos that he saw all their faces before, because despite the fact that they were humans, their skins were just like the ponies'. "A human world that's a literal parallel world to Equestria," Sonic muttered to himself. "Then that means... That my friends also exist here..." It had sense, actually: It was a parallel world with the same ponies he already knew back in Equestria, but they were humans. Humans that pretty much had different lives, he was totally sure ages, and there was the possibility that they even had different personalities. Also, he quickly ran to the ceiling of the building before anyone noticed him. "I guess I should stay in the shadows for now. I don't want to scare humans that never saw a giant blue hedgehog that talks and runs super fast," Sonic told himself. "Once I found all the Emeralds, I'll come back here and cross the portal. I only pray Chaos that I make it in time before the portal closes or anyone finds the Emeralds..." He then saw a big city at the distance, then nodded to himself and boosted towards said city to start his search for the Chaos Emeralds. Some kind of white drones with an egg form where near a forest, searching for some weird power resource that their creator detected a few hours ago. According to him, some kind of strong PEM managed to traverse the entire country in a matter of seconds. Despite he detected 7 sources spreading around, three of them already disappeared, but he managed to locate the exact location of one of those sources, so he sent an army of his drones to extract said power and bring it to him. Let's just say that the guy behind those machines was so in love with himself and his intelligence. In fact, if he could literally marry a robot, he would, simply because he rather kiss a machine that has no emotions at all than even touch a human being. That's how obsessed he is with his technology. After floating around for what felt like hours, one of the drones scanned something behind some bushes. He took some kind of mechanical clamp from his lower part and pushed the brushes aside, jut to find a glowing green emerald laying in the grass. The drone scanned it again, and the lectures confirmed that it was one of the sources his creator detected. With the same clamp, he grabbed the Emerald and held it inside, then he sent some kind of signal to his creator and the other drones, indicating that the object has been found and that they could leave back now. All the drones flew away, back to the place where they came from, with the one that grabbed the Emerald leading the rest. After flying for hours, the drones flew down and entered to some secret compartments a black large truck had. Inside of said truck, there was a massive computer and some analysis devices, while a man that seemed to be on his 50s with brown hair and a mustache with black clothes awaited impatiently for his drones arrival. Once all the drones headed inside the truck, the one that grabbed the emerald approached to his creator and extend it to him. The man grabbed the emerald, and the drone got back to his 'resting spot' in the truck, while his creator approached to one of his analysis devices and placed the emerald on it. After waiting for at least 5 minutes, he got the results: the emerald was indeed a huge power source, and one of the 7 that caused that weird PEM signal he detected hours ago. The man smirked mischievously as he looked at the emerald, with thousands of possibilities going through his mind. "Soon enough, I'll discover how to take advantage of your powers, little emerald," He stated with an evil grin. "Or my name isn't Dr. Ivo Robotnik!" He started to laugh maniacally. > 2. The Blackout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipp scrolled through her phone with a bored expression the whole time. She was sitting on a box at the backstage of the school's stage to practice a song for the Fall Formal. Despite the fact that the Formal wasn't until at least 3 months more, the Principal insisted that, since she'll also be busy with her tours and concerts before the Formal, she should be practicing with anticipation. Pipp didn't declined, although she didn't needed to practice either because she knew the song better than the palm of her hand. She instead took this as a chance to avoid classes as much as she can and try to focus on her own stuff. And by 'stuff' I mean check her social media, post something or simply practice the song a little bit. Oh, yeah, and still wonder if she should leave this kind of life. Recently, the idea of stop being a Pop Star has been appearing more frequently on her mind. However, she still felt afraid that her fans, her 'Pippsqueaks', won't leave her alone if she decides to live a normal life. That is if she could ever feel 'normal', of course. "Why is this so difficult?" Pipp muttered to herself, putting her phone aside and burring her face on her right hand. "Why can't I just say 'I quit' and keep going?" She wondered, feeling frustrated that her desire to leave her pop star life was big, yet she wasn't brave enough to say it. "So here you are, sis," A female voice spoke suddenly. Pipp got startled and turned to find Zipp, her sister, lying on a wall and looking at her with a smirk. "Figured out you'll be on a place to think quietly," She said, now approaching to her sister and sitting at her side, noticing her worried expression. "Let me guess: You're struggling about your 'pop star' life again, aren't you?" "Am I that predictable?" Pipp asked rhetorically with a little smile. "Just a little bit," Zipp replied, side hugging Pipp as her sister rested her head on Zipp's shoulder. "Jokes aside, why do you keep torturing yourself? You know no one stops you from quitting, right?" "I know... but I don't want to disappoint the rest..." Pipp replied with worry. "Pipp, the others would understand and respect your decision if that's what bothers––" Zipp tried to assure her, but Pipp cut her off. "I'm not talking about Sunny, Izzy and Hitch," Pipp stated, now looking at Zipp in the eyes. "I'm talking about the Pippsqueaks! And don't tell me that I shouldn't care because you know better than anyone that they take bad news from me way worse than myself!" "...You do have a point there..." Zipp admitted with a concerned look. "But I personally think that, if they're really your fans, if they really love you as much as they claim to, then they will respect your decision," She assured her. "And if they don't, well, maybe they didn't loved you that much after all," She stated, but then panicked when she saw fear on Pipp's eyes. "Or they love you too much that are in denial. It's up to you to say what's better," She finished, and that calmed Pipp down, at least for now. Pipp looked down at the ground and sighed, still feeling conflicted. "The concert is in four days... maybe I could try and... no... No, I can't do it..." "Pipp, look at me," Zipp called out, while her sister obeyed and looked at her. "I understand your fear, trust me, I really do, but you always have been a brave woman, and I know that you can tell your fans that you don't want to be a pop star forever. And if it isn't on your next concert, it will be on a stream, or even a post. Wherever you decide to let them know, I'm sure they'll understand." Pipp smiled at Zipp, and then she hugged her. "Thank you, Zipp. I'll think about it." "Anytime, sis," Zipp replied with a smile, hugging her sister back. "Whenever you're ready, whatever you'll do, I'll be there supporting you... and our friends will be glad to hear you too when we all go to Manehattan for your concert." "I know––" Pipp tried to say, but then her eyes widened at the last thing that Zipp said. "Wait! Our friends are going too?!" She asked with excitement. "Guess who convinced Mom to let our friends stay with us on our vacation house at Manehattan before your concert?! This girl!" Zipp replied with a wink, pointing at herself with a thumb and a smirk. "NO WAY!" Pipp shouted, now hugging Zipp tighter. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Zipp!" She said. As stated before, Pipp barely sees her friends, so the idea of seeing them for three whole days where they would sleep under the same roof excited her a lot. "Again, anytime, Pipp," Zipp replied, hugging her back. And then, the ring bell of the school ringed, announcing recess time. "I'm guessing it's time for lunch," Zipp said with a smirk. "Wanna join us?" "Sure thing!" Pipp replied with a smile. "I'll just grab my handbag and I'll catch up with you!" She said, standing up with a little jump and moving towards a box where her bag rested. But as soon as she grabbed it, she noticed a blue light coming from behind of it. Pipp wasn't that small, but she wasn't tall enough either to move the box aside and see what was at the other side, so she had to sit on the box and move her legs to the other side, just to find a blue emerald in the ground, glowing a bit. Pipp gasped a bit before grabbing said emerald with her hand and inspect it curiously. "It's beautiful," Pipp muttered to herself. "I wonder what's it doing here... perhaps someone lost it, so I'm giving it to the principal and––" "Pipp! Are you coming or not?!" Zipp's voice shouted. Pipp remembered that she had to go, so she quickly putted the emerald on her bag and repeated the same thing she did before with the box to catch up with Zipp. "Coming!" She said, running towards her sister. A week has passed ever since Sonic arrived to this universe, and he was doing well so far! So far, he found four Chaos Emeralds. The first one, the Purple Emerald, was at that city he boosted to when he arrived. The Emerald was hidden behind some boxes on a dark alley. He didn't expected to find it in such a place, of all places, yet he found it there. He did had to be careful, though, because he found some homeless people digging in the trash, and he didn't wanted to be discovered, nor scare them. But of course, as the good heart hero he is, he literally just stole some food from various places at super speed and putted the food near those people so they could eat properly. The second Chaos Emerald, however, was a bit tricky, mainly because of where it was. He managed to track down the Red Emerald to a counterpart of Maretime Bay called 'Maretime City'. It was the same damn place, just with humans, of course, and the Lighthouse was intact, that was a good thing. Also, Hitch wasn't the Sheriff but a deputy in this world, although he discovered that by accident when he had to take the Emerald from the ceiling of the station. Hitch almost caught him, however, but Sonic was lucky enough to duck on the ceiling before getting caught and then boost out of there. The third Chaos Emerald, the Yellow one, was at a snowy territory, far away from the portal back home. Sonic didn't brought any warm clothes because he didn't expected the Emeralds to travel that far away, but here he was, trying so hard not to die from a cold. The Emerald was just buried in the snow, not on a specific place like the others, it was just randomly buried, and he hardly dug in the snow, but once he finally found the Emerald, he used one of the warp rings from the bag that Tails gave him and threw it in the ground, opening a portal that allowed him to get back to his hidden spot. It was an abandoned house on a place that many would consider dangerous, but Sonic managed to scare everyone with his mare aspect. Not that he enjoyed it, but he didn't had that much of a choice either: Tt was either him not being able to sleep because of hod cold it was, or scaring everyone away as long as he can rest to recover energies before continue. He also stole some food from shops and food stands. Again, he didn't enjoyed it, but he needed to survive, and his super speed was helping out, although he always passed as a blue blur in front of those places and some people. In fact, people that has saw him as a blue blur has called him that way. After many food has disappeared in the last few days, Sonic earned the nickname. He was considered a thief, though, and the police was trying to locate him, but of course, Sonic was a lot smarter than that. And the best part was that he stole lots of food to feed the homeless, so you could say he's the villain for the police, for the food stands and shops owners; but he was a hero for those in need, and that was enough for him. After all, if he can do some good on this universe, he definitely will. And lastly, he was at the ceiling of a building, looking at the Silver Emerald with a side smile. He recently got it from a jewelry store, a few blocks away from where he was sitting right now. He casually found some thieves inside of it, so he decided to take advantage of the fact that he was there for the Emerald and tied up the thieves. He then did the usual: Got some chilidogs for himself, stole food for those in need and then ran towards his hideout. All in another night of work. "Four down, three to go," Sonic told himself. "I can't believe my connection with the Emeralds has been guiding me all this time," He then looked at the night sky with a smile. "Just a bit more before I can go home." Despite being just a week, he already missed his friends, specially Pipp. God, how much he wanted to wrap her around with his arms... but he had a mission to fulfill first. But just when he stood up, something passed in front of him very quick. Sonic looked on confused, then looked at his hand where he had the Emerald... and it was empty. "Huh?!" He exclaimed confused, and then saw something flying down on the streets with the Emerald. "Hey! That's not yours!" Sonic cried out, as he boosted to follow up the flying thing. Sonic chased the thing around the city, dodging cars as he tried to keep it up to take the Emerald back. However, as they got away from the city and into some kind of baseball camp, the flying thing started to run around the bases of the place. Sonic frowned and groaned, still chasing the flying thing around. However, he didn't noticed that, as he chased the thing, his electrical powers came, and he even dug his feet into the field by accident. But no matter what he did, the thing that he was chasing moved faster. And faster. And faster. And faster. And faster. Until finally, he jumped out to hit the thing and grab the Emerald back. However, making contact with the Chaos Emerald with his powers activated made him release his energy into huge wavelengths, engulfing the entire baseball field and then spread out into the city. His shockwave caused a power outage to nearby techs, including field lights and any nearby buildings within the area. But that didn't stop there, the shockwave continued to spread and caused power outages throughout the entire city, including stores, homes, and even satellites. And it gets worse, because the shockwave continued to spread outside the city, possibly even outside the state. Sonic himself landed with his face hitting the grass. He slowly got up and shook his head, feeling a bit dizzy. However, he noticed that he got the Emerald back, and also saw a small white drone with a propeller on his head, destroyed because of the hit. He then inspected all his surroundings with wide eyes. Even if it happened too fast, he could totally see what happened because of his powers. "...No one's going to notice that big blue explosion… right?" Sonic asked to himself, boosting back to his hideout in the city, not wanting to stick around any longer. Pipp was at her room, back at the big mansion she lived in with Zipp, once again practicing her songs for the concert with a cheery smile. She was in a very good mood today, specially after Zipp told her their friends would be with them on their vacation house at Manehattan for the concert. She still felt a bit conflicted about leaving her pop star life, but she was sure that her friends could help her make her decision more easily. And then, all light in her room suddenly faded away. She squealed scared in a very adorable way, quickly turning on her phone's lantern. She tried to contact Zipp through her phone, but realized there was no Wi-fi either. "Zipp!" She cried out, quickly running to the corridor of her house. It was a large one, and there where like 6 doors at each side. But despite knowing which door led to her sister's room, Pipp felt terrified at the darkness, so she quickly got back inside of her room and looked around a bit in fright. Besides her phone's light, the moon also illuminated her room a little bit, but Pipp still felt scared inside. She then took a deep breath before moving to her bed and lay on it, turning off the phone's lantern, activating her cellular data and quickly texting Zipp. "Zipp!" Pipp wrote. "There's no energy!!!" She added, stating her worry and fear through the message. "I know, Pipp." Zipp replied through the phone. "Apparently there was a blackout." "Don't tell me!!!" Pipp wrote back, frowning at her sister's message. "Can't you do something?!" She asked, feeling worried that the blackout might take a while to be solved. "No, sis." Zipp replied, and Pipp could perfectly picture Zipp rolling her eyes, considering her attitude 'childish'. "This wasn't only here. Sunny, Hitch and Izzy wrote me. They're already heading to Manehattan, and the news everywhere says that there's no energy in half the country!" That made Pipp grew nervous, and then Zipp sent a screenshot of a news article that explained the situation exactly like she describe it. "OMG!" Pipp wrote with worry. "Indeed." Zipp replied. "I guess the energy won't be back until tomorrow." She added, since the entire city was out of energy as well. Pipp sighed heavily and putted her phone away, but she could still feel it buzzing, although she ignored it. And then, she noticed that there was some extra light in the room. Pipp looked to her handbag over her desk, and slowly walked towards it. She opened the bag a bit scared, and then she saw the emerald she found before in school, shining brightly and illuminating the dark room. Pipp gulped a bit and took the emerald on her hand, not understanding; 1- How she forgot to give it to the principal before, and 2- Why was it glowing so much. "T-This has to be normal... R-Right?" She questioned to herself, gulping nervously again. At the eastern side of the country, the country's department defense gathered to discuss about the little 'incident' that just happened. In the middle, looking at the others, there was Commander Walters, an older gentleman with clean-cut white hair, wearing a military suit with many medals all over it, showing off years of military experience under his belt. "Twenty minutes ago..." Commander Walters began. "An energy surge knocked out power across the entire west side of our country. What do we know?" "Well, our first instinct was it was an EMP," Said the Navy Chief. "But electromagnetic pulses don't have that kind of power." "NASA has ruled out meteor strikes or solar flares," The Air Force chief spoke. "The Department of Energy says it's not a power plant malfunction," The Homeland Security Secretary added. "Well, sounds like we're really good at figuring out what it wasn't," Commander Walters said sarcastically. "This could be a prelude to a larger attack..." The Army Chief theorized. "I'm suggesting we scramble the Fifth and Sixth Regiment." "No, no, no. This needs a much more sophisticated mind," Commander Walters pointed out. "You wanna send in a lab rat?" The Army Chief inquired. "Not just any lab rat. A lab rat with teeth!" Commander Walters replied. The Navy Chief's eyes widened in realization. "You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting..." Commander Walters knew he was about to approach a very controversial subject, but he decided to keep going anyway. "I know, he's a little weird––" "Weird!?" The Air Force Chief exclaimed. "He's a psychological tire fire!" "But he's also brilliant!" Commander Walters pointed out. "Five Ph.D.'s, IQ off the charts and his… drone tech is-is-is-is revolutionary!" The Army Chief gave him his skeptic expression. "You sure he can handle this?" "He has the perfect Operations record," Commander Walters responded. "Remember the coup at Pakistan?" The Army Chief shook his head. "No." "Or the uprising in Erzafganistán?" Commander Walters asked again. "That's not even a country!" The Air Force Chief interjected. "Exactly!" Commander Walters exclaimed. "And you can thank Robotnik for that!" The Navy Chief sighed exasperatedly. "I can't believe you're bringing that freak into this!" "Neither can I," Commander Walters responded with a sigh. "But we have no choice..." At the same baseball camp where Sonic managed to get the Chaos Emerald back, soldiers from the government were investigating the entire baseball field. And then, a huge black truck suddenly arrived at the scene along with some several blacks vans behind it. "What the...?" The soldier in charge muttered, confused on what the hell was happening. Once the truck stopped, the panels on the side of the truck slide down then lowered to the ground as a panel. Within seconds, the back of the panel turned into a staircase, and then a man came out of the truck, dressed in dark shades and a black coat. He approached to the soldier in charge, while several men and women followed from their cars. They, too, were all dressed in black and had neckties. Several men held their weapons steady, but a signal from the man made them stand down and back away. The mustached man, called Dr. Ivo Robotnik, took off his shades. "Are you in charge here?" "Yes, I a––" "NOPE!" Robotnik abruptly cut him off. The man shuddered from the intrusion, but kept his cool. "My––" "Wrong!" "Name––" "I'm in charge!" "Is Sergeant––" He raised his voice. "ME!" "Ben––" "I'm in charge…" Robotnik dropped to a whisper, then one of his agents, Agent Stone, reluctantly presented a small electronic tablet, revealing Robotnik's digital insignia. "You've never seen anything like this before," Robotnik said, pointing at the tablet with a smug grin. "It says I'm the top banana, in a world full of hungry little monkeys. Allow me to clarify," He stated, then made some kind of 'buzz' sound and moved like a robot. "In a sequentially ranked hierarchy, based on level of critical importance, the disparity between us is too vast to quantify," Robotnik said at a fast pace, confusing everyone sans Agent Stone some more. "Agent Stone?" He asked, turning and walking away. "The doctor thinks you're basic," Agent Stone clarified. "I'm initiating a sweep sequence," Robotnik announced, as he began to press some buttons on his remote glove with an LCD display right on his arm. "Ten miles in every direction should suffice." As Robotnik was pressing buttons on his gloves, the roof of the truck opened, raising up several of his drones. Each drone had a strong resemblance to a large egg, including its shape and color. The only added feature to each drone was a large single red 'eye' at the very tip, which turned out to be a highly advanced camera. As the drones began to hover and rise into the air Robotnik glanced back slightly. "Is he still looking at me funny?" Asked Robotnik with his back still facing them. "Yes, he is," Agent Stone answered. "Tell him to stop, or I'll pull up his search history," Robotnik said nonchalantly. "If you don't stop looking at the doctor, he'll take a closer look at your––" "I'm. Not. Deaf." The man spat furiously. "And tell him his men report to me now, blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah," Robotnik droned, making some wacky arm gestures as he did. "Excuse me," The soldier said coldly. "I don't think you realize who––" "I'm sorry, Sergeant," Robotnik turned around with arms spread. "What was your name?" The man sighed in relief. "Benin––" "NOBODY CARES!" Robotnik blurted out, while the soldier cringed in anger. "Nobody cares…" He repeated mockingly, slowly walking back up to him. "Listen, Sergeant Nobody-Cares. Do you know why nobody cares who you are? Because nobody cares about your feeble accomplishments. And nobody cares how proud your mommy is that you're now reading at a third-grade level," He taunted. "Have you finished Charlotte's Web yet? Spoiler alert: She dies in the end. But she leaves a big creepy egg sac." Then, the oval-looking drones hovered over their creator, who chuckled and spread his arms wide. "Aw, my babies. Look what came out of my egg sac!" Robotnik boasted, while all eyes turned to the robots. "You know what I love about machines?" He asked, looking at the drones like a proud father. "They do what they're told. They follow their programming. They don't need time off to get drunk and put the boat in the water!" He exclaimed, turning to see the soldier with a frown. The solider frowned back at him while Robotnik pointed right at his face. "And you do what you're told. Stand over there on the edge of your personal abyss… and let my machines do your job!" Robotnik ordered with a grin. The soldier didn't reply. Instead, he turned and moved away without breaking eye contact. The other police and MCF personnel soon followed his lead. "Can you feel it, Stone?!" Robotnik called out in an ecstatic tone. "I can feel it, Doctor," Agent Stone replied. "It's evolution, Stone… it's EVOLUTION!" Robotnik shouted. The drones rose into the air and flew off into the forest in multiple directions. The drones scattered into the forest, the sound of their engines startling wildlife. Deer turned their heads at the flying machines while birds, squirrels, rabbits, and other small critters bolted for safety. One drone descended to the forest floor, its main optic scanning the ground. Nothing seemed unusual. Just dirt, twigs, leaves, and rocks… and a footprint on a rock. "Logging anomaly…" The drone beeped, hovering closer to the footprint. A red beam emitted from its optic, tracing over the sneaker print. "Initializing spectral analysis… initializing mineral composition… transmitting…" Back at the 18-wheeler truck, Robotnik saw the footprint on his main monitor. His assistant entered the vehicle, standing at attention. "Agent Stone?" "Doctor?" Robotnik pointed at the screen. "Do you see anything useful in this image?" Agent Stone stared at the screen for a moment, specifically, at that strange mark which was on that rock. "Nothing at all, Doctor." "Of course you don't! Your eyes weren't expertly trained to spot tracks by the Native American Shadow Wolves," Robotnik stated with a snort. While Stone looked at his boss confused, Robotnik typed some more on his computer and then he rolled his chair back for his associate to see. Agent Stone watched as Robotnik’s computer analyzed the mark before it alters and breaks down into a shoe footprint. Then the computer analyzed even further, revealing a mark of a footprint that only had two fingers. "That's extraordinary!" Agent Stone said amazed. "No. What's extraordinary is I determined the exact height, weight, and spinal curvature of this creature. And my computer can't find a single match for it, anywhere, in Earth's Animal Kingdom," Robotnik stated, then stood up from his chair and pointed at the footprint on the screen while facing Stone. "This blackout was not a terrorist attack, and that's no baby Bigfoot. This guy… is something else… entirely!" He stated with a grin. "And you know what else? Last night, just before the blackout, a signal matching with this emerald's power appeared suddenly, and then it faded away when the blackout happened," he explained, staring at the green emerald he had on a capsule. "So, this creature and the emerald are related?" Agent Stone questioned. "Indeed!" Robotnik replied with an evil grin. "And it's a mater of time before I unleash the power of the emerald, and put my hands on this guy. Divert all search units to the site of the footprint!" He ordered as he let out a huge grin. "That's one small step for men... one giant leap for me!" He added happily. > 3. Meeting the Blue Blur > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonic was walking back and forth on the rooftop of a building, thinking on what his next move should be. "Alright, alright, let's see: I caused the blackout last night, so maybe I should help to restore it?" Sonic told himself. "Nah, at this point the power probably already has returned..." He pointed out, since he was also standing in front of a massive building with big screens. And then, a news report showed up in one of the screens. "The government is currently looking for the source that cause a massive blackout in half of the country and beyond!" Said the female news reporter on the screen. That totally called out Sonic's attention. "The what now?!" He asked with widened eyes, now paying attention at the report. "Did she just said half of the country and beyond?!" He questioned in disbelief. "The investigation is being lead by one of the best agents in the country: Dr Ivo Robotnik––" Said the male news reporter on the screen, but then Sonic frowned with frustration at that thing. "Seriously?! There's an Eggman counterpart in this world too?!" Sonic groaned. "Great, he probably knows about me now," He theorized, crossing his arms and closing his eyes to think. "As long as I don't ran into my human self, I don't care what he does." After saying that, Sonic ran to his hideout and gathered a red backpack he also stole, again, out of need. He putted the bag with the warp rings on it, the Chaos Emeralds he found so far and three chilidogs wrapped around a cloth napkin, in case he gets hungry. "As much as I love to help those in need around, I don't want to cause any more trouble to these people," Sonic told himself, putting on the backpack. "Also, I'm still not used to the human forms of the ponies I know, specially after seeing Dazzle and Skye as news reporters with fingers and proper uniforms... it felt weird." He then closed his eyes and concentrated on his connection with the Chaos Emeralds, to feel the closest one and go after that one. After a while, he felt the Blue Emerald 'spark', and then opened his eyes. He ran towards the rooftop of the building, and stared at a big golden-y mansion at the distance. "Of course... some spoiled rich must have found the Emerald... Why am I not surprised?" Sonic said with a bored expression, boosting towards said mansion to take back the Blue Chaos Emerald. Zipp and Pipp were in Zipp's room, with Zipp having a struggle to put her clothes on a suitcase. "Just... a bit... more!" Zipp groaned, as she pushed the whole suitcase, until it finally closed. "Finally!" "You know, if you just used a second suitcase instead of just one, like Mom told you to, you could have saved the struggle," Pipp said with a bored tone, while scrolling on her phone. "I already have enough struggling with the incredibly tight dress Mom buy for me to use on your concert," Zipp said with a frown. "I don't need another suitcase to deal with." "You also should have prepared all of this yesterday, knowing that we leave today, in two hours," Pipp pointed out, still with a bored expression, now looking at her sister. "You're sounding like Mom again," Zipp said in a mocking tone with a smirk. "Right now? It's necessary~" Pipp stated, smirking back at Zipp. And then, her phone started to ring, so she checked the name and saw it was Sunny. "Hey, Sunny-bunny~!" Pipp greeted, turning on the cellphone speaker so Zipp could hear too. "Hey, Pipp!" Sunny greeted from the other side. "Hey, Sun," Zipp greeted as well. "I'm guessing you already arrived to the house, right?" "Yup!" Sunny replied in a cheery tone. "By the way, this place feels more like an hotel than a Vacation House, to be honest," She said a bit sheepishly. "Izzy, for the last time, don't grab my taser!" Hitch's voice was heard from the background, as well as Izzy giggling. "Just 20 minutes since we arrived, and Izzy's already messing with Hitch," Sunny commented, and both Pipp and Zipp smiled and giggled, knowing Izzy too well to know that Sunny is telling the truth. "By the way, how did you handled the blackout last night?" Pipp panicked and chuckled nervously. "Oh, p-perfectly fine!" She replied, sweating a bit and looking in al directions nervously. "I totally didn't hugged my blankets and plushies the whole night until I fell asleep after cancelling last night's livestream!" She decided not to talk about the glowing emerald, because she just drop it on her desk after she felt something electrical on her hand, and then wrapped on her blankets and plushies like she said. "I felt asleep after a small chat with Pipp last night," Zipp replied, smirking at her sister's attitude. "You guys were lucky, though. I heard there was a lot of chaos out in the city." "I heard something about the government investigating the blackout," Sunny said. "At first I though they were just being too dramatic... but half of the country suffered the blackout, so..." "Half of the country?!" The two sisters shouted in shock. And then, they heard a loud crash coming from outside. The two sisters moved to the corridor, just to find it empty. However, they soon heard a voice, a male voice, coming from Pipp's room, making Pipp panic and Zipp put on 'alert mode'. "Sunny, we'll call you back later!" Zipp said, ending the call and not letting Sunny reply anything, also giving Pipp her phone back. "T-There's someone in my room!" Pipp whispered with panic, hiding behind Zipp. "Do not panic yet, sis!" Zipp stated, going back inside of her room, and then coming back with a tranquilizer gun on her hand. "W-Wait!" Pipp whispered, pulling the gun down in fright. "I-Isn't that dad's tranquilizer gun? W-Why do you have it?!" She asked, both concerned and surprised. "I found it on the attic a while ago," Zipp explained with a smirk. "And now I'm using it to scare this brat!" "B-But shouldn't we call the police or something?!" Pipp pointed out in fright. "You wanna get controversial with the police arriving to our house, three days away of your concert?" Zipp pointed out back, and Pipp realized that she was right, so she shook her head saying 'no'. "I won't shot him, I'm only scaring the brat, promise!" And then, Zipp walked slowly towards the door, with a scared Pipp following close behind. Zipp then stopped in front, looked at Pipp and instructed her to stay quiet, while Pipp just nodded. Now, Zipp kicked the door open and pointed the gun through the room, with Pipp not wanting to enter because she felt scared. "Alright, buster!" Pipp heard Zipp shouting. "Hands in the air and shut your mouth, or else I'm kicking you out of––" She tried to warn, but she suddenly stopped talking. That scared Pipp even more. "Zipp?" She called out, but there was no response. She was a bit hesitant at first, but then she nodded to herself and entered the room. "Zipp, what's going on?" She asked her, just to find her with widened eyes and a terrified look. "What's gotten into y––" As soon as she looked at what Zipp was looking, her eyes widened too. Right in front of them, there was a blue creature, standing in two feet and wearing red snickers with a white stripe in the middle and a gold buckle on the outermost side. His arms and belly had a warm ivory color, just like his mouth and inside ears. His eyes where big and green like emeralds, and right now, they were as widened as the sisters eyes. He also wore white gloves, a red backpack on his back and he held a bag on his left hand, while he raised a golden ring on the other one. As for his head, he had some kind of big spikes in the back of it, looking pretty much like quills. After staring at each other for a while, the creature finally broke the silence. "Uh... meow?" He said, putting on a sheepish smile. A few minutes before, Sonic managed to reach the mansion. The place was being guarded by some security guards wearing black suits and sunglasses, as they walked back and forth to keep an eye on every corner of the mansion. 'Body guards with black suits. How cliché,' Sonic though with a smirk, quickly climbing up until he reached a window. Standing in front of it, he felt his connection with the Emerald stronger. 'It must be here!' He though again, as he quietly moved the window to the left, since it was one of those kind of windows, and then entered the room quietly, closing the window behind him as well. "Perfect! I'm in," Sonic told himself. "And with no damage to private property as well!" Since no one seemed to be on the room, he decided to put his backpack on the bed's side, and took a moment to appreciate the room better: Everything on it was pink, even the bed, with some plushies of animals around the room, a dog bed in the corner for some reason, a giant dresser with a mirror with pictures, a desk with some kind of PC stuff and a small bookshelf. "Yup, just as I expected... A spoiled rich found the Emerald," Sonic said with a blank expression. Then his sight returned to the dresser when he saw something blue shining bright. It was at this moment that he realized how smaller he was on this human world: While he usually was taller than the bed, his head couldn't even see what was above of it in this world. "I finally understand Tails..." Sonic muttered to himself with a smirk. He then quickly jumped from the ground and landed on the desk, but he accidentally hit a a flower pot that crashed and broke in the ground, although Sonic didn't give it any importance for the moment. He then saw the Chaos Emerald and smirked. "Now this is what I'm talking about!" Sonic said with a smile, grabbing the Emerald and looking at it. However, he couldn't help but notice the photos on the mirror with a critical eye. He slowly walked towards one and grabbed it, and then his eyes widened: That picture was of the Mane 5... in their human form. Sonic felt shocked at this, and as he saw the other pictures, only of Pipp, he realized that he didn't arrived just to any spoiled rich's house. "Oh no..." Sonic muttered to himself a little panicked, as he grabbed the Emerald and putted on the bag of rings, then he putted the backpack on his back and grabbed a warp ring from the bag. "Alright, I have what I was looking for, time to get out of here!" But once he was going to throw the ring to open a portal, the door of the bedroom opened suddenly, and then Sonic stared with widened eyes and shock at the girl that entered the room. "Alright, buster!" She shouted. "Hands in the air and shut your mouth, or else I'm kicking you out of––" She tried to continue, but then stopped and stared at Sonic with widened eyes and fear. The girl had a white skin, light blue eyes, a pink blouse, a black jacket without sleeves, blue jeans and brown large boots. However, she also had a pink hair with a light blue stripe on one side, and a pink and light blue lightning draw with a crown at one side of her jeans. That draw, Sonic could recognize it anywhere: This was the human Zipp, and boy, she definitely looked like how Sonic pictured her to be in her human form. "Zipp?" Another voice spoke from outside the room, and Sonic panicked even more, because he could recognize that voice anywhere. "Zipp, what's going on?" She asked, entering the room and looking with worry at Zipp, while Sonic blushed a bit, but then it faded away when he realized that, even if it was Pipp, it wasn't his Pipp. "What's gotten into y––" As soon as she looked at Sonic, she also got terrified and her eyes widened as well. The human Pipp had a lighter pink tone as her skin. She was wearing black heeled boots with very large black socks, a purple mini skirt with a draw of a music letter with a crown inside of it, a black jacket with short sleeves and golden bracelets on both of her hands. Her eyes where just as green as he remembers them, and her hairstyle was the same as the Pipp he knew, but instead of a tiara, there was a golden diadem that shared a similar style to his girlfriend's crown. Sonic stared at the sisters with panic for a while until he finally managed to say something. "Uh... meow?" Sonic said, putting on a sheepish smile. The girls screamed in fright, causing Sonic to scream as well. In a panic, Zipp instantly pulled the trigger of the gun, shooting the tranquilizer dart right on Sonic's leg before he had time to react. "Ow!" Sonic cried. The effects of the tranquilizer dart immediately take effect as Sonic's vision became blurry and his body started swaying. Sonic blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision, and he started to look on all directions, until he managed to read something on some kind of poster. "Mane...hat...tan?" Sonic slurred as he was reading said poster. Sonic unknowingly dropped his ring and it rolled towards the sisters, before it fell to its side. The ring suddenly glowed and it grew into a large portal with an image of Manehattan in a bird's eye view, much to Zipp and Pipp's shock and awe. The girls were so stunned, that Zipp unknowingly dropped the gun to the floor. Sonic walked staggeringly towards the portal in hopes to escape until he collapsed to the floor as more effects of the dart kicked in. Unfortunately, in the process, he accidentally dropped his bag of rings into the portal, and with the rings, the Emerald he just regained. With his one blurry eye, Sonic watched helplessly as the bag of rings fell through the portal and it landed on top of a roof of a very tall building, while the portal began to shrink rapidly. "No…" Sonic moaned. He reached out towards the portal, trying desperately to chase after the bag, but the effects of the dart became too much for the blue hedgehog as he weakly dropped his arm to the floor and passed out. At the same time, the portal disappeared, like if it was never there in the first place. Zipp and Pipp just stood there in shock, processing everything they just witnessed. "...What. The. Heck?" Zipp said after a moment of silence, while Pipp just fainted into the ground. 20 Minutes later, Zipp encaged Sonic inside Cloudpuff's dog cage. The little white dog was at the vacation house on Manehattan, that's why he didn't showed up when Sonic arrived at the mansion. Also, Zipp managed to convince the guards that she and Pipp screamed because of an insect that Zipp already got rid of, so they didn't knew about Sonic yet. As for the sisters, Zipp had no idea what the heck he was, or if he was a he at all, while Pipp just stared at him in fright. Who was this creature? What was him? And most importantly, why did he appeared on her room? She was so confused right now, and she had no idea of what to do with him. The sisters were in front of the dinner table, near the living room, while Zipp used a spatula to move Sonic's head, inspecting his quills curiously. "What the heck is this thing?" Zipp said with a critical look, moving the spatula away from Sonic. "Why are we keeping him at all?!" Pipp questioned, not feeling comfortable around the blue hedgehog. "We don't know if he could be dangerous!" "Pipp, whatever this thing is, we cannot just ditch him on the trash, or tell anyone about his existence at all!" Zipp resonated. "The government can get involved, and that not only would lead to a legal struggle for Mom, but also to us!" While the two sisters were busy talking, they failed to notice that Sonic was slowly waking up from his slumber. He couldn't remember exactly how he was inside this cage since his memory was a bit fuzzy, but something told him that he needed to get out of there. He tried to open the door, but it was locked with a padlock, so he pulled out one of his quills and opened the cage, throwing the quill to the other side of the table. Despite feeling all groggy, Sonic managed to unlatch the lock and pushed open the cage door in front of him. As he was crawling out of the cage, he heard a part of the sisters conversation. "Legal struggle?" Pipp asked confused. "They will make thousands of questions that we cannot answer, Pipp, and you'll get more viral than you already are for finding a strange creature no one has ever seen!" Zipp explained with a worried face, which caused Pipp to panic. "So we must make sure he doesn't gets out of here!" "That's gonna be a problem..." Sonic muttered, still feeling dizzy since the effects of the dart haven't dissipated at all. Both Zipp and Pipp were startled as soon as their eyes were on Sonic, who somehow escaped from the cage. Pipp immediately hid behind her sister, while Zipp stroke a battle pose in case the creature tried to attack. But instead, he just stared dazedly at them in recognition and... joy? He was smirking, for some reason, that was weird. "Hello, young ladies..." Sonic greeted, with a little groan, still feeling the effects of the dart. "T-That thing can talk!" Pipp cried out, looking at Sonic in fright. "Are you… are you here to abduct us?" Zipp questioned, still striking a defensive pose. Sonic gave her a bored expression, feeling a bit recovered. "Abduct you? If anything, you abducted me!" "...Okay, good point" Zipp admitted with a sheepish smile. Pipp managed to calm down a bit and pocked her head out of her sister's back. "Uh, w-what are you? And what were you doing in my room?!" She questioned confused and worried. "It's not my fault that you took the Blue Chaos Emerald, Little Pipp," Sonic replied with a smirk. "If you haven't, I wouldn't had to sneak on your room just to take it back." "Wait, how do you know her name?" Zipp questioned, now frowning at Sonic. "Did you just called me 'little'?!" Pipp cried out, now glaring daggers at Sonic as her face turned a bit red in anger. "Sorry, I like to joke on situations like this––" Sonic tried to explain, but he almost tripped in the table, if it wasn't because he grabbed the cage to recover his balance. "Damn it, Zipp! What the hell did you putted on that dart?!" "How do you know my name?!" Zipp cried out. "You better start talking, little brat!" She warned, pulling out the tranquilizer gun again. "Pipp called out your name back on the room, and you named her when you discussed something about the government a few minutes ago..." Sonic pointed out with a blank expression. "...Again, that's a really good point," Zipp replied with a bored expression. "Hang on! You said something about taking a blue emerald, right?" Pipp suddenly asked, confusing Zipp in the process. "It didn't happened to be on my dresser, did it?" "At last, you do know what I'm talking about..." Sonic said with a smile. And then, memories hit him like a bullet train. "Wait a minute... why am I still on this house?" He questioned, as he started to look around the room. "I grabbed the Emerald, then put it on the bag, then Zipp shot me, a ring opened and I––" His eyes widened and let out a loud gasp. "The Emerald... I lost the Emerald and the bag of rings!" "The what now?" Zipp asked, even more confused now. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! This is bad! This is very, very bad in so many levels that I cannot even describe!" Sonic panicked. "What?" Pipp asked, now as confused as her sister. But before the sisters could ask anything else, they suddenly heard a loud rumbling noise coming from outside. "What was that?! W-What's going on!?" Pipp asked in panic. "Was that your mother ship?" Zipp asked Sonic, as she then walked towards a window to check the outside for the source of the rumbling. "Because neither of us wants to get probe right now!" "You think you're worried? I'm not even wearing pants!" Sonic cried out. "I'll usually will complain about use them at all, but right now? I think it would be proper." As Zipp pulled the curtain open a bit, Pipp joined her by her side. The sisters watched as a huge black truck with bright red stripes and a circle at the front pulled up near the mansion. "You didn't rented a private party truck to take us to Manehattan, did you?" Zipp questioned to Pipp with worry. "Ugh, puh-lease! If I did, you know I wouldn't be talking about any other thing for days!" Pipp pointed out in an offended tone, while Zipp just rolled her eyes. Sonic glazed over the girls to see what was outside. As soon as he saw that truck, his eyes widened, and let out a scream and quickly shut the curtains. "You've got to be kidding me!" Sonic cried out with a worried face. "That crazy good-for-nothing old man is after me!" He said with panic, looking at the girls. The sisters immediately turned to see Sonic. "I'm sorry, who's coming for you? And what does that has to do with us?!" Zipp asked. "No time to explain at all!" Sonic stated. "Look, I really hate to do this because I promised myself that I wouldn't interact with any human on this world so they could stay out of trouble, but right now I have no choice! You have to help me!" "What?!" Pipp cried out in disbelief. "No we don't!" "Yeah, why should we help you at all?" Zipp questioned, placing an arm in front of Pipp to 'protect' her from Sonic. "Well, my legs, which normally would be classified as lethal weapons, feel like spaghetti because someone shoot me a dart on the leg," Sonic said, staring at Zipp with a bored expression. Then he looked over at Pipp, now with a pleading expression. "Please... I'm not joking when I say that the destiny of everything as you know it it's in danger... it's a life or death situation." Sonic usually wasn't the kind of guy that begged for something, but right now, he literally had no choice. As for the sisters: Zipp still didn't trusted this guy. He literally confessed that he brake inside Pipp's room to take something she had, and whoever was outside was chasing after him. Pipp, however, she couldn't be mad at him. For some reason, and despite how cocky and arrogant this guy acted, she could tell he was being honest, and he really needed help, his look was pleading for it. She let out a sigh, then looked at him with a determinate look. "I'm taking him to the attic," Pipp stated, looking at Zipp. "Can you slow them while I take care of our guest?" "The what now?!" Zipp cried out. "Pipp, we're not––" "Can you slow whoever's chasing him or not?" Pipp asked again, now frowning and leaving no room for arguments. Zipp stared at her for a moment before she slowly nodded. "Alright..." She said, still hesitant, but she knew that Pipp won't change her mind now, so she decided to play along. As Zipp ran to the entrance, Sonic gave Pipp a thankful look. He could tell she was a complete different person compared to the Pipp he knew and loved, but he still could see some of her in this human Pipp. "Follow me, uh, blue strange creature," Pipp told him with a nervous smile. With a nod, Sonic took a step to follow her, only for him to fall face-first onto the floor due to his legs still not working due to the dart's effects. "Uh… little help?" Sonic called weakly. > 4. Escape from The Eggman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Pipp opened up the attic door from the ceiling, she climbed up the stairs, leading the blue hedgehog up into the attic. "Okay, you stay here and be quiet!" Pipp instructed the hedgehog with a serious expression, as she also extended him his backpack, since Zipp had to pull it off to encage Sonic. Sonic took his backpack and looked at Pipp with a raised eyebrow. "So the plan is for me to stay here until you and your sister get rid of the old man?" "Our options are hide you here, dress you up like a kid and hope that the guy buys it, or just let him capture you," Pipp pointed out with a bored expression. "Also, you asked for help, and I gave it to you," She added, climbing down the stairs and closing the attic door, leaving him alone. "...Touché," Sonic said with a neutral expression. Now that he was completely alone, he putted his backpack at the side of a box and decided to wonder around a bit. Compared to the rest of the house, the attic was pretty small and boring, or simple to put it in a way. While the mansion was fancy, big, colorful and even charming, the attic was small, brown, very dusty and had thousands of boxes around. "I mean, it's not the worst place I've ever been in, but still..." Sonic told himself. "On the other hand, human Pipp helped me, and I literally said I didn't had a choice, so... I'm not the one who should be complaining," He pointed out to himself, sitting over the box where the backpack was resting and waiting for the sisters to come back. After reading the analysis from his drones, Robotnik was able to use his data to track down this creature, which lead him to a very well known mansion, essentially because of who lived there. He got out of his truck and walked near the dirt section near the driveway. He hovered his glove over the dirt pile, allowing it to scan the area with its lasers. Once the scanning is complete, he was able to identify the exact same footprint as the one from the park earlier. He also noticed that these prints were heading towards the house in front of him, leading him to believe that is where this creature was currently hiding. Then again, this house was well known because of who lived there: Pipp Petals, one of the greatest pop stars in the city, and even the world. Just like Robotnik expected, the place was highly secured, because there where bodyguards dressed in black suits watching all over the place. 'How cliché,' he though, as he pressed some buttons in the pad of his glove, and some small drones came out of his truck, flying towards the body guards. And then, they shoot some kind of sleeping gas that immediately made the guards fell asleep in the ground. Robotnik smirked, and he used his index finger to melt the lock on the black gate that lead to the mansion. He opened the gate and walked towards the door. However, he noticed another foot print on the ground, so he scanned that one too, and got the exact same result. "Hey!" A female voice suddenly spoke, while the doctor turned his sight to the main entrance, just to find the other resident of the mansion: Zephyrina Storm. Despite being the heiress for her mother's big company empire, she was the opposite of her sister, because she didn't liked public attention at all. Yet, Robotnik didn't expected her to look so... normal. "Can I help you?" Zipp asked Robotnik with a slight frown. "Good morning, my rural chum!" Robotnik said with a fake smile, walking towards her. "I'm... from the Power Company, investigating the blackout. If you don't mind I'd like to take a few readings inside your house?" "No kidding! You're from the Power Company?" Zipp asked, while Robotnik nodded in response. "Oh, you must know my buddy Thunder, we play softball together." "Ah, Thunder... he's a good man," Robotnik said pausing, as he nervously looked at her. "Yeah. Oh, come on in!" Zipp said, waving her hand to invite him in. "Great!" Robotnik said as he quickly walked up the stairs. "Just, take all the readings you need. Except uh..." Zipp said, and quickly putted her arm at the entrance, blocking Robotnik from entering. "Usually the Power Company usually takes their readings from outside of the house. Also my buddy Thunder actually works as one of the many body guards that you putted to sleep with your weird gas, and he's more of a soccer player than softball kind of guy, so you wanna tell me why you think I'm dumb enough to let you walk inside my house?" Robotnik glared at her for tricking him, but he got another trick up his sleeve. He put his left hand behind his back and started pressing a few buttons, sending a small version of his drones to scan the house from the inside without Zipp knowing it. In that moment, Pipp arrived at her sister's side, taken a bit back by the sudden and intimidating presence of Robotnik. As Robotnik talked with the sisters downstairs, Sonic just lay over the box and looked at the ceiling with a bored expression. "Ugh, what's taking them so long?!" Sonic groaned with frustration. If he was known for something, is that 'patience' isn't his thing, since he's the fastest thing alive and all of that. "I hate to drag them into this, I really do. They may be complete strangers since they're not the Zipp and Pipp I know, and yet I don't want to cause them trouble." And then, two small drones entered from an open window in the attic and started to scan the whole room, in search for anything suspicious. Sonic immediately took his backpack and hid behind the box he was lying on and looked at the drones with a frown. "This is the opposite of hold him back, girls..." Sonic muttered to himself, looking at the small drones. And then, his feet hit something, and when he turned to see what was it, he saw a baseball bat, which made him smirk as he grabbed the bat and looked back at the drones. "Perhaps I should have some fun, too!" Sonic stated with a grin. "I'm sorry, Ms. Storm, Ms. Petals..." Robotnik said on a mocking tone. "Just Zipp it's okay," Zipp replied with a frown. "U-Uh, hi..." Pipp replied nervously with a sheepish smile. "Well Zipp, you may have noticed that this entire city has been experiencing a power outage," Robotnik stated. "Yep, no lights. Already picked up on that," Zipp replied. "20 minutes ago, I tracked an energy pulse with a similar signature to the one that caused that disruption," Robotnik explained. "Listen, uh, Mr..." Pipp said. "Doctor... Doctor Robotnik." Robotnik said with a smirk, while Pipp nodded. "But my co-workers call me Rob." "Look uhh... Dr. Robotskis... um, I'm sure what you're here for is really serious and all of that, but it's got nothing to do with us. I mean, you know about us, so I'm pretty sure you can tell that by yourself," Pipp added with a confident smile, while Zipp also smiled as well. "You bet I do. I'm sure you're hella popular with the 'stream', and 'posts' about stuff people pretend they care at all," Robotnik said with a grin that sent chills on Pipp's spine. "Maybe someday, you'll achieve your goal of retiring peacefully of this life and get time for your so called 'friends' and family, but the reality is: I surpassed everything you're ever going to do!" He yelled at the sisters as he went right up to their faces. "Before I was a toddler, I was spitting out formulas while you were still spitting up formula." "We were breastfed, actually..." Zipp said with a neutral expression. "Nice... rub that in my orphan face..." Robotnik said with a smirk, while Zipp rolled her eyes and Pipp putted on a bored expression, both starting to get tired of this dumb conversation. Zipp was about to say for him to leave, but before she could say anything, Robotnik interrupted her. "Ms. Storm, Ms. Petals, are you familiar with the US code 904 title 10 article 104?" "Mayb––" Zipp tried top say, but... "Anyone!" Robotnik shouted, startling Pipp and cutting Zipp off. "Who attempts to aid an enemy of the United States shall suffer death!" He said, giving the sisters a stern look and pointing his finger at them. "And if I'm gonna be the one that catches you... It'll be even worse..." Zipp and Pipp looked at each other confused, and then back at Robotnik. "Worse than death?" Pipp questioned. Meanwhile, inside the attic, the drones kept scanning around the room, when Sonic suddenly hit one of them with the baseball bat. "One down, one to go!" Sonic said with a smirk. The other drone noticed Sonic, and he let out small guns from his sides as he started to shoot him, while Sonic just dodged the bullets and moved around the attic. His feet where at better paste now that he rested them enough, but he was still slower, and yet, he could dodge the bullets easily. "Alright, little man, time to put you on sleep mode!" Sonic stated, as he jumped over the drone and hit them with the bat. The drone crashed against a wall and got totally destroyed in the process, while Sonic landed over the attics door and cheered. "Take that, you piece of junk!" He said with a smile. "No one messes with Sonic the Hedge–– Whoa!" He cried out suddenly when the door to the attic opened. As a reflex, Sonic curled into a ball and rolled all the way down stairs, from the third floor of the house, to the main floor, grunting in pain in the process. "Why don't you have your staircase carpeted?!" Sonic said as he bounced from the wooden stairs before rolling to the living room, knocking a pot in a table that fell and broke into the ground. "Look, I don't know how well educated you are..." Robotnik stated in a condescending tone. "But what the government usually does to criminals is nothing compared to what I––" However, the sound of something braking from inside the house called the attention of the three people, while Pipp and Zipp looked nervously at each other. "Uh… old pipes?" Zipp lied sheepishly. Robotnik just stared at a bespectacled teen for a moment, studying her expression before he shrugged casually. "Yeah… probably just the house settling," He agreed as he turned around, appearing to be leaving. "Nothing to see here!" The sisters silently relieved with the outcome, until Robotnik pulled a fast one by quickly turning around and barreling through them before either of them could stop him. "Hey!" Zipp cried, but Robotnik ignored her. "You can't go in there!" Pipp shouted with anger, as she and Zipp ran after him. Robotnik was determined to get to the bottom of it and see what those two girls are hiding. They all eventually reached the living room... just to find a small grey rabbit near a broken pot. "Here's the thing..." Robotnik spoke, raising his index finger. "I'm never wrong." Zipp patted his back. "Well, there's the first time for everything!" She remarked with a mocking grin, while Pipp let out a silent sight of relief. "By the way, Pipp, didn't I told you to keep an eye on that rabbit?" "His name is Floppy, Zipp, and yes, you did," Pipp replied with a smirk, as she grabbed the rabbit, cooed him, and then put him back on his cage. "Well, I don't appreciate that you barge right into my house just like that, but as you can clearly see..." Zipp stated to Robotnik, as she gestured around the room with her arm. "There's nothing here! Now, I calmly suggest you leave this house immediately! And also, if you leave now, I will act like nothing of this happened and you won't be sued for 'napping' our bodyguards." "I'm sorry, he did what?" Pipp questioned confused. Robotnik chuckled before giving a glare at the sisters, and then turned around to leave. However, he stopped suddenly in place, much to the girls' annoyance and confusion. They watched silently as he slightly leaned towards the table as if something caught his eye. His hand slowly reached towards something to pick it up. Almost immediately afterward, he slowly faced the girls and presented an item to them with a nasty grin. Remember the quill Sonic used before? Well, Robotnik was now grabbing the exact same quill, while Zipp and Pipp looked at the doctor with horror. "Well look at that? I was right!" The doctor gloated. He then floated his hand over his face. "Note the lack of surprise," His smirk was then replaced with a cold frown. "Shall we try this again?" He asked, now whistling a familiar tune that lead a white drone to enter the house. And if that wasn't enough, the drone then revealed its two twin machine gun mounts and pointed to the sisters direction. "Now, ladies..." Robotnik began, as he stroked the quill with his fingers. "I'm going to give you both five seconds… to tell me where it is! Five!" "W-We don't know what you're talking about!" Pipp sweared with fright. "Four..." Robotnik kept counting. "Look buddy, do you even know who you're messing with?!" Zipp tried to stood against him. "Yeah, two little defenseless girls about to get killed if they don't cooperate! Three!" Robotnik stated, still counting. Their eyes widened as Zipp nervously looked around, trying to find a way to get out of this situation, while Pipp just hugged her sister in the back, completely terrified. "COME ON, RACK YOUR BRAINS!" Robotnik shouted. "You might be able to come up with some lame excuse to go on living, in two!" The sisters just stood there helpless, as Pipp closed her eyes and Zipp glared daggers at Robotnik. "ONE!" Robotnik finished counting, and then... "WAIT!" Sonic shouted, as he came out of his hiding spot with his hands up in the air and his backpack on his back. "Don't hurt them!" "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Robotnik screamed in a loud, terrified girly way. And then, Zipp knocked him out with a punch on his face, while Robotnik fell unconscious in the floor. The drone looked back at the sisters and locked its weapons, getting ready to shoot them. Sonic quickly grabbed the sisters from their hands and moved them to duck behind the couch, shielding themselves from the bullets. "I'm used to a guy called Robotnik trying to kill me, but this feels excessive!" Sonic exclaimed loudly over the gunfire. The drone stopped shooting and started to scan the room for any wanted lifeforms. "Alright, you two stay here while I try to––" Zipp tried to instruct, but as soon as she turned around, she only found Pipp there, because Sonic was nowhere to be seen. "W-Where did he go?!" "What are you talking ab––" Pipp tried to ask, but once she turned to see Sonic, she also noticed his absence. "Oh no..." They started to look around, trying to find him, only to see him climbing up a shelf, getting ready to pounce on the drone. Pipp frantically shook her head while Zipp just muttered 'No!' to him, but Sonic gave them a reassuring nod with a thumbs up. The drone in question spotted the side of Zipp's head and was getting ready to fire again, so Sonic took this opportunity to jump on the drone’s back and managed to turn its direction away from the sisters just as it began to fire. "Yee-haw!" Sonic cheered as it rode on the drone. "Don't worry ladies! I've got it right where I want it!" He assured with a smirk. The drone spun wildly, trying to shake the hedgehog off as it continued to fire its bullets, hitting family picture frames, some knick-knacks, windows, and pretty much all over the walls. "It's crazy to think that Amazon wants to deliver packages with these things!" Sonic said excitedly as he continued to ride the drone. But then, the drone started to run out of bullets, while Sonic felt dizzy and started to struggle, now having difficulties to keep holding the drone in place. "Okay, now I get why Tails hates when I act without thinking, because this was a terrible idea!" Sonic shouted in fright, and then his face grimaced when he suddenly felt queasy coming from his stomach due to all the spinning. "Aw geez... I'm. Gonna. PUKE!" "Not in the roof, not in the roof!" Pipp shouted. "We're in danger of getting killed, and you worry about the roof?!" Zipp scolded her with a frown. Just as Sonic fell out of the drone, Zipp quickly gets out from behind the couch. She grabbed a chandelier and whacked the drone really hard, as the drone fell to the ground next to a dizzy looking Sonic. "C'mon! We gotta get out of here!" Zipp shouted urgently as she bent down to pick up Sonic. "Wait! We're taking him?!" Pipp exclaimed. "Yes, we are!" Zipp answered forcefully, leaving no room for argument. "What? Don't tell me that's all you got! I'm just getting started with you, mustache man! Let me know if you wanna go round two with the Blue Blur!" Sonic challenged the broken drone from outside the house. Zipp quickly got into the garage and headed a black truck, opened the passenger's seat and seated Sonic down. She got inside the truck on the driver's seat, while Pipp entered in the passenger's seat behind. Zipp putted the gear into reverse, stepped on the gas pedal, and drove away from the mansion. After they escaped, the same mini black vehicles arrived and parked right outside the house. Agent Stone watched the truck leaving only for a second before rushing inside to search for Robotnik. When entering the front door, there were holes everywhere and some destroyed furniture, and then he saw Robotnik on the floor, unconscious. "Doctor!" Agent Stone exclaimed. He rushed over to his boss and helped him get off the floor. "Doctor, are you okay? I saw those girls race outta here and I thought––" "That you should stop them?" Robotnik guessed coolly with a glare. Stone's only response was his blank and meekly stare, much to the Doctor's annoyance. "Open your mouth… and say you thought that you should stop them," Robotnik ordered with a growl. Stone gulped. "No... I thought that maybe I check to see if you were oka––" He tried to say, but then Robotnik stuck his hand into Agent's Stone month and grabbed him by his tongue and jaw. He then roughly pulled Agent Stone forward and forced him to look up into his eyes. "You know what's hard about being the smartest person in the world?" Robotnik asked in a menacing tone. "E-Everyone else being stup––" Stone tried to answer, despite that he couldn't move his mouth and could barely speak. "Stupid!" Robotnik finished for him. "Yes, way to go! You got that one!" He stated, letting go Stone's mouth, much to Stone's relief, and then he wipes his hands clean off his associate's jacket. "Whatever this creature is, it's our job to secure it… neutralize it... uncover the source of its power. And if it resists… we take it apart... piece by piece," Robotnik stated with a grin, as he slowly puts on his glasses. The doctor paused, and then noticed that the frame of his sunglasses was now ruined after Zipp punched him. "...Stone?" Robotnik called out. "Doctor?" Stone replied. "Call Optical Illusions. Tell 'em I need new frames," He ordered as he tossed his sunglasses behind him. "They know what kind I like," He stated, walking away towards the front door, but then he stopped. "Oh, and bring that quill!" He added while pointing at the item in question that was on the floor before walking out of the house for good. Agent Stone sighed. "Y-Yes, Doctor," He replied, then slowly picked up the quill from the floor and put it in his jacket pocket before following the doctor. After ten minutes of driving away, Zipp managed to get herself, her sister and Sonic out of Canterlot City, the place where they lived, and reached the highway. "Alright buddy, you better start talking right now!" Zipp ordered to Sonic. "Who are you? What are you!?" "I'm a hedgehog, that's pretty obvious if you ask me," Sonic answered with a bored expression. "And right now? I'm in big trouble..." "Oh, you're in big trouble? You're not the one who punched some sort of government weirdo back there!" Zipp argued. "You think you have problems?!" Sonic challenged. "I lost my bag of rings! And losing the rings isn't even what concerns me, is the Chaos Emerald that I stupidly put in the bag!" "Chaos Emerald? Rings? What are you talking about?!" Pipp asked desperately. "Okay, look. The rings on the bag are special, because they're not normal rings: They're portals that can take you to any place in the universe that you want," Sonic started to explain. "You saw that yourselves, remember?" "The giant portal on Pipp's room?" Zipp questioned. "That bag that you dropped had more?!" "Look at that, the princess became a detective," Sonic said with a mocking grin, while Zipp stared blankly at him. "As for the Chaos Emeralds, they're powerful objects that can turn thoughts into power. It's like asking for a wish: Just focus your energy and you get what you want. And for some reason, your sister had one on her dresser," He pointed out to Zipp, staring at Pipp with a bored expression. "Pipp, care to explain?" Zipp requested. "I mean, yesterday, I found a glowing blue emerald," Pipp started to explain. "I was going to give it to Principal Shimmer on school, but I forgot, then the blackout happened last night and I saw the emerald shining and––" "You found a glowing emerald, and instead of just leave it there or tell anyone, you keep it?!" Zipp asked with concern. "Girl, she literally said she forgot to give it back," Sonic pointed out with a bored expression, then looked at Pipp with a smirk. "But yeah, you had a magical Emerald from a Hedgehog of another dimension." "Gosh, this is so much to take in..." Zipp said, feeling a bit stressed. "And now, that same Emerald is at the top of a building I only saw on a rusty old poster on her room!" Sonic cried out in worry. "Look, you might think I'm crazy or something, but the blackout I accidentally caused last night is the only problem so far I want to give to this world, okay?" "You caused the blackout?!" The two sisters cried out surprised. "So that's why that freak is chasing you!" Zipp said, now understanding everything. "Yup, and now I need you to take me to 'Manehattan', or however it's supposed to be called, so I can get my bag with rings and Chaos Emeralds to leave you two alone forever!" Sonic stated casually. "Excuse me?!" Pipp said in an offended tone. "Y-You almost made a weirdo kill us!" "I'm not proud of that either!" Sonic said with a frown. "It was never my intention to drag you two into trouble, okay? I just wanted to grab the Chaos Emerald and leave! Things got out of hand, that's it!" "Even so, Pipp's got a point!" Zipp stated. "Besides, you still haven't explained why you caused the blackout!" "It was an accident, okay?!" Sonic groaned. "I just followed a weird drone that stole a Chaos Emerald I recovered. It started to run so fast that I just tried to keep up with that thing, and then electricity came out of my butt, and the second I touched the Emerald... everything was hella dark and a blue explosion happened. But again, it. Was. AN ACCIDENT!" "I'm sorry, didn't you said you only wanted the Emerald I had?" Pipp questioned confused. "Um, no?" Sonic said, as if the answer was pretty obvious. "There's seven Emeralds, you just had one, I had 4 of them." "Did you just said seven?!" Pipp cried out with wide eyes. "And they would be 5 if it wasn't because I got shoot in my leg!" Sonic said, now frowning at Zipp. "Okay, that's it!" Zipp shouted with anger, as she parked the truck on the side of the road and turned it off. "Ok pal, out you go." Sonic blinked a few times before replying. "I'm sorry, what?" "Zipp!" Pipp scolded her. "Pipp, this is the worst time in our lives for us to get in trouble!" Zipp resonated. "We're daughters from the most powerful woman on Canterlot City, I am her heiress for her company, and you are one of the most popular pop stars in the world! Don't make me start on everything that can go terribly wrong if we keep going from here!" Pipp wanted to say something, but she knew Zipp was right, so she decided to stay quiet. "And besides, you have a concert in three days!" Zipp added suddenly. "You cannot get in trouble, you know?!" "The concert!" Pipp cried out. "I completely forgot about that!" "And as for you, weirdo," Zipp told to Sonic, who stared at her blankly. "You asked for help, we helped you, now get lost!" Sonic still stared at her blankly before finally replying. "Just for the record, you are way more charming as a pegasus," He said, as he opened the door of the truck and got down of it, leaving both Zipp and Pipp confused at the pegasus comment. But instead of just walking away or something, Sonic just stood there, staring at Zipp with a bored expression. "Why aren’t you moving?!" Zipp demanded impatiently. "Oh, you know, maybe because... I don't know where Manehattan is!" Sonic replied with a frown. Zipp rolled her eyes and pointed behind him. "It's east!" "East?" Sonic asked as he tilted his head. "Yes, east!" Pipp snapped as well. "Just go straight shot. You can't miss it!" Sonic raised his hands. "Okay, okay. Fine! That's cool. I'm totally cool saying goodbye now!" After that, he runs off at high speeds while the sisters looked in disbelief. A few seconds go by and Sonic came back with his fur all wet, a few seaweed all around him, and a fish on top of his head. "So! As I crashed into the cold, dark water of the Pacific, I realized a few things," Sonic stated. "A: I have no idea where I'm going. B: I forgot how much saltwater stings. C: I shouldn't even be on your universe right now, but I am. Why?" He then glared daggers at Zipp. "Because you shot me!" "I know..." Zipp said blankly. "YOU SHOT ME!" Sonic yelled dramatically. "Ok! I heard you the first time! You don't have to... pile it on, good grief..." Zipp yelled back before she calmed down and sighed slightly. "I'm wet. I'm cold. There's a fish on my head! And clearly, I'm not gonna be able to do this on my own!" Sonic pleaded. Zipp looked back at him as the fish he has on his head falls off. She looked at Pipp, who just shrugged, but deep down she knew Pipp wanted to help him out. With a sigh, Zipp looked at Sonic again. "Alright, get in the truck." "Really? You're gonna help me?!" Sonic asked excitedly, shaking off all the water and seaweed off of him, which in result got his fur all poofy. "I... guess it is a little bit of my fault that all of this is happening to you..." Zipp admitted. "And yours too, Pipp! You were the one with his Emerald, after all." Pipp was about to complain, but at the end she realized Zipp was right again. "Okay, fair point..." "Not a little bit. Entirely. It is entirely your fault!" Sonic corrected with a frown. "Okay, it's entirely our fault. Are you coming or not?" Zipp asked with annoyance. Sonic looked at the sisters for a moment, and then smiled. "Yes," He replied, shaking his fur back to normal. He hopped back inside the truck and closed the door. "ROAD TRIP! WOO-HOO!" Sonic yelled excitedly, making Pipp giggle a little bit. "Ugh... What are we doing...?" Zipp questioned with a frown and a bored expression. > 5. Roadtrip and Fun Time at the Bar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipp had lots of questions right now. After 2 hours of driving, Sonic told the two sisters his story: He's a blue hedgehog from a world called Mobius that has thousands of habitants that are also colored anthropomorphic animals. He constantly fights a guy who's actual name it's also Robotnik, but he calls him Eggman. And he was currently living in an alternate universe of talking colorful ponies that was a parallel world to hers. It was a lot to take in, to tell the truth. She could just say he was crazy, but his mere existence was already crazy enough, so she could tell he wasn't lying. Sonic skipped two important details, though: First, he didn't talked about his relationship with the pegasus Pipp; and second, he didn't mentioned the evil Alicorn Opaline, mainly because if she existed in that world too, he didn't wanted to foreshadow anything. But as if that wasn't enough, Pipp was totally worried about the concert, her mom, her friends! Yeah, Zipp punched Robotnik, but Pipp helped her to take Sonic away from him, so she would be as wanted as her sister, and not in the way she usually is. The government was totally going to track them down, and her reputation and carrier would get compromised because of that. She wanted to quit, yes, but she never though it would be this way. Up until now, the craziest thing that ever happened to her was the glowing emerald, or as Sonic call it, the Chaos Emerald, that she found in school. Now, she met a giant blue hedgehog alien from another universe and discovered that she was a pegasus princess in a parallel world. A lot of things were happening on her mind right now, and she couldn't even use her phone, because Zipp threw it for the window 30 minutes ago, arguing that it was to prevent being tracked. "Alright, there's gonna be rules on this trip," Zipp stated to Sonic. "At least in that aspect, you're the same with the other Zipp," Sonic said in a playful tone, while Zipp just rolled her eyes and Pipp giggled again. "Okay. So, number 1: Do exactly as we say, all the time. Got it?" Zipp instructed to him. "As you wish, Zephyrina!" Sonic said, again, on a mocking tone. "Ugh! Don't call me like that!" Zipp warned. "Just Zipp it's fine." "That reminds me: You haven't told us your name, you know?" Pipp pointed out to him. "I haven't?!" Sonic asked in shock. "For Chaos sake! Where are my manners? Sorry, ladies, name's Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!" And by hearing that name, Pipp felt her entire world stopping. This was the first time in years that she heard that name, and why? She knew a kid named Sonic years ago, way before she got interested on the singing stuff. However, she doesn't remembers a lot of that kid, just that she used to like him a lot back then, and one day they simply stopped talking. "Sonic... Sonic!" Zipp repeated to herself so she could remember it, snapping Pipp out of her thoughts without knowing it. "Huh, it sounds familiar for some reason... Anyways, you say you're 'the Blue Blur'? The thief that's been helping homeless people by stealing food this last week?" "Well, if I was going to take the Emeralds back home so your world could be out of trouble, the least I could was also help out people in need!" Sonic said with a proud smile. "Helping's kind of my thing!" "I can't believe Sunny's dad theories about a parallel world were true this whole time!" Zipp confessed with disbelief. "I mean, before he arrived, we always though they were both a bit... uh..." Pipp tried to find the right words. "Off track? Like, even if they were just theories, they sounded so fake, but we never said a thing for respect." "Well, you two own her an apology, I guess," Sonic said with a little smile. He then opened his backpack, that he was still carrying around, and took our one of the Chilidogs he had wrapped. It was still hot and not wet, despite it falling in the ocean before when Sonic ran off. He took a bite on the food, and then enjoyed it so much since he loved Chilidogs. "Oh Chaos, I love these things so much!" Sonic said with a smile, then looked at the confused look of Pipp, since Zipp didn't seemed to care at all. "I have an alarming obsession with Chilidogs, okey? Don't think about it that much. Anyways, when are we gonna get there, exactly?" "We'll get there when we get there!" Zipp said sternly. "Love the logic," Sonic said sarcastically. "Man, I don't remember you being this rude." "Can you blame me?! The government wants to dissect you! And arrest us! This is a serious situation, man," Zipp pointed out. "Hey Zipp~" Pipp sang out suddenly with a smile. "...No," Zipp said coldly. "Aw, come on! You haven't even heard what I want to say!" Pipp begged. "Knowing you, it's probably related to sing a song, so my answer is no," Zipp stated. "That would only stress me more." While Pipp huffed frustrated and lay on her sit, Sonic stared at Zipp with a bored expression. "Wow, you truly are a killjoy, Zipp. I'm guessing this is going to be a loooong trip..." He stated, as he looked out of the window with boredom. "At least on that we can agree, little guy," Pipp said with boredom as well. As the day turned into night, they decided to make a stop at a gas station. Once Zipp parked the truck in front of the market, she got out of it, but not before walking over to the open car window. "Alright, I'm going to call Windy, whose turn at the police station should be up right now, and see if she knows what's going on," Zipp said as she putted on her cap to hide her identity. "So you're going to talk with Windy through a payphone..." Sonic said blankly. "Seriously? Those things are still around?" Pipp asked with a snort. "Aren't payphones usually used by shady dealers and fugitives from the law?" Sonic asked with a teasing smirk. "Yeah, and right now, that would totally be us, pal," Zipp said, smirking back at Sonic. "Now stay on the car, I don't want anyone to see you and freak out you know." "...Okay, I know you're right, but, like, I still felt offended for some reason..." Sonic said with a confused look. "And Pipp..." Zipp called out to her sister, completely ignoring Sonic's comment. "You stay too. The last thing I need is for you to look at any kind of news report or something and feel depressed, okay?" Pipp huffed as she blew her hair aside. "...Fine..." And as Zipp walks away, Pipp decided to lay on the passengers seat again, while Sonic started to hum to himself. "Someday, one day, we'll say live life, I know. Hold on, hold tight. Don't let go, don't lose sight." Sonic sang softly and quietly, although Pipp did managed to hear him. "You sing nice," Pipp said with honesty. "Hmm? Oh, well, thanks," Sonic said, although he felt very uncomfortable. Even if he was just talking with Pipp, it wasn't his Pipp, not the one he fell in love with, so he felt very uncomfortable around her right now. Still, he tried to keep up a small conversation with her, just to kill some time. "So... you're also a pop star in this world, right?" Sonic asked, trying to start a conversation. Pipp was taken a bit aback, but she still decided to reply. "Y-Yeah... though it keeps me very busy sometimes..." "Well, at least you got your friends there, right?" Sonic asked with a smirk. However, silence was all the response he could get. "Uh, Pipp?" He called out confused. He decided to turn around and face her, just to find her trying to wipe out her tears, which made Sonic panic immediately. "H-Hey! I-I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't have––" "D-Don't worry..." Pipp said, while Sonic stared at her still worried. "I-It's just... I do have them, but not as often as I wished... This whole 'pop star' life has me so busy that... I can barely spent time with them..." She explained. "The concert was my chance to be with them, hang out, have fun, chill, call it like you want, I just want to that as often as any friend... but I can't..." Now Sonic felt really bad for her, and once again realized that she wasn't like the Pipp he knew. The pegasus Pipp could literally do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and no one could tell her no, not even her own mother. This Pipp, however, didn't had the same luck, and didn't seemed to enjoy her life that much. "B-But I cannot give up to all of this either... I'm scared they won't let me..." Pipp added suddenly. "You mean your fans?" Sonic asked curiously, while Pipp just nodded in response. "Well, I think they'll understand if they really love and respect you!" "But what if they don't?" Pipp asked to him, now looking with a sad expression at the blue hedgehog. Sonic tried to say something as he opened his mouth, but nothing came out of it, so he closed it again and turned back to face the window. However, what he saw at the other side made him gasp and smile: A bar called the Piston Pit, with Motorcycles firing up their engines, Bikers greeting each other by headbutting, and bikers having an arm-wrestling match. Heck, even a Monster Truck showed up suddenly. And just like that, he grinned with an idea popping on his mind. He saw black sunglasses, a red plaid shirt and a cowboy hat, then took all of them and looked back at Pipp, who finally seemed to calm down as she just looked at the floor. "Hey Pipp," Sonic called out with a smirk, while Pipp decided to look back at him. "I think I know how to cheer you up!" As Zipp headed towards the payphone booth, she opened the door and closed it behind her. She inserted a quarter and dialed Windy's number. After she got that settled, she waited for Windy to pick up. "Hello? Canterlot City's Police Department?" Said Windy on the other line. "Windy, it's me!" Zipp replied with a worried tone. "Hi, I'm so glad that you called. Uh... H-How's it going...?" Windy said nervously. "Hey girl, are you alright? You sound kind of nervous there, what happened?" Zipp asked concerned. "Uh, some–– some guys came in, asking me some questions. Uh... it was a little creepy," Windy hesitantly said before chuckling nervously. "It kind of reminded me of, uh, the guys from Men in Black, but not as, um, likable or, uh, charming as Will Smith." Now that's when Zipp's concern grew. "Wait, what kind of questions?" "About... terrorism," Windy replied as she laughed nervously. "I told them that I've gone ice fishing with Zipp that one time. S-She doesn't know how to make a bomb. She can't even make bait in the cold!" "Uh-oh... this is bad," Zipp said worryingly, knowing that Robotnik's onto her and her sister. "Alright, Windy, listen to me. This is really important: Don't tell them that we talked, okay?" Windy didn't replied right away, which got Zipp paranoid that something might have happened. After a few seconds went by, she responded. "I-I think they already k-know..." Windy stuttered. "Ms. Storm?" Robotnik's voice came out from the phone. Zipp groaned in annoyance at the sound of the mad doctor's voice. "Just Zipp..." "I want you to know that the only person who would ever punch me in the face was the school bully," Robotnik stated with anger. "He hit me in the cafeteria, causing a blunt force contusion to the soft tissue surrounding my orbital bone, humiliated me in front of the entire school, and you know what I did in response?" "Uh, I'm assuming you reported him to the principal's office? 'Cause, ya know, that kind of behavior is completely unacceptable," Zipp guessed. "No. I examined the inefficiency of a world where brawn trumped brain, and I used technology to resolve that inefficiency," Robotnik replied with pride. "The boy ate his meals through a straw for a year, and I have never lost a fight again... until today." Zipp nervously smiled. "Hey, hooray for me then, huh?" "No, because you're about to become the bully! With the straw!" Robotnik stated "I'm coming for you, Ms. Storm, as well as your little sister. And when I catch you, I'll––" He tried to warn, but then Zipp ended the call immediately. "Hello? Hello? Hello, hello, hello?" Robotnik called out. "I think she actually, um, hung up, because I noticed that the light isn't on," Windy hesitantly pointed out. "Thank you, Officer Brainfart," Robotnik said as he glared at her. "If you could give me a second, I can get an outside line," Windy offered. "No," Robotnik putted the phone back. "Don't be bothered. You just sit there and be you... useless," He added with a forced smile. And with that, Robotnik stormed out of the room with his workers following him. "No one's gonna erase my memory here? I will tell people about this!" Windy exclaimed until she's left alone in the room. Zipp decided to buy some snacks for her, Pipp and Sonic until they could find a place to stay in for the night. Stepping out of a shop with several snacks in her hands, she approached her car and to the opened window where she expected Sonic and her sister should be waiting. Or so she thought. "Okay, it's not exactly the healthiest meal, but––" Zipp cut herself off after she saw that the car is empty; no sign of Sonic nor Pipp anywhere in sight. "Sonic? Pipp?!" She called out, but didn't got a response. She looked around for any sign of the blue hedgehog and her sister anywhere, until she looked at the Piston Pit before immediately gets the realization. Those two went inside the bar! "No, no, no, no, no, no!" Zipp repeatedly yelled as she putted her groceries on the front of the car and sprinted over towards the bar. She entered the place and started to look around, searching for Sonic and Pipp, until she saw those familiar blue quills wearing a cowboy hat, and a western outfit he got from her clothes on the Truck. Pipp, on the other hand, sat near a chair next to him, wearing her hair on a ponytail and without her diadem, probably to not be recognized as a pop star. And she was laughing as she talked with Sonic, which would make Zipp happy if it wasn't because of the current situation they were into. She angrily walked over there and kicked the chair while clearing her throat, getting Sonic's and Pipp's attention. Sonic whirled his chair around and sees Zipp glaring at him. "Howdy, partner!" Sonic greeted Zipp in a cowboy accent, tipping his hat. "I'm not your partner, come on! We're leaving!" Zipp said sternly. "But there's a ZZ top cover band! You gotta see those beards! They're so weird!" Sonic said happily. "Weird enough to catch them some other time. Let's go, get up!" Zipp stated, and then looked at Pipp. "And you too, young lady!" "Aww, come on, sis!" Pipp told her with a smile. "Try to chill a little bit! We're not harming anyone!" "Besides, what could be a better hideout for 'criminals' like us than a bar?" Sonic pointed out with a whisper at Zipp. Then he added something quick, now that Pipp wasn't looking. "Listen, Pipp was feeling down, and I wanted to help and cheer her up. As I say, helping is my thing, so I brought her here to distract her for a while, from all this situation, okay?" Zipp's frown disappeared, now that she understood the situation better. "I see..." "Look, let's just stay here for a while, and then we leave once she feels tired of the place, okay?" Sonic suggested with a smirk. "And I'm saying it for your own good, Zipp. You also need to chill a little bit. Do it for you, and do it for her." Zipp thought on his words for a moment. On one hand, they were now wanted criminals for sure, so they were still in danger. On the other hand, however, Sonic was right on both things: The bar was a perfect hideout for the moment, and Pipp did seemed on a better mood ever since she entered the bar to look for her. "Well..." Zipp spoke, loud enough for even Pipp to hear. "I think we need to chill a bit after all, so... Maybe we could spare an hour." "Really?!" Pipp squealed, side hugging her sister. "We can stay?!" Zipp looked at Sonic, who winked at her as an encouragement move. "Sure, why not?" "I'm telling you: You won't regret this, gal!" Sonic said excitedly. "Oh, I'm pretty sure I will," Zipp murmured to herself. And so, the trio spent the next hour having fun at the Piston Pit. First, Zipp and Sonic challenged each other to a game of darts. Zipp took a dart from the cup before focusing on her aim. She threw the dart, and immediately landed on the target. She looked back at Sonic with a smug grin, while Sonic just rolled his eyes and grabbed the whole cup, then began to shoot out multiple darts at a quick pace. However, none of the darts hit on the board. Instead, the darts landed around the board and some of the drinks a waitress was holding on a plate as she looked shocked. Next, Pipp played a hoop shot game, surprising Zipp since she seemed to be very good at it, shooting a couple of basketballs and getting perfect scores. She shoot another 'ball', but then the sisters gasped when they saw Sonic, who uncurled from his ball form and sat on the ring, then used his feet through the hoop at high speed, racking up the points. "Haha! New high score!" Sonic said teasingly. Then, the trio went to the electric bull and Sonic decided to be the first one to go. Pipp inserted a quarter inside the machine, and the Bull began to move, forcing Sonic to hold on. "Uh, I still don't get it... Is this bull missing a head, or does it have two butts?" Sonic blurted out, getting a giggle from Pipp while Zipp yawned in boredom. "Oh-ho! This is easy!" Sonic exclaimed. "Okay!" Zipp said, as she inserted another quarter in the machine and changed the speed from 'Shaken Not Steered' to 'Deadly Desperado.' Sonic panicked as he held onto the bull tighter while it went faster. "YEE-HAW! OH-HO-HO! I'M A COWBOY, BABY!" He shouted excited, while Zipp bursted in laughter at how ridiculous Sonic looked, while Pipp watched on with a smile. However, Sonic couldn't hold on anymore as he flew out of the bull, making the sisters look at where he crashed, but then Sonic quickly ran back on the ride holding a thumbs up them. "I'M OKAY!" Sonic yelled in assurance. Then, they went to the dancing floor following everyone else's dancing moves. At one point, Sonic took off his hat, dancing like a cowboy, but accidentally bumped into someone’s behind. Shocked from the touch, the teen girl turned around, and instead of seeing the blue hedgehog beneath her, her sight was on Zipp, who just cheered at the dance, which caused the teen girl to threw a drink at her face. Sonic and Pipp laughed at Zipp back at the table, who was drying her soaked face with a cloth. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Zipp sassed. "Nice work, Romeo!" Sonic said in a mocking tone. "Way to go, sis!" Pipp said, wiping out a tear because of the laugh. Zipp chuckled in sarcasm. "Glad you two are having a good time," She said with a bored expression. "Oh, definitely!" Pipp assured with a bright smile that Zipp hasn't seen in a while, which made her smile joyfully. "Yeah, I haven't had this fun in a while!" Sonic added. But after he said that, three burly men marched over to the table with very angered expressions, and the sisters looked at the men with widened eyes. Sonic, on the other hand, looked at them with a glare. "Uh... Can we help you?" Zipp questioned. "We don't like your kind around here," A white man with a bald head growled in a deep voice. Sonic glared daggers at him. "Our kind, huh? And what kind is that supposed to be?" The thug leaned forward, giving Sonic a nasty cold glare. "Hipsters," He whispered to him. "Oh, now you've done it," Sonic stated with anger, while his eyes turned blue for a second. "Oh, hey, y-you know what? We were just leaving anyway, w-weren't we? There's n-not a problem," Pipp said as she nervously smiled at the man. "No, no, no. It's okay," Sonic said, moving his index finger . "No, no, no, we are leaving!" Zipp hissed at Sonic. "I know exactly how to handle this situation," Sonic assured them, as he grabbed a beer bottle nearby and stood on top of his chair. Clearing his throat, Sonic glared at the older man. "Pop quiz, hotshot. You just picked a fight with a poorly disguised blue hedgehog from another dimension, who was chilling out with two ladies without bothering anyone, except and old fat man with a bear like you who seems too focused on what anyone else is doing instead of mind his own business!" he yelled with anger. Then, he jumped up and hits the thug with the bottle. But for some weird reason, it didn't break. "Huh, am I crazy? Or this thing's supposed to broke already?" Sonic said as he looked at the bottle in his hand. Sonic tried again, but the bottle wouldn't brake, and it's making the guy growl in rage, so Sonic began hitting faster. "Break, please. Break, please. Break this bottle, please. Please, please, please, please, please––" "Uh, Sonic?!" Pipp panicked. The man pulled his arm back, getting ready to punch Sonic in the face. "Uh-oh!" Sonic quickly ducked and moved Pipp's chair with her on it, while the fist aimed at Zipp instead. Zipp bumped into some other patrons before they all started to go crazy and started to fight. Meanwhile, Sonic managed to move Pipp away from the fight. "Hide behind the drinks bar, I'll go get Zipp!" Sonic instructed her. Without hesitation, Pipp did that exactly and hid behind the bar, while Sonic joined in with Zipp, back to back, as they formed into fighting positions. "Nice going!" Zipp exclaimed to Sonic in sarcasm. "I'm not proud if this either, okay?!" Sonic stated at her, as he dodged someone's punch and kicked them. "This is completely out of what I was planning!" However, Zipp was suddenly dragged away from Sonic and two guys grabbed her, just to start and punch her strongly. She tried to get away by kicking the other two, but it was useless. However, she blinked for a moment, and the next thing she knew, she was near the drinks bar, with a bottle on her left hand. She then turned around to find everyone else on the ground, with a guy wrapped in toilet paper who ended up falling to the ground. Also, the same man who punched her first had a bear head on his head and launched himself through the window, falling unconscious on the other side. Pipp slowly came out from behind the bar and stared with widened eyes at her surroundings. "W-What just happened?" "I-I don't know..." Zipp said, just as confused as her sister, and then she looked at her with worry. "A-Are you okay?! Did those guys harmed you or something?!" "N-No... I hid here when all of this started," Pipp said a little ashamed, and then she saw that Zipp had a black eye. "Oh my God! Zipp, your eye!" "I-I'm fine, don't worry," Zipp assured with a little smile. "I've been in worst situations." And then, Sonic arrived with them, standing in the bar with a smile. "So, should we get out of here?" "Oh, please let's!" Pipp begged. "Yeah, time to go," Zipp agreed before running out of the bar with her sister and Sonic. They ran out of the Piston Pit, with the customers chasing them, as Zipp hopped over the thug on the ground. "Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! That was amazing!" Sonic gushed in excitement, as he threw his disguise away. "Oh wait a second, did we pay our tab? It doesn't matter!" He yelled out happily. "Oh, heck yeah! I always wanna do this!" He added, sliding over the hood before throwing himself over the passenger seat. "Get 'em!" A man yelled in the distance. "See ya, suckers!" Sonic shouted at them, while Zipp turned on the truck and quickly got all of them out of there. "Call me crazy, but I think they liked me!" As the truck drove away, the snacks Zipp placed before in the front part of the vehicle fell, while the trio started to laugh and cheer at their outcome. "Yes!" Sonic cheered. "Yeah!" Zipp yelled. "Woo!" Pipp cheered as well. "Ouch..." Zipp hissed in pain, while placing a hand on her cheek. "They got you pretty good, huh?" Sonic said on a mocking tone. "It's alright, I've been hit harder," Zipp shrugged. "Sonic, I have no idea what you did back there, but it was amazing!" Pipp cheered excited. "Hey, I put us in that situation, the least I could do was saving our butts!" Sonic said with a smirk. "I do admit, it was very fun," Zipp confessed. "Let's just not do that again. Ever." "Agreed," Both Sonic and Pipp said in unison. > 6. A Night of Bonding and Chase in the Highway > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After escaping the Piston Pit, Sonic and the sisters decided to stay at a motel for the night. Inside in one of the rooms, Pipp putted some ice into a towel to ease the pain at the side of her sisters head. "So let me get this straight: You have the ability to stop time and do whatever you want in a matter of a second?!" Zipp asked Sonic in disbelief. "Half a second, actually," Sonic said with a smirk. "I could just had take us out of there, but where's the fun in that?" "You could have saved Zipp from her black eye, you know..." Pipp pointed out, as she gave her sister the towel with ice and Zipp placed it over her cheek and eye. "Okay, yeah, that was totally my bad," Sonic admitted with a sheepish smile. "Anyways! So, what's our next move?" "I think we should just pass out watching TV and then hit the road in the morning," Zipp suggested. "Sounds like a plan to me!" Sonic said with a smile, taking off his shoes and putting comfortable in the bed he was sitting on. Zipp did the same, while Pipp putted the towel and the ice aside. As she came back and lay on the bed on Sonic's side, she got a bit more curious about Sonic and his world. "Hey, Sonic..." Pipp called out. "How's that you and those Emeralds ended up here, exactly?" Sonic opened his eyes and looked at Pipp. "You know that there's this other Robotnik on my world that I call Eggman, right?" He asked, while Pipp nodded in response. "Well, he tried to steal the Emeralds, but after a small fight between me and the robot he used to steal them, the Emeralds crossed the portal to this world. I guess once they hit the ground, they activated and then spreed around. So I decided to come here and take them back before they could cause any damage or get someone in trouble... I didn't did very well on the last thing, did I?" Neither Zipp or Pipp could say something, but they both felt bad for Sonic. "I'm sorry, girls," Sonic said, as he sat on the bed. "I never wanted to drag anyone into this. In fact, I only wanted to prevent things like this from happening, knowing how powerful and dangerous the Emeralds can be... but you two got involved, and I'm really sorry for, pretty much, ruining your lives..." Zipp just moved her head to see Sonic with compassion. So far, he was acting like the kind of guy that loves to joke or make sarcastic comments in the worst situation, but right now, that same guy was actually sad for dragging her and Pipp into all this mess. She was about to say something, but then the three of them heard something on the news. "Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals, daughters of Haven, have been accused of committing an act of domestic terrorism. They're considered armed and dangerous. Any information regarding their whereabouts should be reported to the local authorities immediately," The News Reporter said. Pipp let out a gasp as she covered her mouth with worry, and Zipp frowned as she turned the TV off. "Ugh, this just makes me feel worse!" Sonic cried out. "This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, but of course! Things have to be any way except as planned!" Zipp sighed, and decided to sat on her bed as well, now facing at Sonic. "Hey, dude, look at me," She requested, while Sonic did said thing. "Look... despite how I treated you earlier, I don't think you ruined our lives." That just made Sonic's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, what?" "Zipp's right," Pipp said, as she looked at him with a smile. "You said it yourself: Nothing was on purpose. And besides, we decided to help you escape from that creep, so if anything, we're the ones to blame here." "True!" Zipp agreed with her sister. "I shoot you on your leg, remember? And we both hid you from this Robotnik guy that's chasing you, so we also are guilty for our current situation." "But nothing would've happened if I just left instead of just freeze in the middle of Pipp's room," Sonic said, still feeling guilty. "That's also my fault, Sonic," Pipp stated. "I should've gave the Emerald to the school's principal instead of taking it home with me. You wouldn't had to brake on our home..." "And it doesn't matter if this guy wants to take us down too, Hedgehog," Zipp added, smiling as well. "We'll find a way to take him down. Besides, knowing mom, she will move heaven and earth if necessary to clear our names, so I'll probably won't be worrying too much about that." "Oh yeah! That too," Pipp said with a sheepish smile, while Sonic just looked on with a bored expression. "I mean, that did made me feel better, but you could've said it before I got emotional, you know?" Sonic said, then he yawned tired. "Anyways... I think I'm going to––" But before he could finish, he fell in the bed and immediately snored, because he fell asleep way too fast. "Wow... that was a lot quicker than I expected..." Zipp said with a smirk. "Yeah..." Pipp agreed, and then looked at her sister. "Zipp... did you mean it?" "What?" Zipp questioned confused. "That we can take this Robotnik guy down, clear our names... do you mean it?" Pipp asked again. "Of course I do, sis!" Zipp assured with a smile. "Trust me, once all of this is over, we'll go back at our lives. And, who knows, maybe this is what you needed to encourage your 'non pop star' self after all." Pipp rolled her eyes but smiled, then she covered Sonic with the blankets and turned the lights off to lay down on the bed as well. "Good night, Zipp," She said with a smile. "Good night, Pipp," Zipp said back, turning the lights off as well. The next day, Robotnik and his team arrived at the Piston Pit after the incident last night. Two workers were replacing the broken window that the thug crashed into. Inside the bar, Robotnik and Agent Stone were interrogating said Thug from last night, who was wearing a neck brace. "Did she say where she was going?" Agent Stone asked the man, while holding a picture of the sisters. The thug snatched the photo from Agent Stone and took a closer look. "Maybe, maybe not," He growled, handing the photo back to Stone. "Like I'd ever tell you." Then, Robotnik pushed his colleague aside. "Stand down, Agent Stone. This well-meaning citizen obviously doesn't understand the urgency of the matter," He said while glaring at the thug, who stood up and glared back at the Doctor. "Really?" The thug asked with a smirk. Robotnik smiled sinisterly before throwing the man straight through the same window that has been replaced. Both he and Stone left the restaurant. "Now, that's what I call 'good cop, bad cop'," Robotnik said. Stone held up his hand for a high five, only for Robotnik to punch him in the gut. "Hoy!" Robotnik walked away. "Let yourself open." Stone got back up to his composure and followed his boss to the truck. The two men made it back into the truck and walked towards Robotnik's laboratory. The Doctor approached the computer and pressed a few buttons. "Judging by the quickest route to Manehattan, the approximate speed of their vehicle, local weather conditions, they should be... right about... here!" Robotnik stated, as he and Stone looked at the computer's screen, revealing a map where the car was marked red and was showing where their targets were going. "That's brilliant, sir," Stone commented. "Thanks... for nothing," Robotnik said lastly under his breath. Meanwhile, the trio were back in the highway, with their energies charged up and all ready to get to Manehattan. "You know, this whole trip I only have talked about me, but I've been wondering some things about you two," Sonic said suddenly with a casual tone. "Really?" Zipp questioned a bit confused. "Then why didn't you said anything?" Pipp asked, confused as well. "I mean, I could, but we either ended up somewhere unexpected, or you kept bombing me with questions," Sonic pointed out. "Huh... he's got a point," Pipp said. "I know," Zipp admitted a bit annoyed. "Alright then, partner. Fire away." "I though you said we were not partners," Sonic said on a teasing tone, getting a giggle from Pipp and an eye roll from Zipp, who still smiled anyway. "Well, Zipp, I was wondering... How do you feel whenever it comes to find thing out? You know, solve mysteries and stuff like that." That actually caught Zipp's attention. "Well, I admit I'm the kind of person that likes to find things out." "Oh, you do like it. You like it a lot," Pipp said teasingly. "I don't know, its sorta of an instinct of mine," Zipp said casually. "A mystery pops in, and I cannot just ignore it." "So you do are some kind of Detective, huh?" Sonic said with a smirk. "Maybe solving mysteries its your thing after all!" "I've been telling her that for years, but just wait for what's she going to tell you now..." Pipp said with annoyance. "Mom would never let me," Zipp said coldly. "She's always reminding me that I'm the heiress for her company, and that I pretty much have no other choice with my life..." "So you have mommy issues too..." Sonic said with a frown. "Well, in that case, let me give you the same advice I gave to the pegasus Zipp once: If you're not what your mom expects you to be, then screw her. She may be your mom, but that doesn't give her any right to choose over your life decisions. You're not your mom Zipp, and that's okay, because you don't have to be her." Zipp still focused on the road, but she was surprised by Sonic's words, and even a little inspired by them. "Wow... Look at you, man, you don't seem like the kind of guy to give family therapy." "Even I feel surprised by this, Sonic," Pipp confessed. "Well, what can I say? I'm the kind of guy who helps anyone he can," Sonic stated with a smirk. "By the way, Pipp. You're next! So, when I presented myself, I couldn't help but notice that you reacted a bit... surprised," He said, now with a serious expression. "I don't like to bring this kind of stuff, but... can I ask why?" At that moment, Pipp froze in place. Again, her memories with that kid named Sonic were a bit blurry, to the point she couldn't remember why she stopped talking with him suddenly. However, Sonic kept staring at her, waiting for an answer, and she didn't knew how to react exactly. "I-I don't know..." Pipp ended up replying. "I-I just remember knowing someone with your name when I was a child... a guy with a light blue skin and blue disheveled hair... I used to play with him, but one day... I don't know, we stopped." Not hearing a reply, Pipp looked at Sonic, who just stared at her as he analyzed her face, like if he was looking for something. "Hmm... maybe... you had a fight with him? Or maybe it's one of those childhood memories that you forget as you grow up?" "M-Maybe..." Pipp said, considering his suggestions, and feeling surprised that he didn't seemed mad. Although he had no reason too. After all, he may be called Sonic, but he wasn't her Sonic. And then, Sonic noticed that Zipp was looking at the road a bit sweaty, so he immediately suspected that Zipp knew something about this situation. "Say, Zipp..." Sonic called out. "You're too quiet about this. Maybe you can help?" "I-I don't think so..." Zipp said nervously. "Are you sure?" Pipp asked to her with a begging tone. "We used to be inseparable as kids, even with that Sonic kid." Zipp got a bit tense, still looking at the road. "I-I don't remember either, Pipp." Sonic felt that he should keep pressuring her to speak, but instead, he decided to stop. Pipp, on the other hand, kept pressuring her. "Oh, come on, sis!" She said a bit concerned. "I'm pretty sure there has to be something!" "Even if it was, why do you want to know? It doesn't matter to him, right?" Zipp said, looking at Sonic. Sonic was about to agree with her, but Pipp kept insisting. "Zipp! Even if it doesn't matter to this Sonic, it matters to me! After all, I-I used to like him, you know..." She confessed with a frown and a blush. Sonic just looked at Pipp with a mocking smirk. "I guess my charm its irresistible in every universe!" But that joke made Zipp explode. "But you were not charming enough for mom!" She shouted in anger, not daring to move her sight from the road. And that, that was what shocked Sonic and Pipp the most. Sonic didn't cared at all, honestly, but Pipp, she stared daggers at Zipp. "Oh boy..." Sonic muttered to himself. "What do you mean, Zipp?" Pipp asked with a frown. Zipp sighed in defeat. She already said that out loud, so the best was to tell the whole thing "We moved away from Sonic's neighborhood years ago..." She started to explain. "He tried to convince mom, but... she said that you deserved something better than a problematic guy like him... Sonic used to get in trouble by protecting his adopted brother, Miles, and Mom hated it whenever we played with him. That's why... we moved away. I guess we both forgot with time, but... I realized all of this last night, after this Sonic said how guilty he felt... because our Sonic said the same." Sonic felt sympathy for Zipp and for his human self, specially after knowing that he has the same noble and brave heart if he really stood for Tails' human self. Pipp, on the other hand... she stared with her jaw dropped and a few tears at Zipp. "MOM DID WHAT?!" Pipp yelled in anger. "Oh no..." Sonic muttered again, now a bit afraid of the situation, because he could felt that making Pipp mad was a bad signal in every single universe that existed. "You're telling me that the same stupid woman that claims to be my mother, that doesn't give a damn about me, and that even acts like if I didn't existed, that same woman, made us move because she thought she knows what's better for me?!" Pipp yelled out in anger. "U-Uh... Well, when you put it like that..." Zipp tried to say, but Pipp kept shouting. "All these years, and she's still the same damn witch that keeps messing with our lives!" Pipp kept complaining. "I don't like where this is going..." Sonic muttered again with worry. Inside the Truck, Robotnik stood in the middle of his lab and raised his arms high. Several holographic images got switched on, and he looked in front of him as an image was displaying the Truck driving on the road. His smirk increased as he was finally able to catch his targets, now Robotnik can unleash his attack on them. Images of different types of machines were shown for display for Robotnik to choose. But, he couldn't figure out which one suits best for the job. "Hmm, eeny, meanie, miny... mayhem!" Robotnik said, as he selected the tank before pressing a couple of buttons. The tank got sent onto the road and drove after the Truck, while a red lens got switched on, allowing Robotnik to see from the control room. "I can't believe this!" Pipp shouted. "All this years I thought I did something to him, or that he did something to me, but no! Mom is the culprit!" "Would you calm down?!" Zipp yelled back. "I say you let her say what she wants to, Zipp," Sonic advised with a worried look towards Pipp. "The experience I have backs me up." "I just don't get it!" Pipp started to cry. "Why does she have to be like this?! Why wouldn't she let us live our lives in peace..." She complained, trying to wipe out her tears as more came in. Both Sonic and Zipp looked at each other with worry, not noticing that Robotnik's tank was following them behind, getting ready to launch a harpoon towards its targets. "Look, Pipp, I get that––" Sonic tried to say, but as soon as he turned to face Pipp, he noticed the harpoon that was pointing straight at her head. "Pipp, look out!" The blue hedgehog launched himself to make her duck, while the harpoon passed through the back window, the backseats and landed in the dashboard. Zipp got startled with a jump while she tried to get full control of the car. "Yeah!" Robotnik cheered loudly in victory, pleased to see that he hit his target. Zipp and Sonic looked behind, just to find a familiar styled tank that was chasing them. Zipp tried to keep steady on the road, but the harpoon was making it difficult to at least keep it steady and the tank was reeling back the harpoon for the truck to come close. "That's it! Once all of this is over, I'm not only quitting my stupid life as a pop star, I will make sure mom doesn't mess with our lives ever again!" Pipp stated with anger. "You almost got your skull pierced with a harpoon, and the first thing you do is complain about your mom?!" Sonic yelled at Pipp on disbelief. "HAVE ANY OF YOU NOTICED THE HARPOON STUCK IN OUR DASH?!" Zipp screamed, as she attempted to hit the gas pedal, but the harpoon still remained where it was. Sonic immediately moved back to the front passenger seat and tried to get the harpoon out of the dash board by using his own hands, but the harpoon was very, very stuck in the dashboard. And then, the truck collides with the guardrail, and Sonic flew out the window because for some stupid reason he wasn't wearing a seatbelt during the whole ride. He quickly held onto the hood of the car. "Sonic!" Both Zipp and Pipp yelled. "I'm fine! As long as I don't fell from the car, that is..." Sonic assured to the sisters. Then he looked at the tank on the back and frowned, and then he looked in all directions, trying to come up with something to get them out of this situation. And then, he remembered he could Spin Dash, and he also remembered his electrical powers. Smirking, Sonic looked at Zipp. "Zipp! Smash the brakes, now! I have an idea!" Sonic instructed her. "What?!" Zipp asked confused. "Trust me on this one! Smash the brakes!" Sonic assured. Zipp sighed frustrated and looked at him with a determinate look. "Pipp, hold on!" "Why?!" Pipp asked in panic. "Because I'm gonna do this!" Zipp then hit the brakes with full force, sending the spear flying out of the dashboard and shattering the back window again. Sonic got launched in the air by the force of the breaks, looking on with a smirk as he charged his electrical powers, and then he curled up into a spiky glowing blue ball. Once he hit the ground, he started to spin at incredible speed, while dashing straight towards the tank. Once Sonic collided with the tank, the vehicle flipped over with sparks of blue static covering all over it. Zipp hit the brakes again and quickly turned the truck around, then she drove back to where the destroyed tank is, but there was no sign of Sonic anywhere. "Sonic!" Pipp called out across the destruction. "Sonic!" However, before the smoke could clear out, Sonic jumped over it and landed at the side of the truck. "Well, now look at that!" Sonic said with a smirk. "Seems like Robotnik couldn't stand the Super Sonic style!" "Oh thank God!" Pipp said with relief. "Hey, buddy, how you're not dead?" Zipp questioned with a smirk. "Honestly? I have no idea at all!" Sonic confessed, then looked at the tank with a smirk. "What's the matter, Egghead? It's that all that you got?!" Robotnik smirked. "No, but thank you for asking!" Then, he swiped his digital blueprint of the original tank away from his screen, switching to a different blueprint of his mini-tank on its place. Suddenly, the red light from the tank's 'eye' faded, and the inner wheels shrunk into the bigger wheels as the machine roared into life, making the sisters and the alien nervous. "Uh oh!" Sonic exclaimed. "Sonic, get in the truck, now!" Zipp instructed. "You girls, go! I'll catch up!" Sonic shouted after them, eyeing the tank warily. Zipp nodded in response and began to drive away, but not before Sonic chased after the car. He opened the passenger's door, got back inside and then closed the door. The spider-like vehicle came out from the destroyed tank before it began to drive after them. "Huh, I think that tank just had a baby," Sonic commented. The mechanical spider opened a hatch, revealing several rotating disks. When it got a perfect aim at the target, it fired towards it, skidding over the asphalt. "INCOMING!" Sonic alerted Zipp, as she quickly switched lanes and the disc went towards the red car in front of them. Inside the car, a brother and a sister were fighting over a tablet at the backseat. In the passenger's seat was a mother doing her makeup while looking at a mirror. The father, who's driving, got irritated from his children's arguing. "It's my turn!" The brother yelled. "You just had one!" The sister argued. "Hey, stop fighting, or I'm taking that thing away!" The dad threatened. The sister wasn't faced by this and scoffed. "Yeah, right, dad..." The disc latched itself against the underside of the car and shocks it, causing the car to spin and causing the family to scream. When the car stopped spinning, Zipp passed them, while the family were still in shock with the mom having her lipstick ruined, and the boy slowly handed the tablet to his father. Meanwhile, Sonic crawled out of the truck and into the cargo box, which didn't passed unnoticed by the sisters. "Where are you going?!" Pipp asked in worry. "Just stay here! And Zipp, keep driving!" Sonic instructed, now hanging on to the edge of the truck. "I'll handle this from here. I've got my experience, remember?" The spider fired more discs from the hatch that were heading straight for them. Sonic leaped off from the edge before running over to them, grabbing one of the incoming discs, throwing it at another one, and using two as skates while grabbing the remaining one. He landed on top of the robot and looked into the lens, his face appearing on Robotnik's screen and startling the doctor. "Hey, everyone! Welcome back to my livestream! Today, we're destroying robots! Step one..." Sonic mocked up. Then, he smacked the disc against the top of the spider, that started to shut down and flied off the road, exploding. Sonic then quickly ran back into the car. "Yes, we did it!" Sonic cheered. But then, one of the wheels was left chasing after them, controlled by a red-eyed device at the top of it. Sonic's cheered smile quickly turned into a disappointed frown. "No, we totally did not did it..." Sonic said with a bored expression. "Ugh! Who's this guy supposed to be?!" Pipp cried out with frustration. Robotnik grinned as he witnessed his robot chase after them in its newly transformed state, which was one of his many backup ideas in case of situations like this. "Ever wonder where your tax dollars are going?" "Okay, that's it! Now's my turn!" Zipp stated, as she unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled over to the backseat. "Here. Just keep us going straight. I put in cruise control," Zipp told Sonic, who immediately sat on the driver's seat and kept going. "What? You're letting him driving?!" Pipp cried out almost offended. "I may be a blue hedgehog from another dimension who was super speed, but trust me, I know how to drive," Sonic assured with a serious look. Spikes shoot out of both sides of the tank wheel. Then, Zipp opened the door and tried to knock out the robot with a baseball bat. However, the machine managed to dodge all for her attacks, and that just frustrated Zipp. "I can't reach it!" Zipp complained. "Sonic, Bring it in closer!" Pipp instructed. "What?!" Sonic yelled. "Bring it in closer! Hit the brakes!" Zipp shouted. "Got it!" Sonic replied with a smirk, hitting the brakes. As the car slowed down, the robot slammed itself against the open door. Zipp smirked at this and, with her bat, whacked the robot causing it to break down and slide to a stop. "Yeah!" Zipp shouted. "Whoo!" Pipp cheered, as her sister got back inside before closing the car door. From within his lab, Robotnik was seething in rage as the blueprint of his machine was now covered in a warning yellow light. After witnessing another part of his robot being destroyed yet again, Robotnik threw his hands up with an angry roar. "Ugh! Give me a big. Fat. Break!" But Robotnik still had one trick up his sleeve, as a tiny drone emerged from the camera hole of the destroyed robot and flied after the trio. It caught up to them rather quickly and hovered Sonic's window. "Seriously? Another one?!" Sonic yelled with frustration, looking at the drone. "Aw. This one is cute! Can we keep him?" Pipp gushed. "Please, let's not!" Sonic begged. And then, the drone proved to be anything but cute, as it began to saw into the car with a laser, sending sparks flying everywhere. "Waaah!" Sonic jumped back in shock. "Oh, come on!" Zipp whined. "Forget what I say!" Pipp cried out. "How could something so adorable be so terrible?!" As the drone reached Zipp's window, she tried to wave away the smoke and sparks. In seconds, the robot almost finished circling the cab of the truck. "You got car insurance, right?" Sonic asked to Zipp, looking at her with a nervous look. The roof of the car immediately flew off and crashed on the road behind them, while the trio Sonic screamed in terror. Then, the drone flee back over to Sonic, who quickly grabbed it. "Buzz off!" Sonic snarled as he snapped the drone in half, only to find the base attached to his gloved hand. The base started to make a beeping noise and the red light blinking. "That doesn't sounds good..." "No, beeping is bad! Get rid of it!" Zipp yelled in panic. "I'm trying!" Sonic stated, waving his hand around "Just throw it out the win–– Throw it anywhere!" Pipp cried out. "Ugh, I can't get it off!" Sonic panicked. "Alright, I'm pulling over!" Zipp said, swinging the car off-road onto a dirt path. Sonic quickly dashed out of the car and desperately attempted to remove the bomb from his hand, even biting it. Seeing that the bomb disappeared from his hand, Sonic looked around before facing the sisters. "Did I get it?" Sonic asked. Zipp ran over with a cloth in her hand. "Nope." Sonic glazed up to where she was pointing, and saw that the bomb is on his head, so he tried to wipe it off. "Here, hold still," Zipp used the cloth to pluck the bomb off of Sonic's head, then fling it into the distance. "It's going, it's going..." Sonic said, then he saw the bomb on Zipp's hand. "It's still here." Zipp heard the beeping, noticing the bomb in her hand, and tried to shake it off, but Sonic grab it, effectively getting it stuck on him again. The hedgehog used a screwdriver to pry it loose, then lay it on a nearby rock as Sonic backs away from it. "Haha! Nailed it!" Sonic cheered, raising his hand for a high five. But then, Pipp gasped as the bomb beeped loudly. "Sonic, look––" She tried to say, the bomb exploded, knocking Sonic and sent both Zipp and Pipp to the ground, letting them almost unconscious. > 7. Welcome to Manehattan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both Zipp and Pipp woke up from the explosion, feeling a bit dizzy and confused on what just happened. They just saw a lot of dust and smoke around. And then, when the smoke cleared out, they saw a big blue hedgehog lying face down on the dirt, partially covered in scorch from the explosion. That was all they needed to see to remember, and they both gasped with worry. "Sonic!" Pipp cried out, as she moved quickly towards the motionless hedgehog. Zipp followed right away and they both slowly got onto their knees, while Zipp pulled him up, but Sonic was still completely motionless. "No, no, no, no, no..." Pipp muttered in worry. Zipp then pressed her ear against Sonic's chest to find a heartbeat, and thankfully there was a heartbeat. "Hey. Come on, you're all right! W-We're gonna find help, but we need you to wake up. Come on, wake up. Wake up!" Pipp begged with worry. "He's still alive," Zipp said, which made Pipp sigh in relief. "But I think he needs help..." "But we have no idea of how to help him!" Pipp pointed out. Zipp knew her sister was right, but then she got an idea of who could help and smiled. "Maybe not us, but I think I know who can." Pipp didn't knew who was Zipp talking about, but she trusted her. She grabbed Sonic, and followed Zipp back to the almost destroyed truck, sitting on the backseat and resting Sonic on her legs, while Zipp turned the truck on and kept driving towards Manehattan. "Hang on, Sonic," Pipp muttered to the hedgehog with a worried expression. Robotnik leaned on to his desk, breathing heavily. He was feeling furious, almost to the point of unleashing his rage. For the second time in two days, he failed to capture Sonic. And he never fails. "Did we get 'em?" Agent Stone asked. "Oh, no. There they are. They're real survivors, those three." Robotnik slowly turned and glared at Stone. "Can we have a moment?" He asked calmly in an eerily tone. Not wanting to anger his boss further, Stone obliged as he followed him further away from the computer until they were near the wall. "Pin yourself to the wall," Robotnik ordered while facing away from him. With a sigh, Stone grabbed his collar and threw himself backwards toward the wall, then Robotnik turned and leaned his face closer to Stone's in anger. "Do you know why I won't miss you when you're gone? Human beings are unreliable and stupid, I care very little about them! But my machines are diligent, relentless... They're everything to me!" Robotnik stated. Before he could berate Stone further, he noticed a blue glow coming from Stone's inner jacket pocket. He slowly peeled Stone's jacket open, revealing the glowing blue quill that they took from the sisters residence. Curious, Robotnik took the quill out of Stone's pocket with his fingers and inspected it at every angle. "...Omoshiroi!" Robotnik uttered quietly in another language. For whatever reason, Robotnik slowly brought the quill close to his mouth and licked it, only to get a brief electric shock as a result. He recovered quickly from that shock and silently offered Stone to lick the quill, to which the latter refused. After an hour of driving, the sisters finally arrived at Manehattan. Zipp parked the almost destroyed truck in front of their vacation house. "Come on, Sonic, you're gonna be alright" Pipp said, as she covered Sonic with a blanket and got down from the truck with her sister and quickly walked towards the house's door. Zipp started to knock on the door rapidly, and soon enough Sunny came to open the door, just to feel shocked by finding the sisters with a few scratches and burn marks all over their faces, with Pipp carrying something in her arms covering it with a blanket. "Oh God! Girls, what happened to you?!" Sunny asked in shock, looking at the sisters with widened eyes. "It's... hard to explain..." Zipp replied. "We need to talk with you," Pipp stated. "With all of you," She added, referring to Hitch and Izzy as well. "Okay then," Sunny said with a serious expression. "Quick! Before anyone sees to two are here..." She moved away to let the sisters inside, then looked outside, making sure nobody saw them, then closed the door. As soon as Zipp and Pipp came in sight, Izzy jumped from where she was sitting and launched herself to hug Zipp. "Girls!" Izzy cried out with worry. "Where have you been?!" "We've been trying to contact you since yesterday!" Hitch pointed out with worry as well. "What happened?" "Okay, let us explain––" Zipp tried to say, but then Sunny cut her off. "What is there to explain, girls?! You're all over the news!" Sunny cried out with concern. "You've been framed about... about terrorism!" "Yeah, we know, but if you let us––" Pipp tried to say as well, but now Hitch cut her off. "Why you didn't picked up any of our calls?" Hitch asked, both worried and curious. "We ditched our phones so they couldn't track us," Zipp explained. "Track you?!" Izzy asked with worry. "L-Look, there's a lot of crazy stuff going on, a-and it's pretty hard to explain without sounding crazy, okay?" Pipp said with worry. "Uh, what is that?" Sunny asked, pointing at the what Pipp carried covered on a blanket. "Please tell me you didn't stoled anything!" Hitch begged. "No! Gosh, no, we didn't stoled anything!" Zipp assured. "Then what is that?!" Sunny demanded. "I-It's complicated..." Pipp said, starting to grow nervous. "Then uncomplicate it!" Sunny said with a frown. Everyone sins Pipp started to argue with each other. And then, Pipp heard Cloudpuff coming as he began to bark and growl at the blanket that Pipp was holding. "No, Cloudpuff! Down!" Pipp muttered. But the dog began to tug onto the blanket with his mouth, while Pipp pulled Sonic closer to her and tried to keep the dog off the blanket, like they're playing tug'o'war. Unfortunately, Cloudpuff successfully took off the blanket, revealing the unconscious blue hedgehog under it. The fight between the others stopped as they all saw the unconscious hedgehog, with Sunny staring at it in pure shock and Hitch fainting, while Zipp let out a sight of relief and Izzy just leaned her head curiously, not minding the presence of an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog at all. "Huh, don't know why, but I expected something like plutonium," Izzy said casually. "Oh, thank God!" Zipp said, feeling relieved that they at least finally knew what was under the blanket. Pipp, on the other hand, chuckled nervously. "Uh, can we get a glass of water? Please?" She requested with a sheepish smile. Back at his lab, Robotnik putted some headphones on, and then he scrolled through his playlist. He passed through 'Robotnik Rhythms', then 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World', then 'Crush 40', and finally stopped and picked 'Tunes Of Anarchy'. Robotnik spin around in his chair, clearly enjoying himself. At his workspace, a mechanical claw was holding the quill. The doctor grabbed it, pushing some buttons on a nearby computer to prepare a power tube, before grabbing a pair of jumper cables and them to the blue quill. However, that shorted the lab, leaving the whole room in darkness. The doctor came back, holding a lighter and searching for the fuses. He opened a metal box on the wall that listed a lever, with notes saying 'Self Destruct', 'Badniks' and 'Evil Lab'. He reactivated the lights, closed the lighter and started the music back up. The doctor started to dance as the quill was put into the tube by the mechanical arm. A holographic message appeared on top of it as it read 'Sample Detected.' Robotnik then went all-in, activating a holographic display behind him. The image of a snowy hill was displayed and he pretended to ski down from it. Now, above the tube showed another holographic message saying 'Measuring Quill Energy.' The image made room for a T-Rex, which 'chased' after the doctor through the streets of a city. He pretended to run, before throwing his headphones off, then turned around and lowered his head just when the T-Rex bitted his head off. Lights started to flicker and the dance continues, while the doctor turned again and spread his coat. At the next lyric to the song, he swayed back and forth. Another holographic message appeared which said, 'Finalizing Energy Measurement', but while Robotnik was doing the Robot, Agent Stone appeared behind him, trying to catch a groove as well. When Robotnik turned around... "AAAAH!" Robotnik yelled when he saw his associate. "I just thought you might like a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk!" Stone offered with a smile, while holding out cups of coffee. Robotnik gave him a look. "What do I look like, an imbecile? Of course I want a latte," He said, then snatched a cup from Stone. "I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM!" Then, a few beeps where heard from the tube. The two men turned and ran over the see another message that said 'Power Analysis: Unlimited.' Robotnik chuckled deeply. "Ready the prototype," He said, then the lights illuminated over a white advanced flying machine. "With this kind of power, my machines can finally reach their full potential! And no one can stop me!" He then grabbed the green emerald he had on a capsule, and looked at it with a grin. He already ran tests for the emerald, and despite not having the same amount of power as the quill was showing right now, it was still useful. After all, he already knew how to use its power and take advantage of it. "And I know exactly how to take advantage of you, my precious Emerald!" Robotnik said with a sinister smile. Back with our heroes, everyone arrived at the kitchen, while Hitch went to look for his first AID kits after waking up. Everyone was staring at Sonic, who was still lying unconscious on the kitchen table. Pipp grew worried at the hedgehog's state, while Zipp patted her back and Sunny at him, still not able to believe that he was even real. Izzy, on the other hand, wasn't surprised with Sonic's presence at all. "Hey, Pipp," Zipp called out. "He's going to be okay." And then, Hitch entered the room with a first AID kit for both animals and people, putting them on the kitchen table. "He's gonna be okay, right?" Pipp asked to the Sheriff with concern. "I have healed animals before, Pipp, but I have no idea what am I looking at," Hitch said. "Well, he's a hedgehog. Or, so he says," Zipp explained, while the others sins Pipp looked at her in shock. "He talks?!" Izzy asked. "Almost constantly," Pipp replied. "No way..." Sunny muttered with a gasp. Hitch lifted Sonic's arm with one hand while looking at a wristwatch with the other. As soon as he pinched Sonic's wrist, his eyes widened. "Oh my goodness!" Hitch gasped in surprise. "What? What is it?" Pipp asked in a worried tone. "It's his pulse..." Hitch answered. "It's super fast!" "Maybe… that's normal for him?" Zipp offered. "So far, this little guy has proved to be fast at everything." "I-I don't know..." Pipp said with worry. "You gotta help him, Hitch." "I don't know his physiology, but he doesn't seem to have any broken bones. He's just really... banged up," Hitch said while observing the blue hedgehog. Once he reached his feet, he noticed the metallic snickers he was wearing. Despite still looking good enough, they were a bit rusty and dirty. However, he decided to not remove the snickers from his feet and just kept checking for anything out of place, but aside from the fact that he was unconscious, everything seemed pretty normal. "Anything?" Pipp asked. Hitch sadly shook his head. "I did everything I could, but he's still out cold." Zipp let out a frustrated grunt. "There must be something we can do to wake him up!" "But what?" Sunny pressed. "Oh! Wait a second, Hitch!" Pipp said suddenly. "Don't you have, like, vet smelling salts, like for cats or... parakeets or something?" "Um... no?" Hitch replied a bit confused. "There's not such a thing as salts for cats, or for any critter, actually." "Well, there should!" Pipp commented with concern. "But, I do have human smelling salts in my human first AID kit," Hitch said, as he unzipped his first AID kit and grabbed a vial containing smelling salts. Hitch broke the salt and held it close to Sonic's nose. "C'mon buddy…" Zipp said quietly. "Please come back to us, Sonic!" Pipp whispered. As soon as Hitch snapped the salt in half, Sonic's eyes suddenly flew open, and sat up straight. "Gotta go fast!" Sonic shouted. Soon enough, he started to run around all over the kitchen at hyper speed, knocking down some plates, pans, and knickknacks in the process. Sonic eventually zoomed back on the counter in front of the gang with a frantic expression. "Where am I? What year is it?! Is The Rock president?!" Sonic asked as he breathed heavily. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's okay buddy!" Zipp soothed, raising both her palms up. "It's okay! Calm down!" "You're safe now!" Pipp told him with a soft smile as well. As Sonic started to calm himself down, he noticed the presence of the other three people, who stared at him in shock and widened eyes. First, his sight stopped on the human Sunny: Her skin was still orange, her eyes were light blue, and her hair was tied back with 2 rubber bands, without the rainbow streak the other Sunny had. She wore a plum-colored jumpsuit with the same drawing that the earth pony Sunny had as a Cutie Mark, aquamarine bracelets on both wrists, as well as long socks of the same color with drawings of stars, a rosy blouse under the overalls and plum-colored lace-up sneakers with white soles. Then, he saw the human Izzy. She still had messy hair like unicorn Izzy, just like her eyes were still violet, but her skin was more periwinkle than purple. She wore a white long-sleeved blouse, long purple pants tied with a pink belt whose brooch was the Unicorn Izzy Cutie Mark, and white lace-up sneakers with purple soles. Lastly, he looked at the human Hitch. His hair was still aquamarine, his eyes were brown, and his skin was mustard, still keeping the white spot in the middle of his nose. He wore a brown button-down shirt, with a short-sleeved moss green jacket that had the Earth Pony Hitch's cutie mark on both sides of the sleeves, as well as a sheriff's badge on the right side. He also wore long brown pants and military-style boots, also brown. After analyzing them, he smiled a bit nervous. "Uh... hi there, everyone!" Sonic greeted, with a wave of his hand. While Hitch just stared at him in shock and Sunny smiled sheepishly, Izzy waved her hand back and yelled 'Hi!', not minding Sonic's presence at all. "Um, guys? Can we talk for a moment?" Sunny called out, as she walked backwards out of the kitchen. Hitch followed immediately behind her before fainting again, while Zipp and Pipp looked at each other confused. While Zipp decided to follow, Pipp stayed a moment. "Um, Sonic? You stay here and rest, I doubt you want to hear whatever Sunny's gonna tell us," She told him with a smile, while Sonic just nodded with a raised eyebrow and Pipp got out of the kitchen as well. Then, Sonic turned to see that Izzy was still there, looking at him with a smile. "Uh... I think you should go too?" He said with a side smile, pointing at the others waiting for her to leave as well. "Oh, right!" Izzy said, quickly running out of the kitchen. "My bad!" Before closing the doors, Sunny looked at Sonic and smiled nervously. "Y-You stay there, uh, big blue hedgehog," She said, slowly closing the doors. "Um, sure?" Sonic said as he shrugged. "And by the way, my name's Sonic––" The doors closed completely before he could say anything else. "...the Hedgehog..." He finished with a bored expression. "Man, I feel like I'm meeting my own friends for the first time... again!" Once Sunny closed the doors, she faced to Zipp, Pipp and Izzy, who seemed to be very calmed at all of this. "Um, first of all, can we just take a moment to acknowledge how under control I've been?" Sunny said with a little smile. "Yeah!" Zipp cheered. "You're taking this better than I expected." "Didn't freak out..." Pipp pointed out "Haven't fainted, nor screamed at all!" Izzy said cheerfully. "Yeah, you're totally calm, Sunny," Hitch said with a smile as well. "Thank you!" Sunny said a little too cheerfully. "Now, with that said… What the heck is going on!?" She screamed, startling the others. "Is that thing an... an alien?!" "Well, now that we're freaking out... Please explain us before I faint again!" Hitch said, now joining Sunny at her panic. "Okay, remember that the police was looking for a guy last week that they called 'the Blue blur'?" Zipp questioned. "Wait, what?!" Hitch shouted. "That thing is the Blue Blur? He's the guy the police named as the hero for homeless people? Really?!" "And what is he doing here? What are you girls doing here?!" Sunny questioned to the sisters. "Um, well..." Zipp said as she smiled sheepishly. "Zipp shoot our little blue friend with our father's tranquilizer gun..." Pipp said with a nervous smile. "I-I didn't mean to!" Zipp raised her hands in defense. "Okay, this is kinda hard for us to explain... and it's gonna sound a little bit crazy––" "Zipp, we just saw a giant, walking, blue anthropomorphic hedgehog in the kitchen," Hitch pointed out with a bored expression. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it won't sound as crazy as that," Sunny said, as Hitch nodded in agreement at her side. "You're about to realize how wrong you are, Sunny," Sonic's voice was heard, starling both Hitch and Sunny, who screamed in surprise at the hedgehog's sudden appearance, while Zipp and Pipp just looked at him with smiles and Izzy waved again. "Oh, hi, big blue hedgehog!" Izzy greeted cheerfully. "Just call me Sonic," He said with a smile. "W-Where did you...? HOW did you...?" Hitch tried to ask in shock. "I can be sneaky whenever I want," Sonic said with a smirk. "Besides, I got pretty bored on that kitchen, so I wanted to see what you guys where up to!" He explained, now sitting normally since he was striking a pose over a couch near the group. "Anyways. Girls, shall we tell the whole thing?" "Yeah, I think it would be the best," Zipp said with a smirk. "Ooh! Story time!" Izzy said, as she sat on the same couch than Sonic, who looked at her with a smile. Despite being the human counterpart, this Izzy was as cheerful as the unicorn one. "Well then, this is what happened..." Pipp started. After at least an hour and 20 minutes, the entire group sat down on the living room, as the sisters and Sonic told everything without skipping any detail to the others. From Sonic's arrival to this universe, Pipp finding the Blue Chaos Emerald, Sonic causing the blackout across half of the country, him sneaking into the sisters house, them meeting Sonic, him loosing his rings and the Emerald, the sisters promising to help Sonic out, their fun time at the bar and the chase in the highway, that ended up with Sonic falling unconscious and being awaken by Hitch. They also mentioned the fact that Sonic was from another another universe, since he wasn't originally from Equestria, which explained why he was still a hedgehog and didn't turned into a human. At this point, Izzy was as cheerful as always, finding the story very interesting, while Sunny and Hitch where speechless about the whole situation. "...So let me get this straight..." Hitch finally spoke after a while. "You, blue... hedgehog... caused the blackout half around the country, right?" "Pretty much," Sonic said with a bored expression. "But he was just recovering one of 7 magic Emeralds to bring them back to his universe..." Sunny kept going. "Yup," Pipp replied this time. "And after you shoot him, he lost his bag with rings and one of those Emeralds trough a portal of the same ring... to the top of the Crystaller building," Hitch kept talking. "Yeah, that covers most of the things," Zipp said with a neutral expression. "And there's also this mustache guy with robots that's been trying to blow you three, right?" Izzy asked cheerfully. "Please don't say it like that," Pipp begged. "You make it sound like if he just tried to play a prank on us." "A prank called 'death'," Sonic deadpanned. "And so, all those theories my father made years ago about the possibility of alternate realities and universes are real..." Sunny added with an anxious look. "Yeah, that too," Sonic said, now with a smile. "We didn't skipped anything, did we?" "No, I think we covered everything," Zipp assured. Sunny and Hitch blinked in disbelief. "This… is a lot to take in..." Sunny said with a nervous chuckle. "I can't believe half of what I heard, yet this guy is the prove that you're telling the truth, but still..." Hitch said with concern. "Well, I don't find this weird at all!" Izzy said with a cheerful tone. "Why am I not surprised that you're the only one who sees this as something normal?" Sonic asked rhetorically with a smile. "Look, I know that this might sound crazy and all, but so far? This guy has helped us both Pipp and me, one way or another," Zipp said with a smile. "I'm still feeling like I ruined your life more than I fixed it..." Sonic confessed. "No, Sonic," Pipp said with a soft smile. "You have helped us too. I... I feel more courageous now, I know what to do at the end of my concert on a few days." "And thanks to your words about not letting mom choose my future, I'm not letting her push me to do something I don't want to anymore," Zipp stated with a smile as well. "Besides, we already came this far, so it would be stupid to step back now!" Sonic smiled at both sisters, thanking them quietly for their words. "Yeah, I guess if we already came this far, it would make no sense to not stay 'till the end." "So, Sunny, Hitch, Izzy. What do you guys say? Mind to gave us a hand?" Pipp asked to them. Sunny and Hitch looked at each other for a moment. They both still had doubts about all of this, like Sonic himself, but he seemed to be harmless so far, and both Zipp and Pipp seemed to be willing to stay with him 'till the very end. They ended up smiling and nodding at each other, looking back at the sisters. "I've been serving the law over friendship for years now..." Hitch started with a smirk. "I think it's time to finally choose friendship over law... at least this time." "This guy is the prove dad was right... I would have to be crazy if I didn't helped him!" Sunny said with a side smile. "I would have said yes no matter what!" Izzy said cheerfully, grabbing Sonic and hugging him. "Aww, thanks guys!" Pipp said, as she joined with Izzy to the hug, suffocating Sonic in the process. "You guys are the best!" Zipp said, as she side hugged both Hitch and Sunny. "Yeah, yeah, we know," Sunny said with a smirk. "Um, girls?" Sonic called out to Pipp and Izzy. "I-I hate to be that guy, b-but you're suffocating me..." "Oh, sorry!" Izzy said with a sheepish smile, letting the blue hedgehog go and giving him finally some space to breath. While the others were preparing, Sonic stood on the living room, looking at Cloudpuff with a stern face, while Izzy just looked on with a smile. "So... You're the doggo in this dimension for this guys, huh?" Sonic said, while Cloudpuff just looked at him with his tongue out while panting. "Yeah, sorry, but I don't see the appeal..." And then, Cloudpuff approached him and started to lick his face. "Hahaha! Hey, s-stop! That is very gross!" Sonic chuckled, trying to make him go away. Izzy just giggled at the scene, while the others came back, with Zipp carrying Sonic's backpack and Hitch carrying a bag. "Catch!" Zipp said, throwing the backpack to Sonic, who caught it and checked the inside quickly. "One, two, three... The four Emeralds are still here, great!" Sonic said, putting on his backpack. "Um, Hitch?" Pipp called out. "The truck still runs, but it's totally totaled... Can we borrow your car instead?" "Well... If yours its really that bad, I guess there's no problem," Hitch said with a smile. "Great!" Zipp cheered. Pipp then looked at Sonic and smiled. "Hey, I'll see you outside in a moment, I need to talk with Sonic for a second." The others nodded and left the place, leaving Sonic and Pipp alone. Pipp sat on the couch and made a gesture to Sonic, indicating him to seat at her side. Sonic sat at her side and looked at her expectantly. "So, Sonic... back in the highway, what was all that lightning that came out of you?" She asked curiously. "Oh, that? I got electrical powers," Sonic explained. "Apparently I was born with them, but I never discovered them until I arrived to this pony world I have told you about. Sometimes they get out of my control, though..." "Like when you caused the blackout?" Pipp questioned. "Yeah," Sonic replied with a nod. "Hey, um, what you and Zipp said before, about me having changing your lives for good... did you mean it?" "Why, of course!" Pipp said with a chuckle. "I'm more ready than ever, Sonic, and it's thanks to you. Yeah, I didn't took too well what Mom did years ago for our own good, but... Zipp is right, we're not kids anymore. We don't need her to tell us what's the best for us." Sonic smiled at her. "Glad I could help! So, should we leave now?" He suggested while still smiling, standing up from the couch. "Sure thing!" Pipp replied, standing up as well. While Pipp left the room, Sonic took out one of the Chaos Emerald he already collected and looked at it with a determinate look. "Hang on, I'm on my way," He whispered, putting the Emerald back on the backpack and following Pipp. > 8. Failed Goodbye and Final Showdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the streets of Manehattan, Sonic was driving Hitch's car really fast. Despite being good at driving, Sonic got a bit too excited in this occasion, because he almost crashed against another car and has been hitting a few stuff by accident on the way. Finally, he parked the car, thing that he miraculously did well, because the car was on a perfect alignment among the other cars. "Now that's what I call a prefect parking!" Sonic said with a proud smile, getting out of the car from the driver's seat. The others got out of the car, still shaken up from their experience. Well almost everyone... "That was so much fun! Let's do that again!" Izzy yelled excitedly. "NO!!!" the others, excluding Sonic, yelled in a panic. "Dude, was there anything you didn't hit?" Zipp groaned. "Why did we agree to let the alien drive my car again?" Hitch whined, placing a hand on his head. "Come on, guys, I got us here! And please, five stars," Sonic sassed with a smirk. He quickly speeded out of the car, stopping next to his new friends and staring up at the tallest building in Manehattan. "So, this is it?" Sonic assumed. "That's it. That's your building," Zipp nodded. "I must admit: I'm impressed. That thing is huge!" Sonic said, genuinely amazed at how tall the building is. "So, what happens now?" Sunny asked, but she soon got her answer when Sonic ran off. "Oh. He's... gone..." "Yeah," Zipp nodded. "It's sorta his thing," Pipp pointed out with a smile. And then, Sonic came back like 5 seconds later. "No good at all. You need a special key to get to the roof," he frowned. "Great, so what now?" Zipp sighed. As Sonic stomped his foot madly, while crossing his arms, the others tried to think on a solution. And then, Hitch gasped with an idea. "I think I know what to do, but let me say... you're not going to like it, Sonic." "In other circumstances, I'll probably feel worried, but right now I'm willing to take any risk I can," Sonic stated with confidence. "I take that back," Sonic said with regret, now hiding on a bag that Hitch was carrying. "Um, are you sure about this, Hitch?" Pipp questioned, both worried for the plan and for Sonic, who didn't seemed too comfortable inside the bag. "It'll be fine, trust me," Hitch stated with a confident smile. "Let's hope so..." Sunny said, also worried. The five friends got inside the building, while Sonic zipped up the bag and the others approached to the receptionist. "We got a jumper on the roof!" Hitch informed the receptionist lady, showing her a his badge. "We gotta get up there fast, or we have a human pancake on our hands." "Y-You came all the way from Maretime City?" The receptionist looked at Hitch's badge for a second before giving him a strange look. Hitch nodded in response. "Yep. That's how serious it is." The receptionist looked over at the girls behind him, before handing Hitch a keycard for the roof. "Okay." "Thanks, you just saved a life!" Hitch said to the receptionist, taking the keycard and walking off to the elevator, with the girls following behind. They approached the elevator, and Sunny pressed the up button. Suddenly, two business people stood alongside them while looking at their phones. "Guys? How much longer? I can barely breathe in here!" Sonic's voice muffled from the sports bag, causing the others to flinch in fear and horror. They're practically screaming in their minds, but they remain calm. "Hello? Is anybody there?" Sonic asked nervously. "Do you have a child in that bag?" The businesswoman standing next to Izzy leaned over and looked at the bag before asking Hitch. "No," Hitch replied before shaking his head. "I mean, yes. It's a child, but it's not mine." "...It's not your child..." The businessman said awkwardly. "Relax. I'm a Sheriff, okay? Plus, he likes it in there. Don't you, buddy?" Hitch gave the bag a little shake, basically telling Sonic to shut up. "Why would I like it in here?! I'd rather be in the dog cage from yesterday!" Sonic muffled furiously. "Such a kidder," Hitch smiled. "Hmm, okay..." Zipp laughed too, but the others were clearly not at ease. She zipped the bag full way and Sonic groaned furious. "Oh, come on!" Getting freaked out by this, the two business people slowly stepped back away from the scene. "Ugh, please tell me when we're there already..." Sonic said with a defeated tone. After a couple of minutes, the group finally made their way to the roof, with Zipp closing the door behind them. Hitch placed the bag down before unzipping it, causing Sonic to pop out, gasping for breath and coughing dramatically, while having a pair of underpants stuck on his forehead. "Ugh... What the heck were you keeping in this bag? A jar of pickled farts?!" Sonic asked in disgust before taking the underpants off from his head and threw them back in the bag, while the others sins Hitch just chuckled to themselves while shaking their heads. "Alright, alright, I get it," Hitch said with an eye roll. "So, what are we looking for?" Zipp asked Sonic. Sonic looked around for a bit, until he saw the bag of rings at the edge of the roof. He ran towards it and grabbed it, taking a look inside and sighing in relief when he saw the Blue Chaos Emerald still in there. But when he putted the bag away, he saw something that made him gasp: The Light Blue Emerald was below the bag of rings. Just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, he extended his hand to grab the Emerald, and feeling its touch made him smile. He put the bag with rings around him, then the backpack back on his back and then ran back with the group, holding the two Chaos Emeralds. "This!" Sonic exclaimed with a smile, showing up the two Emeralds. "Ooh! Shiny!" Izzy said cheerfully. "Wait, I thought you said it was only one?" Pipp pointed out confused. "Apparently there was another one, here in the roof," Sonic said with a side smile. "Why? Plot convenience, I guess. Not that it matters, though. It means I'm just one Emerald left to go back home!" "So... what now?" Sunny questioned. "Well, now that I got my rings back as well, I just need to think of where I want the other end of the ring to appear, and... I throw it!" Sonic explained, putting the Emeralds on his backpack and pulling out a ring from the bag. "So, that's it? We did it?" Zipp asked on disbelief. "Pretty much!" Sonic said. "All this trouble for two gems that are pretty much nuclear weapons in the wrong hands... That sounded better in my head..." "Well then, I guess this is it..." Pipp said, now with a sad smile. "Yeah..." Sonic said on a sad tone as well. "Hey, um, I know I already said this, but I want to apologize again, for causing so much trouble to you two. You didn't deserved any of this, and I wish things would be different, but..." "Hey, dude, no need to apologize," Zipp said, as she and Pipp kneeled to face Sonic better. "Again, you kinda help us for the better at the same time." "And we're grateful to meet you, Sonic. We mean it," Pipp added with a smile, with Zipp at her side nodding in agreement. Sonic smiled at the sisters. "I'm grateful for meeting you, too." "You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually gonna miss you," Zipp confessed with a slight blush and a smile. "Yeah, me too, Blue Blur," Pipp added with a wink. "I'll miss you too, your majesties," Sonic said with a mocking tone and a reverence. "Oh, and girls? Thank you." "For what?" Zipp asked a bit confused. "For saving my life!" Sonic said with a smirk and a wink. Both Zipp and Pipp got a bit off guard, not expecting that from Sonic, but then they smiled at him back. Sonic turned around and looked at the ring he pocked out of the bag, then nodded to himself and threw the ring. He expected the ring to open a portal back to Canterlot City, where he would keep looking for the remaining Chaos Emerald, but the ring bumped into one of Robotnik's drones and fell off, while multiple of them started to show up as well. "Alright, who's the genius that leave their 'Find My Phone' on?" Sonic quipped. More drones surround them, almost causing Sonic to fall off the ledge. Sonic gasped as he regained his composure, slowly backing up to his friends. Suddenly, a giant flying machine appeared before them. Then the hood slides open, revealing to be Dr. Robotnik, wearing a red and black flight suit and black goggles with red lenses. While Sunny and Izzy looked in fright, Pipp looked with worry, and Zipp, Hitch and Sonic frowned at him. "Welcome to Manehattan, Ms. Storm, Ms. Petals. Are you enjoying the clam chowder?" Robotnik asked with a cold and sinister smile. "Oh, great. Now that he's got the red suit, he's slowly becoming Eggman," Sonic muttered with annoyance. "Uh, girls? You know this guy?" Sunny asked with worry and fear. "Ugh, it's the government wack-job who keeps trying to kill us..." Zipp explained to her friends, before turning her attention back to Robotnik. "Unsuccessfully!" She added in a mocking tone, making Robotnik stare daggers at her. "Nice for you to swing by on your way to Comic-con!" "Yeah, and what in the name of fashion are you wearing?" Pipp asked in disgust, looking at Robotnik's outfit. Robotnik looked at his outfit before looking back at her. "It's a flight suit: designed to modulate my body temperature and reduce drag," He gritted his teeth after saying the last word. "Yeah. And yet, you still are one," Zipp said with a confident smirk. "Ho-ho! Good one! You are catching fire, Zephyrina. Oh, and speaking of which, I see we have some guests!" Robotnik said with an evil grin, while the rest, Izzy included, frowned. "Do they have names, or should we just call them 'collateral damage'?" He laughed and slammed against the rims of his ship. "Hey, you better watch your mouth! Unless you want a little more of what I gave you earlier?" Zipp threatens the doctor before looking back at her friends. "I punched him in the face." "Oh, she punched him right in the face. It was awesome!" Sonic cheered at her. "The time for talking is over!" Robotnik yelled, enraged at having that moment being held over his head. "It's time to push buttons." "Your flying eggs are pretty impressive, Dr. Eggman, but let's face it! You'll never catch me!" Sonic said filled with confidence with his hands on his hips. Robotnik nodded with a twisted smile before changing it to a frown. "Confidence. A fool's substitute for intelligence," He muttered, and then smiled confidently. "But I'm pretty sure you're not as stupid as you act, little creature. In fact, I think you're wise enough..." He started, and then pulled out the Green Chaos Emerald, the last one on Sonic's list. "...to know what is good for you and what is not." Sonic stared at it in shock and then frowned with anger at Robotnik, who grinned sinisterly and opened the hatch of a button, which supercharges the quill he has obtained, while 'Prepping Quill Energy' appeared on a readout. At the same time, all of the drones surrounding the heroes simultaneously opened their flaps to attack mode. "Oh oh..." Hitch said, staring with fear at the weapons, while Sunny at his side gulped nervously. "That doesn't seem good..." Izzy commented. "Sonic, I know you've got super speed and everything, but my friends and I..." Pipp tried to point out. "I know, I know," Sonic retorted, frowning at the machines and at Robotnik. "You're totally defenseless and are probably gonna get blown up." "Pretty much, yeah," Zipp nodded. Sonic then looked at the edge of the roof, then back at his friends, then at his bag of rings and then at Robotnik, who already putted the Emerald away. He got an idea now, but he knew the others will hate it. "Don't worry. I think I know what to do," Sonic stated, turning to face the others. "But, you're not going to like it... and Hitch? Consider this my revenge for putting me in a bag." Without warning, he stopped time for a second and gathered his friends around, then he moved them to the edge of the roof... just to push them off it. They all started screaming as they're falling down the building, and Robotnik looked down at them in surprise, then sat back, staring in shock at the fact that Sonic just did that. "I was not expecting that..." Robotnik said before shrugging his shoulders. "But I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn't count." All of the drones opened fire at Sonic, but they slow down and stop, just as they're about to hit the hedgehog. Sonic just looked at the bullets with a confident smirk, while his friends kept falling screaming and Robotnik tried to push a button with an insane but at the same time hilarious expression. Sonic stomped his foot and looked at his left wrist as if he had a watch, even though his actual watch was on the other wrist. "Now just look at that! I already took nine million steps, and It's just 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon!" Then, he waved some of the rockets out of the way, grabbed two of them and drummed down the bullets flying towards him. As Sonic dismantled the drones, Robotnik's finger inched closer and closer to the button. When he pressed it, the aircraft is now charged up and then flies straight upwards. Just as Sonic pushed two of the drones around so that they will fire at each other. He turned around and started to finger gun at the drones. "Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew!" Sonic mimicked the sound of shooting. But suddenly, he stopped as he heard the sounds of an engine, and his eyes widened in terror, when he saw the ship flying down towards him before pulling a trigger. He tried to get out of the way, but the beam blasted him out of his bullet time. When he regained consciousness, he saw his friends quickly coming closer and closer to the concrete below them. Sonic screamed in panic as he noticed he's surrounded by his scattered rings. He tried to grab one of them, which is just out of his reach. "Come on!" Sonic grunted as he started air swimming to reach the ring. "Come! Come, come, come, come, come! Come on, come on, come on!" Then, in a moment of quick thinking, the hedgehog pulled out one of his quills and fished the ring out of the air and found his footing. While running down the building, he threw the ring, teleporting his friends back to Canterlot City, flying sideways into an open barn, and then the portal closed. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Sonic skidded, fell down a tree and landed on the sidewalk, while crashing and clattering sounds of all kinds were heard as rings, broken drones and rubble fell down around him. Meanwhile, a woman with light orange skin and freckles on her cheeks that wore a cowboy hat and farm cloths, walked up to the open barn after hearing something crashing inside. She saw the five friends lying on the haystack and felt a bit confused. "Huh, I didn't expect ya' on mah barn of all places..." The woman said with a country accent. "Oh, hi, Ms. Applejack!" Izzy greeted cheerfully with a wave of her hand, while the others just smiled sheepishly. "Care to explain what yer doing on mah barn?" The woman, Applejack, requested. "Yeah... just give us a minute..." Zipp panted as she breathed heavily. Back with Sonic in Manehattan, he slowly got up on his feet. He shook his head to get his bearings, and then heard the sound of an engine echoing on his ears, as he looked at Robotnik in his aircraft with a frown. "Can I give you one genius piece of advice?" Robotnik asked. "Don't run. It'll only hurt more if you do. And it's bad for your joints, they've proved it." Sonic looked at him with frown, and then smirked. He quickly scrambled around to collect his rings, put his backpack back since it fell before and face at him. "All right, Eggman. You wanna get fast? Then let's get fast!" He stated, running away from the doctor. Robotnik putted his goggles on. "The hard way, it is," He said, and then blasted towards Sonic. Running through the frozen streets of Manehattan, Robotnik fired his lasers constantly, but they missed each time due to Sonic's speed and agility. Sonic took a sharp turn to the left, trying to give the mad doctor the slip, but he was still catching up to him. "That was an illegal left, by the way!" Robotnik grunted while controlling his steering. Sonic kept on dodging the blasts as he jumped off a car, while an explosion appeared behind him. The chase continued as he was dodging any obstacles in his way while dodging some of Robotnik's blasts. Sonic ran up on a building and through the edge of the rooftop. Seeing Robotnik going to fire him again, Sonic jumped off the rooftop, dodging a few laser blasts with a trick in the air, then slid down to the ground from another building. He kept on running while looking behind him, not noticing a tour bus with a Paris ad plastered over it in front of him. He looked back in front and his eyes winded in a panic, so he quickly slid down under the tour bus just in time, while an explosion nearly gets him from behind. Sonic, still in the lead, took a ring out from his bag. "The Eggman I know could never keep it up with me! How's this guy doing it?!" Sonic exclaimed before he threw the ring, activating a portal to Paris. Somewhere in Paris, a mother and her daughter were watching a mime doing his performance. The girl had a look of boredom, not interested in the slightest about the performance, but then her expression was turned into shock, when the mime makes a circle with his arms, revealing the ring portal. "Coming through!" Sonic warned them, speeding through the ring and passing the three occupants. The mother and daughter quickly moved out of the way in time, and the mime saw Robotnik's ship coming. "Sacré-bleu!" The mime exclaimed before ducking down. "Excusez-Moi, monsieur!" Robotnik said to the mime before chuckling. Sonic continued to run through the streets of Paris and run around and up the Eiffel Tower. He grabbed another ring and threw it, opening another portal to another place that may be able to escape him: The Great Wall of China. Sonic exited through the portal, with Robotnik still trailing behind him. "Here we go! Room to open it up!" Sonic said as he continued to run through the wall. Robotnik's ship swirled around as he struggled in the process, but Robotnik was still able to keep up with the blue alien, even though the hedgehog jumped and ran around the walls of the passage. "I can't lose him!" Sonic exclaimed as he quickly threw out another ring, leading them to Egypt. As they get through the portal, Robotnik started shooting lasers, causing the sand to fly up, but Sonic still kept on running. Robotnik kept on shooting, ending up destroying the Great Sphinx, until Sonic skidded in the sand. Suddenly, he saw down at the sand, then at Robotnik's aircraft and smirked, now with an idea. "If you can't beat 'em, blind 'em!" Sonic stated, then he swirled around the sand, circling Robotnik's aircraft and creating a sandstorm in the process, while blinding Robotnik's vision. "Lost... visual... contact!" Robotnik grunted, struggling to regain control. As the sandstorm slowly calmed down, he spotted Sonic, running up the edge of the Giza Pyramid. "You're not allowed up there! It's one of the Seven Wonders!" Robotnik warned. Robotnik managed to escape the slowly-clearing tornado and zoomed to where Sonic was. Just as Sonic threw out another ring, Robotnik activated his laser again, blowing Sonic through the portal. Back in Canterlot City, it was already night time. Some shops were closed for the day, and there were a few people outside walking by, minding their own business. But then suddenly, the ring portal appeared at the other end, quickly getting the attention of a few bystanders, and Sonic fell through it, landing on the cold asphalt, all ruffled up and defeated, while his backpack and rings bag slid along the road out of his reach. Robotnik's ship slowly and ominously emerged through the portal before it closed, towering over Sonic, like a predator finally caught on to his prey. Several people realized the danger and ran to get off the street, while the Human Mane 5 appeared on the scene and spotted Sonic on the ground and Robotnik laughed maniacally. "You're an astonishing little creature," Robotnik said after the windshield opened up and he lifted off his goggles. Sonic turned his head slowly to glance at Robotnik, while Zipp noticed Sonic's ring bag and backpack on the ground in front of her, as she quickly picked it up the bag and Pipp grabbed the backpack. "It'll be fun to take you back to the lab for a litany of invasive exploratory procedures," Robotnik said with a grin. "Any last words?" But big was his surprise when Sonic managed to stand up slowly and turn around completely at him. He felt weak and hurt, but he was willing to keep fighting no matter what. "You're not the first stupid scientist that tries to kill me," Sonic said with a mocking smirk that made Robotnik's blood boil. "What makes you thing you're the exception, huh? You think you're superior, but deep down you're just a pathetic scared child that doesn't wants to die forgotten. So, he chases around a blue hedgehog from another universe just to feed his ego. Does it sounds familiar, Robotnik?" Robotnik simply smiled sinisterly. "You speak too much, hedgehog, but you won't be such a speaker once I have blown you up," He stated, not noticing a portal opening up behind him, revealing Zipp, who carefully jumped onto the back of the aircraft. "Yeah, and you're a guy with a very low guard, because I was just distracting you, dumbass," Sonic said with a smirk. "Going my way?" Zipp surprised the doctor as she suddenly appeared next to him. "What the––" Robotnik tried to say, but didn't get to finish as Zipp punched him in the face again, knocking the goggles off his head. The aircraft shook as Robotnik tried to push Zipp over the edge. With new found strength, Sonic ran towards Robotnik and kicked his back, as Zipp managed to punch him in the face again. However, Robotnik smirked as he managed to punch Zipp on her belly and kick Sonic with a punch, then steered the aircraft sideways, causing them to fall off the aircraft. "Autopilot, adjust," Robotnik said, as he sat back down and picked his googles back on his forehead. The rest ran towards both Zipp and Sonic, as Zipp groaned and kneeled on the ground, while Sonic stood up as he held his arm in pain. "Guys! Are you okay?!" Pipp asked in panic, as Zipp just nodded while Sonic smiled at her, but then he frowned at the doctor. "Why? Why would you throw your life away for this thing?!" Robotnik asked before pointing towards the hedgehog. "That's why I don't have friends. Next thing you know, you're somebody's best man, they want to have the wedding out of town, like nobody has anything better to do!" "This guy really needs to get out more often..." Sonic muttered in anger. "Anyway, where were we? Oh, yes... you were about to die," Robotnik stated. Tired of all of this, Sonic closed his eyes and concentrated... on the Chaos Emerald he managed to steal from Robotnik when he attacked him on his aircraft. The gem glowed, and then, the Mane 5 where out of sight. In fact, they were on the pavement, confused on what just happened, as Sonic putted the Chaos Emerald away and looked at Robotnik with a smirk. "So you want my power, don't you?" Sonic retorted. "Then come and get it!" He challenged with a smirk, as he awakened his electrical powers and his eyes turned blue. "Also, you have a little something that belongs to me!" Sonic balled his hand and lightning flew from the aircraft to his fist. Robotnik struggled to maintain his aircraft in control until the glass surrounding the quill powering his machine broke, and the quill itself came out of it to Sonic's hand. "This is my power, and if you want it, you'll have to take. Me. DOWN!" Sonic warned with a frown. Robotnik put his goggles back to his eyes, with Sonic's charged state reflecting in them. Several rockets appeared along the rims of the ship and laser pointers crawled towards the asphalt and pointed directly at their target. Sonic got down to his hands and knees, getting ready to run straight at his target. After a few seconds at their death staring contest, Robotnik made the first move. The rockets flew towards Sonic, who evaded them and launched himself towards walls of the buildings and towards the aircraft, making a direct hit. He kept doing this process over and over, and getting faster and faster from every single hit until Sonic stopped and skid across the ground on his starting position, leaving the aircraft severely damaged by this point. Robotnik grunted inside the aircraft, and then looked at Sonic with anger. "Now you've done it!" Robotnik screamed. "Guess what, Eggman?! I'm not leaving this universe without kicking your ass!" Sonic stated with a smirk. He then looked at Zipp and winked at her, while Zipp nodded, getting the signal. She sprinted around the battlefield, fishing out another ring from the pouch. She threw the ring behind the aircraft, opening the portal, revealing the only place that came to her mind: a dangerous island called Island of the Dead Dolls. Rocketing the engines, Robotnik charged towards Sonic, and so did he. Sonic, in his ball form, hurled himself against the nose of the ship, completely wrecking it. The impulse caused the doctor and his aircraft to fly through the ring, and therefore, to the island. Robotnik screamed as the portal closed, and Sonic's powers gradually dim down and the light disappeared. Sonic then hear the sound of the crowd cheering around for his victory as his new friends run over to Sonic. "Hope you guys enjoyed the show!" Sonic said with a smirk and a wink. "By the way, Zipp, where did you sent him?" "Let's just say he won't bother anyone ever again," Zipp said, winking back at him. "I believe this belongs to you," Pipp said, extending his backpack. "Thanks!" Sonic said, grabbing the backpack and putting the Chaos Emerald he got from Robotnik inside. "Also, you dropped these," Zipp added, showing up the bag with rings. "Thank you very much!" Sonic thanked her, but before he could retrieve it, Zipp holds the bag back. "No more pushing people off of buildings, alright?" Zipp warned him. "Oh please, never do it again," Hitch pled with an anxious look. Sonic smiled. "Sorry guys, but I can't promise anything." Zipp rolled her eyes, then gave him back the bag that he catch. "Well, now that we've taken care of that guy, what now?" Sunny questioned. "I'm supposed to go back home now..." Sonic said, which caused sad looks on the rest, and a disappointed one on Pipp. "But... I believe I can stay a few days before I go back." The others cheered loudly, with just made Sonic's smile grow bigger. > 9. The Concert and Farewell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been 3 days since Sonic defeated Robotnik. The news about 'the Blue Blur defeating an evil mad doctor' spreed around very quickly. Zipp's and Pipp's names have been already cleaned, and Sonic himself cleared that Robotnik incriminated them for helping him. Pipp's concert was delayed other three days because of her mom, surprising the sisters even, so they could rest after everything they lived with the blue hedgehog. Speaking of him, he got invited to have a talk by someone he never expected: the principal of the human Mane 5 school. At her office, the principal of Canterlot High, the school were the human Mane 5 study, was filling some info on the recent events with Sonic and Dr. Robotnik. But just when she was about to call it a day, the wind moved quickly as something hid on a dark corner in the office. However, the principal didn't even flinched. Instead, she kept writing and then smirked. "I was starting to think that you wouldn't show up, Mr. Sonic," The principal said calmly. She was a yellowed skin woman, using a yellow suit with a black tie and tying her red and yellow hair on a ponytail, as well as having a red lipstick. "You know, when Pipp told me the principal of her school wanted to talk to me, at first I thought on just saying yes and then leave you hanging," Sonic confessed, steeping out of the shadows with a smirk. "But after she told me your name, I knew I had to come and have a talk with you... Ms. Shimmer." "Please, just call me Sunset," the principal, Sunset, told the blue hedgehog. "And I see you know about me." "Indeed," Sonic nodded with a smile. "Sunny loves Equestrian history, and she knows about you and this world. Also, you've been out for quite a while now... If I recall correctly what Sunny told me, you're still from the time Twilight was the ruler of Equestria, right?" "Correct," Sunset replied. "I'm aware of Twilight's absence at this point. I know it's been centuries in Equestria, unlike here. For us, it's been just 20 years more or less," She explained, crossing her arms. "And I had no contact nor experience from there... until three days ago, when you fought that weirdo in the middle of the city." "Yeah, well, I've always been the kind of guy who likes to get attention," Sonic said with a smirk. "And you certainly caught my attention, Sonic," Sunset stated. "Specially because you're still... a hedgehog, it is?" She asked, while Sonic just nodded. "It's quite impressive and mysterious why you didn't changed your form once you arrived here." "Changing form?" Sonic questioned. "Wait! You're saying I should had shape-shift when I arrived here?! Sunny didn't told me about that!" "Well, it doesn't matter right now," Sunset said, and then she sighed. "I guess I just wanted to talk with someone from Equestria" She confessed, smiling with sadness. Sonic was about to tell her the truth: He wasn't from Equestria, he was just living there for now. However, he analyzed Sunset's situation. As she said it herself, she haven't had contact with Equestria for 20 years by now, which means that she didn't knew all the things that changed. And she believed that he was from Equestria, so he decided to stay with the lie, just so he didn't killed her illusion of talking with someone from her home. "No problem, Sunset," Sonic told her with a smile. "I kinda understand what it feels like, to miss your home. I've been here just for a week, but I already miss my friends back home..." "I guess you're just staying before the portal closes, right?" Sunset asked with a smile. "Yeah, the three stars would probably reach the moon tomorrow, so I'm staying for Pipp's concert tonight. And then... I can't tell if I'll ever return," Sonic confessed. "But somehow, I'll tell ya if that ever happens or not," He winked, now walking towards the door. "I'll be waiting," Sunset said with a smile. "And Sonic?" "Yeah?" Sonic asked, slightly opening the door. "Thanks for your time," Sunset added. "Your welcome!" Sonic said with another wink, boosting out of the room and towards a certain place he wanted to visit. A guy was at his room, redecorating his place a little bit. He had light blue skin, green emerald eyes and blue hair, and he was wearing a white shirt, a black jacket with short sleeves, blue jeans, red tennis with a white stripe in the middle, a necklace with a weird hedgehog image and white gloves. This guy was very aware of the recent situation with Pipp and Zipp, who used to be his friends when they were kids. But the witch they had as a mother, or that's the way he saw Haven at least, just took them far away to a fancy place in Canterlot City, and he never saw them in person again. He knew Zipp was very antisocial, and that she barely was on public now days, unlike her sister, that became a literal pop star in less than a month. He listened to her songs and watched her streams, because it was the closest he could ever be to her. Anyone can think that he could just go visit her, right? Well, he have tried, but Haven has threatened him 5 times at this point, and he didn't wanted neither to worry Pipp or Zipp, nor cause grief to his family because of a desire that he could never accomplish. So, her streams where the only way he could saw her, and it was better than nothing. However, he got surprised when the sisters were incriminated of something they never did in the first place. The media went crazy because of the news, and people split in two: The ones who defended them, and the ones who thought they were guilty. Of course, this guy was pretty sure they were innocent, and his blood boiled whenever he read arguments on why they where the culprits, but he never argued because he never find it necessary. "Arguing on the internet is as stupid as getting mad at a random person's decisions," He always thought. But his surprise grew bigger when they were proved innocent. Not because of the news itself, but because of who gave them: A literal big, blue, anthropomorphic hedgehog with gloves and shoes that could talk. And as is that wasn't surprising enough, he was called Sonic, just like him. "Things can't be any weirder at this point..." The guy, Sonic, said out loud, as he finished redecorating his room. "Actually, they can," His voice spoke... however, he didn't said it. "Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed as he turned around to find the same hedgehog Sonic, sitting on his bed with his arms crossed and smirking at him. "W-Where did you...? HOW did you...?!" He tried to ask a bit panicked. "You're not here to abduct me and take my place, are you?!" "Why does everyone assume aliens want to abduct humans?" The other Sonic said with annoyance. "We have better things to do than waste our time, you know." "...Okay, you got a point there, but it still hurt..." Sonic said, as he took a bat and stood on a fighting position. "Chill man, I'm not here to abduct you, nor fight you or do whatever humans thinks we want to do with them," The other Sonic said, rolling his eyes. "I'm just here to talk." "To talk?" Sonic asked, both confused and concerned. "You're a weird big blue hedgehog that came out of nowhere..." "That saved your two childhood friends from being killed. Two times," The other Sonic stated with a confident smirk. That left Sonic speechless. He definitely didn't saw that one coming. He finally let his guard down and put the bat back on its place. "What do you want to talk about?" "A bird named Zipp told me that you've been threatened by her mother whenever you tried to look for Pipp at their mansion," The other Sonic said. "I'm here to change that." "What?! Zipp knew about this?" Sonic asked with wide eyes. "Yup," The other Sonic nodded. "She tried to change her mother's mind, but it seems that Haven is stubborn in this universe, because she insists that you're not a good influence for her daughters." "I'm not even surprised by that," Sonic said with a frown. "Oh, but I wish you saw Haven's face when her daughters 'rebelled' against her. It was hilarious!" The other Sonic said with a smile. "They literally told her to stop involving in their lives, and you have no idea how satisfied Pipp felt knowing that her mom won't bother her anymore!" Sonic smiled at his hedgehog counterpart after hearing that. After all this time, he finally had a chance to see her. "So that means..." "You can go after her, tigger!" The other Sonic said with a smile and a wink. "I just came here to tell you because I know neither of you are going to make the first move. She haven't done it before, and you where threatened, so someone else had to do something. And here I am!" "Oh God..." Sonic said excited. "I can finally go to see her..." He repeated again, and then he immediately grabbed his hedgehog counterpart and squashed him in a hug. "Thank you, man! You have no idea how happy I am to hear this!" He said, tightening the hug. "Y-Your welcome... b-but... PLEASE... l-let me go... I-I can't breathe..." The other Sonic said as he had a hard time to breath. "Oh! Right... Sorry..." Sonic said, slowly putting the other Sonic on the ground, who had a hard time catching his breath back. "No problem..." The other Sonic said. "Now... how about you surprise her, huh?" "Surprise her? How?" Sonic asked confused. The other Sonic smirked, then took out his bag with rings and grabbed one. "Oh, you just wait and see..." Pipp's concert at the Manehattan Stadium was... quite an experience, to say the least. The whole stadium was full, the stage was massive and the cheers from the entire crowd where so loud that even the other side of the city could hear them. At this point, Pipp already had performed at least 10 songs, and the cheers and sing alongs where very loud. No doubt this was going to be a night for everyone to remember, specially because Pipp has just two songs left before finishing the concert on a high note... and of course, she was a song away to give her big announcement: Her mostly temporal retirement from the pop star life. As for her friends, well, they were all at the backstage, seeing her performing the concert from a better angle. Sonic, the hedgehog one, arrived a while ago. He missed the first 5 songs, but the rest he has heard and saw so far was delightful. She definitely could gather the same amount of people than his Pipp, seeing how many people was at the concert cheering at her, it was good to see that some things never changed in some dimensions. "I'm still quite surprised that you managed to came here, even though you have to go tomorrow," Zipp commented, as Pipp finished her tenth song and the crowd cheered. "And miss the party after our little adventure? I must be crazy to leave!" Sonic said with his usual smirk. And then, the swing of the next song started to play, which made Sonic's eyes widened, because he could recognize this song anywhere. "No way she has this too!" Pipp: Glowin' up kind of love Dip and slide through the cut Glowin' up kind of love We say "Hi, " you say "What?" Ooh-hoo ooh Ooh-hoo ooh Oh Used to care what they'd say Let 'em into my brain But I found a new way Ooh-hoo Every time I fall down I pick it up like rebound Gotta get through somehow We don't fly like we used to We take what we've been through And we can feel brand new Ooh-hoo-hoo I know I am a fighter I feel the fire I'm shining brighter Ooh-hoo-hoo We got the light We're coming in stronger We're in it together If you want it it's all inside your mind We got the light Won't wait any longer We'll get it together If you want it then you can paint the sky Glowin' up kind of love Dip and slide through the cut Glowin' up kind of love We say "Hi, " you say "What?" Glowin' up kind of love Dip and slide through the cut Glowin' up kind of love We say "Hi, " you say "What?" Everywhere that I've been Yeah, they I'm say different But I'm good in my skin Ooh-hoo, hey If it doesn't feel right Break it in with tie dye And don't you stop 'til sunrise We don't fly like we used to We take what we've been through And we can feel brand new Ooh-hoo-hoo I know I am a fighter I feel the fire I'm shining brighter Ooh-hoo-hoo We got the light We're coming in stronger We're in it together If you want it it's all inside your mind We got the light Won't wait any longer We'll get it together If you want it then you can paint the sky (hey) Glowin' up kind of love Dip and slide through the cut Glowin' up kind of love We say "Hi, " you say "What" Glowin' up kind of love (oh) Dip and slide through the cut (oh) Glowin' up kind of love We say "Hi, " you say "What?" we got the kind of love (Ooh-hoo ooh) we got the kind of love Ooh-hoo-hoo We got the light (ooh-hoo ooh) We got the kind of (ooh-hoo ooh) We got the kind of love (ooh, ooh, ooh) We got the light Glowin' up kind of love Dip and slide through the cut Glowin' up kind of love We say "Hi, " you say "What?" Glowin' up kind of love (ooh-hoo ooh) (we got the kind of) Dip and slide through the cut (ooh-hoo ooh) (we got the kind of love) Glowin' up kind of love We say "Hi" We got the light After she finished to sing, she crowd cheered for the millionth time that night. Pipp felt joy on her body at her fans attitude, but her smile faded once she reminded what she was about to announce. Still, she tried to smile so her fans won't feel too worried yet. "Thank you all, my dear Pippsqueaks, for coming tonight!" Pipp announced on her microphone, while the crowd kept cheering. "I just love when all of you come here, not just to hear my voice, but also to cheer me and support me. I love all of you with every inch of my heart." "At this point, she could just announce a book about being an influencer and still get cheered by it," Sonic said with a playful tone. "Bold of you to assume she hasn't done it already," Hitch said with a smirk. Sonic just stared blankly at him. "I feel like, for my sanity's sake, I should not ask." "Good choice," Sunny told him with a little smile. "But as much as I love you... I also love my friends, my family..." Pipp kept announcing. "And lately? I haven't had a chance to be with them... so that's why I will retire from music and streams indefinitely." Soon enough, the whispers among the audience didn't took long to finally appear. That made Pipp grew nervous, but she decided to keep going. "And so, since this is my last concert for a while, I'll left this song for the end," Pipp said. "I hope you all understand this decision, and please respect it as well..." For a while, nobody said anything, and both Pipp and her friends grew nervous. But then, someone on the audience screamed 'We love you till' the end, Pipp!', and the cheers became louder than ever, meaning that they loved her and respected her decision. Pipp couldn't help but smile, then she looked at her friends who all made signs of approval. And then, Sonic himself winked at her with a bright smile, then made a move with his head, indicating it was showtime. Once again, the swing of the song started to play, and Pipp deep breathed before starting to sing once again. Pipp: Don't wanna live as an untold story Rather go out in a blaze of glory I can't hear you, I don't fear you I'll live now 'cause the bad die last Dodging bullets with your broken past Well, I can't hear you, I don't fear you now Wrapped in your regret What a waste of blood and sweat Oh oh-oh I wanna taste love and pain Wanna feel pride and shame I don't wanna take my time Don't wanna waste one line I wanna live better days Never look back and say It could have been me It could have been me, yeah Don't wanna wake up on a Monday morning The thought of work's gettin' my skin crawlin' I can't fear you, I don't hear you now Wrapped in your regret What a waste of blood and sweat Oh oh-oh I wanna taste love and pain (I wanna taste love) Wanna feel pride and shame I don't wanna take my time (no) Don't wanna waste one line (hey) I wanna live better days (better days) Never look back and say Could have been me (it could have been me) It could have been me (it could have been me) I wanna taste love and pain (I wanna taste love and pain) Wanna feel pride and shame (wanna feel pride and shame) Don't wanna take my time (I don't wanna waste my time) Don't wanna waste one line (don't wanna waste one line) I wanna live better days Never look back and say It could have been me Oh, it could have been me It could have been me For what it felt like the billion time, the crowd cheered at Pipp's performance, as she blowed kisses to them and slowly made her way to the backstage, finishing her last concert for a long time now. She got close to her friends, who looked at her with smiles. "That. Was. AMAZING!" Izzy cheered, as she immediately hugged Pipp. "Pipp, that was so good!" Sunny said, joining the hug as well. "Thank you, guys!" Pipp said with a smile. "I can't believe they took it so well!" "Didn't we told you that it would work out well, or didn't we told you?" Sonic asked sarcastically with a smirk. "So, you'll be out of this 'pop star' thing for a while, right, sis?" Zipp said, as she side hugged her sister. "Yeah... It may not be permanent, but I have a lot of lost time to make up for that I don't mind," Pipp confessed with a smile. "How curious that you said that..." Sonic said, as he walked away of the others, leaving them confused. Then Sonic turned his head to a staircase downstairs and smiled. He looked back at Pipp and made a sign with his hand that instructed her to come as well. Pipp did that, and the others followed, but once Pipp stopped and looked at the same direction than Sonic, she gasped with disbelief as her eyes widened: At the end, tapping his foot desperately as he sweated nervously, the human Sonic was waiting for Pipp to finish her concert and properly talk with her, after so many years. As Pipp covered her mouth and Zipp gasped as well, the others looked on confused. "Uh... I'm a bit lost here... who's that guy?" Hitch asked confused. "He's, uh... an old friend," Zipp simply replied, still in shock. "I think you have a pending talk with him, Pipp," Sonic told her with a smile. "You're not the only one who's been waiting for years to have a talk" He added, then slowly walked away. "B-But what if he panics when he sees me?" Pipp asked with concern, while Sonic stopped and gave his back to her. "Or if I panic and ran away?! What if––" She tried to keep asking, but then Sonic chuckled a bit, cutting her off. "Pipp," Sonic started. "Nothing starts until you take action!" He told her with confidence, then he turned around and looked at her with a smile. "If you have time to worry, then run!" He added with a wink. Pipp took the sign almost instantly, and quickly - but carefully - made her way downstairs, as she got close to the Sonic she knew, startling the others sins Zipp, who just smiled at her. Once Pipp made it to his side, the human Sonic slowly turned to face her, and once they both saw each other, face to face, for the first time in years, both of them couldn't help but smile at each other. "Hey, Sonic..." Pipp greeted, with some tears of happiness falling from her. "Hello... Little Pipp," The human Sonic greeted back. After a while, they both started to chuckle, then laughed, and then immediately hugged each other. Many can say they're just exaggerating, but they needed this for years now. Right here, right now, it was just them, and it was everything that mattered at the moment. Sonic was standing a few meters away from the portal back to Equestria, in front of Canterlot High. He had his backpack with the bag of rings and the Chaos Emeralds, ready to go back home, while the human Mane 5 decided to go with him as well and say goodbye properly. "So, after the stars get close to the moon, the portal will close, right?" Sunny asked to Sonic. "That's what I've been told," Sonic said. "After that, it's two years and a half until the portal reopens again." "So... this is really it, isn't it..." Pipp said a bit sad. "Hey, don't put on that sad puppy face," Sonic told her. "I cannot say if we'll ever see each other again, to be honest... but everything I lived here? I won't ever forget that. Again, thanks for helping me with this, despite all the problems I caused to you." "Again, we should be the ones thanking you," Zipp told him with a smile. "Now mom won't bother us at all anymore!" "And you helped me to see the Sonic I know again... so we really owe you a lot," Pipp added. "Nah, helping is my job," Sonic said with a smile. "I just do what it has to be done. And now that I'm getting the Emeralds back to my world, I finished my job here. But don't worry! I'll find a way to send you a letter or something. You won't get rid of me that easily!" "Well, thanks for everything... Blue Blur," Zipp said in a playful tone. "Goodbye, Detective Zipp," Sonic replied in a mocking tone as well. "Goodbye to you too, Pipp," He added with a smile. "And goodbye to all of you!" He finished with a salute and a wink. The others replied saying bye or simply waving back at him. Sonic then turned to face the portal, and boosted towards it, crossing it in the process and finally returning to Equestria. Pipp entered to her room once again, and closed the door behind. She was going to miss the Sonic from another dimension for sure, but she was happy not only to remember her Sonic, but also to see him again after so many years. She put her bag at the side of her dresser. However, she spotted something on the dresser itself that caught her attention: A golden ring exactly like the ones Sonic had, a neon blue quill and a note. She grabbed the quill and the ring looking at them confused, then she grabbed the note and read the short message it had written. "Some little gifts to remember me. Hope you like them! Yours truly: Sonic The Hedgehog" Pipp couldn't help but smile at the letter, and she looked back at the ring and the quill. She took out a broken collar she accidentally broke a while ago, and she tied up a string to the collar necklace and to the ring and quill. She putted the new homemade necklace with the ring and the quill, and smiled at her reflection. Maybe she won't see the other Sonic ever again, but she wasn't going to forget him either. > 10. Returning Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eggman couldn't be more frustrated. This past week has been a hell for him: First, Sonic once again destroys his plans by loosing the Chaos Emeralds through some kind of magic mirror. Then, Sonic himself leaves to find the Emeralds, which left Tails and Knuckles as the ones in charge. "That should made things easier," He said. "They'll never know what hit them," He said. He was so convinced that he could beat them now that Sonic was gone for a while. And yet, he was absolutely wrong. In just one week: Eggman tried to enter the Brighthouse to access to the mirror and caught the Emeralds himself... 4 times, and he was always defeated. The first two times where just Tails and Knuckles, but the next two, the Mane 6, Misty included, literally swept the ground with his machines. They already had demonstrated before that, if they want, they can also be a threat to his plans, but this was the first time he actually felt like they were as annoying as Sonic, and for him, that's saying a lot. "This was the worst week of my entire life!" Eggman complained. "For once... Just for once I will like something to go as planned... One thing will be good enough..." He walked back and forth on his hidden lab, trying to calm himself down and think carefully on his next move. However, the second thing made the first one more difficult: He was running out of ideas. He needed the Chaos Emeralds, true, but for what? The truth was that he didn't thought on anything further than that, because every plan so far was just another failure added to his never ending list. Stealing the magic didn't worked; reactivate the ancient tech of the Starfall islands didn't worked either, and controlling all of Equestria as Zombots could have worked if Opaline haven't outsmarted him. So after getting the Emeralds, what was he going to do? Again, he had nothing, because he was running out of ideas. The worst part of all of this? He was so desperate that he was considering joining forces with Opaline again... but after he stabbed her in the back, and after she took his plan away from him, it wasn't an option either. "There has to be something... ANYTHING!" Eggman yelled in frustration. "There's no way I'm running out of ideas... When it comes to rule the world, no one can make schemes like me! So why?! Why can't I think on a stupid way of get rid of that pity hedgehog and his damn friends?!" For the last 22 years of his life, Sonic has ruined all of his schemes. Not only he stopped him whenever he captured critters to power his machines, but he also destroyed his Death Egg at least 4 times; defeated Chaos at his perfect form, even though he betrayed him; prevented the destruction of the planet by destroying the A.R.K.; restored the power of the Chaos Emeralds after he stole it to awake Dark Gaia; saved the Wisps from his amusement park; defeated both him and his past self after they tried to erase Sonic from existence; defeated him on the Lost Hex; and even took the control of the planet back after 6 months of ruling over the world with Infinite and the Phantom Ruby. "The universe has its favorites for sure..." Eggman muttered in anger and concern. "All of my efforts are reduced to ashes everytime it seems I can finally won. Perhaps I should try to trick destiny and pull out something no one could ever see coming? But how? How can you trick the thing that's been messing with your plans for years?!" And then, his black and red eyes widened in realization at the last thing he said: Trick the thing that's been messing with his plans. He realized that the problem wasn't the universe, because the universe didn't destroyed his armies, the universe didn't just appeared one day and started to mess with him everytime it could, and most certainly the universe wasn't the one always humiliating him. In fact, the universe wasn't the real problem, it was Sonic the Hedgehog. Always has been. Sonic has done all of those things and more. His life would be a lot easier with Sonic out of the map, he knew that, but he's been chasing the hedgehog around and trying to kill him for 22 years now, and always have failed. Not even Metal Sonic could defeat him, because it didn't matter if Metal was as fast or strong as the original, he wasn't the original. And then, he realized another thing: The reason Metal couldn't defeat the original Sonic is exactly because of that; because he wasn't Sonic. The same question popped out again: How could he trick the thing that's been messing with his plans for years? Or better said: How could he trick the guy that's been messing with his plans for years? "By joining him..." Eggman muttered to himself in realization. "If you can't beat him, then join him... Sonic and I are way too different, but we're both stronger. Everytime we seemed like we had to join forces, we got really far..." He realized once again, but then frowned on an important aspect. "But Sonic won't trust me... not after he did it in the Lost Hex, and then I tried to kill him for the millionth time." But just when he was loosing hope already, something important popped in his mind, and he gasped in both realization and surprise. "Who says I need to join forces with him? In fact, who says I need to conquer this universe?!" Eggman declared, now with a big smile forming on his face. "I've been trying to conquer two dimensions with nothing but my intellect; a wonderful AI I call my daughter; a pony that not only lacks any kind of evil skills, but that also betrayed me; and an Alicorn with nothing but a long list of failures. Maybe is time to try and conquer another universe. One where Sonic and company cannot follow me!" Tapping a bit on his computer, Eggman managed to reopen Sage and download her code. Once that was done, he moved forward to a capsule and placed the key with Sage's code on it. After a few minutes, the capsule opened to reveal some kind of life form... a pale child with white hear and black clothes. Once Sage's code was uploaded to said body, the capsule removed the green liquid inside and opened, with the child almost falling to the ground... if it wasn't because of Eggman, who managed to catch her just in time. Slowly, the girl opened her blue eyes and stared at the ground for a second, before gasping as she realized that she was looking at all. She slowly looked at her hand, not glitching like it used to in the Starfall Islands, and then she looked up to face up Eggman... her dad. "F-Father?" Sage called out in surprise. "Is good to see you again... dear daughter," Eggman replied with a warm smile. "We have a lot to talk about..." The last week has been wild for everyone in the Brighthouse. Sunny barely could concentrate on working at her Smoothie Stand, because she was worried that the portal to the other world will close, leaving Sonic trapped with the Chaos Emeralds for 30 moons, or 2 years and a half as Sonic has stated before. There was also the fact that she defended the Brighthouse from being infiltrated by Eggman again, and she was scared that he eventually may fool Tails' new defense system to enter the place, and she won't be there to stop him. Tails hasn't opened Electronic Tails ever since Sonic left. After Eggman tried to enter the Brighthouse to access to the other world as well, he stood inside to create a defense system that only activates when the hidden camera on the entrance detects Eggman or his machines approaching. He was still eating and sleeping normally, thank Chaos, unlike the last time Sonic went to another world. Zipp was worried about Tails, and so she decided to stay by his side. She was his girlfriend after all, so her job was to be there for him and to comfort him. But that wasn't all; many of the ideas Tails implemented on the defensive system against Eggman where from her, so she was also helping Tails a lot. But of course, she was also worried about Sonic. After all, he was her friend, too. Misty seemed to be more worried about the fact that Eggman keeps trying to take over Equestria. She was sure that, after three failed attempts, he would have gave up, but... It wasn't the case. He was persistent, and that had the unicorn concerned, because even if she was part of the Mane 6 now, she still saw Eggman as a friend, a friend that just needed a new direction to turn his life around... Maybe one day, she could actually help him to turn down the villainy way. Izzy was a bit neutral on this. She knew how serious the situation with Eggman was, she really did, but since she was pretty optimistic even when the world was at the edge of ending, she was sure that the matter with Sonic and the Emeralds will turn out well at the end. However, she was worried about Knuckles, because he was a bit stressed lately, specially after Eggman's failed attempts to get inside the Brighthouse. She tried to distract him a bit, but nothing has lasted that long. Hitch was more concerned about Eggman frequently coming back to infiltrate his friends home than about the thing with Sonic. He was worried about his friend, yes, but since Eggman was constantly coming back, he was afraid that he could try to attack Maretime Bay again. After all, he already did it 8 months ago with a giant robot with his face, so it could pretty much happen again. And as the Sheriff, he couldn't allow that, so he was very alert these days. Amy also got the message. She was still in Bridlewood, and she was worried too. Not to the point where she could make a whole drama about the situation and act like if she was just stabbed, but still, she was worried about Sonic. Team Dark also knew about the situation, but since their priority was finding Eggman, now more that he tried to enter the Brighthouse, they couldn't do nor say much about the situation. And finally, there was Pipp. How was she doing? Well, surprisingly for everyone, specially for Zipp, she wasn't doing a whole drama about this. She was attending Mane Melody as usual, and she kept streaming normally. However, she was just acting like this in public, because at night, she sneaked to the basement and just sat in the floor, staring at the window with concern for a few hours. And since nothing happened, she made her way back to her bed and rested until the next day. She kept repeating this process the entire week, and her worry for Sonic only increased when Eggman tried to sneak inside to go after him and the Emeralds. She was sure Sonic had things under control, but he was taking a bit longer than she anticipated. Can you blame her, though? It's her boyfriend, after all, and she only wanted him to be okay, and most importantly, alive. She wouldn't mind if he returned all beaten up, she just wanted to see him again. It was currently nighttime, around 7 p.m., and they were all on the couch at the living room, trying to enjoy a movie that Sunny just putted to distract everyone from the situation, specially since the portal will close that night, and... well... Knuckles felt asleep an hour ago, and Izzy felt asleep on his legs; Tails and Zipp were covered in blankets and watching something on their own with headphones; Sunny was resting her head on Hitch's shoulder, trying so hard not to fall asleep, while Hitch looked a bit worried at her; Misty fell asleep with Sparky on her hooves; and Pipp was just staring sometimes at her phone, then at the TV, and then at the basement entrance, in that same order for the past hour. To say she felt anxious was just soften her actual status. She wanted to scream, to cry, to beg for a sign that Sonic was okay, that he'll return soon, that he will return before the portal finally closed. She learned to be patient a long time ago, but when it came to those who mattered to her, that skill simply faded away to give space to a lot of worry, and her imagination didn't helped in that aspect either. She liked to be positive whenever she could, but sometimes, her worry increased so much to a point where she cannot think in anything but worst-case scenarios. And right now, her mind was being cruel as she imagined horrible things happening to Sonic on that other dimension. Tails, who looked at her just for a short moment, noticed her worried attitude, and so, he decided to try and calm her down. "Hey, Pipp," He whispered to her, as the young pegasus turned her head to face at him, while Tails removed his headphones from his ears. "Hmm?" Pipp muttered at him. "It's okay if you're worried about him," Tails told her with a smile. "You don't have to act strong if you're not feeling... well, strong, you get me?" Pipp smiled weakly at him, as she side hugged the young fox. "Thanks for worrying, Tails. I guess... I can't just help but worry that he won't come back before the portal closes..." "I know the feeling..." Tails confessed. "To tell the truth, I've only had stay here not only to work, or upgrade the Brighthouse's security, but also to wait for him. He's my brother, after all..." "Its the same for me with Mane Melody," Pipp confessed as well. "I kept working and streaming to keep my mind off, but... it isn't working... and the portal closes tonight! I don't want to wait 30 moons to see him again..." "Me neither..." Tails said with a low tone. And then, a loud crash was heard coming from the basement, which woke up Knuckles, Izzy, Misty and Sunny, while Zipp took her headphones off since she also herd the sound and the rest where startled by it. But before anyone could say anything, a loud groan of pain and concern was heard by everyone. "Ugh! Why do we have so many boxes down here, anyways?!" A male voice spoke, and both Pipp and Tails immediately ran towards the basement, recognizing instantly that voice. The others just looked at each other for a moment before following Pipp and Tails to the basement. Once they arrived there, the saw the portal mirror to the other world shining bright, as it closed the door between the two worlds. But before anyone could even worry about the fact that the portal close, they saw a few boxes moving and a hand coming out of it. Then, Sonic got out of the boxes, falling in the ground with a thud and an other groan. Once he got up slowly he started to clean some dust out of his body with a frown. "It's official: I absolutely hate dimensional travel!" Sonic stated with annoyance. Once his sight go upwards, he found the shocked faces of everyone but Pipp, who was trying so hard not to cry of happiness. "Oh, hey guys!" "Sonic!" Pipp yelled with joy, as she launched herself towards her boyfriend and nocked him on the ground. She nuzzled excited on his chest, while Sonic felt a bit dizzy at the sudden action, but he got out of his dizziness when Pipp gave him a kiss. Gosh, he forgot how much he loved her lips, and he was glad to be greeted back in this way. "Well, someone missed me a lot!" Sonic said with a flirting tone, after Pipp finally separated and gave him space to stand up. "Sonic!" Tails spoke, as he gave his brother a hug as well. "Hi there, buddy!" Sonic greeted with a smile, returning the hug to his brother. "I knew you would come back!" Tails said with a smile, as he separated from Sonic. "Of course I did!" Sonic stated confidently. "This is my home, and I cannot just leave you all to your own luck!" "I hate to say it, but I was worried you forgot about the portal closing tonight," Sunny confessed with a smile. "Me? Forgetting something? Nah, that's not my style," Sonic said with a smirk. "I just had some little complications, but..." He then took off the red backpack and opened it, putting it on the ground afterwards. Then, he closed his eyes concentrating, and the 7 Chaos Emeralds came out of the backpack, floating around Sonic, who smirked and opened his eyes to see his friends surprised. "I did what I promised: The Chaos Emeralds are right here!" "Neat!" Tails said. "You mentioned complications on the other world, right?" Knuckles questioned. "Can we know what happened?" "It was quite an adventure," Sonic confessed with a smirk, directing the Emeralds back to the backpack and grabbing it, then walking to the exit and turning to see his friends. "Come on, guys. I think it would be better if I tell you everything upstairs." The others nodded with smiles, and decided to follow him upstairs, with Tails closing the door of the basement. For the next 2 or 3 hours, Sonic told the others everything he lived on the alternate world. He told them about how he got the first 4 Chaos Emeralds, and how it seemed that the cities of Equestria also existed in that world, just with different names. He told them about the human versions of the Mane 5 and how he accidentally involved the humans Zipp and Pipp on a big mess that made them travel around half of the country. He also told them about the other Robotnik, who almost killed all of them at least 3 times in a row. He also mentioned the things that happened on the bar, the highway, the concert, how he met Sunset Shimmer and also the human Sonic and the story that he had with the human Pipp. He felt like he shouldn't had mentioned that, but since he wasn't sure if he will ever see the human Mane 5 ever again, he didn't find anything bad on telling it to his friends. Besides, it was part of the story, so he also had to mention it at some point. After he finished his story, the rest just stared at him both surprised, confused and conflicted. "...Wow," Zipp was the first one to finally brake the silence. "Yeah, yeah, I know," Sonic said with a smirk. "This is... wow... this is a lot to process..." Sunny added with wide eyes and shock. "Well, what can I say? My life is a lot wilder than I give it credit for!" Sonic said casually. "You... you pushed our human counterparts - that have NO magic at all - from a tall building to save them from the other Eggman..." Hitch said with shock. "Um... are you... are you insane or something?" "After almost 2 years of knowing me, you're realizing right now?" Sonic remarked on a mocking tone. "Jokes aside, it was either me pushing them or Robotnik blowing them up. I just did what I was sure was the right thing at the moment. That, of course, doesn't mean I would do it again with anyone," He added, after Pipp glared daggers at him. "I can't believe not only we had to deal with Eggman trying to infiltrate the Brighthouse, but also it seems like he exists on the other world and it's probably even crazier than the one we know," Tails said with a bored expression. "Yeah, don't mention it..." Sonic said with a bored expression as well, but then his eyes widened as he realized something Tails mentioned. "Wait! Did you just said that Eggman tried to infiltrate while I was out?!" "Dough!" Tails cried out as he facepalmed. "Me and my stupid mouth..." "I mean, we were going to tell him anyways, so I don't see why are you so upset," Knuckles told Tails with a neutral expression. "Well, while you were out trying to not get caught, Eggman here tried to sneak inside the Brighthouse to travel to this other universe too," Zipp explained to him. "Four times," Misty added. "We managed to get rid of him, but just to be sure, Tails and Zipp installed a new security system exclusive for Eggman if he ever tries to sneak here again," Knuckles said with a smile. "...Why am I not surprised that Eggman's still a pain in the ass?" Sonic deadpanned. "Well, I'm glad you are all okay, but... we still have to deal with Egghead, it doesn't matter if we like it or not." "Right!" Zipp agreed. "He wanted the Emeralds for something for sure, if he was trying so desperately to get them and even travel to an unknown world for him." "Yeah, but what was he planning?" Sunny questioned. "Let me correct you: What is he planning?" Hitch said with concern. "I don't know, and I don't care," Knuckles said honestly with a frown. "Whatever he has on that messed up mind of his, is not good." "Well, now that I'm back with all the Emeralds, perhaps we can focus on track Baldy McNosehair before he pulls out a... a multiversal weapon or something. At this point, I'm really open minded on what the heck he may create." Suddenly, Izzy snorted a bit and giggled. "Sorry, but the 'Baldy McNosehair' caught me off guard!" "Meh, I don't blame you, Izz," Sonic said with a smile. "I reacted like that too." "Getting back on track..." Misty said with a confused expression. "While you were gone, I looked back to an old diary I used to fill whenever I felt down when I used to work for Opaline and Eggman... I didn't found anything about a possible future plan, but... I do recall hearing him muttering things about wishing to work with someone as smart as him, and he used to say it almost always after speaking with Opaline... Maybe that can help on something?" "Work with someone as smart as him?" Tails said with concern, also rubbing his chin. "That... sounds familiar..." "Isn't that what he said when he and his past self got control over Time Eater?" Knuckles asked. "He said that no one is as smart as him, you know..." "Wait, so... Eggman wants to work with himself? Literally?" Zipp asked confused. "It's... an hypothesis..." Tails replied with a sheepish smile. "I said it once, and I'll say it again: This guy takes 'love yourself' to a whole new level..." Hitch said with a frown and bored expression. Sonic, however, yawned a little bit and stretched. "Look, guys. While I do think we should research more about Eggman's plans, can we please leave it for tomorrow? After filling you up with all that happened, and after that adventure itself, I want to call it a day and take a very deserved nap, okay?" "Sure thing," Tails said, yawning tiredly as well. "We'll just... talk about it... tomorrow..." He tried to say, but then almost fell to the ground, if it wasn't because Zipp caught him on her back and looked at him with a smile. "I'll take him to bed. And I'll suggest we should all go to sleep as well," Zipp said. "Nap time? Sweet!" Knuckles said, now walking towards the bedroom, with Izzy, Misty, Sunny and Zipp, who carried Tails, following behind. "Sparky already fall asleep here," Hitch said, looking at the baby dragon asleep in one of the couches. "I'm sleeping on the couch tonight," He stated, trotting towards the couch to get himself comfortable. The only ones left were Sonic and Pipp, with Sonic staring at the window with a smile, while Pipp decided to gave him a kiss, to his surprise. Not that he complained, though, because he really missed her lips, so he returned the short kiss to her and softly caressed her cheek. "I've missed you a lot, my Blue Star," Pipp told him with a smile and a slight blush. "I've missed you too, Little Pipp," Sonic confessed, looking at her girlfriend with a sparkle on her eyes. "I... I know that I just got back recently from my 'little' adventure, but––" Pipp cut him off with another kiss. The truth is that she missed kissing him as well, so she wanted to do it as much as she could. "You want to sleep together, right?" Pipp guessed, while Sonic just nodded with a smile. "Then let's do it." Sonic decided to carry her in bridal style and boosted towards the bedroom. Once there, they quietly got in Pipp's bed as Sonic took off his shoes and they both made themselves comfortable, with Sonic wrapping Pipp with his arms as his girlfriend nuzzled happily on his chest. "Little Pipp?" Sonic called out. "Hmm~?" Pipp said with her eyes closed. "I love you," Sonic said with a smile. Pipp opened her eyes and looked at Sonic, smiling back and kissing him once again. "I love you too, Blue Star. It's good that you are back..." She finished, falling asleep. "Heh... It's good to be back..." Sonic replied smiling, falling in the realm of dreams as well, still hugging his girlfriend. To be continued... > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ??? Sonic stretched a bit before yawning. The last interesting thing he did was defeating an Emo Eggman from another dimension, and that literally just happened last week. After that, Shadow tried to erase the entire universe by having two Eggmans in the same one at the same time, but thanks to Tails fixing Metal Sonic to track down the Emo Eggman, Sonic managed to save the universe by sending him back to his own universe. Now... he was bored as hell. Nothing interesting has happened ever since that. Eggman was busy building his lab back; Tails and Amy were repairing Tails' workshop; Knuckles and Sticks were helping cleaning and fixing up the town, and Shadow hasn't showed up at all. As for him... well, he was trying to find something interesting to do on his house, but since he got bored pretty quick, he gave up and moved to his hammock, and lay there until something exciting happened. "Man... this has been the most bored week of my life..." Sonic muttered, stretching again and scratching a bit under his scarf. "I could ask Tails or Amy to hang out or something, but they're both busy fixing the workshop. Guess is just me and my bored house until something actually interesting happens..." And just like if someone heard his prays, Sonic's hand watch made a bip sound as it shone in blue. "Thank goodness!" Sonic cheered, as he sat on his hammock and pressed the button on the watch. "Sonic!" Tails voice called out. "Look, sorry to call all of a sudden, you're probably busy or something..." "No, no, no, no, no! Don't you dare to end the call, young man!" Sonic said quickly with excitement. "You couldn't have called in a better time! What's the matter?!" "Amy and I recently finished cleaning up, and as I went to startup my equipment again, I got some weird signals coming from Eggman's island," Tails explained with worry. "I doubt he finished up restoring his lab, but something tells me that he's up to something again. Mind to go and take a look?" "Little buddy, I've been waiting the whole week to hear something like that!" Sonic replied happily. "I'm on my way!" He added, ending the call and running straight to Eggman's lab. "Finally, something exciting happening!" After running for a while, Sonic arrived to Eggman's lab. However, he got a bit surprised when he found that the place was still destroyed, and it barely seemed that it was going somewhere, because right now it seemed like it had at least two moths more before being totally finished. "Strange..." Sonic muttered to himself. "I know Eggman can be a bit messy sometimes, but in general he's very organized. Why would he plan out something new when his lab isn't even near to be finished?" As he sneaked near the place where the reconstruction began, he only found Orbot and Cubot doing the constructions process, while Eggman scratched his head as he stared at the blueprints of his lab with a confused look. As Sonic approached slowly to the doctor, he couldn't help but stare at the lab and at Eggman with disbelief. Either Eggman knew Sonic was coming and was playing dumb, or he had no plan at all, and Tails either played a prank on him... or something else was going on. "Uh... Eggman?" Sonic called out, still staring at him confused. The doctor finally noticed Sonic's arrival and raised and eyebrow. "Oh great, the rodent is here..." Eggman groaned in annoyance. "I didn't expected you so soon, Sonic. My lab isn't going to be ready until at least––" "Until at two other months, yeah, yeah, I know, Egghead," Sonic said with a bored expression. "Look, sorry to bother you, but Tails said something about weird signals coming from here. Are you up to something even before having your lab finished up?" "What kind of a fool do you take me for, Hedgehog?" Eggman said with a frown. "I'm an evil genius! Even I know my limits. And I have absolutely no idea of what are you talking about! What weird signals could my lab be making?" Now Sonic started to grow worried. If Eggman wasn't up to something, and he knew nothing about the signals Tails was talking about, something else was happening. "Um... Boss?" Orbot called out. "What Sonic's saying is true, though... There are some weird signals coming from here." "What?" Both Sonic and Eggman asked confused. Before any of them could say or do something else, a green portal opened suddenly behind them, startling both the hedgehog and the doctor. "Eggman?!" Sonic said with a panicked expression. "Don't look at me! Not even I know what's going on!" Eggman complained, just as worried as Sonic was. And then, the portal started to drag both Sonic and Eggman. As Sonic started to use his super speed to run in the opposite direction, he also grabbed Eggman's hand to save both the doctor and himself. However, the weight of the doctor ended up backing Sonic up, and the two were sucked by the green portal, as they screamed and got lost on it, with the portal finally closing. "...What the heck just happened?" Questioned Cubot. "I have no idea..." Orbot replied, just as confused as his robotic friend. ??? In the middle of a forest, a green portal opened up suddenly. From it, Sonic suddenly appeared, rolling up on the ground and stopping with his face smashed in the ground. He slowly got up as he groaned and stretched, trying to understand what the heck was going on. "Eggman?" Sonic called out, but got no response at all. "Eggman! Where are you?!" Getting no response, he choose to get a little glance at his surroundings, seeing that he was in a forest, pretty much at nighttime as well. "This doesn't make any sense..." Sonic said with worry. "If not even Eggman knows what Tails detected, then what the heck was that green portal? I have to find Eggman, but first, I should find out where am I..." Not so long after that, he could heard something, which he recognize almost immediately as kids laughs. "I guess I'm near a town or something," Sonic told himself. "Better go and check up for myself" As he walked down a small road in the forest, he couldn't help but whistle at his surrounds: There were giant and glowing crystals everywhere. But when he finally reached the place where the laughs came from, his eyes widened: It was a town, yes... full of colorful and talking horses. And if that wasn't weird enough: They had horns. Sonic stepped back in panic, and thanked God that nobody noticed him for now. "A-Am I in a dream? Did I got dragged into Amy's imagination?! Because there's no logical explanation for this!" Sonic cried out lowly, running towards the forest again to get as far as he could. ??? Two months ago, he transformed into a golden god that defeated a giant robot with Robotnik's face and saved the world, if not the entire universe. Now, he was cleaning up Tom's new truck with Tails and Knuckles, mumbling with a frown as he tried so hard not to groan in annoyance from Tom's father attitude. "I can't believe I'm reduced to this..." Sonic groaned. "Come on, Sonic. This isn't so bad!" Tails said with a little smile. "Easy for you to say it, mama's boy," Sonic said with a bored expression. "The last time something interesting happened was a month ago when we defeated that Robotnik's drone in the junkyard! How's that we became car cleaners after that?!" "Stop being so dramatic over it, Hedgehog," Knuckles said with a frown as he rolled his eyes. "Unless you want to end on the garage for the night as a punishment like last time." Sonic felt goosebumps all over his body by just remembering that, shacking his head and making a disgusted expression. "Okay, okay. Good point," Sonic admitted. "Still, this feels like I have been reduced from a hero to a maid." "Didn't you said that you're still too young to be a hero or something?" Tails asked with a raised eyebrow. "Just because I don't want to be a hero yet, doesn't mean I don't want to have a little adventure now and then!" Sonic explained. "Adventure it's part of me now! Is so frustrating that I used the 7 chaotic crystals––" "Chaos Emeralds," Knuckles corrected with a bored expression. Sonic rolled his eyes before continue. "–– to turn into some kind of Super Saiyan, and two months later, I'm being sent by my father to clean the car with my best friend and Knuckles!" "Hey!" Knuckles said with an offended look. "I guess I'll just wait for something interesting to happen..." Sonic said, finally resuming cleaning the truck. "I hope it doesn't takes too long." Suddenly, Tails device started to make a beep sound from his backpack. The young fox quickly moved towards his backpack by flight and took out the device to see what was going on. His eyes widened in both surprise and shock after seeing the results. "What the heck?" Tails muttered. "Guys... there's a strong Chaos Energy sign coming from near Seattle!" "What?!" Knuckles cried out in panic. "I'm sorry; what's 'Chaos Energy'?" Sonic asked confused. "It's the same kind of energy that comes from the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald," Tails explained. "And whatever is causing this one, i-it has a bigger signal than the Master Emerald!" "Well, Hedgehog, you wanted something interesting to happen," Knuckles told him with a bored expression. "Are you happy now?" "Are you kidding me? This is perfect timing!" Sonic said with a smile. "Let's head to Seattle!" He declared, immediately running towards said place. "Ugh, sometimes I just want to smash him in the ground again..." Knuckles groaned, following Sonic. "H-Hey! Guys! What about the car?!" Tails asked, grabbing his backpack and following his friends. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles arrived to Seattle 20 minutes later. They reached the top of a building, with Tails trying to track the exact spot where the Chaos Energy sign comes from. "It should be... right... there!" Tails said, pointing at some kind of building with a round top. "Of course it had to be on the hardest place to reach by feet..." Sonic complained with a bored expression. "Maybe for you," Knuckles said with a smirk. "But it's a piece of cake for me!" He made a big jump, and then glided towards said building. "Sometimes I wonder: How's that he can glide if he's an echidna?" Sonic asked confused. Tails looked at him with a bored expression before speak. "You're a blue hedgehog with super speed that doesn't know how to swim; I'm a yellow fox with two tails that can fly; Knuckles is a red echidna with giant hands and super strength, and we have an unlimited power source as a night lamp back on the house. Did anything that I said makes sense to you?" Sonic just stared at Tails blankly before replying. "Um... 50/50?" Tails rolled his eyes and started to fly, grabbing Sonic from his hands and moving towards the building. Once there, they found Knuckles walking in circles, founding absolutely nothing in there. "Are you sure the sign came from here, fox?" Knuckles asked with a frown. "It didn't came from here, Knuckles. It comes from here," Tails replied, checking his device. "Maybe you need to fix it, because there's nothing here!" Knuckles cried out loudly. "Knucklehead does have a point, Tails," Sonic said, also looking around. "This place looks pretty empty." "No, guys, you don't get it, it comes from here," Tails said with worry. "In fact, is becoming bigger... and stronger..." Before either Sonic or Knuckles could say anything, a yellow portal opened up behind Knuckles, which startled the echidna, who stepped backwards and now stood at Sonic and Tails' side. "Tails? I need the context..." Sonic pled. "The thing is... not even I have any for this!" Tails cried out. And then, the portal started to drag the three creatures. However, Sonic wasn't going to allow that, so he managed to push Tails and Knuckles from the building, before being sucked by the yellow portal, that closed after Sonic got trough it. ??? Sonic screamed loudly as he crossed the yellow portal in fright. Suddenly, he stopped seeing the everything around him yellow... and instead saw a grass field where he ended up crashing into, with his face buried on the ground. He groaned in annoyance, and slowly got his face out of the ground. He spitted some dirt that entered to his mouth, then stood up and cleaned up some dirt from his body. "Ugh... what the hell was that thing?" Sonic complained. "It wasn't a ring portal... what was it, then?" As he tried to recognize where he was, he searched around for anything that could be helpful, or anything that could tell him where he this is... and then, he looked at the distance at some kind of City. "Huh... I have never seen a city like that before," Sonic said with a curious look. The interesting thing about this city, was that it was up in the mountains. He wouldn't say it was on the clouds, but it almost seemed like that was the case. "I should take a closer look to this place," Sonic said with a determinate expression. And thanks to his super speed, Sonic arrived to the top of the mountain and the entrance of said city in no time. However, his jaw dropped soon enough: This city was advanced, had a lot of giant screens around... and it had colorful talking horses with wings. Pegasi, to be precise. "For the love of chilidogs... what is this place?" Sonic said in awe. TO BE CONTINUED IN SONIC THE HEDGEHOG X MY LITTLE PONY: MAKE YOUR MARK - SEASON 4