Neopets in Equestria

by Kitsulestia

First published

What happens if you take two video game characters and put them in Equestria?

Two Neopet heroes, one wild adventure. Follow Tormund and Roberta as they try to adapt to living in Equestria

A new Adventure awaits

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*Tor’s family farm*

A month after the Darkest Faerie was turned back to stone, the two heroes known as Tormund and Roberta were exhausted from saving their world.

*Tor’s POV*

I sigh “That does it, I need a break from all this...”

Roberta spoke “I agree with you there Tor but ever since the Darkest Faerie was resealed, things have become too predictable.”

I spoke “Yeah, I want a new adventure. But the lives of a knight and a mage do get predictable at times.”

Roberta spoke “Saving Neopia from lesser dangers is fine but it gets boring after a while.”

Little the duo know, they were in for a completely new adventure. One that took them beyond their world.

*Around the same time in Ponyville, Equestria*

Twilight had just became an alicorn after mastering an incomplete spell.

Applejack asks “Twilight? Is that you?”

The rest of the main cast gasp in surprise as Twilight unfurls her brand new wings.

Applejack spoke “Wha... I-I've never seen anything like it!”

Rainbow Dash exclaims “Ha! Twilight's got wings! Awesome! A new flying buddy! [laughs]”

Rarity spoke “Why, you've become an Alicorn. I didn't even know that was possible.”

Pinkie Pie screams “Alicorn party! [blows party kazoo]”

Nyx was bouncing around her adopted mother in happiness.

The crowd of ponies cheer.

Fluttershy spoke “Wow... You look just like a princess!”

Princess Celestia spoke “That's because she is a princess.”

The other five all ask “Huh?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Hold on a second! [drinks] [spits]”

Twilight Sparkle asks “A... A princess?”

Nyx asks “Huh?”

Princess Celestia spoke “Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “But... does this mean I won't be your student anymore?”

Princess Celestia spoke “Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you, but we're all your students now, too. You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “But... what do I do now? Is there a book about being a princess I should read?”

Princess Celestia giggles “There will be time for all of that later.”

*In Canterlot the next day*

Princess Celestia spoke “We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville. She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna. But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess. Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!”


The Princess Twilight cometh
Behold, behold
A Princess here before us
Behold, behold, behold
Behold, behold (behold, behold)
The Princess Twilight cometh
Behold, behold (behold, behold)
The Princess is
The Princess is here!

The crowd of ponies cheer.

Princess Celestia spoke “Say something, Princess.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Oh. Um... [clears throat] A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship, which is something I did not really care much about. Now, on a day like today, I can honestly say I would not be standing here if it were not for the friendships I have made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I would always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!”

The crowd of ponies continue to cheer.

Shining Armor spoke “Twilight! I am so proud of you!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Are you crying?”

Shining Armor spoke “Of course not. It's... it's liquid pride. Totally different thing.”

Nyx, Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle laugh.

Applejack spoke “Way to go, Princess!”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Best coronation day ever!”

Fluttershy spoke “We love you, Twilight.”

Twilight spoke “I love you too, girls!”

[Twilight Sparkle]

Life in Equestria shimmers
Life in Equestria shines
And I know for absolute certain
[Main cast and crowd]
That everything (that everything)
Yes, everything (yes, everything)
Yes, everything is certainly fine
It’s fine

Twilight Sparkle exclaims “Yes! Everything is going to be just fine!”

What Twilight and the others didn’t know, two new faces were about to arrive.

*Tor’s POV*

I ask “Uh Roberta, what is that?”

Roberta spoke “Looks like some sort of vortex and.... AUGH!!!”

I shout “ROBERTA!!!”

The blue Acara screams as she was pulled into the vortex. Given no other choice, I jump into the vortex after my friend.

*Skies above Canterlot*

I reach out for Roberta’s hand as the two of us fell.

Roberta screams “I don’t want to die!”

I shout “We won’t! You survived a greater fall than this!”

The two of us groan as we crash land on the ground.

Before Roberta and I could get up, we were surrounded by strange looking Unis but some didn’t have wings and others didn’t have horns. Three or four of them had neither horn nor wings.

Roberta hid behind me in fear as I held my sword to keep the strangers at bay.

I spoke “Stay back you strange creatures!”

One unicorn guard spoke “Put that weapon away right now!”

I growl in anger since I was a wolf-like Neopet but the strangers thought I was an anthro wolf.

One of the Pegasus guards flew off to get the Princesses.

Roberta was shaking in fear but she knew she would be protected by me.

Princess Celestia asks “General Swift Strike, what are these strange animals?”

General Swift Strike spoke “One is a wolf-like creature but the other looks like a strange cat.”

I growl since the one called Swift Strike was staring at Roberta and me.

I spoke “It’s rude to stare...”

General Swift Strike spoke “Watch your tongue wolf, you’re in the presence of royalty.”

I scoff “Tch, I know that...”

Roberta squeezed my shoulder to reassure me.

I spoke “Sorry, my friend and I had a rough landing but we just want to go back home.”

Princess Celestia takes notice of my armor.

I spoke “Yes, I am indeed a knight.”


Equestria Girls Day 1

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Sometime after the hyper pink one who was soon known as Pinkie Pie had thrown Roberta and I a welcome to Ponyville party, Twilight and the others were called up to the Crystal Empire. Naturally, Roberta and I tagged along since I was appointed as the purple one’s bodyguard.

*On the train to the Crystal Empire*

Tail wagging, I spoke “Oh wow, I’ve never been on a train before!”

Twilight asks “You never been on one?”

I spoke “No, the place that Berta and I came from doesn’t have trains yet. The closest we got are Uni drawn carriages.”

Roberta spoke “What Tor means is that trains have not been invented in our world yet, it’s still in the medieval ages.”

The other ponies were wary of Roberta and me since they had never seen anything like us before.

I ask “Are they always this skittish?”

Twilight spoke “You two are new around here so yeah, the others seem afraid. But give them time, they’ll warm up to you.”

Roberta spoke “Fair enough, I kinda look like a weird cat to them anyway.”

I chuckle “At least I look like a wolf.”

Roberta grumbles “Least you have it easy Tor...”

I give the Acara a noogie on the head.

Roberta whines “Knock it off before I hurt you with magic Tor...”

Of course, this got Twilight interested.

Starry eyed, Twilight asks “You know magic?”

Roberta spoke “Yeah, though I use a wand to utilize it.”

I groan “Now you’ve done it Berta, you said the word.”

Roberta and I tussle with each other, much to the amusement of the six mares and the filly.

*After arriving in the Crystal Empire*

Applejack spoke “Hoo-wee! Your very first princess summit. You must be over the moon, Twilight.”

Twilight spoke “Oh, I am excited. But, to be honest, I'm a little nervous, too.”

Roberta chuckles “My uncles are royalty too.”

Pinkie Pie exclaims “You're 'nervicited'! It's like you wanna jump up and down and yell "YAY ME!!" But you also wanna curl up in a teeny-tiny ball and hide at the same time! We've all been there!”

Fluttershy spoke “I'm there almost every day.”

Nyx whimpers “Yeah...”

Applejack spoke “You've got no reason to fret, Twi. Everything's gonna be just–“

Rarity exclaims “TWILIGHT! Oh, sorry, darling, but I just realized you're not wearing your crown. You haven't forgotten it back in Ponyville, have you?”

I facepalm at Rarity’s outburst.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “It's in my bag. Just feel a little self-conscious about wearing it. Haven't really gotten accustomed to these yet, either.”

Rarity spoke “You are a princess now, Twilight. Embrace it! I'm telling you, if I had a crown like that, I would never take it off. Why, I'd sleep in the thing.”

Roberta spoke “The weight of the crown in any world is heavy...”

I spoke “Roberta’s got a point there.”

*Inside the castle*

Flash Sentry spoke “Her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

Princess Cadence laughs “Twilight! I haven't seen you since the coronation!”

Princess Celestia spoke “We have so much to discuss. But it can wait until tomorrow. You all look tired from your journey. Now, off to bed, all of you.”

There was a bit of excited chatter as the group heads off.

I stood guard outside Twilight’s temporary room while Roberta bunked with Rarity.

Twilight Sparkle sighs.

Spike asks "What's wrong, Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle sighs "I don't know, Spike. I'm just... worried, I guess. Princess Cadence was given the Crystal Empire to rule over. What if, now that I'm a princess, Celestia expects me to lead a kingdom of my own?”

Spike exclaims “That would be awesome!”

Twilight Sparkle scoffs “No, it would not! Just because I have this crown and these wings, it doesn't mean I'll be a good leader!”

Nyx spoke "And I'm afraid that things will change..."

Spike spoke “Aw, sure ya will, Twilight. Now c'mon, you should get some shut-eye. Big day tomorrow! [sigh]”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “[grunts] Can't... tuck...! [grunts] Just trying to get comfortable! Ugh!”

The sound of a door opening was heard after I was knocked out with a sleep spell.

Spike was snoring.

After tripping over Spike’s tail, Sunset Shimmer spoke “Ugh!"

Spike stutters “Huh? What?”

Twilight Sparkle shouts “[yawns] My crown! She's got my crown! Stop! Thief! She has stolen my crown!”

I was jolted awake by Twilight’s shouting.

The others and Roberta all gasp.

Twilight Sparkle shouts “Stop! [grunts]”

The others all gasp.

Twilight Sparkle asks “What did you do with my crown?”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Sorry it had to be this way... Princess.”

The others and I all gasp.

Fluttershy asks “Who was that?”

Princess Celestia spoke “Sunset Shimmer. A former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown."

Spike spoke “She replaced Twilight's with this one.”

I growl “I’ll pound her if she comes back.”

Princess Celestia spoke “I suppose Sunset Shimmer thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours. And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crown and Element of Harmony.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “But I don't understand. Where did she go? Where did she take the crown?”

Princess Celestia spoke “You'll soon know more about this place than even I do.”


Princess Luna spoke “This is no ordinary mirror. It is a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens once every thirty moons.”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Sparkly!”

While pulling Pinkie back with magic, Princess Luna spoke “It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. But when Princess Cadence took over the Crystal Empire, we sent it here for her to watch over.”

Princess Celestia spoke “[sigh] I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use it to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance. Obviously, this is not what has happened.”

Princess Cadence spoke “Twilight, you must use the mirror to go into this other world and retrieve your crown. Without it, the other Elements of Harmony have no power and Equestria is left without one of its most important means of defense.”

Princess Luna spoke “Your crown does not belong in the place Sunset Shimmer now calls home. And in her possession, your Element of Harmony will no doubt be used to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm. They will not have the power to defend themselves.”

Princess Celestia asks “You understand the importance of your task?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Of course I do.”

Princess Celestia spoke “Good. Then you must go at once.”

Twilight Sparkle sighs as she approaches the mirror.

Rainbow Dash spoke “Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's going, we're going with her.”

Pinkie Pie squees in happiness.

Rainbow Dash asks “Right, girls?”

Pinkie Pie squeals “Oooh! I'm so 'nervicited'!”

Applejack asks “You do realize that's not a real word, right?”

Princess Celestia spoke “I'm afraid I can't let you go.”

Rainbow Dash asks “What?! Why not?!”

Princess Celestia spoke “Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world, creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back from Sunset Shimmer. This is something Princess Twilight must do alone. And I do not know what will happen if we send the two outsiders through the portal.”

Princess Luna warns “Time is of the essence. On the third day, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close. And once it does, it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return.”

Spike and I immediately go after Twilight. Nyx was held back by Rarity.

Roberta and the other five shout “[remarks of encouragement] Spike, Tor, NO!”

Twilight Sparkle shouts “Whoa! Aaaah!”

Spike and I both yelp as we were sent through the portal.

*EG world*
*Day 1*

Twilight Sparkle groans as she got up.

Spike asks “Uh, Twilight?”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Huh? Spike? Tor? You two are not supposed to– Spike? Are you a... dog? And is Tor a wolf?”

Spike spoke “I... think so. But I have no idea what you are!”

I spoke “I feel so weird!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Huh? [screams] [panting]”

Spike spoke “Twilight, you have to get it together!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “[heavy breathing] [sigh] What... does the rest of me look like?”

Spike spoke “Um, like you. Only not you. Your muzzle's really small.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “My muzzle?! [panics]”

Spike asks "Are you gonna scream again? Where are we?"

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I don't know. But that must serve as the gateway back to Equestria. We need to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there. I suggest we start searching the castle first.”

Spike spoke “Works for me. Yeah, I don't think that's how the new you is supposed to–“

[dog pants and whines]

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Whooaaa... Whoa! Ooh... [laughs nervously] C'mon, Spike. I do not wanna be like this for longer than I have to.”

Spike spoke “Well, look on the bright side. You don't have those pesky wings to worry about anymore.”


I spoke “I don’t think that’s gonna work out Twilight.”

Twilight Sparkle exclaims “Hmm! [grunts] [gasps] My magic! It isn't working!”

I groan “I feel so exposed without my armor...”

Spike spoke “Makes sense. You don't exactly have your horn."

Twilight Sparkle asks “What?!"

Spike spoke “We really need to find you a mirror.”

I spoke “Most definitely.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “What do ya think, Spike and Tor? Other artifacts she's stolen from Equestria? [gasps] What am I?”

[school bell rings]
[scattered conversations]

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Huh? Oof!”

Flash Sentry asks “Whoa. You okay?”

Spike spoke “I don't think this is a castle.”

[Twilight Sparkle]
I've never seen a place
That's quite like this
Everything is turned around
This crazy world is upside-down
Getting on my feet
It's the hand that I was dealt
But I don't have much time with them
Got to learn all that I can
They don't use any magic or fly with any wings
I don't get these funny clothes, skinny legs or tiny nose
Everything's confusing when it seems so new
But I look a little closer and it starts to feel familiar too
What a strange new world (what a strange new world)
I'm trying to make heads or tails of this strange new world (what a strange new world)
Sorting through the small details of this strange new world
What a strange new world

Fluttershy whimpers “Oh, I'm really sorry. I-I just found it, and-and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it.”

Sunset Shimmer snaps “Well, I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you."

Fluttershy spoke “[hushed] It... doesn't really belong to you, either.”

Sunset Shimmer snaps “Excuse me?!”

Fluttershy stammers “N-n-nothing...”

Sunset Shimmer snaps “That's what I thought. It's as good as mine, and you know it. You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals.”

Spike and I growl in anger.

Twilight Sparkle snaps “How dare you speak to her that way!”

Sunset Shimmer asks “What did you say?”

Twilight Sparkle snaps “I said, How dare you speak to her that way!"

Sunset Shimmer scoffs “You must be new here. I can speak to anyone any way I want.”

[locker door shuts]

Fluttershy spoke “I can't believe you did that!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I couldn't just stand there.”

Fluttershy spoke “Well, it's just that nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Sunset Shimmer!?”

Fluttershy asks “You've heard of her?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Sort of...”

Fluttershy asks “I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Um... yes! Another... heh, school! My name's Twilight.”

Fluttershy spoke “[very quietly] I'm... Fluttershy.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Sorry, what was that?"

Fluttershy spoke “[even quieter] It's Fluttershy!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “It sounds like you're saying Fluttershy, but how can that...?"

Fluttershy exclaims "Oh, my goodness! Who's this sweet little guy and the yellow wolf?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “That's Spike! My, uh... dog! The wolf is Tor, I recently rescued him.”

Fluttershy spoke “Oh, he's so cute! Go on, eat up, little pup!”

Spike asks “[eats] Huh?”

Fluttershy asks “Oh, wouldn't ya just give anything to know what they're really thinking?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “He usually just tells me.”

Fluttershy asks “Oh, w-what do you mean?”

Spike and I just bark.

Twilight Sparkle asks “Oh, uh, nothing! (chuckles) Never mind. Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn't a crown, was it?”

Fluttershy asks “How did you know?”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Uh, lucky guess? Do you still have it?”

Fluttershy spoke “Mm-mm.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “But you know what happened to it.”

Fluttershy spoke “Mm-hmm. This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday.”


Fluttershy asks “Canterlot's animal shelter needs more volunteers. Won't you help an animal that can't help itself?”

[papers fluttering]

Fluttershy whimpers.


Fluttershy yelps “Ow!”

*end flashback*

Fluttershy spoke “I have no idea how it got there. But I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Principal Celestia? She's the ruler here?”

Fluttershy spoke “You could say that. Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules.”

Twilight Sparkle asks "Where is she now?"

Fluttershy spoke “Probably in her office. Third door on your left.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Thank you!”

Fluttershy spoke “Oh, wait! You're not really supposed to have pets on school grounds. Might wanna tuck them into your backpack. That's what I do.”

[cat meows]
[bird chirps]

Fluttershy spoke “They just get so lonely when I'm in school all day.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Oh, okay! Thank you! Though I really can’t fit Tor in the bag...”

[school bell rings]

Fluttershy exclaims “Oh, no! I'm late for class!”

[knock knock knock knock]

Principal Celestia spoke “Come in. How may I help you?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Um, uh... Whew. My name's Twilight Sparkle. I-I'm new here, and... Well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you.”

Principal Celestia asks “Yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up in the front lawn. Were you interested in running for Princess of the Fall Formal this year?

Twilight Sparkle asks “Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is... Well, the truth is I... You see, the crown is actually... Princess of the Fall Formal?”

Principal Celestia spoke “It's Canterlot High's big Fall dance.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Like the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Principal Celestia asks “Uh, Grand Galloping Gala?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Oh, uh, it was a big deal at my old school.”

Principal Celestia asks “And was there a princess?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Yes, but she wasn't exactly a student.”

Principal Celestia spoke "Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them. She receives her crown at the Fall Formal."

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Hmm. You asked me if I was interested in running for Princess. Can anyone run?”

Principal Celestia asks “Yes. You just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you would like to be on the ballot. Was there anything else?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Um, nope! That was it!”

Principal Celestia spoke “Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open. And please keep your wolf on a leash; I’d hate to call animal control if he got out of control.”

[door closes]

Spike asks “Twilight, why didn't ya just tell her the crown was yours and ask for it back?”

I scoff “A leash, seriously?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Oh, I was going to, but imagine if one of them showed up in Equestria saying they came from a place filled with tall, fleshy, two-legged creatures with these? We'd think they were crazy!”

Spike spoke “Hmm. You make a good point.”

I spoke “Yeah, good idea Twilight.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Looks like if I want my crown back, I'll have to become Princess of the Canterlot High Fall Formal. So that's what I'm gonna do!”

Spike asks “And how exactly do you plan on doing that?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I have no idea!”

[school bell rings]
[students chatting]

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I know we've just met, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something.”

Fluttershy spoke “Of course!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I've decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal, and-”

Fluttershy spoke “[gasp] Oh! Oh, gosh! Sorry. It's just, oh, running for Fall Formal Princess is a really bad idea.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Why?”

Fluttershy spoke “Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess, and when she wants something, she gets it! She'll make life awful for anyone who stands in her way. Just ask the girl who ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I have to try!”

Fluttershy spoke “Oh, I don't think you understand. You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her: the athletes, the fashionistas, the dramas, the eco-kids, the techies, the rockers...”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Why is everypony–?”

I cuff Twilight on the head.

Twilight Sparkle asks “Uh, everybody separated this way?”

Fluttershy spoke “Maybe it was different at your old school, but at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind. One thing that they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule the school until we graduate.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Not if I can help it! [chews apple] So, uh, [giggle] where would I find the head of the party planning committee?”

*In the gym*

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Fluttershy said she'd probably be in here.”

Pinkie Pie shouts “Incoming! [breathes in and blows into a balloon]”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Hi, my name's Twilight Sparkle and... Pinkie Pie?”

[balloon deflates]

Pinkie Pie asks “[gasps] Are you psychic?!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Uh, no. I don't think so. Unless of course that's something you can do here.”

Pinkie Pie sighs “Not usually.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Fluttershy said this is where I'd find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee.”

Pinkie Pie scoffs “Fluttershy, huh? Don't let the whole "shy" thing fool you. She can be a real meanie.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “You two aren't friends?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh? Dance is day after tomorrow.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I'm brand new here.”

Pinkie Pie asks “Oooh! I thought you didn't look familiar. Though, now that I'm really lookin' at you... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Uh, maybe?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Thought so. Anyhoo, just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown.”

[pen scratching]

Pinkie Pie spoke “Wow! You have really bad handwriting. It's like you've never held a pen before.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “[nervous laughter] Is it?”

Applejack asks “Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Oh! Oh! Me, me-me-me, me, yeah, ha-ha, me!”

Applejack asks “Can you bring in the rest?”

Big McIntosh spoke “Eeyup.”

Applejack spoke "Hey, I know you.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “You do?”

Applejack spoke “Sure. You're the new girl who gave Sunset Shimmer the what for today. [gulps cider]”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Twilight Sparkle here is gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal.”

Applejack spoke “[spits] I'd think twice about that. Oh, sure, she'll probably approach you all friendly like... [fakes Sunset Shimmer's voice] I sure am lookin' forward to some friendly competition. [fakes Twilight's voice] That's so good to hear. [normal] But then, here comes the backstabbin'.”

[balloon pops]

Applejack spoke “About the only girl in this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash."

Twilight Sparkle asks “Rainbow Dash?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “She's the captain of, like, every team at Canterlot High.”

[balloon pops]

Applejack spoke “She's also the captain of sayin' she's gonna do somethin' for ya, and then turnin' around and not even botherin' to show up.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Thanks for the advice, Applejack, but this is something I really need to do.”

I just bark.

Applejack spoke “Huh, suit yourself. Hey, how'd you know my name is Applejack?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Um, I uh... [nervous laughter] Didn't you say?”

Big Mac spoke “Nnnope.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Well, it sure was nice meeting you both. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around.”

Pinkie Pie spoke “That one's tryin' to hide a secret, but I am totally on to her. [whispering] She's psychic!”

Applejack spoke “Uh-huh. If you say so.”

[doors open]

Sunset Shimmer scoffs “This looks terrible! There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons.”

[balloon pops]

Snips spoke “Yeah, streamers!”

Snails spoke “And fewer balloons!”


Sunset Shimmer spoke “Fizzy apple cider? Ugh! This is my coronation, not a hoedown.”

Applejack spoke “Well, now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around.”

Sunset Shimmer scoffs “Oh, is that so? You country folk really aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you.”

Applejack spoke “Grrr...”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Obviously it's gonna be my coronation. I'm running unopposed.”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Not this time. The new girl just signed up!”

Sunset Shimmer asks “What?!”

Pinkie Pie spoke “I know. Her handwriting is really bad.”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “[to herself] Where is this Twilight Sparkle? [laughs] [to Applejack and Pinkie Pie] I'm looking forward to meeting the competition!”

[students chatting]

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier. Shoulda known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown, and her little dogs, too.”

I growl at the insult.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “It's my crown!”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Whatever. This is just a minor setback for me. You don't know the first thing about this place, and I already rule it.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “If that's so, why do you even need my crown? You went to an awful lot of trouble to switch it with the one that belongs here.”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Pop quiz: what happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world? You don't know? Seriously? [laughing] And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student? Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria? Bit embarrassing that you were the best she could do.”

Spike and I growl.

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your mutts. Hate for them to be... taken away from you.”

Spike and I both growl “Is that a threat?”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Oh, of course not.”

Spike barks.

Sunset Shimmer spoke “But I'd cut down on the chatter if I were you. Don't want everyone to know you three don't belong here, now would you? You wanna be a princess here? Please. You don't know the first thing about fitting in.”

Talking to the two boys, Sunset Shimmer spoke "I want you to follow her. Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me.”

Snips spoke “You got it, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “When the crown and its power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world. Not that she would've been much safer if she'd stayed in Equestria.”

Snips chuckles "Yeah, in Equestria."

Sunset Shimmer snaps "What are you still doing here?! Go!"

Snips and Snails spoke “Ow. Oh.”

[vending machine creaking]

Twilight Sparkle grunts.

Trixie Lulamoon spoke "Excuse me. The Great and Powerful Trixie! ...Needs some peanut butter crackers. Voilà!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke "Sunset Shimmer is right. I don't know the first thing about this place. If I'm gonna really fit in and win votes, we need to do some research."

Spike and I ask “Research?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “This place has a school. I have to believe it's got a... library!"

Snips asks “Got your phone?”

Snails asks “Got yours?”

Snips and Snails both snicker.

Twilight Sparkle asks “So I just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here?”

Cheerilee spoke “[sigh] That's right."

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Maybe this place does have magic.”

I spoke “Doubt it.”

[music playing]

I put my forepaws over my ears since I disliked loud noise.

[music shuts off]

Cheerilee asks “Uh, girls, what are you doing?”

Sweetie Belle spoke “We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten.”

Cheerilee spoke “[groaning] No, just...”

[music shuts off]

Cheerilee spoke “No! The school computers are for research purposes only."

Apple Bloom spoke “It's just as well, y'all. Some of the comments about our song were really awful. "Epic fail"... "Funniest thing I've ever seen"?!”

Sweetie Belle asks "Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Uh, I don't know that that's what you should take from... [sounds of exertion]"

Snips and Snails snicker.

Twilight Sparkle stammers "Whoa! Whoa! Waah!"

Cheerilee spoke "Shhh!"

Twilight Sparkle spoke "Uh... [nervous laughter]"

Snips and Snails snicker harder.

Twilight Sparkle groans "Ugh."

Twilight Sparkle yelps.

Using the P.A system, Principal Celestia spoke “The library will be closing in five minutes.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “[yawn] [gasp] I hadn't even thought about where we're gonna sleep tonight!”

I spoke “Way ahead of you.”

Spike spoke “It's a little [cough, cough] dusty. But it doesn't seem like anybody comes up here.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “It's perfect, Spike. Thanks Tor.”

I spoke “No problem Twilight.”

Spike asks “So, how did your research go?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I found this book. It's called a yearbook. It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school. Look. That's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I'm gonna bet the girl on the far right is Rarity.”

Spike exclaims “There's a Rarity here!? Uh, I mean, uh... interesting photo.”

I chuckle “Easy Casanova.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “It's interesting because they look like they're friends.”

Spike spoke “They do look like our friends. But I thought we'd figured that out already.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “No, I mean... they look like they're friends with each other. But it doesn't seem like they're friends now.”

Spike spoke “Not so much.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I just can't help but get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer had something to do with it.”

Spike spoke “I wouldn't put it past her. But she wanted your crown 'cause she's planning on doing something even worse! If you're gonna stop her, you have to focus on making friends here. Can't worry about why these girls aren't friends anymore. Even if they [yawning] do remind you of your Ponyville friends.”

I spoke “I think Sunset’s planning something...”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “You're right, guys. [sigh] Eye on the prize.”

End of Day 1

Equestria Girls Day 2

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*Tor's POV (still)

*Day 2*

I yawn loudly, waking Twilight and Spike up since a new day had started.

Principal Celestia spoke “[on P.A. system] Good morning, students, and happy Thursday. Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the time the dance starts tomorrow night, so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice heard.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Fluttershy said I'd need to win over all those different groups if I wanna become Princess of the Fall Formal. So I've compiled a list of talking points.”

Spike laughs “You made a list? That's so unlike you! [laughs nervously] Uh... Please... Continue.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I'll start introducing myself, sprinkle in some things I learned about their world into the conversation, show them how I fit in here! [sigh] Okay, Spike, Tor. Time to make a good first impression on my fellow students. The whole world sorta depends on it.”

"Nolan North" spoke “Hey, look.”

[students laughing]

Twilight Sparkle asks “Why is everybody looking at me funny? Whoa! What're you...? Why did you...? Rarity?”

Rarity spoke “Perfect! Oh, yes. This is good! No one will recognize you!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Why wouldn't I wanna be–”

Rarity spoke “And we'll need a disguise for your dogs, which is too bad. They really are so adorable! Y'know, with a little work, I think I could make them look like rabbits instead."

Spike asks “Huh?”

Twilight Sparkle asks “A rabbit?”

I growl since I did not want to wear anything stupid.

[door opens]

Applejack spoke “There you are, Twilight.”

Rarity spoke “So much for the disguise.”

Applejack spoke “I've been lookin' all over for ya!”
Fluttershy spoke “Me too.”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Me three! I like your new look!”

Rarity spoke “I do have an eye for these sorts of things. Not that you seem to care.”

Pinkie Pie asks “What?!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Why do you think she doesn't care? No, never mind. Why were you all looking for me? What's going on?”

I groan "This can't be good..."

Fluttershy spoke “Oh, she hasn't seen it yet.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Seen what?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Oh, it's really not that bad. [laughing nervously]”

Sunset Shimmer asks “[in video] Twilight Sparkle wants to be your Fall Formal Princess. But what does it say about our school if we give someone like this... such an important honor?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Wha... I...”

Pinkie Pie spoke “I take that back. It's pretty bad!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “But this all happened yesterday! At the library! Has everyone in the school seen this? Is that why they were all looking at me that way?”

Pinkie Pie and Applejack spoke “Mmm...”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “What am I gonna do? No one is gonna vote for me after seeing this!”

Fluttershy spoke “Not that it'll make any difference, but I'll still vote for you.”


Fluttershy spoke “You were so nice to stand up for me when Sunset Shimmer was picking on me yesterday.”

Pinkie Pie spoke “If ya still wanna run, maybe there's something I can do to help!”

Fluttershy spoke “Word of advice? Don't accept her help. She doesn't take anything seriously!”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Ugh! Why do you have to be so awful to me?”

Rarity spoke "Oh! Pff. Kch. Ts! Don't play innocent, Pinkie Pie! You are no better than she is!”

Pinkie Pie spoke "And what is that supposed to mean?!”

Rarity spoke "[to Twilight] I am happy to offer up my assistance as well. [to Pinkie] To someone who would appreciate what I have to offer!”


Applejack spoke “Listen to y'all carryin' on! Get over it and move on!”

Rarity asks “You mean like how you've gotten over what happened with Rainbow Dash?”

Applejack spoke “She said she'd get the softball team to make an appearance at my bake sale. I tell everybody they're comin', and then not one of 'em shows up! She made a liar outta me! That's different!”

Pinkie Pie and Rarity spoke “Is not!”

Applejack spoke “Is too!”

[arguing continues]

Twilight Sparkle spoke “STOP! All of you! I wanna show you something. You were friends once.”

Applejack spoke “Hmm. The Freshman Fair. Y'all remember?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Mm-hmm.”

Rarity spoke “Yes.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “But something happened. I think that something was Sunset Shimmer.”

Rarity spoke “Well, it's a nice theory, darling, but Sunset Shimmer had nothing to do with it.”

Fluttershy spoke “She's right. Sunset Shimmer isn't the one who ruined my silent auction for the animal shelter by bringing fireworks and noisemakers! It was supposed to be a serious event, and Pinkie Pie ruined it!”

Pinkie Pie spoke “What are you talking about? I got a text from you saying that you didn't want a silent auction. You wanted a big party!”

Fluttershy spoke “Uh! I never sent you a text!”

Pinkie Pie asks “You didn't?”

Rarity spoke “You don't think she's the one who's been sending me those e-mails, do you? Every time I volunteer to help with the decorations at a school function, I get an e-mail from Pinkie Pie saying she has plenty of volunteers! And then I find out she's done everything herself."

Pinkie Pie spoke “I never sent you any e-mails!”

Applejack spoke “Maybe she's the reason Rainbow Dash didn't show up for my bake sale!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Didn't you ever ask Rainbow Dash why she didn't show up?”

Applejack spoke "Heh, I guess I kinda stopped talkin' to her at all after that.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Maybe now would be a good time to start.”

*On the soccer field*

Rarity spoke “They're actually talking! That's a good sign!”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Hugs! Ooh, hugs are always good!”

I chuckle "Most definitely."

Applejack spoke “Somebody, and I think we can all guess who, told Rainbow Dash that my bake sale had been moved to a different day. Dash showed up with all the softball team and thought I'd cancelled on her!”

Rainbow Dash spoke “So you're lookin' to dethrone Sunset Shimmer and become Princess of the Fall Formal, huh? Gotta say, I'd really love to see that happen. I'll totally help you out! All you gotta do is beat me in a game of one-on-one.”

Twilight Sparkle asks "What?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "First to five goals wins. One-zip!”

[energetic music]

Twilight Sparkle gasps in exhaustion.

Rainbow Dash spoke “That's game!"

Rarity spoke “I... really thought you were gonna... pull it off there in the end! [laughs nervously]”

Rainbow Dash asks “So what's the plan? How can I help you be princess instead of Sunset Shimmer?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “But... I... lost!”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Of course you lost. I'm awesome! But I'm not gonna help just anybody try and beat Sunset Shimmer. The Fall Formal Princess should be someone with heart and determination. You've proved that you've got 'em both!”


Snips and Snails snicker.

Twilight Sparkle asks “And... can I get mine with extra oats?”

Mrs. Cake asks “Oats?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Uh, scratch that. However you normally make it is fine.”

[cup clatters]

Flash Sentry spoke “Oh! We've got to stop bumping into each other like this.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “You know me! Always trying to make a big splash around here. 'Cause my drink kinda splashed... on the ground! [nervous laughter] I'm gonna go over there now.”

Rarity asks “Don't even think about it! You're already trying to get her crown. Who knows what Sunset Shimmer would do if you ended up getting her ex-boyfriend too?”

Twilight Sparkle asks “I'm not trying to. I don't even know... We just accidentally... Ex-boyfriend?”

Fluttershy spoke “Flash Sentry broke up with her a few weeks ago. I can't believe she hasn't done something awful to him yet.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Maybe she's just waiting until she has the power to do something really awful."

I spoke "Yeah..."

Applejack spoke “All right, girls. Dance is tomorrow night, and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the votes she needs to be named princess. Right now, folks only know the Twilight from the videos Sunset Shimmer posted online. We need to help 'em see her differently.”

[remarks of agreement]

Rarity spoke “I'VE GOT IT! Ahem. I mean, um, perhaps I have a solution. Now this may be an absolutely preposterous idea, but what if we all wore these as a sign of unity? Freshman year, they were very, very popular. A way for everybody to show their school spirit! You know? "Go, Canterlot Wondercolts!" Ahem. I haven't sold any in ages. I mean, the five of us are obviously very different, but deep down, we're all Canterlot Wondercolts! Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us, Twilight Sparkle is the one who united us. And we're gonna let everyone know it! What do you think?”

[students chatting]
[guitar strumming]
[lunch tray thudding]
[glasses thudding]
[stomping and clapping]

[Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity]
Hey, hey, everybody
We've got something to say
We may seem as different
As the night is from day
But you look a little deeper
And you will see
That I'm just like you
And you're just like me
Hey, hey, everybody
We're here to shout
That the magic of friendship
Is what it's all about
Yeah, we thought we were different
As the night is from the day
Until Twilight Sparkle
Helped us see another way
So get up, get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping Twilight win the crown
So get up, get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown
[Pinkie Pie]
Hey, hey, hands up now
We're sending a message to the crowd
Hands wave up, then come down
We party together all around
Generous, honesty
Laughter, kindness, loyalty
Twilight helped us each to see
[Rainbow Dash]
All that we can be!
[Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity]
So get up, get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping Twilight win the crown
So get up, get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown
[Twilight Sparkle]
I'm gonna be myself
No matter what I do
And if we're different, yeah
I want you to be true to you
If you follow me
We'll put our differences aside
We'll stick together and
Start working on that school pride!
[All students]
Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Start now, make a change
Gonna come around
Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown
Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Start now, make a change
Gonna come around
Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown
Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Start now, make a change
Gonna come around
Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
[song continues in the background]

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Take those off! I have something I need you to do.”

[school bell rings]
[student chatting]

Rarity asks “Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “It was a great idea, Rarity!”

Applejack spoke “Don't know what she's smilin' about. Twilight's the one that's gonna be Princess of the Fall Formal.”

[knock knock knock]

Sunset Shimmer asks “Vice Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened! Isn't this just awful? And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect! Why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?”

Vice Principal Luna asks “Why would you think Twilight was responsible for something like this?”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Because I have proof.”


Twilight Sparkle spoke “But... But I don't understand!”

Vice Principal Luna asks “This is clearly you in the photographs, is it not?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Yes, but...”

Vice Principal Luna spoke “I think it should be fairly obvious that the school cannot let someone who would do something like this compete for the Fall Formal crown.”

[knock knock]

Flash Sentry spoke “Vice Principal Luna. I found these in a trash can in the library. Thought you should see them. Someone obviously combined these photos to make it look like Twilight was the one who trashed the gym.”

Vice Principal Luna spoke “I appreciate you bringing these to my attention, Flash. In light of this new evidence, you may of course continue your bid to be crowned the Princess of the Fall Formal.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Thank you! You have no idea how important this is to me!”

Flash Sentry asks “(chuckles) What was I gonna do? Not prove your innocence? Wouldn't be much of a Canterlot Wondercolt, would I?”

Vice Principal Luna spoke “I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night. If you will excuse me, I need to let my sister know about this latest development.”

Flash Sentry asks “So, uh, I was wondering. If you aren't already going with somebody, wanna go to the Fall Formal with me tomorrow night?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “That would be... Tomorrow night!? No, no-no-no-no-no, no no no no no! Nonononono! I can't! The portal! That'll be too late! [panting]”

Flash Sentry spoke “One "no" would have been fine!”

*At the boutique*

Rarity asks “Everything okay in there?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Yes! [to herself] Only it's not okay. It's not okay at all! If I don't get my crown tonight, I won't be able to go back to Equestria for another thirty moons! Oh, what are we gonna do?”

Spike spoke “Hmm. We tell them the truth. Let them know what's really at stake if you don't get the crown tonight. They'll help us figure somethin' out.”

I spoke “I agree with Spike on this.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “But what if they won't? What if when they find out how different I really am...?”

Spike spoke “Twilight, these girls rallied around you 'cause they saw what was in your heart. They aren't gonna feel any differently about you when they find out you're a pony princess in Equestria.”

I spoke “Yeah, telling the honest truth goes a long way.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I'm glad you two followed me here, Spike and Tor.”

Spike spoke “Me too. Unless, of course, we get stuck here for another thirty moons.”

Applejack asks “You okay?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “The Fall Formal isn't happening tonight.”

Pinkie Pie shouts “WHAT!?”

I had covered my ears with my paws since I wasn't fond of sudden loud noise.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations.”

Pinkie Pie shouts “WHAT?!?”

I had covered my ears with my paws again.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight.”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Wha–!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “[sigh] You see...”

Pinkie Pie spoke “You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it, they don't work anymore, and you need them to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time! [squee]”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Yeah, I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason.”

Spike spoke “Nope, she's pretty much spot-on.”

I spoke “Yep.”

Rarity asks “They can talk!?”

Spike spoke “Oh, yeah! And back where I come from, I'm not even a dog! I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!”

I spoke “You don’t want to know what I actually am. All I can say is that I'm a knight.”

Fluttershy asks “This is so amazing! Tell me, what are you thinking right now?”

Spike spoke “Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears!”

Rarity spoke “Gah...”

Spike spoke “Uh, maybe later.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “How did you know all that?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Just a hunch.”

I sigh “No matter the world, don’t question Pinkie’s antics...”

Applejack spoke “Wait a minute! Lemme get this straight. You're a pony?”

Rarity asks “You're a princess?”

Fluttershy asks “You're from another world?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “[gulp] Mm-hmm.”

Rainbow Dash spoke “That... is... awesome!”

[excited chatter]

Spike spoke “See? Told ya.”

Rarity spoke “I simply cannot believe they did all this!”

Pinkie Pie spoke "If I only had some kind of... party cannon that could decorate everything super fast!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “I know it seems impossible, but, maybe if we all work together?”

Applejack spoke “Now that's the kinda can-do spirit I'm lookin' for in a Fall Formal Princess! Let's do it, y'all!”

Rarity spoke “Absolutely!”

Rainbow Dash spoke "Rock on!”

Pinkie Pie exclaims “Yes, indeedily!”

Fluttershy spoke “[whispers] Yaaay!”

I spoke "I'll help too!"

[Twilight Sparkle]

It's time for us to come together
It's the only way that things will get better
It's time for us to take a stand
So come on and lend a helping hand
Fix it up
Yeah, it's all right
We'll get it ready by tonight
Mix it up
Yeah, help a friend
We'll come together in the end
[Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash]
It's time to show that we've got school spirit
Raise your voice and let everyone hear it
[Rarity and Applejack]
It's time to show that we're strong
So come on, everybody, sing along
(Look...) Look how we've all come together
(Things...) Things are only just starting to get better
(Look...) Look how we've all come together
(Things...) Things are only gonna get better, better, better, better!
(We... will...) Fix it up, yeah, it's all right
(Come... tonight, tonight...) We'll get it ready by tonight
(We... will...) Mix it up, yeah, help a friend
(Come... together, together...) We'll come together in the end
(We... will...) Fix it up, yeah, it's all right
(Come... tonight, tonight...) We'll get it ready by tonight
(We... will...) Mix it up, yeah, help a friend
(Come... together, together...) We'll come together, together now!

Pinkie Pie spoke “This... looks... sooooo... GOOD!”

Principal Celestia spoke “[clapping] All right, everyone! Fall Formal is back on for this evening.”

[students cheering]

Principal Celestia spoke “So you'd better get out of here and start getting ready. Oh, and don't forget to cast your ballots for the Fall Formal Princess on your way out!”

"Scott Green" spoke “You got my vote, Twilight.”

"Cloudy Kicks" spoke “Mine, too!”

Girl #2 spoke “Mine too!”

Girl #3 spoke “Mine too!”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “You're lucky she was able to pull this off. Next time I ask you to make a mess of things, try to show a little restraint! I need this Formal to go on tonight just as much as she does.”

Fluttershy spoke “I still can't believe we pulled that off!”

Rainbow Dash spoke “I can! We're awesome!”

Rarity spoke “Enough chatter, girls. We need to get ready, and we need to look fabulous!”

This is our big night
We're getting ready
And we're doing it up right
This is our big night
Friendship survived,
Now we'll start it out right
The time's right, gonna make it last 'cause it's the first night
That we're ever gonna start to just have fun together
We're so glad, so happy we could never be mad
Did it right now, this is our big night now
Six friends on the way up now
Six friends here to show you how
This is our big night
We're getting ready
And we're doing it up right
This is our big night
We made it happen
Now let's party all night
This is our big night
This is our big night
This is our big night
This is our big night

[limo pulls up]
[girls laughing]
[car pulls up]

Flash Sentry asks “Uh, Twilight! Look, I know you said "no" about going to the Fall Formal with me, but would you reconsider and at least have one dance?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I didn't say "no"! I mean, I did, but... I didn't mean no, to you. I was... Well, what I mean is... yes. I'd love to dance with you!”

[rock music]

Twilight Sparkle asks “Anybody see Sunset Shimmer?”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Maybe...”

I spoke “She’s planning something sinister...”

[music ends]

Principal Celestia spoke “First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown. The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is... Twilight Sparkle!”

[students cheering]

Principal Celestia spoke “Congratulations, Twilight.”

Spike spoke “Twilight! Help!”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Spike?”

Spike growls.

Twilight Sparkle spoke "They've got Spike!"

The six and I chase after Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer spoke "That's close enough!"

Spike spoke "Twilight!"

Twilight Sparkle spoke "Don't hurt him!"

Sunset Shimmer spoke "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm not a monster, Twilight. [to Snips and Snails] Let him go. [to Twilight] You don't belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home."

Twilight Sparkle gasps.

Sunset Shimmer asks "Tick-tock, Twilight. We haven't got all night. The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So, what's your answer?"

I snarl in anger.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “No.”

Sunset Shimmer snaps “What!? Equestria! Your friends! Lost to you forever! Don't you see what I'm about to do to the portal?!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Yes, but I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic. Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. You are not getting this crown!”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Fine. You win.”

Rainbow Dash spoke “You... are... so awesome!”

Applejack spoke “I can't believe you were gonna do that for us!”

Rarity spoke It's no wonder you're a real live princess!”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Oh, yes, she's so very special! [to Snips and Snails] Grab him, you fools!”

I shout “Oh no you don’t!”

Spike whimpers.

Rainbow Dash spoke “Spike! Tor! Fluttershy!”

*After a bit of playing keep-away*

Sunset Shimmer spoke “I'll take that! [chuckles evilly] At last! More power than I could ever imagine!”

[students gasp]
[thunder rumbles]

Sunset Shimmer laughs evilly.

The main cast gasps.

Snips spoke “This is gonna be so cool!”

[students screaming]

Sunset Shimmer spoke “I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along. [growls] But let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal... to me!”

[students screaming, Wilhelm scream]
[entranced moaning]

Sunset Shimmer spoke “[to Snips and Snails] Round them up and bring them to the portal. [to Twilight and friends] Spoiler alert: I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school; I want Equestria! And with my own little teenage army behind me, I am going to get it!”

[zombie-like moans]

Twilight Sparkle spoke “No, you're not!”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “Oh, please! What exactly do you think you're going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing!”

Rainbow Dash spoke “She has us!”

I shout “And me!”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “[growls, evil laughter] Gee, the gang really is all back together again. [evil laughter] Now step aside! Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already! She needs to be dealt with! [evil laughter] What!?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it! [echoing] Honesty! Kindness! Laughter! Generosity! Loyalty! Magic! Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all spoke the magic of friendship!”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “No! [screaming] What is happening?!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!”

I spoke “It’s over Sunset!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart.”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “[crying] I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know there was another way.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere. You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours.”

Sunset Shimmer spoke “But... But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I bet they can teach you.”

Spike spoke Those are my girls! Woo-hoo!”

I spoke “Way to go Twilight!”

"Brawly Beats" spoke “Did that dog and wolf just talk? Whoa. Weird.”

Spike asks “Seriously? The talking dog and talking wolf is a weird thing about all this?"

Rarity spoke “I, for one, think you're adorable.”

Spike spoke “Oh, yeah.”

I just facepaw and sigh.

Principal Celestia spoke “I believe this belongs to you. A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I do.”

[crowd cheers]

Flash Sentry asks “Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?”

Twilight Sparkle giggles.

This is our big night
We made it happen
Now let's party all night
We're here now and we worked so hard to make it come around
To tonight so let's try to make it last forever
The school lights so bright, beat is pumping through the night
Party's starting, DJ's got the music just right!
Six friends on the way up now
Six friends here to show you how
This is our big night
This is our big night
This is our big night

The main cast giggle.

Twilight Sparkle asks “You'll look out for her, won't you?”

Rarity spoke “Of course we will. Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies.”

Spike spoke "We better get going.”

I spoke “Yeah, time to go back.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much. [sigh]”

Spike spoke “That crown really does suit you, Princess Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle spoke “You know what, Spike? I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it.”

Spike asks “And the wings?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I've been walking on two legs and picking things up with these! Wings? I'm thrilled that's all I'll be dealing with back in Equestria!”


Pinkie Pie spoke “Oh, bummer!”

*Back in the Crystal Empire,*

Fluttershy spoke “Twilight! Spike! Tor!”

I spoke "Finally! I missed this armor!"

Rainbow Dash spoke “Ah, you're back!”

Rarity spoke “You've got your crown!”

Roberta giggles “Most definitely.”

Pinkie Pie spoke “I knew you could do it!”

Nyx tackle hugs her mom.

Applejack spoke “Oh, we were so worried.”

Princess Celestia asks “Sunset Shimmer, is she alright?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “I think she's gonna be fine. I left her in good hands.”

Rainbow Dash asks “What are hands?”

I chuckle at Rainbow’s naivety.

Fluttershy asks “Where did you stay?”

Rarity asks “What did they wear?”

Pinkie Pie asks “Did ya have fun?”

Applejack asks “What'd ya eat?”

Rainbow Dash asks “Would ya say she's just as awesome as me?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “[sigh] I wanna tell you all everything, I do, but I'm just so exhausted from all the dancing.”

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Nyx, Rarity, Roberta and Princess Cadence all ask “Dancing?!”

Twilight bumps into Flash.

I chuckle “Silly alicorn.”

Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry spoke “Oh.”

Flash Sentry spoke “We've got to stop bumping into each other like this.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Who was that?”

Princess Cadence spoke “He's a new member of the castle guard. Flash Sentry, I think. Why? Do you know him?”
Twilight Sparkle spoke “Not exactly.”

I chuckle “It’s a funny story though.”

Applejack spoke "Oooh! Somepony's got a crush on the new guy!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke "No. No, I don't.”

Rarity spoke “[gasp] She does! She absolutely does!”

Roberta giggles “She’s in denial.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Don't be ridiculous. I don't even know him. He just...”

Pinkie Pie asks “Totally reminds you of a guy you met in the other world who played guitar, was in a band, and helped prove you didn't destroy all the decorations for a big dance, so you could still run for princess of the big dance, and then asked you to dance at that dance?! [big breath] Right?”

Twilight Sparkle asks “How did you know that?”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Just a hunch!”

I chuckle “That’s Pinkie for you.”
