I have to say, "I love you," in a song.

by SparityLoveisForever

First published

At Spike's birthday he wants to tell Rarity something. The evening doesn't go as planned.

This is a story of Spike's sixth birthday party in Ponyville a total of seven years after the defeat of Nightmare Moon by Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Spike has spent the whole week before hand planning this party just so he could tell Rarity how he feels about her. He spends the whole day at Sweet Apple Acres getting ready with Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Twilight. When the time of the party comes around instead of finding their friend Rarity politely knocking on the door they are confronted by the realization that she is kidnapped and Spike is only one the Kidnappers want for the ransom drop off. Will our dragon manage to save his fashionable fashionista? Will Spike ever get to say what he wanted to Rarity? Will Rarity figure out who kidnapped her? What will every pony think of the background relationships included in this story?

Every time the time was right, everything just came out wrong.

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( A/N (Author Note))

The following story based on MLP: FIM which I do not own nor have the intention of purchasing. My story will deal with the proper ages of the mane six. The story constructed upon this following theory. According to the series the age of Twilight Sparkle when she hatches Spike is five to seven. In this story I am building from her being age five; therefore there is only a five-year difference between their actual ages. Additionally, to this, I am making the average age of the mane six during the first season of the series 14-16. To this end Applejack and Rainbow Dash are 14; Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity are 15; and Fluttershy is 16, last but not least a Spike who had his 10th birthday before the summer sun celebration. The next birthday would be Spike's 11th when he gave that breathtaking unicorn the heart shaped fire ruby which ended up saved the town from full destruction. This story takes place in a Ponyville that is seven years after Twilight Sparkle came to town and saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon. I'll leave you to do the math on their current ages.

The story is at another birthday party of Spike's this one starting in the evening. I realize the years of age I have mentioned may not be precise or 100% accurate, but they are simple observations gleaned from a personal understanding of the series. My first point of my reference based on the fact that the Summer Sun Celebration that happened in the first episode of season one. Then in “Secret of my Excess” in season two Spike mentions it is his first birthday in Ponyville. I have personally for the sake of this story determined that Spike's birthday is before the Summer Sun Celebration. A secondary point some will bring up is this is contradictory to the episode “The Cutie Mark Chronicles.” In response, I say that there is no specific timeline to Twilight's story, for this story then I shall say that Twilight was four when she saw that first Summer Sun Celebration. She then spent time studying over the next year by herself. Her parents seeing her put everything aside for this get a registration form for Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. The entrance exams taking place a month before the Summer Sun Celebration so that the Princess will have time to set up a personal curriculum for each student. These are personal observations, and for this story, this is how I've set things up.

On one final side note, I am following the theory that all the dragons that seen on the dragon migration had wings so Spike must obtain them at some point. Another note about dragons in this Equestria there are two ways of growth one is the greed path, and the other is the age-path. The age-path of dragons in this Equestria we're concerned about works like this: (0-5) baby dragon; (6-15) child dragon; (16-100) teen dragon. Spike would unlikely show any changes in growth during most possible cannon scenarios according to this model. I felt like giving a little back story to set the atmosphere for Ponyville and the days leading up to the party. Based on events coming out of season's one and two, anything else I refer to outside that timeline is personal fiction made by me. Now onto the story so please hold all comments until the end.

Chapter 1
Every Time the Time was Right,
Everything Just Came out Wrong.

The years in Golden Oaks Library had been good to Spike, as well as to his mentor, sister figure, and best friend, Twilight Sparkle. Spike had started his first natural growth spurt since he was a kid last year, spending part of it in the library molting all of his baby scales. The new scales like armor protecting him in new ways. Part of his growth spurt included the sprouting of his wings; they were a large set of bat-like wings with a green film. The growth of his body allowed a change in size to the point where standing upright on his back legs he is now as tall as Big Macintosh able to look the stallion in the eyes, Spike's green head scales added enough to his height now that most doors he had to duck. His tail now longer, flowing like a river to a spade tipped end. All of his muscles strengthened maturing growing in this new form. At the ends of his long, strong, toned arms, his claws sharp powerful at the end of his fingers. His teeth strong enough to chew even diamonds, now it felt like when he was smiling he was showing off a row of swords. The new form also held improved control of his fire breath which he had managed to improve with Twilight's aid.

Spike's chores at the library easier, keeping up with Twilight even when he had to triple check the checklist for her. Spike was most thankful that his new size brought on no sleep deprived blackouts. He had started to be accustomed to helping almost all of Twilight's closest friends on at least one day each week. All his friends still managed to make him feel welcome in their presence. No pony who knew the Spike personally would even say that the new size did anything to change who he was on the inside, and that's what mattered to him. Things in Equestria had gone pretty well for him over the last year, with no national threats to Equestria in the recent years.

Spike would spend his Monday's assisting Twilight in the library. His assistance consisting of the following; making her checklists for the week, consulting on schedules, re-shelving the returned books, and making sure supplies stayed fully stocked. Spike's Tuesday's after breakfast and the morning sweep of the library, would cause him to head over to Sweet Apple Acre's to assist Applejack in any way she saw fit. These chores began with setting up buckets, rounding up bruised apples, bringing full buckets back to the house, and ended with some apple bucking. With his new found strength and body size though he did it in a way no pony could.

After morning chores on Thursday's, Spike would usually be seen heading over to Fluttershy's cottage. Fluttershy's workload would be watching over Angel's kids, or an injured animal, and setting out filled food bowls for hungry animals. Meanwhile, what Fluttershy did with her time outside of her house, Spike couldn't tell. Her animals had become much more accommodating of him over the years, yet the size change did set him back a bit with some. Fluttershy would sometimes only come back right before or after sunset. Spike wasn't one to pry into the sweet, shy mare's private life, but he had observed her returning close enough to the cottage once with a particular big red stallion before quickly parting company.

On Friday's he was under the employ of Pinkie Pie and The Cake's, Carrot and wife Cup, whom he had been helping out the most other than Rarity over the years to pay back the damage he did to Sugar Cube Corner. They always had him make a few sets of his dragon fire pastries which were some of the best sellers they had since he started helping out more. He would always bake enough to make sure they would have enough for the next day at least. With help from Apple Bloom, babysitting relieving some of the stress from the twins, Pound and Pumpkin, from the Cake's backs. With the help from Spike and Apple Bloom, the Cake's workload was much easier on them and Pinkie Pie as a result.

Sunday's were the day's that he had promised to aid Rainbow Dash in any stunt. Primarily consisting of him setting up flaming obstacles for her to fly through. She had upped her training since the realization that the Wonderbolts didn't take any applicants under the age of twenty-one. Spike had set up one week's obstacle course in a very tricky section of Whitetail Wood ending in a triple fire loop. Rainbow Dash still went through them with speed and accuracy blowing out each flame as she went through finishing with an astounding aerial loop the loop. She would be a promising recruit for certain if she made it to the tryouts this her first year.

Saturday's were Spikes only real day off from this work schedule though these day's along with Wednesday's were for with Rarity. Saturday's he would always bring her a red rose from the flower vendor Rose. Wednesday's were the day's that Spike would spend at Carousel Boutique assisting Rarity with her most urgent projects. Though he had aided his over-organized “sister” for most of his life, helping Rarity came like second nature to him. She had even asked him to help her in prep work for a few of the fashion shows she'd be out of Ponyville for a few days on. He had become very familiar with her workspace after all, and being able to get her what she needed as quickly as she asked was only expeditious to her cause. With Spike as her assistant, she never got a questioning remark about her styles, only giving assistance in getting her everything she needed to complete her visions. It was like watching two halves of the same whole to view them working on a project together.

Spike had begun to notice almost every time that he went to Carousel Boutique recently to help Rarity with her designs, that something had been bothering her despite all her successes. Boutique's all across Equestria handled some of her best old and new dresses. Elite from every corner of Equestria had come to her shop to ask for personal ensembles. Though she still hadn't found that prince charming she had been looking for, finding it quite was lonely at the top without someone there to share it with you. She had friends sure, yet, she longed for that special somepony that would make her feel like a real rarity, though. Somepony to love her for who she was. To treat her like a lady should be like a true gentlecolt would. She had turned down nearly every stallion who had come asking for her for one reason or another. She hardly went on dates anymore every stallion in Ponyville who had been turned down had started to call her the “Ice Queen of Fashion.”

Even if Rarity accepted a date from a stallion, she would find something inexplicably wrong with them. The stallion either ignored her interest in fashion, or was too caught up in himself to treat her like a lady, or he was only there looking to get under her expertly hoofmade dresses. She hated the latter the most these brutes most since all of them didn't take her rejection kindly. Making her very glad Twilight had taught her the teleportation spell during a rainy afternoon she had to get home to finish a custom order. She only had to focus on herself and the image of where you wanted to go to have it take her straight back to her home. Most of the failed dates left her locked up in the boutique's bedroom for a few days.

Rarity only ever opened the front door to Spike on these days keeping all others out even Fluttershy. Carousel Boutique closed on days after date's that had gone horribly wrong. Spike could tell her stallion troubles had started to depress her even more over the past year. Even in this last Wednesday's design session had been slow going for her. He tried to talk to her about it directly as a friend, but she said she didn't want to discuss it with him right now. Saying she needed to create today, and Spike knew when she said that there was nothing he could do or say to stop her focus.

Just Spike's luck that his party would fall on on a Saturday and not a day he could get out of a bit of work. Spike had Pinkie promised, Pinkie Pie on the past Friday he would consult her for setup. He wanted to make this party special though so he had to call the shots. He had something tremendous planned for this party. Either making it the best night of his life or a reason for him to turn away from being a pony leaving Equestria.

On the Monday before the party, he had sent out his invitations to most of his friends in Ponyville and some from Canterlot. He even went so far as to invite the Royal Alicorn Sisters, Twilight's brother; Shining Armor, and his wife; Princess Cadence. On Tuesday he asked Applejack for the use of her barn on Saturday. He said it would make the perfect place to have the party he was planning. She happily agreed even saying that use of the space was on her for his gift. He had been avoiding gifts since his eleventh birthday fiasco. Each of Twilight's friends had since found their way to show him they cared about him without a real physical gift. On Wednesday he gave Rarity her invitation in person with a rose continuing to assist her that day even with her down mood he had made her just a bit happier by the end of the day. He mentioned to Fluttershy in her invite that he wouldn't have time to spend with her on Thursday if he wanted everything to go smoothly as possible on Saturday. On Thursday Spike went straight to Sugar Cube Corner to spend the better part of the day finalizing his plans with Pinkie Pie.

The final touch he wanted was to make sure that as the sunset that night that Octavia would appear on the stage, and for Rarity start a song that he had only heard once. He had found a sheet music book for the song thanks to Twilight's help. Needing it to be perfect for Rarity that night, and Octavia was the only musician in Equestria in Spike's mind who could pull off the song perfect for Rarity. Spike was finally going to tell her about his feelings in his unique way. With most of the things, he had to do for The Cake's tomorrow done today in congruence with planning with Pinkie Pie. He spent all of Friday getting ready at the library for his solo on Saturday. Twilight could hear singing coming from the basement in almost every variance of vocal pitch. She left Spike to his own devices figuring that he'd be better off if he were alone today.


Spike had become more competent at raising earlier in the library, ever since he now has to sleep on the spare bed in a room separate yet across from Twilight. As Celestia's Sun rose on this day, the light seemed to drift across the room and come into his eyes. Spike shook his head gently it was the big day he was going to tell the mare he loved that he loved her today. No reservations, no backing down, no interruptions, he was going to say it today in his way he felt like nothing could stop him. Spike came out of his room he slowly made his way down to kitchen trying to let Twilight sleep.

Twilight had a pile of books around her bed again, and Spike knew she had stayed up late studying another magic spell of some kind or another. He was aware that Twilight needed to start having better sleeping hours or at least a special somepony to get some time out of the library. Spike moved down the stairs silently, the last stair creaking rather loudly under his weight as it almost always did now. He tiptoed to the kitchen, though, starting a fresh batch of cinnamon apple pancakes. Hoping the scent from the kitchen would be enough to rouse the sleeping unicorn from her bed. By the time the pancakes finished, they had the desired result on the sleeping unicorn.

Spike brought two plates of three pancakes to each plate into the central area of the library. Setting his plate on one of the study tables. As Twilight had started down the stairs, she sniffed at the aroma that had awoken her again saying, “Happy Birthday, Spike! You're up early today. Mmmm Spike those smell delicious. My pancakes never turn out like yours. Which just another reason why you're my number one assistant.”

She slowly levitated the plate Spike was motioning for her to take with her magic the lavender aura bringing it to just in front of her letting her get another whiff of the aroma before setting it on the same table. Having her magic move up to the top dice the top pancake gently with her concentration. Then bringing a piece of the pancake to her mouth with the aura she let out another very pleased. “Mmmm.”

Spike didn't respond to her but felt glad that his big sister was enjoying his cooking. Beginning to slice his pancakes with his big sharp claws. He had added a few garnet's from his private gem stash to his pancakes he felt the flavor meshed well with apples. He slowly began to eat them focused on getting his energy for the day right now. Spike figured after he finished his breakfast that he needed to take a shower today as well. He finished up quickly and took his plate back to the kitchen, then went to the bathroom inside the library. Spike wanted to smell his best today. He knew he has a long day ahead of him today since he was overseeing a party going up. After his shower, he did a very thorough inspection of his scales for stray dirt.

Spike put on the formal wear Rarity had made for him after his new transformation still fitting perfectly over his wings. It was a black top coat with emerald buttons that had a lime green undershirt that matched his ear frill's color. She had decided against pants for the ensemble telling Spike it made him look like a real gentledrake just the way it was. The party was scheduled to start at four o'clock pm. He left Golden Oaks Library looking ready for anything his formal wear feeling like armor. Spike knew Twilight would be behind him shortly, as he needed her help in setting up too. He was ready to get started on this endeavor, however, and couldn't wait for her to get ready as well. Spike began making his way to Sweet Apple Acres with thoughts of the beautiful mare of his dreams on his mind.

<><><> <><><> <><><>

As the morning seeped into Carousel Boutique, followed by a faint warm smell of quiche. Rarity was however still in slumber land, she tossed and turned on her bed. She felt as if she was tied up with a rope hanging by her wrists. A black dragon having captured her, pulling her away from her friends before they could use the Elements of Harmony to banish him. The black dragon knocked Twilight and the others to the ground with a swift whip of the tail. Before the dragon could get very far with the ensnared pony, though, a knight wearing plate mail came in to block his passage. Proceeding to deliver a powerful head thrust tackle at the dragon's underbelly with the sharp spiky helmet he was wearing. The black dragon reeled from this blow and his claws snapped through the rope bindings holding Rarity. The knight moved and caught her in his long, strong front arms. The face guard on the helm was down so Rarity couldn't see who was saving her. He quickly charged on his back legs to bring her back to the other elements to get them ready to remove this menace from Equestrian borders. As this was happening though she tried to look at her saviors, face only to find there wasn't enough light in the cave but she could see his emerald eyes. He was about to say something to her, as something out of place wafted through her nose something that shouldn't be there the smell of... quiche?

Rarity was slumbering her eyes hidden behind an eye-mask, she started to inhale the scents that reminded her of her favorite kind of quiche. Causing her eyes to blink open under the mask wondering who could be using her kitchen right now. Sweetie Belle was supposed to be with the rest cutie mark crusaders at a sleepover on Sweet Apple Acres. Rarity slowly roused herself from the bed a little disappointed that she didn't get to see her dream stallion's face. Putting on a robe, she slowly made her way down the stairs. Crossing the boutique's main floor slowly then opening the door with her magic to the kitchen to see who was responsible for breaking her from her dream and finding out who was her rescuer.

As the door opened, she saw Sweetie Belle but couldn't believe she was here. Rarity leaned against the kitchen door in the doorway and tapped her hooves on the ground. Rarity's sister was putting the final touches on the plates only to be distracted by the hoof tapping. Rarity then said with a bit of contempt in her voice. “I'm glad to see those cooking lessons I gave you improved your skill so greatly sister dear. ”

Sweetie Belle was startled by the taps and sudden voice to see her sister looking at her in her robe as Sweetie looked back at her sister, she responded, “How do you always know!? Whenever I'm cooking in your house, it is practically impossible to surprise you with breakfast! I hope it came out alright...” The last sentence came out a bit quieter almost like she shouldn't have said it.

Rarity looked back at her sister shaking her head and walked over the set table. She slowly looked over the plate and noticed that Sweetie Belle had even managed to take the time to slice individual portions of her favorite quiche into eighths. Rarity levitated one of the slices up with her blue magic aura and proceeded to take a very lady-like bite out of the pointed front. She let the taste roll over her tongue slowly, as she chewed and continued to swallow the small taste of food. She said with much delight. “Sweetie Belle this is the best job you have done with this recipe ever.” As Rarity took another bite, she noticed something unique to the taste of the quiche, and quickly had a new question for her sister. Looking at her sister with a pair of very questioning eyes, “Also, how did you ever get Spike to give you his recipe?”

Sweetie Belle gulped at her sister's revelation. She looked back at her with a bit of anxiety in her body. She had not felt as nervous as this since her first gig. Sweetie Belle had been the first of the cutie mark crusaders to get her cutie mark. A microphone with a bell for the tip, a stretch of lace that matched her mane around the underside of the bell connecting it to the base. She had discovered she loved to sing the lace strip represented the wonderfully sweet sound of her voice no matter the song. She quickly gained a lot of popularity even recorded her own first single at her sister's request. The recording set Sweetie Belle on her way to being a young pop sensation. Her big sister even designing her first stage outfit.

She just stared back at Rarity and said nervously. “Well... sis, it was just after sunset yesterday that Spike came by Sweet Apple Acres. He asked if I would bake the two quiche's he brought with him for our breakfast today. I was going to decline but after insistence from him and Apple Bloom I agreed. It sounds like I managed to get them to turn out OK then.” Sweetie Belle moved over to her position at the table and started to eat her quiche. Her sister had been right the taste was just divine for having been prepared the night before.

Rarity sat in silent reflection of this information as she continued to finish the main course of her meal for that morning. As she thought about the kind gesture Spike had done for her, and even on his birthday. She couldn't help but pensively consider that Spike had emerald eyes though she never really thought about it before. Her heart started to beat a bit faster at this thought. Only after the fact that Rarity was still staring at her empty plate had Sweetie Belle said. “Equestria to Rarity... Are you there, sis? I need to go do a few errands before the party, but I should see you there at four.”

Rarity responded with “Hmm?... What?... Yes... Sounds good. OK...” With that Sweetie Belle left the kitchen quickly and proceeded to exit the boutique. Rarity figured that Sweetie Belle had some things to finish up with her friends when she left. Rarity picked up both plates with her magic, and slowly took them over to the sink rinsing them off a bit before putting them down. Sweetie Belle had put out Opal's milk bowl, and Rarity turned herself around going back upstairs to start getting herself ready for this afternoon.

She has a new ensemble that she did design around the fire ruby Spike had given her all those years ago. She took the necklace from a specially fitted jewelry box slowly and steadily putting it on the ponyquin with her outfit with her magic. Making it look like a final touch to the ensemble, not the driving force. Rarity went to begin her daily beautification rituals she knew Spike would always be happy to see her no matter what she wore, but today was the first time she felt a bit self-conscious of what he might think of her in this outfit.


Pinkie and Spike had been over at Applejack's barn for about an hour before Twilight showed up to help. Spike was very thankful when she did arrive since he was counting on her making the dance floor expand over the entire barn to ensure minimal dirt contact for that beautiful mare of his. Pinkie's party cannon had done a great deal of the setting up already.

With Twilight's help, Spike managed to direct her in hanging a banner from the loft with her magic that he had worked on personally yesterday along with getting his voice in tune. There were no words on it only an image. The image was one of his old body on one side and his new body on the other end with an intricate green fire pattern between the two. Set up on top of the tables were plenty of candles that were ready to be lit by his green flames when the time was right. Suddenly the dragon let out a belch of the green fire to have it produce a scroll with Princess Celestia's seal on it. He opened the letter quickly it read as such.

Dear Spike,

It pains me to be the one to inform you that Shining Armor and Princess Cadence are unable to attend, however, Luna and I will still be able to attend. Please tell my faithful student Twilight Sparkle that I look forward to speaking to her personally. I'm also very glad to hold the sunset long enough for your plans this evening. Princess Luna wishes to speak with you after your show. We'll see you tonight.


Princess Celestia

After Spike had read the letter Twilight snatched it from his claws with her magic reading it herself then shouting. “Spike! You didn't tell me you were inviting my brother or Cadence.”

Spike shifted on the spot feeling a bit embarrassed responding, “Well, I thought it would've been a nice surprise for you if they had been able to make it Twi. I know it's hard for you to get to see them outside of visits to the Crystal Empire. I know you miss Shining Armor a lot, and I know you like seeing your niece and nephew as well.”

Twilight just looked at him and back at the letter slowly, proceeding to gave him a big hug knowing he had done it with the intention of making her happy made her glad she had such a thoughtful assistant. Spike was holding her back rubbing her coat softly as they hugged. Knowing how much she missed her big brother words could not express, but today it looked like she'd just have to do with her little brother. After this short embrace, Spike got right back to directing Pinkie and Twilight to set up the stage, dance floor, and tables taking about till noon.

At which time they were interrupted by Applejack asking if they wanted some lunch. Who brought in some of the best apple treats the farm had to offer the three hungry party workers. Spike only took an apple fritter, an apple, and a bottle of the apple juice for lunch. Pinkie Pie took the remaining four apple fritters and managed to down two bottles of the juice for her lunch. Twilight took a zap apple jam sandwich, and a single bottle of the apple juice for her lunch. Applejack took the same lunch that Twilight had and said she was available for anything else they needed.

Spike gave Applejack a bag of bits saying, “I would really appreciate it if you could get me a bouquet of white roses from Rose's stand a total of nine if possible Applejack. This bag of bits should be enough for it if I know her prices well enough. Be careful with bringing them back.” Applejack nodded taking the bag of bits and galloped out of the barn at her top speed figuring it would be best she got back with them before Rarity showed up.

Just after Applejack left was the same time that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash arrived. Spike came up to Rainbow Dash asking her the following right after she came in. “Tonight is supposed to be clear right Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her magenta eyes at him but said in a very reasonable tone with a mock salute. “I had to get a rain shower changed to yesterday but tonight should be all clear Spike. I hope it's everything you wanted.”

Spike chuckled as he watched her salute with fake determination. “Should be if you cleared the sky, thanks again Rainbow. Oh, here I got this for you while I was in Canterlot last weekend.” Spike smiled holding out a large folder filled with many pieces of parchment. The front read “Wonderbolts Registration Form” as she looked over it his hand beckoning her to take it. Rainbow almost couldn't believe her eyes. Spike put it gently into her hooves with one last bit advice said, “You need to turn the form over to Spitfire before the Summer Sun Celebration which gives you about a month. They rarely accept more than one recruit at a time Dash, so make sure you show them your best in your flight test, Rainbow. Your time at the academy was training you for this moment.”

“OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!!!! Spike this is the best thing ever. Thank you!” After giving the folder to Fluttershy to hold Rainbow Dash proceeded to tackle hug the dragon. Both of them tumbling to the ground with the speed at which her wings had moved her.

“Ow! Hey, you're welcome.” Spike smiled returning the hug of one of his better friends in Ponyville. After a few moments, they released each other letting Spike get back up on his legs. As they both stood up, was just about the time when Applejack made her way back into the barn.

“Nine white roses just like ya asked Suga' cube.” Applejack had said after setting them down on the nearest table. He smiled and was glad he had such good friends to help him out. He could do anything for Rarity with their help. He took out another bag filled with twenty-seven small light blue diamonds which he cut from nine larger gems. He spread them out on the table with the roses three to each flower and then said. “Twilight? Think you can put these diamonds on the petals?”

She put down the checklist she was working on and looked at the roses and diamonds and said “Hmmm. I'll need your help, if you have an image in your mind of what you want the final result to be, that would be best. Other than that it's a simple spell with full concentration.”

Taking the better part of the remainder of the two hours till four, and Rainbow Dash gathering Pinkie Pie's attention. For Twilight and Spike to finish the spell on the roses which after the transformation looked astounding. The three largest outer petals now had their diamond pattern in the center giving each of the roses a look that matched the female unicorn of Spikes affections cutie mark. All the roses together in a bouquet had almost a delicate shimmer that seemed to pull from every light source.

While Spike and Twilight were distracted with the spell for the perfect flower set, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch had shown up and were being shown in by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie had high-hoofed with Vinyl upon arrival. Taking to helping her move her turntables and stereo system into the barn. Putting them so that the speakers were on either side of the stage, and the turntables were off to the right part of the barn. With Vinyl owing Pinkie a favor and Octavia owing her oldest school friend Vinyl a favor Octavia had agreed to perform for this low-class venue. Octavia wasn't too thrilled about seeing the bright pink party pony again, as she always felt uneasy around Pinkie Pie. Octavia had been asked by Vinyl to do a love song right at sundown. Having been told that person who wanted her especially loved the way she handled a cello, and that no one could make the strings sing like she did. Pinkie had pointed over to Spike when they had asked just who was going to be singing the song that Octavia was playing.

Octavia went over to him after the magic had stopped glowing on Twilight's Horn. She had been given the music being quite confident in her ability to play it but was not sure about the vocal talent of the person. With the aid of some of the books from the library, Spike's vocal workout on Friday resulted in a rich baritone. When she asked if he would need vocal accompaniment, he responded to her with a short, sweet sample of the first two lines of the song. Everypony's jaws dropped, as they heard the sample from Spike.

<><><> <><><> <><><>

Noon was approaching when Rarity had begun to feel ladylike again. She had most of her makeup done and was putting on some final touches like adding her false eyelashes. As Rarity went through the boutique, she touched up a few of her longer standing projects. She had a few dresses that needed finishing for Hoity Toity by the end of next week.

Rarity was not worried since she was sure that on next Wednesday with Spike's help that the rest of the dresses would be finished. So they would be sent to Canterlot on Thursday two days ahead of schedule. Rarity was always one for getting orders done as soon as possible, as she has to be speedy and timely in the fashion business otherwise she might just get left behind. With all of her connections now she still managed to make things for the customers who kept her in bits during down times with their consistent business.

Her business with Hoity Toity for the occasional new couture, or something snazzy and sparkling for Sapphire Shores with costume changes of course. New matching male and female ensemble for Fancypants and Fleur de Lis or even Photo Finish coming around to do photo shoots for the boutique's newest fashions kept her in bits. Rarity always took every project seriously tailoring it to the needs of her customer while maintaining her unique flair to the project.

She was just about to change another hem, and add a few more gems to an outfit, realizing that she now only had an hour to change into her outfit. In addition to getting over to Sweet Apple Acre's on time. Rarity quickly went straight up to her bedroom, starting to put on her dress making sure she would not be sweaty. She wanted to do her best to look and smell her absolute best for Spike tonight. Rarity couldn't explain these feelings as her mind raced with thoughts of that beautiful dream, even if she wasn't sure who the knight was. She was going to give Spike a chance to see if he was up to the task of being her knight in shining armor.

Rarity left the boutique wearing a cape, as capes were back in fashion again. Rarity decided to wear the cape made on Spike's birthday when he gave her the fire ruby. The cape was a light purple with slight ruffles around the collar. She was wearing a pair of heeled shoes on her front hooves that matched the color of the cape. The rest of her outfit was a color close to the shade of her mane. The sleeves were swooping into a heart shape area over her chest coming around her neck from the opposite sides, ending in tear shape cuffs just above her ankles. As the dress connected the heart shape from the sleeve connections framing her neck connecting the larger part of the upper torso connecting perfectly to the dress. The dress section had come down to a “fabulous” rose design with almost every shade of purple she could get her hands on it was a slow sloping outer ring of the dark purple that slowly lightened with every tone closer to the inner folds. The rose-like design of the dress section left little to no train and made it very easy to hide the holes for tail and back legs. Rarity rarely did it, but this outfit required shoes for her back hooves as well these however matched the primary color of the dress. The dress had a myriad of amethyst gems attached in all the right spots to just gently catch the light. Just above the heart shape formed by the sleeves over her chest was the fire ruby necklace which cast a gentle red hue over chest providing a mid ground contrast of colors that had left her pleased with the outcome of the outfit.

Carousel Boutique, the furthest building in Ponyville from Sweet Apple Acre's, Rarity had started out with only thirty minutes till four. She would arrive with about ten minutes to spare if she kept her pace steady without getting her ensemble dirty. She had figured most of her friends would be waiting for her already at the party considering a lot of them were helping with the preparations.

She had thought Spike might be planning something special for her when her invitation had read “Spikes 6th birthday party in Ponyville. Saturday starts at four goes till morning everyone is free to leave as they see fit. P.S. Rarity there is a red rose with this invitation I'm going to have something incredible just for you when you arrive at four.” She wondered what Spike could have had in mind. However just as she was about to think longer on it there was a telltale loud thwack to the back of her head which made her world go dark.

Rarity had carried her invitation with her and after a short examination of her heart shaped chest area with a hoof her captor found it. The earth pony who rendered her unconscious quickly lifted her onto his back and moved away from the center of town past every house. The trail ingrained his body could do it blindfolded he was supposed to take it. It would allow him to escape Celestia's gaze, and get back into the Everfree Forest with no interruptions.

He had trained for weeks to do this dash with another pony on his back. He took Rarity on his back at a gallop and made his way to the drop off location. Dashing along the trail through the Everfree Forest that defined his way during the training. Arriving after crossing a new looking stone bridge to the place a rope bridge was nearby as well. A unicorn stepped from the shadows of the forest and levitated the unconscious mare to him with the invitation using his silver-blue magical aura, then levitated a message towards the stallion and said. “Good work. Now deliver this note to the party at the apple farm. I'm sure 'Spike' will be eager to learn his love is missing. Your payment will be at the regular drop off.”

The earth pony nodded taking off towards the Apple family farm. He took the note to the barn where the party held at Sweet Apple Acres. He ran in the direction of the farm and barn getting closer with every step of his hooves. When he got close enough, he tossed the note into the air and split it with a dagger he had retrieved from his saddle bags. He moved his neck to throw the knife through one of the windows in one swift motion shattering it with the force of the throw. The blade was sticking into the other side of the barn with force of the throw the note about ready to slide off. After the throw, the earth pony galloped at full speed in a different direction only to circle back through the orchard, and then into the Everfree Forest to the drop point.


As the clock tower in town sounded four, there was a crash of glass along the sound of galloping hooves as everyone in the barn turned to see the dagger that was now sticking out of the wall. Thankfully no pony had been hurt, but as Twilight took the parchment from the dagger with her magic, she read the note silently to herself and was more than shocked when she read the demands of Rarity's kidnappers. She couldn't believe it she read it a second time and then she heard a voice say. “What does it say Twilight?” She knew the voice of her number one assistant, letting go of a single tear she handed it over to Spike with her magic. Who in turn took the cue to read it aloud.

“If you want to see the fair lady Rarity again. “The dragon” will bring every bit & gem you and your friends can gather alone. To the original castle of the Royal Alicorn Sisters before sunrise. We have spies all over the Everfree Forest. Thus we'll know if anyone is following you. Then she shall meet with a grim pony in a dark hood after slaking our lusts on her. Anything less than or equal to 1,000,000 bits of worth and we'll still slake our lusts on her with you watching dragon boy. 2,000,000 bits or even worth and we'll return her to you without anything but a bump to the head.”

The more he read, the shakier his voice became, the more his mind raced, the more a fire started burning in his heart, and tears had begun trickling down his face. That anyone would do this to Rarity in the middle of Ponyville was unthinkable. Celestia's constant watch should be inescapable. Spike knew the Princess could not watch every last thing that happened in every part of her kingdom every moment. Seemingly unfair that she would miss this of all things she could miss. His heart was breaking with every last word these villains had written, asking for easily half if not more of the kingdoms entire finance to get his love back unharmed. The only thing he could hope for was that the Princesses had something to offer him in aid.

Spike's mind was racing with possibilities his body twitching a bit tensing with anxiety and readiness. Only after Twilight came up to him and put her hoof on his shoulder that he started to calm down a bit, after turning it into a big hug, she said the best thing she could think to say as a big sister in this situation. “We will get her back, Spike, unharmed.” Twilight released him turning to address her friends. “Rainbow, go see if you can catch whoever threw the dagger. Applejack, could you check if you have any spare bits up at the farm house? Pinkie Pie, check Carousel Boutique for signs of Rarity and gems. Then see if you can round up any bits from Sugar Cube Corner, and ask if any pony in town can help or saw anything. Fluttershy, do you think you can get Angel's kids and some of your animal friends to check out the path to the old castle? Together there is nothing that can stop us from getting our friend back.” Turing her head back to Spike. “We need to inform the Princess's think you can take a letter, Spike?”

EOC (End of Chapter)


I know it's kind of late. Hope you're not awake.

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In this chapter, I bring to the semi foreground a more background pony. I feel might become part of the story's universe. That is Star Hunter according to the wiki list of ponies, he is a dark blue pegasus pony, with a spiky light blue mane, and a cutie mark in the shape of the constellation Orion. In the episode “Hurricane Fluttershy” he is the pony who goes just before Fluttershy's first try and records a wing power of 11.0. Also as a result of this his introduction into the story, I feel that the following should be pointed out. Unless I'm given a link to an actual wing-power formula, which can be used to generate numbers, I'll be choosing my own wing-power numbers. As far as I'm concerned, I'm using them as arbitrary numbers to showcase improvement. So don't get all upset if my wing-power numbers are unrealistic or don't match another authors wing-power numbers this is my story, so this is how things are working in this Equestria.

Ok, one more thing ponies my pre-reader brought up an issue. Not everyone might understand what I'm talking about when I say a “bit” in the story. I am referring to Equestria's primary currency which is shown off in a multitude of episodes, and referred to simply as a “bit.” It is a single golden coin that is the single currency in Equestria as I understand. So when I say that the yet to be named villain has requested two million of these gold coins for Rarity's safe return. Please try to understand he's asking for a small dragon's treasure hoard. I may have stated it being something close to half the royal treasury of Canterlot as I see it. Everypony got it? Good, I know I didn't have to explain that to some of you, but I wanted to be sure that my meaning of “bits” in Equestria was not mistaken.

Chapter 2
I know it's kind of late.
Hope you're not awake.

Darkness surrounded the world; there was no clear light. Then a torch was lit illuminating the surroundings. Rarity's sapphire eyes took in the sight of light emitting a magical orange flame glow that only barely encompassed the small room. Casting blue eyes over the room there was a single bed, a nightstand, a taxidermy condor, a bird similar to a vulture though larger, was positioned. Its wings spread over the frame of the door. Rarity's white front hooves chained at the top of the wall with rusty metal shackles; a matching pair of chains were on back hooves. Leaving Rarity tied upright against the back wall of the room. Her purple mane was not in its natural flowing curl but plastered to the side of her neck and face. Her eyes go back to the door, a magical orange aura glowed at the door, unlocking it gently. A white unicorn with a blue mane stepped through the door, with a monocle right up against his left eye; a very short blue mustache adorned his lips. He closed the door behind him with a slam, locking with his magic. He soon said in a voice she had not expected to come out of the stallion before her, “You are now mien prisoner. Not even that foalish knight of yours! Could find you here mien Fraulein.”

“You may bind my hooves, and lock me away in this tower. But my knight will always come for me, Baron von Evil Sire.” The words fell out of her mouth; it felt like they were part of a rehearsed b-movie romance script she couldn't change.

He laughed at her statements saying, “If he will always come for you. Then, why is he not here now? When I'm about to remove your most precious treasure from you forever?”

Almost as if summoned by the gloating pony's words there was a loud noise at the door. The destroyed oaken boards that were the door now splinters as though the barrier was nothing for the one who obliterated it. Standing in the doorway was the same knight who saved her from the black dragon, the same gleaming emerald eyes from behind the faceplate that still hid his real face from her. He rushed in knocking “The Baron” back against the wall across from where Rarity was, giving the unicorn who barely knew what had hit him in the first place, another hit to the back of the head with his gauntlet-covered hands. He walked over to his fair maiden using his impressive strength to break her shackles. A smooth baritone voice came from the Knight asking in a steady calming voice, “Are you alright, my love? I'm so sorry I couldn't get here any sooner, but he has an enormous castle.”

The words that rolled out of Rarity's mouth this time were words still like taken off a cheesy romance novel. Her final question felt like she had been able to say it, though, “You made it in the nick of time as always my knight. I shall have to reward you after we arrive home. Can you show me your face that I might kiss you before we leave?”

He responded by saying, “As you wish, milady.” Just as he was about to pull the helmet off, there was a throbbing at the back of Rarity's head that shattered the dream world.

Rarity's eyes flutter open taking in her surroundings. She noticed it was quite dark, save for three blazing red non-magical torches. The first, gently lit her imprisonment chamber, stone walls, a high small window, an unconscious shackled pegasus pony, and the remaining lights lit up a long spiral staircase to a larger castle, no doubt. Wait, she thought her eyes return to look over at the bound pegasus; it was evident they were unconscious from the shut eyes visible from the dim light. The pony looked familiar, yet; she couldn't place from where at the moment. Trying to move over to the pegasus, she found herself in shackles that were holding her in a sitting position chaining her to the ground like a dog. Examining her chains she first tried to use her magic to try to remove them as they looked relatively non-magical.

Try as Rarity might, though, she could barely get her horn to glow. Frustrated she looked up at her horn, noticing what was clearly an inhibitor ring around her horn. Rarity let out a loud sigh at this knowledge. Her bare fur was now registering it was resting against the cold, wet dungeon floor. Noticing now she had been removed from the dress, cloak, and necklace she was wearing to Spike's party. She tried to remember what was going on before her world went dark. The only thing she remembered was walking towards Spike's birthday celebration. Somewhere around Sugarcube Corner in her memory, everything went blank.

Rarity inhaled gently seeing if she could notice any familiar scents; all she got, however, was the thick smell of mildew from the wet dungeon walls. Rarity looked up at the high small window, and she could see Celestia's Sun, for the first time since her capture, was starting to near sundown. She had surely missed the party by now, hoping that Spike would at least notice her absence. Rarity had been shown by Twilight a few years back how to do some low-level magic flares. If she had any chance of alerting her friends she'd have to wait till night.

Suddenly calling down the dungeon stairs was a cold, sharp shale-like voice, “I don't know if you're awake down there yet, but I do know that when I wake you after sundown, your 'Spike' will only have few hours to try to save you. What he won't realize is that we will ambush him for the money. Then you're the one who won't see him ever again. After all, this is a land for ponies and not 'dragons.' You'll be mine like it or not with him out of the way.” The male voice's final statement followed up by loud evil laughter. Rarity could only hang her head now knowing she was being used to trap and slay her sweet kind “Spikie-wikie.”


Rainbow Dash saluted and was out the broken window before another word was said. The others sped off to their assignments, as well, offering little more than salutes and one “Okie Dokie Lokie” before heading out the barn doors. Spike stopped sniffling for a moment feeling his sister's hug; taking a look at her nodding he pulled out a quill and fresh sheet of parchment. Having a spare on him at all times had become a habit from working under Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I must inform you that of the kidnapping of our friend Rarity. I 'm working on a plan for Spike to get her back. Please if you must notify the current captain of the royal guard that they can't interfere lest they risk her safety. We're working on solving this problem as best we can. I 've included a copy of the ransom note for your information.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Thank you for a speedy response, Princess.


Spike exhaled his flame over the pieces of parchment which floated out the barn window and went straight to the Princess. At the same moment, there was a knock on the barn door.


Princess Celestia caught the two sets of paper, unrolling the outer message first, which had a few tear drops over certain words. It was still very legible in a scrawl that she had become accustomed to reading. After reading the second message, her reaction was to use her magic engulfing herself in a yellow aura to teleport to her sister's room. “Sister, we must leave immediately for Ponyville. I will explain when we arrive, but we must go now with our magic as there is no time to spare.” It was rare to hear Celestia speak in the Royal Canterlot Voice but she did know it would raise her sister.

“Ugggh... five more minutes, Tia,” Luna responded in a drab voice that showed she was not pleased with her sister's intrusion. Her head still under her covers resting against her pillows.

“Now! Sister! There is no time to lose.” Having not dropped her loud tone Luna could tell her sister would not even give her another minute of rest.

“Very well, sister, but can you explain the situation to me now?” Luna shook off the covers revealing her head as Celestia put the two pieces of parchment together in front of Luna's now-open eyes. She skimmed them and was as appalled as Celestia had been. Luna now stood on par with Princess Celestia in height, as she stood up saying, “Tia, we must hurry but you must go to them first. I must aid them my way. I'll join up with you in Ponyville shortly.”

“Very well, Luna, but don't upset anypony,” Celestia had lowered her tone for this statement saying it with a wink. Then engulfing herself in a yellow aura, she vanished from her sister's room. Luna shook her head gently blinking a few times making sure to be fully awake. She sighed starting her preparations for joining her sister with three cloth bags. Shortly engulfing herself in a blue aura, teleporting to another part of the castle.


Bursting through the destroyed window Rainbow Dash sped in the direction the dagger had come from, noticing hoof prints leading down the backside of a hill starting to duck through the tree orchards of Sweet Apple Acres. She continued to dash forward starting to hear the hooves pounding distantly in front of her, turning up her speed to another notch trying to follow the hoof beats now. Rainbow Dash's ears now guided her towards the assailant. The earth pony who had thrown the dagger was unable to hear the sound of wing beats coming after him over his hoof beats. He had just finished his round about through the orchard; then he jumped over the fence of an outer perimeter.

He started to head back into the Everfree Forest where he would get his payment from the drop zone. Proceeding to disappear from this corner of Equestria to Manehattan, Vanhoover, Trottingham, Saddle Arabia, or anywhere his heart desired. He was quite certain no pony had seen him leave the farm. He made his way towards the drop point. It was a large tree stump with a hidden compartment. The earth pony had used this tree stump many times before to receive his payments. He moved slowly and steadily around the stump; upon pressing the proper button to retrieve his ill-gotten gains, there was a loud tick, then a loud explosion.

Rainbow had made her way out of Sweet Apple Acres feeling like she was closing in on the assailant. When the sound of hooves pounding stopped suddenly, she then heard a loud explosion. She took off above the treeline; whatever made that noise would be visible from the sky. She looked around over the tops of the trees to see a scorched patch of earth and forest around an epicenter of a trunk. The earth pony had taken the blast to the face clearly not expecting what had happened. With no head anymore the body had been blown back like a rag-doll about ten feet into a tree. Rainbow Dash knew she should not touch the body from a detective novel series she took to reading while waiting for a new Daring Do. The part of the dead pony she could see was black from the explosion with no way to identify the body without moving it.

Standing around, doing nothing got her nowhere, so Rainbow Dash took off landing just next to the body, doing her best to avoid trampling anything, using one of her wings to brush some of the soot from the blast off of one of his hooves. She could see now the official coat color of the stallion was a grass green. She didn't want to do much more, but she had to know his cutie mark if there was to be an accurate identification. Rainbow Dash moved herself closer to his body using her hooves to gently pull part of his lower torso gently out of the tree. As she shifted him, she felt eyes starting to watch her. She turned her head to look at the dead pony's flank.

Rainbow Dash then saw that his cutie mark was a pair of crossed daggers. She wasn't sure why her mind thought of a knife thrower from one of the more recent Daring Do stories. She also noticed a severely shortened blond tail. Those that eyes were still boring into her back might belong to the pony who had his messenger killed, and this sent a shiver down her spine. She didn't want to risk Rarity's safety by hanging around too long, either, so Rainbow dashed quickly up into the sky not wanting to end up ensnared herself. Heading back to the barn with this disturbing news of the unknown pony's death, Rainbow flew off. The set of eyes upon Rainbow just watched her take off into the sky like second nature, scolding themselves for not having been close enough to stop her departure.


Applejack rushed out of the barn almost as quickly as Rainbow Dash had. She moved as fast as she could to the farm house. It was usually quiet there this time of day ever since Granny Smith passed on. The loss of Granny Smith last year had taken a toll on all of the Apples, with Big Macintosh being made the official head of The Apple Family in Ponyville. The enhanced responsibility made him take everything in his life up a notch. It had initially made things harder for his relationship with Fluttershy, though he even took that to the next step telling everypony that they were dating. Applejack couldn't get over how well they had hidden it from her when they announced it to her first. Her mind getting back it's focus as she made her way past the front door, she started looking around for their personal safe. They moved it once a week to make sure it was not easily accessible. She had checked the whole ground floor when she heard some noise coming from upstairs saying,“Big Macintosh, is that you up there?”

“AJ, thought you were helping with the party? Seemed like as good a time as any to switch the safe to my room for now,” Big Macintosh stated simply.

“Well, tarnation, Macintosh, that is all well and good. But I need you'll to bring it to the barn quick as ya can! With anything from your secret stash. There is an emergency will take everything we've got!” Her worried voice was expressing the haste of the situation. She heard Big Mac groan at her order.

“Applejack Apple! Do ya think you can tell me, your big brother, just, what the hay is going on? It's just not like you to ask for all the farm's finances even to help your friends. Is Fluttershy all right!?” Big Mac knew something was wrong if it was going to take most of their surplus funds to fix.

“Big Mac, Fluttershy is okay. One of my other friends, Rarity, has been kidnapped. We need everything to help her. I know we don't have much yet since Applebuck season isn't for another few months yet. Right now, though, every bit helps some, and I won't have anypony say, 'The Apple Family couldn't help a friend in need.' I'm going to find Apple Bloom. You just bring the safe and your stash to the barn, ya hear?”

Applejack rushed upstairs, grabbing with her teeth a cloth bag filled with bits from under her bed; she ran back downstairs, then out of the farm house, not waiting to hear her brother respond with his classic “Eeyup.” She had figured if Apple Bloom would be anywhere, she would be at the cutie mark crusaders headquarters. Just as Applejack was heading in the direction of the clubhouse, she heard an explosion. The explosion came further in the direction Applejack was heading; speeding up to find the source of the booming noise her concern for her sister's well-being intensifying.

When Applejack reached the headquarters of the cutie mark crusaders, she bucked open the door with ease to find no pony inside at all, which she found down right annoying at a time like this; the place didn't even have a scratch on it either. She had thought the sound of the explosion had come from this direction. She figured the explosion had been another attempt at getting Apple Bloom her cutie mark. “Well, looks like ya missed the tree you were bucking for this time, Applejack,” she thought to herself.

As Applejack was deciding what she needed to do, she took a glance outside to see Rainbow Dash heading back to the barn in the opposite direction of the explosion. Maybe she knew what had happened. Applejack decided Apple Bloom would have to wait at this point. However, there was the possibility she was already at the barn since Spike had invited the entire Apple Family of Ponyville on Tuesday, with his claw-written invitations. Spike would have likely invited her fellow crusaders as well; they must have been prepping elsewhere. Applejack's mind was starting to refocus on continuing back to the barn; rushing to see what Rainbow Dash had to say about the big explosion on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres and the Everfree Forest.

)I()I()I( )I()I()I( )I()I()I(

Fluttershy had left through the front barn door just as quickly as the others had. Her wing speed and power had improved significantly over the years, thanks mostly to Rainbow Dash giving her an exercise routine for her mornings. Fluttershy could do it while feeding her animals in the morning; it had a huge outcome on the results of her wing-power stats, so much so that when the last tornado duty had come to Ponyville that her final wing-power trial marked her at twenty point zero wing-power. She hadn't measured it since, but it always seemed to increase with the exercises.

On the other hand, Rainbow Dash in her final trial had a wing-power of seventy point zero. With this wing-power rating, it gave her the highest wing-power in all of the town of Ponyville. One stallion's efforts had set on trying to surpass the self-proclaimed fastest flier in Equestria. The dark blue coat of this pegasus and his light blue spiky mane contrasted quite well. His name was Star Hunter, whose last trial had given him a total of sixty-nine point zero wing power number. He sighed and shook his head at the end of the trial, to which Rainbow Dash had personally approached him saying, “Nice try, Hunter. We're gonna need every bit of wing power to break that new record of one thousand one hundred point zero wing-power set by Los Pegasus. Together we've got the most combined. Now let's go get some rest for tomorrow.”

When Dash had said this to him, she was trying not to blow her cool. Fluttershy had noticed that the cyan pegasus was still trying to be a coach around the stallion she liked. Fluttershy had been feeling the same way around a particular big red earth pony at the time. On that tornado day every pegasus pony in Ponyville was there, not a single pegasus pony sick with the feather flu or missing in action, not even Thunderlane. With help from Featherweight, Rumble, and even Scootaloo who had finally managed to get herself off the ground after finding her talent, they broke the record this time with an astounding one thousand two hundred-fifty point five wing power. A very surprising number considering the limited number of pegasi in Ponyville. Spitfire had been even more impressed than when she oversaw the process last time.

Fluttershy had hoped that Big Mac wouldn't show at the party while she was out. They had only been seen as actually “dating” for about six months, which was fine for both of them as they both liked to take things slow. Thursdays were the days Fluttershy, and her special somepony could spend together; she really couldn't thank Spike enough for taking care of her animal charges on those days. As Fluttershy reached her cottage, she noted a stone marker that she looked at a lot when she came home. It marked the resting place of a bunny who had always encouraged her to be her best, “Angel.” Of all of his children only two had decided to stay and with Fluttershy after his death the previous year. Her excellent care had extended his life quite a lot but if anypony understood the circle of life it was Fluttershy.

The two who stayed with her were Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart. Angel, Jr. who had a perfect, pure white coat just like his father in addition to a similar personality. Silver Heart had a silver sheen to her coat that was almost a perfect fusion of the parents' coats; her personality was something close to Fluttershy's with a bit of that bold bunny heart. As Fluttershy opened the door, the two rabbits bounded up to her questioningly, having expected her not to be back until much later. Fluttershy then started to explain to her charges the complicated situation, ending with this question and statement, “Can you two round up the squirrels, bunnies, sparrows, and robins? Send a red alert emergency; we need as much help as possible as quickly as you can.” The two bunnies tossed up a salute and dashed out of her house.

Thirty minutes later Fluttershy's cottage was lined to the brim with squirrels, rabbits, and a decent variety of small birds, with the return of Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart. Fluttershy who had been flapping her wings to fly in a back and forth motion in front of the crowd of creatures began by saying, “My friends, I need your help. One of my best friends, a white unicorn with three blue gems as a cutie mark, has been taken against her will. I need your help to patrol and investigate for any evil ponies in the Everfree Forest, specifically along the route to the old castle. Everypony needs a partner so that you can stay safe. I need a report before sundown at the barn in Sweet Apple Acres. Lastly, could Angel and Silver, check on Zecora. If... umm... that's ok... with you?”

Fluttershy had gotten into the habit of just calling Angel, Jr., just Angel as it made her feel like she hadn't lost Angel, Sr. yet. Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart had shaken their heads at Fluttershy's last statement but went with the rest of the animals to cast a net over the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy had just started to head back to the barn when she heard a loud explosion from the Everfree Forest. She realized she wouldn't have a lot of info for Twilight right now, but Fluttershy felt accomplished in what she had done. Perhaps Twilight or one of the others would know what the explosion had been. She noticed the sun's position as she was walking to the barn at about five PM and sped herself up by taking to the skies on her way back to the others.


Princess Luna had not planned on waking up until just ten minutes before five, which is when they expected upon arriving. She was usually furious when her sister would wake her before she had planned on it. With this situation as it was, she wasn't so upset, though. Celestia was one for rushing off without immediately thinking things through. Always fiery like the sun, she controlled every day, when her subjects were in danger. Luna, however, took it upon herself to consider the options set before her, then taking off to aid her subjects. Her first thought to help the situation would require her to gather two things from the castle. When the blue aura enveloped her, she teleported to the vault door leading to the Elements of Harmony. They had been returned to the vault at Twilight's request last year. She opened the door to the vault to get them ready for transport, in case they would be needed to aid with the situation, depositing all of them in one of three bags she had brought with her.

After gathering the Elements, Luna enveloped herself in another blue aura teleporting this time to the front of the of the Royal Treasury Vault. The unicorn guards at the front of the vault doors barred her passage for a moment saying, “Princess Luna, what brings you here today?”

“We have a very tall order for the today, subjects. We have no time for delays! Open the vault that We might bring aid to the Elements of Harmony!” She spoke at full volume to impress the seriousness of the situation. Most of the guards had known that Luna only slipped back into her old habit of using the Canterlot Royal Voice when things were dire or urgent.

The two unicorn guards used their magic to unlock the vault at their Princess of the Night's command. As Luna stepped inside the vault, she quickly began putting stacks of bits into one of the bags with her magic pulling out about ten thousand at a time. As the guards watched this they couldn't help but ask, “Forgive us, Princess, but what's going on?”

“The Element of Generosity has been kidnapped. The ransom is for two million bits; We know that's over half the royal treasury. We feel that with Twilight Sparkle and the other Elements of Harmony's aid that the loss of these bits will be unlikely,” Luna looked at both the guards with a sad look.

“We would be proud to be of service to the Elements, and to you, Princess Luna.” The guards took Luna's third bag and began filling it as she had been. While putting the last of the bits into her bag, Luna had another thought of how to aid the situation. They finished at about the same time with all three bags on the ground, filled up, and tied off.

Luna looked back at both of them saying in a softer tone, “Thank you, my subjects. I will let the Elements know of your aid. Please inform Sturdy Shield, Captain of the Guard, of this situation. Also, inform him he cannot intervene for the safety of the kidnapped Element. That is an order from the Princess's.” With that being said the guards saluted, then Luna enveloped all the bags and herself in a blue aura, and she vacated the castle.

When Luna had reappeared, she was in Cloudsdale. It was the halfway point for her; with the extra weight, it was terribly difficult to teleport. Her new thought had her consider that the Wonderbolts could aid the situation more than the royal guard. She had appeared at the Wonderbolts training center, The Cloud Colosseum. The clouds did not make adequate ground for her large load. Though the slight thickness of the clouds did reduce the strain to her magic requiring less energy. She went inside going out to the main training field saying in her loudest Canterlot Royal Voice, “We art in need of thee, Wonderbolts. Front and center for your Princess of the Night.” The voice rang out through the practice field; everypony had heard her call out to the best fliers in Equestria. There were only three ponies brave enough to answer her summons; the rest were either trying to pull themselves out of cloud banks with horse-shaped impressions on them or aiding those stuck.

The first of those answering Luna's summons was the team's captain, an all around good pony, Spitfire. The other two of this group landed behind Spitfire shortly after her touchdown. Spitfire had glided right in front of Princess Luna, bowing gently to the Princess, saying, “Princess Luna, how may the Wonderbolts be of service to you?”

“Tia has plunged head first into a new problem, and I intend to see that everything possible is being done to aid the situation. I have need of the three strongest fliers amongst you. What I will be asking of you is pure stealth and reconnaissance. A very delicate matter stands before us, and I cannot expect anything less than perfection from the best fliers in Equestria,” Luna lowered her tone with Spitfire right in front of her. Luna had figured Spitfire would explain things to the others like a good leader.

The other two ponies listened as Luna said these words to their captain. One of the two was a stallion with a very light blue coat, a very dark navy-blue, slick spike mane and tail to match, whose name was Soarin. The other who had arrived was a mare with a cyan coat, a snow-white mane, and tail called Fleetfoot. As Spitfire took in the basics of what the mission was going to be, she looked at the princess slowly saying, “What has happened, Princess Luna?”

Luna recounted to Spitfire what had happened with the Element of Generosity her tale finished by saying, “I trust you to keep this quiet as possible and to maintain the secrecy I have asked of you considering what hangs in the balance. Now I must leave for Ponyville. I want you to head to the Everfree Forest, cover the entire area, and report back to me at the barn in Sweet Apple Acres before sundown. I need a complete understanding of the situation in there, and I expect a full report.” With that, Luna engulfed herself and the bags in another light blue aura.

()()( )()()( )()()( )()()( )()()( )()()

Angel, Jr. a very assertive rabbit was like his father. Went with Silver Heart to fulfill Fluttershy's request. He had to keep Silver Heart safe no matter what; most of the others had only half listened to Fluttershy's instructions about staying in pairs to make sure they maintained safety. Angel, Jr. knew being the first born of his father's last litter; he had the biggest responsibility for Silver Heart who had been the last born. Trying to maintain his sister's safety was going to be his top priority tonight. Angel, Jr. was thinking about their journey into the Everfree Forest; he decided the first stop on their quest should be Zecora's hut. It was on the edge of the Everfree Forest and would be accessible from along the route to the old castle.

There were three broad sections of the Everfree Forest, the West part of the forest was closest, making the most direct path to the ruins. This area contained the path that Twilight and her friends had initially traversed on their first night together, to defeat Nightmare Moon. This part of the forest was also home to Zecora, a zebra mare herbalist, who became a welcome member of Ponyville.

Her mane was a striped Mohawk style that started and ended with a dark gray stripe the in-between were pure white strips. Her overall coat color was a light gray, with dark gray stripes over her body. Her cutie mark looked like a big spiral circle with triangles around the outer edge. She was also typically known for wearing the following; five golden bands on one arm, as well five around her neck, lastly a pair of golden earrings. Despite having decorative masks from her homeland adorning the front of the hut; if you didn't know what you were looking for you could easily pass by the place. The two bunnies made their way to the hut from Fluttershy's encountering little to no resistance, upon, reaching the front door both bunnies thumped their feet against the door.

Zecora listening to the thumping that had roused her from dreamless rest, her mind was trying to go over why she was sleeping on the floor, not her bed. The thumping of rabbit feet on the door that continued through this thought process was not helping it at all. Not leaving her much time to go over it in her head, she stood slowly, staggering herself over to the door, opening it, then looking down at the bunnies who had awoken her to say, “Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart, for what reason from Fluttershy's did you depart?”

Angel, Jr. looked back up at her noticing something was wrong with her despite managing to remain in her usual verse. Still looking at her he thumped the ground three times trying to indicate trouble. Silver Heart followed her brother's example and pounded the ground three times as well while starting to look up at Zecora.

“If trouble is what you are trying to indicate. Nod your head that I may attempt to placate.” As Zecora said this, she continued to look down at the two rabbits still uncertain of what had put her on the floor in her home. Nothing she could think of from the night before, yet, she seemed to have a hard time remembering earlier in the day. It was like the memories were just gone, or clouded in thick smoke.

The two bunnies nodded looking back up at her awaiting her next response eagerly. Bunnies were not renown for their patience, and it was wearing a bit thin with the zebra. Zecora saw the bunnies anticipation growing, the dire looks in their eyes hoping that she would say something. When she finally stated, “Something must have gone wrong in the Everfree Forest. I am not the source of trouble, but let me put your worries to rest. I was quite down, out, and on the floor. Only to awaken when I heard your thumping at my door. My memories of today are thick with smoke. This problem can not be some pony just playing a joke. I have a brew to make my memories clear. Making it now will take much time I fear. If you have more to do, you should get back on track. If you are around at sundown, I should have my memory back.”

With that the two bunnies bounded out of the hut, moving forward again together at a slow, steady stealthy pace. Their way along the path was slow going impeded at times by the large wild roots of the trees. With the both of them stopping and listening for larger animals before continuing their slow progress. Every step of the way was fraught with dangers no sane pony would have to contend with, smaller creatures on the other paw, had to beware of their surroundings all the time. The long ears of both Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart made their trek slightly quicker. Only having to stop and listen for trouble for short segments at a time; as two rabbits had done many treks throughout the forest together, which improved their pace as a result. Bounding along the path towards the castle they made sure that they were safe before moving again.

The rabbits hadn't seen anything. However, the two found it so strange that the forest was so quiet usually it was bustling with life. The average noise chatter of the beasts in the forest vanished like something had driven them away from this section of the Everfree Forest; even the insects seemed quieter the closer they got to the castle. It was very awkward there was a thick feeling of strange magic emanating over the entire area of the dense forest. The natural magic of life seemed to be pulled thin stretched to its limits with each step closer to the castle. Their small bodies were moving along this path going from one tree to the next one in quick succession. Bounding along the trail a tree at a time they started to get more worried about the way the forest felt, but they had to accomplish what they had set out to do for Fluttershy. They hadn't seen any ponies along the path, though, they were not checking along the treeline, though.

Bouncing up to the edge of the cliff face in-between them and the castle, they noticed two bridges would allow them to cross. The first was a rope bridge that hung over the gap precariously, yet appearing to be sturdy enough. The other was covering the entire distance between the cliffs a sturdy looking stone bridge, one that they couldn't remember from any previous excursion into the forest. They decided despite looking more dangerous, the rope bridge was the less important structure, with that Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart bounded one plank at a time across the rope bridge reaching the other side quickly. The duo dashed up to a tree on the other part of the path, surveying the trail to the next tree Angel, Jr. stomped one of his back legs three times at Silver Heart, then quickly patted the tree they were at twice with a front paw. Telling her he wanted her to stay here, she merely responded with a nod to his actions, waiting to see what her brother would do next.


The knock at the door revealed the cutie mark crusaders each arriving in what looked like the formal wear Rarity had made for them last year. Apple Bloom's ensemble began with something that made it look like her red mane was falling off both her shoulders to stop at a ribbon-shaped cuff at her hooves. The chest was an orange fabric accentuation piece that held her muscular growing yellow earth pony torso coming down to her flank in a slimming effect. The dress was in the red that matched her tail color flowing right off the edge of her back thigh, turning her tail into a flowing waterfall of a dress that covered her blank flank nicely with only a small trail on her backside. As most of Rarities creations had gemstones for Apple Bloom's ensemble it was rubies; which had been stitched into all the right places on her shoulders and dress to add some extra flare to the dress. Apple Bloom couldn't understand why she was the only one left in her class without her cutie mark; it felt like she'd never find what made her special. Her friends wouldn't let her give up they were there to support her until they figured out together, just what made Apple Bloom so unique that it was so hard for her to find in Ponyville.

Sweetie Belle's outfit was something that reflected that cutie mark she had earned. The round silver collar had a tear-shaped neckline, the chest of the dress was done with a shimmering silver silk, that Rarity had ordered special from Trottingham, so much so that she decided to do the dress portion in the same material. As Sweetie Belle would walk the silver dress would appear like a bell, the dress design was made with a perfect cut to view her cutie mark, while covering her flank quite well. Around her waist a belt that matched the color of the lace on her cutie mark, with a single silver diamond as the clasp for the waist strap. The final touch on this ensemble was a pair of black heels in the front just below the bottom of the silvery sleeves ending in a simple tear drop cuff.

Scootaloo's set up was something that was a standard purple torso that only having small strips of fabric for her shoulders, Rarity had taken some input from her on this dress so that she could wear it while on her scooter. The wing slots on the back of the torso were form fitting and unobstructed. The dress was much more of a skirt that hugged her backside, with a flick of her hips she could show off her cutie mark.

A scooter with a pair of wings, Scootaloo had gotten it after upgrading her scooter; working hard on making her brand of tricks with it. She really could do almost anything with it making it look easy; even using it to allow her to take off into the wild blue yonder for the first time. Despite having their cutie marks Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo still felt bad Apple Bloom hadn't discovered what she was best at yet. They had worked on all sorts of things they had wanted to, things they hadn't wanted to, and everything in-between trying to find that special something that made Apple Bloom unique. The group of friends had not yet found it; they promised to stay with Apple Bloom one way or another until she got hers.

They were confused to see the mixed faces of happiness and sadness and were more surprised there was almost nopony there yet. When Sweetie Bell said, “Spike, what's going on? Where is everypony? Rarity should have been here by now.”

Spike looked back at her with sadness in his eyes he could barely say anything, the only ponies left in the barn were Twilight, Vinyl, and Octavia. He said through shaky words, “R... Rar... Rarity's been k... kid... kidnapped...” He handed Sweetie Bell the piece of parchment that was the ransom note, as Twilight just rubbed her little brother's shoulder.

Sweetie Bell took the note with her magic reading it with her eyes, slowly showing it to the other crusaders. When they finished reading it, all three of them went to Spike giving him a big group hug. He smiled and embraced them back as best he could. He took the piece of parchment back gently from Sweetie Bell, giving her a personal hug feeling her tears streaming down her cheeks. As he held her, he moved a claw to wipe the tears from her eyes saying, “Thanks, it's tough waiting for a response from the Princess, with Twilight working out what I'm going to do the waiting is the hard part. I'm going to save her, Sweetie Bell, I Pinkie Promise.”

“O' course ya are Spike. Ah knight always rescue's his princess,” said Apple Bloom. She winked at him, as she went to get something to drink at the snack table.

Spike just looked back at Sweetie Belle and rubbed her shoulder saying, “Don't worry I can save her. I need you to stay strong for me, Sweetie Belle. Do you think you can entertain the ponies here for the party while I'm gone? It would mean a lot to me since I won't be doing my number tonight. I plan on having her back safe before sunrise though I can't do it without knowing everypony here is having a good time.”

“Only for you Spike,” she said with a heavy sigh. Going over to the other two music ponies to discuss a set, so that she didn't have to think about her sister's plight yet. Scootaloo just went over to a snack table with Apple Bloom not sure what to do. She just felt so conflicted almost exactly like Spike was feeling. Spike had sighed gently letting the Crusaders go about their business.

After Twilight had given Spike the note and had him write the letter to Celestia he had stopped crying. He had done nothing, but re-read the copy of the ransom letter after getting it back from Sweetie Belle. Each read increased his resolve to do whatever his friends came up with to help him get her back safely. He knew there would be time for him to charge in saving her. He also knew that his friends would have to help him to accomplish it or he would fail. Spike was absorbed in his thoughts, as yellow light blinked through the barn, suddenly Princess Celestia was there. She stood there for a moment then said, “Twilight Sparkle, is everything you have told me the truth?”

Twilight had been surprised as Spike when Celestia just came in. After taking in her question, Twilight was about to answer the ruler of Equestria. When Spike who had been holding the note let out a deafening almost roar, “Is it the truth!? Rarity is gone, I'm the only one who can save her! Do you think we would make this up!?” After those words Spike held up the ransom letter, he had been practically burning holes through with his eyes over the last few minutes. “The only clue we have to her disappearance is this sheet of torn parchment! This birthday is the worst birthday I've had since I nearly destroyed Ponyville! And... you have the nerve to ask if we are making it up!?”

A fire was burning in Spikes eyes as he continued to verbally assault the pony who for a section of his youth he had determined to be his Mother. “Oh yeah, we also have that worthless dagger over there is that enough proof for you!” As he finished saying this he pointed his claw at the knife; then there was explosion heard from the direction of the Everfree Forest. “And... now... we... don't... even... know... if... if... Rainbow Dash is alright!” He said, shaking his head holding back tears, turning away from Celestia. To sit in an empty corner of the barn for a few moments shaking his head holding it in his claws.

Sweetie Belle had come up to the princess after Spike had finished this last statement saying, “Princess, Spike is very upset with the events so far today. As am I, but don't you think you owe your student, her assistant, and I something more than just barging in and asking us if we got the facts correct?” She sighed and moved over to Spike to rub his shoulders gently to try to ease and calm her friend.

Celestia had been backing up noticing the worried burning passion in her “son's” eyes. She had been about to try to break his assault when the explosion had sounded. She sighed gently knowing she would have to have a long talk with him before he went off to save the mare of his dreams. Turning to her student, she said, “Twilight, I'm very sorry, but I merely wanted a full report of the events.”

“Of Course, Princess Celestia, please understand it's only been about half an hour since we found out. Every moment Spikes not out there looking for her he feels like he's letting her down,” after saying this Twilight recounted everything she could think of to her teacher, mentor, and Princess. From waking up this morning to Spikes breakfast to the moment when the sound of shattering glass had broken her faithful assistant's heart. Just as Twilight had finished explaining the last of what had happened, there was a rush of air from outside it was Rainbow Dash; she was coming back in the window she had left through.

Then Rainbow Dash barely even out of breath, but still panting a bit said, “Twi... Twilight... an earth pony stallion with a grass green coat, blonde mane, and tail, and a pair of crossed daggers for his cutie mark threw the knife. I... I... I only know all that because, if... if you heard the explosion just now. His head was at the center of that explosion near as I could tell. I... I... examined the body a little bit to get that info. Then I... I... dashed back here after that to tell you, that... that pony looks to be a... a... dead... end.” She thought about this statement for a moment, but even with her pun, it added no levity to the situation in the room. She looked around the barn for a moment she said, “ What the hay is going on, Twilight?”

Twilight took a few moments to explain the situation to Rainbow who understood quickly but instead of rushing to comfort Spike like Sweetie Belle had. She dashed in front of the Princess saying,“I'm sorry, Princess, but do you know a grass green earth stallion, with a blonde tail and mane, and a pair of daggers as their cutie mark, off the top of your head?”

Twilight had been a bit shocked that Rainbow Dash would even have suggested that the Princess might even know this strange earth pony who had left the message. Princess Celestia still responded quite quickly to the question by saying, “Actually, Rainbow Dash, an earth pony was matching your description was indeed in Canterlot last month. Advertising his knife throwing circus show. Luna and I went with Shining Armor, Cadence, and my nephew, Prince Blueblood. He was calling himself, The Great Broken Feather Darrah; he was quite good at his talent. I don't think I've seen a show quite like it. Did something happen to him, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash answered quickly, “If you're sure, Princess. I'm quite sure he were no longer among the living and was the stallion who threw the dagger into the wall. If that's the case, he outlived his usefulness to his employer after delivering the message. I'm glad I hadn't been following any closer, or I might be injured...”

Sweetie Belle had seen Rainbow Dash come back in through the window, she then nudged Spike saying, “Dash is back, Spike.”

Turning his head quickly looking back at Rainbow Dash happily, he darted over to her, tackle-hugging her out of the conversation she was in presently. As he held her tightly in his arms, he said, “Please don't worry me like again, Dash. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too right now.”

“Hey, Hey, buddy, relax. I can watch out for myself just as much as you can. Now if you'll let me breathe a bit more, I'll let you know what I just told Twilight,” She chuckled as the dragon slowly let go of her. She proceeded to recount her tale this time for everypony to hear adding in enough to make it twenty percent cooler. Everypony there was just as shocked that anypony would go to these lengths to keep somepony from talking about their operations.

Spike turned to Celestia to speak to her directly again, after Rainbow told every pony what had transpired while she was out of the room, “I care about my friends, 'Mom.' It's not just that they're Twilight's friends. They're my friends too; sure they didn't notice me too much until last year. However, they were my friends too regardless. I've always done anything I can to help them, I can't let them get hurt, when I'm the one who has to do the difficult part. Like Apple Bloom said I've got to save Rarity she's my princess, and I'm her knight in shining armor.”

“I didn't come by to stop you from going, Spike, or to tell you that you were lying to me. I just want you to know I'm here for you too. I'm sure your friends are going to do everything in their power to make sure you're not going in there alone,” She looked down at him with a tender gaze. She knew another growth spurt, and he'd be much taller than she was so she'd have to enjoy looking down at her “son” for now. “She means a lot to you doesn't she, Spike?”

Spike just looked back up at her nodding gently his eyes filled with that burning passion that said, “I'm going to rescue her no matter the cost.” His head and heart in the same place right now with Rarity. Thinking about where Rarity was, and wishing he could be there to protect her. Even if he only managed to get the first number if they kept to that promise he'd at least see her for a moment before they tried to defile her. Then they would need something far stronger than just general magic to keep him from breaking free and crunch the bones of any pony who dared approach her before they did anything. Before he could linger on that image much longer, it was a little past five pm, and the barn doors had swung open. Three ponies came in through the barn door shortly after this.

One was an exhausted Applejack with a sac full of bits on her back, whom after running around the entire orchard looking for Apple Bloom, was a bit miffed to find her here. The next pony coming in was her big brother who was carrying the farm's personal safe. The large red earth pony slowly moved to set down the safe, then started to take off his signature harness with some help from the last pony that came in with the others. Fluttershy, undid the clasp on Big Mac's harness for him, allowing him to get some much-needed relief; this lets him pull his personal stash out from inside it. The large red earth pony put his stash on top of the safe. After helping Mac with his harness, Fluttershy moved over to Twilight not wanting to report her not very much news to Celestia saying, “Um... ex... excuse me, Twilight. But, I sent some of my friends out to survey the forest like you said. They won't be back till sundown, though, I'll relay the information they've gathered to you then. If... um... that's ok?”

“That fine Fluttershy. Applejack, Big Mac thank you for offering this generous amount of bits to help...” Just as Twilight was about to continue thanking her friends, who had returned, there was a flash of blue energy that came from out of nowhere. Suddenly almost standing by her sister with three large bags suspended by magic was Princess Luna who said, “Art We late, Tia? Is there still time to get the full ransom ready? We think there is just enough in these to satisfy the payment.” When she said this, she raised the first two gigantic bags.

“I also brought the Elements of Harmony for their respective owners.” With that, she used her magic to open the last bag passing out the proper elements to Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. She then continued to say, “Not that we can directly intervene without risking our friend's health. I think they might just come in handy...”



What I've got to say can't wait. I know you wont understand.

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((P/N Pinkie's Note. Silly filly.))

Hey, there everypony! Can you believe it I'm gonna get to be all over this chapter? Sure took the author long enough to let me do my own thing. He wanted me all focused so I wouldn't have time to think about things like how many words rhyme with beans. I do really hate that he's made Spikey sad, but he says that with my help he won't have to be for too, too long. Which makes me happy! I bet you guys have been waiting a long time to see Auntie Pinkie more directly in the story. Well, it's here and... Ooh, I better get into place before the story starts.


Er... right um thanks for that Pinkie. In this chapter, I bring to the foreground two other background ponies whom I believe might have a bigger role as the story progresses. The first of these ponies is one called Creme Brulee according to the list of ponies wiki. This pony is the creamy orange coat earth stallion with the dark brown mane cut like Big Macintosh's with a similar green eye color which appears at the start of the season one intro. This stallion is not to be confused with Caramel despite having the same cutie mark. Creme Brulee is replaced in the intro by Big Macintosh in season two. The second of these ponies is called Quake according to that same wiki. This earth pony with a light yellow eggshell colored coat and a blond mane and blue eyes. First appears in the episode “Green Isn't Your Color” and is the masseuse giving Rarity a back massage.

Chapter 3
What I've got to say can't wait.
I know you wont understand.

Pinkie Pie was easily the fastest earth pony in all of Equestria, doubly so when she was focused on helping a friend out. After Twilight's orders, she responded with her standard, “Okie Dokie Lokie.” The orders were a side thought to Pinkie. She couldn't stand to see her friend Spike as sad as he had been after reading that letter; especially on his birthday of all days, no pony or dragon for that matter deserved to be that sad. Pinkie knew she would have to do everything she could to get whatever Spike needed, to get to Rarity back and to a put smile back on his face. Any other pony would've taken a half an hour or more to reach Carousel Boutique, from the Sweet Apple Acre's barn. Pinkie was there in just under five minutes, opened the front door quickly, went in thinking Rarity's work room would have some gems that could help out on the ransom.

When Pinkie got up there she started to look around, noticing that one thing was different about the room; Rarity's fire ruby necklace was missing since she always kept it on a special ponyquin that she had shown to Pinkie once. Pinkie had noticed that very ponyquin out and bare which meant Rarity must be missing. Almost like that time Applejack went missing. She shook this idea from her head trying to stay focused as she looked over all the cabinets, cupboards, shelves, chests, and drawers in the room. All of them contained different sections of fabric, thread, needles, feathers, and glitter strewn about in many different directions. Pinkie finally came to a relatively under-used set of drawers; upon looking at each one, there was an S, an M, or an L.

She opened the S drawer rewarded with a beautiful sight of a massive array of small gems, all labeled in different sections. “This must have been Spike's handiwork for Rarity,” Pinkie thought. Rarity even did her best to keep it organized when the rest of her creation process was a mess. Pinkie now knew she had to bring all three of these drawers back to the barn. She quickly put all three together on the ground, then picked them up in her hooves carrying them downstairs. She left them in the center of the boutique figuring she could use it as a gathering point for the expenses from Sugarcube Corner as well. Pinkie quickly locked the door as she went out. She began rushing over to her place of employment which was thankfully much closer than Sweet Apple Acres.

Pinkie dashed through the front door to Sugarcube Corner, which the Cakes had made to open from either side; after so many incidents of busy ponies smashing the door down. The Cakes were nowhere in plain sight, however, as Pinkie came charging in. She looked around quickly ringing the bell at the front desk with persistent force. “They wouldn't have gone out without baring the door,” Pinkie thought. She started with checking the kitchen and the upper rooms, only to find Gummy playing around in the bathtub.“Gummy, have you seen the Cakes?” she asked her pet alligator whose name still applied despite all his years of growth.

Gummy only responded with his usual wide-eyed blinking and a snapping of his jaws at Pinkie. To which Pinkie replied with a quizzical look saying, “They're in the basement!? That's strange! They hardly ever take Pound and Pumpkin down there.”

Gummy gave out another blink and a quick snap of his jaws, to which Pinkie said, “Oooooh. They were tied up and put in the basement. I'd better go check on them, but next time you should really try to help them out.” Pinkie bounded out of the room after her statement to the alligator who only responded with a snap of his jaw and a few blinks.

Pinkie rushed down to the basement feeling herself rushing past a magical barrier of some sort. She called out again, “Mr. and, Mrs. Cake? Pound, Pumpkin?” She could now hear whimpers and muffled cries for help. She dashed down into the main basement chamber to be horrified at the scene before her.

All four members of the Cake family were hogtied, blindfolded, and gagged. Pound had his wings tied to his back with his front and back hooves tied separately. Pumpkin had a metal horn inhibitor device attached to her horn, yet her hooves were tied much the same as her brother's. The thing honestly that horrified Pinkie about their situation was that Pound's front hooves tied to Pumpkin's back hooves, and Pumpkin's front hooves tied to Pound's back hooves. Their heads had been put in between the gaps of their front hooves to rest in between the back legs of the other. Pinkie was furious at this sight, but to have the same thing done to their parents Carrot and Cup Cake was unforgivable; she really wanted the pony or ponies responsible for this now.

She ran back upstairs to get a knife and rushed back down to the horrifying sight starting to slice through the bonds on their hooves; she then slowly moved her mouth to remove each ponies' blindfolds and gags, even removing the magic restriction device from Pumpkin's horn. She looked over them slowly, and she hugged them tightly once they were free, saying, “I'm super happy you guys are all safe other than some minor bruising. Did you guys manage to see anything of the attackers?”

Carrot Cake was the first one to speak after hugging his family personally, “Thanks, Pinkie, for getting us out of that. The last customer I saw was a grass-colored earth stallion with a blond mane. Then I was out like it was magic. When I woke up, I heard somepony laughing from upstairs, but I don't know why this happened, Pinkie.”

“That's strange; I don't recall any new ponies coming to town. But, I was at Sweet Apple Acres all morning. That may have thrown off my Pinkie sense. Did you see anything, Mrs. Cake?”

She just shook her head and said. “I was in the kitchen with the kids, showing them a simple cupcake recipe. The last thing I saw was a shadow of a unicorn...”

Pound interjected,“Aunt Pinkie, I saw that the unicorn had a white coat and...”

Pumpkin interrupted,“He had a blond mane, Pinkie.”

“ You're sure, dear hearts?”Pinkie said turning to the children looking at them very carefully. They both looked back up at her with their eyes about ready to water, nodding gently, not saying much else. She brought the two of them into another big hug stroking their backsides gently saying,“Alright, thank you. Now, Mr. and, Mrs. Cake, I need everything that's left in the register and any rainy-day funds you might have. Rarity's in danger. However, it has something to do with those who did this to you.”

“Take whatever you need, Pinkie. We can always count on you and Spike to help us get everything back.” Mr. Cake said in a confident tone,“Our rainy-day stash is in the flour in the pantry -- very last bag.”

“Take good care of them,” Pinkie said to no pony, in particular hurrying back upstairs retrieving the currency from the register, though, sales had been a little slow this week. Next, she went for the bits in the flour bag; the rainy-day fund had made what she felt was quite an impact. With Rarity's gems, they'd at least have close to enough for the first part of the ransom according to Pinkie's first personal calculations. She rushed upstairs getting her private stash for bit emergencies. She was about to leave her room when Gummy had just finished his bath and was heading into rest in Pinkie's room.

“Oh no, mister lazy alligator. I have a mission for you. You are going to protect the Cakes until I return. If you do this I'll owe you a favor,” said Pinkie.

Gummy looked back at her and gave a blink of each eye and a soft nod. He turned to leave Pinkie's room going downstairs to stand near the counter. He looked quite imposing as long as he didn't open his mouth. Pinkie rushed back downstairs to see Gummy setting up and then headed back to Carousel Boutique to drop off her increased currency.

Pinkie opened the boutique's door proceeding to pour the contents of the flour bag and register in the S drawer. She put the flour bag on top of the other two drawers. Pinkie now knew she had to ask the entire market if they had seen two clearly different ponies. She was no gem appraiser but even with the L drawer being as full as it was. Pinkie wasn't even sure she was a quarter of the way to the first goal. Just as Pinkie finished locking up Carousel Boutique again, she heard something like her party cannon in the distance, turned her head for a moment, and didn't have time to worry about it. She had to check if any pony else had seen the stallions in question.

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Spitfire got out a,“Yes, my Princess,” before Princess Luna had left their presence. She turned to face the other two behind her saying, “Alright, Soarin, Fleetfoot, we've just been given an outstanding job by the Princess of the Night. We have only two hours to do a full stealth reconnaissance of the Everfree Forest.” She looked over her two fellow Wonderbolts, noticing Soarin was trying to say something.

She then said, “I'm sorry, Soarin, but our duties to the Princess's come before dinner or pie. Let's get our camouflage suits on; I want each side of the forest covered you two. Soarin, I want you to cover the south, the area closest to the old castle. Fleetfoot, I want you to cover the west side, the area closest to Ponyville. I'll take care of the north and east. Leave the way you came in to avoid suspicion. Magic detector goggles on at all times this is a stealth mission. Regroup at the Sweet Apple Acre's barn at sundown for a report.”

The goggles contain a lens allowing for non-unicorns to see magically active spells in the area. It was part of the last academy training of a Wonderbolt to learn the difference's in the kinds of spells so that you could know what you were dealing with quickly on missions.

Spitfire turned around to the others that were still picking themselves up after the Princess' arrival, “Princess Luna has requested that Soarin, Fleetfoot, and I perform a stealth mission to the Everfree Forest. I want you all to work on your starts and stops until I return telling you to stop. Start at one end of the Cloud Colosseum fly full speed the entire length of the Colosseum, come to a full stop at the other end, then come back full speed ending where you began. That way you won't embarrass yourselves in front of Princess Luna again. If we fail our mission, you may finish at noon tomorrow; if none of us make it back. Blaze, I trust you to run things in the absence of Soarin and I. Get them going, then you've got to as well.” Spitfire then turned away from her team to retrieve and don her stealth outfit, Soarin and Fleetfoot already waiting for her wanting to leave the base as a team.

When Spitfire had returned from changing, and she slowly passed by the field one last time before setting off. As she passed by there was a loud voice that called out to them. It was Fire Streak “It's been an honor flying with you, Ma'am. Celestia's Speed to you all.”

They all darted off after that send off each one taking a different route. Spitfire had the most direct way; it was a bad idea to split up; yet, with only three fliers it was the most efficient formation. She only hoped that Soarin would be all right, she knew Fleetfoot had the least danger at her check site. “Ugh, why have I sent Soarin on the most dangerous flight plan that's something the Captain should do,” Spitfire thought. Now wasn't the time to second guess herself or her friends, though. They could take care of themselves; she darted forward zooming towards Ponyville, clearly showing she was the Wonderbolt's Captain for a reason.

Spitfire made her way to the northern side of the Everfree Forest swooping into the trees for some additional cover from the north tip of Saddle Lake. As Spitfire examined her surroundings from the north, she could see the treeline extending to the east to a rock formation. The trees went around the lake with was no discernible magic in her area so far, apparently, they had not counted on someone arriving from this side of the forest. She quickly moved to the next target tree with fast, quiet wingbeats making slow progress around the edge of the lake. Spitfire had done a lot of work on her wing movements to make them silent as possible. By the time she had gotten carefully around the lake; she was positive there was no magical or mechanical surveillance on this side of the forest, which would make her exit much easier.

As Spitfire saw another gap in the tree line, there was no magic in the hole, but as she looked at the next tree line, she was facing what looked like a grid of magical beams in between the bases of the trees. As well as some very carefully placed crosses of the beams for the sections covering the tree tops. The beams were very clearly all alerting spells. She noticed a break in their system she headed quickly towards that tree. She knew there was more than one unicorn at a root of this problem. As she looked around from the one tree that had no exposed beams attached to it other than at the base of the tree, She noticed that there was a unicorn lookout who was wearing a pair of binoculars looking in another direction for the time being. She kept herself hidden among the leaves of the tree she was in. His horn was glowing with a magical aura the same color of the beams. Spitfire reexamined her surroundings searched for a way to proceed without notice.

Luna had told them reconnaissance only, and that was what Spitfire was going to maintain. Spitfire noticed one other way to continue; it wasn't going to be simple she saw the unicorn look away from her tree again, darting off to the next tree gap in the sequence. She noticed that there were small holes in the defense grid he had set up, but now saw multiple networks were being employed by the several different colored aurae of beams as she looked around from her new position. There were thicker parts of the grids obviously those were the parts along the path the dragon with the ransom was supposed to take.

She moved to the next tree at the next visual misstep of the outlooks. By the looks of it, the dragon was being set up for an ambush. No pony not even the Princess's warranted this kind of protection from intruders. It did, however, substantiate the claim that there were spies in the Everfree Forest today. Spitfire was glad she had taken this path Fleetfoot was speedy, but accuracy wasn't her thing, Soarin wasn't much better, but she trusted that he would take care of his problems in his way as usual. She liked that about Soarin being friends since childhood had made the two of them almost inseparable. Spitfire had to be harder on him since becoming Captain, even with him being her number one friend. She had to keep her head in the game for now, though.

Spitfire had to get through this literal minefield of small openings. Moving swiftly, silently, through the openings like the ace flyer she was. Closer and closer to the bridge that would lead to the entrance of the old Castle. She had never been through such a gauntlet before but was taking her time to make sure that no one saw her movements. She'd be cutting it close on the time limit with such a massive force consisting of guard unicorns. She had passed about ten of them on her way to the bridge as she scanned the area once she had reached a tree that was overlooking the area between the treeline, the old rope bridge, the old castle which had a magical dome over the top, and a new slightly glowing stone bridge? As Spitfire looked at the stone bridge that had never been there before she noticed that it must be being held together by the magic.

That was something important, it was too impossible to try to figure out who all the unicorn stallions were, but they clearly were set up for a defense grid. Spitfire took care to make the same quick movements that allowed her to slip past the security the first time on her way out. Not giving them one reason to suspect that any pony had been by the scene. Once out of the grid, across the gap in the tree line, and a few trees away from the gap, she sped off as the sun was setting towards the barn. Cutting the through the trees around the lake and then back across towards the farm. Spitfire only had moments to spare dodging the watchful unicorns had been quite an ordeal; she only hoped the other two fared as well with their missions.


Pinkie had till sundown to find out what every pony at the markets had seen of the two stallion's who had tied up the Cakes. Pinkie Pie bounded away from Carousel Boutique as she quickly moved she was soon at the edge of the market. Pinkie was about to pass a shop and decided to see if the flowerpony Rose knew anything. Bounding up to the stand, saying, “Hey, Rose, this is super important. Did you happen to see either an earth pony stallion, with blond mane and green coat or a unicorn stallion, with a white coat and a blond mane in the market today?”

“Hey, Pinkie, Thanks. Hmm... I don't recall any earth pony like that, but I did have a unicorn stallion with a white coat and a blonde mane today. He never said too much very much one of those business interaction types of ponies. His order was for thirty red roses. It was a quickly filled order since I got it quite early turning them over to the stallion at noon. Is something wrong Pinkie?” Rose responded to Pinkie.

“Thank ya, Rose, but, I don't have much time to explain it! A friend is in big trouble, and I need a lot of bits to help them out. The ponies I've mentioned have had something to do with it.” Pinkie had said.

Rose was a bit shocked to hear one of Pinkie's friends was in trouble. She took her basket full of bits and just handed it to Pinkie. Rose's response was quick, “Be careful, Pinkie; that should be about one hundred bits. I hope it helps.” Pinkie just nodded putting the basket on her back, bounding off to continue to ask others in the market about the stallions.

After talking to most every pony vendor at the market today which took about another thirty minutes. Pinkie sighed shouting to nopony in particular. “Why did I talk to all those ponies if none of them had any relevant information, Mr. Smarty Author!?”

Then she remembered that she had noticed that there was a stand with a picture of grapes and a strawberry on it that was very vacant. “Berry Punch,” Pinkie Pie thought. She only came to the markets as a vendor on Saturdays to sell any of her excess stock from her local tavern. If she wasn't in her stall, she had to be at home showing a client her private stores which held a wine collection that would rival the Royal Alicorn Sisters. Luckily Pinkie knew where she lived since she was one Pinkie's regular guests to her parties that weren't just for her and her personal group of friends. With that, the pink earth pony rushed off in the direction of the house of Berry Punch.

As Pinkie came up to Berry's front door first, she knocked on the front door calling out loudly to her. “Berry, are you home it's Pinkie?” No response.

With that Pinkie rapidly did a one-eighty bucking the door down. Running into the house this time going straight to the basement. She quickly found the door on the first floor leading down to the cellar. Upon going hastily down the stairs, she felt herself past another similar magical barrier. As she started to hear whimpers again, she called out again. “Don't worry, Berry! Pinkie's here, I'm going to get you out.”

At the bottom of the stairs a there was a horizontal hallway that had three doors they were three different temperature rooms. The central room read “Room Temperature,” and it was the one directly at the bottom of the steps. The muffled whimpers and whines did not appear to be coming from behind this door. She quickly checked the other two doors for a louder sense of the whimpering. She couldn't hear it at all anymore at the one to the right. When she came back to the other door it on the left, it was much louder, and this door read “Wine Cellar.” Pinkie opened the door quickly saying, “Berry, are you OK!?”

Pinkie was a little worried to see what had been done to another of her friends. She looked into the wine cellar observing the room quickly. Several large rows of wine bottles in organized wine racks lined the walls with enough space for a pony to pick what they wanted. Ice was being used to chill the wine racks within wooden rows, in-between two back to back wine-racks. The wooden rows for ice allowed for even dispersion of its frosty effects.

At the center of the room was Berry Punch; an earth pony with a light purple coat, a dark purple mane, and tail, and a cutie mark of purple grapes and strawberry. At present her hooves shackled in a sitting position to the floor. Blindfolded with her mouth held open with a bridle linking to a hose. The tube was attached to a large wine barrel suspended by a robust set of chains. The barrel was left with the tap flowing, thus flooding wine through the hose by the looks of it. Berry could just barely stop the flow every so often with her tongue to breathe. Pinkie rushed up to the device kicking the hose from her mouth. With the rest of the large wine barrel starting to spill onto the floor Pinkie undid the blindfold, and the restraint on her muzzle, not sure what to do about the shackles at the moment since they were chains, not ropes. She cried, “Berry, Oh my gosh are you alright!?”

Berry took in the light blinking her eyes to adjust to the light from the hallway, which was her first light in a while. Her throat coated with the alcoholic substance she sold. Berry Punch whimpered a moment, looked up at Pinkie, and moved her head to nuzzle at Pinkie gently. At which Pinkie put her hooves around Berry, who spoke, “I'm ... *hic* O...K... P... P... Puh... Pinkie. Th... Th... Those st... st... stallions said I'd... d... d... drown. Sh... sh... showed the... them... huh... Ugh... Wa... wa... wanted... t...two... of... my... huh... huh... hundred... ya... year... bot.. bot... bottles... kn... kn.... knocked... ow... out... ah... ah... awoke... to... la... la... laughter... and... da... da... darkness... as... the... wah... wah... wine... st... st... started... to... k... k... come.... da... da... down...” With that Berry just fell over onto Pinkie's shoulder.

Pinkie patted Berry's head putting the bit basket on her back down onto the floor of the cellar. She slowly lifted Berry's muzzle and put it into it. She looked back at her saying, “I need to go get you some help, Berry. Somepony to get you out of the shackles, and take you to the hospital.”

“Big Macintosh, will take too long to get,” thought Pinkie. She quickly remembered another muscular stallion who lived in town who could help her and Berry. Pinkie sped off to where he was likely to be this time of day seeing him in the park starting to shout out to him. “Creme Brulee! Creme Brulee! I need your help! It's Berry Punch; she needs a strong stallion to break her shackles! Follow me!” She quickly got around behind him starting to push the mighty stallion, with the creamy orange coat, his brown mane and tail, and green eyes which moved questioningly towards the pink mare shoving him towards Berry's home.

“Whats going on, Pinkie? I'm glad to help anypony, but what's the rush?” He said looking back at her slowly, his cutie mark was a trio of blue horseshoes, as a result of many confused him for Caramel. His mane and tail though the same color was much more like Big Macintosh's mane cut. Pinkie was just about the only pony who seemed to notice the difference's which made him a bit sweet on her.

“Come on, Creme, Berry needs to get to the Hospital, and she's shackled in her basement, and you're the only stallion close enough to break those bonds, and get her to the hospital in time! She was forced to drink way more wine than even she could stand!” Pinkie looked up at him pleadingly continuing to nudge the stallion along.

He got the picture rushing forward, with Pinkie quickly leading the way as she showed him to Berry's house. “Be careful with her, and leave the bit bucket there, I'll pick it up before I leave for Sweet Apple Acres. I can't stay to watch you get her to safety not a lot of time left! I need to check with two other ponies, but I'll see you later alright. Thanks for the help, Creme, also it's easy to tell you're not Caramel, I don't know what that guy is thinking.” With that said she was off again, rushing back into Ponyville looking for the last two ponies on her list for information in Ponyville, it's two biggest gossips Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings.

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Fleetfoot was quicker than Soarin, and jetting towards Whitetail Woods; to come around the east side of the short mountain range to the west of Ponyville, coming back east along the river towards the west area of the Everfree Forest. Arriving at the tree line of the Everfree Forest, something hit her nostrils like Big Macintosh bucking full force into a tree. The scent that hit her was very clearly the smell of death and char from a blast. She looked around coming closer to the smell; the goggles enclosed her eyes thankfully, or they might be watering. She arrived at what was now a slightly charred clearing noticing the pony corpse that was slightly out of the original pony outline it had left in the tree by the blast.

Fleetfoot looked over the sight no noticeable magic signatures, but she still had to be careful. She came closer to the dead stallion's body, noticing someone had checked his coat color, and cutie mark, which was something she had never seen before, a pair of daggers, “That must be a unique talent,” she thought. She also noticed that the head of the pony was missing, and the tail of the stallion was blond. She went over the perimeter of the clearing once more there was little else there; she decided to go to the other side of the river figuring this was going to be all she could find on this side. Unbeknownst to her, however, somepony had been watching her movements since she came to the clearing, this mystery pony just silently followed her for now, though.

As Fleetfoot journeyed across the river and into that tree line. She stopped at the first tree to see what was going on in this part of the forest. She watched what was going on in this area; there were fields of magic on the ground looking like a minefield. Looking above the tree line there were also large quantities of them in the skies, some even drifting slightly in between the trees. She was shocked by sheer numbers held in the position looking around she saw the unicorn who was controlling the orbs in this section of the forest. If this section was for anything, it was more for a battleground, not a trap just a straight up fight. The way the magic fields held together, it was evident they weren't alert spheres, they were blast areas. It would likely be suicide to try to go in any further from this side as there was likely a forest's worth of Unicorns out there covering their sections. After deciding her best course of action was to return to the Sweet Apple Acre's barn she started to head back.

As Fleetfoot was crossing back over the river, the unicorn stallion who had been following her silently blocked her quick exit grabbing her white tail with his magic. Pulling her down and through the water of the river, holding her down under pulling her back up for air just as she was about to stop breathing. He looked down at her and gripped her head with his magic this time; slamming her head against a rock, which left Fleetfoot very unconscious. He grinned with glee at sight taking her back to the castle himself; he hoped that this female would be his plaything like the other was going to be his masters.

He took Fleetfoot back across the river and used his magic to carry her back to the castle. When he got back with her, he got a scolding from his master, but the master was still pleased with his defense of the territory. So the stallion's leader agreed that the Pegasus could be his servant's plaything, only after the dragon was dead, though. Telling his servant to put her in chains, then toss her down the stairs to his prize. He followed the instructions to the letter without question. There were still thirty minutes till sundown maybe the sound of a pony falling over the steps would awaken masters sleeping beauty.

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Angel, Jr. had noticed something he had seen before, only once had he seen the kind of trap before them, and if he wasn't careful, it might just snare him. He didn't want his sister to have to deal with this kind of thing since the results were devastating if the one in a snare was a rabbit. He always thought of himself as a smart rabbit all things considered. The fact that there was this kind of traps out in this section of the forest meant that there was enough security to keep smaller creatures like themselves away from the castle just in case they got too curious. He analyzed the situation making his movement swift and steady, grabbing a stick using it to trigger the snare letting it capture the stick. The area around the castle covered with numerous similar traps. He noticed two others already sprung by a pair of squirrels he had noted from the group at Fluttershy's, “Little time to mourn them now,” he thought.

As he looked over the field of snares in front of him, he noticed the part of the castle that the squirrels strung up by was near a grate over the window that looked like it could be part of the dungeon. Every step had to be measured to get to them without ending up in his own death snare. Grabbing another nearby stick he tripped the next loop in the path he was creating. Whoever had set the snares knew what they were doing. Primary and secondary snare traps had been established to ensure the captured creature would meet up with the Black Rabbit of Inlé.

There were still about three more loops until he could examine what they had tried to. The squirrels must have bounded over the first set only to jump into the last trap row. Angel, Jr. proceeded to trigger the three remaining first snare traps that impeded his progress. A total of 5 sticks now dangled by multiple wires much like squirrels did. He slowly hopped to where the deadly traps had been, being careful and steady not to trip any others that were clearly set up. He bounded again and was now right under the squirrels, who had tried to view into the grate attached to the dungeon.

The overwhelming feeling of magic seemed to emanate from the castle. He couldn't get too close to the window grill. An invisible force-field blocked him, however, as he looked into the grate from one side of the force-field he could see a unicorn pony bound in chains the flickering light of the torches making it hard to determine her color. He was about to look away going back to his sister when he noticed some movement. Another pony bound in chains fell to the bottom of the stairs ending with a terrible sound on the ground. He could tell this one was a Pegasus, the lighting where she had landed allowed him to see the blue color of her coat, and the snow white mane she had. He bounded back from the grate uncertain if they would notice him. He bounded quickly back along his safe path, tentatively jumping to each safe zone again as he made his way back to his sister. He thumped his right foot twice to motion her to follow him; the bunnies started to head back to Zecora's the sun was just above the mountains.

The two bunnies had dashed back away from the old castle bounding much quicker back over the rope bridge checking and dodging their way back to the hut of the Zebra. This journey moved at an accelerated pace to keep up with a schedule they were slightly on. They knocked on the door of the hut again this time the Zebra inside was quick to answer opening after the first set of knocks.

She looked down at the two rabbits beckoning them inside with one hoof. They slowly went into the hut that was her home waiting for her to begin with her story, “Angel, Jr. and my dear, Silver Heart, it has been a while since I told you two, to depart. My memory returning brew has been a success, and my memories of today have returned to surge anew. A unicorn cold eyes of blue ice, with a mane golden like the sun, asked if there was a unique brew quite nice, that could turn the tide of love or if it could even be done. I told him many brews ignite loves lost the fire. The most potent however is one begun with a flower called Heart's Desire. He asked if I could give him a vial of the special potion. I told him it would take half a day brew it so to accomplish any other errands would be a good notion. When he returned he was sparkling new, all fresh, clean, and smelling of fresh morning dew. He asked if the tonic was ready for his plan, I told him it was made to make sure he didn't lose his clan. After this, he must have brought me to the floor, as the only other thing I was able to remember was you two knocking on the door. If it is alright with you two, I would like to tell this to Fluttershy too,” Zecora said.

The Two bunnies listened intently to her rhyming story. They nodded happily at the notion at the end, and both jumped onto her back as they started to steer her towards the barn at Sweet Apple Acres. As the threesome heads out of the Everfree Forest, the Sun is just starting down, and they will be arriving at the barn shortly. They were coming up to the door on the barn just as the sun was now half way down. The group slid inside the large barn after a few quick knocks.


Creme Brulee smiled at the last thing Pinkie had said to him. He knew Pinkie Pie was random but when she was serious about this strange request he could hardly believe he had agreed. She was every ponies friend, yet, he thought, “Maybe there could be something more with himself and her than most of the other mares he had met in Ponyville.” Most mares had a hard time distinguishing him from Caramel, which had led him to some dangerous situations with getting a marefriend of his own. Caramel's marefriends would come up and slap him while he was on a date with another mare he was trying to attract. He barely knew Caramel, but he did know the things that did separate them were eye color and mane style. It just seemed like the only one who ever understood this was Pinkie Pie.

That meant something to him. He walked down the steps to the door on the left as Pinkie had explained to him. He slowly moved into the scene with the shackled pony with her head resting on a basket of bits. He noticed her hooves were bound to each other, then to the floor. He grinned at the set up moving his hooves up then slamming them down at the links of the chain holding her to the ground, with his first massive stomp he clattered the pony-iron chains to pieces. He looked to Berry Punch who was still dosing in a wine coma, yet breathing regularly. He picked her up putting her on his back started to carry her shackles and all, to Ponyville Hospital

Berry Punch was heavier than she would've normally been due to a large belly filled with ample amount of wine, and the thick iron shackles weren't helping much either. Her wet backside was dripping down onto his coat with the excess wine that had spilled out of the large barrel, covering her lower half and front hooves. Creme Brulee made his way past other pony's houses making his way to the hospital; he could see it gently in the distance as the sun was slowly nearing the horizon. He moved with her at a steady pace coming into the hospital to find, Nurse Redheart at the front desk he said in a calm steady tone. “She needs emergency treatment! I'm a friend of the friend who found her; she's consumed a great quantity of wine, and her name is Berry Punch.”

“Oh, my!” Was all the pure white pony with a light pink mane could say. She pressed a button on her board for emergencies. Two ponies came out of a door with a gurney. The first was Nurse Coldheart a light yellow earth pony, with a blue mane and tail containing light blue streaks, and a cutie mark of a white cross with a pink heart in each corner. The second pony was Nurse Sweetheart a light purple earth pony, a mane and tail of lavender with white stripes, and a cutie mark of a white cross with a pink heart in each corner.

Creme Brulee shifted his weight to put her down, just on top of the gurney. The nurses took her for treatment immediately. He looked back at the nurse at the desk and said, “I assume, I need to fill out some paperwork now, don't I.”

Nurse Redheart just smiled back at Creme Brulee handing him a simple questionnaire that just explained everything he knew about the patient and everything he could remember about how he had arrived at Ponyville General Hospital today. He sighed taking a quill and some ink from the desktop, starting to fill out the form with much disgust at his hoofwriting. He hoped Pinkie would end up alright after all this trouble. 'There I go again,' he thinks, 'My thoughts turning to that bright pink pony with nothing, but the happiness of others on her mind.' She had even made him smile just before leaving him with this massive task to accomplish. He finished up the questionnaire handing it back to Nurse Redheart. As he left the Ponyville Hospital noticing the sun slowly starting to set against the horizon gently, he decided he would go over to Sweet Apple Acres, to see just what was going on.

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Soarin had the furthest to go to stealthily approach the Everfree Forest, and was following the path of Fleetfoot until she turned east to head along the river. Soarin headed south instead of east along the edge of another mountain range before coming up to the farthest edge of Ghastly Gorge he followed it north to the Everfree Forest. Navigating the gauntlet that was Ghastly Gorge with ease, slowly approaching the forest making sure his magic detecting goggles were on. Taking refuge in the first tree he could find.

Soarin took about thirty minutes to accomplish even just trying to get into position. Spitfire always seemed to give him the most difficult flight paths. Not to mention if there were spies throughout the forest he had the most likely chance of being spotted. Soarin had to be in top form today, and his thoughts about a pie for dinner would have to wait. Spitfire and Fleetfoot would already be in place starting their own observations in the time it had taken him just to get the first tree. He glanced around taking in the forest with the goggles on. Soarin looked out at the bog seeing nothing of importance. Examining where Fleetfoot should be flying the giant magical fields seemed to make that path look even more complicated than his own. He hoped his teammates would be alright as he turned back towards the treeline that was in front of him.

There was no discernible nearby magic from his tree, but he noted there was a large magical field that went gently above the tree line. “That must be a force-field protecting the old castle,” thought Soarin. He surveyed the area around the bottoms of the trees before darting to the next one to make sure that nothing was going to follow him. He scanned the area from his new viewpoint; he could still see the bog from this point of view. Not having seen any pony other than himself, yet he knew something was going on in this forest tonight.

Soarin darted to another tree carefully making his way towards the massive bubble over the trees. As he went, he checked with dedication every possible angle for magical traps still finding not a single one. He was only about three tree jumps from being in a range of the castle ruins when he saw his first magical flare other than the large barrier that would've been invisible to the naked eye. Two unicorns were walking in a perimeter formation both gently talking to each other; he noticed they had their horns lit up to construct an earpiece. Soarin knew the earpieces meant the band of unicorns here must be very coordinated set guards on the back of the castle.

Soarin now faced a tough choice in what he should do. He had to wait for the guard ponies to look away from the tree that was hiding him anyway. His choices were limited, he could rush back to Sweet Apple Acres, or he could make a dart to the next few trees in the sequence he had been following, thus getting to the force-field. Where he could obtain a magical intensity reading from the force-field with the magic detector lens, which would be an important piece of information to relay to their side. He thought for another full revolution about a full five minutes from start to finish, of the elliptical shaped path of the guards had set up. Then he said in his mind, “Time to prove you are a Wonderbolt, Soarin.”

With the unicorns backs to his tree, Soarin darted to the next tree in his path. Examining the ground he could see that the last set hadn't noticed his departure which was good since silent flying wasn't his strong suite. He saw the next group of ponies in his path. This pair worked together walking in a box formation allowing them to see the others flank at all times. Soarin finally saw the break in their formation waiting for it to happen again, then dashing to the next Tree. Only one more tree and he could get an accurate reading of the force-field's power. Another pairing of those darn unicorns triple fail-safe protection around the entire castle most likely. “If that dragon went in alone he'd inevitably be overwhelmed before he even got close enough to try to save the Element of Generosity,” thought Soarin. This last pairing of ponies stood in silent sentry at opposite ends of themselves looking at each other and over the section in between them. “Wow, what a set up where did this guy spend all his time the evil revenge strategy warehouse?” thought Soarin.

Spitfire had always called him superstitious, but he had just the thing for this situation. Having a single bit tucked behind each ear his good luck routine. Tonight he would prove what a good idea it had been. He took the first one and tossed it with all his might at the far pony's side of the forest. Soarin's play played out perfectly as the pony closest to the noise turned towards the sound looking away from his partner and allowing him the hole needed to cross. It added a tree to his trek but with a quick dash he made it to the tree he had required before the pony had found the bit that was laying on the ground a decent distance away. He moved and examined the force-field with the lenses over his eyes. With a much closer view, they started registering the level of how powerful the force-field was, just a little more and then he had it. A very standard eight point five power rating, point five less than the force-field Shining Armor could conjure. However, this force-field was being generated by two fields of magic. With that last bit of information, he quickly turned back to the unicorns who were back to staring back and forth at each other.

The second bit came out from behind his ears; Soarin proceeded to toss this one towards the pony who hadn't stood up last time. He watched as this stallion turned his attention away from the other. With that Soarin darted quickly around the other stallion overhead, returning to the tree he had been in before the other set of unicorn ponies. Two groups of ponies between him and the perfect escape. He watched for the break in the secondary group's view pattern again; then he darted to the tree he was in before coming past the first group. One group of ponies until a complete mission. The last group of ponies was his easiest chance for a simple get away. He waited for the break in their formation and darting to the tree he had been in before he attempted to get past in the first place. He let out a sigh of relief when he noticed they hadn't been alerted. Suddenly from out of nowhere came a loud growl from the pit of Soarin's stomach.

“Awww Man!” He said, then darted through the trees dodging bolts of magic, shooting at him from the forest. He kept moving through the trees like a slalom course back towards the way he came. If he could get to Ghastly Gorge, he'd be home free. He moved quick as he could, but he did feel a bolt of fire magic singe his tail. His body is nearing the destination that no unicorn could follow closely. A bolt of lightning magic struck his flanks dead on it hurt, but he had to keep going his rump was going to be sore and numb for weeks. He burst past the tree line diving into the top of the gorge another set of bolts flew out past him missing entirely. As Soarin was about to get out of range, there was one more spell that hit his front hoof solidifying it, making it heavier as the ice formed around it. He dove towards the ground as he started to see the ice spell slowly climbing one of his forehooves.

He hit the bottom of the gorge with the Ice covered limb primarily, and the spell shattered before being entombed in Ice. Soarin flew back up never looking back from where he had left. He didn't have much time till sundown, but he had to keep going. He finished exiting the other side of the gorge intact. Soarin continued back the way he came this time however he got to train tracks on the other end of White Tail Woods. Soarin following them back east to Ponyville, as well towards the Apple Farm. With his mind determined and his body shivering, his wings beat with power sending him forward. Before Soarin knew it, he was at his destination the sun had set. He had missed the rendezvous, and he could only hope they hadn't left yet. Soarin came up and knocked on the barn door exhausted.


As Pinkie Pie rushed away from Creme Brulee she thought, she felt his eyes look back at her once more before she left. She, unfortunately, didn't have time to explore that yet either. A focused, determined Pinkie was an unstoppable force of nature all those who knew her knew that. She dashed along the streets of Ponyville Checking every bench as she went. Of course, Lyra and Bon Bon were on the last one she checked. She approached them tentatively saying. “Hey Ladies, Did you two happen to hear anything about a grass colored earth stallion today? Or Perhaps a white unicorn stallion?”

“Hey, Pinkie.” Said Bon Bon with a mischievous smile spreading across her face. “Any particular reason you want to know?”

“It's really important you two, I need all the help I can get. And if you don't help I might have to let some pony in on your secret.” Pinkie said concerned she wouldn't want to, but if they didn't say something or help her, she felt it would be justified to get this information. She never discussed breaking her promises lightly. So that she would be willing to break this promise to get what she needed said a lot.

“Well if you put it that way I don't think we have much choice, Bon.” Lyra Looked back at her friend who had become so much more recently and said. “ I saw the earth grass pony by Sugar Cube Corner he hung around there a good three hours when Rarity came out and passed by that was the last time I saw him they turned the corner together and were gone after that.”

“Lyra are you really not ready to tell the world we're together yet?” Bon Bon shook her head and sighed and turned back to Pinkie and said. “I saw the unicorn who purchased the red rose order from Rose's stand. He had a shaggy blond mane, after placing his order he went to the spa. He came out sparkling white, and his cutie mark was a gold four-point star on top of a blue four point star. I don't know what that makes your talent, but from what I saw he left Ponyville in a rush after collecting the red roses from Rose.”

Pinkie thought about this for a moment. She couldn't remember where she had heard the description of this stallion's before, but it was so faint in her memory. She decided with only a half an hour left before sunset there was time to ask the Spa Sisters, Aloe, and Lotus, what happened; after all, they kept relatively healthy relationships with their clientele, so surely they had some insight into what had been happening. “Thank you, ladies, I'm sure you'll find the right time to tell every pony about yourselves. I need to go to the spa then. Take good care of each other,” Pinkie said before bounding off in the direction of Ponyville Day Spa, which had benefited from Rarity's success almost as much as she had. From a longer client list to more visits from the lovely fashion pony.

Lyra looked back at Bon Bon when Pinkie had bounded off saying,“As much as you say you want too dear heart. You're the one who's not ready.” Lyra looked into her eyes, kissing Bon Bon gently in the yellowing skyline. With that tender kiss, Bon Bon knew she was right, and gave her just a peck back on the cheek.

Pinkie made her way quickly towards Ponyville Spa she rushed in through the front doors and looked around the entrance way for any sign of the Spa Sisters before ringing the front desk bell As she did she looked around slowly calling out to the inside of the spa. “Aloe, Lotus, Are you here?” She waited for another few moments before dashing past the entrance area's passing by another magic barrier. This time when she called out, she heard a response. It was Quake an earth pony, with a light yellow eggshell colored coat, and a blond mane, and blue eyes who is the head masseur for the spa.“Pinkie? We're in the message room. Something happened to them this morning.”

Pinkie rushed to the massage room opening the door she was shocked again with what she had seen inside the chamber. Two ponies were sitting on the two tables in the massage area. The first was Aloe, an earth pony, with pink coat, and a Blue mane. The second was her sister Lotus, an earth pony with a blue coat and a pink mane. Both ponies had a cutie mark of a lotus, and right now both looked like they had just walked out of a desert without water. They each had a water bottle with them for now, but there were more than a few empty bottles around them. Signifying that they had been here a while already both of them panting heavily.

Quake moved around to face her and said, “Pinkie, I don't know what happened. However, I didn't have any appointments till three today. When I arrived, it was strange to see no one in the front entrance with no closed sign. So I checked all the rooms to be sure no one was around, and I found them passed out on the ground in the sauna chamber. I dragged them out as quickly as possible and got them some water. I've been afraid to leave them on their own to get a doctor. It's so strange the sign in book was burned to a crisp when I arrived. They've been mumbling something about a unicorn stallion. Could you stay with them for a moment I just want to get a doctor here.” With that Quake rushed off towards Ponyville Hospital he was a good friend of Doctor Stable he would be able to help him he hoped.

“Sounds good,” said Pinkie looking in between the two sisters, She gave them each a gentle nuzzle and then continued, “Did you two get the name of this mysterious unicorn?” She said looking at them questioningly hoping they would be able to answer her despite being almost steam baked ponies if Quake had shown up too much later it would've been a critical health hazard for the two.

Aloe spoke first after a big swig from her water bottle saying “No, he signed the registry P. E. B. we just referred to him as Peb. He asked for a full groom and considering how shaggy his mane and everything looked when he came in he needed it...”

“...He looked like royalty when we finished, and he certainly paid us like he was upfront. We took to cleaning him up quickly, even after he told us he wanted one of us to run his sauna instead of an automated set up. Aloe agreed, and then no more than 5 minutes later he called out asking for my help saying something was wrong with her when I came into the steam filled the room the last thing I saw were steam clouds then I was out. If Quake hadn't saved us I don't think we would've even known we were going to die,” Lotus continued with her sister's story to Pinkie. They didn't know why they were just telling her, but it felt right to tell somepony. Pinkie just nodded looking over the two noticing their water bottles were getting low rushing off quickly returning with water bottles.

“Here is some fresh water bottles ladies. I have water bottles stashed in places all over Ponyville just in case of water emergencies," as Pinkie finished her sentence she had a thought. 'Hmm P. E.B. huh, that's some of the best information I've gotten all day. Trying to track those two bad ponies who've hurt my friends,' as she had completed that thought. Quake returned with Doctor Stable. He looked over the two dehydrated spa ponies smiling; he looked back at Quake and Pinkie who were looking at him with feelings of uncertainty. He checked the spa ponies over again saying in a definitive tone. “Severe Dehydration, keep giving them fluids and fruits like berries, also have them check with me daily for a progress check. To make sure there are no long-term effects. Glad I could help, Quake, thanks again for that message last week.”

“Quake, take good care those two until I can get to the bottom of this. I'll make sure the ponies who hurt them get what's coming to them. Be safe,” with that Pinkie rushed out of the spa at top speed. She was heading back towards Berry Punch's house; she gathered the bucket of bits from her basement. Then hurried back to Carousel Boutique to pick up the bits from Sugarcube Corner and the gems. After combining the bits in the bucket with those in the flour sack she stacked the drawers on her back, then grabbed flour sack with her mouth, she started to head out towards Sweet Apple Acres. Now was a perfect time for one her shortcuts hidden all over Ponyville, for times when she needed to be somewhere fast. With that, she took her shortcut to Sweet Apple Acres with a lot of new Information for Twilight just as the sun started to set.


“Luna!... You can't just take half the Royal Treasury! We can't just give into these demands sister,” said Celestia in a stern tone looking contemptuously back at her sister.

“Tia... what does it say if, We are not willing to give a little to get a lot back. Ever since coming back it has taken a lot of work to get the citizenry of Equestria to welcome back their Princess of the Night. You were there with me by my side, Tia telling me that everypony would be glad to have me back eventually. I did not think it would be possible but watching the night I could see that there were ponies who enjoyed it as much if not more than your day at times, Tia. I trust that Spike would never let Equestria loose two million bits especially to the vile pony holding his love captive. But I think he needs to money to ensure her safety first.”

“Luna, what if this is a trap for Spike? What if Rarity is already gone? It's not Spike I don't trust with the money dear sister it's whoever had Rarity captive that I don't trust.”

The Two Regal Sisters were about to continue their discussion when someone who had been part of the conversation finally joined it. “Princesses! First off I'm honored by the trust and faith you put behind this offer, Luna. Celestia, I'm not going to be a baby forever, and you can't keep treating me like one. What we need is a plan, and I can't think of any pony better to plan my castle siege than, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Well said young dragon. I think I should also note I sent three of the Wonderbolts to do a stealth reconnaissance mission to the Everfree Forest. They should be back before Sundown, is it not drawing close to that time of day, dear sister?”

“It is Luna, but tonight I'm drawing it out. I was asked to extend it by a very particular young dragon. The delay may yet aid our forces in earning some extra information. Twilight my 'son's' life is in your capable hooves once again.” Celestia held back a tear as she turned away from the group of ponies, going get some punch.

Tonight so far had turned out as no one had expected, many guests were arriving, while most of the first guests were still together in one part of the barn. In fact, things were about to get a lot stranger. Princess Celestia scooped some punch from a ladle into her cup with magic. In the middle of doing this, She was knocked back from the table with the punch spilling over her when the whole table flipped over onto the wooden floor. Pinkie Pie was coming from what appeared to be a door in the floor of the barn. She slowly put the Drawers of gems next to bags Princess Luna had brought putting the flour sac on top of then and said, “Hey there, everypony! Sorry, I had to use my shortcut to get back here before sundown. I've got a lot of information; that should help with identifying the ponies responsible for ruining Spike's big day today. Oooh, Is that punch, Princess Celestia?” Before waiting for a response from the party favor covered Princess. Pinkie bounded over to her, giving her cheek a lick saying, “Yup, definitely punch.”

“Pinkie Pie! If you would Spike and everypony here would like to hear what you've learned,” said a very slightly frustrated Twilight Sparkle. Spike had the most interested in the information, and her pink friend had managed to gather around town. They had little information to go on right now; the fact that Pinkie had a lot of information was a good sign. If she ever got around to telling them what that was.

“Oooh Right, sorry, Twilight. Well, It went like this...” With that Pinkie Pie went into a long winded description of the two ponies she had heard. The description of the first one a grass green earth pony stallion with a blonde mane made Rainbow Dash cringe a bit despite the fact Pinkie didn't have a cutie mark for the first pony. The second pony Pinkie described the white unicorn with blonde mane a stallion with a cutie mark of two four point stars the lower was blue and the first star was golden. She also included the stallion using the initial’s P. E. B. at the register in the spa. Pinkie explained all the things that happened to their friends around town including the items requested by the unicorn. Pinkie then finished up her explanation of where she went, the info she gathered, and who from with, “And that's how I found Gummy!”

Pinkie quickly spring boarded away from the set of friends she had been talking too, bounding over to the another party favor table taking two cups of punch filling them carefully. She quickly returned placing the first cup down near to Princess Celestia. Who was about to make a comment about the description of the secondary pony, as well as continue lowering the sun. When suddenly there was a flurry of knocks on the door and the sound of wings coming through the window.

The Wonderbolt who had just come through the entrance Rainbow Dash had used earlier in the evening stood tall and proud. Spitfire was wearing her camouflage stealth suit and magic detecting goggles; she flipped up the goggles, turning to face Princess Luna saying, with a bow, “Princess, there is dome encompassing the primary structure of the castle aerial rescue is not possible. There is a magically constructed stone bridge to cross the gap between the forest and the castle. I think it was a trap for the ransom bearer. Lastly, there is a grid of alert magic beams all along the path to the castle. Groups of unicorns are maintaining them at least ten from the trail I covered.” Spitfire looked back up at Princess Luna; Spitfire finished her full report of what she had seen along the flight path giving Luna some time to process it.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle had moved to answer the barn door. When Twilight opened the door, she found a very distraught Zecora and two slightly shaken bunnies on her back. Fluttershy rushed over to the bunnies and brought them into a hug and said, “Oh... my... goodness. What happened to you two?”

As the bunnies did their best to explain their trek to Fluttershy, Zecora began telling the trouble she had gone through to Twilight Sparkle. The bunnies were recalling the overwhelming amount of magic in the forest, the strange stone bridge and the snares around the window; which contained two ponies chained and bound one blue pegasus with white mane, and a possibly white unicorn. As Zecora explained to Twilight about her lost memories of the day and the potion she needed to brew she ended, “Twilight you can not let her drink the potion I've been made to brew, for there is no antidote known that can undo.”

As Fluttershy told Twilight what her bunnies had told her. She was very accurate with the description of the ponies. They couldn't see too much because of the dim light. But they had seen a blue pegasus with a white mane and unicorn in chains in the castle's dungeon. Twilight had started to gather her thoughts after receiving all the information so far. Spike had been listening to most of the information but was staying close to Twilight. He knew she would know what to do best once they had all the information. While Twilight was thinking this through the Sun had finally been lowered by Princess Celestia and the moon was slowly rising by Luna's Power. As night set in Spike let out a controlled blast of his fire breath to light all the candles with his green flame making sure not to burn anypony.

As Twilight moved over to Princess Luna to see what information the Wonderbolt had given her, there was another knock on the door. This one sounded calm and collected not at all like Zecora's had been. Spike being much closer to the door now he opened it slowly to notice it was another guest, another of the selection of people of those from Canterlot and Ponyville who Spike had chosen to invite. It wasn't just any pony though it was a white unicorn stallion, with a light blue mane, mustache, and tail, with a cutie mark of three golden crowns, lastly, he had a monocle over one of his light-blue eyes.

Most knew him as Fancypants he was a good friend of Rarity, Spike had asked him for something he felt only he could get for Rarity. The item in question had been brought and wrapped up in a box about the size of a hat box. As Fancypants came in, he looked over the current guests and noticed there was one white unicorn missing and said. “I say, Spike didn't you say that Rarity would be here. I see her friends and a few ponies I don't recognize at all, but I don't see her.”

“Sorry, Fancypants, but there has been a complication with tonight’s events. It's a lot to take in, but I'll explain it short and sweet since I think you deserve to know the truth, with all the help you've given the Boutique over the years. Now Rarity's kidnapped, they've asked for a ridiculous amount of money to return her safely to us. Twilight is helping me figure out a plan of attack I've got about eight hours now to save her.”Spike looked down at the ground a lot was riding on his shoulders right now. With every moment he wasn't out there trying to save her another tiny pin prick against his heart.

“That's just atrocious, old boy. I trust you'll do everything to get her back safe and sound. After all, someone only asks me to help them get one of these for their special some pony. Good luck old boy, and Happy Birthday. ” He gave Spike a wink after special some pony with the eye behind the monocle. He gave Spike the box, then swiftly left Spike after the short greeting and goodbye, Fancypants was a pony who enjoyed mingling with almost any group of ponies, since he knew very few here he felt he should get started understanding them.

Spike moving towards his big sister put an arm on her shoulder and said. “Where are we Twi? I need to get going if I'm going to make it before sunrise especially with the bits.”

Twilight felt a bit shocked by his touch her mind racing after his question. So much information in such a short amount of time it was a lot for Twilight to take in. The information Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had gathered had brought together a lot of info on two of the primary conspirators. There was an overwhelming amount of magic in the forest tonight by the Wonderbolt's report and Fluttershy's animals story. Most of the set up had occurred with many unicorns. Spike would likely have thirty or more male unicorns to deal with if there were at least ten along the path one of them saw. The wine and the roses were likely the way the captor was going to make Rarity ingest the love potion. Her thoughts finally in order she spoke to Spike. “Well Spike your arrival with the ransom is the one shot we've got at saving Rarity. While they're distracted with following your movements we have to start breaking down their defenses to make sure you don't get ambushed. From the sounds of things, one of the Wonderbolt's Luna sent has been captured as well...”

Twilight was about to continue down her thought process, her plan to Spike, when suddenly there was a loud, slow knock to the door. Spike went over to the door again and opened it slowly. Soarin was relieved with the door opening. His tail singed, his front left side freezing, he moved into the barn where it was much warmer thanks in part to the brightly shining candles. Soarin looked like heck his whole body shivering as he made his way to Princess Luna. He about fell over as he was moving up to her putting a hoof in salute, “S... S... Soarin, second in k... k... command of the Wonderbolts reporting, Puh... Puh... Princess. The back way is out there is a sk... sk... squad of at least twenty unicorns wah... wah... watching in a tight fuh... fuh... formation. The fuh... fuh... force-field over the k... k... castle is an eight point five power s... s... strength generated by two unicorns. West covered in magic fields. K... K... Can I get a b... b... blanket and a hot app... app... apple pie?”As he finishes his last statement, he falls to the ground shivering.

“Soarin!” Spitfire rushed over to his side adding her body warmth to his own. She could feel his body shivering the Ice spell had started to chill his body quite well. She put her wings around his body trying to warm him frantically. Seeing this Spike moved quickly over to one of the tables, pulling the table cloth from it in a very dramatic fashion causing the few drinks and plates to float up landing back on the table correctly. He proceeded to move over to Soarin brushing Spitfire's wings off him covering him in the table cloth turning his head to Twilight he said, “Heat the material like a warm blanket, Twi.” Spike turned his head to Spitfire saying, “Spitfire, somepony needs to get Doctor Stable here on the double. Ask Nurse Redheart at Ponyville General. Twilight will keep him stable till you get back.” Spitfire left almost as quickly as Spike had said Redheart.

Her mission very clear in her mind, and she would bring the good doctor even if she had to carry him. Turning to face the farm pony Spike said,“Applejack, think you can oblige him with an apple pie?” Applejack just nodded and left to fetch this newcomer a hot fresh pie. Spike looked back at Twilight saying, “Twilight if you guy's start taking out guards before Rarity is safe they might speed up their timetable. I can carry the bits and gems in an apple cart. I need to get going if I'll want to make it in time. I know it's a trap, but if I don't go, I'll have failed her completely. Wait for a large pillar of my flame from the forest it'll be my signal to you to come in after us.”

Spike had turned away from his from his “big sister” and friends who had heard him say this getting ready to leave to save his love. Twilight turned to him and shouted, “Spike wait! Don't use the stone bridge. Also, the force-field will crash if one of the two ponies generating it goes down. Please be careful Spike it's going to be a gauntlet for you any way you go about it.” Her voice filled with concern.

“I know Twilight, once you see my signal though I need you to start knocking out the kidnapper's forces. I'm counting on you guy's to make an exit route once Rarity is out of their clutches.” Spike responded turning his head again this time to Princess Luna. “ I can't let anypony down, and you've put a lot of trust in me, Princess Luna, I'm going to say this once, though, if I have to choose between the bits and Rarity's life you know which one I value more. Even if I work for the rest of my life to repay you and 'mom' I will.”

With that Spike left the barn bringing an apple wagon to the front of the barn. He slowly started to bring the bags of bits out to the large cart. The two big bags of bits were put them into the back of the wagon first, following with putting the large amounts of gems from Rarity's shop into the cart. Each drawer filled with gems each one a memory of an afternoon spent with the lovely mare of his dreams. He was about to leave towards the center of the Everfree Forest as a voice came from the barn. “Spike!” Came the royal Canterlot voice from just behind him. Luna was calling out to him and lowered her voice after gathering his attention. “Now may not be the best time to ask this of thou. But dost thou think Twilight Sparkle would be interested in me?”

The question hit Spike like a ton of bricks. 'Now was the worst time to bright him this question' he thought. His mind did wander a bit on the subject, though. Night time was Twilight's favorite time of day. It was a wonder she woke up at all before him anymore. All the late nights she spent studying star charts. Spike turned his head to Luna saying. “I think there is somepony else you should ask about this Luna. I do know she likely appreciates your night-scapes more than most ponies. If you really want to know how she feels about you, though, you have to pony up and ask.”

“Thank you, Spike. Take this please, and I hope it will guide you tonight.” Luna moved her hoof over Spikes claw putting something in his large clawed hand. He clasped his claw around it, and just nodded knowing what it was.

Spike started to head with the wagon in tow towards the old castle making steady progress. Just as he was making his way to the edge of the farm, he saw Spitfire returning with the Dr. Stable in her hooves. Spike chuckled a bit at this since Stable looked none too pleased about the flight with a black medical bag in his mouth. Spike continued into the Everfree forest passing by Zecora's hut he moved deeper into the Everfree Forest. Going past the first set of alert beams they now knew he was coming...

<><><> <><><> <><><>

“The sun has finally set,” Rarity thought. Looking out the single barred window the golden shimmer from the sun now vanished to a dark blue tint. She was about to test her magic flare plan. However, her thought process was interrupted by the sounds of the door clattering open at the top the stairs. The shale like voice called down in a condescending manner, with the sound of hooves approaching, “Oh my little white dove, are your eyes all aflutter or do I have to wake you the hard way like a bad white bitch?” There was an almost psychotic look to his eyes as the back half of the of this statement came out.

Rarity shut the eyes that had been open only moments before, upon hearing the hooves trot down the long winding staircase. Rarity waited until the sound of hooves stopped clacking against the stone. Then her eyes fluttered open looking around frantically as if she had only just awoken and said, “What?... Where?... How did I get here?”

After Rarity had pulled that off; she turned her eyes towards the stairs, she looked over her captor taking in his form once. She did a double take by blinking her eyes, after realizing who it was that held her captive. He was now standing just over the unconscious Wonderbolt, it took her moment of slight shock at who it was to speak again.

“All unimportant questions my dear dove. By the look on your face, you didn't think you or anyone would see me again, after the divorce of my first wife. Such beautiful thing she was, but not a loyal trophy wife,” his eyes going wide with the last statement.

Rarity had been informed of the wedding by Princess Celestia herself, even asking if she would do the designs for the bridal dress. Even at the Princess' request, she declined stated in a return letter that Carousel Boutique's creations were always chic, unique, and Magnifique. Her personal motto was something she could not guarantee for that wedding; Spike sent her response immediately after delivering the request. That if she were to take the request she could not personally remove herself from the situation to let it just be another job. If Rarity couldn't focus on the task at hand, or if she didn't feel she could give the job her all, were the only reason she would ever turn anyone away. The Princess had decided not to pursue the further issue figuring she had every right to decline the request. Rarity had heard about the divorce only a single year of wedlock, something about troubles in the bedroom according to the news and gossip columnists. She had never pursued the real reason as to why figuring she didn't need to know.

Rarity thought that would be last she would ever hear or see of the stallion who stood before her now. Blueblood's pristine coat shimmering in the low-lit dungeon, his hooves expertly manicured, his golden mane and blue eyes shimmered much like the first time they met. Prince Eugene Blueblood she only knew his full name from the article she read on the wedding. She didn't know what to say to him she was usually civil around him, since the events of the Grand Galloping Gala all those years ago; he certainly was the start of disappointing stallions coming into her life, she slightly despised him for it.

The scar of the depressing dream horse on Rarity's heart had never really fully healed, but now that she thought about it Spike had been there at the gala as well, even at the doughnut shop after the gala she was the last one out, Spike had held the door open for her. He held her hoof in his hand for a moment and said, “Rarity, you deserve a stallion who shines bright even in the darkest night.” Spike lead Rarity back to the carriage there was a mud puddle between her and the steps up to the carriage. He moved up to the carriage and took down the coat she had given him to wear at the gala and put it over the mud puddle guiding her across it like a real gentlecolt should.

Rarity's mind only had moments to go over these thoughts as she was brought back to the present with the harsh firm reality that she was in fact in the presence of the stallion she hated the most in the world. Looking back at Blueblood she said in a steady tone of voice. “Thought you'd lose yourself in a bottle in Canterlot after the end of that debacle of a marriage happened. Heard it was something about not enough 'blue blood' for your little prince.”

He trotted right up to her and smacked her across the face after kicking Fleetfoot in the gut, “Now you listen here dove. It'll be more than enough to satisfy you come morning, and your little dragon prince is dead.”

“You can't kill love, Blueblood. Not with a thousand swords, and not with fifty unicorns of Twilight's magical prowess or greater. I know he loves me he shows me every moment we're together. I haven't acknowledged his feelings, yet, and for the first time, I feel like I'm ready to. I know he will come for me. Not you or all your men can stop him. I love him the more I think about him.” Rarity said this with a certainty that was almost unmatched.

“Not when I get through with you, my dove.”

EOC (End of Chapter)


On the way to a trap, an exchange, and dinner.

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Ok, everypony seems to be on board with my story so far despite my WOTS(Wall of text syndrome) and very improved grammar as of late. I'd like to say that I feel my severe WOTS is improving with every chapter. In this chapter I have a unique kind of break happening, and it's one that would combine two different perspectives happening at the same time. The break will look like this:

I have not done something quite like this before, and I'm certain it will receive positive and negative criticism. With that out of the way, I'm going to say that this will happen for the next three chapters. It will only be going on with the same two characters, but it is something I feel needs to come out the way I have planned. Without further ado here is chapter 4.

Chapter 4
On the way to a trap,
an exchange, and dinner.

Party music was pounding from the speakers placed around the stage. Ponies were dancing magnificently in the center of the oaken floor. There was a group ponies playing party games scattered about on the sides of the barn. All of these things typically lead one to believe a party was going off without a hitch. With Spike having left, Sweetie Belle had begun her set. She had captured the attention of every pony with the first song she sang, and with every song after. Sweetie Belle brought the party to life regardless of the sad beginnings. She dedicated almost every song she sang to somepony who was there and part of her close group of friends. Sweetie Belle's voice could excite or bring to tears any group of ponies, though.

Twilight Sparkle had been tapping her hoof gently to the music in silent thought about what needed doing at Spike's signal. She didn't even have to focus too hard to keep the gentle warming blanket around Soarin. His condition was improving with Spitfire huddling close to him and helping him get to the pie Applejack had brought. Twilight felt like she had done everything in her power so far to help Spike, but somewhere deep inside her it didn't feel like enough for her “little brother.” As she thought, she didn't think about having fun or enjoying herself, not until her friends were back. Suddenly there was a hoof tapping her shoulder. “My faithful student, our dragon has grown quite a bit in these last few years. He is heading towards the biggest moment in his life. He is counting on us to be ready to help him when that time comes. Are you ready, Twilight Sparkle?” Princess Celestia asked looking confident.

Looking back up at her teacher and mentor Twilight knew she was right about everything answering, “I'm not ready, Princess, but when the time comes, I will be.”

“We'll all be ready, Twilight.” came a group statement from Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. They soon crowded around Twilight in a big hug.

As the group of friends embraced momentarily trying to support Twilight another pony arrived at the party. Creme Brulee's creamy orange coat, off-set by his dark brown hair, his green eyes staring around at the ponies who were there already. Coming in, he noted the tender moment of friends, deciding to go over to the snack table. There was an astounding array of treats left, as he looked over the table, taking some punch, holding it gently in his hooves, pouring the liquid into the cup.

He was about to turn around when a particular Pink mare came up to him with a bright smile saying, “Hey, Creme, party crashing? Didja help get Berry to the hospital?”

“I hope you don't mind, Pinkie. I most certainly did. I was kind of wondering what was going on. If you could tell me, that is, Pinkie?” He just looked back into her eyes gently as he took a sip from his punch.

Pinkie just looked back at him, “Well, only if you Pinkie Promise to tell nopony. I need to get back to Twilight, though, so I'll talk to you after that.”

He made the motions for the promise finishing by saying, “I Pinkie Promise to tell nopony.”

With that, she bounded back over to the group who barely seemed to notice her absence. Twilight was only just beginning to plan, anyway, starting to explain her thoughts to her friends using a table as a strategy board. Creme just went back to observing the snack table doing his best not to disturb any pony.

Sweetie Belle was looking out over the crowd. From the stage, she could see Twilight and the others starting to plan something. Sweetie Belle made a motion to Vinyl Scratch to continue without her for a few beats. She then sent up a magical flare at the end of her last song which alerted the other crusaders. They soon joined her at the table where the signal had died out. Sweetie Belle was the first one there followed by Apple Bloom, and then lastly Scootaloo. With everyone there, Sweetie Belle began, “Cutie mark crusaders, we have to help Twilight's plans to aid Spike. Since I promised Spike, I'd keep the party going, and I can't help. You two have to help keep an eye on them.”

“Oh hey, I could keep an eye on mah big sis. Whatever Twilight has in mind for her, another earth pony should be no problem,” replied a smiling Apple Bloom

“I can keep my eye on Rainbow Dash better than any other pony. I'll bet what Twilight has planned for her is super awesome,” said a very energetic-looking Scootaloo.

“Thanks, girls, I knew I could count on you,” Sweetie Bell put her hoof out and said, “Cutie Mark Crusaders Rescue Aiders.” The other two repeated this and tapped their hooves to Sweetie Belle's.

<><><> <><><> <><><>

“Don't call me that, you brute! You have no right...” As she said this, Rarity was sick of Blueblood calling her his dove.

Blueblood smacked her face as hard as he could again in the middle of her objection saying, “A mare like you should really know her place. Treating a stallion with the proper respect is something you should be aware how to do. Especially when I'm going to have, you join me for dinner.”

“How dare you! I am a lady. If I saw a proper stallion, I'd treat him with respect. But I don't see one, and I see the same spoiled brat I met at the gala. Spike is more of a proper stallion and gentlecolt than you could be with a full dragon's lifetime of etiquette training!” Rarity was yelling back at him despite being powerless and chained to the ground.

“Don't rile me, my dove, after all; I want you to understand your love's demise before making you mine...” Blueblood was about to continue. The sounds of hoofbeats started to drown out his voice; then they stopped as a voice called down the stairs, “Sir, the dragon has entered our section of the forest.”

“ All according to plan. Now the next step is giving you a romantic dinner, my soon-to-be bride. A meal you'll never forget.” His voice was full of pride as things were going so well for him.

“A what, now?” said Rarity.

“A meal you'll never forget!” Blueblood said again, this time raising his tone.

“What's, that?” said Rarity putting one of her hooves up to her ear like she hadn't heard a thing.

“I said. A meal you'll... Ugh... Fine, be an ungrateful whore to the end. Once you're mine, you won't have a second thought about that dragon. I must prepare for his arrival. Why don't you freshen up for dinner? Oh, and I thank you in advance for the use of your clothes. I'm confident you'll enjoy the main topic of discussion for dinner -- the death of a dragon.” With that, he chuckled and stomped over the Wonderbolt as he headed back upstairs.

Rarity was pleased with her dispatch of Blueblood for the time being; however, seeing him reminded her of the last time she had seen him up close. It was just after the Wonderbolt's Derby, where Fleetfoot took the day. Now she knew why she had recognized the Wonderbolt, Fleetfoot. Though looking at her now, her injuries were quite severe; if she didn't get to a hospital before morning, it would be hard to say that she would survive the night.

Rarity glanced back up at the window, her only glimmer of hope in the dark dank dungeon. She steadied herself and concentrated her magic reserves. She had one shot at this. She had to get the message perfect!


Sweetie Belle had since returned to the stage, calling out on the microphone, on center stage, “Everypony, gather around. Now, Spike wanted you all to have a good time while I'm here. I made a lot of time in my schedule to be here all night. I hadn't expected to sing tonight, but you've been a gracious audience, I feel ready to continue my set now.” With that, Sweetie Belle motioned her hoof to Vinyl signaling the next song in the set she had been prepared to sing tonight on short notice.

A light set of musical tones fills the barn, as Sweetie Belle counts off the beats in her head signaling her starting point. Her voice suddenly catches the air from the microphone on stage.

“Tell everypony I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead, yes I'm on my way
And there's nowhere else I'd rather be...”

The night was never the best time to be venturing into the Everfree Forest. Spike, however, had no choice in the matter this evening. The dark purple night-scape was a fitting backdrop to his perilous journey. No familiar sights or places for him to visit as he slowly trudged along with the hefty applecart, the dark, dismal forest expanding out around him. His adversaries already knew he was coming closer with every step he took. He didn't look at the treeline filled with eyes watching his every step. Spike could feel the eyes boring into his back as he moved towards the castle.

“... Tell everypony I'm on my way
And I'm loving every step I take
With the sun beating down, yes I'm on my way
And I can't keep this smile off my face...”

Spike was walking into the belly of the beast, so to speak. The moon shone down on his back, still having a long trek ahead of him. The rock-covered road was not conducive to travel for the cart, every over-extraneous movement taking an additional strain on his strength. The cart would rock to one side or the other with the dips and hills in the old dirt road. His eyes forward on the path, his mouth in a scowl at the thought of the ponies who had kidnapped his love. He had to get to Rarity, who was the only thing that would break him out of his trance.

“...'Cause there's nothing like, seeing each other again
No matter what the distance between
And the stories that we tell, will make you smile
Or it really lifts my heart...”

Every step taken felt like another weight on Spike's heart, yet he could feel that his love was getting closer with every movement. Seeing her again was the primary thing on his mind at the moment. Her purple mane, her alabaster coat color, the gleaming sapphires she called her eyes, and the gentle light blue of her diamond-shaped cutie mark were all on his mind with each step. Coming around the next bend in the path, the journey still weighing on his heart, he was worrying again about seeing her beautiful face.

“...So tell'em all I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
And to sleep under the stars who could ask for more
With the moon keeping watch over me...”

The extra weight of the massive quantity of bits and gems adding to the time it was taking to reach the old ruins, Spike moved through the Everfree forest noticing the distinct lack of wildlife. Every one of the eyes following him felt like a predatory animal; strange, it felt like all of them were unnatural. The roots of the trees along the path were adding to the bumpy road. The only sleep that night that might beckon him here in the Everfree Forest was the eternal sleep. He wiped his brow for a moment before continuing on his way, Luna's moon starting to float through the sky just behind him.

“...Not the snow, not the rain, can change my mind
The sun will come out, wait and see
And the feeling of the wind
In your face, can lift your heart...”

A muddy patch of earth had stuck one of the applecart's wheels. Spike moved around behind the cart starting to struggle to push it out carefully. Finally, he got a good grip on it and got it moving again. “It figured I would run into something like this near the midway point on my journey.” Spike just shook his head, trudging on in his journey, the moon shining brightly in the cloudless night just overhead. Spike could see the destination at the top of a hill, the rocky path still challenging him with every step. An icy gust of wind sweeping across his face, he started down the hill.

“...Oh... there's nowhere I'd rather be
'Cause I'm on my way now
Well and truly
And, I'm my way now...”

Spike continued along the winding rocky road. The feeling of being watched never stopped as he worked with the cart to arrive at the bridge connecting the two cliff sides. The path never felt free or alive, only feeling cold and unreasonable; this night in the Everfree Forest felt different than it normally would, the air even exerting pressure over Spike's walk. He came to another twist in the road; the cart snapped a trip wire he had stepped over accidentally. A rush of air to his right told him to duck behind the applecart to the left, just barely missing the flurry of arrows meant to weaken him. He would get this cart there and safely if only to see Rarity's face again. Suddenly a bright blue light in the shape of a letter, which was a “T,” burst through the night over the castle.

“...I'm on my way now...”

Spike continued forward glancing at the sky every so often to see there were suddenly more letters every time he checked. The blue hue could only mean it was a message from Rarity, who was trying to tell him something with what little magic they left her. Soon the letters read, “They.” He realized she wanted him to know about her captors.

“...I'm on my way now...”

It almost felt like she was with him the more Spike read her message. The moon was hanging in the center of the night sky provided light for his journey. He followed the path as best he could, making sure he didn't miss a single letter; she might not be able to maintain the message for long. It filled him with hope to see her trying to help in the rescue as well; the meaning becoming clearer as the second word formed “took.”.

“...I'm on my way now...”

The view of her words to him only drove Spike on his way with renewed vigor. It reminded him of what he was fighting for spurring him on despite the heavy load he bore. The way the letters lit up the night was like a gentle, bright blue beckon of hope. Checking the letters again the following had added “my cl.”

“...Tell everypony I'm on my way
And I just can't wait to be there, just can't wait to be there
With blue skies ahead, yes I'm on my way
And nothing but good times to share...”

The ruins were getting closer with each step Spike took. He wasn't too concerned about that, though, his mind instead of focusing on the sky writing that appeared to be just for him. He continued ongoing over another tree root. The cart rocking with the heavy load, Spike managed to steady it with his strength. He looked up again, and the message was complete, “They took my clothing!” While watching the exclamation point pop into being, the entire message flickered and faded into the night like a light going out. “It must have taken all the magical power she could use to summon it,”Spike thought. This idea only sped him on his way, since she was weak, cold, and without clothes; it must be horrible for her.

“...So tell everypony I'm on my way, I'm on my way
And I just can't wait to be home, just can't wait to be home
With the sun beating down, yes I'm on my way
And nothing but good times to show...”

Spike was determined to reach his love in time despite all the hang-ups on his journey through the forest. He continued on his way; he started to think, “Why they would take her clothes?” The only possible thoughts disturbed him. Then again whoever kidnapped her didn't like being beaten in any way, the villain’s murderous intent proven when he killed his messenger. Spike continued on undaunted by these troubling revelations. He climbed over another hill, and could finally see the path leading to two bridges and the old castle. 'Hang on, my lady, I'm coming,' thought Spike.

“...I'm on my way
Yes, I'm on my way...”

Sweetie Bell finished the song, and the music slowly came to a stop. She bowed before thunderous hoof stomps of applause. She raised her hoof to try to silence the crowd for a moment as she needed to say something,“On my way, by Filly Coltins, everypony.” After this light reflection of the original artist, there was another resounding applause in appreciation of her talents and those of the real artists.

<><><> <><><> <><><>

Rarity had strained herself to the limits of her magical potential to get that message out. She wasn't sure if Spike had even seen it, she was only able to hope he had; the whole message only being in the sky for a few moments. Now exhausted, she had to ready herself not to eat anything that brute, Blueblood, brought to her. The underhanded tactics he used to take her here made her think, 'Surely, anything he would give me to eat or drink would be laced with a love potion. Like I haven't read that story before.' She shook her head at this thought.

Before Rarity could think much longer on the fact, another sound of laughter rang out from the top of the steps. The laughter followed by hoofbeats on the stairs. Two unicorn stallions came down the stairs hoods hiding their identities. Rarity tried to pull away, but the chains kept her in place as they approached. They had the task of uncoupling her from the floor and taking her upstairs to the dining area. Two magical auras formed around her in different ways. The first one was used to unchain her shackles from the ground. The second aura started to lift her off the ground and was now joined with the other as the stallions began to float her up the stairs. They held her at length from them, as they slowly started to move back up the stairs with her in tow. She couldn't fight it with her magic depleted, during transport she could see many corridors and suits of armor lining the halls.

Parts of the old castle appeared to be restored many looking like certain parts of the castle in Canterlot. The stallion's carrying Rarity in their magic stopped before a large set of doors which lead to the dining hall; however, her eyes had fixated on another set of doors entirely, they were just down the way from the dining room. That set of large doors looked to be a way out as the moonlight shone like a beam through one of the cracks in doors. She didn't have much time to go over this though as she floated into the dining hall with little effort suspended in the two magic fields. Rarity was set down at one end of a long flat table, where her shackles now attached to a grate in the floor. The two stallion's quickly headed back out the doors through which they had entered, using their magic to close the doors behind them.

Rarity looked over the dining room, noticing a large set of torches along the walls with a magical silvery blue glow to them. On the table were two, five candle candelabras which were lit using fire. Other than the steadily flickering candles the huge table set for two; yet at such a long table how two ponies were going to have an adequate conversation was beyond her. She couldn't see her host with the least, but she was not looking forward to it. “Maybe him being late means Spike is more dragon than him and his flunkies can handle,” Rarity thought.

As Rarity was smiling at her, “Spikey-wikie's” potential victories over her captor so far; Blueblood barged in with a look of rage on his face that only compounded her smile. Before he could say anything to her, she offered, “Having a hard time slaying the dragon?”

“Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you. Hearing all about how the dragon is on the way here to rescue his fair damsel. Well, don't hold your breath it's not even halftime. There are still plenty of opportunities for his 'Sudden Death.” Blueblood let out another cold bit of laughter at his joke. Moving around to the side of the table set for him he clicked a servant's summoning bell near the side of his plate.

Instantly a wave of twenty unicorns stallions entered from a set of double doors that was likely leading to the kitchen. Every stallion held two covered silver platters in their magic as half of them moved to either long side of the table. The stallions proceeded to put their trays down and lift up the covers with their magic. Before Rarity now sat the most impressive array of food she had seen in her life. The dish closest to Rarity was a sensual salad with emerald green lettuce and an array of fresh juicy vegetables. She could also see a roasted carrot thick as a stallion's neck basted with a mushroom gravy sliced into rounds an inch thick, a platter of a golden brown cheese topped potato gratin the tender slices of potato stacking perfectly, and a creamy vegetable lasagna with a decadent, delicious Alfredo sauce. The food closer to Blueblood she could see was, a platter of a golden brown cheese topped potato gratin the tender slices of potato stacking perfectly, and a tasty hearty mushroom stew containing (portobello, shiitake, and button mushrooms). The dish center table held an amalgamation of sliced baked to perfection vegetables(zucchini, eggplant, yellow squash, and Roma tomatoes) separated into two servings of many slices. All of these wonderfully crafted meals now put in front of Rarity who hadn't realized until just now she had missed lunch. Her mouth salivated a little bit, managing to stifle her her stomach rumblings for now.

Another ring of the bell dismissed the stallions from the dining area; bringing back the two stallion's who had brought her into the dining hall in the first place. These stallions were now carrying bottles of wine in their green auras, filling glasses they had brought with them. Setting the full glasses on the table in front of both Rarity and Blueblood. They left the wine bottles in ice buckets near the center of the table, leaving again without another bell to dismiss them.

“Surely, your dragon can't offer you a dinner like this one. After all, only the best stallion's in all of Equestria make this kind of a meal,” said a confident Blueblood.

“If you think, I'm touching one crumb of your gluttonous feast; while chained like a prisoner; you're mad. Spike could make something ten times as luxurious if I asked him to. Also, I don't usually stay for a meal if I don't enjoy the company. Not that I could think of eating with my friend in serious need of medical attention,” said a very resolved Rarity.

“Psh, I doubt that. As far as your chains, my dear, I might be more willing to relinquish them; if you were to say give me a kiss,” Blueblood said smugly.

“Not for every last gem in Equestria!” Rarity shouted.

Blueblood just chuckled at her response and set about eating from his end of the meal. As he started to work on the third platter before him, a stallion burst into the dining hall going right over to him. Blueblood listened to everything he said as he continued his meal and then spat out what he was eating for a moment and said, “Return her to the dungeon. Well, my dear, your dragon is just about here. Soon you'll be hearing the sweet sounds of his demise. He won't even know what hit him. Sorry to cut our first dinner date short, I need to supervise this to make sure he's finished properly.”

“Good riddance to you. When Spike breaks into this castle to save me. You won't know what hit you,” Rarity said this with conviction as she turned her head from the meal her stomach letting out a low rumble. She couldn't have any of this food it was all prepared for her to give in but she wouldn't not if it would mean hurting her, “Spikie-wikie.”

With that dinner was over, Blueblood left his seat and walked through the doors he had come through in the first place. Rarity was left to sit in front of the food for the time being as it took two stallions to take her back to the dungeons as the one given the order went to fetch the two who did it in the first place. Rarity couldn't help but feel glad; Spike was almost here for her. It seemed like nothing could go wrong, that soon she would be safe in his arms. For the first time sharing a loving embrace and a kiss of mutual affection. It sounded like something out of a storybook. There might not be time for anything like that though she thought. Surely, Blueblood wouldn't make it that easy. She had to hope, though, that he wouldn't be successful in thwarting her love.

<^v><^v> <^v><^v> <^v><^v>

Blueblood came into another room off the main chamber of the castle and said in a steady voice, “Are you ready for the performance of your lifetime, and to repay your debt to me for keeping you safe.”

“I suppose, dahling. How do I look?” Coming out into the light of the room was white unicorn mare with a purple mane and tail in stylish curves wearing, a purple rose dress, a purple cape, and a necklace with a heart-shaped fire ruby at the center.

“Ravishing my dear. I'm certain this will fool that brainless dragon of hers,” Blueblood let out a wicked howl of laughter that echoed through the halls of the castle.



Heads Up, Or Hearts Down.

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Mmmmm nothing like a relaxing break to refresh and rejuvenate one's self. Another background pony is becoming a relationship choice for one of the mane six. This time shocker it's Applejack who's getting a special somepony. And the pony I've chosen for her drumroll please, *Thunderous Drum-beats,* Parcel Post. Sorry, no love for the Caramel Jack fans here. I feel Caramel + any member of the Apple family is overdone, and not always done to the best of the possible outcomes. If you want some Caramel Jack, I recommend Luna the Matchmaker http://www.fimfiction.net/story/21241/luna-the-matchmaker . This story was written by the marvelous dlazerous. Now to address the stallion in question here, now officially Parcel Post is the mail pony who delivers Applejack's message of she's not coming back to Ponyville after the Equestria Rodeo Competition in the episode “The Last Roundup.” He has a light brown coat, brown mane, and tail, with ocean blue eyes and a cutie mark of an envelope with a heart-shaped seal. (Final Warning: I did update chapter three to include something that needed to happen before Spike left to save Rarity. If you are unaware of this story change, I recommend you turn back now and re-read chapter three.) Now onto your regularly scheduled story.

Heads Up, Or

Hearts Down.

The bass blared from the stereo system set up around the stage, as a few steady beats brought an end to a song; the music suddenly changed again, this time to something with a fast pounding drum beat. The night seemed to wear on slowly especially for one Twilight Sparkle; whose eyes locked on the broken window where her evening had been unavoidably interrupted. She was looking out towards the Everfree Forest; her mind focused on not missing the signal of her number one assistant. She noticed there was a set of blue sparks above the tree line, yet they were there one moment and gone the next. These lights weren't the signal it might have been a message from Rarity, but it was too far away to make out from the barn. Twilight's hooves gently tapping the ground were the only part of her enjoying the party.

Three other notable mares were enjoying the party at present. The first was Rainbow Dash, whom after breaking from the group noticed Star Hunter offering a dance with Ponyville's fastest flier to him. The two pegasi started to dance together very carefully despite it being their first dance together. If somepony didn't know better, they might say the two were already in a relationship. The second was Pinkie Pie, who had coerced Creme Brulee into a dance after clearing his plate of sweets. The pair of earth ponies soon started to make the pegasi pair look like they were standing still with the way they moved around the dance-floor. The third was Fluttershy, who nuzzled up against her big strong red stallion; asking in a quiet voice for a dance from her coltfriend. Big Mac heard his marefriend's voice even through the blaring music; moving to kiss her lips passionately, while he slowly brought her to the center of the dance-floor. Starting to gently hold her delicate Pegasus frame close to his strong, solid earth frame. The two danced like only two lovers could kissing tenderly every chance they got.

Another change of music to a slow tender beat this time, and Applejack could see her friends out there dancing with somepony special. She seemed to be the perpetual wallflower, the hardworking, strong-willed, muscular, earth mare with an orange coat, and a blonde mane and tail. 'Even mah brother has a special somepony,' thought Applejack. 'He's hardly left the farm! Ah've been all over Equestria! Why can't Ah find a stallion who likes me for who Ah am.' Applejack wanted somepony hardworking like her, who had their head on straight, and wasn't afraid of her. Still, she moved her Stetson over her face to cover a small set of tears.

Suddenly there was hoof on Applejack's shoulder tapping it gently; she turned her head sniffing her tears back, proceeding to pull her Stetson off her face to look at the pony who was trying to get her attention. She had never seen this stallion before; his coat was an almost grayish light brown, his milk chocolate mane and tail were in curly bushes, his eyes were a bright ocean blue, and his cutie mark was an envelopment with a heart seal. He was wearing a simple white dress shirt nothing overly fancy about it. He looked into her green eyes as he said in a light-confident tone, “May I have this dance, Beautiful?”

“Yee-haw! Sure thing, pardner,” said a slightly overjoyed Applejack. She pulled him out to the dance floor soon they started dancing together to the slow, steady beats of music. They were quickly introducing themselves, and discussing every part of their lives with each other. Enjoying the others company greatly, while they danced around their friends and family greeting them casually while dancing together.

Twilight's friends were now all having fun, save for her number one assistant, and his love interest. Twilight was in another world one away from the bright lights and soft pounding music, hers was a dark world of the night waiting for a green flare from the center of the forest. Figuring it would be best to approach Twilight when she wasn't so focused on something else, Princess Luna just sighed while watching the lavender mare from across the room.

Princess Luna couldn't explain it, but something just made Twilight so alluring to her. Soon, though, Luna felt a hoof on her shoulder. While turning her gaze to the hoof and noticing it was white, Luna continued turning to see her sister standing beside her. Princess Celestia said in a calming tone, “Ask her to dance, Lulu. If Twilight stares out that window much longer, she'll find herself outside of it. Spike wanted everypony to have fun. I can watch for the signal a bit.”

Princess Luna gulped audibly, while she slowly made her way to the barn to Twilight Sparkle. The slow song was still playing, and many couples were already out on the dance floor. The closer Luna got to Twilight the further away she felt from the mare. Before the princess realized it she was standing next to Twilight. Luna then touched her hoof to Twilight's shoulder gently, before saying, “Twilight Sparkle, I know Spike's on your mind right now. But, I also know he wanted his friends to enjoy the party when he couldn't. Would... it be too much to ask for you to share a dance with me?”Luna looked right into Twilight's eyes to convey the seriousness of her statements.

Twilight's first reaction, shocked the same as Spike's had been, yet, looking up into the eyes of the dark blue lunar mare with her matching ethereal mane had caused Twilight's heart to throb up into her ears. Her cheeks beginning to blush against her lavender coat, and her throat quickly becoming dry as a desert. Instinctively she licked her lips to moisten her mouth and throat for a response, “I... I... I would, Princess Luna, but I... I can't miss Spike's signal flare.”

Before either of them could continue a waiting Princess Celestia came up from behind Twilight saying, “Don't let that stop you, Twilight. I can watch for Spike's signal for a song or two.” Celestia only winked at her sister while aiding Twilight up from her seat which brought her much closer to Princess Luna's chest.

The pair of mares blushed at their new closer proximity; Princess Luna took charge proceeding to use a wing to lead Twilight towards the dance floor. Vinyl Scratch had noticed the uncertain couple coming to the dance floor near the end of the current slow song and managed to pull out something to continue the slow pace for the latecomers. Twilight was a blushing furiously, as she was lead to the dance floor by the younger of two monarchs she swiftly said, “But... but... I'm all left hooves.”

Luna had heard this, though she kept slowly moving Twilight onto the dance floor. Suddenly Luna moved her neck against Twilight's gently moving her muzzle up to her ears to say something in a whisper to her only,“Let me lead. We can take things slow, and before you know it we're dancing. Just slowly trot in place and move steadily with it's like trotting but with a partner.”

The two moved in unison slow dancing to the gentle rhythmic beats that played from the love song that was now coming from the stereo. At the start, nopony was watching the pair as they slowly shifted and moved in a slow circle Luna was leading Twilight's every movement. Both of their hearts were thumping in unison as they danced to the music. Soon Luna was directing Twilight to make straightforward and steady motions with her fore-hooves. Before Twilight had realized it, both ponies were on their hind legs waltzing to the steady beats of the music. Soon everypony had their eyes on the Princess and her dance partner. The two showing an amazing display of control poise and balance. The duo slowly finished with the song as Luna held Twilight in her hooves. It was as if they had been dancing together for years; suddenly the music had come to a stop, replaced by a thunderous applause for the duo both lightly blushing in the arms of the other.

<><><> <><><> <><><>

Rarity was now back in her dungeon cell, the two unicorn stallions with green magic aura's had just finished re-attaching her to the wet dungeon floor. It was at this moment that Rarity got her first look at them since they were wearing black robes with hoods the entire time not coming close enough to her earlier for proper identification. The hoods had slid back from their faces a bit revealing to her that each had a pair of bright green eyes that matched the color of their magical aura. They both had a coat color of a pale yellow, and a mane of red with stark white strips of contrast. Suddenly Rarity couldn't help but feel as though she had seen these two somewhere before, while she was thinking about it the pair of stallions started to turn towards the stairs. “A pair of unicorn brothers with green magic,” she thought. Then Rarity shouted out, “You! You're the two who tried to put one my best friends out of business. Then almost three years later you ask me out on a date. Asking if I'd like to have two stallions instead of just one. What an absolutely revolting idea.”

“Looks like she remembers us now, brother o'mine. Maybe she doesn’t realize there is no need for all her despair,” said Flim who came to a halt on the stairwell.

“Maybe the secret to all her troubles coming to an end, we should share,” said a Flam who had gotten his brothers flank to his chest.

“Wait! If you're going to break out into song, could you at least spare me your names,' You're the Flim Flam Brothers. I get that,” Rarity said with a bit of disdain her voice.

“Nopony else it could be right, Brother o'mine? You could just save yourself a lot of trouble and come into a whole new world in this here castle,” Flim soon said looking back at his brother.”

“All you'd have to do is give in, and it will be soft sheets, baths a bubble, with not a single hassle,” said Flam in a sing-song tone of voice.

Rarity rolled her eyes at their starting performance as if she knew what was coming. Soon though Flim was picking up where his brother left off with, “You'd be giving into, the one and only, the biggest and the best.”

“Our master is, unbelievable, undefeatable...” called out Flam right off his brother's words.

“Invincible, and 'I can defeat a dragon able.' So your little Spike has no chance to save you.” sang out Flim until his final statement which he said looking right into Rarities eyes.

Rarity looked back up at them with fire and determination in her eyes. To hopefully end their woefully grim satire of song she spoke up, “Spike will save me. I have no doubts about that. When he does, you two had best be long gone. Spike was more appalled than I was that you two wanted to double team me after a date. Stand in his way, and you'll be lucky to be like a rabbit under the hoof of a stampeding steer, flat and round shaped.”

“Pretty high and mighty for someone in chains. Isn't she brother o'mine?” said Flim again pulling back for a moment.

“Maybe what she lacks is the proper brains, to understand brother o'mine.” Flam said this full of confidence that they would not be pancakes by the time the night was over.

“I'm certain if you boy's were of import to your 'prince's' plans he wouldn't have you on guard duty. Over an already worn out unicorn mare, and a near beaten to death pegasi. If you really held any sway at all you'd be able to see my friend was going to make it through the night,” Rarity said this with her eyes half lidded and a slight pout to her lips.

“Such a simple final request, dear brother. Think we can oblige her?“Flim said trying to gauge the sincerity of the unicorn.

“An easy request to fulfill, dear brother. Though we shall have to take her to, 'The Doc' since we can't spare the power to save her ourselves.” Flam said without really thinking too hard about what he was saying.

“Quiet, Brother!” Flim's voice went from shouting to just above a whisper.“What if she were to realize that we are powering the force-field?” Rarity still managed to hear the words “we,” “power,” and “force-field.”

Soon a pair of green magical auras had enveloped the Pegasus, and the pair of hooded unicorns were now heading back towards the stairs with the Pegasus in tow. The brothers felt they could prove themselves to the captive, by granting such a simple request. They were essential parts of the plan, after all, they were preventing escape or entrance by air. The brothers were soon out of the dungeon once more, and Rarity was left alone once again.

Rarity sat on the wet dungeon floor and stared up at the starry night-sky. She could not see the moon from her present position which was a shame, as she always enjoyed it as part of the nightscape. So with no moon she felt a bit alone in her cell for the first time, she had not even felt that alone with Fleetfoot unconscious and close. Her pristine coat was starting to get a bit of gray discoloration especially on her haunches; the chains didn't help things either. She looked up at the night-sky seeing a shooting star she wasn't sure if Princess Luna had one in store for tonight, but Rarity hoped as she looked up at the darkness making a simple wish on the shooting star.

<^v><^v> <^v><^v> <^v><^v>

Blueblood had started to move towards the outer doors of the partially renovated ruined castle. He couldn't believe how well things were going for him right now. He knew the dragon wouldn't give in easily, but he had a plan for that. There was no way this plan could fail, after all, he was taking care of all the important parts himself. “There is no room for failure,”Blueblood thought. “I will make that dragon pay with his life. No pony should have their destiny tied with a dragon. After tonight I'm going to make her future mine.”

All the pieces were falling into place quite nicely for Blueblood. He moved to put on a black cloak with a hood to cover his face. He only wanted the dragon to know it was him once the dragon was gasping for his last few breaths of life from under Blueblood's hoof.

There were so many ways to hurt the dragon, and Blueblood had made sure he had taken every precaution, bringing together the best of his loyal followers to wreck the dragon. Defeating even an adolescent dragon was a feat that few of ponykind had ever even dared to try. This dragon had no parents; he was a lone child out in the wilderness. The dragon was out in the Everfree Forest in the middle of the night, trying to save the one thing that mattered to him more than anything. Blueblood knew he held all the cards, but he still had few aces up his sleeves just to make sure things went his way.

Opening the door to the outside of the castle Blueblood was soon followed by the white unicorn mare wearing Rarity's ensemble from earlier that evening. He led her out to the edge of the stone bridge and said, “Now be a dear, and lay on the ground. I don't want him getting any Idea's about trying to check if it's really her.”

“Alright, Darling no need to be pushy. I will be free to go after this, won't I?”The dead ringer for Rarity asked this of Blueblood, just making sure once again she would be able to leave the stallion after this. She never liked owing him her life. Five years of servitude to this stallion who made her blood boil with every request more depraved than the last.

“Yes, and... Don't ask again if you value your freedom!” said Blueblood in a sharp flat furious tone that rang out a bit from their position. He just watched as she laid down on the ground and then he proceeded to add a pair of chains to her fore-hooves and her back hooves. “Close those eyes and don't say another word. The chains are for effect.”

With that, the stage set for the arrival of the dragon. Blueblood's traps had been set his forces were ready for dealing with the possibility of things going down wrong, and he was prepared to land the finishing blow when that time came. Hopefully, it would be able to end it quickly and not have to fuss with any of his fail-safes. The dragon slain before the sun could rise on his detestable purple face again regardless of what happened, though. He couldn't believe that Aunt Celestia could care for that filth like he was royalty. It would be time for a new regime once there were no more friendly dragons about the land.

A time for pony kind to worship a new ruler. A king to rule over all of Equestria with an iron hoof, and queen whom would be a trophy representing what happened to those who opposed his desires. Not even that prized student of the current leadership would be able to stop him. She'd be distraught over the loss of her friend and likely be an unwilling fool ready for subjugation into the new regime. “It will be a glorious time for all ponykind. Especially for me and my already loyal subjects.” thought Blueblood, as he stood waiting for the dragon to come to his death.


Sweetie Belle came up to the microphone again before the start of the next song. Wanting to hear what the young mare who had enchanted them all evening with her voice was going to say, the crowd of ponies had come to a standstill at the break in the music. Shortly Sweetie Belle said, “This next song is something I'm sure some of you will know while others will be hearing it for the first time. This song originally was done by a very promising new group of ponies. I hope I can do them justice with my rendition.”

Soon there was a set of light, fast rhythmic beats to the stereo system followed by a set of heavy synchronous beats in the same fashion. Then quickly the words followed from Sweetie Belle's lips.

“Take a number, dear.
Wait your turn, and don't get out of line.
Everything, you fear...”

Spike was pulling the cart along with his upper-body strength, his wings folded behind him, while he put one clawed foot in-front of the other. He seemed to be walking an endless line forward toward the old castle of the alicorn sisters. Surely the ponies holding his dear lady were watching his every step to make sure there was an amount of bits and gems equal, if not greater than, the sum required. Spike gripped the necklace Luna had given him before he left. He could feel it gently pulsing with every step closer to the castle. His fears eased by the comforting feeling the necklace was giving him. “Only a little more,” Spike thought.

“Paint it black, in the back of your mind.
You just go on breathing, repeating...”

The night-sky was a sea of black and purple from the bottom of the slope Spike was on. He looked up at the night sky to notice the moon and a sudden streak through the night-scape. Seeing the shooting star he made a wish as he looked up at it. He continued forward up the ridge. Every breath being drawn from his scaly body, each squeak of the wheels on the apple cart, and the chinking sound of bits shifting in the cart were each a gentle noise against the backdrop of silence in the Everfree Forest. One more ridge and he would be in-front of the castle and those filthy kidnappers.

“Heads up, hearts down, steady as she goes.
Don't break step, don't make a sound.”

A pony in a black robe stood over a fully clothed alabaster white unicorn mare with a distinctive red ruby over her chest. Part of Spike felt relieved at seeing those luscious purple locks of mane again, and yet, something was amiss... she had all her clothes! Rarity wouldn't have given the last of her magic to give him a false clue. He came down the hill examining the chained clothed pony with every step closer to her. He was scrutinizing her like a rare gem to see if there was anything amiss, something that didn't fit his Rarity's appearance. He stood across from the bridges as he looked out to the hooded pony and said, “I brought your random and then some.”

“Heads up, hearts down, no one ever knows.
What started this exodus, onward bound.”

“Bring it to me and then you and your little 'rarity' are free to go,” said Blueblood. The cloak still covering most of his face, his eyes shone from under the hood with an icy blue stare across at the dragon.

“How do I know that's really her? She's sleeping by the looks of it. It could be an enchanted ponyquin for all I know,” Spike called back across the gorge. His eyes were fixed with determination right at those cold blue unforgiving eyes, moving the cart so that it would be right on the edge of the gap, Spike's weight keeping it from rolling towards the long drop below.

“Careful with your payload, or you won't get her back at all, dragon. I could awaken her if it would prove she was a real pony,” said Blueblood in a steady tone.

“Let me wake her, and you've got a deal,” Spike said this with absolute confidence, convinced his method of rousing would ferret out any fakes.

“Grr... Fine. I want No sudden moves, though. Or she will pay the ultimate price, and you will be forced to watch,” said Blueblood menacingly. Spike just nodded, and with a steady motion shoved the front of the cart into the ground to steady it.

“Your composure slips.
Twenty-two and nothing left to do.
But resign to this...”

Spike unfolded his wings and flew over the gap separating the gorge and landed right next to the sleeping pony, whom he was going to find out if it was Rarity. First, he moved one of his claws around to the back of the fire ruby necklace just above the latch. Next, he moved his other clawed hand around to the front of her face. He brought his thumb and forefinger down over one of the resting mare's eyes and grasped one of her eyelashes pulling it out.

“Yeeeeouch! S... Sp... Spike. Why would you do such a thing to a lady?” said the rudely awoken mare.

“Wrong answer,” thought Spike. He undid the clasp on the necklace quickly with one deft motion pulling it away from her neck and clutching it in the hand that had removed it from the mare. Spike brought his tail around to quickly trip the hooded pony, giving both the fake and the hooded pony a swift hit to the backs of their heads with his bare fist. Darting swiftly into the castle, he heard the sounds of a few spell bolts hitting the door behind him.

“Bona fide pilgrim pride, tried and true.
So you don't question, this lesson.”

Spike couldn't believe that the whole main castle hall remodeled like brand new. He quickly took a spear from one of the knights; then barred the door behind him putting the spear in-between the handles. “Think, Spike, where did Twilight say the dungeons were?” Spike remembered the trip here two summers ago. Twilight had even shown him where the dungeons were. He had wanted to see the place where his big sister had taken down Nightmare Moon. She had described all the architecture of the old castle to him. Twilight's lessons felt so very faint in his memory the fleeting moments in time his might was reaching to grasp. That was also the year he had fought with her over his exhausting work schedule. “Schedule! That's it! Ten o'clock dungeon third door on the left,” thought Spike.

“Heads up, hearts down, steady as she goes.
Don't break step, don't make a sound.”

“Locked, just great,” thought Spike. He moved one of his claws into the lock starting to fiddle with the tumblers when he suddenly heard a click of success. Spike opened the stairwell and saw a set of two non-magical torches going down a long stairway. He started to go down the stairs quickly as he could, leaving the door behind semi-closed.

There in the center of the dungeon was a slightly gray unicorn mare with a flat purple mane; Rarity was feeling lost, alone, and helpless. The nightscape from the cell window was a view of freedom that was absorbing her thoughts.

While approaching her, the necklace around Spike's neck started to glow brighter. She didn't notice that she soon had two necklaces put around her, followed by a set of strong purple dragon arms wrapping around her gently.

“Heads up, hearts down, no one ever knows.
What started this exodus, onward bound..”

“Spike! Oh... I knew you'd come for me. Did Blueblood give you any trouble?”Rarity said with bright hopes as she looked back at him and brought her muzzle down to kiss gently on the back of his forearms.

“That was Prince Blueblood!? Not yet, m'lady. Now let's get you out of your bonds.”Spike proceeded to pull the magic inhibitor from her horn very gently. Then he proceeded to crush her manacles with his superior dragon strength.

When the last piece of metal removed from her person, she moved her fore-hooves up and around Spike's neck and gave him another kiss. This time she put her lips right against his scaly lips for a moment. It seemed like all was right in the universe; together they kissed gently and tenderly caught in a joyful moment together in the dungeon.

“I try to find my strength inside the sound
But I can't fight the darkness all around
I'm bleeding 'til I drown”

Their moment of bliss shattered at the sounds of hooves on the dungeon stairs. Spike quickly pulled away from her and hid against the spiraling stairs. A pair of unicorn stallions holding a pegasus in their green magical grip were trotting back down the stairs, not having seen the dragon nor heard the red alert from outside the castle walls. As the two unicorns placed the pegasus down in front of Rarity, they said in unison, “See, all better other than the broken wing and back leg. We told you we were 'Important' around here.”

“Oooh... I can see that now. Clearly, you're the ponies winning this race. Why don't you two studs come a bit closer and take those hoods off,” said Rarity as seductively as possible, including in her statement a gentle sway of her back hips, her forehooves on her knees, and a gentle lick of her lips.

Flim and Flam flicked their hoods back and came steadily closer to the mare, their eyes unable to leave Rarity's curves as she moved them ever so gently at the end of her statement. So much so when the dragon slid from his hiding spot they didn't even notice when his hands brought their heads together knocking them both out.

“They controlled the force-field, Spike. We have to get to the courtyard so you can fly us out of here.”Rarity said this shortly after the hooded ponies were unconscious.

Spike picked Fleetfoot off the ground putting her on his back. Then he also took Rarity in his arms, starting to head toward the courtyard. He had remembered the whole map from his one trip here. Twilight had shown him everything. Soon they were breathing a bit of the fresh night air, the moon still rising slowly only about the first fourth of its journey through the evening sky complete.

“Heads up, hearts down, steady as she goes.
Don't break step, don't make a sound.”

Now was as good a time as any for the signal, even though Spike could hear the ponies still trying to break down the front door of the castle. He sighed, breathing in deeply, before letting loose a giant pillar of fire from his mouth with all his might. Spike sent a massive fire flare from the center of the forest right up into the sky. Rarity was astounded by the mighty display of Spike's fire prowess, and she didn't have much time to admire the emerald flames illuminating the night sky for a full sixty seconds. After which Spike took to the skies, gaining speed and altitude was a chore having to compensate for the extra weight. Spike's take off into the night sky happened just as there was a loud crash below from the entrance to the castle had just been re-opened.

“Heads up, hearts down, no one ever knows.
What started this exodus, onward bound...”

As they began to leave the castle behind them, there was a set of two bolts of magic from below. The first bolt of magic struck Spike's tail, and he could feel it starting to frost over from the spade tip creeping towards the base of the long tail. The second bolt of magic found his form as well. This one caused him to cry out in anguish, as the spell had completely eaten away one section of his wing. He dropped losing altitude suddenly and having to change course from Ponyville to just barely adjust his wings into a glider landing quickly on a small patch of land just south of Froggy-Bottom Bogg. Using the last of his tail's strength to smash the section that was freezing against the ground to break the spell sent a shiver down his spine. Spike looked around he knew this was a whole different part of the forest between them and safety now. He sighed and gave Rarity a gentle stroke to the back of her head. To which she responded with turning herself to put her hooves around his neck again; which gave Spike the strength to continue on foot with Rarity and Fleetfoot.

The song ended with the same set of notes it had started with, and Sweetie Belle met with another rousing sound of applause. She waited for every pony to calm down before saying, “Heads up, Hearts Down. By the group, I Fight Gryphons.” Another set of hoof stomping applause from the crowd. Sweetie just smiled as she looked around at the crowd of ponies she had been entertaining, and suddenly a bright green flare from the Everfree Forest appeared. Twilight sent her signal to the group, and they were slowly starting to bow out of the party for their assignments. Sweetie Belle tossed up her signal to the other Crusaders to follow their counterparts.

<^v><^v> <^v><^v> <^v><^v>

“They landed just below Atlas's region. I'm going to intercept personally. If any of you ponies want to be a part of My New Equestria, then you will follow me and shoot the dragon on sight.” Eugene Blueblood was so furious he had yelled across his magical intercoms to the remainder of his forces in the Everfree Forest. “If the Blunder Brothers can hear this message haul the payload into the castle Immediately.” He was out for blood now the look on his face would've killed most ponies who saw it.

'The dragon had been able to land even with a destroyed wing. Dammit!' thought Blueblood. Fortunately, the dragon was still too far from Ponyville to be called safe. They would meet in mortal combat, and he would be far too weak to stand by the time he arrived. Not exactly a fair fight, but one he would win to be sure. Blueblood had one last loose end to tie up before he left to for his combat encounter, though.

He looked down at the still unconscious almost clone of the female he would make his queen. He sent a small thin beam from his horn down to the unconscious mare. Upon reaching her form, her back legs slowly started to change from a bright white to a black leathery skin with holes in certain parts. Soon all the hooves on the formerly lovely creature were black, and the changes were starting to crawl up her neck and then slowly over her face revealing a pair of fangs from the mouth of the once enticing mare. He pounded one hoof down near her face, then said, “Wake up, You've failed me for the first and last time.”

The changeling just shook their head and looked at the magical chains still binding it's front and back side together and the garment hindering it's wings from release. It looked up at Blueblood with the solid blue eyes almost asking for mercy. Blueblood was not in a merciful mood this evening and used his magic to lift the creature up with it's back still towards the ground. The magic raised it towards the gorge and once over the center he let his magic release the beast. “Pleasure doing business with you; Now you're free,” Blueblood said as he started to head towards the forest.

“They will not reach the safety in Ponyville, not before I have my vengeance, not even all the years he spent with that magical librarian Auntie taught will save him from this spell.” Blueblood thought to continue into the forest. He moved at a steady pace wanting to make sure that it was he, or Atlas, his apprentice, who found and would slay the Dragon. Though his little apprentice had instructions to contain the dragon until he arrived. Blueblood thought,”Next time dragon you won't catch me by surprise. Then you'll be dead.”

EOC (End of Chapter)
