
Viewing 41 - 60 of 471 results

Unsolicited Advice 1: Stop Having Your Characters Say Things · 6:54pm Mar 12th, 2019

So, after reviewing several stories and editing several works I would like to tell you something that pisses me off to no end; having characters say things. "But Schatten." I hear you say. "How am I supposed to have dialogue unless my characters say things?" And the answer is simple, just don’t have them say things. They can sigh them, or shout them, or even grabble them through broken teeth as they try to force themselves off the ground, but they should avoid just saying them. I cannot count

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Tag it and Summarize it, that is an Author's Job · 4:24pm Mar 9th, 2022

I have a lot of opinions. A lot of beliefs. But I force myself to keep my mouth shut because I hate drama.

Read a bad story? You might be tempted to leave a review and explain what's wrong. Don't. Every time I have tried to help another improve their work, they respond with insults and whiny excuses. I have learned that it is a waste of my time to review stories. All you'll get from me is a thumb up or down and your story added to one of my libraries if I at least mostly enjoyed it.

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Report Blobskin · 169 views · #advice #rant

Strange Observation - Bland Titles · 6:45pm Oct 8th, 2015

Okay, not to impede on the creativity of the writers on this website, as most of you are quite talented and deserve to be here. I just can't help but notice that there seems to be a lot of repetition in fanfic titles, and given that the title is what's supposed to draw someone in, cover art notwithstanding, that can be a problem. I don't intend on pointing out any specific fics, so don't take offense if you have written or are a fan of a fic with these names.

- Of X and Y

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Report Marik_Azemus · 403 views · #rant #titles #advice

CA: What We Don't Know. · 6:46am Oct 15th, 2015

A continuation of my Cumulative Advice (for Writers) blog focusing heavily on aspects of the narrative section. Specifically: the value of unknowns.

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Report LegionPothIX · 504 views · #Hints #Tips #Advice #Help

Motivation · 11:09pm May 15th, 2017

How do you guys do it? how do you motivate yourselves to keep writing?

I'm trying to do it right now, I'm telling myself that I can't do any of the things I enjoy doing until I get some writing done, but I've tried doing this before and it inevitably failed, and I went right back into my not-writing coma.

I'm looking for advice in how to become more productive, and if I want that to change than the first thing I have to change is myself, my habits, my writing, etc

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Report TGM · 516 views · #advice #writing #motivation #etc

Writer's Workshop #16: Stuck in a Rut · 4:55am Mar 28th, 2015

What an oddly appropriate topic for a post that's two weeks late. I'm sure literally every writer has been here at one point or another. Whether you've planned the entire story out or just write scene to scene, you've gotten to a point where you have no idea how to get from Point A to Point B. I mentioned once that, as soon as I could get Twilight and Jade on a train in "A Call to Vespers," I could write the next section. Now, oddly enough, in "Mother and Child" I'm having trouble getting

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Writing Romance fics · 2:07am Apr 19th, 2015

Well, well, well. Here we are again. I had someone request I do another one of these blogs (first one can be found here). I assume the request wasn't because it helped them; rather, it's because watching a damn grown-ass man sperg out on a blog dedicated to cartoon horses and acting like it means something fulfills some erotic desire of his.

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A lesson I've learned for myself, maybe it'll help you · 3:20am Jun 24th, 2015

So I know I posted a blog similar to this one a while ago, but I figured I'd reword it since I've been informed that the original didn't really help the message at all. So, first off, a disclaimer(?). What I write in this post is completely from my perspective, I am in no way trying to create a blanket statement or assumption about how people work, or how people think. This is just a way I've come to understand things in my own mind, and I'm posting it here because I feel like it's valid enough

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Report MrHost56 · 253 views · #life #advice #idea

Promotion help. · 8:01pm Oct 6th, 2016

My story needs more promotion, I'm already part of a group that does it but it doesn't seem to be enough. Any tips?


Wholesome Rage: Planting is Writing Too · 6:21am Apr 25th, 2018


Starting out post · 11:50am Aug 18th, 2016

Hey Y'all!
Name's Broadway Symphilly. Y'all can call me Broadway or Broadway Filly.

Anyways Y'all can send me private question and I will leave you anonymous and answer publicly.

Please follow and keep them questions coming.

Love Y'all
Hoofbumps and Smiles for Y'all :pinkiehappy:


Looking for advice · 3:04am Oct 7th, 2019

Okay... I have no idea how to word this so I'll just say it. I'm bloody lonely. I've tried dating sites, and the like but... nothing; No real connection of any kind. I won't deny my own faults in the slightest. I'm anti social, and that's a big killer. I hate it when random people(or even co-workers) come up and start random conversations with me. I'm a cynical grump. I admit there is some fear. Fear of rejection, fear that she's just going to turn around and claim "Sexual or Domestic abuse"

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Report Brass Case · 212 views · #Lonely #Advice #Single #Grump

First time sharing my thoughts, cheers · 6:07am Dec 12th, 2018

So, I've been on the site for awhile now, and never had a reason to write anything.
I'm a musician, not an author. I've always had the utmost respect for those who could paint with words as opposed to strings/air.

Today, someone wrote me a PM asking me advice about getting into real estate, based on a comment I made to The Abyss. I just wanted to post it here in case anyone with a hat and a whip was able to glean any information from my poorly chiseled crap.

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A friendly reminder to all gym-goers · 10:31pm Aug 18th, 2016

Just wanted to remind all of you who go to the gym to be extra-careful when doing a new exercise that involves your hands. I was trying out some diagonal monkey bars and after climbing up and down twice, I noticed that the calluses on my hands were scrunched up in a way I've never seen before. I should have stopped, but decided to go up one more time. I did so, and when I landed I found that my calluses had been torn off

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Writing Dialogue for Preschoolers · 1:46am Jun 4th, 2016

Today we’re going to discuss a writing topic that some might call overly specialized: writing dialogue for a very specific age group. A good story, however, should strive to make all its components as accurate and tonally appropriate as possible. Even if a character has only a few lines of dialogue, even if a skill or item only appears in one scene, its presence still has an impact on the reader’s willing suspension and mood.

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Bump on my dog's head · 11:00pm Oct 19th, 2015

Simple title in the hopes someone might be able to offer advice, since we can't afford a trip to the vet right now. We brought Midna in for the night, and while Asilin was feeding her, she noticed a lump above her right eye.

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Report Rinnaul · 662 views · #pets #dog #advice

Advice Please · 8:38pm Jan 14th, 2017

Hi. I'm asking all my watchers something quite important.
The way Lost Reflections is playing out, is there any advice you'd give me?
The last chapters was quite a pivotal moment as it hereby ended the running theme of not knowing why the main villain is so reviled.
I just need to know if I went a bit OTT or if I've missed anything out or anything you'd recommend.

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2016 Bronycon panels are finally up! · 5:20am Nov 29th, 2016

If you're interested, I participated in the Advanced Writing panel:

and the other...

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Report Pascoite · 340 views · #bronycon #writing #advice

Some words of advice... · 1:06am Aug 7th, 2016

Okay, I think we can all agree that today's episode was not a good one. It showed Aesop Amnesia, and character developmental regression on the part of a certain three ponies.:rainbowderp::ajbemused::raritydespair:

My advice is related to this episode, and actually any other episodes you may think are bad. It can be summed up in two words and they are this: Ignore it!

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Story Approval Team Exposed? · 5:29am Jul 16th, 2016

So recently I've submitted a dark one shot piece to this site. I asked a handful of people to preread the story, all saying that it was good, except for some minor spelling and grammatical errors here and there. They could tell what the story is and what it revolved around, and were overall happy to read the piece.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 471 results