
Viewing 21 - 34 of 34 results

Discord Server · 12:59pm Mar 21st, 2020

SAPR now has a discord server, shared with it's sister fic Spark to Spark, Dust to Dust, a RWBY/Hasbro crossover written by Cody Fett and Cyclone who have been an invaluable help with advice, editing (latterly, starting with the previous chapter) and sharing ideas between our two stories.

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Safe Haven · 6:33pm Mar 19th, 2020

No, I'm not self isolating thank goodness, but I was given a brief respite from how awful the world is nowadays (seriously, it's like living in a dark parable about the fragility of modern bourgeois society in which it all crumbles at the slightest touch) by this charming omake for SAPR by Adser. It's a delightful little piece set vaguely just before the expedition to Mountain Glenn, featuring a

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New Cover for SAPR · 10:11pm Feb 18th, 2020

So, because SAPR is moving into a new phase of its story, I decided to commission a new cover for it by the talented artist MRK50, which you can now see on the fic itself, but which you can also see here:

Report Scipio Smith · 510 views ·

SAPR Fanart by Jackson Ferrell · 9:13pm Jan 30th, 2020

So, a little while ago I commissioned some fanart by Jackson Ferrell (twitter here) to celebrate SAPR passing 1 million words in length. And I just had the final piece from him so here they are:

Team RSPT, the pride of Atlas:

Team SAPR, the best of Beacon:

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SAPR fanart - Cinder and Sunset · 5:18pm Oct 10th, 2019

I have to thank AlmightyAeneas very much for commissioning this piece of art by Pockichi depicting a scene from SAPR, specifically the scene in the Forever Fall where Sunset offers to take Cinder away and she gently declines, check it out it's brilliant.


Celestia and Ozpin · 7:25pm Jun 8th, 2019

Over on Spacebattles, Z R Stein was kind enough to write an omake for SAPR featuring Celestia and Ozpin comparing notes and sharing experiences; it's awesome, and you should check it out.

I especially have to give them props for doing the colour-coded underlining for the magical communication.

Report Scipio Smith · 307 views ·

A little bit more SAPR · 7:51pm Apr 9th, 2019

So, a few people over at Spacebattles thought that the gang should have been able to derail the train, either using Pyrrha's powers or just their own skills, even after Sunset destroyed the controls. I didn't want to do a wholesale rewrite (because I still love the kernel of that scene and what it says about Sunset) but I've changed the scroll thing (another thing not everybody liked) so that Cinder is now speaking over a tannoy-like system intended to let trains and stations communicate, so

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Grimm Eclipse Needs an Easy Mode · 3:47pm Apr 7th, 2019

So, in preparation for covering the Grimm Eclipse content in SAPR I thought that it might be a good idea for me to actually play RWBY: Grimm Eclipse and my God is it a slog to get through in single player (if the intent was to vividly bring home why huntsmen are assigned to four-man teams: good job!); even in normal difficulty...okay, I'm not the best gamer in the world but it doesn't seem right that such a simple button masher should be so difficult. How is it that beowolves are so

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More edits to the latest chapter of SAPR · 6:07pm Mar 25th, 2019

So, since nobody liked the revisions to that scene and they were even more vocal about it than they'd been before, that entire scene is now gone. It has been excised and it didn't happen, the chapter now starts with Gilda. This will give me more time to consider how to achieve the same ends by better means without bringing a halt to forward progress.

Thank you all for your patience and your frankly expressed views.

Report Scipio Smith · 462 views · #revisions

SAPR - New chapter edits · 9:47pm Mar 24th, 2019

I not only post SAPR on this site but also on ffnet and Spacebattles, and on the latter site a few people were less than happy with the latest chapter, and the way that Fluttershy and Applejack got corrupted. They said it didn't make sense, that Salem ought to do it more often if she could, that what it meant wasn't very well defined and that Ozpin's faction ought to be more on their guard for it.

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Chapter 26 revised · 3:04pm Oct 29th, 2018

A revised and rewritten version of chapter 26 of SAPR is now up, along with several other chapters to further the current arc.

Report Scipio Smith · 290 views ·

Chapter 26 · 10:18am Oct 25th, 2018

Some of you may have noticed that a chapter of SAPR was published briefly and then disappeared. This is because it was pointed out to me on another forum that the chapter was abruptly darker in tone than what had come before, and since that wasn't what I wanted I have withdrawn the chapter to work on it some more.

Report Scipio Smith · 330 views ·

A few changes to SAPR · 3:52pm Oct 20th, 2018

This is just a brief announcement that there have been a couple of small changes made to SAPR.

Basically, up until recently I was under the impression that the whole 'everyone knows that Raven is Yang's mom' in RWBY volume 5 was a retcon, and it was a retcon that I didn't like and so I wasn't going to use it in this story, which was thus written with everyone (even Ruby herself) ignorant of the fact that Raven is Yang's mother, not Summer Rose.

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Report Scipio Smith · 519 views ·

Woohoo! · 7:21pm Sep 11th, 2018

I have been on this sight for nearly seven years now, in January 2019 it will have been seven years. I've started 14 stories, but I've only had one of them featured (it was the SunLight romance, obviously).

Until now that is when SAPR became my second featured story! Which is quite an achievement when you consider that it got three downvotes before it got a single upvote from anyone who wasn't me.

Thank you all so much.

Report Scipio Smith · 417 views ·
Viewing 21 - 34 of 34 results