
Viewing 21 - 40 of 421 results

Chronological order of the Nameless universe. · 5:42pm Last Thursday

I finally had some time and energy to crawl through the stories to make a vague timeline of the stories. To make it really accurate, I'd have to re-read things, which I obviously don't have the eternity to do, but this is roughly accurate. I think you can guess what the color coding means, but if not, Sherlocking it out can be an unfun activity for the whole family to enjoy during the cold winter evenings.

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The Timeline · 10:04pm May 22nd, 2017

This is the master post detailing the timeline of Oathmaker, SYNCHRONY, and all other stories in the same continuity. (Sidenote: I am still undecided as to what to name this continuity; I'm leaning towards using 'Oathmaker' or 'Synchrony' for it but I'm open to thoughts and suggestions.)

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I wasted a great chance to keep quiet (or Timeline Issues - Part II) · 1:00am Feb 12th, 2022

So... last Monday, I made a post about the issues with a well-defined timeline, and said how I felt the biggest part of it was done.

As it turned out, I was wrong.

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Sundagioverse Timeline! (UPDATED FREQUENTLY) · 3:24am May 6th

This blog post is meant to serve as a timeline for the Sundagioverse and official order of the series. I will pin this to my profile page and other profiles like on Tumblr. I will try my best to update this as frequently as I can~

-A Dazzling World Check it out here!

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Sunset Shimmer is MAD about timelines! (& Dazzlings) · 8:16pm Nov 17th, 2017

Got a good question on my user page regarding what stories are ultimately connected to Sunset Shimmer is MAD about EVERYTHING.

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The Canon of "The Day the Show Reset": A Quick and Dirty Guide · 12:13am Apr 22nd, 2018

In the world of The Day the Show Reset, there are a lot of differences to real life, minor alterations from the show, and decisions on how the chronology of the show plays out. This blog will be updated as more details about the fic's canon are decided.

  1. Equestria Girls is canon.
  2. Every month has 30 days, and there are no leap years. Because I hate math.
  3. The series begins in the year 1106.

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Sorting Equestria Girls into a single timeline · 2:32am Apr 26th, 2020

At some point my brain decided it had too much free time and it needed a project. So I’ve gone through and made a timeline for all the Equestria Girls animations (partly because I’ve been rethinking the outline of my stories and realized I can’t mesh my timeline with the series timeline as the series didn’t have one that made sense!).

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Cracking the Equestria Girls Timeline · 7:04pm Aug 14th, 2018

So I was talking to some of the other writers involved in the Beanis Cinematic Universe and I posed the question I asked here a while back "why can we accept characters from adult shows like the Simpsons and Bob's Burgers having characters who don't age but insist that kids shows adhere to that rule?"

There was discussion back and forth, but during that discussion something came up which might actually fix every problem everyone has with the timeline of events for Equestria Girls.

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Wrighting. · 12:16am Aug 30th, 2018

Gonna take a few days to get back to My little timeline since I'm working on at least having three chapters by the end of the month for The other chrysalis.


M.L.G. Timeline · 2:34pm Dec 1st, 2023

Ah, health. You've been a real pain these past few weeks, you know that?

Anyway, while I'm waiting for the artwork I've mentioned previously: a number of times while writing the story, I've gotten the setting's timeline mixed up. I went back over the story and wrote out the key details (and a few minor ones) to make sure I have things in order. Figured I might as well share it.

This timeline is current as of February 2, 2024. Also, WARNING: contains spoilers.

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Mlp Halo Zone Timeline: Prologue · 2:53am Sep 24th, 2021

(Prologue: 3 Years Before the Events of Season 1)
-The UNSC Phoenix-Class Tycora jumps out of slipspace into an unknown system in orbit of an Earth-like planet \Equestria\
-The advanced Celerium Drive goes critical damaging the ship to make orbit with the unknown planet.
-A group of marines /Lee, Mike, Glenn, Dale, Kent/ are sent to retrieve Dr. Erik and evacuate the Tycora as it makes orbit with the planets surface.
-The marines evacuate the ship and make landfall into the planets ocean.

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The issue with a well-defined timeline... · 11:28pm Feb 7th, 2022

Well... to make one thing clear given this post's title, I will not say that I think there are no issues with the show's timeline. I think that they exist, and I certainly feel the show's staff didn't do the best of jobs at keeping track of the show's timeline at times.

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"A Nation of Love" · 9:38pm Mar 26th, 2018

Seeking Editors/Brainstormers for new story – "A Nation of Love":

art (c) myself ;-)

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She is coming... · 6:11pm Mar 15th, 2018


A Year in Equestria · 7:14pm Jun 29th, 2016

So I've been wondering... just what is the actual chronological order of the show's events? :rainbowhuh: By this, I mean major holidays, festivals, and fairs that happen annually. Here's what I pretty much have figured out, starting from the beginning of a human year:

~The Grand Galloping Gala (Human equivalent to New Year's Eve; this wasn't mentioned on the show, but the Official MLP Twitter and Facebook pages said so.)

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A Question for Readers · 7:33am Nov 18th, 2016

So, I have a preliminary partial timeline of history, as it played out in the Advancedverse.

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Historical Timeline · 12:01am Nov 19th, 2016

You asked for it, and I provide!

(After I clean them up a bit, and probably after the next chapter, I'm going to add the Advancedverse geography notes as Appendix C, too, just so everything's in one place and it doesn't get lost in the blog.)

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Reading Order For the Wonderverse · 5:06am Feb 12th, 2017

So, I've been reading the Head in the Clouds trilogy by Calm Wind, (which I would highly recommend), recently and discovered many fanworks. Now, there are other reading lists out there, but they seem to be incomplete, or not including the original stories. Therefore, I have decided to make one myself. Or, at least, as close as I can get. Be warned, there are times when 5+ fics happen at the same time but needed to be spaced out within the list.

Few key things:

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The Heart's Promise: Timeline and Q&A · 12:42am Apr 16th, 2017

So here’s something fun I discovered. A few years ago, I’d started to put together a timeline for The Heart’s Promise Continuity. I hadn’t finished it, and honestly, even what you see now is nothing close to done, but I spent some time cleaning up.

It’s a neat way for me to collect major happenings in the series, keep my dates and ages straight, and generally make sure everything adds up to a logical progression.

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from The First Equestrian Starliner to The Equestrian Starliner · 4:36am Nov 16th, 2018

TThe First Equestrian Starliner
Twilight has developed an insatiable hunger for new information, and not just that which can be found in her library. Thus, she is overjoyed when her hunger is sated by a computer glitch.
computerneek · 36k words  ·  46  2 · 946 views
TThe Equestrian Starliner
It's a spaceship, and it's floating in orbit. That's about all they know, and now they're sending people aboard.
computerneek · 41k words  ·  26  3 · 710 views

Spoiler alert!

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 421 results