//------------------------------// // Chapter Thirteen // Story: A Brave New World // by Ausbrony //------------------------------// Chapter Thirteen A little later that night, Seth and the other Pokémon all sat around Fritter’s dining table as Diantha explained what she had been doing the last few days. Aside from ‘roughing it’ in the park, as she put it with a smile. Diantha and her Gardevoir had also been investigating the strings of Pokémon-related thefts. They’d discovered that a dozen or so Pokémon had also gone missing in the same time-frame, one of which had been a Sandslash. “Well that can’t be a coincidence,” Seth said. “Indeed, I’ve tried looking into it further, but whoever is behind this covers their tracks quite well I’m afraid.” Diantha sighed and crossed her arms. “I have no idea when or where they’ll strike next either.” Selena placed a paw on the table and cleared her throat. “What I would like to know, and as wonderful as it is to see you again Lady Diantha, is why you come to us for help?” “Selena!” Seth said with an exasperated tone, but she did have a point. “I would like to know as well, why us instead of the Guard, or the Princesses, or even Arceus?” Diantha nodded, taking a sip of her tea. “Something is happening in Canterlot soon, a meeting of the World Leaders as well as several representatives of the Pokémon community. The guard and Equestrian royalty have their hands full with that, and as for why I do not go to Arceus…” She placed her cup down as she put one of her hands over her pendant, something she did whenever she was nervous. “A few days ago, I heard that Arceus himself intervened in a…’incident’ in a city called Las Pegasus. Apparently some ponies were trying to sedate and remove Pokémon from the city, Arceus did not take well to that news. What do you suppose he might do upon hearing Pokémon being used to steal?” Seth gulped as several apocalyptic scenarios played out in his head. “Yeah, I think I prefer this city to remain in one piece.” Apple Fritter nearly dropped the tray of food she was bringing in from the kitchen. “Y’all think that Arceus fella would destroy Canterlot?” Diantha laughed airily. “Oh, I don’t think he’d do something so drastic, though it wouldn’t be anything subtle either, given his previous actions.”   Elsewhere, the Alpha Pokémon’s ears burned, someone, somewhere was talking about him and it irritated him slightly.   “I would like to keep this to ourselves for now,” Diantha continued. “At least until we know what we are dealing with.” Fritter placed the food on the table, some delicious vegetable soup and fried fish for Selena and Seth, a fruit salad and juice for Rika, herself and Titania, and a mixture of both for Diantha and Gardevoir.” “Sorry if it’s not to yer liking,” Fritter said to the Kalosian Champion. “Ah wasn’t sure what you’d eat.” “Nonsense dear, it looks absolutely delicious,” Diantha smiled warmly. “I dare say I haven’t eaten this well since arriving in Equestria.” “Fritter here is one hell of a cook,” Seth grinned, taking a huge bite from his fish. He paused to savour the flavour and hummed happily. “Ooh, this is good~” “Ah’m glad you like it,” Fritter said happily. “It’s a good thing that there’s a place that caters to Griffons and Diamond Dogs here in Canterlot.” “Meat,” Selena sighed with euphoric bliss. “It’s not a fresh Carvanha, but it’s still pretty good.” Rika agreed that the food was delicious as she nibbled on her fruit salad, letting the mixture of sweet and citrus just melt in her mouth. Diantha took small bites from all of her dishes, sampling each one. She had been correct in her previous assumption, each and every one was utterly divine. “My compliments to the chef,” Diantha said telepathically as she ate, it would have been unladylike to talk with your mouth full. “Aw, thank you kindly,” Apple Fritter blushed. “Ah’m glad y’all like it!”   *~*   After dinner, Seth and Diantha decided to catch up, wanting to know what the other had been up to for the last few months. “Undefeated since we last met,” Diantha replied when Seth asked about her work as Champion. “But, I am sad that I will never get to complete that movie I was working on. It was shaping up to be my best work yet.” “Best work? You mean you could do better than you already have?” It was a little known fact that Seth was a huge fan of Diantha’s movies, having watched them to the point where he’d probably memorised them. “But that is a shame, I was looking forward to it too.” “And what about you?” Diantha asked. “I haven’t seen you since you finished your Mega Evolution training with me, though you have been in the news quite a bit.” “Yeah, I tend to do that…” Seth laughed awkwardly. “Well, I just continued to do what I thought I needed to do. I had a few minor wins and more than a few losses. Convinced a bunch of people that the law was stupid, made a few friends and a lot of enemies… same old, same old.” “If it’s any consolation, what I thought you were trying to accomplish was wonderful and I did support you as best I could.” Diantha sighed, “I just wish I could have done more…” Seth shook his head and smiled at his old friend. “No, like I told Elesa, I couldn’t risk you losing your position and dealing with the social stigma, just for the sake of assisting me.” “Without sacrifice, change will never happen.” Diantha countered. “Listen, a great deal of League figures supported you, myself, Cynthia, Iris, more than a dozen Gym Leaders… you may not have seen it, but the differences you made were not unnoticed.” Seth was silent as he tried to process that. He never knew, never would have thought that he’d had so much support. “W-why?” “Because you wanted to make the world a better place, to be rid of a prejudice that made no sense. You cannot place a human law on the heart, the heart won’t listen, and it doesn’t care about something like that!” Diantha clenched her fist, “Never ever think that you didn’t make a difference, okay?” Seth nodded and Rika and Selena snuggled against him. “I’m just happy that those I was fighting for can finally be happy.” Diantha smiled in agreement as Fritter brought out another batch of tea. “But now that begs the question, what about you?” That caught Seth off guard and he tilted his head in confusion. “Me?” “Yes, what about your happiness? You have spent so long fight for others, that you took no time to find it for yourself.” Diantha pointed out. “I know you and Elesa were an item at some point…” “That was a long time ago, she and I moved on,” Seth said quietly. It would be a blatant lie to say that he still didn’t have some feelings for the Gym Leader, but as he said, they were over a long time ago. Diantha looked at the Sylveon that watched her trainer with a hint of sadness in her eyes, and the occasional glance of their Earth Pony host didn’t go unnoticed either. ‘Hmm, it seems that happiness has found you yet my friend, I wonder how it will play out though.’ “Well, we have all the time in the world now. I’m sure a new way will open itself up to you in the future.” She finished off her tea, floating the empty cup to the tray on the table. “It’s getting late though, shall I see you all tomorrow?” Apple Fritter suddenly stepped forward and spoke up. “And where might you be staying Miss Diantha?” Well that was subtle. “The park has been kind to me lately, so most likely there.” Apple Fritter shook her head and Seth knew what she was about to stay. “Ah ain’t having no friend of Seth sleep outside in th’ elements. You both can stay here fer the night.” “I cannot impose on you like that,” Diantha replied. “And isn’t your home full enough as is?” “No use arguing,” Seth laughed. “Fritter will not take no for an answer.” In the end, Diantha relented and Apple Fritter gave her and Gardevoir her bed, opting to sleep on a roll out bed in the living room. Everyone retired to bed, but the large Luxray lay awake on the couch, thinking about what Diantha had said. “That’s the problem, what am I supposed to do now?” He growled in frustration, causing Apple Fritter to wake up with a soft moan. “Ungh, what’s wrong Seth?” She rubbed at her eyes sleepily. “You feeling alright?” “Yeah, sorry if I woke you.” Seth replied. Apple Fritter propped herself up so she could look at him. The moonlight shone through the window, illuminating the room in a gentle light. When Seth returned her gaze, his eyes caught the light and seemed to shine a bright gold, Fritter thought it looked pretty cool. “So I take it yer still tryin’ to figure out what to do with yerself?” Seth let out a small sigh and nodded. Fritter could understand his plight to an extent. Before moving to Canterlot, she had no idea what to do with her life. Bouncing back and forth between Ponyville and Appleloosa was pretty much her routine. “Well ah’m sure you’ll figure it out. You have a good head on yer shoulders, and a good heart in yer chest! T’aint nothin that can compete with that!” “Thanks Fritter,” Seth smiled. That mare seemed to have a knack for making him feel better, he was glad to call her a friend. ~~~   Sleep had eluded a few other Pokémon as well, as Rika also lay awake, thinking on Diantha’s words. “Happiness huh? Y’know what makes me happy?” “Letting others get some sleep?” Selena snarked. “Oh hah, hah!” Rika shot back. “Guess again.” “Bringing defeat to your enemies, and doing so in a refined manner?” Titania suggested. “Well, winning a fight is better than losing one.” Rika agreed, “And I always look cute, no matter what. But no, that’s not it either.” “Then just tell us so I can sleep!” Selena growled. A sleep-deprived Absol was not something anyone wanted to deal with. “Performing in Contests!” Rika said. “C’mon Selly, I know you miss it too~” Titania was surprised, nothing in the bio that Checkmate was given indicated that Seth and his team had entered Contests. Ooh, Weiss would be pissed that they had incomplete information. “So you two used to be in Contests?” she inquired. No time like the present to gather intel. “Yep!” Rika replied. “All three of us, myself, Miss Grumpy there and Ignis all competed, but Ignis only did the battle parts. Selena and I were pretty good at the Tag Team Appeal portion of them. We were known as the Fairy Sisters.” “Fairy Sisters?” That name sounded a little odd. “But, Miss Selena is a Dark type.” “Thank you Lady Obvious,” Selena muttered from the end of the bed. “It wasn’t because of my type, but because of my abilities and the way I used them.” “And that would be?” Titania was very curious now. Dark types were weak to Fairy, so how did she use that to an advantage? “That would be giving telling,” Selena replied. She still didn’t trust Titania completely, and she seemed pretty nosey on how Rika and Selena used their attacks. Rika pouted as she looked at her friend, but the sharp glare she received in return caused her to stop pretty quickly. “It still would be nice to compete again,” Rika sighed wistfully. Selena sighed and closed her eyes. The obnoxious fairy had a point, while battling was her main love, there was no denying the thrill of the stage as well. “Fine, I’ll admit that much,” she relented as Rika squeed. “But what about it? It’s not like we can just enter a Contest here…” The room fell into an awkward silence before Rika inhaled sharply. “Ideeeeaaaa~ Oh, oh. Ohoohohohoh I have the best IDEA EVER!!!” Selena groaned as she buried her head under a pillow. Sleep was but an ephemeral dream now. “Alright, I’ll bite… what’s your big idea?” “We could hold our own Contest!” Rika grinned like a madmon. “We could raise the money to hire a small venue, or even just hold one in the park or something. I bet heaps of Pokémon and their Trainers would come!” “That…” Selena couldn’t believe she was about to say this. “That’s actually a pretty good idea. Seth has natural talent as a leader, so I bet organising a Contest would be right up his alley.” “But what of the battle portions?” Titania pointed out. “Pokémon Centres no longer exist, so if anyone got hurt…” Rika thought for a moment. “Well, I could ask Lord Arceus, he did say to come to him if I had any questions. Maybe one of the Legendaries can provide healing or something?” She suddenly jumped out of bed and bolted downstairs, leaping from the top of the staircase and right on top of Seth, who let out a pained groan when the Sylveon landed on his chest, knocking the wind out of him. “SETH, SethSethSethSethSeth!! I have the bestest idea ever!!” The Luxray narrowed his eyes as they glowed blood red. “Let me guess, is it a profuse apology for leaping on her trainer at one o’clock in the morning? Because if it isn’t, then we’ll be having Extra Crispy Sylveon for breakfast!” “Uh ehehee!” Rika hugged him anyway. “Aw don’t be mad, and I’m sorry… I just got a little excited. But, hey, listen! You know how you wanted something to do?” Seth groaned as Selena shot him a sympathetic look from the top of the stairs. “Yes, what of it?” “Well, Selly and I got the best idea, well, mostly me. Selly had some input but it was my genius-“ “Get. To. The. Point!” Seth growled, his body crackling with lightning. “WhatifwehostedaPokemonContest!” Rika said very quickly. Seth blinked, rubbed his tired eyes and blinked again. “What?” “She thinks it might be a good idea to hold our very own Pokémon Contest,” Selena explained more slowly as she descended the stairs. Apple Fritter lit a small candle, and soon they sat around the coffee table as Rika explained her idea. Once she was finished, Seth mulled over what she had said. “Well…” “Weeell?” Rika leaned over the table in anticipation. “I think idea is… well…” Selena just applied her paw to her face as Rika practically vibrated on the spot. Seth was just milking this now and Rika was biting better than a hungry Magikarp. Seth smiled and nodded. “I think it’s a good idea!” “Really!?” Rika squealed, drawing the attention of Titania and Gardevoir, Diantha was the only one still asleep now. “Well, yeah.” Seth replied. “I’m not quite sure how I’m going to pull it off, but I’d love to be in another Contest… but there’s a lot of details that I-eeeahhhhh!” His sentence went unfinished as he yawned loudly. “And I think that’s a good cue to go back to bed.” “Fine,” Rika pouted. “But tomorrow is going to be so awesome!” she bounced up the stairs and into their room, Titania following close behind. “So are you sure about this Seth?” Selena asked. “It sounds like a pretty tall order.” Seth nodded, “Yeah, I’ve kind of been at a loss as to what I should be doing here on Equus for a while now. I don’t know if this is the right answer, but it’s better than nothing… Plus, it’ll be a ton of fun at least.” “True enough,” Selena smiled. “Well I’ll help out anyway I can, G’night Seth.” “Night Selly,” Seth replied and after a quick hug, the Dark-type headed off to bed herself. Gardevoir also gave a polite bow and vanished, teleporting back upstairs. “Looks like you’ll have your hooves full huh?” Apple Fritter said, blowing out the candle and settling down on her bedding. “Yeah,” Seth yawned. “Should be interesting…”   *~*   The next day, Seth, Rika and Diantha were headed for the castle. Apparently, if one wished to use a venue in Canterlot, they could either speak to the owner of the venue, or petition to the Crown. Seeing as none of them knew which venue would be suitable, asking a Princess was the easiest option. After what seemed like an eternity standing in line, along with a mouthy noble that constantly gave them the stink eye, they were finally granted an audience. “Announcing Mr. Seth Crescent, Miss Rika and Grand Duchess Diantha!” the page said as they walked into the throne room. When Seth laid eyes on the white Alicorn sitting upon her throne, he felt something completely different from when he met Princess Twilight. Honestly, it was like meeting Lord Arceus. “Welcome,” Celestia said softly and calmly. Seth bowed respectfully before lifting his head. “Thank you for seeing us Your Highness.” Celestia waved a hoof and two Guards closed the massive throne room doors. “It is no trouble, but please, allow us to drop the formalities Mr. Crescent.” Well, this was unexpected. “Then just call me Seth, Your Highness.” “And just Celestia will also be fine.” She stepped down from her throne to get a better look at her guests. Seth himself was quite tall, just a few hairs short of being able to look Celestia in the eye. To his right was a pretty, pink Pokémon that she had never seen before, while Diantha seemed to resemble Belle, only she was a different colour. “Would it be alright to talk for a while?” she asked. “I have been made aware that you are assisting our Guard with a little problem, I’d like to ask a few things about that, oh, but first.” She nodded to a maid, who quickly scampered off to fetch some refreshments. “Perhaps some proper introductions are in order?” Seth nodded, “Well as you know, my name is Seth Crescent, I am a former human. This here is Rika, a Sylveon and one of my oldest partners.” Diantha stepped forward. “I am Diantha, the former Champion of the Kalos region. It is a pleasure to finally meet you Celestia.” “A Champion? Ah, like Miss Iris and this ‘Red’ character that Twilight mentioned.” Celestia smiled as the maid re-appeared with a tray of tea and biscuits. “Iris? So she has shown up somewhere?” Diantha had met the spunky little girl a few times, and Iris had always made a comment about Diantha’s use of a Fairy type, but always changed her tune when she showed her Tyrantrum. “So, what is it that you came to see me for?” Celestia asked as she poured some tea. “Well,” Seth replied. “I was hoping that you’d permit me to hire a venue that could hold a few hundred ponies and Pokémon, and one with a sizable stage.” “Oh?” This piqued Celestia’s interest. What on Equus could he be planning? “May I inquire as to what for?” “We want to hold a Pokémon Contest!” Rika said excitedly, unable to stay quiet. “And it’s going to be amazing!” “A Pokémon Contest? Is that he one where Pokémon battle each other!?” Celestia said, her voice holding a hint of worry. “No, it’s more like a…” Seth tried to find the right comparison. “I suppose you could liken it to a talent show. Pokémon and their Trainers perform to show off their bonds with a routine of moves, displayed in various ways, like beauty, cuteness or toughness.” “A second round follows after that, which does involve battles,” Diantha explained further. “But they are very different to actual Pokémon battles, these Contest battles are more… showy. Judges focus more on the timing of the moves and appearance, rather than just pure power.” Celestia had to admit, she was certainly intrigued, but she still had some concerns. “That may be, but a battle is still a battle. But then, I suppose you thought about that already.” “Actually,” Rika said. “I was hoping I could speak to Arceus about that. I think some of the Legendary Pokémon could assist with healing, or perhaps a Nurse Joy or two could be found to assist.” “Hmm, well you could visit Arceus right from this very castle, he has a door set up that leads straight to his temple in the Everfree. Would you like to go later?” “That would be wonderful Miss Celestia!” Rika nodded. “Thank you.” “It’s no problem, and yes, I believe I know of the perfect venue. I’ll have a document drawn up and you can begin preparations as early as tomorrow.” “Wow,” Seth whistled. “Talk about efficient. Thank you very much Celestia.” “It is my pleasure, but I do have one favour?” “And that is?” “An invitation for me and my sister, I’d love to see this Contest for myself.” “Consider it done,” Seth grinned. “VIP seats for you and your sister…?” “Princess Luna,” Celestia informed him. “I’m sure you’ll meet her at some point or another. Otherwise, she runs the Night Court, I’m sure she’d love a visit from time to time.” “Of course!” Seth said. “I’d be glad to.” Diantha sipped her tea, before delicately placing the cup back down with a soft ‘clink’, her gaze steeled itself as she looked to Celestia. “So, what did you want to know about the investigation?” “Ah, straight to the point then,” Celestia said. “I’m curious to learn what you know,” Diantha replied. “As it appears that you have knowledge that we do not.” “True enough,” Celestia nodded. “We have a good indication of where the thief will strike next, and we’d like you to assist with their apprehension.” “Of course,” Seth nodded. “I gave my word that I would assist, and the fact that Pokémon are stealing has me pretty concerned.” “Then I thank you, all of you.” Celestia bowed her head and then stood. “Now I’m afraid that I have many other duties to attend to, but Grissom will have all the details about tonight. She bowed her head once more and left the room, her aide following close behind her. “Well that sure was something else,” Rika commented. “And I can’t believe how pretty she is,” “She’s certainly different from the other ponies,” Seth said. “Maybe she’s the equivalent of a Legendary Pokémon?” “Don’t let Ignis hear you say that! Rika giggled. “He’d probably pick a fight with her!” “Ignis versus Princess Celestia, I wonder who’d win that?” Seth laughed back. “Well, let us go see our Guard friend, we should find out what’s happening.” Diantha said. “Yeah, the sooner we can get this whole thing over and done with, the better!” Rika muttered, her ribbons twitching slightly. “I want to get started on organising this Contest.” Seth put a paw on her shoulder and nodded “And we will, don’t worry okay?” Rika gave a small half-smile. She couldn’t help but feel that something about this whole thief business was wrong.   *~*   “Ah, I’ve been expecting you,” Grissom said as the trio entered his strange office. “Things always feel more serious once the Princess gets involved.” “She said you had some information?” Diantha asked, not wasting any time. “Yes, yes… I believe that we know where they will strike next.” Grissom said, pulling out the map from yesterday. “Ever since the robberies began, the targets have been varying not only in profile, but also in method, which was why we thought it was multiple criminals at first.” “It’s not?” Seth asked. “Because I only ever encountered the Sandslash…” “Yes, the digging one,” Grissom replied. “But we have also had reports of items stolen with teleportation, despite magical security.” “That would make sense, since Pokémon don’t use magic,” Diantha explained. “Exactly!” Grissom said, almost excitedly. “None of our current magical wards can prevent their abilities from being used. While magic has some degree of effect, it takes a much greater amount.” He pointed at a picture on the table, showing some really fancy jewellery. “Do you know what this is?” “No, but it looks expensive.” Seth said. “These are the Equestrian Crown Jewels, otherwise known as the Friendship Collection.” Grissom informed them. “When Princess Celestia formed peace treaties with several races, the Zebra, Griffons, Hippocampi and Deer. Each race presented our Princess with a special, one of a kind piece of jewellery. This collection soon became known as the Friendship Collection. As it goes, these are the rarest and most sought after jewels on all of Equus…” “And what self-respecting criminal with a few new… helpers… would pass up on stealing these.” Seth said tersely. “Indeed,” Grissom replied. “But as it stands, these pieces cannot be stolen, not while they remain in the castle.” “Why do I get the feeling that that’s about to become a problem?” Diantha spoke. Grissom frowned as he nodded. “Yes, due to the World Summit, the Friendship Collection will be moved to the museum for public display, and though the museum has the some of the most advance security in Canterlot, it is not the Castle Vaults…” “So what’s the plan?” Seth asked. “Simple really, the move will go on as planned, though we have a few measures in place. One, we will place magical tracking on the jewels. If a Pokémon steals them, they won’t be able to detect the magic like a Unicorn could. Second, we will have the museum security replaced with our own Guard in disguise. And third…” “And third?” Seth asked, though he had a rough idea. “Our third are you guys, our ace in the hole.” Grissom grinned. “The thief doesn’t know we have our own Pokémon helping out. We’re going to the museum soon to put our plan into action. I’d like you to… pay a social visit, get a feel of Equestrian history, grab some lunch and maybe point out where a Pokémon could enter and exit the building?” “I think I can do that,” Seth said with a confident grin. This was actually getting pretty exciting. “Good, good. I’ll meet you there in a few hours, so until then my friends!” Seth shook his hoof and soon the three Pokémon were making their way back to Apple Fritter’s place. Tonight was going to be very interesting indeed.   *~*   Malamar had done his homework by now, well... his spy in the Guard had done his homework. Spread on the table in front of him and his friend were pictures.  Aside from the Luxray, which seemed to be a former human, there was also a Sylveon, Absol, Florges and two Gardevoir. The Earth Pony was of little consequence. “The human could prove useful… they are quite easy to manipulate.” Malamar said, but Control had his eyes on something totally different. “The white one here… what is it?” he asked. “Absol, a Dark type Pokémon like myself.” Malamar explained. “She seems to be quite feisty, and powerful.” “And beautiful…” Control murmured. He had never laid eyes on such a magnificent creature, the way her fur shone in the light, and her eyes seemed to exude confidence… Confidence that Total Control would take great pleasure in breaking and bending to his will. He chuckled as he stroked the picture with a hoof. “This is the one… I’ll make her mine!”